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- // Generated by FOnline Intellisense Creator for MSVC.
- // Manual changes in this file will be lost if the program is run again.
- // Used file:
- // ASCompiler.exe
- #define in
- #define inout
- #define out
- // Type definitions
- typedef unsigned long long uint64;
- typedef unsigned int uint;
- typedef unsigned short uint16;
- typedef unsigned char uint8;
- typedef long long int64;
- typedef short int int16;
- typedef signed char int8;
- typedef void* unknown; // for anonymous types
- // Forward declarations of global types
- template <typename T> class array;
- class string;
- class any;
- class dictionary;
- class file;
- class DataRef;
- class DataVal;
- class ProtoItem;
- class GameVar;
- class NpcPlane;
- class Item;
- class Scenery;
- class Critter;
- class Map;
- class Location;
- class Synchronizer;
- class CraftItem;
- // Global properties
- uint16 __Year;
- uint16 __Month;
- uint16 __Day;
- uint16 __Hour;
- uint16 __Minute;
- uint16 __Second;
- uint16 __TimeMultiplier;
- uint __FullSecond;
- bool __DisableTcpNagle;
- bool __DisableZlibCompression;
- uint __FloodSize;
- bool __NoAnswerShuffle;
- bool __DialogDemandRecheck;
- uint __FixBoyDefaultExperience;
- uint __SneakDivider;
- uint __LevelCap;
- bool __LevelCapAddExperience;
- uint __LookNormal;
- uint __LookMinimum;
- uint __GlobalMapMaxGroupCount;
- uint __CritterIdleTick;
- uint __TurnBasedTick;
- int __DeadHitPoints;
- uint __Breaktime;
- uint __TimeoutTransfer;
- uint __TimeoutBattle;
- uint __ApRegeneration;
- uint __RtApCostCritterWalk;
- uint __RtApCostCritterRun;
- uint __RtApCostMoveItemContainer;
- uint __RtApCostMoveItemInventory;
- uint __RtApCostPickItem;
- uint __RtApCostDropItem;
- uint __RtApCostReloadWeapon;
- uint __RtApCostPickCritter;
- uint __RtApCostUseItem;
- uint __RtApCostUseSkill;
- bool __RtAlwaysRun;
- uint __TbApCostCritterMove;
- uint __TbApCostMoveItemContainer;
- uint __TbApCostMoveItemInventory;
- uint __TbApCostPickItem;
- uint __TbApCostDropItem;
- uint __TbApCostReloadWeapon;
- uint __TbApCostPickCritter;
- uint __TbApCostUseItem;
- uint __TbApCostUseSkill;
- uint __ApCostAimEyes;
- uint __ApCostAimHead;
- uint __ApCostAimGroin;
- uint __ApCostAimTorso;
- uint __ApCostAimArms;
- uint __ApCostAimLegs;
- bool __TbAlwaysRun;
- bool __RunOnCombat;
- bool __RunOnTransfer;
- uint __GlobalMapWidth;
- uint __GlobalMapHeight;
- uint __GlobalMapZoneLength;
- uint __GlobalMapMoveTime;
- uint __BagRefreshTime;
- uint __AttackAnimationsMinDist;
- uint __WisperDist;
- uint __ShoutDist;
- int __LookChecks;
- uint __LookDir0;
- uint __LookDir1;
- uint __LookDir2;
- uint __LookDir3;
- uint __LookDir4;
- uint __LookSneakDir0;
- uint __LookSneakDir1;
- uint __LookSneakDir2;
- uint __LookSneakDir3;
- uint __LookSneakDir4;
- uint __LookWeight;
- bool __CustomItemCost;
- uint __RegistrationTimeout;
- uint __AccountPlayTime;
- bool __LoggingVars;
- uint __ScriptRunSuspendTimeout;
- uint __ScriptRunMessageTimeout;
- uint __TalkDistance;
- uint __NpcMaxTalkers;
- uint __MinNameLength;
- uint __MaxNameLength;
- uint __DlgTalkMinTime;
- uint __DlgBarterMinTime;
- uint __MinimumOfflineTime;
- int __StartSpecialPoints;
- int __StartTagSkillPoints;
- int __SkillMaxValue;
- int __SkillModAdd2;
- int __SkillModAdd3;
- int __SkillModAdd4;
- int __SkillModAdd5;
- int __SkillModAdd6;
- bool __AbsoluteOffsets;
- uint __SkillBegin;
- uint __SkillEnd;
- uint __TimeoutBegin;
- uint __TimeoutEnd;
- uint __KillBegin;
- uint __KillEnd;
- uint __PerkBegin;
- uint __PerkEnd;
- uint __AddictionBegin;
- uint __AddictionEnd;
- uint __KarmaBegin;
- uint __KarmaEnd;
- uint __DamageBegin;
- uint __DamageEnd;
- uint __TraitBegin;
- uint __TraitEnd;
- uint __ReputationBegin;
- uint __ReputationEnd;
- int __ReputationLoved;
- int __ReputationLiked;
- int __ReputationAccepted;
- int __ReputationNeutral;
- int __ReputationAntipathy;
- int __ReputationHated;
- bool __MapHexagonal;
- int __MapHexWidth;
- int __MapHexHeight;
- int __MapHexLineHeight;
- int __MapTileOffsX;
- int __MapTileOffsY;
- int __MapRoofOffsX;
- int __MapRoofOffsY;
- int __MapRoofSkipSize;
- float __MapCameraAngle;
- bool __MapSmoothPath;
- string __MapDataPrefix;
- int __GeometryType;
- uint __HitAimEyes;
- uint __HitAimHead;
- uint __HitAimGroin;
- uint __HitAimTorso;
- uint __HitAimArms;
- uint __HitAimLegs;
- uint __EncounterTime;
- // Registered types declarations
- template <typename T> class array
- {
- T& opIndex(uint);
- T& operator [](uint); // created from the previous
- const T& opIndex(uint) const;
- const T& operator [](uint) const; // created from the previous
- array<T> & opAssign(const array<T> &in);
- array<T> & operator =(const array<T> &in); // created from the previous
- void insertAt(uint, const T&in);
- void removeAt(uint);
- void insertFirst(const T&in);
- void removeFirst();
- void insertLast(const T&in);
- void removeLast();
- uint length() const;
- void reserve(uint);
- void resize(uint);
- void grow(uint);
- void reduce(uint);
- void sortAsc();
- void sortAsc(uint, uint);
- void sortDesc();
- void sortDesc(uint, uint);
- void reverse();
- int find(const T&in) const;
- int find(uint, const T&in) const;
- bool opEquals(const array<T> &in) const;
- bool operator ==(const array<T> &in) const; // created from the previous
- bool isEmpty() const;
- T& first();
- const T& first() const;
- T& last();
- const T& last() const;
- uint get_length() const;
- void set_length(uint);
- };
- class string
- {
- string& opAssign(const string&in);
- string& operator =(const string&in); // created from the previous
- string& opAddAssign(const string&in);
- string& operator +=(const string&in); // created from the previous
- bool opEquals(const string&in) const;
- bool operator ==(const string&in) const; // created from the previous
- int opCmp(const string&in) const;
- int operator <(const string&in) const; // created from the previous
- string@ opAdd(const string&in) const;
- string@ operator +(const string&in) const; // created from the previous
- uint8& opIndex(uint);
- uint8& operator [](uint); // created from the previous
- const uint8& opIndex(uint) const;
- const uint8& operator [](uint) const; // created from the previous
- uint length() const;
- void resize(uint);
- string& opAssign(double);
- string& operator =(double); // created from the previous
- string& opAddAssign(double);
- string& operator +=(double); // created from the previous
- string@ opAdd(double) const;
- string@ operator +(double) const; // created from the previous
- string@ opAdd_r(double) const;
- string& opAssign(float);
- string& operator =(float); // created from the previous
- string& opAddAssign(float);
- string& operator +=(float); // created from the previous
- string@ opAdd(float) const;
- string@ operator +(float) const; // created from the previous
- string@ opAdd_r(float) const;
- string& opAssign(int);
- string& operator =(int); // created from the previous
- string& opAddAssign(int);
- string& operator +=(int); // created from the previous
- string@ opAdd(int) const;
- string@ operator +(int) const; // created from the previous
- string@ opAdd_r(int) const;
- string& opAssign(uint);
- string& operator =(uint); // created from the previous
