

Jul 9th, 2015
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  1. E/audit_rules( 0): Could not read audit rules /data/misc/audit/audit.rules: No such file or directory
  2. E/sdcard ( 2390): missing packages.list; retrying
  3. E/Netd ( 2372): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  4. E/Netd ( 2372): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/ip6tnl0/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  5. E/Netd ( 2372): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/lo/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  6. E/Netd ( 2372): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/p2p0/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  7. E/Netd ( 2372): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet0/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  8. E/Netd ( 2372): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet1/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  9. E/Netd ( 2372): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet2/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  10. E/Netd ( 2372): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet3/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  11. E/Netd ( 2372): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/sit0/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  12. E/Netd ( 2372): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/wlan0/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  13. E/Netd ( 2372): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  14. E/Netd ( 2372): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/ip6tnl0/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  15. E/Netd ( 2372): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/lo/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  16. E/Netd ( 2372): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/p2p0/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  17. E/Netd ( 2372): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet0/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  18. E/Netd ( 2372): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet1/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  19. E/Netd ( 2372): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet2/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  20. E/Netd ( 2372): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet3/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  21. E/Netd ( 2372): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/sit0/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  22. E/Netd ( 2372): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/wlan0/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  23. E/Cryptfs ( 2367): Bad magic for real block device /dev/block/platform/dw_mmc.0/by-name/USERDATA
  24. E/Cryptfs ( 2367): Error getting crypt footer and key
  25. E/SurfaceFlinger( 2368): ro.sf.lcd_density must be defined as a build property
  26. E/BootAnimation( 2574): couldn't find audio_conf.txt
  27. E/sdcard ( 2390): missing packages.list; retrying
  28. E/MediaPlayerFactory( 2376): calling dlopen on FACTORY_LIB
  29. E/MediaPlayerFactory( 2376): Failed to open FACTORY_LIB Error : dlopen failed: library "" not found
  30. E/HAL ( 2376): load: module=/system/lib/hw/
  31. E/HAL ( 2376): dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "_ZN7android16CameraParameters10KEY_CITYIDE" referenced by ""...
  32. E/CameraWrapper( 2376): failed to open vendor camera module
  33. E/MonoPipe( 2376): Failed to fetch local time frequency when constructing a MonoPipe (res = -32). getNextWriteTimestamp calls will be non-functional
  34. E/sdcard ( 2390): missing packages.list; retrying
  35. E/sdcard ( 2390): missing packages.list; retrying
  36. E/sdcard ( 2390): missing packages.list; retrying
  37. E/sdcard ( 2390): missing packages.list; retrying
  38. E/sdcard ( 2390): missing packages.list; retrying
  39. E/sdcard ( 2390): missing packages.list; retrying
  40. E/sdcard ( 2390): missing packages.list; retrying
  41. E/sdcard ( 2390): missing packages.list; retrying
  42. E/memtrack( 2389): Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
  43. E/android.os.Debug( 2389): failed to load memtrack module: -2
  44. E/sdcard ( 2390): missing packages.list; retrying
  45. E/Minikin ( 2389): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  46. E/Minikin ( 2389): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  47. E/sdcard ( 2390): missing packages.list; retrying
  48. E/sdcard ( 2390): missing packages.list; retrying
  49. E/installd( 2378): eof
  50. E/installd( 2378): failed to read size
  51. E/AkmSensor( 2925): LoadPDC: can't load pdc file.
  52. E/AkmSensor( 2925): LoadDecimator: can't load param file.
  53. E/AkmSensor( 2925): LoadParameters: Setting file open error.
  54. E/BatteryStatsService( 2925): Failed to open /sys/kernel/wakeup_reasons/last_resume_reason
  55. E/SurfaceFlinger( 2368): ro.sf.lcd_density must be defined as a build property
  56. E/sdcard ( 2390): missing packages.list; retrying
  57. E/SQLiteLog( 2925): (14) cannot open file at line 30046 of [9491ba7d73]
  58. E/SQLiteLog( 2925): (14) os_unix.c:30046: (2) open(/data/data/ -
  59. E/SQLiteDatabase( 2925): Failed to open database '/data/data/'.
  60. E/SQLiteDatabase( 2925): android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCantOpenDatabaseException: unknown error (code 14): Could not open database
  61. E/SQLiteDatabase( 2925): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativeOpen(Native Method)
  62. E/SQLiteDatabase( 2925): at
  63. E/SQLiteDatabase( 2925): at
  64. E/SQLiteDatabase( 2925): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnectionPool.openConnectionLocked(
  65. E/SQLiteDatabase( 2925): at
  66. E/SQLiteDatabase( 2925): at
  67. E/SQLiteDatabase( 2925): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.openInner(
  68. E/SQLiteDatabase( 2925): at
  69. E/SQLiteDatabase( 2925): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(
  70. E/SQLiteDatabase( 2925): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(
  71. E/SQLiteDatabase( 2925): at
  72. E/SQLiteDatabase( 2925): at<init>(
  73. E/SQLiteDatabase( 2925): at
  74. E/SQLiteDatabase( 2925): at
  75. E/SQLiteDatabase( 2925): at
  76. E/SQLiteDatabase( 2925): at
  77. E/SQLiteDatabase( 2925): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  78. E/SQLiteDatabase( 2925): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  79. E/SQLiteDatabase( 2925): at$
  80. E/SQLiteDatabase( 2925): at
  81. E/sdcard ( 2390): missing packages.list; retrying
  82. E/sdcard ( 2390): missing packages.list; retrying
  83. E/PackageManager( 2925): updateAllSharedLibrariesLPw failed: Package requires unavailable shared library com.qualcomm.qti.smartsearch; failing!
  84. E/sdcard ( 2390): missing packages.list; retrying
  85. E/sdcard ( 2390): missing packages.list; retrying
  86. E/installd( 2378): invalid apk path '/system/framework/org.cyanogenmod.platform-res.apk' (bad prefix)
  87. E/SoundTriggerHwService( 2376): couldn't load sound trigger module sound_trigger.primary (No such file or directory)
  88. E/fstrim ( 2367): Cannot stat mount point /efs
  89. E/EventHub( 2925): could not get driver version for /dev/input/mice, Not a typewriter
  90. I/PackageManager( 2925): Running dexopt on: /system/app/LatinIME/LatinIME.apk isa=arm vmSafeMode=false
  91. I/dex2oat ( 3461): /system/bin/dex2oat --zip-fd=6 --zip-location=/system/app/LatinIME/LatinIME.apk --oat-fd=7 --oat-location=/data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@app@LatinIME@LatinIME.apk@classes.dex --instruction-set=arm --instruction-set-features=div --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx512m --swap-fd=10
  92. E/TorchService( 2925): Couldn't initialize.
  93. E/TorchService( 2925): java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid int: "null"
  94. E/TorchService( 2925): at java.lang.Integer.invalidInt(
  95. E/TorchService( 2925): at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
  96. E/TorchService( 2925): at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
  97. E/TorchService( 2925): at java.lang.Integer.valueOf(
  98. E/TorchService( 2925): at
  99. E/TorchService( 2925): at<init>(
  100. E/TorchService( 2925): at
  101. E/TorchService( 2925): at
  102. E/TorchService( 2925): at
  103. E/TorchService( 2925): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  104. E/TorchService( 2925): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  105. E/TorchService( 2925): at$
  106. E/TorchService( 2925): at
  107. E/WifiConfigStore( 2925): associatedPartialScanPeriodMilli set to 20000
  108. E/ConnectivityService( 2925): Ignoring protectedNetwork 15
  109. E/Fingerprint-JNI( 2925): Can't open fingerprint HW Module, error: -2
  110. E/SQLiteLog( 2925): (1) no such table: locksettings
  111. E/LockSettingsStorage( 2925): Cannot read file /data/system/password.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  112. E/LockSettingsStorage( 2925): Cannot read file /data/system/gesture.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  113. E/Minikin ( 2925): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  114. E/Minikin ( 2925): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  115. E/BatteryStatsImpl( 2925): Unable to find object for *alarm* mapsize=0 activeoverflow=null curoverflow=null
  116. E/UsbHostManagerJNI( 2925): usb_device_open failed
  117. E/UsbHostManagerJNI( 2925): usb_device_open failed
  118. E/AudioPolicyManager( 2376): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  119. E/AudioPolicyManager( 2376): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  120. E/OMXMaster( 2376): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
  121. E/OMXMaster( 2376): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
  122. E/OMXMaster( 2376): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
  123. E/OMXMaster( 2376): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
  124. E/OMXMaster( 2376): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
  125. E/BatteryStatsImpl( 2925): Unable to find object for AudioMix mapsize=0 activeoverflow=null curoverflow=null
  126. E/OMXNodeInstance( 2376): getParameter(4:Exynos.VP8.Decoder, ParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported(0x600000f)) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a)
  127. E/NetdConnector( 2925): NDC Command {1 bandwidth enable} took too long (622ms)
  128. E/AudioPolicyManager( 2376): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  129. E/AudioPolicyManager( 2376): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  130. E/InputMethodManagerService( 2925): Ignoring setImeWindowStatus due to an invalid token. uid:1000 token:null
  131. E/AudioPolicyManager( 2376): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  132. E/AudioPolicyManager( 2376): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  133. E/AudioPolicyManager( 2376): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  134. E/AudioPolicyManager( 2376): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  135. E/libgps ( 2925): proxy__gps_get_extension: Unsupported GpsInterface extension: "gps_measurement"
  136. E/libgps ( 2925): Interface "gps_measurement" is not supported
  137. E/libgps ( 2925): proxy__gps_get_extension: Unsupported GpsInterface extension: "gps_navigation_message"
  138. E/libgps ( 2925): Interface "gps_navigation_message" is not supported
  139. E/libgps ( 2925): proxy__gps_get_extension: Unsupported GpsInterface extension: "gnss_configuration"
  140. E/libgps ( 2925): Interface "gnss_configuration" is not supported
  141. E/AudioPolicyManager( 2376): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  142. E/AudioPolicyManager( 2376): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  143. E/AudioPolicyManager( 2376): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  144. E/AudioPolicyManager( 2376): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  145. E/AudioPolicyManager( 2376): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  146. E/AudioPolicyManager( 2376): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  147. E/AudioPolicyManager( 2376): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  148. E/AudioPolicyManager( 2376): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  149. E/AudioPolicyManager( 2376): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  150. E/AudioPolicyManager( 2376): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  151. E/BinaryDictionaryFileDumper( 5040): Unexpected exception communicating with the dictionary pack
  152. E/BinaryDictionaryFileDumper( 5040): java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from field 'java.util.Locale$DictionaryInfo.mLocale' on a null object reference
  153. E/BinaryDictionaryFileDumper( 5040): at
  154. E/BinaryDictionaryFileDumper( 5040): at
  155. E/BinaryDictionaryFileDumper( 5040): at
  156. E/BinaryDictionaryFileDumper( 5040): at
  157. E/BinaryDictionaryFileDumper( 5040): at
  158. E/BinaryDictionaryFileDumper( 5040): at
  159. E/BinaryDictionaryFileDumper( 5040): at
  160. E/BinaryDictionaryFileDumper( 5040): at$
  161. E/BinaryDictionaryFileDumper( 5040): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  162. E/BinaryDictionaryFileDumper( 5040): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  163. E/BinaryDictionaryFileDumper( 5040): at
  164. E/VoldConnector( 2925): NDC Command {6 volume mount /storage/sdcard1} took too long (2020ms)
  165. E/BluetoothA2dpSink( 4761): Could not bind to Bluetooth A2DP Service with Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothA2dpSink }
  166. E/BluetoothAvrcpController( 4761): Could not bind to Bluetooth AVRCP Controller Service with Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothAvrcpController }
  167. E/BluetoothHeadsetClient( 4761): Could not bind to Bluetooth Headset Client Service with Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothHeadsetClient }
  168. E/libgps ( 2925): LIBGPS: Cannot communicate (write) with a GPSD
  169. E/libgps ( 2925): IPC Communication Error, /tmp/13178292_204085/customers/samsung/KGFandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gps_interface/gpsi_client/GpsiClient.cpp:609 SendGpsExtensionMessage
  170. E/libgps ( 2925): LIBGPS: Cannot communicate (write) with a GPSD
  171. E/libgps ( 2925): IPC Communication Error, /tmp/13178292_204085/customers/samsung/KGFandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gps_interface/gpsi_client/GpsiClient.cpp:1503 agps_set_server
  172. E/GpsLocationProvider( 2925): no GPS configuration interface in configuraiton_update
  173. E/FlpHardwareProvider( 2925): Error hw_get_module 'flp': -2
  174. E/LocationManagerService( 2925): FLP HAL not supported
  175. E/ActivityRecognitionHardware( 2925): Error hw_get_module: -2
  176. E/LocationManagerService( 2925): Hardware Activity-Recognition not supported.
  177. E/PackageManager( 2925): Unable to find icon pack: system
  178. E/Minikin ( 2389): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  179. E/Minikin ( 2389): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  180. E/ActivityThread( 5446): Failed to find provider info for
  181. E/SQLiteLog( 5401): (1) no such table: album_info
  182. E/Minikin ( 5098): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  183. E/Minikin ( 5098): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  184. E/Minikin ( 5381): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  185. E/Minikin ( 5381): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  186. E/Minikin ( 5353): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  187. E/Minikin ( 5353): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  188. E/Minikin ( 5260): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  189. E/Minikin ( 5260): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  190. E/Minikin ( 5233): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  191. E/Minikin ( 5233): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  192. E/Minikin ( 5310): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  193. E/Minikin ( 5310): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  194. E/Minikin ( 5284): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  195. E/Minikin ( 5284): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  196. E/Minikin ( 5416): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  197. E/Minikin ( 5416): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  198. E/Minikin ( 4755): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  199. E/Minikin ( 4755): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  200. E/Minikin ( 5275): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  201. E/Minikin ( 5275): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  202. E/Minikin ( 4983): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  203. E/Minikin ( 4983): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  204. E/Minikin ( 2925): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  205. E/Minikin ( 2925): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  206. E/Minikin ( 5076): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  207. E/Minikin ( 5076): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  208. E/ExtMediaPlayer-JNI( 5459): QCMediaPlayer could not be located....
