
Story Help from Rolep

Dec 25th, 2015
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  1. ~Team Hunters Boss: Ok to PM we go
  2. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Although, i don't see why Kyogre and Groudon in particular wouldn't fear them.
  3. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: They aren't particularly Good/Evil pair of mons, as far as I can tell.
  4. ~Team Hunters Boss: Well Groudon and Kyogre just got mad
  5. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Yveltas/Xerneas seems somewhat more appropriate, personally.
  6. ~Team Hunters Boss: Plus, the shaped the world
  7. ~Team Hunters Boss: WAIT
  8. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: But that's me.
  9. ~Team Hunters Boss: That is BRILLIANT
  10. ~Team Hunters Boss: My story lacks Gen V and VI
  11. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Yveltas, Destruction Pokemon, and Xerneas, Life Pokemon.
  12. ~Team Hunters Boss: Big time
  13. ~Team Hunters Boss: That can be a great way of putting them in
  14. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I mean, it's not that hard to put it in otherwise
  15. ~Team Hunters Boss: Oh yeah
  16. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Exchange some of the older pokes for newer ones, is all
  17. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Gardevoir might become Gothitelle
  18. ~Team Hunters Boss: I mean, all it does is I need to exhange the locations
  19. ~Team Hunters Boss: Nah
  20. ~Team Hunters Boss: Anyways Giratina
  21. ~Team Hunters Boss: Yes Giratina is horrifying
  22. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I was just giving an example
  23. ~Team Hunters Boss: But he may not be evil
  24. ~Team Hunters Boss: We had our minds erased
  25. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I'm not saying he is
  26. ~Team Hunters Boss: All we see is a punished Pokemon
  27. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I'm syaing Dracoris is one hell of a suspicious dude
  28. ~Team Hunters Boss: I didn't get all of it in
  29. ~Team Hunters Boss: Dracoris was the new Pokemon on the scene
  30. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: And I have to wonder what he was doing to meet Giratina.
  31. ~Team Hunters Boss: Let me explain
  32. ~Team Hunters Boss: It's like a classic friendship
  33. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Arceus made him specifically to be in control of antimatter, after all.
  34. ~Team Hunters Boss: Dracoris was the new Pokemon on the scene. And many legends didn't like him
  35. ~Team Hunters Boss: EXXPLAINING
  36. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: What is he 'in charge' of?
  37. ~Team Hunters Boss: When Groudon and Kyogre began their rampage, Dracoris belived we didn't deserve what was coming
  38. ~Team Hunters Boss: Originally, FOg
  39. ~Team Hunters Boss: I had a seperate weather trio that was scratched
  40. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: ...He's a legend?
  41. ~Team Hunters Boss: yes
  42. • ~Team Hunters Boss sighs
  43. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: IS he of something else now?
  44. ~Team Hunters Boss: Did I miss that too
  45. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: If he is, i would suggest Void.
  46. ~Team Hunters Boss: Void?
  47. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Or perhaps Dark Energy/Matter.
  48. ~Team Hunters Boss: Rolep
  49. ~Team Hunters Boss: He has nothing to do with Girtina
  50. ~Team Hunters Boss: He was made Legend of Fog and Mist
  51. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Mmm. Who is he connected to, in that case?
  52. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: :/
  53. ~Team Hunters Boss: Well he was going to be linked to two other legends, Lanaute (Hail) and Terongo (Sand)
  54. ~Team Hunters Boss: But they were scrapped
  55. ~Team Hunters Boss: Wait
  56. ~Team Hunters Boss: Before you type
  57. ~Team Hunters Boss: Lanaute was replaced by Kyogre for the story
  58. ~Team Hunters Boss: Terongo with Groudon
  59. ~Team Hunters Boss: So I'd only have one OC Pokemon
  60. ~Team Hunters Boss: So Dracoris, in away, is just a 4th Weather Master
  61. ~Team Hunters Boss: But it didn't fit once I saw the representations of Earth, Sea, and Air
  62. ~Team Hunters Boss: So he is sort of stand alone...known for mercy I guess
  63. ~Team Hunters Boss: So yeah...he was the new guy around. Giratina was just disliked
  64. ~Team Hunters Boss: When the event of killing happened, he felt it unfair. So he asked Giratina to help him
  65. ~Team Hunters Boss: Giratina and him, using a powerful, decepting mist and Giratinas anti-matter, distracted and warped everyone to Earth
  66. ~Team Hunters Boss: Giratina took all blame and was banished for behavior
  67. ~Team Hunters Boss: Thoughts now?
