
Meant To Be Yours (ch4)

Apr 18th, 2021
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  3. The final (full) chapter of the AU! I'm so thankful for all of your support!
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight.
  7. -----------
  9. Chapter 4. When The Storm Passes
  11. In the morning, Claudine goes about her day as per usual. Futaba reports for work and joins the family for breakfast, and then gets to her cleaning and tidying up as Claudine begins her lessons.
  13. Claudine does her best to focus in her math and history lessons, but ever since meeting Maya she's been even more invested in and excited about her dance and singing lessons than ever before, and the time for those can't seem to come quickly enough. She thinks of Maya throughout her dancing, and is reminded of the fact that Maya won't be able to come and visit her today.
  15. But she supposes that might be a good thing, as Claudine has felt she needs a bit of time alone to arrange her feelings and figure them out properly.
  17. Her mind is constantly wandering back to last night, and the time before when Maya had nearly kissed her. Just thinking about it makes her lightheaded, but in a good way.
  19. /Of course I would end up kissing her eventually though, she reminds herself. She's my fiancee. And we've both agreed we're more than happy with that decision./
  21. And besides, they've already professed their love for one another now, though it sort of happened all at once, and out of necessity to prove their feelings were genuine. Typically, kisses would come before such confessions, but as things had played out last night, Claudine hadn't even considered any other options to make Maya understand her feelings.
  23. The way Claudine sees it, they're in love, and there is nothing to be ashamed of for that and no reason to conceal anything.
  25. All throughout her morning, she imagines the next time she'll see Maya, and how they might go about a kiss. Claudine admits she'd very much like to be the one to kiss Maya first, but with how prideful Maya is she can also see her fiancee doing whatever is necessary to take the initiative to kiss her first.
  27. Of course, neither would do such a thing without permission, and that's perhaps the thing Claudine loves most about their relationship.
  29. But if she can manage to muster up the courage to ask, she would very much like to be the one to kiss Maya first - after all, that's a win she would be able to hold over her for the rest of their lives.
  31. And she also would just like to see her blush again.
  33. After a morning of being lost in thought and still somehow managing to pass all of her lessons with flying colors, Claudine enjoys lunch together with her parents before seeing them off. The weather has turned overcast by then, so they leave promptly to beat the rain, and Claudine ensures them time and again she'll be fine on her own for the night.
  35. She spends her afternoon with Futaba, who has already finished her work by now. Claudine finishes up her assignments for her lessons too, and then they watch TV together and discuss the actors of whatever movie is on.
  37. They eat dinner together, enjoying a much more informal and relaxed atmosphere without Claudine's parents present. But by then it's begun to rain, and being Futaba rides a motorcycle to work here, she grimaces.
  39. "Crap. I should probably get goin'." She's clearly conflicted about it, too. She just sort of stands in the breezeway without making a move toward the door.
  41. Claudine knows Futaba is worried about leaving her alone tonight, and to be honest, Claudine is a bit nervous too. But she doesn't let that show.
  43. "It's fine, Futaba. Just get home before it gets any worse out there."
  45. "You sure?" Futaba frowns. The other staff and servants have already taken their leave for the evening as well, and once she goes Claudine will be completely alone. "Maybe I could get away with stayin' with you tonight, Kuro. I don't like the idea of leavin' you when your folks are gone."
  47. "Futaba, I'm not a child anymore," Claudine reminds her. "I can take care of myself for one night."
  49. "I know that. And normally I wouldn't be so worried… but the storm…" Futaba tapers off and gives her a knowing look. Claudine swallows a little, but doesn't waver.
  51. "I'll be fine. It sounds like it's just rain anyway."
  53. "Yeah, but-"
  55. "We both know you'll be in the dog house if you don't go home to Kaoruko tonight," Claudine says. "You promised her something, didn't you?"
  57. Futaba sighs.
  59. "Yeah. I kinda did…"
  61. "Then go." Claudine takes her friend's hands and gives them a squeeze. "I'll be all right, Futaba."
  63. Futaba holds her gaze, and Claudine can only hope her eyes are convincing enough. For a moment, she almost thinks Futaba is going to refuse her and opt to stay after all. But maybe she can tell that Claudine wants to try doing this on her own now, that she wants to try and overcome her fears. Because in the end, Futaba relents.
  65. "All right. But Kuro, if anything happens, you gotta call me, okay?"
  67. "I will." Claudine opens her arms and pulls her good friend into a tight hug. Futaba gives her back a few firm pats before stepping away.
  69. "All right. I'll see you tomorrow then."
  71. "Oui. Bonne nuit, Futaba."
  73. "Night, Kuro."
  75. Futaba puts on her jacket, opens the door, and hurries down the pathway out to her bike. Claudine lingers in the doorway and watches her until she makes it to her motorcycle and revs it up. The wind is cold, and blows a fine drizzle of rainwater against her face, but she waits until she can't see the lights of Futaba's bike down the road anymore.
  77. Now, Claudine closes the door and locks it. She goes around to all of the doors and windows of the house and ensures they're all secure as well, then she begins turning off all the lights and appliances.
  79. Her plan is to hold out hope that the storm will only be rain and nothing more, and to try and go to bed early and get as much rest as possible in case it isn't.
  81. After all, of all the things that trigger her fears, thunder is probably the worst.
  83. Although it's arguably predictable most of the time, its loudness is often so terrifying to her that it doesn't matter if she can anticipate it or not. In addition to the sounds, she also feels the rumbling vibrations strongly through her body as well. And unlike any other loud noises that might make her nervous, thunder doesn't stop after just one blast.
  85. So she wants to try and get some rest now, in case it does start to thunder later on, because if that happens, she knows she'll never sleep the rest of the night.
  87. She jolts a bit as the phone suddenly starts ringing, and Claudine rushes to answer it. It's her mother, calling to say they had arrived at their destination safely, and Claudine is overjoyed to hear her voice. She assures her mother she'll be all right on her own tonight, and doesn't let her voice waver even once.
  89. After a few moments of chatting and the promise to see one another again when her parents get home tomorrow, Claudine hangs up.
  91. And not a minute later, the phone rings again. This time it's Futaba.
  93. "Oy, Kuro. Just lettin' you know I got home safe."
  95. "Thank goodness," she sighs. "And Kaoruko is with you?"
  97. "Yup. She says Tendo is still at whatever thing she had tonight, but she's sure she'd pass along a message about missing you."
  99. "My, how sweet of her," Claudine chuckles. "Thank you for calling, Futaba."
  101. "You doin' okay, Kuro? Like I said, you can call me anytime."
  103. "I know. Merci. I'll see you tomorrow."
  105. "See ya. Night."
  107. Claudine hangs up again. She has to admit she'd always been a little envious of Futaba for getting to spend most of her nights with Kaoruko, but she's even more envious now.
  109. /It's fine. I want to learn how to handle myself in this kind of situation from now on./
  111. She scurries up the stairs and makes her way to her personal bathroom to brush her teeth and change into her nightgown. She still only hears the heavy hissing of the rain, but somehow the knowledge that she's completely alone in the house tonight makes it feel as though everything is even louder.
  113. She retreats to her record player and lets it play the songs she and Maya had danced to in the past. She takes extra care in pulling her curtains closed tonight; usually she likes to keep them open so she may look out the glass doors to the balcony and gaze at the stars or the moon. But not tonight.
  115. She leaves her bedside lamp on as she crawls into bed, knowing that she'll feel much better not being in complete darkness. With a sigh, she lies herself down and curls beneath her blankets.
  117. She really hopes she'll be able to see Maya again tomorrow. It feels a bit pathetic to admit just how much she'd missed her today.