  209. E/MediaPlayer-JNI( 5459): QCMediaPlayer mediaplayer NOT present
  210. E/Minikin ( 4761): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  211. E/Minikin ( 4761): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  212. E/Minikin ( 5401): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  213. E/Minikin ( 5401): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  214. E/Minikin ( 5446): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  215. E/Minikin ( 5446): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  216. E/Minikin ( 5485): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  217. E/Minikin ( 5485): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  218. E/Minikin ( 5007): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  219. E/Minikin ( 5007): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  220. E/Minikin ( 5040): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  221. E/Minikin ( 5040): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  222. E/Minikin ( 5459): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  223. E/Minikin ( 5459): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  224. E/ExtMediaPlayer-JNI( 5485): QCMediaPlayer could not be located....
  225. E/MediaPlayer-JNI( 5485): QCMediaPlayer mediaplayer NOT present
  226. E/ExtMediaPlayer-JNI( 5485): QCMediaPlayer could not be located....
  227. E/MediaPlayer-JNI( 5485): QCMediaPlayer mediaplayer NOT present
  228. E/installd( 2378): Unable to unlink boot marker at /data/dalvik-cache/arm/.booting, error=No such file or directory
  229. E/ActivityManager( 2925): Unable to mark boot complete for abi: armeabi-v7a
  230. E/ELEVEN ( 5459): calling refresh!
  231. E/bt-btif ( 5890): btif_config_get(L190): assert failed: section && *section && key && *key && name && *name && bytes && type
  232. E/bt_osi_config( 5890): config_new unable to open file '/etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf': No such file or directory
  233. E/BluetoothAdapterService( 5890): checkA2dpState: returning
  234. E/BluetoothAdapterService( 5890): checkHidState: returning
  235. E/BluetoothAdapterService( 5890): checkHfpState: returning
  236. E/AudioService( 2925): No RCC entry present to update
  237. E/RemoteController( 5890): Cannot set synchronization mode on an unregistered RemoteController
  238. E/ChimeraCfgMgr( 5860): Failed to read current config: /data/data/ open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  239. E/ChimeraCfgMgr( 5860): Failed to read current config: /data/data/ open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  240. E/ChimeraCfgMgr( 5860): Failed to read current config: /data/data/ open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  241. E/GeofenceStateCache( 5730): Unable to load state, all registered geofences are lost.
  242. E/bt-btm ( 5890): BTM_SecRegister:p_cb_info->p_le_callback == 0xadfa21b1
  243. E/bt-btm ( 5890): BTM_SecRegister: btm_cb.api.p_le_callback = 0xadfa21b1
  244. E/GCM ( 5098): Missing checkin config file
  245. E/AuthorizationBluetoothService( 5098): Proximity feature is not enabled.
  246. E/GmsWearableLS( 5730): GoogleApiClient connection failed: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null}
  247. E/GmsWearableLS( 5730): GoogleApiClient connection failed: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null}
  248. E/bt-btif ( 5890): AG evt (hdl 0x0001):
  249. E/bt-btif ( 5890): btif_config_get(L190): assert failed: section && *section && key && *key && name && *name && bytes && type
  250. E/bt-btif ( 5890): btif_config_get(L190): assert failed: section && *section && key && *key && name && *name && bytes && type
  251. E/bt-btif ( 5890): btif_storage_get_adapter_property service_mask:0x2140020
  252. E/bt-btif ( 5890): btif_hf_upstreams_evt: Invalid index -1
  253. E/bt-btif ( 5890): btif_config_get(L190): assert failed: section && *section && key && *key && name && *name && bytes && type
  254. E/bt-btif ( 5890): btif_config_get(L190): assert failed: section && *section && key && *key && name && *name && bytes && type
  255. E/bt-btif ( 5890): btif_config_get(L190): assert failed: section && *section && key && *key && name && *name && bytes && type
  256. E/bt_h4 ( 5890): vendor lib postload completed
  257. E/MDM ( 5730): [211] Couldn't connect to Google API client: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null}
  258. E/SQLiteLog( 6111): (28) file unlinked while open: /data/data/com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet/cache/widgetpreviews.db
  259. E/AuthorizationBluetoothService( 5098): Proximity feature is not enabled.
  260. E/BluetoothAdapterService(779150435)( 5890): BT is not ON. Exiting autoConnect
  261. E/SQLiteLog( 5098): (1) no such table: play_logger_context
  262. E/MDM ( 5730): [214] Couldn't connect to Google API client: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null}
  263. E/AuthorizationBluetoothService( 5098): Proximity feature is not enabled.
  264. E/JavaBinder( 5860): *** Uncaught remote exception! (Exceptions are not yet supported across processes.)
  265. E/JavaBinder( 5860): java.lang.RuntimeException: android.os.RemoteException
  266. E/JavaBinder( 5860): at android.os.Parcel.writeException(
  267. E/JavaBinder( 5860): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  268. E/JavaBinder( 5860): Caused by: android.os.RemoteException
  269. E/JavaBinder( 5860): at
  270. E/JavaBinder( 5860): at
  271. E/JavaBinder( 5860): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  272. E/MDM ( 5730): [215] Couldn't connect to Google API client: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null}
  273. E/AuthorizationBluetoothService( 5098): Proximity feature is not enabled.
  274. E/MDM ( 5730): [216] Couldn't connect to Google API client: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null}
  275. E/MDM ( 5860): [225] SitrepService.a: No Google accounts; deferring server state update.
  276. E/AuthorizationBluetoothService( 5098): Proximity feature is not enabled.
  277. E/MDM ( 5730): [218] Couldn't connect to Google API client: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null}
  278. E/libprocessgroup( 2925): failed to kill 1 processes for processgroup 5485
  279. E/bt-btif ( 5890): cmd socket is not created
  280. E/bt-btif ( 5890): btif_hf_upstreams_evt: Invalid index 256
  281. E/bt-btif ( 5890): bta_gattc_deregister Deregister Failedm unknown client cif
  282. E/bt-btif ( 5890): BTA AG is already disabled, ignoring ...
  283. E/bt-btif ( 5890): bta_gattc_deregister Deregister Failedm unknown client cif
  284. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on contacts(contact_id)
  285. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on emails(data_id)
  286. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on phones(data_id)
  287. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on postals(data_id)
  288. E/ELEVEN ( 5459): calling refresh!
  289. E/GCM ( 5098): Missing checkin config file
  290. E/MetadataRetrieverClient( 2376): failed to extract an album art
  291. E/MetadataRetrieverClient( 2376): failed to extract an album art
  292. E/ELEVEN ( 5459): calling refresh!
  293. E/ActivityManager( 2925): ANR in
  294. E/ActivityManager( 2925): PID: 5333
  295. E/ActivityManager( 2925): Reason: Broadcast of Intent { act=android.intent.action.LOCALE_CHANGED flg=0x10000010 }
  296. E/ActivityManager( 2925): Load: 6.1 / 2.49 / 0.93
  297. E/ActivityManager( 2925): CPU usage from 765ms to -4404ms ago:
  298. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 32% 2925/system_server: 10% user + 22% kernel / faults: 6525 minor
  299. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 23% 2363/logd: 5.4% user + 17% kernel / faults: 407 minor
  300. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.8% 2373/debuggerd: 0% user + 0.7% kernel / faults: 3528 minor
  301. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 17% 2376/mediaserver: 5.2% user + 12% kernel / faults: 269 minor
  302. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 6% 5860/ 3.8% user + 2.1% kernel / faults: 1304 minor
  303. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 5.2% 4761/ 1.9% user + 3.3% kernel / faults: 2472 minor
  304. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 4.4% 5401/ 3.3% user + 1.1% kernel / faults: 578 minor
  305. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 4% 5333/ 2.1% user + 1.9% kernel / faults: 1442 minor
  306. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 2.9% 1323/mmcqd/0: 0% user + 2.9% kernel
  307. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 2.5% 1382/kworker/u:4: 0% user + 2.5% kernel
  308. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.6% 5284/org.cyanogenmod.audiofx: 0.1% user + 0.4% kernel / faults: 1440 minor
  309. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.8% 5275/org.omnirom.omniswitch: 0.5% user + 0.2% kernel / faults: 1437 minor
  310. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.5% 5310/ 0.1% user + 0.3% kernel / faults: 1448 minor
  311. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 1.3% 5446/ 0.9% user + 0.3% kernel / faults: 566 minor
  312. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 1.1% 5730/ 0.7% user + 0.3% kernel / faults: 283 minor
  313. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.7% 2365/lmkd: 0.1% user + 0.5% kernel
  314. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.5% 625/cfinteractive: 0% user + 0.5% kernel
  315. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.5% 1419/kworker/0:2: 0% user + 0.5% kernel
  316. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.5% 1460/uksmd: 0% user + 0.5% kernel
  317. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.1% 2359/jbd2/mmcblk0p21: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
  318. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.3% 2391/adbd: 0% user + 0.3% kernel / faults: 31 minor
  319. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.1% 6137/ 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 1146 minor
  320. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0% 10/ksoftirqd/1: 0% user + 0% kernel
  321. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0% 18/ksoftirqd/3: 0% user + 0% kernel
  322. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0% 1421/kswitcher_0: 0% user + 0% kernel
  323. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0% 1459/kworker/3:2: 0% user + 0% kernel
  324. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0% 1500/thread_hotplug_: 0% user + 0% kernel
  325. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0% 2367/vold: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 4 minor
  326. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.1% 2368/surfaceflinger: 0% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 13 minor
  327. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.1% 2916/logcat: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
  328. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0% 5459/com.cyanogenmod.eleven:main: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 7 minor
  329. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 33% TOTAL: 10% user + 21% kernel + 0.4% iowait + 0.2% softirq
  330. E/ActivityManager( 2925): CPU usage from 4113ms to 4638ms later:
  331. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 147% 2363/logd: 30% user + 116% kernel / faults: 140 minor
  332. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 98% 2387/logd.writer: 18% user + 79% kernel
  333. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 52% 2918/logd.reader.per: 9.4% user + 43% kernel
  334. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 100% 2376/mediaserver: 30% user + 69% kernel
  335. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 100% 3412/AudioOut_2: 30% user + 69% kernel
  336. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 9.4% 2925/system_server: 1.8% user + 7.5% kernel
  337. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 5.6% 3018/ActivityManager: 0% user + 5.6% kernel
  338. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 1.8% 3019/android.ui: 0% user + 1.8% kernel
  339. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 1.8% 3020/CpuTracker: 0% user + 1.8% kernel
  340. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 2.5% 18/ksoftirqd/3: 2.5% user + 0% kernel
  341. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 1.2% 1382/kworker/u:4: 0% user + 1.2% kernel
  342. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 1.2% 1419/kworker/0:2: 0% user + 1.2% kernel
  343. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 1.3% 2364/healthd: 0% user + 1.3% kernel
  344. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 62% TOTAL: 16% user + 46% kernel
