
Alakzyr: Symptoms and Inadequate Treatment

May 29th, 2017
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  1. He blacked out...
  2. He couldn't remember much after that...
  3. Just voices... echoes... Dreams? Memories... He couldn't tell. For what he knew, this is what the embrace of Death was like...
  5. To think, he'd lay splattered amidst a village's grounds for so long... And not a single soul would come to his rescue. Somehow, whether divine will, intervention or the aid of some sympathic passerby, he was on two feet once more.
  7. As to who? He knew not... As to why? He knew not... But after seeing himself come so close to Sunflower Village for aid, and nearly dying whilst another man merely watched ? It didn't define the village to be one of the greater kind for his own health. Thus, through the opaque veil of darkness that was his degenerating vision, he hobbled... Limping heavily. By now, the crellus bite had gone infected and had begun to swell.
  9. What was once inflamed and sanguineous has transmogrified for a sickly green transcending to an oxygen deprived lavender. His breathing had turned to wheezing... and skin turned pale. The sweat was budding across his forehead and brow... The very fact that he had energy energy to combat his fatigue now? Was wondrous, even by some weaker magus standards... Though, with all the blood he had lost, there wasn't a hope in venturing any further... One could only hope the travels through the caverns were worth it...
  11. To soft grasses, he fell once more...
  12. This time, for good. If life would leave him now... He'd welcome it, he couldn't take much more fighting.
  13. (Alakzyr)
  14. Kuro looked off near to where he entered the town. He didn't quitenotice it at first, but then he noticed it and sheathed his sword, running over to the damsel. "I was hoping I wouldn't have to use these, but this is not what I had in mind." He muttered as he now loomed over the man who looked nearly dead. He dug into his bag and found some alcohol and bandages.
  16. He soaked the bandages with alcohol and poured what remained of the alcohol on the mans wounds as he said, "This is going to hurt... A lot..." Whether if the man squirmed or not didn't matter, Kuro patched up far too many of his brother's wounds to be inexperienced. Kuro grabbed the man's infected wounds and squeezed them, which was probably really painful but it would be worth it for him in the end. Puss and most likely venom came out of the wounds as Kuro then wiped them off.
  18. Kuro then bandaged up the man's wounds as he hoped the man was not already dead, that would be a waste of bandages.
  19. (Kuro)
  20. He wasn't dead yet...
  21. For one that gave up walking, he hated to give up on breathing. He simply wasn't going to let it be easy for Death to have their due. Thankfully, such a morbid endeavor of nature's course was postponed in its endeavor with the aid of a third party. It felt as though... One of Kraus' three hundred had flown down to take the form of one before him, settling down on his wounds.
  23. He couldn't make a sound to voice the words he wished to say... But he mouthed them well:
  24. 'Thank you'
  26. It felt like a meat hook, driven straight into his gouged leg, and pulled down to drag him from the darkening abyss he had fallen into. Consciousness was coming back to him, at least, in an agonizing torrent back to reality. The application of alcohol earned the overall cringe from the fallen body, a gaped mouth... But only a hiss of fatigued breath to slip loose.
  28. His hands that slowly reached up for Kuro, shivered, cold... As though sapped of their vitality long ago.
  29. This man, by all means, was at Death's doorstep.
  30. The alcohol had, at the very least, killed much of the bacteria entrenching itself in the open indents where serrated teeth nestled themselves down his leg... Bit as to what already managed to slip into the bloodstream? It'd take much more than what was exercised in that moment.
  32. At least, it had bought them some time.
  33. Breathing was audible now, still diminished to mere wheezing, but something. The body didn't move, but eyes followed almost every motion. Vision was blurried from the wounded wanderer, but not inept just yet.
  34. (Alakzyr)
  35. Kuro looked extremely worried at first, but he watched the young man's mouth try to say thank you. "It's no problem, just savin' your life." He laughed a bit sarcasticly. The cringing and wincing did not bother him much, but this man was cold, and coldness did not mean well for someone close to death. Kuro took one off his jackets off and put it over the man since it was already warm from Kuro himself to help improve blood flow.
  37. It was then that somewhat regular breathing returned to the man's body. Kuro let out a big sigh of relief as he sat down next to the wounded man. "Okay, now comes the last painful part, then it's all over for now. This time, try not to move as hard as you can." Kuro then pulled out a tailor's needle he had loose in his pocket. He grabbed one of his spare shirts and began ripping it apart for threads.
