
A Perfidious Pickle

Oct 31st, 2018
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  1. [2018-06-19 13:03] *Atlach-Nacha dangles down a tuna, onion and tomato sandwich. It smells only slightly suspicious.
  2. [2018-06-19 13:05] *Joey Bites stares. "HEY. How many times do you think you can get away with luring me in with yummy shit on a string?"
  3. [2018-06-19 13:06] *Atlach-Nacha drags the sandwich over Joey's face slowly.
  4. [2018-06-19 13:07] Joey Bites: ...
  5. [2018-06-19 13:08] *Joey Bites grabs it two-handed. >:V
  6. [2018-06-19 13:11] *Atlach-Nacha doesn't do anything, just lets him have the delicious sandwich. The tuna especially looks unusually juicy, meaty and luscious.
  7. [2018-06-19 13:13] *Joey Bites is pleasantly surprised when the sandwich isn't immediately yanked out of his grasp, and takes a suspicious bite before digging in. This is.... weird, but sometimes he does something cute and people feel bad for him. :v
  8. [2018-06-19 13:13] *Elsie Kenn lazes over the full length of the bartop, taking up the entire surface with her fat ass and her stick-thin limbs. "Joey, you know that's not gonna do you any good."
  9. [2018-06-19 13:14] *Joey Bites hunches over the sandwich protectively with a muffled growl. Don't talk to him when he's got good food.
  10. [2018-06-19 13:15] *Elsie Kenn lays flat on her back, closing her eyes as she lets out a loooong sigh. "Your intestines are gonna explode, but whatever. Don't cry to me when they do."
  11. [2018-06-19 13:16] *Atlach-Nacha is pleased that he likes it. The tuna is a bit chewy but very savory and tastes a bit like meat, with only small traces of spent morphine.
  12. [2018-06-19 13:23] *Joey Bites isn't picky in the slightest. He's eaten some weird shit in his day, and most of it wasn't served up pretty with tomatoes and onions and all that. "Mm'not," he grunts, nearly finished the sandwich and feeling a little more satisfied that it won't be snatched from his hands. "Nothin' wrong with my guts."
  13. [2018-06-19 13:25] *Atlach-Nacha has nicked Joey's doped up corpse from the other day and made some fine lunchboxes. Enjoy. Recycling is important.
  14. [2018-06-19 13:25] Joey Bites: [sub]Oh. Well.[/sub]
  15. [2018-06-19 13:26] *Joey Bites has never eaten... himself before, but there's a first time for everything.
  16. [2018-06-19 13:26] *Out and a-Scout [sub][s]How do you taste?[/s][/sub]
  17. [2018-06-19 13:28] *Elsie Kenn straight up knew Joey was gonna regret it. Don't distrust a future mother of seven. She always knows best. Even if "best" involves stuffing a key of coke into your colon.
  18. [2018-06-19 13:28] *Joey Bites knows there's an innuendo in there, but mostly just like dubious white meat. Human doesn't taste all that distinctive once you get over the initial shock factor.
  19. [2018-06-19 13:28] *Joey Bites doesn't... regret it, necessarily, it tasted okay...
  20. [2018-06-19 13:31] *Atlach-Nacha has also made some spicy stir-fry with Joey's thighs and rump, in case he gets hungry later. Small portions though. Lanky catboi needs more meat on his bones to feed himself with.
  21. [2018-06-19 13:32] *Elsie Kenn thinks he might regret it if any of the stuff he's carrying manages to get through his gut lining.
  22. [2018-06-19 13:34] *Joey Bites is starting to put a little weight back on over the last couple weeks, at least! A little bit, a tiny bit, not likely enough for anyone to notice, but enough that he feels less likely to collapse in on himself at any given moment, so that's a solid start.