  345. E/ExtMediaPlayer-JNI( 6558): QCMediaPlayer could not be located....
  346. E/MediaPlayer-JNI( 6558): QCMediaPlayer mediaplayer NOT present
  347. E/ExtMediaPlayer-JNI( 6558): QCMediaPlayer could not be located....
  348. E/MediaPlayer-JNI( 6558): QCMediaPlayer mediaplayer NOT present
  349. E/SQLiteLog( 5401): (1) no such table: files
  350. E/ActivityThread( 6743): Failed to find provider info for
  351. E/memtrack( 6793): Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
  352. E/android.os.Debug( 6793): failed to load memtrack module: -2
  353. E/ELEVEN ( 5459): calling refresh!
  354. E/MetadataRetrieverClient( 2376): failed to extract an album art
  355. E/ELEVEN ( 5459): calling refresh!
  356. E/SQLiteLog( 6161): (284) automatic index on view_events(_id)
  357. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  358. E/memtrack( 6937): Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
  359. E/android.os.Debug( 6937): failed to load memtrack module: -2
  360. E/MetadataRetrieverClient( 2376): failed to extract an album art
  361. E/MetadataRetrieverClient( 2376): failed to extract an album art
  362. E/GCM ( 5098): Missing checkin config file
  363. E/ELEVEN ( 5459): calling refresh!
  364. E/MetadataRetrieverClient( 2376): failed to extract an album art
  365. E/ELEVEN ( 5459): calling refresh!
  366. E/GCM ( 5098): Missing checkin config file
  367. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  368. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  369. E/WifiService( 2925): Invoking mWifiStateMachine.setWifiEnabled
  370. E/WifiMonitor( 2925): killSupplicant p2ptrue init.svc.wpa_supplicant=unknown init.svc.p2p_supplicant=unknown
  371. E/art ( 6558): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1634244 byte allocation with 1594004 free bytes and 1556KB until OOM"
  372. E/art ( 6558): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1634244 byte allocation with 1594068 free bytes and 1556KB until OOM"
  373. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
  374. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): Process:, PID: 6558
  375. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #23: Error inflating class <unknown>
  376. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at
  377. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at
  378. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at$900(
  379. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at$H.handleMessage(
  380. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  381. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  382. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at
  383. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  384. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  385. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at$
  386. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at
  387. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #23: Error inflating class <unknown>
  388. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(
  389. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(
  390. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(
  391. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(
  392. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(
  393. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(
  394. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at
  395. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at
  396. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at
  397. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at
  398. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at
  399. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at
  400. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at
  401. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): ... 10 more
  402. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
  403. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Native Method)
  404. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
  405. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(
  406. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): ... 22 more
  407. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 1634244 byte allocation with 1594068 free bytes and 1556KB until OOM
  408. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray(Native Method)
  409. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at Method)
  410. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at
  411. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at
  412. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at
  413. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at
  414. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at
  415. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at
  416. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at
  417. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at
  418. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at
  419. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at
  420. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at
  421. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at android.content.res.Resources.loadDrawableForCookie(
  422. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at android.content.res.Resources.loadDrawable(
  423. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at android.content.res.TypedArray.getDrawable(
  424. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at android.widget.FrameLayout.<init>(
  425. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at<init>(
  426. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at<init>(
  427. E/AndroidRuntime( 6558): at<init>(SetupWizardIllustration.ja
  428. E/WifiConfigStore( 2925): Error parsing configuration: /data/misc/wifi/ipconfig.txt: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  429. E/WifiConfigStore( 2925): readNetworkHistory: No config file, revert to /data/misc/wifi/networkHistory.txt: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  430. E/WifiConfigStore( 2925): --- Begin wpa_supplicant.conf Contents ---
  431. E/WifiConfigStore( 2925): update_config=1
  432. E/WifiConfigStore( 2925): ctrl_interface=wlan0
  433. E/WifiConfigStore( 2925): eapol_version=1
  434. E/WifiConfigStore( 2925): ap_scan=1
  435. E/WifiConfigStore( 2925): fast_reauth=1
  436. E/WifiConfigStore( 2925): --- End wpa_supplicant.conf Contents ---
  437. E/wifi ( 2925): getStaticLongField sWifiHalHandle 0xa02e487c
  438. E/WifiHAL ( 2925): Could not find group vendor
  439. E/wifi ( 2925): getStaticLongField sWifiHalHandle 0xa02e482c
  440. E/WifiHAL ( 2925): failed to set scanning mac OUI; result = -95
  441. E/wifi ( 2925): getStaticLongField sWifiHalHandle 0x9dcacb3c
  442. E/wifi ( 2925): android_net_wifi_getLinkLayerStats: failed to get link statistics
  443. E/WifiStateMachine( 2925): cancelDelayedScan -> 1
  444. E/WifiScanningService( 2925): could not get scan capabilities
  445. E/wifi ( 2925): android_net_wifi_getLinkLayerStats: failed to get link statistics
  446. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  447. E/JavaBinder( 2925): !!! FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION !!!
  448. E/JavaBinder( 2925): !!! FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION !!!
  449. E/ActivityThread( 7108): Failed to find provider info for
  450. E/WifiHAL ( 2925): Error polling socket
  451. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  452. E/WifiStateMachine( 2925): Exception: EAP-SIM not supported
  453. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  454. E/copresGcore( 5730): ObfuscatedGaiaIdLookup: Could not load ObfuscatedGaiaIds: /data/data/ open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  455. E/wifi ( 2925): android_net_wifi_getLinkLayerStats: failed to get link statistics
  456. E/ActivityManager( 2925): ANR in
  457. E/ActivityManager( 2925): PID: 6533
  458. E/ActivityManager( 2925): Reason: Broadcast of Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x9000010 (has extras) }
  459. E/ActivityManager( 2925): Load: 3.69 / 2.45 / 1.02
  460. E/ActivityManager( 2925): CPU usage from 6221ms to 0ms ago:
  461. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 5.6% 2368/surfaceflinger: 2% user + 3.5% kernel / faults: 82 minor
  462. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 4.8% 2925/system_server: 2.4% user + 2.4% kernel / faults: 865 minor
  463. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 3.8% 6764/ 2.4% user + 1.4% kernel / faults: 578 minor
  464. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 2.5% 2376/mediaserver: 0.3% user + 2.2% kernel
  465. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.9% 1382/kworker/u:4: 0% user + 0.9% kernel
  466. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.9% 1419/kworker/0:2: 0% user + 0.9% kernel
  467. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.8% 1460/uksmd: 0% user + 0.8% kernel
  468. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.4% 1422/kswitcher_1: 0% user + 0.4% kernel
  469. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.4% 1424/kswitcher_3: 0% user + 0.4% kernel
  470. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0% 5618/com.svox.pico: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 138 minor
  471. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.3% 466/spi2: 0% user + 0.3% kernel
  472. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.3% 625/cfinteractive: 0% user + 0.3% kernel
  473. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.3% 1381/kworker/u:3: 0% user + 0.3% kernel
  474. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.3% 1421/kswitcher_0: 0% user + 0.3% kernel
  475. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.3% 1462/s3c-fb: 0% user + 0.3% kernel
  476. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.1% 21/kworker/u:1: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
  477. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0% 988/kworker/1:1: 0% user + 0% kernel
  478. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0% 989/irq/533-arizona: 0% user + 0% kernel
  479. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0% 1087/irq/526-synapti: 0% user + 0% kernel
  480. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.1% 1323/mmcqd/0: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
  481. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.1% 1459/kworker/3:2: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
  482. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0% 1559/ueventd: 0% user + 0% kernel
  483. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0% 2347/flush-179:0: 0% user + 0% kernel
  484. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.1% 2384/cbd: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
  485. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0% 2389/zygote: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 36 minor
  486. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.1% 2391/adbd: 0% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 20 minor
  487. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.1% 2916/logcat: 0.1% user + 0% kernel
  488. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0.1% 3498/kworker/0:3: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
  489. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0% 5040/ 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 5 minor
  490. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 0% 5730/ 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 30 minor
  491. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 6.6% TOTAL: 2.1% user + 4.4% kernel
  492. E/ActivityManager( 2925): CPU usage from 3916ms to 4438ms later:
  493. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 7.5% 2925/system_server: 1.8% user + 5.6% kernel / faults: 2 minor
  494. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 5.6% 3018/ActivityManager: 1.8% user + 3.7% kernel
  495. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 1.8% 3019/android.ui: 1.8% user + 0% kernel
  496. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 1.8% 3424/InputDispatcher: 0% user + 1.8% kernel
  497. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 3.7% 2376/mediaserver: 1.8% user + 1.8% kernel
  498. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 1.8% 2834/FastMixer: 0% user + 1.8% kernel
  499. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 1.2% 625/cfinteractive: 0% user + 1.2% kernel
  500. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 1.2% 1087/irq/526-synapti: 0% user + 1.2% kernel
  501. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 1.2% 1419/kworker/0:2: 0% user + 1.2% kernel
  502. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 1.2% 1421/kswitcher_0: 0% user + 1.2% kernel
  503. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 1.2% 1422/kswitcher_1: 0% user + 1.2% kernel
  504. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 1.2% 1424/kswitcher_3: 0% user + 1.2% kernel
  505. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 1.9% 2368/surfaceflinger: 0% user + 1.9% kernel / faults: 1 minor
  506. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 1.9% 2368/surfaceflinger: 1.9% user + 0% kernel
  507. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 1.9% 2572/EventThread: 0% user + 1.9% kernel
  508. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 1.5% 6764/ 1.5% user + 0% kernel / faults: 52 minor
  509. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 1.5% 7093/mali-renderer: 1.5% user + 0% kernel
  510. E/ActivityManager( 2925): 3.5% TOTAL: 0.5% user + 3% kernel
  511. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  512. E/MDM ( 7437): [1] SitrepService.a: No Google accounts; deferring server state update.
  513. E/AuthorizationBluetoothService( 5098): Proximity feature is not enabled.
  514. E/AuthorizationBluetoothService( 5098): Proximity feature is not enabled.
  515. E/MDM ( 5730): [211] Couldn't connect to Google API client: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null}
  516. E/MDM ( 5730): [214] Couldn't connect to Google API client: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null}
  517. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  518. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  519. E/wifi ( 2925): android_net_wifi_getLinkLayerStats: failed to get link statistics
  520. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  521. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  522. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  523. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  524. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  525. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  526. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  527. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  528. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  529. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  530. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  531. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  532. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  533. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  534. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  535. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  536. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  537. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  538. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  539. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  540. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  541. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  542. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  543. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  544. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  545. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  546. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  547. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  548. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  549. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  550. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  551. E/WiFiServiceImpl ( 2925): SAVE nid=0 uid=1000/0
