
Space Case Chapter Four (Old Version)

Aug 19th, 2013
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  1. ---ONE WEEK LATER---
  2. >Princess Celestia sits in her private study and stares at the sealed envelope that lays on her desk.
  3. >Words are printed in big red letters across the envelope that read: FOR ROYAL EYES ONLY.
  4. >She gets quite a lot of these parcels, but she know exactly what is in this particular one.
  5. >It’s the report from the science team she gathered to examine the Outsider.
  6. >Barely able to contain her anxiety, Celestia breaks the seal on the envelope with her magic and proceeds to read through the entire report.
  7. >She wants to know exactly what the Zodiac sent to her kingdom this time.
  8. >Outsiders have shown up in her lands before, but they typically didn’t survive their first day due to radically different biology.
  9. >Celestia can remember only a hoofful of Outsiders that lasted for more than a week.
  10. >And there was only one Outsider that managed to survive fully, however that particular Outsider was never even seen
  11. >And those Outsiders were...
  12. >Well, let’s just say they overstayed their welcome.
  14. >But this Outsider...
  15. >He’s vastly different.
  16. >The further into the report Celestia reads, the more she starts to believe that this Outsider may just be able to survive the Zodiac’s twisted little game.
  17. >After all, as stated by the Outsider himself in this report, humans are purpose-built for survival.
  18. >Although it is a shame that the Outsider has to be shielded from the sun’s rays.
  19. >Something about “excessive ultraviolet radiation” or something like that.
  20. >Princess Celestia collects the pages of the report and puts them in another envelope.
  21. >Celestia calls out for a guard who quickly trots up.
  22. >She instructs the guard to have copies of this report made and distributed to everyone in the castle, all the officials throughout Equestria, and the Elements of Harmony.
  23. >After the guard is dismissed, Celestia rises from her desk and sets out to keep a watchful eye on the Outsider.
  24. >If her hunch is correct, very interesting things are going to be centered around this Outsider in the near future.
  25. >Plus, she wishes to have one last conversation with the Outsider before he leaves Canterlot.
  27. >It has been a week since you have arrived in Canterlot and seven days since you have arrived in the plane of existence Equestria resides in.
  28. >This is because an Equestrian week is actually five days long.
  29. >During the four day long questioning by the science team, you were also rigorously tested on your physical and mental capacities.
  30. >You also learned much about Equestria and ponies in general during that time.
  31. >For example, an Equestrian year is only eight months long.
  32. >Each month is five weeks long and each day is twenty hours long.
  33. >So that means that an Equestrian year is two hundred days long.
  34. >Oddly enough, an Equestrian hour and a Terran hour are the exact same, down to the minutes and seconds.
  35. >Hecate programmed you a new calendar and clock to match Equestrian time.
  36. >After some basic math, you figure out that since you are forty six years old and some change, that makes you one hundred and one years old by pony years.
  37. >Which, as you found out as well, is a few years above the average life expectancy of a pony.
  38. >This didn’t surprise you since humans are fairly long lived compared to the other alien races Humanity has met.
  39. >The ponies, however, were very surprised to learn of your longevity.
  40. >Very few species in Equestria lived longer than ponies.
  41. >Most notable of those species are Minotaurs, Dragons, Gryphons, and of course, Alicorns.
  42. >That’s what ponies with both wings and a horn are called.
  43. >You also learned that there is another Alicorn that you haven’t met and that she is also a Princess.
  45. >Speaking of royalty, you tried following up on Hecate’s advice and went to find either Trixie or Princess Luna.
  46. >However, every time you went to look for them, you could not find either of them.
  47. >Come to find out, Luna had holed herself up with Trixie in some corner of the castle and was testing her aptitude in magic.
  48. >Sounds boring as hell to you.
  49. >So, you tried to make some connections your own way.
  50. >Which led you to your current situation.
  51. >"Tell me, Outsider, what is your world like?”
  52. >You shift a little on your helmet to get more comfortable.
  53. >You set your armored hands on the marble table you are seated at.
  54. >The armor makes a metallic clinking on the stone surface.
  55. >It’s late evening, and the day room you are in has soft, amber light flowing in from the windows.
  56. >The room is very active at this time with various species mulling about, but communication can still be had without raised voices.
  57. >Most everyone in the room is preoccupied with their own affairs, but you can still feel a few stares.