  39. Soon enough, Kuro had a few long strings of thread, in which he put through the eye of the needle and took off the bandages to the major wounds. He sewed together most torn flesh so the man wouldn't bleed much anymore. He sewed everything major accept the crellus bite. with no threads left. He reapplied all of the bandages, then resting next to the man for now.
  41. "Make sure you leave your bite wound alone, it should now bleed out most venom and infection on its own. Don't you go dying on me either, I just used all of my medical supplies on you." He sighed and stayed next to the man as long as he had to until he perhaps got a word or two out of him.
  42. (Kuro)
  43. At least, now he was getting some much needed help. He didn't move... Infact, he didn't really have much more energy to move in the first place. His arm had fallen back to his side, and his limp, lax form simply laid there accepting the treatment. The sewing needle had... Lacked its sting, likely from the fact that the infection was not recent-- No... This was much too long ago. Not a mere few hours, but days...
  44. The bleeding, only continued through the constant breaking of scabs as he forced himself to move so many miles from Sunflower to Cinderfall.
  46. It took adreneline...
  47. It took willpower...
  48. It took every ounce of energy he had left until his non-magus body had quit on him.
  50. The bleeding could be stopped... The scathings could be sown, but the infection, at least the now blood-borne infection was far too set in. At the very least, what would've been sooner lethal was postponed and possibly killed. What was killing him, ever-so-slowly, required more advanced medical treatment, something that didn't seem readily available in the current circumstance.
  52. Though, he couldn't argue nor complain with what he got, it was better than them sitting back and watching him slowly die by their feet. The words the skilled child spoke were well-known by any individual on the other side of the treatment: It felt more like common sense, but he forced, with all he could a smile in compliance.
  54. The sarcasm and cold demeanor couldn't phase one much more in their current situation. He couldn't feel insult in such a predicament, at the very least. Perhaps, it was more of a blessing than curse. Responses came in the form of labored breathing and facial expressions-- The best this bandaged man could muster as of the now.
  56. Eyes digressed from Kuro, searching for... Some else to rest, off the ground at the least. Then again, wouldn't such be asking too much from a child he had already taken most supplies from already?
  57. (Alakzyr)
  58. Kuro now thought of what else he could do to help the man, but he was no light magi, actually quite the opposite. He now thought of what else he could do, looking at the man who was laying on the ground and then over to a tree. "Hmm If i decrease bloodflow in the upper body, perhaps I can buy you more time by helping you bleed your leg only a bit more."
  60. Kuro, probably having the maximum of what could still be called human strength, relatively easily picked up the man by the back of his neck and under his thighs, walking over and setting him on a tree, seemingly without even breaking a sweat. He then crouched and sat in front of the man who would probably need a good amount of recovery time.
  62. "Hey, seeing as you followed most of my commands when I was talking to you, I'm guessing your ears still work fine. My treatment should have proved mostly effective, however you might still have venom in your system depending on what bit you. I don't know anyone around here, but when you are able to at least move, find you a light magic user as soon as possible."
  63. (Kuro)
  64. The child spoke some more...
  65. And as he done so, one could only imagine that was an unusually matured individual. An orphan? Perhaps they were forced to live a life without parents. Perhaps, they had naturally matured somehow. He didn't know, and given his current circumstance, he probably couldn't even pretend to care to himself.
  67. He bobbed back up, fighting the urge to sleep. He couldn't go just yet... He had so much more to live for.
  68. ... Did he really?
  69. What life was there to live worth the suffering?
  70. The internal debate began, and despite the turn for the worst, he couldn't bring himself to surrender yet.
  72. From his nose... Rolled a stream, slow and steady...
  74. Blood.
  75. --soon seeping to his lips and pooling at the mild cusp that formed at them. Rolling over them to drip to his chin, and soon, to his gifted jacket-blanket. He was forced to breath through his gaping mouth, for the cold atmosphere around him seemed to try siphoning what little air he had left. The jacket that rested over him now, didn't feel like it made much of the difference, but it was an attempt nonetheless. That much, comforted him.
  77. It was as though, the profusive sweating wasn't enough...
  78. And as it continued... As one proceeded to walk away. He found himself, fighting, with every fibre in his being to voice a need unmet. He needed to... But the dry sensation soon overbearing in his throat and tongue dared to choke the word from him.
  80. "W-- wwww--..." he pitted his lips, breathing loudly to eventually enunciate tone.
  81. "ww--.... waaah...." . . .
  83. "Waaaah--.... terrrrr..." He managed, falling back to weakened breathing.
  84. (Alakzyr)
  85. Kuro didn't know what else he could do for now, so he began scouting around town for people who might look like they use magic. There was literally no way for Kuro to pick out a magic user unless they used it while he saw it, so realizing this he went back to his patient of sorts. He came back to the man wheezing and barely being able to say water.