  552. E/WifiStateMachine( 2925): SAVE_NETWORK id=-1 config="WIFINet" nid=-1 supstate=ScanState my state DisconnectedState
  553. E/WifiConfigStore( 2925): addOrUpdateNetworkNative created netId=0
  554. E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2925): g_pItemList is NULL
  555. E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2925): g_pItemList is NULL
  556. E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2925): g_pItemList is NULL
  557. E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2925): g_pItemList is NULL
  558. E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2925): g_pItemList is NULL
  559. E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2925): g_pItemList is NULL
  560. E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2925): g_pItemList is NULL
  561. E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2925): g_pItemList is NULL
  562. E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2925): g_pItemList is NULL
  563. E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2925): g_pItemList is NULL
  564. E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2925): g_pItemList is NULL
  565. E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2925): g_pItemList is NULL
  566. E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2925): g_pItemList is NULL
  567. E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2925): g_pItemList is NULL
  568. E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2925): g_pItemList is NULL
  569. E/WifiConfigStore( 2925): created new config netId=0 uid=1000
  570. E/WifiConfigStore( 2925): will read network variables netId=0
  571. E/WifiConfigStore( 2925): rewrite network history for "WIFINet"-WPA_EAP
  572. E/WifiAutoJoinController ( 2925): updateConfigurationHistory found 0 networks
  573. E/WifiAutoJoinController ( 2925): updateConfigurationHistory try to connect to an old network!! : "WIFINet"-WPA_EAP
  574. E/WifiConfigStore( 2925): rewrite network history for "WIFINet"-WPA_EAP
  575. E/BatteryStatsImpl( 2925): Unable to find object for *alarm* mapsize=0 activeoverflow=null curoverflow=null
  576. E/WifiConfigStore( 2925): rewrite network history for "WIFINet"-WPA_EAP
  577. E/WifiConfigStore( 2925): saveWifiConfigBSSID Setting BSSID for "WIFINet"-WPA_EAP to any
  578. E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2925): g_pItemList is NULL
  579. E/WifiConfigStore( 2925): saveWifiConfigBSSID Setting BSSID for "WIFINet"-WPA_EAP to any
  580. E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2925): g_pItemList is NULL
  581. E/WifiStateMachine( 2925): Start Dhcp Watchdog 1
  582. E/WifiStateMachine( 2925): scanCount==0 - aborting
  583. E/GCM ( 5098): Missing checkin config file
  584. E/WifiStateMachine( 2925): Did not find remoteAddress {} in /proc/net/arp
  585. E/ConnectivityService( 2925): Unexpected mtu value: 0, wlan0
  586. E/WifiStateMachine( 2925): WifiStateMachine L2Connected CMD_START_SCAN source -2 7, 8 -> obsolete
  587. E/GpsLocationProvider( 2925): No APN found to select.
  588. E/SQLiteLog( 7639): (283) recovered 58 frames from WAL file /data/data/
  589. E/GCM ( 5098): Missing checkin config file
  590. E/GCM ( 5098): Missing checkin config file
  591. E/AuthorizationBluetoothService( 5098): Proximity feature is not enabled.
  592. E/GCM ( 5860): Failed registration AUTHENTICATION_FAILED alarm=300000
  593. E/MDM ( 5730): [215] Couldn't connect to Google API client: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null}
  594. E/wv_dash ( 2376): chunk TEE virt: 0x2008c0
  595. E/ActivityThread( 5860): Failed to find provider info for
  596. E/ActivityThread( 5860): Failed to find provider info for
  597. E/MDM ( 5730): [216] Couldn't connect to Google API client: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null}
  598. E/MDM ( 5860): [1] SitrepService.a: No Google accounts; deferring server state update.
  599. E/wv_dash ( 2376): chunk TEE virt: 0x200cc0
  600. E/wv_dash ( 2376): chunk TEE virt: 0x200e40
  601. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  602. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  603. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  604. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  605. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  606. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  607. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  608. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  609. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  610. E/wv_dash ( 2376): chunk TEE virt: 0x200cc0
  611. E/MediaDrm-JNI( 7741): Illegal state exception: Failed to set cipher algorithm (-19)
  612. E/ActivityThread( 5860): Failed to find provider info for
  613. E/ActivityThread( 5860): Failed to find provider info for
  614. E/WifiStateMachine( 2925): cancelDelayedScan -> 16
  615. E/WifiStateMachine( 2925): cancelDelayedScan -> 18
  616. E/WifiStateMachine( 2925): WifiStateMachine L2Connected CMD_START_SCAN source -2 17, 18 -> obsolete
  617. E/WifiStateMachine( 2925): WifiStateMachine L2Connected CMD_START_SCAN source -2 15, 18 -> obsolete
  618. E/BatteryStatsImpl( 2925): Unable to find object for *alarm* mapsize=1 activeoverflow=null curoverflow=null
  619. E/libEGL ( 2925): call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
  620. E/WifiStateMachine( 2925): cancelDelayedScan -> 19
  621. E/WifiConfigStore( 2925): rewrite network history for "WIFINet"-WPA_EAP
  622. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  623. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  624. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  625. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  626. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  627. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  628. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  629. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  630. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  631. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  632. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  633. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  634. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  635. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  636. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  637. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  638. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  639. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  640. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  641. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  642. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  643. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  644. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  645. E/wv_dash ( 2376): chunk TEE virt: 0x200cc0
  646. E/copresGcore( 5730): ObfuscatedGaiaIdLookup: GaiaId for account 'account#-6#', not found in cache.
  647. E/wv_dash ( 2376): chunk TEE virt: 0x200180
  648. E/wv_dash ( 2376): chunk TEE virt: 0x200300
  649. E/MediaDrm-JNI( 7741): Illegal state exception: Failed to set cipher algorithm (-19)
  650. E/ActivityThread( 5860): Failed to find provider info for
  651. E/ActivityThread( 7265): Service has leaked ServiceConnection$ProxyConnection@1670add8 that was originally bound here
  652. E/ActivityThread( 7265): Service has leaked ServiceConnection$ProxyConnection@1670add8 that was originally bound here
  653. E/ActivityThread( 7265): at$ServiceDispatcher.<init>(
  654. E/ActivityThread( 7265): at
  655. E/ActivityThread( 7265): at
  656. E/ActivityThread( 7265): at
  657. E/ActivityThread( 7265): at android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService(
  658. E/ActivityThread( 7265): at
  659. E/ActivityThread( 7265): at
  660. E/ActivityThread( 7265): at
  661. E/ActivityThread( 7265): at
  662. E/ActivityThread( 7265): at
  663. E/ActivityThread( 7265): at
  664. E/ActivityThread( 7265): at
  665. E/ActivityThread( 7265): at
  666. E/ActivityThread( 7265): at$ServiceHandler.handleMessage(
  667. E/ActivityThread( 7265): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  668. E/ActivityThread( 7265): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  669. E/ActivityThread( 7265): at
  670. E/chromium( 5446): [] Could not bind NETLINK socket: Address already in use
  671. E/SQLiteLog( 9462): (1) no such table: _sync_state_metadata
  672. E/GCMRegistrar( 7846): internal error: retry receiver class not set yet
  673. E/ActivityThread( 5860): Failed to find provider info for
  674. E/Auth.Api.Credentials( 5860): [CredentialSyncAdapter] Unknown sync event.
  675. E/SQLiteLog( 4755): (284) automatic index on groups(account_id)
  676. E/SQLiteLog( 4755): (284) automatic index on groups(account_id)
  677. E/SQLiteLog( 4755): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_A3D30F10(STAT_DATA_ID)
  678. E/SQLiteLog( 4755): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_A3D30E20(STAT_DATA_ID)
  679. E/SQLiteLog( 4755): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_B0E8AC40(STAT_DATA_ID)
  680. E/SQLiteLog( 4755): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_B0E8ABA0(STAT_DATA_ID)
  681. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  682. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  683. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  684. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  685. E/GCM ( 5860): Dropping message from null
  686. E/WifiStateMachine( 2925): cancelDelayedScan -> 34
  687. E/WifiStateMachine( 2925): WifiStateMachine L2Connected CMD_START_SCAN source -2 33, 34 -> obsolete
  688. E/WifiStateMachine( 2925): cancelDelayedScan -> 35
  689. E/SQLiteLog( 4755): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_A3D4C9C0(STAT_DATA_ID)
  690. E/SQLiteLog( 4755): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_A3D4C290(STAT_DATA_ID)
  691. E/SQLiteLog( 4755): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_A3D4F9C0(STAT_DATA_ID)
  692. E/SQLiteLog( 4755): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_A3D4CFB0(STAT_DATA_ID)
  693. E/SQLiteLog( 4755): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_A3D4FBF0(STAT_DATA_ID)
  694. E/SQLiteLog( 4755): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_A3D4FA10(STAT_DATA_ID)
  695. E/SQLiteLog( 4755): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_A3D4FBF0(STAT_DATA_ID)
  696. E/SQLiteLog( 4755): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_A3D4FBA0(STAT_DATA_ID)
  697. E/SQLiteLog( 4755): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_A3D4FC90(STAT_DATA_ID)
  698. E/SQLiteLog( 4755): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_A3D4C9C0(STAT_DATA_ID)
  699. E/SQLiteLog( 4755): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_A3D4FC90(STAT_DATA_ID)
  700. E/SQLiteLog( 4755): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_A3D4FBA0(STAT_DATA_ID)
  701. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on contacts(contact_id)
  702. E/Icing ( 5860): Aborting indexing of corpus 05B8C66B089E27FE13C6841CFB404B94B7155D5A
  703. E/Icing ( 5860): Aborting indexing of corpus AC65CC8142F888C40CAF7367CB1B0E3B6B0F6C3B
  704. E/Icing ( 5860): Aborting indexing of corpus 9A02CCAC876DD86B991F3CB312071CD87D9E54DC
  705. E/Icing ( 5860): Aborting indexing of corpus 0D770CEAA950AD80A6643066B6A1F86152910BFF
  706. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on contacts(contact_id)
  707. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on contacts(contact_id)
  708. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on contacts(contact_id)
  709. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on contacts(contact_id)
  710. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on contacts(contact_id)
  711. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on contacts(contact_id)
  712. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on contacts(contact_id)
  713. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on contacts(contact_id)
  714. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on emails(data_id)
  715. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on emails(data_id)
  716. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on emails(data_id)
  717. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on emails(data_id)
  718. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on emails(data_id)
  719. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on emails(data_id)
  720. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on emails(data_id)
  721. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on phones(data_id)
  722. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on phones(data_id)
  723. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on phones(data_id)
  724. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on phones(data_id)
  725. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on phones(data_id)
  726. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on phones(data_id)
  727. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on phones(data_id)
  728. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on phones(data_id)
  729. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on phones(data_id)
  730. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on phones(data_id)
  731. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on phones(data_id)
  732. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on postals(data_id)
  733. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on postals(data_id)
  734. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on postals(data_id)
  735. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on postals(data_id)
  736. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on contacts(contact_id)
  737. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on emails(data_id)
  738. E/SQLiteLog( 5446): (284) automatic index on phones(data_id)
  739. E/AudioTrack( 2925): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  740. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 66576 byte allocation with 29052 free bytes and 28KB until OOM"
  741. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 66576 byte allocation with 29660 free bytes and 28KB until OOM"
  742. E/Binder ( 2925): Caught an OutOfMemoryError from the binder stub implementation.
  743. E/Binder ( 2925): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 66576 byte allocation with 29660 free bytes and 28KB until OOM
  744. E/Binder ( 2925): at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray(Native Method)
  745. E/Binder ( 2925): at Method)
  746. E/Binder ( 2925): at$100(
  747. E/Binder ( 2925): at$1.createFromParcel(
  748. E/Binder ( 2925): at$1.createFromParcel(
  749. E/Binder ( 2925): at$Stub.onTransact(
  750. E/Binder ( 2925): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  751. E/JavaBinder( 2925): *** Uncaught remote exception! (Exceptions are not yet supported across processes.)
  752. E/JavaBinder( 2925): java.lang.RuntimeException: Out of memory
  753. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  754. E/JavaBinder( 2925): Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 66576 byte allocation with 29660 free bytes and 28KB until OOM
  755. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray(Native Method)
  756. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at Method)
  757. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at$100(
  758. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at$1.createFromParcel(
  759. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at$1.createFromParcel(
  760. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at$Stub.onTransact(
  761. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  762. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 66576 byte allocation with 58392 free bytes and 57KB until OOM"
  763. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 66576 byte allocation with 58456 free bytes and 57KB until OOM"
  764. E/Binder ( 2925): Caught an OutOfMemoryError from the binder stub implementation.
  765. E/Binder ( 2925): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 66576 byte allocation with 58456 free bytes and 57KB until OOM
  766. E/Binder ( 2925): at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray(Native Method)
  767. E/Binder ( 2925): at Method)
  768. E/Binder ( 2925): at$100(
  769. E/Binder ( 2925): at$1.createFromParcel(
  770. E/Binder ( 2925): at$1.createFromParcel(
  771. E/Binder ( 2925): at$Stub.onTransact(
  772. E/Binder ( 2925): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  773. E/JavaBinder( 2925): *** Uncaught remote exception! (Exceptions are not yet supported across processes.)
  774. E/JavaBinder( 2925): java.lang.RuntimeException: Out of memory
  775. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  776. E/JavaBinder( 2925): Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 66576 byte allocation with 58456 free bytes and 57KB until OOM
  777. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray(Native Method)
  778. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at Method)
  779. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at$100(
  780. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at$1.createFromParcel(
  781. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at$1.createFromParcel(
  782. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at$Stub.onTransact(
  783. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  784. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 66576 byte allocation with 58552 free bytes and 57KB until OOM"
  785. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 66576 byte allocation with 58616 free bytes and 57KB until OOM"
  786. E/Binder ( 2925): Caught an OutOfMemoryError from the binder stub implementation.
  787. E/Binder ( 2925): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 66576 byte allocation with 58616 free bytes and 57KB until OOM
  788. E/Binder ( 2925): at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray(Native Method)
  789. E/Binder ( 2925): at Method)
  790. E/Binder ( 2925): at$100(
  791. E/Binder ( 2925): at$1.createFromParcel(
  792. E/Binder ( 2925): at$1.createFromParcel(
  793. E/Binder ( 2925): at$Stub.onTransact(
  794. E/Binder ( 2925): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  795. E/JavaBinder( 2925): *** Uncaught remote exception! (Exceptions are not yet supported across processes.)