  119. As her mind begins to wander, she feels herself slipping. The music helps a lot to calm her down before she can get too worried about the storm, because she just imagines herself dancing with Maya again.
  121. She remembers the way Maya had held her, the way she'd squeezed her hand, the way she'd carded through her hair and nuzzled against her neck. She remembers the soft little kisses they'd left on each other's foreheads and cheeks and hands.
  123. Claudine brings the hand Maya always kisses to her chest now and holds it against her collar.
  125. /Be safe tonight, wherever you are, Tendo Maya./
  127. Claudine sighs again and begins to drift off…
  129. And then the whole house shudders lightly when a distant rumble sounds.
  131. Claudine's eyes fly open as talons of dismay sink into her skin.
  133. "Oh no… why…?"
  135. She huddles beneath her blankets and draws in a deep breath through her nose, then lets it out her mouth. She remembers what her mother or Futaba would tell her to do whenever she got nervous like this. Claudine inhales deeply again, holds it for a few seconds, and then lets it out.
  137. /I'm fine. It can't hurt me./
  139. Another rumble comes, and it's already louder than the first one. She flinches and breathes in again.
  141. /It's fine…/
  143. And then the light goes out.
  145. Claudine gasps, throwing the blankets away from her face now to look to her lamp. She reaches out shakily to try and turn it back on, but nothing happens. Another rumble comes, and it shakes the house, enough to jostle the record player into silence.
  147. Claudine feels the vibrations in her whole body, and the sound of the blast sends her heart into a frenzy. She knows the phones are dead, or else she might try to call Futaba to let her talk her through this.
  149. But Claudine is painfully aware of the fact that she's on her own with it.
  151. She tries to inhale again, whimpering when another blast cracks the night. Her heart pounds even harder now, and it makes it even more difficult for her to keep up the calmer breathing she'd been trying.
  153. The thunder roars again, and this time she shrieks out loud, burying her face into her pillow.
  155. She should have asked Futaba to stay. She should've known she couldn't do this on her own.
  157. Claudine loses herself to her fears as the thunder continues, driving her to tears.
  159. And even though she really does her best in every way she can, eventually the terrifying sounds and the pitch-black darkness begin to swallow her.
  161. ---------
  163. Maya is already exhausted at this evening's banquet within the first thirty moments. It's another one for her parents, and Maya is only in attendance for formalities.
  165. At these sort of gatherings, she often greets people and then proceeds to sit quietly at a table with her parents for several hours while the adults converse.
  167. Though, of course Maya pays attention and speaks up whenever she is addressed. She is always respectful, patient, and charming, to the point where everyone commends her parents for raising her so well.
  169. She stays quiet through supper and the time after as well, constantly smoothing out her blue dress just to give her hands something to do, and finding her mind occupied by thoughts of Claudine. She'd told Maya she would be alone tonight with her parents out of town, and Futaba was staying at Kaoruko's place.
  171. She wishes she could at least have dinner and spend the evening with Claudine as she'd requested.
  173. Maya intends to use this night of going with her parents to their banquet as an excuse to miss the next one and to instead visit Claudine for an evening.
  175. She does her best not to be too obvious when glancing at the clock. Oftentimes, Kaoruko would attend these sorts of things with her, and provide Maya with a friend to talk to and pass the time with. But whatever arrangement she'd had with Futaba tonight had occupied her and left Maya to attend alone with her parents.
  177. She would like nothing more right now than to glance to her side and see Kaoruko making some dramatic and ridiculous expression from behind her fan.
  179. It's around then when the rain begins.
  181. Maya becomes hopeful when she starts to hear murmurs that the hosts may have to start sending guests home early to beat the storm. But that's what jogs her memory of something Kaoruko had said earlier today.
  183. "Are you sure you can't skip that silly banquet?" she'd asked Maya. "Futaba-han has told me a few times now how Saijou-han would love to have you stay for supper."
  185. "And I would love nothing more," Maya had said. "But I can't slip my way out of this one, unfortunately."
  187. "That's a shame," Kaoruko had replied. "I hear it's supposed to rain tonight. I hope she'll be all right."
  189. Maya hadn't understood the meaning of the comment at the time, nor had she gotten to ask Kaoruko to clarify. She still doesn't understand it now, but the sound of the rain makes her think of Claudine, thanks to that conversation.
  191. /I suppose it might be difficult for her to be alone tonight during a storm./
  193. Even so, she feels there must be something more to it somehow, but she just isn't sure what.
  195. To her relief, her parents announce they'll be leaving now. Maya stands from her seat and bows, then spends a few minutes wishing every other person in the room goodnight before retrieving her jacket and following her parents out to the car.
  197. The rain is coming down steadily now, and the air is cold. She gets into the back seat and closes her door, immediately grateful for the heat. As her parents and the driver get situated in the front seats, Maya pulls her coat more tightly around herself. She knows if Kaoruko were here with her now, she'd be wailing and huddling up against her for warmth. Thinking about it makes Maya smile in amusement.
  199. /At the very least, Hanayagi-san will be staying dry tonight with Isurugi-san./
  201. But as the car starts moving, Maya's thoughts take her back to what her friend had said earlier.
  203. She thinks of Claudine, sleeping alone in her home tonight, and wonders if she might be on the phone with Futaba and Kaoruko to pass some time.
  205. But even though Maya's thoughts are of her friends and her future fiancee, she can't shake off some odd feeling in the pit of her stomach.
  207. She just feels like… like she really wants to see Claudine right now. More so than usual.
  209. As the car continues driving through the rain, a roll of thunder rumbles off in the distance. Maya glimpses a flash of lightning too, brighter than the streetlights as they pass by. She tries not to look out the window, and instead closes her eyes. She doesn't like looking out into the dark woods at night due to her fear of ghosts. She tries to keep her mind off that topic right now, but instead it makes her realize something.
  211. /I told Saijou-san about my fears… but she never revealed any of her own. Perhaps she still didn't trust me fully at the time. Now that I know her true feelings, I would like to see if she feels comfortable enough to open up to me about such things./
  213. She knows if Claudine were ever with Maya when she was feeling frightened by the thoughts of ghosts, Claudine would hold her hand and distract her with talk of classical music and famous plays. Maya smiles just at the thought of having Claudine by her side right now.
  215. The thunder crashes again, more loudly this time. Maya opens her eyes in shock, only to watch the streetlights all suddenly flicker and go out. The car slows down accordingly as their driver takes his time on the road with limited visibility.
  217. Maya feels another twang of something go through her stomach. She remembers the first night she'd met Claudine at the Saijous' banquet, how - after she'd brought her inside to dry her off - the sudden clanging of the doors had startled Claudine quite a bit.
  219. And then the times they'd gone to town together, how she would always jump at the sounds of loud trucks or noisy construction…
  221. And then it hits her.
  223. Maya gasps, and her heart sinks deep.
  225. "Oh no…"
  227. She brings a hand to her mouth, shaking her head slowly.
  229. "Oh, Saijou-san…"
  231. How hadn't she noticed it before? There had been enough signs, but each time Claudine had reassured her so well that Maya had actually believed her.
  233. But then again, Claudine was a highly-skilled actress.
  235. Maya should have known. She should have known her well enough by that point to be able to see through her when she told those little white lies so as to no let Maya worry about her.
  237. But now Maya is certain she knows the answer; where Maya is terrified of ghosts, Claudine is terrified of loud noises.