  68. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I'm just trying to consider how Fog is 'tough' enough to stan with Legends.
  69. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I figured that, but consider that while they are, meta-wise, the Sun and Rain pokemon, fluff-wise, they're Ocean, Land, and Sky(Rayquaza).
  70. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Oh, alright...I think Rayquaza was meant to be the balancer around there, but okay. So...he's like Atlas. He is the combination of all three. Clouds, Fog, Winds...
  71. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: What I'm wondering is how the fuck they killed Arceus, now, since he's, you know, God.
  72. ~Team Hunters Boss: Well with the inclusion of Jesus
  73. ~Team Hunters Boss: THIS ISN"T A REP OF MY BELIEFS
  74. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: >.>
  75. ~Team Hunters Boss: It was going to be Arceus under God
  76. ~Team Hunters Boss: God still made everything. Arceus included.
  77. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Why have Jesus? Just substitute another OC pokemon to be Arceus' most favored creation.
  78. ~Team Hunters Boss: So we can't kill Arceus and make him a spirit now
  79. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Including religion in stories meant for general viewing, especially one where there's a canon 'religion', is generally a poor idea...
  80. ~Team Hunters Boss: In an early version, when Arceus was killed, Rayquaza was named the new "King" by Arceus' spirit
  81. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Ah, but here's the thing
  82. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Because in RL religions, the gods are almost always dicks
  83. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Arceus could have let himself die. Think Azlan.
  84. ~Team Hunters Boss: True
  85. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Plus, he's god, so he can revive himself whenever.
  86. ~Team Hunters Boss: So what do you propose
  87. ~Team Hunters Boss: Or maybe he was killed and was shamed?
  88. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: For the story arc or in general?
  89. ~Team Hunters Boss: Shamed?
  90. ~Team Hunters Boss: For the story in general. This is a big part
  91. ~Team Hunters Boss: It is the underline motive for most of the later story
  92. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I would kinda suggest having them kill his 'son', he gets pissed and rampages, basically wiping out all of humanity single-handedly, and the Omeegans have an "OHSHIT" moment
  93. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: During which they reveal their super-weapon.
  94. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Which weakens Arceus severely, and since Arceus is unfortunately not universally beloved
  95. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: He decides to 'die' and recuperate, making his trusted lieutenant 'king' until then.
  96. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: And on that note, some of the people who might not like him:
  97. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Zygarde
  98. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: The Regis
  99. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Darkrai
  100. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Cresselia
  101. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Uhh
  102. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Still thinking
  103. ~Team Hunters Boss: Then THAT scares the legends. And angers Kyogre/Groudon or Launate/Sandargo or Xerneas/Yveltal to just kill humanity?
  104. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Mewtwo
  105. ~Team Hunters Boss: Well, Rolep think of this
  106. ~Team Hunters Boss: The story is mostly done...
  107. ~Team Hunters Boss: I can edit one or two parts
  108. ~Team Hunters Boss: But giving all those legends in is too much
  109. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: It's just side-fluff for personal storage
  110. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: But
  111. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I see what you're saying
  112. ~Team Hunters Boss: Then THAT scares the legends. And angers Kyogre/Groudon or Launate/Sandargo or Xerneas/Yveltal to just kill humanity?
  113. ~Team Hunters Boss: Right?
  114. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Perhaps they kill his son, he mourns, they get PISSED
  115. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Probably because they were friends or soemthing
  116. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: In addition to him being Prince of Universe
  117. ~Team Hunters Boss: Yes. The title and idea. Mixed with the Omeegans past deeds
  118. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: That should require minimal changes, I think.
  119. ~Team Hunters Boss: Sets off whoever
  120. ~Team Hunters Boss: Yes that will work
  121. ~Team Hunters Boss: Whichever one we choose with those
  122. ~Team Hunters Boss: Now let's decide
  123. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I tend to world-build.
