

Jun 4th, 2017
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  1. Dev 3 Changelog. The great expansion!
  3. Mod Changes:
  4. Removed MultiStorage.
  5. Removed Reconstructer.
  6. Removed NetherEx.
  7. Removed BetterBedrockGen for real this time....
  8. Updated Better With Mods.
  9. Updated CompatLayer.
  10. Updated DebugServerInfo. (GOOD BYE FATALS! You never were my friend...)
  11. Updated Extra Alchemy.
  12. Updated HammerCore.
  13. Updated Integrated Dynamics.
  14. Updated Integrated Tunnels.
  15. Updated RTG.
  16. Updated Xaero's Minimap.
  17. Added Animania.
  18. Added Passable Leaves. (Yes, I do hate everyone, Don't worry everyone is hated equally. <3)
  19. Added Inventory Spam. (What a nice feature! I must not hate you that much. Kappa)
  20. Added Immersive petroleum.
  21. Removed Improved Hoes.
  22. Updated BetterBeginnings.
  23. Updated Baubles.
  24. Updated Storage Drawers.
  25. Updated Cyclops Core.
  26. Updated Forge Endertech.
  27. Updated Integrated Dynamics.
  28. Updated ItemPhysic.
  29. Updated MTLib.
  30. Updated Prefab.
  31. Updated ShetiPhianCore.
  32. Updated ShootIt.
  33. Updated Terraqueous.
  34. Updated Tinkers Construct.
  35. Updated Charcoal Pit.
  36. Changed out Extra Tinkers for PlusTic.
  37. Removed RTG and replaced it with Biome Bundle & Open Terrain Generator.
  38. Removed Tinker I/O
  39. Added Morpheus.
  40. Added Nutrition. (This is to test and might not stay.)
  41. Updated Ceramics.
  42. Updated Earthworks.
  43. Updated Simply Conveyors.
  44. Added Antique Atlas.
  45. Added Blur.
  46. Added Duck Craft.
  47. Added Erosion 2.
  48. Added Friendly Fire.
  49. Added Placeable Items.
  50. Added Taco Tuesday.
  51. Added The Spotlight Mod.
  52. Removed Druidry.
  53. Updated BASE.
  54. Updated Simulated Nights.
  55. Updated JEI.
  56. Added LittleTiles.
  57. Removed Lawnmowers.
  60. Config Changes:
  61. Removed Slime Islands. (Saplings, Liquid and other island only items will be reimplemented some other way.)
  62. Replaced bedrock with hardened stone.
  63. Worms now die after 72000 ticks. (One hour @ 20 TPS)
  64. Disabled Terraqueous Cloud crafting stuff.
  65. Removed Molecular Colorizers from loot chests.
  66. Re-Enabled Doodads from Terraqueous, but removed Stone, Sandstone and endimiuim doodads from generating.
  67. Removed Terraqueous tools.
  68. Disabled Terraqueous tall grass spread.
  69. Hid lots of removed items that you can't make.
  70. Disabled Xaero's world map update notifications.
  71. Removed Immersive Hemp seeds. (Its a duplicate)
  72. Slowed how often it rains and how long each storm is. (I hope)
  73. Drones only attack players and monsters now.
  74. Castrated Drones. They will now be sawless.
  75. Drones will not spawn during the day anymore.
  76. Removed Hoe from starter house.
  77. Removed Villager house prefab.
  78. Made leaf decay vary more.
  79. Increased ore generation. NOT DENSITY.
  80. Redistributed ores in ore veins to make sure every ore can be found via Flower. (Hopes this helps....)
  81. Hid Unused Nether ores in JEI
  82. Oreified the Nether.
  83. Hid duplicate ores in JEI.
  84. Hid unused ore flowers in JEI.
  85. Removed and Veinafied Cobalt and Ardite ores.
  86. Halved the reclaim on melting down gear in BWM.
  87. Fixed Diamond ore dropping far too much dust.
  88. Iron no longer drops steel ingots and correctly drops iron dust.
  89. Hid immersive hemp seeds.
  90. Hid Duplicate ingots in JEI.
  91. Hid Duplicate plates in JEI.
  92. Hid Duplicate nuggets in JEI.
  93. Hid Duplicate Dust in JEI.
  94. Tall Grass grows slower.
  95. Doubled Menril Tree spawn rate.
  96. Resin filled logs now have a 0% chance to spawn in trees. (Lumber Jack axes should cut whole trees now. YAY!)
  97. Readded Chalk to worldgen.
  98. Disabled forge update checker.
  99. BWM kiln can't smelt ores anymore.
  100. Halved copper power transfer rate.
  101. Hemp rope now moves 1 RF/t
  102. Hid External heater.
  103. Removed all the Death junk, You now get a iron sword every death. This will get edited later again.
  104. Changed the required mining level of gold.
  105. Removed Writable tinkers modifier.
  108. Recipe Changes:
  109. Fixed LV Connector recipe making MV Capacitor.
  110. Fixed MV Connector recipe making MV Capacitor.
  111. Changed Lumber Axe recipes to use Haft instead of Axels.
  112. Fixed Unfired Porcelain recipe making leather scraps instead.
  113. Added Cobble -> Gravel recipe in mill stone.
  114. Removed old Wood Lumber axe recipe.
  115. Removed old Stone Lumber axe recipe.
  116. Removed old Iron Lumber axe recipe.
  117. Removed old Gold Lumber axe recipe.
  118. Removed old Diamond Lumber axe recipe.
  119. Removed & Hid Wooden hoe.
  120. Removed & Hid Druidry Silver Hoe.
  121. Removed & Hid Stone Hoe.
  122. Removed & Hid Iron Hoe.
  123. Removed & Hid Gold Hoe.
  124. Removed & Hid Diamond Hoe.
  125. Removed Wool -> String
  126. Removed Terraqueous dusts to pile crafting. (Its not needed and gives false hope.)
  127. Removed vanilla tool crafting.
  128. Removed Hardend Stone crafting recipe.
  129. Removed Hardend Stone -> Stone recipe.
  130. Fixed all immersive plate recipes to be where they should be.
  131. Replaced all sheet metal recipes so they match.
  132. Removed Steel and Iron Rod crafting recipes.
  133. Wire can only be pressed now.
  134. Removed any sharpening kit over Iron Level.
  135. Readded all missing armor sets.
  136. Reworked all existing armor sets to match new recipes and removed old recipes.
  137. Moved all clay/porcelain items to kiln recipes from furnace.
  138. Moved fish -> Fish meal to cauldron.
  139. Fixed Broken Crucible recipes because of broken Oredic stuff.
  140. Fixed tinkers script breaking on servers.
  141. Total overhaul of food crafting.
  142. Total overhaul of ingots, block and nugget crafting.
  143. Fixed overlaping 3x3 log recipes.
  144. Removed duplicate hemp related items.
  145. Removed some duplicate advanced crafting recipes.
  146. Fixed fishing rod crafting.
  147. Fixed LV and MV connector recipes.
  148. Made Component crafting return the buckets.
  149. Fixed crafting dependency loop when getting into Immersive Engineering.
  150. Readded slime saplings, slime dirt and slime grass.
  151. Added more things to the recipe overhaul.
  152. Likely lots of other things I missed as this was a HUGE recipe update. Please report anything missing/broke.
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