- string& opAddAssign(uint);
- string& operator +=(uint); // created from the previous
- string@ opAdd(uint) const;
- string@ operator +(uint) const; // created from the previous
- string@ opAdd_r(uint) const;
- string& opAssign(bool);
- string& operator =(bool); // created from the previous
- string& opAddAssign(bool);
- string& operator +=(bool); // created from the previous
- string@ opAdd(bool) const;
- string@ operator +(bool) const; // created from the previous
- string@ opAdd_r(bool) const;
- };
- class any
- {
- any& opAssign(any&in);
- any& operator =(any&in); // created from the previous
- void store(unknown&in);
- void store(int64&in);
- void store(double&in);
- bool retrieve(unknown&out);
- bool retrieve(int64&out);
- bool retrieve(double&out);
- };
- class dictionary
- {
- dictionary& opAssign(const dictionary&in);
- dictionary& operator =(const dictionary&in); // created from the previous
- void set(const string&in, unknown&in);
- bool get(const string&in, unknown&out) const;
- void set(const string&in, int64&in);
- bool get(const string&in, int64&out) const;
- void set(const string&in, double&in);
- bool get(const string&in, double&out) const;
- bool exists(const string&in) const;
- bool isEmpty() const;
- uint getSize() const;
- void delete(const string&in);
- void deleteAll();
- uint keys(array<string@> @) const;
- };
- class file
- {
- bool mostSignificantByteFirst;
- int open(const string&in, const string&in);
- int close();
- int getSize() const;
- bool isEndOfFile() const;
- int readString(uint, string&out);
- int readLine(string&out);
- int64 readInt(uint);
- uint64 readUInt(uint);
- float readFloat();
- double readDouble();
- int writeString(const string&in);
- int writeInt(int64, uint);
- int writeUInt(uint64, uint);
- int writeFloat(float);
- int writeDouble(double);
- int getPos() const;
- int setPos(int);
- int movePos(int);
- string@ readWord();
- int readNumber();
- uint8 readUint8();
- uint16 readUint16();
- uint readUint32();
- uint64 readUint64();
- uint readData(uint count, array<uint8> &inout data); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool writeUint8(uint8 data); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool writeUint16(uint16 data); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool writeUint32(uint);
- bool writeUint64(uint64 data); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool writeData(array<uint8> &inout data, uint count); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- };
- class DataRef
- {
- const int& opIndex(uint) const;
- const int& operator [](uint) const; // created from the previous
- int& opIndex(uint);
- int& operator [](uint); // created from the previous
- };
- class DataVal
- {
- const int opIndex(uint) const;
- const int operator [](uint) const; // created from the previous
- };
- class ProtoItem
- {
- const uint16 ProtoId;
- const int Type;
- const uint PicMap;
- const uint PicInv;
- const uint Flags;
- const bool Stackable;
- const bool Deteriorable;
- const bool GroundLevel;
- const int Corner;
- const int Dir;
- const uint8 Slot;
- const uint Weight;
- const uint Volume;
- const uint Cost;
- const uint StartCount;
- const uint8 SoundId;
- const uint8 Material;
- const uint8 LightFlags;
- const uint8 LightDistance;
- const int8 LightIntensity;
- const uint LightColor;
- const bool DisableEgg;
- const uint16 AnimWaitBase;
- const uint16 AnimWaitRndMin;
- const uint16 AnimWaitRndMax;
- const uint8 AnimStay_0;
- const uint8 AnimStay_1;
- const uint8 AnimShow_0;
- const uint8 AnimShow_1;
- const uint8 AnimHide_0;
- const uint8 AnimHide_1;
- const int16 OffsetX;
- const int16 OffsetY;
- const uint8 SpriteCut;
- const int8 DrawOrderOffsetHexY;
- const uint16 RadioChannel;
- const uint16 RadioFlags;
- const uint8 RadioBroadcastSend;
- const uint8 RadioBroadcastRecv;
- const uint8 IndicatorStart;
- const uint8 IndicatorMax;
- const uint HolodiskNum;
- const int StartValue_0;
- const int StartValue_1;
- const int StartValue_2;
- const int StartValue_3;
- const int StartValue_4;
- const int StartValue_5;
- const int StartValue_6;
- const int StartValue_7;
- const int StartValue_8;
- const int StartValue_9;
- const uint8 BlockLines;
- const uint16 ChildPid_0;
- const uint16 ChildPid_1;
- const uint16 ChildPid_2;
- const uint16 ChildPid_3;
- const uint16 ChildPid_4;
- const uint8 ChildLines_0;
- const uint8 ChildLines_1;
- const uint8 ChildLines_2;
- const uint8 ChildLines_3;
- const uint8 ChildLines_4;
- const bool Weapon_IsUnarmed;
- const int Weapon_UnarmedTree;
- const int Weapon_UnarmedPriority;
- const int Weapon_UnarmedMinAgility;
- const int Weapon_UnarmedMinUnarmed;
- const int Weapon_UnarmedMinLevel;
- const uint Weapon_Anim1;
- const uint Weapon_MaxAmmoCount;
- const int Weapon_Caliber;
- const uint16 Weapon_DefaultAmmoPid;
- const int Weapon_MinStrength;
- const int Weapon_Perk;
- const uint Weapon_ActiveUses;
- const int Weapon_Skill_0;
- const int Weapon_Skill_1;
- const int Weapon_Skill_2;
- const uint Weapon_PicUse_0;
- const uint Weapon_PicUse_1;
- const uint Weapon_PicUse_2;
- const uint Weapon_MaxDist_0;
- const uint Weapon_MaxDist_1;
- const uint Weapon_MaxDist_2;
- const uint Weapon_Round_0;
- const uint Weapon_Round_1;
- const uint Weapon_Round_2;
- const uint Weapon_ApCost_0;
- const uint Weapon_ApCost_1;
- const uint Weapon_ApCost_2;
- const bool Weapon_Aim_0;
- const bool Weapon_Aim_1;
- const bool Weapon_Aim_2;
- const uint8 Weapon_SoundId_0;
- const uint8 Weapon_SoundId_1;
- const uint8 Weapon_SoundId_2;
- const int Ammo_Caliber;
- const bool Door_NoBlockMove;
- const bool Door_NoBlockShoot;
- const bool Door_NoBlockLight;
- const uint Container_Volume;
- const bool Container_Changeble;
- const bool Container_CannotPickUp;
- const bool Container_MagicHandsGrnd;
- const uint16 Locker_Condition;
- const int Grid_Type;
- const uint Car_Speed;
- const uint Car_Passability;
- const uint Car_DeteriorationRate;
- const uint Car_CrittersCapacity;
- const uint Car_TankVolume;
- const uint Car_MaxDeterioration;
- const uint Car_FuelConsumption;
- const uint Car_Entrance;
- const uint Car_MovementType;
- const int RevealSneakers;
- const int NeedBlueprint;
- const int8 CraftLevel;
- const uint16 Misc_ChargeStart;
- const uint16 Misc_ChargeMax;
- const uint16 Misc_ToolSkillNum;
- const int Misc_ToolSkillBonus;
- const uint Armor_CrTypeMale;
- const uint Armor_CrTypeFemale;
- const int Armor_AC;
- const uint Armor_Perk;
- const int Armor_DRNormal;
- const int Armor_DRLaser;
- const int Armor_DRFire;
- const int Armor_DRPlasma;
- const int Armor_DRElectr;
- const int Armor_DREmp;
- const int Armor_DRExplode;
- const int Armor_DTNormal;
- const int Armor_DTLaser;
- const int Armor_DTFire;
- const int Armor_DTPlasma;
- const int Armor_DTElectr;
- const int Armor_DTEmp;
- const int Armor_DTExplode;
- const uint Armor_CrTypeMale2;
- const uint Armor_CrTypeMale3;
- const uint Armor_CrTypeMale4;
- const uint Armor_CrTypeFemale2;
- const uint Armor_CrTypeFemale3;
- const uint Armor_CrTypeFemale4;
- const int8 Armor_CMCritChance;
- const int8 Armor_CMCritPower;
- const int Weapon_DmgType_0;
- const int Weapon_DmgType_1;
- const int Weapon_DmgType_2;
- const uint Weapon_Anim2_0;
- const uint Weapon_Anim2_1;
- const uint Weapon_Anim2_2;