  58. “You see, that is a trick question, technically.”
  59. >The minotaur and gryphon seated opposite of you both look at you with questioning looks as you answer the question.
  60. >The minotaur is roughly eight feet tall, thickly muscled, black fur and brown skin, some visible scarring, very broad shoulders, has a platinum ring in his nose, has ivory white horns, and shows signs of old age.
  61. >The gryphon is roughly twice the size of an average pony, peregrine falcon colorings for her feathers, cheetah fur, and speaks with a silky purr quality in her voice.
  62. >She also likes to talk with her hands.
  64. >They were, by all accounts, the largest minotaur and gryphon you have ever seen.
  65. >The two of them being the only minotaur and gryphon you’ve ever seen has nothing to do with that fact.
  66. “Also, call me Anon, please.”
  67. >The more you interact with the locals of this planet, the more you believe that Hecate is over exaggerating about hostile environments.
  68. >After all, Hecate is a combat AI.
  69. >She’s hardwired to detect threats, even if it’s only an allusion to a threat.
  70. >It’s to be expected.
  71. >The gryphon clears her throat and starts to speak, derailing your short train of thought.
  72. >”Very well then, Anon. Now, how is the question I asked a trick question?”
  73. >While the Gryphon, Senator Huxley, speaks to you, the Minotaur, Senator Strong Rock, offers you a cigar.
  74. >You accept, of course, as you feel it would be rude to deny his hospitality.
  75. >These two diplomats are the only two individuals who do not look like they are going to pass out from fright at the sight of you.
  76. >Well, aside from the scientists who have been trying to shadow you.
  77. >They’re hilariously bad at stealth.
  78. >You don’t mind the tailing much.
  79. >They’re probably just observing your social interactions.
  80. >Plus, it gives you something to chuckle about.
  82. >After your cigar is lit and you take a few drags, enjoying the smooth walnut flavor, you begin your explanation.
  83. “Wow, damn fine cigar... now, to answer both of your questions. Humanity currently has roughly... seventeen hundred star systems that humans hold claim to. That is not counting shared territories. Out of all those star systems, and all the planets in them, and all the asteroid outposts, and all the various colonies, humans only have seven home worlds. The rest are used for resources and trading hubs. So, I cannot tell you what our ‘home’ is like because I have never been to all seven homeworlds. I have also never set foot on a planet until a few days ago for that matter. However, I can tell you what Terra Nova is like. That’s where I was born and raised. Terra Nova is one of the larger spaceports of the United Terran Alliance.”
  84. >As you continue speaking, Huxley looks positively enraptured by your explanations while Strong Rock has shown no greater or lesser interest than his initial curiosity upon seeing you.
  85. >Strong Rock has also not spoken at all since you’ve met him.
  86. >You take Strong Rock’s consistency and silence as a good sign, either way.
  87. >As you continue enjoying your cigar, you explain various details about your homeworld and the United Terran Alliance.
  88. >It seems that Celestia released the scientific studies to all personnel and staff in the castle, so that saved you quite a bit of time explaining basic things.
  89. >You also learn quite a few details about gryphon and minotaur society from Huxley.
  90. >Strong Rock never did say anything.
  91. >Although he did offer you another cigar.
  92. >Which you accept graciously.
  94. >After a few more hours of conversing with Strong Rock and Huxley, the two senators excused themselves.
  95. >After saying that they would like to meet you again at the same time in the same place, they make their exit.
  96. >Which leaves you alone at your table.
  97. >After the two senators are far enough away not to be heard, Huxley turns to Strong Rock and begins to speak.
  98. >”Do you think we should ask him?”
  99. >Strong Rock considers Huxley’s words with much thought before answering.
  100. >”I believe it would be wise to speak to the Outsider on the subject and then make him the offer.”
  101. >Strong Rock’s voice is very deep and powerful.
  102. >A voice fitting of his namesake.
  103. >”So it’s settled then. Tomorrow is the day. I just hope that Anon keeps an open mind on things...”
  104. >Strong Rock lets out a deep grunt at that.
  105. >”Do not worry so much, Huxley. The Outsider is a very intelligent and wise being. He will surely see our points as valid and pertinent.”
  106. >Huxley sighs.
  107. >”I hope you are right, old friend. I really do.”