  124. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: ALot
  125. ~Team Hunters Boss: Kill Arceus?
  126. ~Team Hunters Boss: Wait
  127. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: So I think of all these little thins
  128. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: He could be sad enough to try to commit suicide.
  129. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: MAy be too dark for you, though.
  130. ~Team Hunters Boss: Hmm suicide isn't but God comitting it is
  131. ~Team Hunters Boss: That's why I wanted God above Arceus
  132. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Actually
  133. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: IDea
  134. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Not suicide
  135. ~Team Hunters Boss: For his death to be shocking, but believeable
  136. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: He takes on spirit form so he can still be with his 'son'.
  137. ~Team Hunters Boss: That is PERFECT
  138. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: And hasn't left. The gods have a different sense of time.
  139. ~Team Hunters Boss: Ok that is perfect
  140. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Cool.
  141. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: :D
  142. ~Team Hunters Boss: Now as for the other Duo
  143. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I mean...
  144. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: The way the legends are made
  145. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: It could be any of them.
  146. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Palkia/Dialga or Ho-Oh/Lugia would both work well.
  147. ~Team Hunters Boss: Who kills humans. A. Kyogre/Groudon (Easy). B. Lanaute/Sandargo (may have to put back-story, but doesn't change dungeons. C. Xerneas/Yveltal (hard. need to change dungeons and an items)
  148. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Ho-Oh and Lugia are some of the more benevolent ones, so might be friends with good Princeon.
  149. ~Team Hunters Boss: OOOOO
  150. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Palkia/Dialga are both very closely related to Arceus anyway.
  151. ~Team Hunters Boss: And they work!
  152. ~Team Hunters Boss: Ho-oh and Lugia
  153. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Oh yeah, that's true
  154. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Fire and Water, ain't they?
  155. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Sorta.
  156. ~Team Hunters Boss: Yes! Cause Kyogre/Lanuate dungeon was underwater
  157. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Plus, good to make throwbacks to older gens, not just current ones
  158. ~Team Hunters Boss: And Groudon/Sandargo was a temple
  159. ~Team Hunters Boss: So put Lugia in water
  160. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Aye, that definitely works.
  161. ~Team Hunters Boss: And Ho-oh in temple
  162. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Works better than I thought it would actually.
  163. ~Team Hunters Boss: Plus, Lugia was known as super violent storms
  164. ~Team Hunters Boss: So yeah
  165. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: And Ho-Oh burned shit down.
  166. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Maybe they have the Birds as a Posse?
  167. ~Team Hunters Boss: Well
  168. ~Team Hunters Boss: Here's one more thing I wanted to ask
  169. ~Team Hunters Boss: Speaking of birds
  170. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Mmmmm...
  171. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Hey
  172. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Question
  173. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: When you have your story fleshed out a bit more/share it more
  174. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Could I make a story based in the same universe and such?
  175. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Perhaps at a different time period?
  176. ~Team Hunters Boss: Sure. Of course.
  177. ~Team Hunters Boss: Typing please wait
  178. ~Team Hunters Boss: As I said with Omeegans making Pokemon, they created and enslaved three birds, which rivaled the Romans then created Regis. Storolt, Arolt, and Steerolt. Once destroyed, the birds were freed and joined the other legends. I was going to implement Arolt as a gaurdian in the story, but scraped him
  179. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Uhhh
  180. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: What are Storolt things?
  181. ~Team Hunters Boss: Hmm?
  182. ~Team Hunters Boss: Oh the names
  183. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Also, consider changing the name, very similar to Steerolt
  184. ~Team Hunters Boss: Storolt, Arolt, and Steerolt
  185. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I don't know who they are, first of all.
  186. ~Team Hunters Boss: Oh
  187. ~Team Hunters Boss: Basically
  188. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Are they rivals to the Regis?
  189. ~Team Hunters Boss: Let me explain
  190. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Manufactured ones? What? Please do ^^
  191. ~Team Hunters Boss: More like Omeegan symbols
  192. ~Team Hunters Boss: Omeegans made them to symbolize 3 things. I have the things in a paste somehwere
  193. ~Team Hunters Boss: Basically, to prove they were still top dogs
  194. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Mmmm...may I give idea right now?