  87. "Ahh, so you can talk." He simply stated, not being phased at all by the river of blood flowing out of the guy's nose. He poured a little water on the guuy's face to temporarily wash away the blood and gave the young man a small flask of water. Kuro placed it simply in the guy's lap and said, "Drink, and if you can, tell me your name."
  88. (Kuro)
  89. The sudden splash of water felt rather... Harsh, rude even-- But it kept him from giving in to the urge to 'sleep'. He was a bit more woken, fighting on the fringe to continue onward. The blood seeping from his nose was cleaned, rather dissoved to a mere overall sheen across his chin.
  91. Slowly, a limp hand managed to grab hold of the flask, violently shaking to the weight of water within such a small container.
  92. In a mix of dehydrated excitement and exhuastion, he struggled to get it to his pale, dried lips, biting at the edge to give it some leadway as the water poured into his mouth... Over his lips.. and down to his chin, jacket and now-sodden clothes.
  94. If the first dousing didn't clean him of the blood, the second one finished the task. Savagely, he gulped at what he could, before coughing up a decent majority of what tried to go down. It was a mess without any direct support, but he had enough to be able to enunciate better.
  96. "...Th-- Thank you..." He forced, still lax.
  97. He put the near-empty flask down, to his side, now looking back up to the nurturing child.
  99. "... It's.... Alak-- ... -zyr." He voiced, in separated syllables
  100. (Alakzyr)
  101. Kuro stood up and stared down at the man as he finally got water in his system. As he was thanked, Kuro nodded and spoke, "Oh you know, it's nothin, just saving lives." As the man spoke of his name, Kuro nodded. "My name's Kuro, and sorry you had to feel most of that, but I don't have any sedatives or numbers. I'm quite the opposite of a light magi, but one you come across one, or maybe someone who can manipulate the poison in your body, ask them of a favor to heal you."
  103. Kuro sighed, "Alakzyr it was? Don't go out and getting torn apart by critters again, or else you might actually die next time."
  104. (Kuro)
  105. A part of this felt... Humiliating.
  106. Though, the child did him a justice in saving his life, commiting to tasks that far exceeded those of his typical age range-- It came off as...
  107. Alakzyr, couldn't quite put a finger on the correct term at first but it was coming to him.
  109. It was most emphasized to him with the boy's sigh...
  110. Condescendence.
  112. Was it expected that he simply should've been born with the privileges of a magi, rather than what he was? A simple, human being?
  113. Someone that could actually, naturally get sick.
  114. Someone that couldn't lift hundreds, or even thousands of pounds worth of weight with ease, nor run across the continent in record time.
  116. He was fragile...
  117. Limited...
  118. A peon.
  120. What right did a magi, much less a child magi have to commit to such towards him? Then again, what right did he have to voice this, after having his life saved by them.
  121. The latter spoken by Kuro, was not warranted with a response.
  123. "Thank you... Kuro..."
  124. (Alakzyr)
  125. Kuro occasionally looked to Alakzyr as the man seemed to be in deep thought. Soon enough though, the man thanked him again, in which Kuro laughed out loud a bit, "Trust me, you shouldn't thank me, you should thank my brother although he isn't here. He used to come home with so many bad wounds, I'd probably say I saved his life at least a half dozen times at the least."
  127. Kuro really thought about that, maybe he even saved his brother's life a complete dozen of times. He now shook the thought away though, dwelling in the past can bring painful repercussions. "Damn..." He muttered to himself as it was too late. A small tear of rememberance rolled down his face as he quickly wiped it away, trying to be strong since he was all on his own now.
  128. (Kuro)
  129. The young man heard the child's words...
  130. Apparently, somewhere along the lines, strings were tugged. He could see it on their face, but behind the cold facade-- It was to be expected. They were still, naught but a boy, empowered with a magus gift.
  132. Perhaps, it was more of a curse for children, forced to mature far more than their non-magus counterparts, preferring ignorance and innocence alike.
  133. "Well, it definitely has paid off now... H- Hasn't it, kid.." He tensed up, straining to turn over to the side and violently cough up to the side.
  134. Some minor dotting in the grass as aftermath, but nothing too immediately noticible.
  136. Breathing wasn't quite wheezing anymore, courtesy to hydration. Improvement seemed to be quite immediate, but not immediate enough.
  137. The mind couldn't help but wonder what personal memories wrought the tear to one's face, but he couldn't hope to know. Their life was a mystery to him, and all he could come to expect was the result of the childhood development.
