
Roblox Game Cards

Jul 15th, 2017
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  1. Where can I purchase Roblox Game Cards?
  3. You can buy Roblox Game Cards at many local retailers as well as their online stores, such as Target or Walmart. Click here for more information.
  5. Roblox doesn't have inventory records for specific areas or stores. Don't hesitate to contact your local store for more information. If they don't currently sell Roblox Game Cards, be sure to ask them to do so in the future!
  7. How much do they cost?
  9. Typically, they are available in three denominations: $10, $25 and $40. However, certain retailers may have another denomination available. For example, Walmart has a $50 card.  Game Stop carries a game card that you can add any amount you would like between $10-$100.
  11. Can I combine them?
  13. You can add as many cards to your Roblox account as you want. You'll see your Roblox Credit balance go up as you redeem more cards. You can then use this credit to purchase Robux or Builders Club.  
  15. Roblox used to sell game cards at some retailers that redeemed for specific products such as several months of Builders Club or Robux. We have since discontinued this type of card, but you may still find one while you are out shopping. These cards will still work, but they will now redeem for credit equal to the value of the card in United States Dollars.
  17. Can I buy Monthly BC, TBC or OBC?
  19. Yes. When choosing a payment method, select Roblox Credit, if you've already redeemed the card.  Or, you can select Redeem Roblox Card if you haven't yet redeemed the card by entering the PIN on our website.
  21. Can I redeem Roblox Game Cards on Xbox One?
  23. No. At this time, the option to redeem Roblox Game Cards is not available on Xbox One.
  25. What if Roblox Game Cards aren't sold in my area?
  27. We're always working on expanding Roblox Game Cards to as many places as possible. In the meantime, if Roblox Game Cards are not currently sold in your area, you can still use other forms of payment like Credit Cards, PayPal, or Rixty. To view more information, click here.  
  29. We also have options available for the Roblox Mobile App via iTunes, Google Play or Amazon, depending you your device. For more information on purchasing in the Roblox Mobile App, please click here.
  31. How do I get the exclusive item(s) for redeeming a Game Card?
  33. You can get exclusive items by redeeming Game Cards from a particular store and/or in a particular amount. If your Game Card is eligible for an exclusive item, it will be granted to your account when you redeem your Game Card. There are new items each month! To view currently available exclusive items, click here.
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