  195. ~Team Hunters Boss: Sure
  196. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: For their types, I might suggest a Ground one, a Fire one, and...maybe a steel one, I guess. Not much that beats both Ice and Rock
  197. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Without beating steel as well, at least.
  198. ~Team Hunters Boss: Wait what was the reason again?
  199. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: It would make it so they made them to counter the Regis, but they weren't perfect.
  200. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Ground>Steel, Rock
  201. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: But beaten by Ice
  202. ~Team Hunters Boss: Oh I see
  203. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I think it adds intrigue
  204. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I like to go deep into the world, if you haven't noticed
  205. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Speaking of which
  206. ~Team Hunters Boss: I found the paste hold on
  207. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: If I make that story, I'll probably end up dealing with the legends a lot and the intricacies of their interactions
  208. ~Team Hunters Boss: Cool
  209. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: So is it okay if I implement that type of thing, even if it doesn't affect the 'modern-day' character's story?
  210. ~Team Hunters Boss: Storolt was made in honor of the stones the Omeegans used and to represent the primitiveness of other countries.
  211. ~Team Hunters Boss: It was created in honor of the Ice Age that brought the cool weather they desperately needed and to represent the fraility of other countries
  212. ~Team Hunters Boss: The second is Arolt
  213. ~Team Hunters Boss: Steerolt I can't find
  214. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Oh, you made them to be the Regis
  215. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I see
  216. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: :/ :(
  217. ~Team Hunters Boss: Yes. Representations of the Omeegans as the Regis were of their makers
  218. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: The Regis were just made by Regigigas
  219. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Who has a frightening similarity to the Omeegans, if in reverse, actually.
  220. ~Team Hunters Boss: What you mean?
  221. ~Team Hunters Boss: And well didn't we make the Regigigas?
  222. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Considering humans were scared shitless of him and sealed him away for his immense power
  223. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: No...
  224. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: He dragged the continents into plac
  225. ~Team Hunters Boss: Then what was all that in RSE
  226. ~Team Hunters Boss: Ohhh...dang
  227. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: And then made the Regis
  228. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Out of Clay, Lava, and Water.
  229. ~Team Hunters Boss: Well I'd like to keep the Regis as part of Roman culture
  230. ~Team Hunters Boss: But we can make the birds different types
  231. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Oh, he still can be, I assure you.
  232. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I was thinking they would be like anti-regis
  233. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Similar form and to an extent, function, but far more malevolent.
  234. ~Team Hunters Boss: Yes
  235. ~Team Hunters Boss: Mockingly
  236. ~Team Hunters Boss: That's how I wanted them
  237. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Probably with the leader being Fighting type
  238. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Interesting note:
  239. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Look at the weaknesses of all 4 regis
  240. ~Team Hunters Boss: "Look beings of the world! We can be Gods too!" -Omeegans
  241. ~Team Hunters Boss: I know lol
  242. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: They're ALL weak tot Fighting.
  243. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: This may be a bit rude and I apologize
  244. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: But can I reserve some portions of history?
  245. ~Team Hunters Boss: What you mean?
  246. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: For example, when they make the Rolts
  247. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I'm thinking there's the first war between them and the legends
  248. ~Team Hunters Boss: Well wait
  249. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: As someone decides 'oh fuck that was scary'
  250. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: And wakes Regigigas
  251. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Who says 'YOU WHIPPERSNAPPERS"
  252. ~Team Hunters Boss: There's already story there
  253. ~Team Hunters Boss: Haha!
  254. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: And then, you know, big fight, nothing really accomplished except the Omeegans get to jack off that they made creations able to stand up to legends
  255. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: And the world gulps in terror
  256. ~Team Hunters Boss: But no. The Rolts were made after a war with Rome after the regis were made. First time Rome even harmed Omeegan men
  257. ~Team Hunters Boss: Same idea lol
  258. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Ah
  259. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I see
  260. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Hmnmm
  261. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Well
  262. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Depending on how you want human-pokemon interaction to be
  263. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Make Regigigas the Emperor.
  264. ~Team Hunters Boss: There will be none
  265. ~Team Hunters Boss: Well
  266. ~Team Hunters Boss: all this we are talking of
  267. ~Team Hunters Boss: Is Lore and History
  268. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Sorta. For the main story, certainly.