  23. [2018-06-19 13:35] Joey Bites: [sub]I mean that's basically perpetual energy right there. If all you eat is yourself... are you eliminating entropy? Are there diminishing returns? Does the universe implode?[/sub]
  24. [2018-06-19 13:37] Atlach-Nacha: [sub]Shhh. No danger to the universe here. Not at all.[/sub]
  25. [2018-06-19 13:37] *Atlach-Nacha [sub]sounds of rustling Necronomicon pages[/sub]
  26. [2018-06-19 13:46] *Joey Bites stretches egregiously and stretched out across the back of a couch. Good food begets a nap\
  27. [2018-06-19 13:50] Joey Bites: [sub]and double stretching apparently. nice[/sub]
  28. [2018-06-19 13:56] *Merces appears in a flash of purple-black smog. She sits on a rafter just above Joey, her knees high and her forearms rooted against her thighs.
  29. [2018-06-19 13:57] *Joey Bites cracks open an eye and watches her lazily.
  30. [2018-06-19 13:57] *Out and a-Scout [sub]I'm hungry. Hey, spider lady! You got any more sandwiches? [/sub]
  31. [2018-06-19 14:03] Joey Bites: [sub]Sandwiches for good boys only.[/sub]
  32. [2018-06-19 14:04] *Out and a-Scout [sub]I'm a good boy. >:[[/sub]
  33. [2018-06-19 14:06] *Atlach-Nacha lowers a jar of pickled cucumbers onto the bar counter. She was planning to give it to warden as a hangover cure, but now might as well...
  34. [2018-06-19 14:06] Joey Bites: [sub]Naw.[/sub]
  35. [2018-06-19 14:06] *Out and a-Scout [sub]Aw, what? Look at me. I'm totally a good boy![/sub]
  36. [2018-06-19 14:07] *Atlach-Nacha thinks Scout looks like a good cucumber boy. Now smile and eat the pickles before they go in the wrong way.
  37. [2018-06-19 14:08] *Joey Bites contributes to society by keeping the mouse population under control. What does Scout do besides make poor life choices?
  38. [2018-06-19 14:08] *Out and a-Scout is gonna eat those goddamn pickles, but he's not gonna smile. >:I
  39. [2018-06-19 14:09] *Atlach-Nacha will allow him to make a variety of expressions while eating every last pickle in that 5 litre jar.
  40. [2018-06-19 14:09] *Out and a-Scout kills guys for cash, is the owner of the Tom Jones museum (located in the middle of fucking nowhere, New Mexico), um...
  41. [2018-06-19 14:10] *Out and a-Scout he's uh...
  42. [2018-06-19 14:10] *Out and a-Scout he uh.
  43. [2018-06-19 14:10] *Out and a-Scout is a useless piece of shit beyond those two things, tbh.
  44. [2018-06-19 14:12] *Out and a-Scout is starting to lose steam and his enthusiasm for pickles, "That's enough for me, thanks lady," :']
  45. [2018-06-19 14:13] *Frankie Roth EAT MORE PICKLES
  46. [2018-06-19 14:14] Elsie Kenn: "Shove them up his ass."
  47. [2018-06-19 14:14] Frankie Roth: I'm sure he'd love that
  48. [2018-06-19 14:14] *Out and a-Scout [sub]N o p e . [/sub]
  49. [2018-06-19 14:15] Frankie Roth: Liar
  50. [2018-06-19 14:15] *Out and a-Scout [sub]Nuh-uh, nope, I don't want nothin' going near my ass.[/sub]
  51. [2018-06-19 14:15] *Out and a-Scout [sub]I'm not eatin' another gODDAMN PICKLE.[/sub]
  52. [2018-06-19 14:15] *Merces remains sitting above Joey, staring down at him with those luminescent yellow eyes. There's blood streaked over her face-- enough to be noticed, but little enough that it wasn't visible at first.
  53. [2018-06-19 14:17] *Atlach-Nacha pulls the pickle jar into the air again and slowly hovers it towards the scout. He has nowhere to run.
  54. [2018-06-19 14:17] *Out and a-Scout leeeans away from the pickle jar, thoroughly uncomfortable, "Lady, I'm not eatin' another goddamn pickle, an' you can't make me,"
  55. [2018-06-19 14:18] Out and a-Scout: I wonder...
  56. [2018-06-19 14:18] Out and a-Scout: [eicon]pickle[/eicon]
  57. [2018-06-19 14:18] Out and a-Scout: Nope, no pickle.