  108. >The gryphon and minotaur duo walk along in silence for a few moments before something strikes Huxley as odd.
  109. >”Say, why did you keep giving Anon those cigars? If I recall, those are some rather expensive ones.”
  110. >Strong Rock lets out a deep, rolling chuckle before answering.
  111. >”All fine gentlemen enjoy a quality cigar. The Outsider proves to be no exception.”
  112. >”Okay, then tell me this. How did you know Anon is a gentlemen?”
  113. >”I didn’t. But now I do. This is also how I know that Anon will keep an open mind.”
  114. >Huxley stops walking for a moment to contemplate the logic behind that statement.
  115. >After a moment, she brings a talon up to rub her lower beak.
  116. “Clever...”
  119. >You don’t feel like moving until you finish this cigar.
  120. >It’s that good.
  121. >That is, until you hear a strange sound.
  122. >It sounds like metal bouncing on metal.
  123. >You look around until you find the source of the noise.
  124. >“I keep putting bits in it but no music plays! I just don’t know what went wrong!”
  125. >A grey pegasus mare with a blonde mane and tail keeps shoving small gold coins inside one of your suit’s vernier thrusters.
  126. >Which just so happens to be located above your right butt cheek.
  127. “Leave me alone!”
  128. >You wave an arm at her in annoyance and she scampers away.
  129. >Apparently she thinks you are a... what were those machines called...
  130. “Hecate.”
  131. >Hecate’s holographic form blinks into existence in front of you.
  132. “What are those old Terra Genesis machines that played music in bars?”
  133. >”I believe they were called jukeboxes.”
  134. “Well isn’t that something. That pegasus thinks I’m one of those things.”
  135. >Hecate giggles a little at that.
  136. >”Have you tried singing something? Maybe your new destiny is to be a jukebox.”
  137. >You scowl at the hologram which is currently clutching her non-existent sides in laughter.
  138. >“You could be a Jukebox Hero!”
  140. >You close your eyes and pinch the bridge of your nose as Hecate continues to laugh at your expense.
  141. “Dammit Hecate, you’re not helping...”
  142. >The mare is back again and continues to shove coins into your vernier thrusters, oblivious to your conversation.
  143. >This time she’s trying your left thigh.
  144. >”Maybe this one will work...”
  145. >You snap your head back towards the pegasus.
  146. “I AM NOT A JUKEBOX!”
  147. >The mare yelps loudly before flying off down the hallway.
  148. >A few seconds later, you hear a loud crash and the sound of someone screaming.
  149. >”MY CABBAGES!!!”
  150. >This only causes Hecate to laugh even harder.
  151. >Since you no longer have anything to do here, you get up, grab the report off the table, roll it up and stick it in your toolbelt, grab your helmet, and leave the day room with Hecate still following you around, laughing her non-existent ass off.
  152. >Sometimes, you hate how AIs are made to learn and mimic human behavior.
  153. >You really hate how they’re able to do it far too well.
  154. >You also make a mental note to yourself to remove the bits from your vernier thrusters later.
  155. >Free cash is the best kind of cash.
  157. ---A FEW MINUTES LATER---
  158. >By now, the sun is very close to setting and the castle is painted in the colors of sunset.
  159. >”Anon...”
  160. “Hecate, shush.”
  161. >You continue marching down the hallway.
  162. >These corridors seem to go on forever.
  163. >”Anon, you should ask for-”
  164. “Shut it, Hecate. I know what I’m doing.”
  165. >Not really, but you get by.
  166. >But now for the real question.
  167. >How is this castle so big?
  168. >”Anon, you’re lost.”
  169. “I know that! That doesn’t mean you need to point it out!”
  170. >As you walk further down the hallway, you begin to hear a cacophony of voices.
  171. >It sounds like a dull thrum as it echoes in the corridor.
  172. >”You’re hopeless...”
  173. “Look, one of these halls has to lead back to my room. I just have to find the right one.”
  174. >The hallway you’re walking down terminates into a spacious room with a balcony on either side of the room, hallways branching off from either side of the room, and a grand stairway that leads up to both balconies.
  176. >On the landing of the grand staircase, there is a large archway that leads to what looks like a lecture hall or auditorium.
  177. >On the keystone of the archway is emblazoned Celestia’s sun mark.
  178. >It sounds like the commotion is coming from inside there.