  796. E/JavaBinder( 2925): java.lang.RuntimeException: Out of memory
  797. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  798. E/JavaBinder( 2925): Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 66576 byte allocation with 58616 free bytes and 57KB until OOM
  799. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray(Native Method)
  800. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at Method)
  801. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at$100(
  802. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at$1.createFromParcel(
  803. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at$1.createFromParcel(
  804. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at$Stub.onTransact(
  805. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  806. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 66576 byte allocation with 59080 free bytes and 57KB until OOM"
  807. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 16396 byte allocation with 13408 free bytes and 13KB until OOM"
  808. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 66576 byte allocation with 14080 free bytes and 13KB until OOM"
  809. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 66576 byte allocation with 14080 free bytes and 13KB until OOM"
  810. E/Binder ( 2925): Caught an OutOfMemoryError from the binder stub implementation.
  811. E/Binder ( 2925): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 66576 byte allocation with 14080 free bytes and 13KB until OOM
  812. E/Binder ( 2925): at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray(Native Method)
  813. E/Binder ( 2925): at Method)
  814. E/Binder ( 2925): at$100(
  815. E/Binder ( 2925): at$1.createFromParcel(
  816. E/Binder ( 2925): at$1.createFromParcel(
  817. E/Binder ( 2925): at$Stub.onTransact(
  818. E/Binder ( 2925): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  819. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 16396 byte allocation with 9856 free bytes and 9KB until OOM"
  820. E/JavaBinder( 2925): *** Uncaught remote exception! (Exceptions are not yet supported across processes.)
  821. E/JavaBinder( 2925): java.lang.RuntimeException: Out of memory
  822. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  823. E/JavaBinder( 2925): Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 66576 byte allocation with 14080 free bytes and 13KB until OOM
  824. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray(Native Method)
  825. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at Method)
  826. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at$100(
  827. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at$1.createFromParcel(
  828. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at$1.createFromParcel(
  829. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at$Stub.onTransact(
  830. E/JavaBinder( 2925): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  831. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 66576 byte allocation with 1960 free bytes and 1960B until OOM"
  832. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 66576 byte allocation with 1288 free bytes and 1288B until OOM"
  833. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1294 byte allocation with 408 free bytes and 408B until OOM"
  834. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 2298 byte allocation with 72 free bytes and 72B until OOM"
  835. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 524 byte allocation with 40 free bytes and 40B until OOM"
  836. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 84 byte allocation with 8 free bytes and 8B until OOM" (recursive case)
  837. E/art ( 2925): "" prio=5 tid=22 Runnable
  838. E/art ( 2925): | group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x13c062e0 self=0xb4a34000
  839. E/art ( 2925): | sysTid=3024 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb48b0900
  840. E/art ( 2925): | state=R schedstat=( 1446314254 142769370 894 ) utm=115 stm=29 core=3 HZ=100
  841. E/art ( 2925): | stack=0xa33ad000-0xa33af000 stackSize=1036KB
  842. E/art ( 2925): | held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
  843. E/art ( 2925): native: #00 pc 000047c0 /system/lib/ (UnwindCurrent::Unwind(unsigned int, ucontext*)+23)
  844. E/art ( 2925): native: #01 pc 00002fc1 /system/lib/ (Backtrace::Unwind(unsigned int, ucontext*)+8)
  845. E/art ( 2925): native: #02 pc 00255aa1 /system/lib/ (art::DumpNativeStack(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >&, int, char const*, art::mirror::ArtMethod*)+84)
  846. E/art ( 2925): native: #03 pc 002370fb /system/lib/ (art::Thread::DumpStack(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >&) const+150)
  847. E/art ( 2925): native: #04 pc 0023a533 /system/lib/ (art::Thread::ThrowOutOfMemoryError(char const*)+274)
  848. E/art ( 2925): native: #05 pc 00144fa9 /system/lib/ (art::gc::Heap::ThrowOutOfMemoryError(art::Thread*, unsigned int, art::gc::AllocatorType)+832)
  849. E/art ( 2925): native: #06 pc 00146f69 /system/lib/ (art::gc::Heap::AllocateInternalWithGc(art::Thread*, art::gc::AllocatorType, unsigned int, unsigned int*, unsigned int*, art::mirror::Class**)+668)
  850. E/art ( 2925): native: #07 pc 0023a99b /system/lib/ (art::mirror::Array* art::mirror::Array::Alloc<true>(art::Thread*, art::mirror::Class*, int, unsigned int, art::gc::AllocatorType, bool) (.constprop.210)+898)
  851. E/art ( 2925): native: #08 pc 0023aedf /system/lib/ (_jobject* art::Thread::CreateInternalStackTrace<false>(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&) const+230)
  852. E/art ( 2925): native: #09 pc 0020b787 /system/lib/ (art::Throwable_nativeFillInStackTrace(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*)+22)
  853. E/art ( 2925): native: #10 pc 00000c1d /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Throwable_nativeFillInStackTrace__+80)
  854. E/art ( 2925): at java.lang.Throwable.nativeFillInStackTrace!(Native method)
  855. E/art ( 2925): at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(
  856. E/art ( 2925): at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(
  857. E/art ( 2925): at java.lang.Error.<init>(
  858. E/art ( 2925): at java.lang.VirtualMachineError.<init>(
  859. E/art ( 2925): at java.lang.OutOfMemoryError.<init>(
  860. E/art ( 2925): at java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.enlargeBuffer(
  861. E/art ( 2925): at java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.append0(
  862. E/art ( 2925): at java.lang.StringBuffer.append(
  863. E/art ( 2925): at
  864. E/art ( 2925): at
  865. E/art ( 2925): at
  866. E/art ( 2925): at
  867. E/art ( 2925): at
  868. E/art ( 2925): at
  869. E/art ( 2925): at
  870. E/art ( 2925): at java.lang.Throwable.printStackTrace(
  871. E/art ( 2925): at java.lang.Throwable.printStackTrace(
  872. E/art ( 2925): at android.util.Log.getStackTraceString(
  873. E/art ( 2925): at
  874. E/art ( 2925): at$200(
  875. E/art ( 2925): at$UncaughtHandler.uncaughtException(
  876. E/art ( 2925): at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(
  877. E/art ( 2925): at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(
  878. E/System ( 2925): Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer
  879. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 44 byte allocation with 0 free bytes and 3GB until OOM"
  880. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 24 byte allocation with 0 free bytes and 3GB until OOM"
  881. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 234 byte allocation with 0 free bytes and 3GB until OOM"
  882. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 156 byte allocation with 0 free bytes and 3GB until OOM"
  883. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 24 byte allocation with 0 free bytes and 3GB until OOM"
  884. E/art ( 2925): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 0 free bytes and 3GB until OOM" (recursive case)
  885. E/art ( 2925): "Binder_5" prio=5 tid=60 Runnable
  886. E/art ( 2925): | group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x13c049a0 self=0xb0c47c00
  887. E/art ( 2925): | sysTid=4617 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb0c4f800
  888. E/art ( 2925): | state=R schedstat=( 2027922644 930358123 5739 ) utm=129 stm=73 core=3 HZ=100
  889. E/art ( 2925): | stack=0x9d7e9000-0x9d7eb000 stackSize=1012KB
  890. E/art ( 2925): | held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
  891. E/art ( 2925): native: #00 pc 000047c0 /system/lib/ (UnwindCurrent::Unwind(unsigned int, ucontext*)+23)
  892. E/art ( 2925): native: #01 pc 00002fc1 /system/lib/ (Backtrace::Unwind(unsigned int, ucontext*)+8)
  893. E/art ( 2925): native: #02 pc 00255aa1 /system/lib/ (art::DumpNativeStack(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >&, int, char const*, art::mirror::ArtMethod*)+84)
  894. E/art ( 2925): native: #03 pc 002370fb /system/lib/ (art::Thread::DumpStack(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >&) const+150)
  895. E/art ( 2925): native: #04 pc 0023a533 /system/lib/ (art::Thread::ThrowOutOfMemoryError(char const*)+274)
  896. E/art ( 2925): native: #05 pc 00144fa9 /system/lib/ (art::gc::Heap::ThrowOutOfMemoryError(art::Thread*, unsigned int, art::gc::AllocatorType)+832)
  897. E/art ( 2925): native: #06 pc 00146f69 /system/lib/ (art::gc::Heap::AllocateInternalWithGc(art::Thread*, art::gc::AllocatorType, unsigned int, unsigned int*, unsigned int*, art::mirror::Class**)+668)
  898. E/art ( 2925): native: #07 pc 000fd9a3 /system/lib/ (art::mirror::Class::AllocObject(art::Thread*)+870)
  899. E/art ( 2925): native: #08 pc 00239d01 /system/lib/ (art::Thread::ThrowNewWrappedException(art::ThrowLocation const&, char const*, char const*)+504)
  900. E/art ( 2925): native: #09 pc 0023a59f /system/lib/ (art::Thread::ThrowOutOfMemoryError(char const*)+382)
  901. E/art ( 2925): native: #10 pc 00144fa9 /system/lib/ (art::gc::Heap::ThrowOutOfMemoryError(art::Thread*, unsigned int, art::gc::AllocatorType)+832)
  902. E/art ( 2925): native: #11 pc 00146f69 /system/lib/ (art::gc::Heap::AllocateInternalWithGc(art::Thread*, art::gc::AllocatorType, unsigned int, unsigned int*, unsigned int*, art::mirror::Class**)+668)
  903. E/art ( 2925): native: #12 pc 001f48df /system/lib/ (art::mirror::String::Alloc(art::Thread*, int)+1310)
  904. E/art ( 2925): native: #13 pc 001f4c15 /system/lib/ (art::mirror::String::AllocFromModifiedUtf8(art::Thread*, char const*)+24)
  905. E/art ( 2925): native: #14 pc 00239651 /system/lib/ (art::Thread::InternalStackTraceToStackTraceElementArray(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, _jobjectArray*, int*)+724)
  906. E/art ( 2925): native: #15 pc 0020b7b3 /system/lib/ (art::Throwable_nativeGetStackTrace(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jobject*)+34)
  907. E/art ( 2925): native: #16 pc 00000cc9 /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Throwable_nativeGetStackTrace__Ljava_lang_Object_2+100)
  908. E/art ( 2925): at java.lang.Throwable.nativeGetStackTrace!(Native method)
  909. E/art ( 2925): at java.lang.Throwable.getInternalStackTrace(
  910. E/art ( 2925): at java.lang.Throwable.printStackTrace(
  911. E/art ( 2925): at java.lang.Throwable.printStackTrace(
  912. E/art ( 2925): at android.util.Log.getStackTraceString(
  913. E/art ( 2925): at android.util.Log.e(
  914. E/WifiManager( 5446): Channel connection lost
  915. E/WifiManager( 5860): Channel connection lost
  916. E/WifiManager( 5730): Channel connection lost
  917. E/WifiManager( 4761): Channel connection lost
  918. E/WifiManager( 6764): Channel connection lost
  919. E/ActivityThread( 5730): Failed to find provider info for
  920. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
  921. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): Process:, PID: 7846
  922. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): java.lang.RuntimeException: android.os.DeadObjectException
  923. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at
  924. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at
  925. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at
  926. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at$3300(
  927. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at$3.onResponse(
  928. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at$
  929. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
  930. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  931. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  932. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at
  933. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  934. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  935. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at$
  936. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at
  937. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): Caused by: android.os.DeadObjectException
  938. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
  939. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
  940. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at$Stub$Proxy.updateSessionAppIcon(
  941. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at
  942. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): ... 13 more
  943. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): Error reporting crash
  944. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): android.os.DeadObjectException
  945. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
  946. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
  947. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at
  948. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at$UncaughtHandler.uncaughtException(
  949. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at$CrashHandler.uncaughtException(
  950. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(
  951. E/AndroidRuntime( 7846): at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(
  952. E/SurfaceFlinger( 2368): ro.sf.lcd_density must be defined as a build property
  953. E/installd( 2378): eof
  954. E/installd( 2378): failed to read size
  955. E/BootAnimation(10990): couldn't find audio_conf.txt
  956. E/gpsd ( 2380): IPC Connection closed by libgps. Restarting GPS daemon...
  957. E/Zygote ( 2389): Exit zygote because system server (2925) has terminated
  958. E/Netd (11009): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  959. E/Netd (11009): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/ip6tnl0/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  960. E/Netd (11009): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/lo/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  961. E/Netd (11009): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/p2p0/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  962. E/Netd (11009): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet0/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  963. E/Netd (11009): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet1/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  964. E/Netd (11009): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet2/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  965. E/Netd (11009): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet3/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  966. E/Netd (11009): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/sit0/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  967. E/Netd (11009): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/wlan0/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  968. E/Netd (11009): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  969. E/Netd (11009): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/ip6tnl0/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  970. E/Netd (11009): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/lo/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  971. E/Netd (11009): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/p2p0/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  972. E/Netd (11009): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet0/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  973. E/Netd (11009): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet1/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  974. E/Netd (11009): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet2/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  975. E/Netd (11009): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet3/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  976. E/Netd (11009): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/sit0/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  977. E/Netd (11009): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/wlan0/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  978. E/memtrack(11008): Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
  979. E/android.os.Debug(11008): failed to load memtrack module: -2
  980. E/Minikin (11008): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  981. E/Minikin (11008): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  982. E/AkmSensor(11205): LoadPDC: can't load pdc file.
