
Helios and the wolf

Jul 3rd, 2015
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  1. (Helios arrives at the farm mentioned in the invitation, standing outside near a small stone house, is the old woman from his dream)
  3. Emma:It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Munin, come we have much to discuss.
  5. Helios: (looking a tad unsure, and in the end deciding to forgo who he had intended to bring with him. He looked upon the old woman timidly, not certain if he should smile. But he nodded politely. "Very well...")
  7. (the inside of Emma’s home is strangely barren save for the walls, which are covered in crucifixes and pentagrams.)
  9. Emma:My apologies for the mess Mr. Munin, I have had a lot of company as of late. Did I introduce myself while we were in the dreamscape? (The old woman seems to vanish into the kitchen where she can be heard preparing tea)
  11. Helios:"Ah...I--My memory is not terribly well lately, ma'am. My apologies, if you had..." (Pale eyes drifted over the symbols on the walls. He stood in the middle of the barren livingroom of sorts, holding his arms by the bent elbows awkwardly as he waited)
  13. Emma: That’s understandable dear, with everything going on in the world today it’s difficult to keep track of things. I’m Emma Durkan, I was there when the white wolf pup bound himself to you.” (As Emma emerges from the kitchen she sets a tea tray down on a near by table.) Speaking of which he should be here for this. (putting her fingers to her mouth, she whistles as the wolf pup leaps from Helios's chest and on to the floor.) There we go, before we get started do you have any questions?
  15. Helios:(fairly shrieked with astonishment as the wolf pup suddenly burst from his chest, nearly falling over as he staggered back) Wh-What--how?! I thought it was a dream! (He exclaimed in disoriented confusion, staring between the white wolf and the woman with wide pale eyes.)
  17. Emma: He found you in the dreamscape, but when he bound himself to you it was very real, he has lent you his anima, but you can not yet use it, which is why I have brought you here today. Do you know anything about blood magic Mr. Munin?
  19. Helios:O-Only a little...I have been learning under a master of the art, Doctor Iksian Ozerov. Though I've only really focused on healing.
  21. Emma: That’s 3 blood mages in a row now, what spectacular luck. Can you form a shield or a blade?
  23. Helios: Shields and barriers, mostly. (Helios replied unsurely, still holding his arms by the bent elbows.)
  25. Emma:(taking a sip of her tea) you can sit down if you like, you are in no danger here.
  27. Helios:...Can we begin with what in the world is he and why is he living inside me? (The priest prompted, obviously kind of overwhelmed.)
  29. Emma: He is the grandson of Fenrir, Father of wolves, his father is Mai Tuk, the white fang of the north and he was born sometime during the twilight of the third age. The last of his brothers were said to have been devoured by Yui-ta-bakra the daemon queen of Mu.
  31. Helios: (stared at the old woman, his expression clearly indicating he was having trouble processing all of this)...The..third age. ..Why is this...queen devouring his brothers?
  33. Emma: Yui-ta-bakra was a daughter of Lilith, who despised Gaia above all others. When the wolves of Agartha tried to stop the expansion of her cities, she ordered that every wolf in Mu be slain. The last wolf of Mu was named Mai Tuk, his father, she never caught him but she found them and their mother, she delighted in eating creatures touched by anima and ate the children of Mai Tuk and for millennia, she held their power, until they were freed about a year ago, when the daemon queen was banished to the outer dark.
  35. Helios: This is all very confusing." Helios admitted softly with a worried frown. "What does this have to do with me?
  37. Emma: Those are merely his origins Lad, he bound himself to you because he needs your help to remain in this world. The god slayer plans to retake temple hall, should he succeed he will open a rift between this world and the outer dark. The wolf pup and his brothers have returned to help stop that from happening. As to why he chose you in particular it’s hard to say, if I had to guess its either your pure heart or the way you channel your anima. So what say you lad? will you help them?
  39. Helios: “...Why Temple Hall, of all places? There are many large, powerful organizations. I don’t understand why they would focus their intent and place the majority of their success on whether or not they can ‘retake’ Temple Hall.” The priest studied the old woman, snowy brows furrowing as he tried to sort out his thoughts on all this...chaos. “Do--I mean...are--how many people have these pups in them? You said he has brothers…”
  41. Emma: there are two others, one belongs to a woman named Lula DeValora, she has named the pup Wilberforce, the other belongs to Kate Michaels she has named him Boris. As to why they want to retake temple hall (Sighing as she leans back in her chair.) I’m afraid that's a bit of a history lesson on to itself. The short version is they have allies waiting for them in Temple Hall and they feel they could take it easily. The long version has to do with the war and how the god slayer lead revolt against the grand masters, I have it all written down some where, Connar tells the story better then me. Regardless, they will need your help if we are to stop his return, and that starts with you finishing your blood magic education. (Taking another sip of tea) Fancy a cup dear?