  239. And now, when she is all alone in that mansion, with no lights or power, no way to call for help and no one to talk to…
  241. Maya unbuckles her seat belt and throws it off her shoulder in one sharp motion. She knows her parents wouldn't agree to driving her to the mansion, so Maya doesn't even waste time asking. She just unlocks her car door and braces herself.
  243. "Mother, Father," she says sternly. "I must go see Saijou-san. I have reason to believe she needs my help right now."
  245. She hears her parents' surprised questions as they turn back and ask her what she's doing, and what she means. But Maya just shakes her head.
  247. "I must go to her tonight. Please understand."
  249. And with nothing more than that, Maya opens her door and jumps.
  251. The car is moving slowly enough in the poor weather where she only stumbles a bit and gets her dress covered in muddy rainwater, but Maya is on her feet again in seconds, unfazed. She hears her parents shouting out after her, but she doesn't turn back.
  253. She tears off through the rain, running back down the street the way they'd just come. It's very dark without the streetlights to guide her, and the rain is chilling and hard in her face. Her fancy shoes are soaked within the first few steps, but she doesn't slow down.
  255. She follows the road back to a fork and veers off. No other cars are out at this hour in the storm, so she stays on the pavement, running as quickly as she can manage. Luckily for her, seventeen years of rigorous dance training and physical activity had made her into quite a proficient runner, even with the heeled shoes and flowing dress holding her back.
  257. The rain drenches her relentlessly, and the wind buffets her nearly off her feet more than once. She uses the lightning strikes to guide her path, following the familiar street signs and properties to lead her onward.
  259. Every time the thunder blasts, it makes her run a little harder.
  261. Because she knows Claudine must be crying all by herself right now.
  263. Maya isn't scared. Not of the thunder or the lightning, not of ghosts or darkness. The only thing she's afraid of now is letting Claudine suffer alone for one moment longer.
  265. So she runs.
  267. Through the hissing, freezing rain and the swirling winds, through the slippery puddles and muddy sidewalks, panting and gasping until the familiar mansion is finally in sight.
  269. As she'd expected, none of the lights are on inside, whereas she would think someone who was afraid of such a storm might at least turn on a lamp or two. This just confirms that the power has gone out, and Claudine is trapped in darkness.
  271. The thunder blasts again, and lightning illuminates the sky as more and more rain is dumped from the clouds.
  273. Maya races onto the property and up to the yard with the swan fountain, where she had first met and danced with Claudine. She doesn't even bother with the front doors. She already knows they're locked and refuses to waste anymore time.
  275. She hurries around the side of the mansion, until she spots a familiar balcony. But of course the ladder hadn't miraculously been left down for anyone to climb it.
  277. Still, that won't stop her. Nothing is going to stop her from reaching Claudine.
  279. Maya runs as close to the house as possible, elbowing her way through the bushes and shrubbery as she tries to find a solid branch to get her footing on. She sheds her jacket, as its extra weight from being so wet is only slowing her down.
  281. Once she's found a good foothold, she pushes herself up as far as she can, fingernails scraping against the white brick of the mansion in an effort to find some sort of grip.
  283. It's slippery from the rain, and it takes her a good deal of searching, but eventually she finds a hold that should work. Slowly, she begins pulling herself up the side of the house, teeth grit in determination as the rain continuously pours down at her, making it almost impossible to even keep her eyes open. The water gets in her mouth and in her nose, and no amount of coughing or shaking her head can get rid of the constant trickle.
  285. So she just ignores everything else and focuses on climbing.
  287. Finding a grip for her hands is difficult enough, but hoisting herself up and then trying to find a foothold with the tips of her shoes is even worse. She slips several times, especially when the thunder startles her, and she ends up falling back down into the bushes more than just once.
  289. But she won't stop. Not until she's reached her.
  291. So she gets back up and starts again as many times as it takes.
  293. She can feel something more than just rainwater oozing from the tips of her nails now, but she doesn't think twice about it as she scrambles for another place to put her foot.
  295. This time, she gets higher than before, dragging herself up the side of the house by using every shred of strength and balance she'd ever learned in her life.
  297. The balcony is just a few feet out of reach now, but she doesn't let herself get confident just yet. Not until her fingers finally grasp the base of one of the marble pillars.
  299. Maya pauses, catching her breath and glancing back down behind her. It's a fair drop from here, and even if she were to land in the bushes it would still hurt quite a bit.
  301. She can't fall now. Not this time. Not when she's this close.
  303. Maya keeps a firm grip on the marble, curling her fingers and thumb so tightly they meet on the other side. Then, she hoists herself up as much as she can, just high enough to throw her other arm up and grab another of the pillars. From here, she uses the edge of a roofed section of a nearby room on the first floor and kicks off as hard as she can.
  305. For the split second her weight is pushing upward, she lets go with one hand and grabs higher up, heaving herself upward as far as she can until her knee touches the base of the balcony patio. She clings there in her sopping-wet dress and catches her breath. Now with more than half of her weight on the balcony, she knows she's made it.
  307. With one final push, she brings her other leg up, and then stands, clinging to the outer rim of the marble rail. She hauls herself up and over, slides her legs to the other side, and drops down onto solid ground at last.
  309. She only takes half a second to catch her breath before another crash of thunder propels her into action. She hurries for the sliding glass door and gives it a pull. And by whatever blessing of fate or stroke of luck, it comes open.
  311. Maya hurries through, finding only curtain on the other side for the moment. She closes the door behind her, then pulls the curtains aside with a gentle desperation; she wants to get to her as quickly as possible, but she doesn't want to scare her in the process.
  313. Maya steps away from the balcony now and into the rest of Claudine's bedroom. It's almost completely dark, and if she wasn't already familiar with the layout she might not have known how to navigate. But with just a bit of light coming in from the open curtain, she takes a few rushed steps toward the bed, leaving puddles of water and streaks of mud behind herself.
  315. "Saijou-san-"
  317. As her eyes adjust, she can see the bed, and a small rise in the blankets.
  319. She's curled in on herself so tightly, and with her pillow over her head and no doubt hands over her ears, that she hadn't even realized someone had scaled the side of her house.
  321. Past the droning of the rain, Maya can hear the tiniest muffled little whimpers.
  323. Her heart breaks.
  325. She hurries to the bedside, her voice taught in her throat.
  327. "Saijou-san…?"
  329. The thunder blasts, and the bundle of blankets jolts and curls in on itself even more as a meek yelp escapes.
  331. Maya knows it's probably unavoidable that she's going to startle her. After all, she'd climbed the balcony in the middle of the night and essentially broken into her room unexpected and uninvited, and she looked like an absolute mess on top of it all. But she can't just stand back and do nothing when her beloved Claudine is suffering right in front of her.
  333. So with as gentle a touch as she can manage, so feather-light she barely makes any contact at all, she rests her hand over the blankets where Claudine's shoulder should be.
  335. She feels her jolt, and hears another frightened little gasp, but whether Claudine is too petrified or too weak to move, she can't be certain.
  337. "Saijou-san…"
  339. Maya says her name again, wanting her to know that it's her, that she's here for her now. She places her other hand on the pillow shielding Claudine's face and very slowly lifts it up and puts it aside.
  341. Beneath it is a shaking, sobbing, terrified girl.
  343. Claudine's eyes flash open past all the tears that have surely been streaming down her face for half an hour now, if not longer.
  345. Maya doesn't budge, in spite of how badly she wants to touch her right now. But even that desire is far outweighed by her desire not to scare her further. Even in the darkness, she can see the tears glistening all down Claudine's face, as well as the ones still waiting their turn to fall within her eyes. Her mouth is open in a gasp that doesn't come properly, and she ends up choking.