  269. ~Team Hunters Boss: After the prolog, humans are only talked aout
  270. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: This is probably going to be the setting for my story.
  271. ~Team Hunters Boss: Wait
  272. ~Team Hunters Boss: Oh I see
  273. ~Team Hunters Boss: But for mine,
  274. ~Team Hunters Boss: All this is motif
  275. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Right.
  276. ~Team Hunters Boss: And history
  277. ~Team Hunters Boss: And backstorry
  278. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Which is why I'm trying to hammer it out now.
  279. ~Team Hunters Boss: But yes lets settle real quick.
  280. ~Team Hunters Boss: Organize what we got
  281. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: So everything can be synced up.
  282. ~Team Hunters Boss: Yes
  283. ~Team Hunters Boss: I'll go
  284. ~Team Hunters Boss: So we have the new Legend Dracoris
  285. ~Team Hunters Boss: The Omeegans war and take over and abuse Pokemon blah blah blah
  286. ~Team Hunters Boss: Rome goes to war with Regis
  287. ~Team Hunters Boss: Omeegans counter with Rolts
  288. ~Team Hunters Boss: Omeegans kill Junior Arceus
  289. ~Team Hunters Boss: Arceus gets sad and spirits away
  290. ~Team Hunters Boss: Leaving Rayquaza in charge of universe
  291. ~Team Hunters Boss: Ho-oh and Lugia go on hunting rampage
  292. ~Team Hunters Boss: Dracoris feels bad and teams up with Giratina to save humans by sending them to new world
  293. ~Team Hunters Boss: In new world, humans have no idea of events, Dracoris, or Omeegans
  294. ~Team Hunters Boss: And they belive Arceus is still here and Giratina is evil
  295. ~Team Hunters Boss: Then time goes on to present day
  296. ~Team Hunters Boss: Wait
  297. ~Team Hunters Boss: AFTER Ho-oh and Lugia meet at Omeegan capitol
  298. ~Team Hunters Boss: And destroy ALMOST everything
  299. ~Team Hunters Boss: And the Rolts are freed and join the real POkemon
  300. ~Team Hunters Boss: There. Fin
  301. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Hmmm
  302. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Well
  303. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I mean, personally, there feels like there's some jolts
  304. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: It rolls smoothly right up to the 'and then he felt bad and saved all of them but wiped thier memories'
  305. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: But I was just gonna ask
  306. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: If you could keep it vague when possible, is all
  307. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: What with being barely known history
  308. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: So I could have room to work with.
  309. ~Team Hunters Boss: What you mean by all that
  310. ~Team Hunters Boss: Wait
  311. ~Team Hunters Boss: I mean they wiped their memories for obvious reasons. That event was meant to be forgotten. They didn't want that world remembered
  312. ~Team Hunters Boss: Now what aout Vague?
  313. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Ah.
  314. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Just don't go too detailed into events. When you were describing them meeting up at hte capital, for instance
  315. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I was imagining a climactic battle building up, the Rolts and more creations arrayed hopelessly against the force of Lugia and Ho-Oh
  316. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: forces*
  317. ~Team Hunters Boss: Oh I see. Well that was how it was before in mine, but that can be changed. How it was was the two Pokemon were going to start opposite of the capiol on the other side of the world and ending in the capitol
  318. ~Team Hunters Boss: Reading
  319. ~Team Hunters Boss: Well yes that happends too lol
  320. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: So, everything basically fits pretty well. Room for me to work in. I may follow the life of a specific legend who participates in basically all of it
  321. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I may follow some human with a crapton of not-dying-ability
  322. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I may switch viewpoints
  323. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I tend to be better at world-building than story-writing
  324. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Which is why I want to be in the past
  325. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: So I can be building up lore.
  326. ~Team Hunters Boss: Wow that'd be fun
  327. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Maybe Celebi, if a legend.
  328. ~Team Hunters Boss: But ooo!
  329. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: She'd let me jump around in time.