  179. >At this point, the gathering can be clearly heard, but not overpowering in volume.
  180. >”Hey Anon, I have this novel idea.”
  181. “What’s that?”
  182. >“It’s called finding someone and asking for directions! And look, it sounds like there’s a few dozen someones over there!”
  183. “Bah, that’s no fun. Where’s your spirit of adventure?”
  184. >”AI’s don’t have spirits of adventure. Everyone knows that. And another thing: Is this how a Lieutenant Commander of the UTA supposed to act? And a forty six year old man for that matter?”
  185. “You see Hecate, it’s that attitude right there that’s the reason you never will have a spirit of adventure. Also, nobody ever said I had to grow up. Just that I had to get older. Now come on, let’s go find my room.”
  186. >As you begin to walk towards one of the hallways to your right, you halt in your tracks as a voice rings out clear as day over all the various others.
  187. >”Oh, hello Outsider. I was just about to go find you.”
  189. >You turn to look up the staircase to see none other than Princess Celestia walking out of the large archway, flanked on each side by a royal pegasus guard.
  190. >She continues out of the archway and begins walking down the stairs.
  191. >As usual, she carries herself in a very dignified and graceful manner.
  192. >You still don’t understand how Celestia can pull it off without making her movements look awkward.
  193. >You always thought horses looked awkward in general.
  194. >”What brings you over to the auditorium?”
  195. >You raise a hand and begin to explain why you are where you are, but Hecate cuts you off.
  196. >”He’s lost.”
  197. >Damn it, Hecate.
  198. >Your arm falls to your side as you slowly turn your head to glare at Hecate’s holographic form.
  199. “I am not lost!”
  200. >Celestia at this point has reached the bottom of the staircase and continues to walk towards you, giggling lightly.
  201. >”Of course you aren’t lost.”
  202. >Still looking at Hecate, a victorious smile plays across your features.
  203. “See? She believes me.”
  204. >Hecate facepalms and lets out an annoyed sigh.
  205. >Celestia continues walking along as she continues addressing you.
  206. >”Of course I believe you. Now, if it’s not too much trouble, may I join you in your room? There is something I wish to ask you there.”
  207. >A thinly veiled attempt to help you find your room while still getting what she wants.
  208. >Pretty clever.
  209. >You comply, of course.
  210. >It would be rude not to.
  211. >You fall in step behind Celestia and her royal guards.
  213. >A very short time later, you arrive at your room.
  214. >It turns out you were not at all that far off from your room.
  215. >Your room was even down the hallway you wanted to explore.
  216. >Eat your virtual heart out, Hecate.
  217. >You open the door and let Celestia in first.
  218. >After she enters, you do as well.
  219. >Your shield is propped up in one corner of the room, which Celestia is eyeing intently.
  220. “Would your question happen to pertain to my shield?”
  221. >”Not particularly. I find the color scheme to be enchanting, is all.”
  222. >As you look the shield over, you admire the paint job again.
  223. >A giant, silver twelve pointed star dominates the center of the shield.
  224. >The star is set against a background that, if you didn’t know any better, looks exactly like a star filled nebula.
  225. >”So tell me Outsider, what are your plans?”
  226. >Celestia’s question breaks you from your reverie of remembering all of the wondrous and awe inspiring sights you’ve seen during your service in the Terran Navy.
  227. “Hmm? Oh, my plans? I plan on trying to get back to my own plane of existence.”
  228. >Celestia cocks an eyebrow inquisitively.
  229. >”That’s it?”
  230. >It takes you a moment, but you realize why she’s asking this.
  231. >She’s trying to find out your purpose in Equestria.
  232. >Of course, that may also be a ruse and Celestia could also be trying to figure out how fast your wits are.
  234. >So, you decide to give her a useless answer on both fronts.
  235. “I may also stop and have a nice apple pie along the way. I haven’t had one of those in ages.”
  236. >If Celestia was surprised or taken aback by your answer, she didn’t show it.
  237. >Instead, she merely laughed lightly before speaking again.
  238. >”Well, if it’s apple pie you are looking for, you should try Ponyville. It’s not too far away, and there is a pony there that can make the best apple pie in all of Equestria. Just ask for Applejack. She won’t be hard to find.”
  239. >And with that, Celestia excuses herself and leaves your room.
  240. >...
  241. >That was anticlimactic.