  58. [2018-06-19 14:18] *Joey Bites frowns. If memory serves - and it doesn't, often - this is the same lady who tried to save his bacon the other day. What's she looming over him for? "Can I help you, or what?"
  59. [2018-06-19 14:19] *Elsie Kenn thumps her Converse against the bartop rhythmically, still completely planked out. "SOD-O-MY. SOD-O-MY. SOD-O-MY."
  60. [2018-06-19 14:19] *Merces gives him a slow shrug. "I dunno, can you?"
  61. [2018-06-19 14:20] *Joey Bites blinks just as slowly, a gesture intended to convey that he isn't a threat. "Seriously doubt it. What're you lookin' for? I don't have much."
  62. [2018-06-19 14:20] *Out and a-Scout "No sodomy! Sod-o-no! Sod-o-nowhere-near-my-goddamn-ass!" >:UUU
  63. [2018-06-19 14:20] *Atlach-Nacha starts to lose her patience. Swinging out from the attic Tarzan-style, she snatches the pickle jar from the air and tackles the scout from behind.
  64. [2018-06-19 14:21] Merces: "I'm not looking for anything. I'm staring at you because you're beneath the position I arrived in."
  65. [2018-06-19 14:21] *Out and a-Scout [b]fucking screams[/b] as he's tackled to the ground, flopping and thrashing around like a lanky fish out of water, wheezing, "No! No pickles! No! Get the fuck off'a me, ya dumb broad, I don't want your pickles!"
  66. [2018-06-19 14:22] *Joey Bites relaxes the tension in his shoulders, apparently satisfied with this explanation. "...Oh. Well you're starin' at me pretty hard, there."
  67. [2018-06-19 14:22] *Elsie Kenn calls out using her best acting voice. "[b]Fuck him IN THE ASS![/b]"
  68. [2018-06-19 14:22] *Merces just keeps staring at him. "Yeah. I don't blink much. It's nothing personal."
  69. [2018-06-19 14:23] *Out and a-Scout "DON'T FUCK ME IN THE ASS! DON'T!" He's so distressed, bless him.
  70. [2018-06-19 14:25] *Joey Bites nods slowly, curling his tail around his hip and resuming his nap.
  71. [2018-06-19 14:25] *Atlach-Nacha doesn't need any instruction on how to put the pickles in their rightful place. She straddles the scout facing forward, opening the pickle jar with a pop and sticking in a striped spidery leg to fish out a nice plump sample, dripping with vinegary marinade. Another clicking talon reaches backwards and tears through his pants.
  72. [2018-06-19 14:26] Out and a-Scout: [s]I'm gonna fucking cry oh my God what is this[/s]
  73. [2018-06-19 14:27] *Joey Bites [sub]might watch this though. What a waste of a good pickle.[/sub]
  74. [2018-06-19 14:28] *Atlach-Nacha grabs his ears and pulls his head back. The pickle is slowly lowered to the tear in his trousers and rests against the entrance to the sacred vault. It's pleasantly wet and chilly.
  75. [2018-06-19 14:29] *Out and a-Scout looks about ready to have a goddamn mental breakdown, his face is scrunched up in discomfort and flushed red, grey-blue eyes wobbling pathetically as he thrashes and squirms around, kicking his sneaker-clad feet violently, screaming at the top of his lungs, "Heeelp! Somebody help! Rape! Raaape! Jesus, Mary an' Joseph, somebody help me! [b]SHE'S GONNA FUCK ME WITH A PICKLE![/b]"
  76. [2018-06-19 14:30] *Of Poisoned Fields starts whipping Scout's balls to distract him from the impending Pickle Surprise.
  77. [2018-06-19 14:31] *Out and a-Scout [sub]THAT DOESN'T FUCKING HELP, OBVIOUSLY. [/sub]
  78. [2018-06-19 14:31] *Out and a-Scout really doesn't want a pickle surprise, he doesn't.
  79. [2018-06-19 14:31] *Atlach-Nacha braces her thighs against the rowdy scooter to keep him in place. The pickle slowly pushes its way inside, parting his ring and rubbing his insides with those fleshy pickley studs, making him feel every bit of it.