  43. Helios: The priest’s pale eyes shifted in subtle, miniscule movements as he peered about in thought, listening to the woman’s exposition about what all was allegedly happening. Though he had harbored a fair amount of questions, he decided he would stave them off for the time being on that particular subject. His attention then returned to Emma, a hand nudging his glasses up his nose a bit. “Ah--n...no, I’m. I’m alright. But...why my blood magic education? What about it? I’m a healer, I’ve been trained predominantly in the healing aspect of that magic, though I do know some offensive maneuvers. I would, however, like to avoid using them if possible…”
  45. Emma: You do not yet know to how use his power, to tap it fully you must establish a blood link with him. After you have done that a new realm of magic will open up to you and a new level of power. I have seen healers who could bring men back from the dead, who could raise fallen foes as allies and who could imbue rock with life. This power will be needed in the coming battle, you need not hurt anyone, you need only follow him and help. Speaking of him, we can't just refer to him by his gender, have you thought of a name yet?
  47. Helios: “Ah…” Helios continued to maintain his look of strained uncertainty, glancing down at himself with a sense of doubt. Raising men from the dead, that all sounded like playing God. Which he was not precisely a fan of, though the ability to hold on to someone he cared for from being lost forever was a thought that tugged on his already badly damaged heartstrings. “...I--...can he not name himself?”
  49. Emma: His name is written in the smells of his pack and the sound of his howl. If you wish to call him though, he will need something you can pronounce.
  51. Helios: A boney hand drew fingertips over his sternum in contemplation, still having trouble settling with the concept of the creature somehow existing inside him. “But how can I name him without knowing his personality?”
  53. Wolf Pup: (approaching Helios, he begins to sniff his leg before taking his pant leg in his mouth and beginning to tug at it in an attempt to play.)
  55. Emma: I believe he feels the same way. Lad, would you like moment?
  57. Helios: “Err--” Stumbling a little as the pup tugged at his drab black pant leg, the priest wobbled somewhat in place. “I suppose, but--” Trailing off, not really knowing what more there was to say. He spared the pup a weak smile, strained as it was.
  59. Emma: You could also get to know him through the blood link, if you'd like, during it your minds will be as one.
  61. Wolf Pup: (growing frustrated, the wolf leaps up on the table at the Priest face, snatching his glasses before hiding under the table.)
  63. Helios: “A-ah! Hey!” He fumbled to intercept as the pup made off with his glasses, leaving the waifish fellow mostly blind as he pawed after the hound with clumsy hands, grabbing at the air. “F-Fiddlesticks…” Kneeling, he tried to squint at the space beneath the table. “I need those to see, little wolf…” He then glanced back over his shoulder in Emma’s general direction, vision terribly fuzzy. “Blood link?”
  65. Emma:A druid ritual from days past, the Templar use to practice it before the new god came to Ireland, by drinking his blood with a special hazelnut tea, your anima will be joined and you will see each others minds.
  67. Wolf Pup: (sneaking out from under the table, glasses still in his mouth he begins to circle behind Helios for a sneak attack.)
  69. Helios: “His blood? But that would involve extracting it from him, and he does not seem amenable to that sort of cooperation--” He watched the white blob in his peripheral move out from under the table, trying to reach after him where he was knelt on the floor. “Ah--please, I don’t--” And then he was sneak-pounced from behind, sprawling in a clumsy jumble of spindly limbs with a muffled noise of alarm.
  71. Wolf Pup: (Licking Helios’s eyes, his vision begins to clear)
  73. Emma:they are prepared to give their lives to stop the god slayer, a little prick won't hurt them, provided we asked nicely of course.
  75. Helios: His eyes kept themselves tightly shut as the pup licked at his eyelids, nose scrunched up a bit as he resigned to allowing the white wolf to do as it pleased while he lay there on his back. “So he understands us, if we were to in fact ask--nh,” Pausing to endure more licking. “--Ask him nicely?”