  242. >You were expecting Celestia to inquire further, not for her to give you advice on where to find apple pie.
  243. >Feeling slightly disappointed, you strip the suit off and remove the bits that the grey pegasus shoved into two of your thrusters.
  244. >After pulling out six bits, you decide it’s best to go to sleep.
  245. >Today wasn’t very eventful, but it still left you feeling tired.
  246. >Getting old sucks.
  248. ---THE NEXT DAY---
  249. >It’s late evening once again, and you find yourself seated at the same table in the day room with Senators Strong Rock and Huxley.
  250. >The day room is clear except for the three of you.
  251. >The topic of conversation this time is the two Senators.
  252. “So tell me gentlemen, how is it that a diarchy has a senate?”
  253. >Huxley, unsurprisingly, is the one to answer.
  254. >”The Princesses Celestia and Luna do not rule over just Equestria, Anon. The sisters rule over the entire world. Things tend to work that way when you hold the sun and the moon in the frogs of your hoofs.”
  255. >It took you a second to translate that last bit of linguistics, but you can see what Huxley means.
  256. >Who in their right mind would oppose two deities?
  257. >”However, the world is a big place. The sisters grew tired of constantly flying everywhere to take care of the slightest problem in a territory. So, the sisters appointed regents in each territory to run the country by guidelines that the sisters left them.”
  258. “Makes sense. Humans did similar things all the time throughout our history.”
  259. >Huxley perked up upon hearing that.
  260. >”Oh really? How did that work out?”
  261. “Very well, actually.”
  262. >No.
  263. >No it did not.
  264. >Not in humanity’s past it didn’t.
  265. >But you’re never going to tell anyone that.
  266. >Huxley chuckles at your statement.
  267. “Oh please Anon, no need to play coy . You are among your kind when you are with us.”
  268. “I’m afraid I don’t follow Huxley.”
  269. >Huxley arches one of her eyebrows before continuing.
  270. >“You may be able to fool the ponies, but you’ll find it much harder to fool a gryphon or a minotaur.”
  271. “Huxley, I assure you that I am not lying.”
  272. >You technically aren’t.
  273. >The United Terran Alliance is light years better than any governmental system that had been previously used.
  275. >“Anon, believe it or not, Strong Rock and myself are actually quite smart. That’s part of the reason why we are Senators.”
  276. >Huxley reaches a taloned hand below the table and produces a rather thick stack of papers a moment later.
  277. >”The two of us read through the entire report and found some rather interesting things. Such as this little gem from the section about your physical characteristics.”
  278. >Huxley flips through a few pages of the report before beginning to read.
  279. >”Anonymous the Outsider has exhibited and continues to exhibit tremendous physical strength and stamina, far beyond that of the average pony. While an Earth pony in peak physical condition could outperform Anonymous in sheer physical strength, the Earth pony could not outlast Anonymous. In terms of stamina, Anonymous outlasts any known species in every way conceivable. At the time of this study, all of this was discovered while Anonymous was wearing armor heavier than himself. It should also be noted that Anonymous, when fully suited in his armor, weighs two tons. It stands to reason that Anonymous would be even stronger and would be able to last longer were he not wearing the suit.”
  280. >Huxley closes the report and lays it down in the center of the table.
  281. >”Tell me Anon, just from that fraction of the report, how do you think someone who hasn’t bothered to speak to you would handle that information?”
  282. >Okay, this is getting a little too one sided for your tastes.
  283. >Time to turn this conversation in a direction you want to go.
  284. “Okay, I get it. Big, strong, space ape on the loose! Watch out everybody, he’s gonna getcha!”
  285. >You even gesticulate for added effect.
  287. >After you are done flapping your arms about, you cross your arms in front of yourself and stare flatly at Huxley and adopt a tone to match.
  288. “I’m perfectly capable of handling things myself. And despite whatever preconceptions you have about me, I can convince the ponies that I am not a threat, because I’m not a threat. I did it once already and I can do it again if the need should arise. Which it won’t.”
  289. >Huxley drums the edge of the marble table with her talons, each one clicking sharply on the cold stone.
  290. >She gazes at you as though she could see into your past, even into your very thoughts.