  80. [2018-06-19 14:35] *Out and a-Scout is getting his asshole invaded by a fucking [b]pickle[/b]. And no, he's not lovin' it. Letting out a scream that'd make a Banshee wince, the Scout began to fight about more violently as he felt the bumpy tip of that pickle surprise pushing its way into his poor, poor ass, thrashing his head about, trying to break away from the woman's grip on his ear so that he could smash his face into the floor and put himself down, it'd be better than getting butt-fucked by a pickle, any how.
  81. [2018-06-19 14:36] Out and a-Scout: [s]I don't wanna write this, I don't[/s]
  82. [2018-06-19 14:36] Joey Bites: [sub]Ouch. That brine's gotta sting.[/sub]
  83. [2018-06-19 14:37] Out and a-Scout: [eicon]skullscoot[/eicon]
  84. [2018-06-19 14:38] *Atlach-Nacha is slowly working the pickle all the way in, until his pucker has closed behind it. But it doesn't stay closed for long. A second pickle is already parting his insides, pushing the first one further in. She twists it like a bullet fired from a rifle.
  85. [2018-06-19 14:40] *Frankie Roth sets his mouth to the side. Guess he should have expected this sort of reaction. Oh well! Time to sit back and relax noww
  86. [2018-06-19 14:42] Out and a-Scout: I need a fucking drink good God
  87. [2018-06-19 14:43] Joey Bites: Welcome to GDV, my man.
  88. [2018-06-19 14:43] Joey Bites: Your official initiation
  89. [2018-06-19 14:44] *Atlach-Nacha lowers the jar to his lips, still holding his head up by his reddening ears. She uses a pair of spidery talons to pinch his nose. "Here you go." A plentiful helping of savory and piquant marinade pours forward.
  90. [2018-06-19 14:45] Joey Bites: [sub]Hoohoo.[/sub]
  91. [2018-06-19 14:47] Frankie Roth: [sub]That's one of the few times where pinching the nose would actually work...[/sub]
  92. [2018-06-19 14:48] CassieCage: Or a peg.
  93. [2018-06-19 14:48] *Out and a-Scout 's poor, pasty ass isn't taking too kindly to the pickle surprise being forced into it, and neither is the Scout himself. He looks sort of funny, to be entirely honest, laying there with a pickle--soon to be two pickles--in his ass, spidery "hands" pinching at his ears and an expression on his face that can only be described as rabid. His cheeks were flushed beet red, his grey-blue eyes stung with tears and his big white teeth grit so hard, it was a wonder they didn't crack, frothy saliva forming at the corners of his mouth as he thrashed and trembled, spewing out every dirty word he knew, sputtering and coughing when the pickle juice was poured into his mouth and nose, over his face and through his hair, thanks to his squirming. And he still had a goddamn pickle-and-a-half in his ass. You'd think that the pickle juice would make things a little more pleasant, but nope, it was like an Indian burn for his butthole, and when he clenched to try and repel it, it just stung more. Scout RPer is having a hard time writing seriously at this point. Can you tell?
  94. [2018-06-19 14:58] *Atlach-Nacha has a look of grave determination as she sends a third pickle into the fray, then a fourth, and more, the gentle pushing gradually growing to forceful shoving of the pickles inside as the resistance of his intestines increases. It's a rather pleasant kind of resistance, though. So fleshy and elastic... Scooter starts getting drool dripping onto his field cap as she imagines the way his innards are being snugly stuffed and marinated at the same time. As the pickle jar empties one firm phallic shape after another, she begins developing advanced insertion techniques, wiggling and twisting the pickles and variably pushing harder and slower, following the movements of his anal muscles. A sour & savory rhythm of squelching marinade, stinging vinegar and aromatic spices resounds around them.
  95. [2018-06-19 14:59] Out and a-Scout: [sub][s]Now I'm hungry. Is that inappropriate, considering what's going on? Probably. I love me some Scout abuse tho[/s][/sub]
  96. [2018-06-19 14:59] Joey Bites: [sub]That's... kind of hot, in a bizarre way?[/sub]
  97. [2018-06-19 15:00] Frankie Roth: Y'know what else is hot?