  77. Emma: Correct, they speak the languages of men but can not make our sounds, a gift from Gaia. Watch (putting her fingers to her mouth and whistling)
  79. Wolf pup: (Looking at Emma)
  81. Emma: Excuse me sir, would you be willing to help us brew some seers tea for your new friend?
  83. Wolf pup: (Climbing off of Helios, he approaches Emma and presents a paw.)
  85. Emma:(drawing a third age dagger from under the tea tray and setting a tea cup under the wolfs paw as she draws the dagger across it. A thin red line trickles down the cup as she places it on the tray and sprinkles a mixture of dried leaves in it.) If we are to complete the link, I will need your blood as well Mr. Munin (She said a she offered Helios the knife). So, do you want to try the Blood link?
  87. Helios: Observing the exchange between the wolf pup and Emma, the priest frowned uncertainly, pushing himself up from the floor to stand yet again. The small blade was studied carefully, the waif seeming to regard it with a curious gleam to his pale blue eyes. Something about artifacts seemed to perk his interest, for whatever reason. “...I…--sure, why not.” He held out a slender hand, palm facing upward, to the old woman.
  89. Emma: (slashing the priest across his hand, she collects the blood in a teacup, mixing it with the wolf's. She then sprinkles it with a mixture of hazelnuts and some unknown herb, before adding more hot water.) I should warn you this may be a bit stronger than the tea you are use to.
  91. Helios: The priest winced slightly at the long cut across his palm, allowing the woman to collect the weeping drops of his blood into the odd tea she was brewing. He applied pressure to the meager wound, stemming the blood as he observed the preparations. “How strong are we t-talking here…?”
  93. Emma:...I would say it's out of this world. Some may even call it an out of body experience.
  95. Helios: “...Well that sounds disconcerting.” He glanced down at the pup, forcing an awkward smile. “But I suppose it is necessary to communicate with you appropriately.”
  96. (the tea seems to smell strangely sweet, with an almost maple aroma to it.)
  98. Wolf pup: (looking up at Helios with a wagging tail)
  100. Emma: Drink and become as one.
  102. Helios: Taking in the aroma of the odd tea, the priest studied the contents of the cup before glancing back up at the wolf pup and then finally Emma. With a slight nod, he lifted the cup to his pale lips, taking a small testing sip of the steaming liquid.
  104. (the tea tastes of honey and invokes pleasant memories as it slips down his throat)
  106. Emma: Don't listen to the whispers, they speak only lies.
  108. (As Helios drinks the tea, the world around him begins to fade away as he finds himself in the outer dark on the edge of a ruined city. In the distance he can see the wolf pup waiting for him.)
  110. Helios: Fussing with donning his glasses back on his face, he blinks at the strange surroundings, starting to wander after the wolf pup in the distance with a lost sort of expression. “...Where...are we?” He asked aloud, not entirely sure whom he was speaking to, if not just thin air.
  113. Wolf Pup: Grandpa's house, he use to live here then he got kicked out, there’s a thing I got to show you, it's over here somewhere. (Said as he sniffed the ground as if he were trying to get his bearings.)
  115. Helios: “...Show me?” He blinked as the pup sniffed about at the ground. “Ah...it is an honor to meet you on equal ground, by the way. ...I know the woman bade me name you, but… it felt not...right, to do so without knowing your opinion.”
  117. Wolf Pup: (throwing back his head and howling) that is what mom named me, but house monkeys cant make that sound, so normally they choose a sound they can make. (Sniffing the corner of a old building.) I think it's this way follow me.
  119. Helios: “Oh, err--alright, lead on.” He kind of muttered to himself silly attempts at vocalizing the pitch/whine of the pup’s howl as he tried to make sense of it, but no. The pup was right. He really couldn’t make it sound the way it should. Nevertheless, he trailed along after the pup, moving with brisk steps in his drab black priest attire.
  121. (the wolf lead them through the winding street of the old city down, series of stairs and through what felt like an never ending maze of tunnels until finally they came to the remains of a temple filled with extinguished lanterns that hung from the ceiling. On an altar near the center of the temple is a blood focus.)
  123. Wolf Pup: Here it is, the thing is on the table (bounding toward the altar the wolf pup began bouncing up and down trying to see over the top of the alter.)
  125. Helios: The priest’s pale eyes beheld the ruined temple with a sense of reverence, his expression sober as he and his guide entered the structure and approached what appeared to be an old altar. The item upon said altar allegedly awaited him, and at the pup’s behest, he stepped closer to inspect just what this thing was.
  127. (the focus was a golden disc with a pair of wolves carved on it, one chasing the sun, the other the moon. in the center of it was text he could not read, though it appeared to be written in Norse runes. As he touched it he could feel anima pulsing through the edges.)