- const int Weapon_DmgMin_0;
- const int Weapon_DmgMin_1;
- const int Weapon_DmgMin_2;
- const int Weapon_DmgMax_0;
- const int Weapon_DmgMax_1;
- const int Weapon_DmgMax_2;
- const uint16 Weapon_Effect_0;
- const uint16 Weapon_Effect_1;
- const uint16 Weapon_Effect_2;
- const bool Weapon_Remove_0;
- const bool Weapon_Remove_1;
- const bool Weapon_Remove_2;
- const uint Weapon_ReloadAp;
- const int Weapon_UnarmedCriticalBonus;
- const uint Weapon_CriticalFailture;
- const bool Weapon_UnarmedArmorPiercing;
- const bool Weapon_NoRunning;
- const int Ammo_AcMod;
- const int Ammo_DrMod;
- const uint Ammo_DmgMult;
- const uint Ammo_DmgDiv;
- const uint8 Ammo_DTDiv;
- const int16 Blueprint_Param;
- const uint8 Blueprint_Id;
- const uint8 Blueprint_Level;
- const int8 Blueprint_Type;
- const uint8 Ingredient_Type_1;
- const uint16 Ingredient_Returns_1;
- const uint8 Ingredient_Type_2;
- const uint16 Ingredient_Returns_2;
- const uint8 Ingredient_Type_3;
- const uint16 Ingredient_Returns_3;
- string@ GetScriptName() const;
- };
- class GameVar
- {
- int GetValue() const;
- int GetMin() const;
- int GetMax() const;
- bool IsQuest() const;
- uint GetQuestStr() const;
- GameVar& opAddAssign(const int);
- GameVar& operator +=(const int); // created from the previous
- GameVar& opSubAssign(const int);
- GameVar& operator -=(const int); // created from the previous
- GameVar& opMulAssign(const int);
- GameVar& operator *=(const int); // created from the previous
- GameVar& opDivAssign(const int);
- GameVar& operator /=(const int); // created from the previous
- GameVar& opAssign(const int);
- GameVar& operator =(const int); // created from the previous
- GameVar& opAddAssign(const GameVar&inout);
- GameVar& operator +=(const GameVar&inout); // created from the previous
- GameVar& opSubAssign(const GameVar&inout);
- GameVar& operator -=(const GameVar&inout); // created from the previous
- GameVar& opMulAssign(const GameVar&inout);
- GameVar& operator *=(const GameVar&inout); // created from the previous
- GameVar& opDivAssign(const GameVar&inout);
- GameVar& operator /=(const GameVar&inout); // created from the previous
- GameVar& opAssign(const GameVar&inout);
- GameVar& operator =(const GameVar&inout); // created from the previous
- int opAdd(const int);
- int operator +(const int); // created from the previous
- int opSub(const int);
- int operator -(const int); // created from the previous
- int opMul(const int);
- int operator *(const int); // created from the previous
- int opDiv(const int);
- int operator /(const int); // created from the previous
- int opAdd(const GameVar&inout);
- int operator +(const GameVar&inout); // created from the previous
- int opSub(const GameVar&inout);
- int operator -(const GameVar&inout); // created from the previous
- int opMul(const GameVar&inout);
- int operator *(const GameVar&inout); // created from the previous
- int opDiv(const GameVar&inout);
- int operator /(const GameVar&inout); // created from the previous
- bool opEquals(const int);
- bool operator ==(const int); // created from the previous
- int opCmp(const int);
- int operator <(const int); // created from the previous
- bool opEquals(const GameVar&inout);
- bool operator ==(const GameVar&inout); // created from the previous
- int opCmp(const GameVar&inout);
- int operator <(const GameVar&inout); // created from the previous
- };
- class NpcPlane
- {
- int Type;
- uint Priority;
- int Identifier;
- uint IdentifierExt;
- bool Run;
- uint Misc_WaitSecond;
- int Misc_ScriptId;
- uint Attack_TargId;
- int Attack_MinHp;
- bool Attack_IsGag;
- uint16 Attack_GagHexX;
- uint16 Attack_GagHexY;
- uint16 Attack_LastHexX;
- uint16 Attack_LastHexY;
- uint16 Walk_HexX;
- uint16 Walk_HexY;
- uint8 Walk_Dir;
- uint Walk_Cut;
- uint16 Pick_HexX;
- uint16 Pick_HexY;
- uint16 Pick_Pid;
- uint Pick_UseItemId;
- bool Pick_ToOpen;
- NpcPlane@ GetCopy() const;
- NpcPlane@ SetChild(NpcPlane&inout child); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- NpcPlane@ GetChild(uint index) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool Misc_SetScript(string&inout funcName); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- };
- class Item
- {
- const uint Id;
- const ProtoItem@ Proto;
- const uint8 Accessory;
- const uint MapId;
- const uint16 HexX;
- const uint16 HexY;
- const uint CritId;
- const uint8 CritSlot;
- const uint ContainerId;
- const uint StackId;
- const bool IsNotValid;
- const uint8 Mode;
- uint16 SortValue;
- uint8 Info;
- uint PicMap;
- uint PicInv;
- uint16 AnimWaitBase;
- uint8 AnimStayBegin;
- uint8 AnimStayEnd;
- uint8 AnimShowBegin;
- uint8 AnimShowEnd;
- uint8 AnimHideBegin;
- uint8 AnimHideEnd;
- uint Cost;
- int Val0;
- int Val1;
- int Val2;
- int Val3;
- int Val4;
- int Val5;
- int Val6;
- int Val7;
- int Val8;
- int Val9;
- int8 LightIntensity;
- uint8 LightDistance;
- uint8 LightFlags;
- uint LightColor;
- uint8 Indicator;
- uint8 BrokenFlags;
- uint8 BrokenCount;
- uint16 Deterioration;
- uint16 AmmoPid;
- uint16 AmmoCount;
- uint LockerId;
- uint16 LockerCondition;
- uint16 LockerComplexity;
- uint16 Charge;
- uint16 RadioChannel;
- uint16 RadioFlags;
- uint8 RadioBroadcastSend;
- uint8 RadioBroadcastRecv;
- uint HolodiskNumber;
- int16 OffsetX;
- int16 OffsetY;
- int16 Dir;
- bool IsStackable() const;
- bool IsDeteriorable() const;
- bool SetScript(string@ script); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetScriptId() const;
- bool SetEvent(int eventType, string@ funcName); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint8 GetType() const;
- uint16 GetProtoId() const;
- uint GetCount() const;
- void SetCount(uint count); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetCost() const;
- Item@ AddItem(uint16 protoId, uint count, uint specialId); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- Item@ GetItem(uint16 protoId, uint specialId) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetItems(uint specialId, array<Item@> @ items) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- Map@ GetMapPosition(uint16&inout hexX, uint16&inout hexY) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool ChangeProto(uint16 protoId) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void Update() const;
- void Animate(uint8 fromFrame, uint8 toFrame); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void SetLexems(string@ lexems); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- Item@ GetChild(uint childIndex) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventFinish(bool deleted); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool EventAttack(Critter&inout attacker, Critter&inout target); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool EventUse(Critter&inout cr, Critter@ onCritter, Item@ onItem, Scenery@ onScenery); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool EventUseOnMe(Critter&inout cr, Item@ usedItem); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool EventSkill(Critter&inout cr, int skill); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventDrop(Critter&inout cr); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventMove(Critter&inout cr, uint8 fromSlot); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventWalk(Critter&inout cr, bool entered, uint8 dir); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void set_Flags(uint value); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint get_Flags() const;