  983. E/AkmSensor(11205): LoadDecimator: can't load param file.
  984. E/BatteryStatsService(11205): Failed to open /sys/kernel/wakeup_reasons/last_resume_reason
  985. E/SurfaceFlinger( 2368): ro.sf.lcd_density must be defined as a build property
  986. E/MediaPlayerFactory(11011): calling dlopen on FACTORY_LIB
  987. E/MediaPlayerFactory(11011): Failed to open FACTORY_LIB Error : dlopen failed: library "" not found
  988. E/HAL (11011): load: module=/system/lib/hw/
  989. E/HAL (11011): dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "_ZN7android16CameraParameters10KEY_CITYIDE" referenced by ""...
  990. E/CameraWrapper(11011): failed to open vendor camera module
  991. E/MonoPipe(11011): Failed to fetch local time frequency when constructing a MonoPipe (res = -32). getNextWriteTimestamp calls will be non-functional
  992. E/PackageManager(11205): updateAllSharedLibrariesLPw failed: Package requires unavailable shared library com.qualcomm.qti.smartsearch; failing!
  993. E/installd( 2378): invalid apk path '/system/framework/org.cyanogenmod.platform-res.apk' (bad prefix)
  994. E/SoundTriggerHwService(11011): couldn't load sound trigger module sound_trigger.primary (No such file or directory)
  995. E/TorchService(11205): Couldn't initialize.
  996. E/TorchService(11205): java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid int: "null"
  997. E/TorchService(11205): at java.lang.Integer.invalidInt(
  998. E/TorchService(11205): at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
  999. E/TorchService(11205): at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
  1000. E/TorchService(11205): at java.lang.Integer.valueOf(
  1001. E/TorchService(11205): at
  1002. E/TorchService(11205): at<init>(
  1003. E/TorchService(11205): at
  1004. E/TorchService(11205): at
  1005. E/TorchService(11205): at
  1006. E/TorchService(11205): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  1007. E/TorchService(11205): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  1008. E/TorchService(11205): at$
  1009. E/TorchService(11205): at
  1010. E/WifiConfigStore(11205): associatedPartialScanPeriodMilli set to 20000
  1011. E/ConnectivityService(11205): Ignoring protectedNetwork 15
  1012. E/EventHub(11205): could not get driver version for /dev/input/mice, Not a typewriter
  1013. E/Fingerprint-JNI(11205): Can't open fingerprint HW Module, error: -2
  1014. E/SQLiteLog(11205): (283) recovered 16 frames from WAL file /data/system/locksettings.db-wal
  1015. E/LockSettingsStorage(11205): Cannot read file /data/system/password.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  1016. E/LockSettingsStorage(11205): Cannot read file /data/system/gesture.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  1017. E/WifiService(11205): Invoking mWifiStateMachine.setWifiEnabled
  1018. E/UsbHostManagerJNI(11205): usb_device_open failed
  1019. E/UsbHostManagerJNI(11205): usb_device_open failed
  1020. E/AudioPolicyManager(11011): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  1021. E/AudioPolicyManager(11011): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  1022. E/OMXMaster(11011): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
  1023. E/OMXMaster(11011): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
  1024. E/OMXMaster(11011): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
  1025. E/OMXMaster(11011): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
  1026. E/OMXMaster(11011): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
  1027. E/SQLiteLog(11395): (283) recovered 58 frames from WAL file /data/data/
  1028. E/OMXNodeInstance(11011): getParameter(4:Exynos.VP8.Decoder, ParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported(0x600000f)) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a)
  1029. E/NetdConnector(11205): NDC Command {1 bandwidth enable} took too long (638ms)
  1030. E/AudioPolicyManager(11011): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  1031. E/AudioPolicyManager(11011): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  1032. E/AudioPolicyManager(11011): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  1033. E/AudioPolicyManager(11011): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  1034. E/WifiMonitor(11205): killSupplicant p2ptrue init.svc.wpa_supplicant=unknown init.svc.p2p_supplicant=unknown
  1035. E/AudioPolicyManager(11011): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  1036. E/AudioPolicyManager(11011): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  1037. E/InputMethodManagerService(11205): Ignoring setImeWindowStatus due to an invalid token. uid:1000 token:null
  1038. E/libgps (11205): proxy__gps_get_extension: Unsupported GpsInterface extension: "gps_measurement"
  1039. E/libgps (11205): Interface "gps_measurement" is not supported
  1040. E/libgps (11205): proxy__gps_get_extension: Unsupported GpsInterface extension: "gps_navigation_message"
  1041. E/libgps (11205): Interface "gps_navigation_message" is not supported
  1042. E/libgps (11205): proxy__gps_get_extension: Unsupported GpsInterface extension: "gnss_configuration"
  1043. E/libgps (11205): Interface "gnss_configuration" is not supported
  1044. E/AudioPolicyManager(11011): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  1045. E/AudioPolicyManager(11011): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  1046. E/AudioPolicyManager(11011): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  1047. E/AudioPolicyManager(11011): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  1048. E/AudioPolicyManager(11011): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  1049. E/AudioPolicyManager(11011): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  1050. E/AudioPolicyManager(11011): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  1051. E/AudioPolicyManager(11011): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  1052. E/AudioPolicyManager(11011): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  1053. E/AudioPolicyManager(11011): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false
  1054. E/WifiConfigStore(11205): Error parsing configuration: /data/misc/wifi/ipconfig.txt: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  1055. E/BatteryStatsImpl(11205): Unable to find object for AudioMix mapsize=0 activeoverflow=null curoverflow=null
  1056. E/wifi (11205): getStaticLongField sWifiHalHandle 0xa20f787c
  1057. E/WifiHAL (11205): Could not find group vendor
  1058. E/wifi (11205): getStaticLongField sWifiHalHandle 0xa20f782c
  1059. E/WifiHAL (11205): failed to set scanning mac OUI; result = -95
  1060. E/wifi (11205): android_net_wifi_getLinkLayerStats: failed to get link statistics
  1061. E/WifiStateMachine(11205): cancelDelayedScan -> 1
  1062. E/BluetoothA2dpSink(11375): Could not bind to Bluetooth A2DP Service with Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothA2dpSink }
  1063. E/BluetoothAvrcpController(11375): Could not bind to Bluetooth AVRCP Controller Service with Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothAvrcpController }
  1064. E/wifi (11205): getStaticLongField sWifiHalHandle 0x9fffbb3c
  1065. E/lowmemorykiller( 2365): Error writing /proc/11693/oom_score_adj; errno=22
  1066. E/BluetoothHeadsetClient(11375): Could not bind to Bluetooth Headset Client Service with Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothHeadsetClient }
  1067. E/lowmemorykiller( 2365): Error writing /proc/11693/oom_score_adj; errno=22
  1068. E/libgps (11205): LIBGPS: Cannot communicate (write) with a GPSD
  1069. E/libgps (11205): IPC Communication Error, /tmp/13178292_204085/customers/samsung/KGFandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gps_interface/gpsi_client/GpsiClient.cpp:609 SendGpsExtensionMessage
  1070. E/libgps (11205): LIBGPS: Cannot communicate (write) with a GPSD
  1071. E/libgps (11205): IPC Communication Error, /tmp/13178292_204085/customers/samsung/KGFandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gps_interface/gpsi_client/GpsiClient.cpp:1503 agps_set_server
  1072. E/GpsLocationProvider(11205): no GPS configuration interface in configuraiton_update
  1073. E/FlpHardwareProvider(11205): Error hw_get_module 'flp': -2
  1074. E/LocationManagerService(11205): FLP HAL not supported
  1075. E/ActivityRecognitionHardware(11205): Error hw_get_module: -2
  1076. E/LocationManagerService(11205): Hardware Activity-Recognition not supported.
  1077. E/PackageManager(11205): Unable to find icon pack: system
  1078. E/Minikin (11205): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1079. E/Minikin (11205): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1080. E/SQLiteLog(11479): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_B4B24DD0(STAT_DATA_ID)
  1081. E/SQLiteLog(11479): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_B4B24DD0(STAT_DATA_ID)
  1082. E/SQLiteLog(11479): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_B0E0CB00(STAT_DATA_ID)
  1083. E/SQLiteLog(11479): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_B0E0CB00(STAT_DATA_ID)
  1084. E/WifiScanningService(11205): could not get scan capabilities
  1085. E/SQLiteLog(11479): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_B4B790B0(STAT_DATA_ID)
  1086. E/SQLiteLog(11479): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_B4B76100(STAT_DATA_ID)
  1087. E/Minikin (11008): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1088. E/Minikin (11008): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1089. E/SQLiteLog(11479): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_B0E0CB00(STAT_DATA_ID)
  1090. E/SQLiteLog(11479): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_B0E0CA10(STAT_DATA_ID)
  1091. E/SQLiteLog(11479): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_B4B7E060(STAT_DATA_ID)
  1092. E/SQLiteLog(11479): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_B4B24F60(STAT_DATA_ID)
  1093. E/wifi (11205): android_net_wifi_getLinkLayerStats: failed to get link statistics
  1094. E/WifiConfigStore(11205): rewrite network history for "WIFINet"-WPA_EAP
  1095. E/SQLiteLog(11479): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_B4B88100(STAT_DATA_ID)
  1096. E/SQLiteLog(11479): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_B4B880B0(STAT_DATA_ID)
  1097. E/ExtMediaPlayer-JNI(12166): QCMediaPlayer could not be located....
  1098. E/MediaPlayer-JNI(12166): QCMediaPlayer mediaplayer NOT present
  1099. E/SQLiteLog(11395): (283) recovered 81 frames from WAL file /data/data/
  1100. E/MediaPlayer(12166): Should have subtitle controller already set
  1101. E/ExtMediaPlayer-JNI(12166): QCMediaPlayer could not be located....
  1102. E/MediaPlayer-JNI(12166): QCMediaPlayer mediaplayer NOT present
  1103. E/MediaPlayer(12166): Should have subtitle controller already set
  1104. E/Minikin (12404): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1105. E/Minikin (12404): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1106. E/Minikin (11395): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1107. E/Minikin (11395): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1108. E/Minikin (12302): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1109. E/Minikin (12302): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1110. E/Minikin (11958): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1111. E/Minikin (11958): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1112. E/Minikin (11898): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1113. E/Minikin (11898): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1114. E/Minikin (11868): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1115. E/Minikin (11868): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1116. E/Minikin (12364): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1117. E/Minikin (12364): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1118. E/Minikin (12223): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1119. E/Minikin (12223): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1120. E/Minikin (12200): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1121. E/Minikin (12200): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1122. E/Minikin (11649): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1123. E/Minikin (11649): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1124. E/Minikin (11479): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1125. E/Minikin (12095): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1126. E/Minikin (12095): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1127. E/Minikin (11479): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1128. E/Minikin (12132): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1129. E/Minikin (12132): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1130. E/Minikin (12120): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1131. E/Minikin (12120): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1132. E/Minikin (11786): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1133. E/Minikin (11786): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1134. E/Minikin (11420): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1135. E/Minikin (11420): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1136. E/Minikin (11758): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1137. E/Minikin (11758): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1138. E/Minikin (11375): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1139. E/Minikin (11375): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1140. E/Minikin (11205): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1141. E/Minikin (11205): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1142. E/Minikin (11614): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1143. E/Minikin (11614): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1144. E/Minikin (12068): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1145. E/Minikin (12068): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1146. E/Minikin (12016): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1147. E/Minikin (12016): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1148. E/Minikin (12047): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1149. E/Minikin (12047): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1150. E/Minikin (12233): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1151. E/Minikin (12233): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1152. E/MediaPlayer(12166): Should have subtitle controller already set
  1153. E/Minikin (11987): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1154. E/Minikin (11987): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1155. E/Minikin (12166): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1156. E/Minikin (12166): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1157. E/Finsky (12233): [1] RestoreTracker.onInstallPackageEvent: Restore package download error 923