  98. [2018-06-19 15:01] Frankie Roth: Tamales
  99. [2018-06-19 15:05] CassieCage: And wasabi.
  100. [2018-06-19 15:10] *Out and a-Scout had, at some point or another during this clusterfuck (or, rather, picklefuck?) began to cry, burning tears bubbling up in his eyes and dribbling down his red, sweaty cheeks, his screams dying down into pathetic little sounds as he cried his eyes out and tried to focus on something, anything at all, that wasn't [b]this[/b]. He had an ass crammed full of pickles and a spider lady holding onto him by the ears, forcing him to remain somewhat still as each one was stuffed into his poor, stinging ass. His stomach had been burning since the beginning, but now it felt like it was on fire, and every time he trembled, like he was doing now, a faint swishing of liquid could be heard from inside. And then, as if things weren't bad enough already, he pissed himself, the scent of salty, acrid piss mixing with the smell of his sweat and the pickles. [i]When's this bitch gonna run out of pickles?![/i]
  101. [2018-06-19 15:10] *Out and a-Scout [eicon]scouttears[/eicon]
  102. [2018-06-19 15:22] *Atlach-Nacha has fit about two-thirds of the massive jar into his bowels, feeling his belly bulge against the ground and raising her up into the air a little. At this point, he was so stuffed that the resistance became too great. The last pickle she tried to fit in got crushed halfway in, the front half mashed to bits and his abused brown ring biting the remaining part it in half. A piece of pickle stuck out of there as a sign that there was no more space here. Disappointed, Hatsune leaned forward and put the jar in front of him instead. her black mane cascading around his trembling shoulders. Still holding him by his ears, she trailed her tongue up his cheek, tasting the mix of sweat, tears and pickle juice and smacking her lips with an impressed look on her face. This was the secret marinade recipe of the future. Scout tears! Pickles would never be the same. But either way, there were still some crunchy specimen to fit inside, but now by necessity the other way. Striped talons caught his jaws and forced them apart, pulling his head as far back as his spine allowed. Her fiendish crimson eyes met with him as she continued her eldritch mission. [sub]"Would you like a pickle, mister? I made them myself."[/sub] A plump studded shape wiggled past his teeth and down his throat carefully.
  103. [2018-06-19 15:26] Jack Shrake: Ay what's going up in this bitch?
  104. [2018-06-19 15:27] Out and a-Scout: P i c k l e s u r p r i s e !
  105. [2018-06-19 15:27] Elsie Kenn: "Man, his colon must just be like... clogged now."
  106. [2018-06-19 15:28] Joey Bites: [sub]I'm kinda into it.[/sub]
  107. [2018-06-19 15:28] Jack Shrake: did I just walk into?
  108. [2018-06-19 15:29] Joey Bites: [sub]Please don't kill him, so his Medic has to fish them all out of him afterwards.[/sub]
  109. [2018-06-19 15:29] Jack Shrake: [sub]Nah, not gonna kill you. Not yet at least[/sub]
  110. [2018-06-19 15:30] *Joey Bites was referring to the spider lady currently stuffing Scout full of pickles from both ends. :|c
  111. [2018-06-19 15:33] *Out and a-Scout had stopped making noise altogether a few minutes ago. Thank God, the stupid bastard finally shut up. Red face streaked with tears and grey-blue eyes so red and puffy they could hardly open, all he could do was shudder and let out a sad, shaky little groan as the last of the pickles was stuffed into his poor, poor little ass. And you know, for the briefest of instants, he was almost hopeful. Hopeful that the weird spider lady's pickle fetish had been appeased and that she'd lost interest in him. And then he had a pickle being nudged at his lips. Sniffling, the Bostonian stared blankly up at the woman for a few seconds, his broad shoulders slumping and his clothed, lanky form trembling as he allowed his lips to be parted--like he had any choice--, reddened lips peeling back and big white teeth lifting up, it was a wonder he could get anything into his mouth with those big front teeth of his in the way. He just wanted it to be over, he was in so much pain, and all thanks to some fucking pickles.