- void set_TrapValue(int16 val); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- int16 get_TrapValue() const;
- bool LockerOpen();
- bool LockerClose();
- bool Weapon_IsHtHAttack(uint8);
- bool Weapon_IsGunAttack(uint8);
- bool Weapon_IsRangedAttack(uint8);
- };
- class Scenery
- {
- const uint16 ProtoId;
- const uint16 HexX;
- const uint16 HexY;
- bool CallSceneryFunction(Critter&inout cr, int skill, Item@ item); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- };
- class Critter
- {
- const uint Id;
- const uint CrType;
- const uint16 HexX;
- const uint16 HexY;
- const uint16 WorldX;
- const uint16 WorldY;
- const uint8 Dir;
- const uint8 Cond;
- const uint Anim1Life;
- const uint Anim1Knockout;
- const uint Anim1Dead;
- const uint Anim2Life;
- const uint Anim2Knockout;
- const uint Anim2Dead;
- const uint Flags;
- const string Name;
- uint ShowCritterDist1;
- uint ShowCritterDist2;
- uint ShowCritterDist3;
- bool IsRuning;
- const bool IsNotValid;
- const int Ref;
- DataVal Param;
- DataRef ParamBase;
- DataVal Stat;
- DataRef StatBase;
- DataVal Skill;
- DataRef SkillBase;
- DataVal TagSkill;
- DataRef TagSkillBase;
- DataVal Timeout;
- DataRef TimeoutBase;
- DataVal Kill;
- DataRef KillBase;
- DataVal Perk;
- DataRef PerkBase;
- DataVal Addiction;
- DataRef AddictionBase;
- DataVal Karma;
- DataRef KarmaBase;
- DataVal Damage;
- DataRef DamageBase;
- DataVal Mode;
- DataRef ModeBase;
- DataVal Trait;
- DataRef TraitBase;
- DataVal Profession;
- DataRef ProfessionBase;
- DataVal Achievement;
- DataRef AchievementBase;
- DataVal Reputation;
- DataRef ReputationBase;
- DataVal GoodEvilList;
- DataRef GoodEvilListBase;
- DataVal Followers;
- DataRef FollowersBase;
- DataVal FollowerVar;
- DataRef FollowerVarBase;
- uint GlobalMapMoveCounter;
- uint UsedToolItemId;
- const uint EventExtReservedMapIn;
- const uint EventExtReservedMapOut;
- const uint EventExtReservedId2;
- const uint EventExtReservedId3;
- const uint EventExtReservedId4;
- const uint EventExtReservedId5;
- const uint EventExtReservedId6;
- uint SpawnedBy;
- uint DisguisedBy;
- uint LastSpawnedItem;
- uint LastSpawnedCritter;
- uint LastSpawnedLocation;
- uint Reserved;
- bool IsPlayer() const;
- bool IsNpc() const;
- bool IsCanWalk() const;
- bool IsCanRun() const;
- bool IsCanRotate() const;
- bool IsCanAim() const;
- bool IsAnim1(uint index) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- int GetAccess() const;
- bool SetEvent(int, string@);
- void SetLexems(string@);
- Map@ GetMap() const;
- uint GetMapId() const;
- uint16 GetMapProtoId() const;
- void SetHomePos(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint8 dir); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void GetHomePos(uint&inout mapId, uint16&inout hexX, uint16&inout hexY, uint8&inout dir); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool ChangeCrType(uint newType); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void DropTimers();
- bool MoveRandom();
- bool MoveToDir(uint8 dir); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool TransitToHex(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint8 dir); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool TransitToMap(uint, uint16, uint16, uint8, bool arg4 = false);
- bool TransitToMap(uint, int, bool arg2 = false);
- bool TransitToGlobal(bool requestGroup); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool TransitToGlobal(array<Critter@> &inout group); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool TransitToGlobalGroup(uint critterId); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void AddScore(uint score, int val); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- int GetScore(uint score); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void AddHolodiskInfo(uint holodiskNum); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EraseHolodiskInfo(uint holodiskNum); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool IsHolodiskInfo(uint holodiskNum) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool IsLife() const;
- bool IsKnockout() const;
- bool IsDead() const;
- bool IsFree() const;
- bool IsBusy() const;
- void Wait(uint ms); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void ToDead(uint anim2, Critter@ killer); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool ToLife();
- bool ToKnockout(uint anim2begin, uint anim2idle, uint anim2end, uint lostAp, uint16 knockHx, uint16 knockHy); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void RefreshVisible();
- void ViewMap(Map&inout map, uint look, uint16 hx, uint16 hy, uint8 dir); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- Item@ AddItem(uint16 protoId, uint count); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool DeleteItem(uint16 protoId, uint count); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint ItemsCount() const;
- uint ItemsWeight() const;
- uint ItemsVolume() const;
- uint CountItem(uint16 protoId) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- Item@ GetItem(uint16 protoId, int slot) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- Item@ GetItemById(uint itemId) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetItems(int slot, array<Item@> @ items) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetItemsByType(int type, array<Item@> @ items) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- ProtoItem@ GetSlotProto(int slot, uint8&inout mode) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool MoveItem(uint itemId, uint count, uint8 toSlot); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool PickItem(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint16 protoId); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void SetFavoriteItem(int slot, uint16 pid); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint16 GetFavoriteItem(int slot); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetCritters(bool lookOnMe, int findType, array<Critter@> @ critters) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetFollowGroup(int findType, array<Critter@> @ critters) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- Critter@ GetFollowLeader() const;
- array<Critter@> @ GetGlobalGroup() const;
- bool IsGlobalGroupLeader();
- void LeaveGlobalGroup();
- void GiveGlobalGroupLead(Critter&inout toCr); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetTalkedPlayers(array<Critter@> @ players) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool IsSee(Critter&inout cr) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool IsSeenBy(Critter&inout cr) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool IsSee(Item&inout item) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void Say(uint8 howSay, string&inout text); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void SayMsg(uint8 howSay, uint16 textMsg, uint strNum); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void SayMsg(uint8 howSay, uint16 textMsg, uint strNum, string&inout lexems); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void SetDir(uint8 dir); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint ErasePlane(int planeType, bool all); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool ErasePlane(uint index); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void DropPlanes();