  129. Wolf Pup: You use that to learn things that are hard to say, dad called it a hard drive whatever that is, but grandpa use to give it to house monkeys he liked and they would learn all kinds of things.
  131. Helios: “...But this thing is...just metal, how...a--hard drive?” The priest gingerly curled slender fingers around the edges of the disc, lifting it to study the item, turning it over in his hands. His eyes lingered on the imagery of the moon, his chest aching faintly. The moon called to him, and even in simple carvings like this, he could not help but feel its pull. “So I...you wish for me to take this? Is that alright?”
  133. Wolf Pup: Ya, grandpa cant come back here any more, the one eyed man got really angry at him and said “you're not fit to be one of us” and then tied him up in chains. So its ok to take that, you can use it by giving it your blood and…(As the wolf was about finish, the temple suddenly grew colder and the pressure seemed to drop. Putting back his ears he began to growl.) We got to leave now no time to explain, we have to leave. (The wolf pup began running in the direction of the door only to have it slam shut.)
  135. (in the center of the room near the altar, a breach in space opened and out of the darkness steps a tall man in a black and red Templar coat with an enormous black hammer swung over his shoulder, his shaved head and gray beard seeming to draw attention to his cold black eyes. Yet the most unsettling thing about him is the sternness in his face)
  137. Wolf Pup: (growling he steps out in front of Helios as if to protect him.)
  139. Helios: When the temple began to quake all around them, Helios wobbled a bit to keep his footing, clutching the golden disc to ensure he didn’t drop it. “Leave? But--” And then the door slammed shut in front of the pup, the priest’s eyes widening as he watched the intimidating figure emerge from the void. “Wh-what is ...going on?” He breathed his words softly, confused and mildly panicked as the pup stepped in front of him.
  141. Nicodemus: (Casting his eyes on the priest.) That is none of your concern, you do however have something that rightfully belongs to the order, regardless of what the beast has told you. If you surrender it, you can leave.
  143. Wolf Pup: (drawing anima off of Helios he seems to grow larger.)
  145. Helios: “The order? You speak of...Third Sunday?” The priest frowned uncertainly, snowy brows furrowing as his fingers tightened their grip on the golden disc in his hands. “I...know very little, and understand even less, but I do not think that I can give this to you. And for that I apologize. But that is my answer to you, for what little it matters.” The anima drained from his body was swiftly given, his body like a sort of battery. He seemed adept at producing a well of the energy--or perhaps it was something else. For now, though, that much would remain a mystery.
  147. Nicodemus: That was not a request, (holding out his fist and opening it, the golden disc flys from his and into the templars hands)
  149. Wolf Pup: (now almost Helios size, he leapt up and grabbed the golden disc from the air. Returning it to Helios.) On my back, we must go now.
  151. Helios: The priest gasped with alarm as the disc suddenly tore itself from his tightly clinging fingers, only to be returned to him in seconds by the wolf pup. Accepting the item back, he quickly tucked it away beneath the interior fold of his simple black overcoat, climbing up onto the creature’s back with clumsy haste. “A-Alright!”
  153. Wolf pup: (running to the edge of the temple, he stopped at the wall) I need light, can you make a light spot on the wall?
  155. Nicodemus: You are almost as annoying as your father beast. return the codex and I will make your death quick.
  157. Helios: “I possess a beacon, so I can generate light from within if you need illumination, friend--” He replied quickly, a soft crackle emanating from his chest before white sparks heralded the awakening of a core of pale white light from the area where his heart would be, growing in intensity as it seemed to come into existence as if from a deep slumber. He lifted a hand to nudge his glasses up his nose, peering down at the wolf pup beneath him worriedly. “It is for healing, but it generates light as well. Does this serve what you require?”
  160. Wolf pup: (Looking back at the approaching Templar) it will have to, hold on I am still new at this (leaping into the light, the priest and wolf fall through a glowing tunnel and find themselves back in the outer dark.) Sorry about that, We needed to get out quick and that was the fastest way.
  162. Helios: The priest could only release a cry of confusion and surprise as they were suddenly thrust into a tunnel of light before he landed most ungracefully on his backside in the outer dark once more. Holding his head as his vision spun a little, he groaned. “R-right...where...where do we go now?” He asked, pushing himself back to his feet.
  164. (the temperature around them began to drop, as another breach open behind them.)
  166. Nicodemus: Did you think you could escape me here? the outer darkness is mine, it was given to me by the true god and there is no place you can hide from me here.