  347. "Ma…"
  349. Disbelief. That is what Maya sees most prominently in her eyes. She'll gladly accept that over fear.
  351. Almost as if Claudine has been hoping and praying for her to come to her somehow tonight, to the point where she isn't scared to find her actually here now. Rather, she is just absolutely baffled by the fact that her wish had been granted.
  353. As she stares up at her, wide-eyed and still crying, Maya has to hold herself back. She just gives her a wobbly smile and dips her head.
  355. "Yes. It's me." She feels warm tears already welling up and spilling over, pouring down her own face and mixing in with the cold rainwater still lingering there. Maya shakes her head slowly. "I… I'm so very sorry for such a sudden, unprecedented visit, and for my unceremonious appearance. But I simply…"
  357. She can't bring herself to say anymore right now, as her throat has begun to close up at the sight of her future fiancee. Claudine is still shuddering beneath her blankets, but her eyes are swimming with something so warm and genuine it fills Maya's heart until she feels it might burst. Claudine's voice is thin and rasping, but oh so thankful.
  359. "Tendo… Maya-"
  361. The thunder cracks again, and Claudine sobs.
  363. Maya can't hold back any longer. She all but dives forward and scoops Claudine up into her arms, pulling her across her lap and up against her chest. Claudine whimpers with dizzying relief, barely able to lift her trembling arms up enough to hug her in return. A particularly violent shudder rips through her, and a hiccup catches in the back of her throat.
  365. "M-Maya-"
  367. "It is all right." Maya squeezes her tighter, gathering the blankets and pulling them up over Claudine's back to the best of her abilities while still keeping her cradled in her arms. "It is all right, Saijou-san. I have made my way to your side, and I won't be leaving you again."
  369. She folds her arms around her, and Claudine buries herself into her collar, her fingers struggling to keep their grip on Maya's wet dress.
  371. Maya's is deeply pained by the sounds of her weeping, but she is just relieved to finally be together with her through it all.
  373. But now with Claudine so close against her, Maya can feel the sheer panic in her pulse. Her heart pounds so hard and so quickly it startles Maya just to feel it.
  375. She dreads to think about how Claudine had been suffering alone like this all this time, so frightened all on her own. Her voice comes out in little wails in between the sobs, which eventually start to double-up on themselves. The hiccups start to choke her, making her fear all the more poignant. And when the thunder just keeps crashing, her terror only heightens.
  377. Maya does all she can in an effort to help her, pulling more blankets up over her shoulders and rubbing one hand up and down her back in slow, soothing motions. The other, she uses to stroke back through Claudine's hair, carding through the frazzled locks with light, tender motions.
  379. "Breathe," Maya coaxes her. "You are all right, Saijou-san. I promise."
  381. And Claudine hears her words. She feels her loving touch. But her panic is so great she almost loses herself to it. Her pulse aches in her chest, making her whole body sore with every beat.
  383. "Ma-"
  385. Again, the thunder drowns her out. She buries herself into the side of Maya's neck and sobs.
  387. She still can't believe it. That her prayers had been answered. And she doesn't care to think about how Maya had gotten here right now. She just wants her to stay.
  389. "I won't leave you," Maya vows, as if reading her thoughts. "I am not going anywhere, Claudine."
  391. Maya doesn't even fully realize it herself when Claudine's first name alone comes from her lips for the first time.
  393. But there is a soft, tiny gasp on Claudine's part, which is then followed by a tighter clinging of her hands around Maya's sides. Maya keeps her close, blinking her own, quieter tears away.
  395. "Please, calm your heart," she says gently. "I cannot bear the thought of seeing you even more hurt than you already are. Just breathe, Claudine."
  397. Maya demonstrates, inhaling slowly and steadily for a full few seconds before letting it out again. Claudine hiccups against her chest, her breath much thinner and choppier by comparison.
  399. But it's soothing to feel Maya's steady breath against her own hammering pulse. She tries to mimic it to the best of her abilities, gasping in a gulp of air before exhaling a bit more slowly.
  401. Maya can feel that she's trying. She gives Claudine another soft squeeze and continues running her hands up and down her back.
  403. "That's it. You're doing wonderfully. Breathe in…" Maya inhales with her now, holds it, and then exhales. "…and out. You see? You can do this, Claudine. I promise you."
  405. Maya repeats the process with her several more times, cradling the frightened girl against her chest, enveloping her in all the warmth and love Maya has to give her - which is quite a lot.
  407. They reach the point where Claudine even stops flinching when the thunder strikes. Her sobs have begun to calm down, and her pulse has begun to slow.
  409. Maya hums their song for her all the way through without stopping, even with the frequent interruptions of the thunder. Eventually, the crushing embrace Claudine has on her begins to loosen into something less desperate, less terrified.
  411. Maya never stops petting down her back or carding through her hair all the while.
  413. By now, she can feel that Claudine's heartbeat has steadied into something less dangerous, and her breathing has become more tranquil. Maya heaves her own sigh of relief, elated beyond expression to finally know her partner is safe now.
  415. The little hiccups continue for a while longer, but Maya will gladly take those over the tumult of things from just five minutes earlier.
  417. "You are all right," she whispers again. "I've got you, Claudine. I am here."
  419. And at long last, the thunder begins to roll away.
  421. Claudine shudders one more time, but once it's passed, Maya sighs happily to feel she isn't shaking anymore.
  423. And a moment later, the lights come back, filling the bedroom with a soft golden glow.
  425. Claudine breathes out a long sigh, her hands finally able to hold onto Maya more steadily.
  427. "You…" Her voice is still hoarse, but much clearer now. "You came… but how-?"
  429. "I will explain shortly," Maya promises, easing away just a little bit. She cups her palm to Claudine's tearstained cheek and thumbs away a small tear, gazing down into her eyes. "But first, please let me know if you are still in any pain. Can you breathe properly?"
  431. Claudine dips her head.
  433. "I'm fine," she whispers. She leans her face into Maya's hand and closes her eyes for a moment. "I'm fine, now that you're here… Maya…"
  435. She, too, doesn't even fully realize that she's dropped the formalities. Referring to Maya simply by her first name comes naturally and without thought.
  437. Maya's heart throbs to hear it, but she keeps her small joy contained for the time being in favor of focusing on Claudine's condition.
  439. "Are you certain?" Her throat still feels a little tight. "If need be, we can call your parents or-"
  441. "There's no need for all that," Claudine reassures her. She reaches her hand up to reflect Maya's motion, brushing her palm against her partner's cheek. "I'm all right now. I promise. But, that aside… are you?"
  443. "Eh?"
  445. Maya hadn't even considered herself until Claudine had brought it up. Now that she thinks about it, there's a bit of soreness in her limbs and across her back from where she'd fallen, and her fingernails are still red and torn. Even so, she knows none of that is anything nearly half as bad as what Claudine had been enduring, so she nods her head as well.
  447. "I am fine. There is no need for you to worry-"
  449. "Liar." Claudine narrows her eyes up at her in a bit of a glare. At the very least, Maya is glad to see her usual feistiness returning.
  451. Even if that means she's about to get lectured.
  453. Claudine scrunches her nose a little bit and holds Maya's gaze so she can't look away or try to lie her way out of it.
  455. "So you really must have come up the balcony, right? I was trying to think it over and that was the only possible explanation I could come up with. Let me see your hands properly."
  457. "Eh? But Saijou-san-"
  459. "Hands."
  461. Maya guiltily lifts up her hands so Claudine can see them in the light. Claudine takes both of them in hers and begins turning them over to inspect the redness and the streaks of blood beneath her nails.