  291. “I’m quite sure you can, Anon. However, consider the following. Your speech and body language alone speaks volumes about humans and their history to anyone smart enough to read it, Anon. And personally, Strong Rock and I like what we are reading. However, I’m quite sure that the vast majority of ponies all over Equestria will not be as receptive as us.”
  292. >You attempt to try and parry Huxley’s claims, but you feel a heavy hand clap down on your shoulder.
  293. >Strong Rock, who up until this point had been silent and unobtrusive, has one of his enormous hands gently gripping the armor of your shoulder and is shaking his head side to side.
  294. >And for the first time since you’ve met him, he speaks.
  295. >”Do not try and deny your very nature, Outsider. It is plain as day to us that you, at the very least, have strong predatory instincts. Denying yourself will only lead to sorrow and madness.”
  296. >Strong Rock’s voice is very deep and powerful.
  297. >Thunderous, even.
  298. >Something that will definitely grab someone’s attention.
  299. >And Strong Rock now had your full attention.
  301. >”Neither Senator Huxley nor myself shall tell the ponies of your nature as it is not our place. However, I shall tell you that ponies generally do not like predators. You may not find yourself fully welcome in these lands once your true nature is revealed.”
  302. >Huxley clears her throat to grab your attention.
  303. >”What Senator Strong Rock says is unfortunately true. Ponies tend to have a pack mentality and are very... xenophobic. And guess what, Anon? Nothing gets more xeno than the Outsider. Which, unfortunately, is you.”
  304. >This is beginning to get annoying.
  305. >You gently remove Strong Rock’s hand from your shoulder and gaze at both of them while you speak.
  306. “It’s not like I have a lot of say in that matter, now do I? One moment I’m trying to repair an old frigate and the next moment I’m tumbling down a wormhole!”
  307. >You have a short chuckle at the sheer madness of the entire ordeal you’ve been through up until now.
  308. “I’m not going to play the victim here. I’m going to make the best of what I’ve been dealt. It’s the way I’ve always done things. If that means having to deal with paranoid ponies, then so be it. I’ll deal with it, and find my way back home.”
  309. >Both Huxley and Strong Rock gaze at you with unreadable looks for a moment before Strong Rock responds.
  310. >”We were afraid you were going to say that you would just have to deal with it. There is a different option available to you.”
  312. “Oh really? Like what?”
  313. >”You could live in the Eastern Confederation. That’s where nearly all of the Gryphons, Minotaurs, and various other sentient predatory species live. It’s a lot more peaceful than it sounds.”
  314. >That does sound rather enticing.
  315. >Except there’s a flaw in that idea.
  316. >Trixie.
  317. “That sounds nice and all, but there’s a problem with that, Huxley.”
  318. >Huxley looks confused for a second.
  319. >”How so?”
  320. “I kind of have a pony as my guardian since I am technically a summon.”
  321. >Both Huxley and Strong Rock stare at you dumbly for a moment.
  322. “Yeah... I’m technically not eligible for any form of citizenship. I tried to explain to the Princesses that I’m a fully sentient species, but apparently that doesn’t matter to Equestrian law.”
  323. >Huxley remains stunned at this bit of news.
  324. >Strong Rock, on the other hand, looks rather mad.
  325. >Strong Rock begins to shout vehemently.
  327. >”This is an outrage! I will not stand for someone such as yourself to be treated in the same manner as a mere elemental! An oversight off this caliber is inexcusable! I shall find the Princesses this instant and give them a piece of my mind!”
  328. >Before Strong Rock can storm away, Huxley is already in front of him on two legs with wings flared.
  329. >Huxley on two legs is nearly as tall as Strong Rock and her wingspan is four times Strong Rock’s width.
  330. >It’s a very impressive display.
  331. >”Hold on old friend, don’t do anything foolish!”
  332. >”Out of the way, Huxley. My demands will be heard!”
  333. >Huxley glances between yourself and Strong Rock.
  334. >”Anon, get out of here. Strong Rock is past reason. He’ll only listen to a fist now.”
  335. >As awesome as it would be to watch a gryphon and a minotaur throw down, it’s probably best to leave.
  336. >That’s a lot of gryphon and minotaur throwing down.
  337. >You grab everything that is yours and get the hell out.
  338. >As you round a corner, you briefly wonder if Huxley will be all right.
  339. >That is, until you hear a loud crash and Huxley shouting, “Say Uncle!”
  340. >You think she’ll be fine.
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