  112. [2018-06-19 15:34] *Out and a-Scout [eicon]yeeeah[/eicon]
  113. [2018-06-19 15:46] *Atlach-Nacha quickly repurposed her ass-stuffing techniques to throat-stuffing techniques. There was surprisingly little difference. Twisting and pushing the tasty treats down, trying to avoid scraping them against his teeth. It looked like his jaws wouldn't open wide enough, so most of the pickles had to go down partially peeled. "Granny, what big teeth you have." She stuck her wet talon inside the jar once again, feeling around until discovering that there was only one pickle left. The ultimate pickle. The boss pickle. The King. The fattest, thickest example of cucumber in the whole reserve by far, waiting all the way down in the depths of spicy seas. She took a moment to hover the majestic treat in front of the scout's eye for a moment, before bringing it to his mouth. Of course, it didn't fit past those teeth of his. Not wanting to ruin the beautiful pickle, the spider tries prying his jaws further apart, only to hear a loud crack. Well, at least the jaws gave way. Now all that was left... The studded monster made a bit of headway down his throat before inevitably getting stuck. "Grr!" No matter how much she pushed, the King would not budge, blocking his airways and bulging out his throat visibly. "Come on!" Raising her palm, she slammed it down onto the green end sticking out to the air, but to no avail. This was one pickle too much.
  114. [2018-06-19 15:47] Out and a-Scout: <333333
  115. [2018-06-19 15:47] *Tom The Husky appears and is instantly confused
  116. [2018-06-19 15:48] *Jack Shrake is stuck staring at a wall of text
  117. [2018-06-19 15:49] Joey Bites: I mean I wouldn't call that a wall, lol
  118. [2018-06-19 15:49] Joey Bites: I've seen way bigger in here
  119. [2018-06-19 15:49] Tom The Husky: I'm not concerned about the length of the text
  120. [2018-06-19 15:49] Tom The Husky: I want to know where we got pickles big enough to break jaws
  121. [2018-06-19 15:49] Joey Bites: Good. Size isn't everything.
  122. [2018-06-19 15:50] Jack Shrake: Says the one without any size
  123. [2018-06-19 15:50] Joey Bites: Exactly, I'd know best
  125. ***
  127. [2018-06-26 13:07] Joey Bites: To be fair, Scout is a lot of fun to bully
  128. [2018-06-26 13:07] *Out and a-Scout [eicon]scouttears[/eicon]
  129. [2018-06-26 13:09] *Atlach-Nacha has put some [eicon]scouttears[/eicon] in her pickles this time. [eicon]okemoji[/eicon]
  130. [2018-06-26 13:09] *Out and a-Scout winces. Not the pickles...
  131. [2018-06-26 13:10] Joey Bites: He's got that rowdy boyish charm, but he's also kind of a little bitch.
  132. [2018-06-26 13:10] *Atlach-Nacha got a surge of bookmarks after that scene. There's a whole slew of closet pickle sluts lurking in this room.
  133. [2018-06-26 13:11] Out and a-Scout: That's Scout for ya!
  134. [2018-06-26 13:11] *Out and a-Scout [sub][s]did as well, oops. Bunch'a pickle pervs.[/s][/sub]
  135. [2018-06-26 13:12] Joey Bites: [sub]omg.[/sub]
  136. [2018-06-26 13:13] Joey Bites: With or without garlic?
  137. [2018-06-26 13:14] *Atlach-Nacha uses a stout Russian pickle recipe. There's some garlic. But also a lot of horseradish. And... some other piquant things.
  138. [2018-06-26 13:15] Joey Bites: [sub]Oh no. Horseradish does not go up there.[/sub]
  139. [2018-06-26 13:16] Joey Bites: [sub]But then neither should spiders, I've learned not to doubt you.[/sub]
  140. [2018-06-26 13:16] Atlach-Nacha: [sub]I can also do a Japanese recipe with ginger instead, if that's more your speed.[/sub]
  141. [2018-06-26 13:17] *Out and a-Scout sliiides off to the corner.
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