  463. "Mechante va… What kind of a woman climbs up someone's house in the middle of a storm and breaks in through the balcony? You're lucky no one saw you and called the authorities. How irresponsible…"
  465. But even in spite of her chiding words, Maya sees the exact moment when a single tear slips down her cheek. Claudine quickly shakes her head and wipes her eyes.
  467. "Not to imply that… I'm not thankful for it… How did you even…?" She trails off, her lecturing tone already tapering away into something more honest and curious. Maya glances down rather sheepishly.
  469. "I simply… had a hunch."
  471. A hunch?" Claudine scoffs. "All of this on a hunch? And what if you'd been mistaken? What if you'd-"
  473. "But that wasn't the case, was it?" Maya says softly. She pulls Claudine back into her arms for a moment, sighing as she rests her chin on her shoulder. "I would much rather have taken the risk of being wrong about this, than have abstained and allowed you to spend the rest of the night alone in that condition…"
  475. Claudine feels another rush of emotion swelling behind her eyes, but she holds it back. She has no choice but to admit Maya's reasoning makes perfect sense, especially in the case of someone betrothed to another. So she simply huffs and admits defeat as she hugs her back.
  477. "Mechante…"
  479. She nuzzles her face into Maya's neck again and stays there for a moment, nestled in her familiar warmth.
  481. Maya gives her a gentle squeeze. But it's then when a shiver cuts through her, and both girls are suddenly reminded of Maya's very wet clothes. Claudine pulls back immediately.
  483. "That's right!" she cries. "Please don't tell me you ran all the way here like that…"
  485. "N-Not all the way…" Maya admits. "Just about ten minutes-"
  487. "Ten minutes?" Claudine shrieks. "Out there in that storm in the dead of night?! By yourself?! In those clothes?!"
  489. "I had a jacket-"
  491. "Enough! Stop talking!" Claudine pushes back from her and slips her legs off the bed, using the bed post for support as she stands. Her legs are still a bit wobbly from the ordeal, but she's outraged enough by Maya's stupidity to be able to move right through it.
  493. "Unbelievable! Have you ever heard anything more ridiculous in your life? Running all the way here in a storm at night by herself, dressed in fancy banquet clothes!" Claudine whirls around and grabs Maya's hands, giving her a tug. "Come with me! Can you stand?"
  495. Maya almost laughs at the command, which is immediately followed by such words of concern.
  497. "Yes."
  499. "Good. Then come here!"
  501. Claudine gives her a pull and gets Maya to her feet, then hurriedly brings her across the bedroom to her personal bathroom. Claudine turns on the lights and ushers Maya inside to lean back against the sink, then scurries off to grab a fluffy white towel. Maya reaches out her hands to accept it, but Claudine snatches it out of her reach.
  503. "I'll do it! Do I have to remind you your hands are bleeding? Mechante…"
  505. Maya has to bite her lip to prevent herself from chuckling. Claudine must notice because she throws the towel fully over her head to cover her face.
  507. "Don't you start with me, Tendo Maya! You're lucky you didn't slip off the balcony and break your back! Then what would you have done? Lain there all night in the mud until I found you the next morning and had to call an ambulance? What a fine idea indeed!"
  509. Maya can't take it. She laughs this time.
  511. "Saijou-san-"
  513. "Quiet! Stop laughing, you insufferable woman!" Claudine ruffles the towel atop Maya's head with vigor to both dry her off and to chide her more.
  515. Maya does her best to stop chuckling as Claudine rubs the towel all over her head with both hands before moving it back enough to see her face again. Maya's expression is one of high amusement, while Claudine's is of high annoyance. Naturally, Maya feels inclined to tease.
  517. "Saijou-san?"
  519. "You're lucky you're cute…"
  521. "What was that?"
  523. "Nothing! I said be quiet! Turn around so I can get the rest of your hair!"
  525. Maya does as she's told, and Claudine begins running the towel from the top of her head all the way down her back to the ends at her hips. She takes a moment to remove Maya's sopping-wet ribbon and put it aside so she can rub the towel without obstruction.
  527. She goes through Maya's hair several times, also being sure to go from the underside to get the layers beneath. And then she begins drying off her neck and shoulders.
  529. Maya keeps quiet and smiles all the while. Claudine catches her grin in the mirror.
  531. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"
  533. "Yes. Quite a bit."
  535. "Why you… If you get sick because of this, don't come crying to me."
  537. "Funny. I think I've heard you say those very same words before."
  539. "Well maybe if you would stop putting yourself into such perilous situations-" Claudine spins her around again so Maya is facing her once more and glares up at her directly. "Stay here and keep drying off. I'll get you a change of clothes."
  541. "Pardon?" Maya tilts her head curiously. Claudine sighs in exasperation.
  543. "Honestly? Did you think I was going to send you home tonight? Make you walk back to your house like this, or call your parents and trouble them to come and get you? You're staying here whether you like it or not."
  545. "Oh no, please don't misunderstand," Maya says. "I like it very much."
  547. "Good. There's a guest room next door." Claudine smirks as she watches Maya's shoulders slump a little, but she can't bring herself to continue with the tease for long. She steps close to her again and glides the backs of her fingers across Maya's cheek. "Oh please, it was a joke. Don't look so dejected. Of course you're staying here with me. Though half my bed is a bit soaked at the moment."
  549. Maya perks up instantly.
  551. "That's fine. I shall sleep on that side."
  553. "Oh? You got excited just now, didn't you?" Claudine chuckles, tilting Maya's face to one side so she may leave a small kiss on her cheek. "We'll figure that out later. For now just get yourself as dry as possible."
  555. "Of course."
  557. Maya watches as Claudine walks across the bathroom and exits.
  559. Only now does her brain begin to register the meaning of what had just been said here. Her heart backflips, and she brings the towel to her face to burying herself into it.
  561. Sharing a bed with Claudine…
  563. "A-hem."
  565. Maya jolts and looks up to find Claudine already standing in front of her again, holding out a clean pair of sleep pants and a sweater for her. Maya realizes she must have been lost in giddy thoughts for longer than she'd been aware of.
  567. Claudine puts her other hand on her hip and glares.
  569. "I take it you didn't even dry yourself off at all, did you?"
  571. "I… I did."
  573. "You are a terrible liar, Tendo Maya. Give it here."
  575. Claudine puts the clothes on the sink and begins drying Maya off again, running the towel from her shoulder down her arm to her hand, and then doing the same for her other arm. She pauses once again to inspect each of her hands, grimacing at the chipped nails and thin lines of blood caked underneath.
  577. She has Maya wash them with soap and warm water, standing right next to her as she does it, barking orders to make sure she does it properly. When Maya is finished, Claudine dries her hands off for her again, seeming a bit more satisfied now.
  579. But Maya's fingers are still a bit red and calloused. Claudine holds both her hands for a moment before slowly lifting them to her lips. She kisses each and every one of Maya's fingers in turn, a silent display of her gratitude for what she'd done.
  581. Maya's pulse beats faster with every kiss, and by the time the tenth one has been given, she feels as though her heart is going to burst with just how much she loves this girl.
  583. Without a word, Maya pulls Claudine into her arms and just holds her for a long, long moment. Claudine lets her have it, giving her a good squeeze in return.
  585. At last, she eases back and thrusts the clothes into her hands again.
  587. "Change," she says. "The mattress might still be a bit damp, but I'm going to switch the sheets and comforter." She turns away and exits the bathroom to complete her own task, leaving Maya to hers.
  589. Maya sheds her wet dress and muddy shoes at long last, drying herself off thoroughly before putting on the warm wool socks, pants, and sweater Claudine had brought for her. She folds up her dress and leaves it with her ribbon on the sink to collect in the morning. Right on time, Claudine calls for her.