- bool IsNoPlanes() const;
- bool IsCurPlane(int planeType) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- NpcPlane@ GetCurPlane() const;
- uint GetPlanes(array<NpcPlane@> @ planes) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetPlanes(int identifier, array<NpcPlane@> @ planes) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetPlanes(int identifier, uint identifierExt, array<NpcPlane@> @ planes) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool AddPlane(NpcPlane&inout plane); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void SendMessage(int num, int val, int to); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void Action(int action, int actionExt, Item@ item); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void Animate(uint anim1, uint anim2, Item@ item, bool clearSequence, bool delayPlay); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void SetAnims(int cond, uint anim1, uint anim2); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void PlaySound(string&inout soundName, bool sendSelf); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void PlaySound(uint8 soundType, uint8 soundTypeExt, uint8 soundId, uint8 soundIdExt, bool sendSelf); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void SendCombatResult(array<uint> &inout combatResult); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool IsKnownLoc(bool byId, uint locNum) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool SetKnownLoc(bool byId, uint locNum); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool UnsetKnownLoc(bool byId, uint locNum); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void SetFog(uint16 zoneX, uint16 zoneY, int fog); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- int GetFog(uint16 zoneX, uint16 zoneY); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void ShowContainer(Critter@ contCr, Item@ contItem, uint8 transferType); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void ShowScreen(int screenType, uint param, string@ funcName); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void RunClientScript(string&inout funcName, int p0, int p1, int p2, string@ p3, array<int> @ p4); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void Disconnect();
- bool SetScript(string@);
- uint GetScriptId() const;
- void SetBagRefreshTime(uint realMinutes); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetBagRefreshTime() const;
- void SetInternalBag(array<uint16> &inout pids, array<uint> @ minCounts, array<uint> @ maxCounts, array<int> @ slots); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetInternalBag(array<uint16> @ pids, array<uint> @ minCounts, array<uint> @ maxCounts, array<int> @ slots) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint16 GetProtoId() const;
- uint GetMultihex() const;
- void SetMultihex(int value); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void AddEnemyInStack(uint critterId); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool CheckEnemyInStack(uint critterId) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EraseEnemyFromStack(uint critterId); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void ChangeEnemyStackSize(uint newSize); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void GetEnemyStack(array<uint> &inout enemyStack) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void ClearEnemyStack();
- void ClearEnemyStackNpc();
- bool AddTimeEvent(string&inout funcName, uint duration, int identifier); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool AddTimeEvent(string&inout funcName, uint duration, int identifier, uint rate); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetTimeEvents(int identifier, array<uint> @ indexes, array<uint> @ durations, array<uint> @ rates) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetTimeEvents(array<int> &inout findIdentifiers, array<int> @ identifiers, array<uint> @ indexes, array<uint> @ durations, array<uint> @ rates) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void ChangeTimeEvent(uint index, uint newDuration, uint newRate); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EraseTimeEvent(uint index); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint EraseTimeEvents(int identifier); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint EraseTimeEvents(array<int> &inout identifiers); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventIdle();
- void EventFinish(bool);
- void EventDead(Critter@ killer); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventRespawn();
- void EventShowCritter(Critter&inout cr); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventShowCritter1(Critter&inout cr); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventShowCritter2(Critter&inout cr); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventShowCritter3(Critter&inout cr); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventHideCritter(Critter&inout cr); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventHideCritter1(Critter&inout cr); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventHideCritter2(Critter&inout cr); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventHideCritter3(Critter&inout cr); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventShowItemOnMap(Item&inout showItem, bool added, Critter@ dropper); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventChangeItemOnMap(Item&inout item); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventHideItemOnMap(Item&inout hideItem, bool removed, Critter@ picker); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool EventAttack(Critter&inout target); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool EventAttacked(Critter@ attacker); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool EventStealing(Critter&inout thief, Item&inout item, uint count); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventMessage(Critter&inout fromCr, int message, int value); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool EventUseItem(Item&inout item, Critter@ onCritter, Item@ onItem, Scenery@ onScenery); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool EventUseItemOnMe(Critter&inout whoUse, Item&inout item); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool EventUseSkill(int skill, Critter@ onCritter, Item@ onItem, Scenery@ onScenery); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool EventUseSkillOnMe(Critter&inout whoUse, int skill); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventDropItem(Item&inout item); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventMoveItem(Item&inout item, uint8 fromSlot); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventKnockout(uint anim2begin, uint anim2idle, uint anim2end, uint lostAp, uint knockDist); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventSmthDead(Critter&inout fromCr, Critter@ killer); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventSmthStealing(Critter&inout fromCr, Critter&inout thief, bool