  139. "Your brother, really... made a difference." He claimed, taking a breather in the moment. "Without him, you wouldn't have been able to save another life... Heh-- Heh..." It was a selfish claim, but true nonetheless. He was grateful for that much.
  141. "Y- You did good..." He lifted the flask from prior back to his lips to finish what water he still had left, before handing it back to Kuro. It was enough to revitalize him enough to rest awake, and fend off against the loss from constant sweating... At least... For now...
  142. (Alakzyr)
  143. Kuro could tell by the way Alakzyr looked at him, Alakzyr saw the tear go down his face and probably wanted to see inside Kuro, what went on inside that head. Kuro agreed, the need to heal his brother so many times had paid off since he saved a life and all. As Alakzyr finished speaking, complimenting Kuro on how he did in such a pressured situation.
  145. Kuro seemed silent to the man, and now that the man saw the tear, there wasn't much sense in hiding much from him now. He finally spoke out in quite a bit of words. "I agree with you, my brother definitely made a difference, in many ways, shapes and forms too. Because of my brother, I am well educated in many things, such as giving medical attention and the geography of anywhere inside the peace barriers."
  147. "I don't like telling my sob-story, but when I was young, both of my parents disappeared and just left it to my brother to raise me. My brother took on a lot of stuff, I could tell he was stressed a lot, but he was still a good brother to me. I was happy, and I was just getting to the age where I could help him and take some of that stress off his shoulders, but our island was attacked by a vicious kaor and our king's castle completely leveled in the first shot. My brother sent me off on a boat and I landed here while he probably stayed behind and died. But hey, that's my bro... Taking on the world on his own..."
  149. A couple more tears rolled down Kuro's face as he wiped them away, "Sorry, I just never said it out loud before, and actually it made it feel a little better on the inside, so thanks for hearing me out. I have to go train though. Use my story as an inspiration to live another day every day or something, I'm off. It was a nice meeting, Alakzyr." He finally finished as he began walking off to the caverns.
  150. (Kuro)
  154. ================================================== Successive Scene, Continued Theme ==================================================
  158. From a nearby tree, one fallen to slumber awakens.
  159. They wake, to the sound of new voices... Many voices, spread out from another to indicate groups...
  160. Spaced out from one another to imply timelines... He had slept through much, perhaps, through even a fight. It was a godsend that none of the backlash negatively impacted him, being rested out in an exposed atmosphere.
  162. With what little strength he could pull from his depths, he forced himself up, nudging upright against the tree he lied against. One leg, swollen with bandages only constricting around a now discolored appendage, appearing more worthy of amputation than saving.
  164. The attempts to step on it were rewarded with a grotesque squish of necrotic flesh ebbing away at infected tissues tied together in his leg. The medical attention applied earlier, wasn't enough. Although it managed to starve off the immediate results of his damnation, it was inevitible that such would return.
  166. Wounded, he hobbled around, hoping that anyone would bat him an eye.
  167. A magi?
  168. A skilled medical practician?
  169. Anyone that had a clue how to help him in his disorientated stumble amongst open-ground.
  171. Perhaps, he was bound to interupt something... To be a rude intervention in someone's conversation... To haphazardly fall into someone amidst an argument. Only fate could tell, all he hoped for was someone to call it out for what it was: A non-magus conflicted with disease.
  172. Whether that warranted savior or dismissal, was up to the general public.
  174. The particular direction he ended up wandering in, was that of Sitrianna's...
  175. Assuming one did not heed his half-conscious approach, he'd end up faceplanting into her back.
  176. (Alakzyr)
  178. Without hesitation a sharp whistle could be heard. That whistle fleeing the maw of Liara. It called unto her. Immediately Sitrianna would wobble over toward the Blue Sky. That would be after . .someone fell face planting their snot nose into her back. An angry grunt would be given to Alakzyr as he would be on the ground beside her she would speak with her demeanor sheer anger and aggression, though she had to try and control it as of right now. There was just too much going on at once.
  180. "Watch where yer' goin'. . In a gentle and polite tone of voice such words were forced out of her mouth as she would then turn around. The Giantess appeared ready to rip someone's head off! Wouldn't want to get in her way! Someone called out to Liara as well, it would be none other than Quazla, an old friend of hers. Well, as of now Sitrianna continued to keep on wobbling after the sickly young man pressed his face onto her back.
  182. Standing at full attention, Sitrianna would be towering over Liara awaiting for her words. "Yeh? What ya' need?"
  183. (Sitrianna the Behemoth)
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