  168. Wolf pup: (growling as he steps in front of Helios again.)
  170. Helios: Whirling back to face the pursuing Nicodemus, he frowned worriedly, taking one step back while the pup moved between them once more. “I will not give you the disc, sir. I will not compromise. And I will not concede to you.”
  172. Nicodemus: Then you will die, (raising his hammer over his head, he is struck by a green lightning bolt.)
  174. (over head they can see a beautiful woman covered in red spirals floating over them. As she looks down at them, they are engulfed in a white light, as Emma’s home re materializes around them. Helios finds himself with same cup of tea in his hands, with the wolf pup staring at him with a worried face. In front of him is Emma panting from exhaustion.)
  176. Emma: (panting) I am sorry about that lad, he shouldn't have been able to find you there.
  178. Helios: The teacup shook faintly, the liquid within jostled by his trembling, slender hands as his consciousness returned to the present of Emma’s home. “Wh-...” Brows were knit in a directly distressed expression, his mind trying to get his bearings all over again after that sudden transition. “Who was that?!” He asked abruptly, looking down at himself and then the pup to make sure they were both still in one piece. “Are--ah...are you alright, ma’am?” Inquired the priest as well once he noticed how taxed the old woman looked.
  180. Emma: (sitting down at the table) I am fine lad, (taking a deep breath) the man is Joseph Comstock better known as Nicodemus the god slayer, he was a legendary Templar up until the war. I would tell you more but I feel a little faint right now.
  182. Wolf pup: (walking over to Emma, he begins to lick her hand.)
  184. Emma: (Petting the wolf's head.) He is the leader of Third Sunday and he seeks to rule the Templar, now that you have found the codex of Angrboða you should be able to protect yourself and those around you.
  186. Helios: “Their…--truly? That was him? Their leader?” Helios stared in mild shock at Emma as she took a seat and stroked the wolf pup’s head. “I would not have expected he'd pursue someone as unimportant as myself in person. Rather, lackeys or...minions…”
  188. Emma: You haven't been staying up to date on their movements, Connar and his friends have put them in a tough situation. The god slayer grows impatient with his underlings and he can see what is coming if he doesn't act. the fact that he could sense you in the outer dark is a bad sign, it means he has grown more powerful. I was lucky that I was able to pull you out as quickly as I did. (Putting down her tea,) I am afraid we have run out of time, Mr. Munin, we must go to Tokyo and confront them at their headquarters, will you be taking Agartha or will you be accompanying me on Aer Lingus?
  190. Helios: “Confront...ah--” The priest still seemed rather overwhelmed by all this in one evening. It was a lot to take in, in the span of a few hours. “Air Lingus? What is that? And...you wish to mount some sort of offensive? With whom? We are very few, and they are quite powerful…” Pale eyes settled on the wolf pup, studying the white creature worriedly. Wondering what would become of the kind wolf, should they fail. He wanted to protect the creature, if he could.
  192. Emma: It's an airline out of Dublin, I am afraid I don't have the money to fly first class, but I am always happy to have company, as for the assault, I am planing nothing merely helping an old friend. Your friends brothers are already waiting for us in Tokyo, as are Connar and his friends, he aims to end this before it gets out of hand and you are now powerful enough that you can help us.
  194. (As she finished there's a knock at the door)
  196. Voice: Gram, you got your things? we need to be in Dublin in two hours.
  198. Emma: (looking at Helios) the whole world is watching lad, will you use your new found power to help us?
  200. Helios: The knock at the door made the priest straighten his posture a bit, attention shifting from the pup up to Emma once more. Snowy brows had gathered into a furrow of worry, clearly stressed at the idea of some future confrontation the likes of which he couldn’t fully comprehend in all its complexity. But what he did know, was that good people and kind ethereal creatures required help, and he had perhaps some meager opportunity to provide it. “I will help, with what little I can do. I am merely a healer, after all… but. Yes. You've my hand.”
  202. Emma:(smiling at the priest) healer's have turned the tide before, I have sensed power like yours before, if you have a free minute you may want do somes research on angels in first world war, in the mean time, will you be coming with me to Dublin or will you be using Agartha.
  204. Voice: Gram!
  206. Emma: Hold on Eddie I am talking with someone! (rolling her eyes) forgive my grandson he’s not the most patient man.
  208. Helios: “That is quite alright, Miss Emma.” Helios bowed his head politely, trying to keep his thoughts from straying too far amidst his growing concern. “Our destination to meet the others is Tokyo? I can wait for you at your arrival airport in Japan, if you tell me which one you will be flying into. I can head over on foot through Agartha.”