  591. "Are you finished? If you are, then come call your parents and explain everything to them properly."
  593. "Ah, yes of course."
  595. Maya exits the bathroom as Claudine is finishing up with the blankets, rolling the wet ones up and bringing them to the hamper on the other side of the room. Maya calls her parents and apologizes for her behavior earlier this evening. Thankfully, they seem to understand her reasoning once she explains how she'd feared for Claudine's wellbeing. And they even approve of letting her spend the night to keep Claudine company while her parents are away.
  597. When she's finished with her call, Claudine takes the phone and leaves a message for her own parents, who are no doubt asleep at the moment. She brushes over most of the situation and simply tells them Maya had stopped by unexpectedly (which isn't a lie), and due to the weather Claudine had arranged to let her stay.
  599. Once they're both done making their calls, the two girls come back to one another. Claudine looks Maya over in the fresh set of clothes.
  601. "Are you comfortable?"
  603. "Yes." Maya dips her head.
  605. "And you're not cold?"
  607. "Not at all. Thank you for taking such good care of me, Saijou-san."
  609. Claudine crosses her arms.
  611. "The same goes for you, Tendo Maya…"
  613. By now, the late hour and the hectic night is finally catching up to them both. Maya begins to feel the ache in her body from the mad dash through the rain and the perilous climb up the balcony.
  615. And Claudine begins to feel the exhaustion of the crash after her panic attack. She offers Maya her hand, and Maya accepts.
  617. Claudine leads her to the bed, pulling the blankets down. Maya's heart is pounding, but she wants to be respectful of Claudine's boundaries. She steps away, making a move to go around the bed to the other side. But Claudine reaches out to take her wrist, keeping her in place. She doesn't look directly at her though, because she knows her face is burning red.
  619. "Don't bother," Claudine mutters. "That side is still a bit damp. So just stay here…"
  621. Maya's heart skips at least two beats in a row. She can feel Claudine's pulse in her wrist too, and it's also very fast. Maya swallows.
  623. "Are… Are you certain…?"
  625. "Idiote. If I wasn't certain, then would I have said it?"
  627. "I suppose not."
  629. "Right? So just stay here…" Claudine flashes her a sidelong glance and is a bit relieved to see that Maya is blushing just as badly as she herself is. At least Maya has a little shame about sleeping in someone else's bed. If her fiancee was completely confident with the situation right now, Claudine would've been unnerved, no doubt.
  631. It's nice to know they're both a bit hesitant. But no doubt very much happy.
  633. Claudine turns off the lamp first so she doesn't have to look at Maya too directly, though with the storm long-since passed now and the moon and stars shining with the curtains pulled aside, they can still see one another in a silver outline.
  635. They stand for a moment longer beside the bed in silence, each girl gathering her bearings and trying to stay composed. Eventually, Maya gives her a coaxing pat on the small of her back.
  637. "Please," she says. "It is your bed, Saijou-san. I implore you to rest however is most comfortable for you. I will situate myself accordingly afterward."
  639. Claudine stands her ground.
  641. "But you're the guest here. You should sleep however is comfortable for you…"
  643. "I assure you," Maya says. "Whatever you decide is most comfortable for you will be what is most comfortable for me."
  645. Claudine has no comeback to that other than a sigh of defeat.
  647. "You're so annoying…"
  649. So she climbs onto her bed, staying just a little off-center to avoid the damp side, but enough in the center to leave plenty of space for Maya to fit.
  651. Once Claudine has gotten settled, Maya slowly crawls in beside her, trying to remain as composed as possible. She never thought she would be doing this with her before they had even had their first proper kiss. But then again, they'd already confessed to one another, so perhaps this was somewhat normal.
  653. Maya stretches her legs out beneath the blankets and accidentally bumps Claudine in the process.
  655. "Ah- my apologies."
  657. "I-It's fine…"
  659. They share a bashful glance for half a second before Maya promptly lies down on her side. She dares to be bold enough to face Claudine, and is relieved when she doesn't turn away from her. She inches a little bit closer, adjusting the blankets and shifting her head just a tiny bit closer to hers on the pillow, but not too close.
  661. Claudine stays on her back and just looks up at the ceiling, trying to breathe slowly and keep her heart from bursting. When Maya has stopped moving around, Claudine glances sideways at her.
  663. "Are you comfortable?"
  665. Maya peeks up at her coyly.
  667. "Yes. Very much so."
  669. "Good."
  671. Silence. It's a bit awkward, sort of like how they'd both assumed their first conversations together might have gone, only this atmosphere now is a bit more justified, considering the intimacy of their proximity.
  673. Maya isn't quite sure what to do or say. Although her heart is racing with nervousness, she can't help but want to reach out and touch her, to pepper her with kisses and caress her face. But she knows that would be highly inappropriate, and she'd sooner die than risk making her uncomfortable, especially in her own bed.
  675. So for now, all she does is watch her, tracing her eyes over the rise and fall of Claudine's chest as she breathes, then up the slope of her neck and the profile of her face. The dim light from the windows highlights her hair and the tips of her eyelashes in silver.
  677. Maya brings her hands to her chest and grabs hold of the sweater to prevent herself from getting tempted to use them. Even just in watching Claudine like this she starts to feel guilty, so she closes her eyes, feeling the need to apologize-
  679. "I'm sorry."
  681. "…Eh?" Maya blinks her eyes back open again, surprised that the words hadn't come from her own mouth. Claudine doesn't look directly at her, but instead continues staring up at the pink curtain canopy of her bed. She repeats herself softly.
  683. "I'm sorry. You told me your fears, and I never opened up about my own. That was unfair of me. But I just never thought anything like this would happen…" She trails off in a sigh and is quiet for a moment.
  685. Maya slowly braces herself up a little bit on one elbow, holding back in speaking as she senses there is more to come. Sure enough, Claudine continues.
  687. "Futaba and my mother both did their best to help me think of techniques to use whenever I get startled like that. The doctor helped a lot, too. I thought I'd be able to handle myself when no one else was here… But clearly I was wrong…"
  689. Maya's brow furrows in dismay.
  691. "Claudine…" She goes back to using her first name again without even realizing it. Claudine turns her face to her and sighs again.
  693. "I guess it's still best if I can have someone I trust to help me through it."
  695. Maya doesn't miss a beat.
  697. "Then I will!" She speaks right away, and with such conviction she accidentally raises her voice a bit in how earnest she is.
  699. Claudine's eyes widen.
  701. "Eh?"
  703. Maya bites her lip before lowering her tone again, but remains serious.
  705. "If it is better for you to have someone you trust by your side during such troubling times, then I will gladly be the one to stay with you, Claudine. Every time. No matter where in the world you are, if you need me, I will always come running. I swear it."
  707. Claudine blinks.
  709. "Eh? That's a bit dramatic-"
  711. "I mean it."
  713. Claudine falls silent for a moment. She should have known better than to sound so doubtful when Maya is giving her such a serious look. She relents.
  715. "I'm sorry. I mean, you really did do that tonight, didn't you…?" She turns onto her side now to face Maya, and her eyes soften. "I really don't know what I would have done if you hadn't found your way to me tonight… I really should have told you…"
  717. Maya unfurls her hands, just to seek Claudine's beneath the blankets. She finds them and grasps them firmly while staring directly into her eyes.
  719. "So long as you are all right now, I will accept this. But now that I know what troubles you, I won't hesitate to come to your side and stay with you through anything that upsets you, Claudine. So long as you'll have me…"
  721. "There you go again with that!" Claudine huffs. "Of course I'll have you! There's no one else I'd ever want this way!"