  1158. E/ExtMediaPlayer-JNI(12166): QCMediaPlayer could not be located....
  1159. E/MediaPlayer-JNI(12166): QCMediaPlayer mediaplayer NOT present
  1160. E/Minikin (11731): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1161. E/Minikin (11731): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1162. E/MediaPlayer(12166): Should have subtitle controller already set
  1163. E/ExtMediaPlayer-JNI(12166): QCMediaPlayer could not be located....
  1164. E/MediaPlayer-JNI(12166): QCMediaPlayer mediaplayer NOT present
  1165. E/MediaPlayer(12166): Should have subtitle controller already set
  1166. E/Finsky (12233): [1] RestoreTracker.onInstallPackageEvent: Restore package com.facebook.katana download error 923
  1167. E/Finsky (12233): [1] RestoreTracker.onInstallPackageEvent: Restore package download error 923
  1168. E/Finsky (12233): [170] FileBasedKeyValueStore.delete: Attempt to delete '' failed!
  1169. E/MediaPlayer(12166): Should have subtitle controller already set
  1170. E/Finsky (12233): [1] RestoreTracker.onInstallPackageEvent: Restore package download error 923
  1171. E/Finsky (12233): [1] RestoreTracker.onInstallPackageEvent: Restore package com.teslacoilsw.launcher download error 923
  1172. E/Finsky (12233): [1] RestoreTracker.onInstallPackageEvent: Restore package com.touchtype.swiftkey download error 923
  1173. E/AndroidRuntime(12233): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
  1174. E/AndroidRuntime(12233): Process:, PID: 12233
  1175. E/AndroidRuntime(12233): java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
  1176. E/AndroidRuntime(12233): at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextEntry(
  1177. E/AndroidRuntime(12233): at java.util.HashMap$
  1178. E/AndroidRuntime(12233): at$
  1179. E/AndroidRuntime(12233): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
  1180. E/AndroidRuntime(12233): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1181. E/AndroidRuntime(12233): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1182. E/AndroidRuntime(12233): at
  1183. E/AndroidRuntime(12233): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  1184. E/AndroidRuntime(12233): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  1185. E/AndroidRuntime(12233): at$
  1186. E/AndroidRuntime(12233): at
  1187. E/MDM (12467): [184] Couldn't connect to Google API client: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null}
  1188. E/GmsWearableLS(12467): GoogleApiClient connection failed: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null}
  1189. E/MDM (12467): [193] Couldn't connect to Google API client: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null}
  1190. E/MDM (12467): [195] Couldn't connect to Google API client: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null}
  1191. E/MDM (12467): [200] Couldn't connect to Google API client: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null}
  1192. E/MDM (12467): [201] Couldn't connect to Google API client: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null}
  1193. E/AudioTrack(11205): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  1194. E/WifiStateMachine(11205): WifiStateMachine Disconnected CMD_START_SCAN source -2 2, 3 -> obsolete
  1195. E/wifi (11205): android_net_wifi_getLinkLayerStats: failed to get link statistics
  1196. E/WifiHAL (11205): Error polling socket
  1197. E/ExtMediaPlayer-JNI(12864): QCMediaPlayer could not be located....
  1198. E/MediaPlayer-JNI(12864): QCMediaPlayer mediaplayer NOT present
  1199. E/wifi (11205): android_net_wifi_getLinkLayerStats: failed to get link statistics
  1200. E/WifiStateMachine(11205): WifiStateMachine shouldSwitchNetwork txSuccessRate=150.12 rxSuccessRate=157.00 delta 1000 -> 1
  1201. E/WifiStateMachine(11205): CMD_AUTO_CONNECT sup state ScanState my state DisconnectedState nid=0 roam=3
  1202. E/WifiConfigStore(11205): saveWifiConfigBSSID Setting BSSID for "WIFINet"-WPA_EAP to any
  1203. E/wifi_gbk2utf(11205): g_pItemList is NULL
  1204. E/ExtMediaPlayer-JNI(12846): QCMediaPlayer could not be located....
  1205. E/MediaPlayer-JNI(12846): QCMediaPlayer mediaplayer NOT present
  1206. E/WifiStateMachine(11205): CMD_AUTO_CONNECT will save config -> "WIFINet" nid=0
  1207. E/wifi_gbk2utf(11205): g_pItemList is NULL
  1208. E/wifi_gbk2utf(11205): g_pItemList is NULL
  1209. E/wifi_gbk2utf(11205): g_pItemList is NULL
  1210. E/wifi_gbk2utf(11205): g_pItemList is NULL
  1211. E/wifi_gbk2utf(11205): g_pItemList is NULL
  1212. E/wifi_gbk2utf(11205): g_pItemList is NULL
  1213. E/wifi_gbk2utf(11205): g_pItemList is NULL
  1214. E/wifi_gbk2utf(11205): g_pItemList is NULL
  1215. E/wifi_gbk2utf(11205): g_pItemList is NULL
  1216. E/wifi_gbk2utf(11205): g_pItemList is NULL
  1217. E/wifi_gbk2utf(11205): g_pItemList is NULL
  1218. E/wifi_gbk2utf(11205): g_pItemList is NULL
  1219. E/wifi_gbk2utf(11205): g_pItemList is NULL
  1220. E/wifi_gbk2utf(11205): g_pItemList is NULL
  1221. E/wifi_gbk2utf(11205): g_pItemList is NULL
  1222. E/wifi_gbk2utf(11205): g_pItemList is NULL
  1223. E/wifi_gbk2utf(11205): g_pItemList is NULL
  1224. E/wifi_gbk2utf(11205): g_pItemList is NULL
  1225. E/WifiConfigStore(11205): will read network variables netId=0
  1226. E/WifiStateMachine(11205): CMD_AUTO_CONNECT did save config -> nid=0
  1227. E/wifi_gbk2utf(11205): g_pItemList is NULL
  1228. E/WifiConfigStore(11205): will read network variables netId=0
  1229. E/MediaPlayer(12846): Should have subtitle controller already set
  1230. E/ExtMediaPlayer-JNI(12846): QCMediaPlayer could not be located....
  1231. E/MediaPlayer-JNI(12846): QCMediaPlayer mediaplayer NOT present
  1232. E/MediaPlayer(12846): Should have subtitle controller already set
  1233. E/MediaPlayer(12846): Should have subtitle controller already set
  1234. E/WifiConfigStore(11205): saveWifiConfigBSSID Setting BSSID for "WIFINet"-WPA_EAP to any
  1235. E/wifi_gbk2utf(11205): g_pItemList is NULL
  1236. E/WifiConfigStore(11205): saveWifiConfigBSSID Setting BSSID for "WIFINet"-WPA_EAP to any
  1237. E/wifi_gbk2utf(11205): g_pItemList is NULL
  1238. E/WifiStateMachine(11205): Start Dhcp Watchdog 1
  1239. E/WifiStateMachine(11205): scanCount==0 - aborting
  1240. E/WifiStateMachine(11205): Did not find remoteAddress {} in /proc/net/arp
  1241. E/ConnectivityService(11205): Unexpected mtu value: 0, wlan0
  1242. E/AudioTrack(11205): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  1243. E/ActivityManager(11205): ANR in
  1244. E/ActivityManager(11205): PID: 12155
  1245. E/ActivityManager(11205): Reason: Broadcast of Intent { act=android.intent.action.LOCALE_CHANGED flg=0x10000010 }
  1246. E/ActivityManager(11205): Load: 2.2 / 1.47 / 1.39
  1247. E/ActivityManager(11205): CPU usage from 3071ms to -2027ms ago:
  1248. E/ActivityManager(11205): 31% 11205/system_server: 14% user + 16% kernel / faults: 8253 minor
  1249. E/ActivityManager(11205): 6.8% 11375/ 2.9% user + 3.9% kernel / faults: 2249 minor
  1250. E/ActivityManager(11205): 1.1% 2373/debuggerd: 0.1% user + 0.9% kernel / faults: 1462 minor
  1251. E/ActivityManager(11205): 4.7% 11011/mediaserver: 0.7% user + 3.9% kernel / faults: 342 minor
  1252. E/ActivityManager(11205): 1.5% 12155/ 1% user + 0.5% kernel / faults: 1488 minor
  1253. E/ActivityManager(11205): 3.3% 11008/zygote: 1.9% user + 1.3% kernel / faults: 4639 minor
  1254. E/ActivityManager(11205): 2.7% 11614/org.omnirom.omniswitch: 0.7% user + 1.9% kernel / faults: 1435 minor
  1255. E/ActivityManager(11205): 2.3% 2368/surfaceflinger: 0.7% user + 1.5% kernel / faults: 23 minor
  1256. E/ActivityManager(11205): 2.3% 12120/org.cyanogenmod.audiofx: 0.9% user + 1.3% kernel / faults: 1439 minor
  1257. E/ActivityManager(11205): 2.3% 12132/ 0.7% user + 1.5% kernel / faults: 1441 minor
  1258. E/ActivityManager(11205): 1.3% 2391/adbd: 0.1% user + 1.1% kernel / faults: 97 minor
  1259. E/ActivityManager(11205): 1.1% 12404/com.svox.pico: 0.5% user + 0.5% kernel / faults: 1542 minor
  1260. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.2% 8636/kworker/u:0: 0% user + 0.2% kernel
  1261. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.9% 11395/ 0.7% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 932 minor
  1262. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.9% 12551/eu.chainfire.supersu: 0.7% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 799 minor
  1263. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.7% 1323/mmcqd/0: 0% user + 0.7% kernel
  1264. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.7% 1460/uksmd: 0% user + 0.7% kernel
  1265. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.7% 2363/logd: 0.1% user + 0.5% kernel / faults: 2 minor
  1266. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.7% 12614/ 0.7% user + 0% kernel / faults: 594 minor
  1267. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.5% 11731/ 0.5% user + 0% kernel / faults: 283 minor
  1268. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0% 466/spi2: 0% user + 0% kernel
  1269. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.3% 625/cfinteractive: 0% user + 0.3% kernel
  1270. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.1% 1551/dhd_dpc: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
  1271. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.3% 2916/logcat: 0.1% user + 0.1% kernel
  1272. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0% 10729/kworker/u:3: 0% user + 0% kernel
  1273. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.3% 10923/kworker/0:2: 0% user + 0.3% kernel
  1274. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.1% 11764/wpa_supplicant: 0% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 12 minor
  1275. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.3% 12016/ 0.1% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 8 minor
  1276. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.3% 12467/ 0.3% user + 0% kernel / faults: 38 minor
  1277. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.3% 12528/ 0.3% user + 0% kernel / faults: 555 minor
  1278. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0% 1421/kswitcher_0: 0% user + 0% kernel
  1279. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0% 1422/kswitcher_1: 0% user + 0% kernel
  1280. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0% 1423/kswitcher_2: 0% user + 0% kernel
  1281. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0% 1550/dhd_watchdog_th: 0% user + 0% kernel
  1282. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.1% 2359/jbd2/mmcblk0p21: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
  1283. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0% 2364/healthd: 0% user + 0% kernel
  1284. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.1% 2365/lmkd: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
  1285. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.1% 2366/servicemanager: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
  1286. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.1% 9292/kworker/0:1: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
  1287. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0% 10908/ksoftirqd/1: 0% user + 0% kernel
  1288. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0% 10932/kworker/2:2: 0% user + 0% kernel
  1289. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0% 11009/netd: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 52 minor
  1290. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.1% 11420/ 0.1% user + 0% kernel / faults: 109 minor
  1291. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.1% 11868/ 0.1% user + 0% kernel / faults: 8 minor
  1292. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.1% 12200/ 0.1% user + 0% kernel / faults: 598 minor