  210. Emma: We will meet outside of Orochi tower, that dreadful young man from zero’s wild said he would send people for me. (Moving into another room, she returns with a wheeled bag) oh and before I leave, you have still yet to name the wolf, have you chosen a name yet?
  212. Helios: Returning his pale vision down to the pup thoughtfully, he let his eyes linger on his newfound friend for a long moment. After what felt like longer than what may have been necessary, he exhaled a soft sigh before nodding slightly. “Yes. I will call you Hjarta.”
  214. Emma: Hjarta is a lovely name
  216. Hjarta: (smiling as he looks up at Helios)
  218. Emma: Orochi tower, we will be waiting for you, lad
  220. Eddie: (opening the door) Gram! we have to leave!
  222. Emma: Hold your horses Eddie Japan isn’t going anywhere.
  224. Eddie: But the plane is.
  226. Emma: Don't sass me Lad!, (smiling at Helios one last time, she exits her house pulling her luggage behind her.)
  228. Hjarta: (standing in the doorway looking at Helios )
  230. Helios: “...Alright, I...suppose we should make for Agartha, shouldn’t we.” He stated to the white creature in the threshold, moving to leave Emma’s abode and close the door politely behind him. “She mentioned doing research, though I do not know how much time we have before this...meeting, outside the tower.”
  232. Hjarta: (leaping up he grabs the priests phone,)
  234. Phone: (a buzzing sound comes from the speaker as a voice whispers a phrase repeatedly) the Angels of Mons the Angels of Mons the Angels of Mons the Angels of Mons wings of mercy, the Angels of Mons wings of mercy, final form, the Angels of Mons.
  236. Helios: He stared in confusion as the pup jumped up to snatch his phone from him, the eerie whispers that chanted the same phrases repeatedly that followed making him frown with alarm. “Angels of...M-Mons? What--is that, is that what she wants me to research?”
  238. Hjarta: (rolling over on his back he spreads his fore paws like the wings of an angel.)
  240. Helios: He can’t help but stifle the faint breath of what could have been a laugh, shaking his head a little as he peered down at Hjarta. “Yes, I...I understand angelic imagery but…” The priest crouched down to pluck back his phone, seeing what he could pull up by searching Angels of Mons on his browser. A simple cursory search, if nothing else. It couldn’t hurt, right?
  242. (the first page he comes to is a wikipedia entry on a legend from world war 1 of angels who saved the british from a german assault, it is said that the sky lit up as angels joined arms to form a barrier protecting the british as they gathered their wounded and retreated. The next link is a conspiracy theory about a single soldier used ancient magic to create a barrier that altered the course of the war.)
  244. Helios: His eyes slowly read along each line of text as he scoured the available articles, free hand lifting to nudge his glasses up his nose. “My ancestor, Sideris, was in World War I. I wonder if he saw this take place. ...Or Tiberius Pellinore, for that matter. He was in World War I as well.” Mused the priest aloud, mostly just talking to himself as he read. “So this artifact, that...golden disc. Is...is that what this does?” He opened the side of his overcoat to look at the interior pocket. Was the item even still there, or was it all a dream?
  246. (Helios finds nothing in his pocket, but as he looks at the wolf pup he can hear his thoughts.)
  248. Hjarta: (it can show you how to do that, but you have to cast the spell yourself, it may a take little bit to learn, thats a hard one.)
  250. Helios: “Where can I find it, now that we are no longer in that dream...place? The golden disc, I mean. If I am to learn from it to help you and your siblings, I should...probably become at least moderately proficient in some of these gifts before fighting occurs.”
  252. Hjarta: (you already have it, you ate it with your brain hole, and you are already using it, you can hear me now so you just have to give it time to grow inside your head.)
  254. Helios: “Grow?” Blinking, he pressed fingertips to his forehead unsurely. “So this artifact has taken root inside my head… I-I don’t know how I feel about that. But I suppose there is nothing I can do about it now. Time is of the essence, or so Miss Emma seemed to indicate. Should we make our way to Agartha?”
  256. Hjarta: (you just give it honey and let the bees build things in your head and everything will be fine, soon the spells will come as naturally to you as breathing. (gnawing on his back leg,) You stick with me house monkey I know what's up, the World tree is this way, I can smell it.)
  258. Helios: “Very well, Hjarta…” He nodded again with a reluctant sort of look to his eyes as he stepped up beside the pup, ready to follow the white companion wherever he might lead.
  260. -memory card full-
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