  723. And she knows just how embarrassing the words are, but she doesn't think twice on them. After all, Maya has already lain her feelings bare, so Claudine won't hesitate to do the same for her.
  725. Maya finally smiles now, her heart warm and happy to hear Claudine's surefire words of acceptance.
  727. "Thank you, Claudine." She leaves one hand in Claudine's grasp, but draws the other one free and out of the blankets. She lifts it just a little and reaches out to her, then catches herself and pauses. "Claudine, may I… touch you like this…?"
  729. Claudine's heart jumps into her throat. She tries not to let it show, but she's sure Maya can probably still see how deep her blush is even in the darkness.
  731. "You… Do you really even need to ask? When we've already confessed to each other…"
  733. "I just want to be sure."
  735. Claudine exhales.
  737. "Go ahead."
  739. Maya smiles like a little kid who had just been gifted their most precious treasure. Her fingers come down softly to brush against Claudine's cheek, stroking through the stray lock of hair over her ear.
  741. Claudine responds by opening her hand beneath the blankets and lacing her fingers through Maya's.
  743. Maya pays close attention to her, making absolutely certain she's all right with this. It's nothing they haven't done before, but it is the first time they're doing such things alone in bed together, and she doesn't want to give off the wrong implications.
  745. Claudine finds she can't bear to look into Maya's sparkling eyes any longer, lest her heart explode, so she closes her eyes for a moment. She gives a little tug on Maya's hand, coaxing her closer.
  747. Maya is more than happy just to continue gliding her fingers over Claudine's cheek a few more times, then turns her hand to begin combing back through her hair just a little.
  749. Just to see Claudine safe and calm and happy like this, to feel her hands squeezing hers and bringing her a little closer…
  751. This is all she'll ever need.
  753. After a few more minutes, Claudine has brought her close enough so that their noses are just a few inches apart on the pillow. When she opens her eyes again, she notices just how close they are, but she doesn't put any distance between them.
  755. Maya is still gazing at her as if she's the most beautiful thing in the world.
  757. And to Maya, she really is.
  759. Claudine's heart is so full, to the point where she thinks it might overflow. But there is just one thing that she's been meaning to discuss with her.
  761. "Say… Maya…"
  763. "Hm?" Maya stops moving her hand and tilts her face a little to one side. "Would you prefer I stop?"
  765. "I didn't say that…" Claudine mutters. "I just… wanted to ask you something…"
  767. Maya's smile returns, and she continues carding through Claudine's hair.
  769. "Ask away, my sweet."
  771. Claudine takes a moment to recover from the comment before she finally decides on how she wants to word this.
  773. "Earlier… when you came and found me… That was rather extravagant, don't you think? To run all the way here in the rain, climb the balcony, and then make your way to me… What I mean to say is…" She pauses, burying her face into the pillow. "Y-You know what? Forget I said anything…"
  775. "No-" Maya gives her hand another squeeze and gently coaxes her to turn her face again. "What is on your mind, Claudine? Please tell me."
  777. And no matter how embarrassing it is, Claudine just can't say no to her when she's making that kind of expression. She sighs and keeps going.
  779. "It's just that… given all of the circumstances… I thought maybe you might… kiss me…"
  781. The seconds that follow are so quiet, Claudine is certain Maya can hear her heart hammering away a mile a minute.
  783. Maya's hand stops moving in her hair, and her fingers goes limp in Claudine's. Her eyes glaze over for a second before her jaw starts to drop, and a heavy blush spreads across her face.
  785. "I… that…"
  787. "I-It's fine," Claudine says quickly. "It's fine if you don't want to. I just-"
  789. "N-No!" Maya half-shrieks. "Of course I want to! I want nothing more than to kiss you, Claudine-" Maya blurts it all out without restraint, just so Claudine won't misunderstand her feelings.
  791. Consequently now, Claudine's heart leaps into overdrive, and her face turns even more feverish.
  793. Maya shakes her head, trying to make sense of everything that's rushing at her all at once from all sides now. She sits up, drawing in a deep breath before looking back down to her partner.
  795. "P-Please, allow me to explain myself." She offers her hand to Claudine, and when Claudine eventually accepts, Maya helps her sit up as well. She fumbles with her hands, clumsily tucking Claudine's hair back for her so she can see her face. Claudine reaches up to take hold of her hands and gently stops her, bringing them into her lap instead.
  797. "It's all right," she says. "I'll listen to whatever you have to say. But again, don't worry about it. I didn't mean to pressure you-"
  799. "Not at all-" Maya yelps. "You haven't put any pressure on me, Claudine. But in fact… that is how I felt as well."
  801. "Eh?"
  803. Maya draws in another deep breath and looks her in the eyes.
  805. "That is exactly why, Claudine. I'm… sorry to say that the thought of kissing you did cross my mind several times tonight… But I did not want to act on those thoughts when you were in such an uncertain state. I did not want to kiss you simply because it would have been romantic, or in the hopes that it might make you feel better. If I had kissed you when you were in such distress, I feel it would have put pressure on you to respond, or to feel obligated to return those feelings. I simply did not think it would be right to have kissed you then, when you were so hurt. I feel it would have been taking advantage of you somehow… And I don't… I never-"
  807. "Maya…" Claudine has heard more than enough now. Tears have already started to fall down Maya's cheeks again at the mere thought of possibly hurting her feelings, and Claudine doesn't think she could possibly love this girl any more than she does right now. She pulls Maya forward into her arms and wraps her in a warm embrace, tracing her hands slowly up and down her back.
  809. "I'm sorry. I didn't know asking such a thing would make you so upset... But I'm so glad you told me. To think you treasured me that much… to such a degree…" She feels Maya hug her back, holding onto her waist gently. Claudine sighs against her shoulder. "I understand what you mean perfectly now… If I were to kiss you right now, when you're crying like this… I feel like I would be taking advantage of you, too… So just this is more than enough."
  811. Claudine holds her now, stroking slowly through her hair.
  813. Thankfully, it only takes Maya a moment to stop crying this time, and when she does she eases herself back. She blinks up at Claudine, who has only the kindest, warmest eyes to gaze back at her with. Maya manages a small smile.
  815. "I wouldn't mind."
  817. "Pardon?" Claudine tilts her head a little. Maya blinks, then leans away.
  819. "N-Never mind."
  821. "No." Claudine takes her wrist, running her fingertips over Maya's sore ones. "You mean… you wouldn't mind if…?"
  823. "I-I apologize," Maya frets. "I shouldn't have said that, when we were just explaining how we didn't want to pressure one another-"
  825. "I don't feel pressured," Claudine murmurs. "Do you?"
  827. "I… perhaps not…"
  829. Claudine gives her wrist another little tug, bringing her nearer. Her heart is racing, but she manages to keep her gaze and her voice steady.
  831. "Then… may I kiss you, Tendo Maya?"
  833. Maya forgets not only how to speak, but also how to breathe for a long moment. Her jaw hangs slack and she has to think very hard to remember how to form words.
  835. "I… yes. Please… if you would…"
  837. "Insufferable," Claudine mumbles, cupping her hands gingerly on either side of her face. "But cute."
  839. And it's as simple as that.
  841. Somehow, all of the nights and nights of nervously thinking about it lead up to this moment, and it's just so simple.
  843. Claudine leans forward and kisses her as if it's the easiest thing she's ever done.
  845. And the best thing she's ever done. She certainly thinks it is.
  847. Like everything else she's ever done with Maya, this just feels so right.
  849. She loves this girl so much. So, so much.
  851. Claudine lets her know it through that first kiss, pouring every emotion she can muster into it, transforming the lighter, sweeter contact into something a bit fuller and more earnest.