  1293. E/ActivityManager(11205): 0.1% 12573/ 0% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 9 minor
  1294. E/ActivityManager(11205): +0% 12828/com.cyanogenmod.eleven: 0% user + 0% kernel
  1295. E/ActivityManager(11205): +0% 12846/ 0% user + 0% kernel
  1296. E/ActivityManager(11205): +0% 12864/com.cyanogenmod.eleven:main: 0% user + 0% kernel
  1297. E/ActivityManager(11205): +0% 12882/kworker/1:2: 0% user + 0% kernel
  1298. E/ActivityManager(11205): 24% TOTAL: 10% user + 13% kernel + 0% iowait + 0% softirq
  1299. E/ActivityManager(11205): CPU usage from 3735ms to 4258ms later:
  1300. E/ActivityManager(11205): 27% 11205/system_server: 16% user + 11% kernel / faults: 71 minor
  1301. E/ActivityManager(11205): 9.2% 11333/ConnectivitySer: 5.5% user + 3.7% kernel
  1302. E/ActivityManager(11205): 7.4% 11244/ActivityManager: 3.7% user + 3.7% kernel
  1303. E/ActivityManager(11205): 3.7% 11331/WifiStateMachin: 3.7% user + 0% kernel
  1304. E/ActivityManager(11205): 1.8% 11219/FinalizerDaemon: 0% user + 1.8% kernel
  1305. E/ActivityManager(11205): 1.8% 11245/android.ui: 1.8% user + 0% kernel
  1306. E/ActivityManager(11205): 1.8% 11268/android.display: 1.8% user + 0% kernel
  1307. E/ActivityManager(11205): 1.8% 11271/PowerManagerSer: 0% user + 1.8% kernel
  1308. E/ActivityManager(11205): 1.8% 11316/InputDispatcher: 0% user + 1.8% kernel
  1309. E/ActivityManager(11205): 1.8% 11317/InputReader: 0% user + 1.8% kernel
  1310. E/ActivityManager(11205): 1.8% 11324/NetdConnector: 1.8% user + 0% kernel
  1311. E/ActivityManager(11205): 1.8% 11440/Binder_4: 1.8% user + 0% kernel
  1312. E/ActivityManager(11205): 1.8% 11766/Binder_7: 1.8% user +
  1313. E/GpsLocationProvider(11205): No APN found to select.
  1314. E/ActivityThread(12846): Performing stop of activity that is not resumed: {}
  1315. E/ActivityThread(12846): java.lang.RuntimeException: Performing stop of activity that is not resumed: {}
  1316. E/ActivityThread(12846): at
  1317. E/ActivityThread(12846): at
  1318. E/ActivityThread(12846): at$1200(
  1319. E/ActivityThread(12846): at$H.handleMessage(
  1320. E/ActivityThread(12846): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1321. E/ActivityThread(12846): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1322. E/ActivityThread(12846): at
  1323. E/ActivityThread(12846): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  1324. E/ActivityThread(12846): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  1325. E/ActivityThread(12846): at$
  1326. E/ActivityThread(12846): at
  1327. E/wv_dash (11011): chunk TEE virt: 0x200f80
  1328. E/MDM (12467): [184] Couldn't connect to Google API client: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null}
  1329. E/ELEVEN (12864): calling refresh!
  1330. E/wv_dash (11011): chunk TEE virt: 0x200f80
  1331. E/MediaDrm-JNI(13242): Illegal state exception: Failed to set cipher algorithm (-19)
  1332. E/AudioTrack(11205): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  1333. E/ActivityThread(11898): Failed to find provider info for
  1334. E/art (12846): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1634244 byte allocation with 1589372 free bytes and 1552KB until OOM"
  1335. E/art (12846): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 1634244 byte allocation with 1589276 free bytes and 1552KB until OOM"
  1336. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
  1337. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): Process:, PID: 12846
  1338. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #23: Error inflating class <unknown>
  1339. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at
  1340. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at
  1341. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at$900(
  1342. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at$H.handleMessage(
  1343. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1344. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1345. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at
  1346. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  1347. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  1348. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at$
  1349. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at
  1350. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #23: Error inflating class <unknown>
  1351. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(
  1352. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(
  1353. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(
  1354. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(
  1355. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(
  1356. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(
  1357. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at
  1358. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at
  1359. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at
  1360. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at
  1361. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at
  1362. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at
  1363. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at
  1364. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): ... 10 more
  1365. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
  1366. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Native Method)
  1367. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
  1368. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(
  1369. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): ... 22 more
  1370. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 1634244 byte allocation with 1589276 free bytes and 1552KB until OOM
  1371. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.newNonMovableArray(Native Method)
  1372. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at Method)
  1373. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at
  1374. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at
  1375. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at
  1376. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at
  1377. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at
  1378. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at
  1379. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at
  1380. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at
  1381. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at
  1382. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at
  1383. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at
  1384. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at android.content.res.Resources.loadDrawableForCookie(
  1385. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at android.content.res.Resources.loadDrawable(
  1386. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at android.content.res.TypedArray.getDrawable(
  1387. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at android.widget.FrameLayout.<init>(
  1388. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at<init>(
  1389. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at<init>(
  1390. E/AndroidRuntime(12846): at<init>(SetupWizardIllustration.j
  1391. E/ActivityThread(11898): Failed to find provider info for
  1392. E/SQLiteLog(12966): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_B0DEEBA0(STAT_DATA_ID)
  1393. E/SQLiteLog(12966): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_B0DEEAB0(STAT_DATA_ID)
  1394. E/WifiStateMachine(11205): WifiStateMachine L2Connected CMD_START_SCAN source -2 4, 5 -> obsolete
  1395. E/AudioTrack(11205): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  1396. E/SQLiteLog(13054): (284) automatic index on view_events(_id)
  1397. E/art (11205): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 12 byte allocation with 1 free bytes and 1B until OOM"
  1398. E/art (11205): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 24 byte allocation with 1 free bytes and 1B until OOM"
  1399. E/art (11205): Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a 28 byte allocation with 1 free bytes and 1B until OOM" (recursive case)
  1400. E/art (11205): "PackageInstaller" prio=5 tid=26 Runnable
  1401. E/art (11205): | group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x1313b740 self=0xb4a37000
  1402. E/art (11205): | sysTid=11293 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xb492a300
  1403. E/art (11205): | state=R schedstat=( 843430496 48968292 310 ) utm=78 stm=5 core=1 HZ=100
  1404. E/art (11205): | stack=0xa2f9a000-0xa2f9c000 stackSize=1036KB
  1405. E/art (11205): | held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
  1406. E/art (11205): at java.util.jar.ManifestReader.readEntries(
  1407. E/art (11205): at
  1408. E/art (11205): at java.util.jar.Manifest.<init>(
  1409. E/art (11205): at java.util.jar.StrictJarFile.<init>(
  1410. E/art (11205): at
  1411. E/art (11205): at
  1412. E/art (11205): at
  1413. E/art (11205): at
  1414. E/art (11205): at$200(
  1415. E/art (11205): at$1.handleMessage(
  1416. E/art (11205): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1417. E/art (11205): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1418. E/art (11205): at
  1419. E/WifiManager(11898): Channel connection lost
  1420. E/WifiManager(11375): Channel connection lost
  1421. E/WifiManager(12467): Channel connection lost
  1422. E/WifiManager(12302): Channel connection lost
  1423. E/BufferQueueProducer( 2368): [] queueBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
  1424. E/Surface (13446): queueBuffer: error queuing buffer to SurfaceTexture, -19
  1425. E/BluetoothA2dpSink(11375):
  1426. E/BluetoothA2dpSink(11375): android.os.DeadObjectException
  1427. E/BluetoothA2dpSink(11375): at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
  1428. E/BluetoothA2dpSink(11375): at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
  1429. E/BluetoothA2dpSink(11375): at android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManager$Stub$Proxy.unregisterStateChangeCallback(
  1430. E/BluetoothA2dpSink(11375): at android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dpSink.close(
  1431. E/BluetoothA2dpSink(11375): at android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dpSink.finalize(
  1432. E/BluetoothA2dpSink(11375): at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(
  1433. E/BluetoothA2dpSink(11375): at java.lang.Daemons$
  1434. E/BluetoothA2dpSink(11375): at
  1435. E/BluetoothAvrcpController(11375):
  1436. E/BluetoothAvrcpController(11375): android.os.DeadObjectException
  1437. E/BluetoothAvrcpController(11375): at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
  1438. E/BluetoothAvrcpController(11375): at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
  1439. E/BluetoothAvrcpController(11375): at android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManager$Stub$Proxy.unregisterStateChangeCallback(
  1440. E/BluetoothAvrcpController(11375): at android.bluetooth.BluetoothAvrcpController.close(
  1441. E/BluetoothAvrcpController(11375): at android.bluetooth.BluetoothAvrcpController.finalize(
  1442. E/BluetoothAvrcpController(11375): at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(
  1443. E/BluetoothAvrcpController(11375): at java.lang.Daemons$
  1444. E/BluetoothAvrcpController(11375): at
  1445. E/SurfaceFlinger( 2368): ro.sf.lcd_density must be defined as a build property
  1446. E/installd( 2378): eof
  1447. E/installd( 2378): failed to read size
  1448. E/BootAnimation(13612): couldn't find audio_conf.txt
  1449. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
  1450. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): Process:, PID: 11731
  1451. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): java.lang.SecurityException: attempting to read gservices without permission: Neither user 10022 nor current process has
  1452. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at
  1453. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at
  1454. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at android.content.ContextWrapper.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(
  1455. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at
  1456. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at
  1457. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at
  1458. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at
  1459. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at
  1460. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at
  1461. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1462. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1463. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at
  1464. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  1465. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  1466. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at$
  1467. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at
  1468. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): Error reporting crash
  1469. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): android.os.DeadObjectException
  1470. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
  1471. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
  1472. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at
  1473. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at$UncaughtHandler.uncaughtException(
  1474. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at
  1475. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(
  1476. E/AndroidRuntime(11731): at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(
  1477. E/gpsd (11003): IPC Connection closed by libgps. Restarting GPS daemon...
  1478. E/Zygote (11008): Exit zygote because system server (11205) has terminated
  1479. E/Netd (13664): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  1480. E/Netd (13664): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/ip6tnl0/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  1481. E/Netd (13664): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/lo/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  1482. E/Netd (13664): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/p2p0/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  1483. E/Netd (13664): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet0/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  1484. E/Netd (13664): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet1/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  1485. E/Netd (13664): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet2/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  1486. E/Netd (13664): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet3/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  1487. E/Netd (13664): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/sit0/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  1488. E/Netd (13664): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/wlan0/accept_ra_rt_table: No such file or directory
  1489. E/Netd (13664): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  1490. E/Netd (13664): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/ip6tnl0/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  1491. E/Netd (13664): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/lo/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  1492. E/Netd (13664): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/p2p0/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  1493. E/Netd (13664): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet0/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  1494. E/Netd (13664): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet1/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  1495. E/Netd (13664): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet2/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  1496. E/Netd (13664): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet3/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  1497. E/Netd (13664): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/sit0/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  1498. E/Netd (13664): Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/wlan0/use_optimistic: No such file or directory
  1499. E/memtrack(13663): Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
  1500. E/android.os.Debug(13663): failed to load memtrack module: -2
  1501. E/Minikin (13663): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1502. E/Minikin (13663): addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1503. E/AkmSensor(13894): LoadPDC: can't load pdc file.
  1504. E/AkmSensor(13894): LoadDecimator: can't load param file.
  1505. E/BatteryStatsService(13894): Failed to open /sys/kernel/wakeup_reasons/last_resume_reason
  1506. E/SurfaceFlinger( 2368): ro.sf.lcd_density must be defined as a build property
  1507. E/MediaPlayerFactory(13666): calling dlopen on FACTORY_LIB
  1508. E/MediaPlayerFactory(13666): Failed to open FACTORY_LIB Error : dlopen failed: library "" not found
  1509. E/HAL (13666): load: module=/system/lib/hw/
  1510. E/HAL (13666): dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "_ZN7android16CameraParameters10KEY_CITYIDE" referenced by ""...
  1511. E/CameraWrapper(13666): failed to open vendor camera module
  1512. E/MonoPipe(13666): Failed to fetch local time frequency when constructing a MonoPipe (res = -32). getNextWriteTimestamp calls will be non-functional
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