success, Item&inout item, uint count); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventSmthAttack(Critter&inout fromCr, Critter&inout target); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventSmthAttacked(Critter&inout fromCr, Critter@ attacker); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventSmthUseItem(Critter&inout fromCr, Item&inout item, Critter@ onCritter, Item@ onItem, Scenery@ onScenery); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventSmthUseSkill(Critter&inout fromCr, int skill, Critter@ onCritter, Item@ onItem, Scenery@ onScenery); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventSmthDropItem(Critter&inout fromCr, Item&inout item); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventSmthMoveItem(Critter&inout fromCr, Item&inout item, uint8 fromSlot); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventSmthKnockout(Critter&inout fromCr, uint anim2begin, uint anim2idle, uint anim2end, uint lostAp, uint knockDist); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- int EventPlaneBegin(NpcPlane&inout plane, int reason, Critter@ someCr, Item@ someItem); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- int EventPlaneEnd(NpcPlane&inout plane, int reason, Critter@ someCr, Item@ someItem); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- int EventPlaneRun(NpcPlane&inout plane, int reason, uint&inout p0, uint&inout p1, uint&inout p2); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool EventBarter(Critter&inout barterCr, bool attach, uint barterCount); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool EventTalk(Critter&inout talkCr, bool attach, uint talkCount); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool EventGlobalProcess(int type, Item@ car, float&inout x, float&inout y, float&inout toX, float&inout toY, float&inout speed, uint&inout encounterDescriptor, bool&inout waitForAnswer); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool EventGlobalInvite(Item@ car, uint encounterDescriptor, int combatMode, uint&inout mapId, uint16&inout hexX, uint16&inout hexY, uint8&inout dir); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventTurnBasedProcess(Map&inout map, bool beginTurn); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventSmthTurnBasedProcess(Critter&inout fromCr, Map&inout map, bool beginTurn); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool IsInjured();
- bool IsDmgEye();
- bool IsDmgLeg();
- bool IsDmgTwoLeg();
- bool IsDmgArm();
- bool IsDmgTwoArm();
- bool IsAddicted();
- bool IsOverweight();
- int GetAC(bool);
- int GetDR(uint, bool);
- int GetDT(uint, bool);
- int GetArmorDR(uint, bool);
- int GetArmorDT(uint, bool);
- };
- class Map
- {
- const bool IsNotValid;
- const uint Id;
- const uint TurnBasedRound;
- const uint TurnBasedTurn;
- const uint TurnBasedWholeTurn;
- uint16 GetProtoId() const;
- Location@ GetLocation() const;
- bool SetScript(string@);
- uint GetScriptId() const;
- bool SetEvent(int, string@);
- void SetLoopTime(uint numLoop, uint ms); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint8 GetRain() const;
- void SetRain(uint8 capacity); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- int GetTime() const;
- void SetTime(int time); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetDayTime(uint dayPart) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void SetDayTime(uint dayPart, uint time); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void GetDayColor(uint dayPart, uint8&inout r, uint8&inout g, uint8&inout b) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void SetDayColor(uint dayPart, uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void SetTurnBasedAvailability(bool value); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool IsTurnBasedAvailability() const;
- void BeginTurnBased(Critter@ firstTurnCrit); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool IsTurnBased() const;
- void EndTurnBased();
- int GetTurnBasedSequence(array<uint> &inout crittersIds) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void SetData(uint index, int value); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- int GetData(uint index) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- Item@ AddItem(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint16 protoId, uint count); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- Item@ GetItem(uint) const;
- Item@ GetItem(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint16 protoId) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetItems(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, array<Item@> @ items) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetItems(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint radius, uint16 protoId, array<Item@> @ items) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetItems(uint16 protoId, array<Item@> @ items) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetItemsByType(int, array<Item@> @) const;
- Item@ GetDoor(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- Item@ GetCar(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- Scenery@ GetScenery(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint16 protoId) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetSceneries(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, array<Scenery@> @ sceneries) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetSceneries(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint radius, uint16 protoId, array<Scenery@> @ sceneries) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetSceneries(uint16 protoId, array<Scenery@> @ sceneries) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- Critter@ GetCritter(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- Critter@ GetCritter(uint) const;
- uint GetCrittersHex(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint radius, int findType, array<Critter@> @ critters) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetCritters(uint16 pid, int findType, array<Critter@> @ critters) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetCrittersPath(uint16 fromHx, uint16 fromHy, uint16 toHx, uint16 toHy, float angle, uint dist, int findType, array<Critter@> @ critters) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetCrittersPath(uint16 fromHx, uint16 fromHy, uint16 toHx, uint16 toHy, float angle, uint dist, int findType, array<Critter@> @ critters, uint16&inout preBlockHx, uint16&inout preBlockHy, uint16&inout blockHx, uint16&inout blockHy) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetCrittersWhoViewPath(uint16 fromHx, uint16 fromHy, uint16 toHx, uint16 toHy, int findType, array<Critter@> @ critters) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetCrittersSeeing(array<Critter@> &inout critters, bool lookOnThem, int find_type, array<Critter@> @ crittersResult) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void GetHexCoord(uint16 fromHx, uint16 fromHy, uint16&inout toHx, uint16&inout toHy, float angle, uint dist) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void GetHexCoordWall(uint16 fromHx, uint16 fromHy, uint16&inout toHx, uint16&inout toHy, float angle, uint dist) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetPathLength(uint16 