  853. Maya keeps hold of her by the waist so she won't fall over. She feels like she really might.
  855. Because the love of her life… the girl whom she had admired and loved from afar for so many years… the girl whom she had finally met and gotten to properly fall madly and deeply and sincerely in love with…
  857. Saijou Claudine is kissing her.
  859. And it isn't just a dream this time.
  861. Her heart is beating far too hard, and she can feel Claudine's pulse beneath her palm as well, just as lively, if not more so. The kiss lasts a lifetime, and is full of as many emotions to fill such an expanse of time.
  863. And yet, when Claudine finally eases back to catch her breath, Maya feels like it will never be enough. She knows in this moment now that she could kiss Saijou Claudine for the rest of her life, and it would still never be enough.
  865. Maya breathes through her mouth for a moment, her lips still tingling at the sensation. The kiss had been more than she ever could have hoped for or dreamed of. It was just far too profound to explain.
  867. She wants it again. She wants it forever.
  869. Once Claudine has finally regained her breath, she flashes her gaze up at Maya bashfully.
  871. "So… how was it…?"
  873. Maya pulls her in closer.
  875. "I truly have no words," she breathes, resting her forehead against hers. "Saying it was the best thing I've ever felt in my life would be an understatement."
  877. "You're being dramatic again."
  879. "I can assure you I am not. But it did reignite my confidence, that is for certain."
  881. "Oh?"
  883. They ease apart again, and Claudine gives her a curious, challenging sort of look. Maya bites her lip.
  885. "I admit… I think I would very much like to do it again… If that would be all right with you…"
  887. Claudine rolls her eyes.
  889. "Of course it would."
  891. "You're certain?"
  893. "Mechante- Didn't I just say I was?"
  895. "Then please… don't mind if I indulge myself."
  897. "You really are greedy," Claudine murmurs. "But I guess, in this case, so I am."
  899. Claudine closes her eyes and waits patiently now.
  901. Maya's heart backflips again, but she doesn't hesitate anymore. With one hand on Claudine's waist and the other on her shoulder to support her, Maya leans in close.
  903. She presses against her lips softly at first, showing her all of the most tender emotions that Claudine makes her feel. She feels Claudine's hands reach up to loop around her neck and shoulders, loose at first to match the kiss. But little by little, Maya kisses her harder, and Claudine's grip on her tightens in response.
  905. Maya gives her everything.
  907. Her years of work in hopes of one day impressing her.
  909. Her vigorous passion to stay by her side.
  911. Her deepest and most unexplainable expressions of her love.
  913. It's quite a lot to channel into just one kiss, however, and there's a slight shift in weight. Maya doesn't break the contact, and keeps Claudine close to her as she pushes her lightly down onto her back. Claudine's head falls perfectly onto the center of the pillow, her hair pooling out around her. Maya braces her weight on her arms beside her, though with how ardently Claudine is pulling her down, Maya isn't afraid to ease more of her weight onto her now. She pauses the kiss just for a second to allow them each a breath before diving back in.
  915. Maya kisses her again, a bit more slowly this time, and eventually she softens the force of it. She can feel Claudine's heart pounding against her chest, and the tiny trickle of worry about making her overexert herself has Maya regaining some self-control. She knows Claudine's heart is a bit delicate, and it's already been sent into a frenzy tonight. Albeit, this is much nicer than the one before - for both of them. But even so, Maya isn't willing to take any risks.
  917. So she finally breaks the current kiss and pulls herself away. When she opens her eyes to gaze at her princess now, Claudine is flushed and breathless - twice as much as Maya herself is. When Claudine looks up and sees Maya smiling down at her, she lifts her arms up to cover her face.
  919. "M…Mechante va-"
  921. "Please," Maya coos, gently moving Claudine's arms back down. "Allow me to be just a bit greedier and engrave this moment into my heart."
  923. "Why you… you are the worst…"
  925. "My apologies. I'm finished." Maya leans back down over her and leaves a much softer, much sweeter kiss on Claudine's forehead, then trails her lips down in a line between her eyes, then to the tip of her nose, and then very briefly back on her lips one more time.
  927. From there, Maya lies herself down over Claudine, resting her head on her chest. Her heartbeat fills Maya's head in seconds. It's very fast and very hard, and even after Claudine takes a moment to catch her breath, her pulse remains unchanged. Maya lifts her head up a bit worriedly, seeking her eyes.
  929. "Claudine…?"
  931. Claudine gives one last heaving huff of a breath, one so big it makes Maya's entire body move on top of her. She glares down at her and grabs fist-fulls of Maya's sweater in a hug.
  933. "I'm fine…" she pants. "You… You did this to me, Tendo Maya…" Her words are chiding and playful, not accusing, and her eyes prove that nothing is hurting her. She's only overjoyed, and very much in love.
  935. Relieved, Maya slips one arm around Claudine's side and beneath her back, and lets her other hand rest at her side.
  937. "I am so very glad… I am so… unspeakably happy, Claudine…"
  939. "For someone so unspeakably happy… you're still talking quite a bit…"
  941. "Yes… I guess it just goes to show how much I love you, Saijou Claudine."
  943. Claudine sighs again, and she loosens her tight grip on Maya's shirt into something more relaxed.
  945. "I love you too, Tendo Maya… Even if you are greedy and insufferable… I wouldn't have you any other way."
  947. "Nor would I, ma belle princesse."
  949. "Wh-?" The sudden French sends Claudine's heart racing again. Maya chuckles and plants a soft kiss on her collar.
  951. "You are very cute, Ma Claudine."
  953. "Your-?" But before Claudine can snap at her, she decides she rather likes the sound of it. So she sends it right back to her. "You can be pretty cute yourself sometimes… Ma Maya."
  955. Maya makes a tiny little yelp of surprise. Claudine smirks.
  957. "See?"
  959. Maya pouts a bit and hides her face in Claudine's neck. Claudine laughs and gets to rubbing her back in apology.
  961. It's nearly 2 in the morning by now. With everything that's happened tonight now, and with their feelings finally laid bare for one another, both girls finally begin to settle. There isn't an ounce of nervousness left between them, in any way. It's only the softest, warmest, and most loving affections, feelings of absolute comfort and safety and happiness.
  963. Claudine's hands ease away the soreness in Maya's body, and Maya's soft, careful movements provide Claudine's heart with a gentle, calming pressure.
  965. This certainly isn't at all how either of them had envisioned their first night together would be like, and certainly not so soon or under such circumstances. But now that they're living it, they wouldn't trade it for anything.
  967. Maya rests her head on Claudine's chest once again, listening to the sound of her heartbeat as it gradually slows into a steadier rhythm.
  969. Likewise, Claudine runs her hands across Maya's back and through her hair until her breathing has slowed down.
  971. But before she can drift off, Maya remembers the one French phrase she'd learned before any other, because even when she was young, it was the one thing she knew she would want to say to Saijou Claudine the most one day.
  973. "Je t'aime… Ma Claudine…"
  975. Claudine half-huffs, half-sighs in response.
  977. "Je t'aime, Ma Maya…"
  979. And so they sleep through the night in each other's arms, having finally begun living the dream they had always shared - a dream they made come true for one another.
  981. --------
  983. A/N: For all of the drama and hurt I wanted to pour into this chapter, I wanted to pour in twice as much fluff and comfort and tenderness! And the soft, loving consent - ah! How did I do?
  985. A little epilogue remains!
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