
The Story of TrekWeb

Oct 28th, 2013
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  1. <Joey> trekweb was only cool because it recreated the original forums the best
  2. <Joey> and had a great administrative staff
  3. <Joey> community was similar though
  4. <Joey> knux hates it a lot, i'm guessing because he was banned for 99% of its existence
  5. <Joey> there was something that went on with him and the level judges between August 25th and September 25th, 2010
  6. <Joey> that was trekweb's founding date -> the date i joined
  7. <Joey> apparently he and quill were level judges or something but only so they could access the staff forum
  8. <Joey> idk
  9. <Joey> anyway he was banned for 99% of its existence because trekweb's staff had sense
  10. <Joey> we included you for you support that you've given in the last week
  11. <Joey> same with you, GARY
  12. <UncleSam> anyone on trekweb's staff still around?
  13. <Joey> and because you're staff on knux's forums, adds to the convincing level
  14. <Joey> uhm...yes
  15. <Joey> sort of
  16. <Joey> it started out with CaptainTrek as a Super Admin, Spitfire and Vandarx as admins, and fallingsnow/Blaarg/someone as moderators
  17. <Joey> i forget who someone was
  18. <Joey> fff who was he
  19. <Joey> this is bugging me now, i know there were three mods
  20. <Joey> well, anyway, it'll come to me
  21. <Joey> DarkMatt was later promoted as a project moderator - that lasted about a week
  22. <Joey> then they hired the first wave of level judges
  23. <Joey> qig, Garro, Wildclaw888, NameUser, and Kuribo
  24. <Joey> or something like that
  25. <Joey> (they didn't have level judges for a few weeks because of the aforementioned events)
  26. <Joey> LJs became inactive as usual, so they hired a second wave
  27. <UncleSam> oh cool
  28. <UncleSam> brb mate
  29. <Joey> Super Luigi Brothers and TANOOKISUITSME/YoshiQuest/Shocker were promoted
  30. <Joey> OK
  31. * UncleSam is now known as US|Away
  32. <Joey> if you're still connected i'll just continue and you can respond later
  33. <Joey> TSM/YQ/Shocker are the same person
  34. <Joey> notorious for a really bad episode called Yoshi and the Quest Through Time (YATQTT), which I helped with kinda
  35. <Joey> anyway, i was kinda bummed and i wanted to be an LJ
  36. <Joey> as JoeyFireFlower
  37. <Joey> so i think I may have asked CT or Spitfire about it - or maybe not, but somehow we ended up in #YATQTT
  38. <Joey> on FOSSnet
  39. <Joey> and i ended up getting promoted
  40. <Joey> i reviewed levels HEAVILY during that time in order to get/keep my job
  41. <Joey> and i was the best damn level judge the world has ever seen
  42. <Joey> * Spitfire hands CaptainTrek coffee
  43. <Joey> <CaptainTrek> spitteh wins
  44. <Joey> <CaptainTrek> i only drink coffee
  45. <Joey> <CaptainTrek> and the souls of the damned
  46. <Joey> happened right after my promotion
  47. <Joey> then stuff started happening
  48. <Joey> TrekWeb was attacked by lightray and Knux with their SPAM100 buddies
  49. <Joey> which was actually really funny but harmful
  50. <Joey> They introduced Junior Staff, and Blue (Redigit's right-hand man) was promoted to it
  51. <Joey> they were a light orange
  52. <Joey> not too light though
  53. <Joey> then about two weeks later, Blue was promoted to Junior Staff and Conker Belmont (Vandarx and Kyasarin's friend) was promoted to junior staff
  54. <Joey> simultaneously
  55. <Joey> then, a week later, Conker was promoted to mod
  56. <Joey> then, a week later, Conker was promoted to admin to help with spam attacks
  57. <Joey> it was a /little/ bit corrupt, but not really since Conker did his job
  58. <Joey> it's really just connections honestly
  59. <Joey> sorry, Blue was promoted to Global Mod when Conker was promoted to junior staff
  60. <Joey> By that time, Vandarx and Spitfire had been promoted to Super Admins (when Conker was admin)
  61. <Joey> and we're in december-ish now
  62. <Joey> TrekWeb went down for the first time in January due to hardware failure, losing all its data after September 14th, 2010
  63. <Joey> January 2011
  64. <GARY> Right, well, I gotta go. If you could leave a pastebin of this for when I wake up it'd be appreciated. See ya
  65. <Joey> OK
  66. <Joey> l8r
  67. * GARY has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  68. <Joey> so CT chose to restart the forums new
  69. <Joey> Conker chose to not be an admin, I think
  70. <Joey> oh, somewhere along the line in November 2010, Blaarg got demoted because he wasn't a good mod and got the job for being fallingsnow's friend
  71. <Joey> November 2010 also welcomed 1.3
  72. <Joey> so in the new trekweb (TrekWeb II), fallingsnow was promoted to admin
  73. <Joey> and I was promoted to forum developer (a secret group that was basically just normal user w/ staff forum access, DarkMatt was one for a while)
  74. <Joey> OH
  76. <Joey> it was Skittlez12
  77. <Joey> yeah
  78. <Joey> i think that's who it was
  79. <Joey> (s)he was demoted at some point
  80. <Joey> anyway, so I was promoted to mod after being promoted to forum developer
  81. <Joey> and then was demoted in about 3 weeks
  82. <Joey> for not being a good mod
  83. <Joey> and then Shocker and I were promoted to the newly created junior staff group, now with a teal color
  84. <Joey> TrinityFlash claims to be the one behind this, and used to use it against me saying "you're lucky i was there after your demotion" or some shit
  85. <Joey> then TrekWeb died again, pretty much
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