fromHx, uint16 fromHy, uint16 toHx, uint16 toHy, uint cut) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetPathLength(Critter&inout cr, uint16 toHx, uint16 toHy, uint cut) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool VerifyTrigger(Critter&inout cr, uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint8 dir); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- Critter@ AddNpc(uint16 protoId, uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint8 dir, array<int> @ params, array<int> @ items, string@ script); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetNpcCount(int npcRole, int findType) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- Critter@ GetNpc(int npcRole, int findType, uint skipCount) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint CountEntire(int entire) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetEntires(int entire, array<uint> @ entires, array<uint16> @ hexX, array<uint16> @ hexY) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool GetEntireCoords(int entire, uint skip, uint16&inout hexX, uint16&inout hexY) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool GetEntireCoords(int entire, uint skip, uint16&inout hexX, uint16&inout hexY, uint8&inout dir) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool GetNearEntireCoords(int&inout entire, uint16&inout hexX, uint16&inout hexY) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool GetNearEntireCoords(int&inout entire, uint16&inout hexX, uint16&inout hexY, uint8&inout dir) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool IsHexPassed(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool IsHexRaked(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void SetText(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint color, string&inout text) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void SetTextMsg(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint color, uint16 textMsg, uint strNum) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void SetTextMsg(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint color, uint16 textMsg, uint strNum, string&inout lexems) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void RunEffect(uint16 effectPid, uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint16 radius) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void RunFlyEffect(uint16 effectPid, Critter@ fromCr, Critter@ toCr, uint16 fromX, uint16 fromY, uint16 toX, uint16 toY) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool CheckPlaceForItem(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint16 pid) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void BlockHex(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, bool full); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void UnblockHex(uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void PlaySound(string&inout soundName) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void PlaySound(string&inout soundName, uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint radius) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool Reload();
- uint16 GetWidth() const;
- uint16 GetHeight() const;
- void MoveHexByDir(uint16&inout hexX, uint16&inout hexY, uint8 dir, uint steps) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventFinish(bool);
- void EventLoop0();
- void EventLoop1();
- void EventLoop2();
- void EventLoop3();
- void EventLoop4();
- void EventInCritter(Critter&inout cr); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventOutCritter(Critter&inout cr); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventCritterDead(Critter&inout cr, Critter@ killer); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- void EventTurnBasedBegin();
- void EventTurnBasedEnd();
- void EventTurnBasedProcess(Critter&inout cr, bool beginTurn); // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- };
- class Location
- {
- const uint Id;
- uint16 WorldX;
- uint16 WorldY;
- bool Visible;
- bool GeckVisible;
- bool AutoGarbage;
- int GeckCount;
- uint16 Radius;
- uint Color;
- const bool IsNotValid;
- uint16 GetProtoId() const;
- uint GetMapCount() const;
- Map@ GetMap(uint16 mapPid) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- Map@ GetMapByIndex(uint index) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- uint GetMaps(array<Map@> @ maps) const; // Arguments for this function have been guessed
- bool Reload();
- void Update();
- };
- class Synchronizer
- {
- void Lock();
- };
- class CraftItem
- {
- const uint Num;
- const string Name;
- const string Info;
- const uint Experience;
- const string Script;
- uint GetShowParams(array<uint> @, array<int> @, array<bool> @);
- uint GetNeedParams(array<uint> @, array<int> @, array<bool> @);
- uint GetNeedTools(array<uint16> @, array<uint> @, array<bool> @);
- uint GetNeedItems(array<uint16> @, array<uint> @, array<bool> @);
- uint GetOutItems(array<uint16> @, array<uint> @);
- };
- // Global functions
- string@ substring(const string&in, int, int);
- int findFirst(const string&in, const string&in, int arg2 = 0);
- int findLast(const string&in, const string&in, int arg2 = 0);
- int findFirstOf(const string&in, const string&in, int arg2 = 0);
- int findFirstNotOf(const string&in, const string&in, int arg2 = 0);
- int findLastOf(const string&in, const string&in, int arg2 = 0);
- int findLastNotOf(const string&in, const string&in, int arg2 = 0);
- array<string@> @ split(const string&in, const string&in);
- array<string@> @ splitEx(const string&in, const string&in);
- string@ join(const array<string@> &in, const string&in);
- string@ strlwr(const string&in);
- string@ strupr(const string&in);
- float cos(float);
- float sin(float);
- float tan(float);
- float acos(float);
- float asin(float);
- float atan(float);
- float atan2(float, float);
- float cosh(float);
- float sinh(float);
- float tanh(float);
- float log(float);
- float log10(float);
- float pow(float, float);
- float sqrt(float);
- float ceil(float);
- float abs(float);
- float floor(float);
- float fraction(float);
- void __CompilerLog(string&inout text);
- GameVar@ GetGlobalVar(uint16 varId);
- GameVar@ GetLocalVar(uint16 varId, uint masterId);
- GameVar@ GetUnicumVar(uint16 varId, uint masterId, uint slaveId);
- Item@ GetItem(uint itemId);
- void MoveItem(Item&inout item, uint count, Critter&inout toCr);
- void MoveItem(Item&inout item, uint count, Item&inout toCont, uint stackId);
- void MoveItem(Item&inout item, uint count, Map&inout toMap, uint16 toHx, uint16 toHy);
- void MoveItems(array<Item@> &inout items, Critter&inout toCr);
- void MoveItems(array<Item@> &inout items, Item&inout toCont, uint stackId);
- void MoveItems(array<Item@> &inout items, Map&inout toMap, uint16 toHx, uint16 toHy);
- void DeleteItem(Item&inout item);
- void DeleteItems(array<Item@> &inout items);
- void DeleteNpc(Critter&inout npc);
- uint GetCrittersDistantion(Critter&inout cr1, Critter&inout cr2);
- void RadioMessage(uint16 channel, string&inout text);
- void RadioMessageMsg(uint16 channel, uint16 textMsg, uint strNum);
- void RadioMessageMsg(uint16 channel, uint16 textMsg, uint strNum, string@ lexems);
- uint CreateLocation(uint16 locPid, uint16 worldX, uint16 worldY, array<Critter@> @ critters);
