

May 30th, 2017
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  1. [*] You have entered theming mode.
  2. [*] Located the theme directory.
  3. [+] Fonts are set up successfully
  4. [!] Could not locate ~/.themes/ directory, attempting to create it...
  5. [+] ~/.themes/ directory created successfully.
  6. [+] GTK Theme migration completed successfully.
  7. [+] Icon migration completed successfully.
  8. [*] Located .extend.Xresources file in theme the directory.
  9. [*] Located ~/.extend.Xresources file.
  10. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite *.background: .
  11. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite *.foreground: .
  12. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite *.cursorColor: .
  13. [+] Applied change: Overwrite URxvt.background:
  14. [+] Applied change: Overwrite URxvt*foreground:
  15. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite URxvt*cursorColor:
  16. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite URxvt.font:
  17. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite *.color0: .
  18. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite *.color1: .
  19. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite *.color2: .
  20. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite *.color3: .
  21. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite *.color4: .
  22. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite *.color5: .
  23. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite *.color6: .
  24. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite *.color7: .
  25. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite *.color8: .
  26. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite *.color9: .
  27. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite *.color10: .
  28. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite *.color11: .
  29. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite *.color12: .
  30. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite *.color13: .
  31. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite *.color14: .
  32. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite *.color15: .
  33. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite rofi.color-enabled .
  34. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite rofi.color-window .
  35. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite rofi.color-normal .
  36. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite rofi.color-active .
  37. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite rofi.color-urgent .
  38. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite rofi.font .
  39. [*] Finished editing ~/.extend.Xresources file.
  40. [*] Executing 'xrdb ~/.Xresources' command.
  41. [*] Success!
  42. [+] Located .i3/config file in the theme directory.
  43. [+] Located ~/.i3/config file.
  44. [+] Applied change: Overwrite new_window
  45. [+] Applied change: Overwrite new_float
  46. [+] Applied change: Overwrite new_window
  47. [+] Applied change: Overwrite client.background .
  48. [+] Applied change: Overwrite client.focused .
  49. [+] Applied change: Overwrite client.unfocused .
  50. [+] Applied change: Overwrite client.focused_inactive .
  51. [+] Applied change: Overwrite client.urgent .
  52. [+] Applied change: Overwrite client.placeholder .
  53. [+] Located .config/polybar/config file in the theme directory.
  54. [+] Located ~/.config/polybar/config file.
  55. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite bottom .
  56. [+] Applied change: Overwrite height .
  57. [+] Applied change: Overwrite width .
  58. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite offset-x .
  59. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite offset-y .
  60. [+] Applied change: Overwrite fixed-center .
  61. [+] Applied change: Overwrite line-size .
  62. [+] Applied change: Overwrite line-color .
  63. [+] Applied change: Overwrite border-size .
  64. [+] Applied change: Overwrite border-color .
  65. [+] Applied change: Overwrite padding-left .
  66. [+] Applied change: Overwrite padding-right .
  67. [+] Applied change: Overwrite module-margin-left .
  68. [+] Applied change: Overwrite module-margin-right .
  69. [+] Applied change: Overwrite tray-position .
  70. [+] Applied change: Overwrite tray-padding .
  71. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite tray-transparent .
  72. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite tray-offset-x .
  73. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite tray-offset-y .
  74. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite tray-maxsize .
  75. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite tray-detached .
  76. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite tray-background .
  77. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite wm-restack .
  78. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite background .
  79. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite foreground .
  80. [+] Applied change: Overwrite ;override-redirect
  81. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite label-unfocused-background .
  82. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite label-unfocused-foreground .
  83. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite label-unfocused-underline .
  84. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite label-focused-background .
  85. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite label-focused-foreground .
  86. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite label-focused-underline .
  87. [+] Applied change: Overwrite label-mode-background .
  88. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite label-visible-background .
  89. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite label-visible-foreground .
  90. [+] Applied change: Overwrite label-visible-underline .
  91. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite label-urgent-background .
  92. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite label-urgent-foreground .
  93. [-] Failed to apply change: Overwrite label-urgent-underline .
  94. [+] Applied change: Overwrite line-size .
  95. [+] Applied change: Overwrite line-color .
  96. [+] Applied change: Overwrite border-size .
  97. [+] Applied change: Overwrite border-color .
  98. [+] Located .config/polybar/config file in the theme directory.
  99. [+] Located ~/.dmenurc file.
  100. [+] Applied change: Overwrite DMENU_NF="#828282" .
  101. [+] Applied change: Overwrite DMENU_FN="Hack-10.5" .
  102. [+] Applied change: Overwrite DMENU_SB="#1f1f1f" .
  103. [+] Applied change: Overwrite DMENU_NB="#1f1f1f" .
  104. [+] Applied change: Overwrite DMENU_SF="#c6c6c6" .
  105. [+] Located .config/compton.config file in the theme directory.
  106. [+] Located ~/.config/compton.conf file.
  107. [+] Applied change: Overwrite shadow-radius
  108. [+] Applied change: Overwrite shadow-offset-x
  109. [+] Applied change: Overwrite shadow-offset-y
  110. [+] Applied change: Overwrite shadow-opacity
  111. [+] Applied change: Overwrite no-dock-shadow
  112. [+] Wallpaper set successfully
  113. [*] Restarting i3wm...
  114. [*] Success!
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