- void DeleteLocation(uint locId);
- void GetProtoCritter(uint16 protoId, array<int> &inout data);
- Critter@ GetCritter(uint critterId);
- Critter@ GetPlayer(string&inout name);
- uint GetPlayerId(string&inout name);
- string@ GetPlayerName(uint playerId);
- uint GetGlobalMapCritters(uint16 worldX, uint16 worldY, uint radius, int findType, array<Critter@> @ critters);
- uint CreateTimeEvent(uint beginSecond, string&inout funcName, bool save);
- uint CreateTimeEvent(uint beginSecond, string&inout funcName, uint value, bool save);
- uint CreateTimeEvent(uint beginSecond, string&inout funcName, int value, bool save);
- uint CreateTimeEvent(uint beginSecond, string&inout funcName, array<uint> &inout values, bool save);
- uint CreateTimeEvent(uint beginSecond, string&inout funcName, array<int> &inout values, bool save);
- bool EraseTimeEvent(uint num);
- bool GetTimeEvent(uint num, uint&inout duration, array<uint> @ values);
- bool GetTimeEvent(uint num, uint&inout duration, array<int> @ values);
- bool SetTimeEvent(uint num, uint duration, array<uint> @ values);
- bool SetTimeEvent(uint num, uint duration, array<int> @ values);
- bool SetAnyData(string&inout name, array<int64> &inout data);
- bool SetAnyData(string&inout, array<int> &inout);
- bool SetAnyData(string&inout name, array<int16> &inout data);
- bool SetAnyData(string&inout name, array<int8> &inout data);
- bool SetAnyData(string&inout name, array<uint64> &inout data);
- bool SetAnyData(string&inout, array<uint> &inout);
- bool SetAnyData(string&inout name, array<uint16> &inout data);
- bool SetAnyData(string&inout name, array<uint8> &inout data);
- bool SetAnyData(string&inout name, array<int64> &inout data, uint dataSize);
- bool SetAnyData(string&inout, array<int> &inout, uint);
- bool SetAnyData(string&inout name, array<int16> &inout data, uint dataSize);
- bool SetAnyData(string&inout name, array<int8> &inout data, uint dataSize);
- bool SetAnyData(string&inout name, array<uint64> &inout data, uint dataSize);
- bool SetAnyData(string&inout, array<uint> &inout, uint);
- bool SetAnyData(string&inout name, array<uint16> &inout data, uint dataSize);
- bool SetAnyData(string&inout name, array<uint8> &inout data, uint dataSize);
- bool GetAnyData(string&inout name, array<int64> &inout data);
- bool GetAnyData(string&inout, array<int> &inout);
- bool GetAnyData(string&inout name, array<int16> &inout data);
- bool GetAnyData(string&inout name, array<int8> &inout data);
- bool GetAnyData(string&inout name, array<uint64> &inout data);
- bool GetAnyData(string&inout, array<uint> &inout);
- bool GetAnyData(string&inout name, array<uint16> &inout data);
- bool GetAnyData(string&inout name, array<uint8> &inout data);
- bool IsAnyData(string&inout name);
- void EraseAnyData(string&inout name);
- Map@ GetMap(uint mapId);
- Map@ GetMapByPid(uint16 mapPid, uint skipCount);
- Location@ GetLocation(uint locId);
- Location@ GetLocationByPid(uint16 locPid, uint skipCount);
- uint GetLocations(uint16 worldX, uint16 worldY, uint radius, array<Location@> @ locations);
- uint GetVisibleLocations(uint16 worldX, uint16 worldY, uint radius, Critter@ visibleBy, array<Location@> @ locations);
- uint GetZoneLocationIds(uint16 zoneX, uint16 zoneY, uint zoneRadius, array<uint> @ locationIds);
- bool RunDialog(Critter&inout player, Critter&inout npc, bool ignoreDistance);
- bool RunDialog(Critter&inout player, Critter&inout npc, uint dialogPack, bool ignoreDistance);
- bool RunDialog(Critter&inout player, uint dialogPack, uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, bool ignoreDistance);
- int64 WorldItemCount(uint16 protoId);
- void SetBestScore(int score, Critter@ player, string&inout name);
- bool AddTextListener(int sayType, string&inout firstStr, uint16 parameter, string&inout scriptName);
- void EraseTextListener(int sayType, string&inout firstStr, uint16 parameter);
- NpcPlane@ CreatePlane();
- uint GetBagItems(uint bagId, array<uint16> @ pids, array<uint> @ minCounts, array<uint> @ maxCounts, array<int> @ slots);
- void SetChosenSendParameter(int index, bool enabled);
- void SetSendParameter(int index, bool enabled);
- void SetSendParameter(int index, bool enabled, string@ allowFunc);
- bool SwapCritters(Critter&inout cr1, Critter&inout cr2, bool withInventory, bool withVars);
- uint GetAllItems(uint16 pid, array<Item@> @ items);
- uint GetAllPlayers(array<Critter@> @ players);
- uint GetAllNpc(uint16 pid, array<Critter@> @ npc);
- uint GetAllMaps(uint16 pid, array<Map@> @ maps);
- uint GetAllLocations(uint16 pid, array<Location@> @ locations);
- uint GetScriptId(string&inout scriptName, string&inout funcDeclaration);
- string@ GetScriptName(uint scriptId);
- array<int8> @ GetItemDataMask(int maskType);
- bool SetItemDataMask(int maskType, array<int8> &inout mask);
- bool LoadImage(uint index, string@ imageName, uint imageDepth, int pathType);
- uint GetImageColor(uint index, uint x, uint y);
- void Synchronize();
- void Resynchronize();
- bool SetParameterDialogGetBehaviour(uint index, string&inout funcName);
- CraftItem@ GetCraftItem(uint num);
- uint GetFullSecond(uint16 year, uint16 month, uint16 day, uint16 hour, uint16 minute, uint16 second);
- void GetTime(uint16&inout year, uint16&inout month, uint16&inout day, uint16&inout dayOfWeek, uint16&inout hour, uint16&inout minute, uint16&inout second, uint16&inout milliseconds);
- void GetGameTime(uint fullSecond, uint16&inout year, uint16&inout month, uint16&inout day, uint16&inout dayOfWeek, uint16&inout hour, uint16&inout minute, uint16&inout second);
- bool SetParameterGetBehaviour(uint index, string&inout funcName);
- bool SetParameterChangeBehaviour(uint index, string&inout funcName);
- void SetRegistrationParameter(uint index, bool enabled);
- bool IsCritterCanWalk(uint crType);
- bool IsCritterCanRun(uint crType);
- bool IsCritterCanRotate(uint crType);
- bool IsCritterCanAim(uint crType);
- bool IsCritterCanArmor(uint crType);
- bool IsCritterAnim1(uint crType, uint anim1);
- int GetCritterAnimType(uint crType);
- uint GetCritterAlias(uint crType);
- string@ GetCritterTypeName(uint crType);
- string@ GetCritterSoundName(uint crType);
- void Log(string&inout text);
- string@ GetLastError();
- int Random(int minimum, int maximum);
- ProtoItem@ GetProtoItem(uint16 protoId);
- bool StrToInt(string@ text, int&inout result);
- bool StrToFloat(string@ text, float&inout result);
- uint GetDistantion(uint16 hexX1, uint16 hexY1, uint16 hexX2, uint16 hexY2);
- uint8 GetDirection(uint16 fromHexX, uint16 fromHexY, uint16 toHexX, uint16 toHexY);
- uint8 GetOffsetDir(uint16 fromHexX, uint16 fromHexY, uint16 toHexX, uint16 toHexY, float offset);
- uint GetTick();
- uint GetAngelScriptProperty(int property);
- void SetAngelScriptProperty(int property, uint value);
- uint GetStrHash(string@ str);
- bool LoadDataFile(string&inout dataFileName);
- int GetConstantValue(int constCollection, string@ name);
- string@ GetConstantName(int constCollection, int value);
- void AddConstant(int constCollection, string@ name, int value);
- bool LoadConstants(int constCollection, string@ fileName, int pathType);
- void AllowSlot(uint8 index, string&inout slotName);
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