  330. ~Team Hunters Boss: You can implement my RIPPED OFF LEGEND TRIO
  331. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Also
  332. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Sigilyph
  333. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: They made sigilyph
  334. ~Team Hunters Boss: Nice
  335. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: It's a requirement, I'm sorry, but it must be true
  336. ~Team Hunters Boss: That works lol
  337. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: The fluff behind it is just too compelling
  338. ~Team Hunters Boss: Gaurded ancient civilization
  339. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Although Rome may have
  340. ~Team Hunters Boss: Anywho hold on
  341. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: It doesn't seem malevolent enough to be Omeega.
  342. ~Team Hunters Boss: You can used my ripped off legends
  343. ~Team Hunters Boss: True
  344. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Aye?
  345. ~Team Hunters Boss: Mid Gen IV, I swear to God, I made a trio that was the protectors of Pokemon
  346. ~Team Hunters Boss: What minor Trio do we have in Gen V like that...
  347. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: You mean Quartet?
  348. ~Team Hunters Boss: Bingo
  349. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: They're based on the Four Musketeers.
  350. ~Team Hunters Boss: But mine was Trio
  351. ~Team Hunters Boss: NO
  352. ~Team Hunters Boss: I made mine first :l
  353. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: No, I mean the real quartet is
  354. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: The one pokemon company made
  355. ~Team Hunters Boss: I know. Mine were just nature activist Bug-Types
  356. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: They're based on the 4 musketeers. i don't know about yours.
  357. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Ooh. Not enough bug type legendaries
  358. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I must make request, by the way
  359. ~Team Hunters Boss: Yep
  360. ~Team Hunters Boss: Shoot it
  361. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Can include my own made up pokemons?
  362. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Some, at least?
  363. ~Team Hunters Boss: In yours?
  364. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I laid some of the groundwork for the 4 horsemen
  365. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse style pokemon.
  366. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: And for a duo+ of pokemon based on white holes, black holes, and stars
  367. ~Team Hunters Boss: Well my story...has loosely drawn 2 sequals
  368. ~Team Hunters Boss: The second is barren
  369. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: ((Duo+ is like Kyogre/Groudon and Rayquaza))
  370. ~Team Hunters Boss: I see lol
  371. ~Team Hunters Boss: But yeah
  372. ~Team Hunters Boss: My second story is barren
  373. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: What do you mean?
  374. ~Team Hunters Boss: Well like i said, this story is an enhanced doodle from Middle School
  375. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Aye.
  376. ~Team Hunters Boss: The second follows the heroes to an exentric Pokemon wrangling the best explorers to a new continent
  377. ~Team Hunters Boss: Many legends and mysteries
  378. ~Team Hunters Boss: Then the event that made wild Pokemon nuts is discovered
  379. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Speaking of which
  380. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: There needs to be an Insanity legendary
  381. ~Team Hunters Boss: And it is worked to be corrected. Once it is, the world, over the corse of 1000s of years, corrects itself
  382. ~Team Hunters Boss: Well this event was caused by Maxerus
  383. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: There still needs to be an Insanity Legendary
  384. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Just sayin'.
  385. ~Team Hunters Boss: It was his first act of vengence
  386. ~Team Hunters Boss: Can it be made of Crystal?
  387. ~Team Hunters Boss: I had a fanmade Crystal type Legend
  388. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: ? Crystal type?
  389. ~Team Hunters Boss: Super scraped. I remember nothing of it
  390. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I would just make it rock type with a real fancy ability, in game terms.
  391. ~Team Hunters Boss: Yes. I remember it being immune to Fire and Weak to Grass and Steel is all
  392. ~Team Hunters Boss: Ok yeah I see
  393. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: In PMD, it's not like anyone would actually play this
  394. ~Team Hunters Boss: But yes. That is the second story
  395. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: So the true typing doesn't really matter
  396. ~Team Hunters Boss: So we could put your Apocolypse Pokemon in the sequal
  397. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: That'd work.
  398. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: It could be when Arceus comes out of the slump.
  399. ~Team Hunters Boss: BUT that's for much later
  400. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: And then says 'FUCK ALL OF YOU'
  401. ~Team Hunters Boss: Yes
  402. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: And then goes back to eating cosmic ice cream
  403. ~Team Hunters Boss: 3rd. is just basically a crossover
  404. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Meanwhile, I'll be making prequels, if that's alright with you.
  405. ~Team Hunters Boss: Sure thats big
  406. ~Team Hunters Boss: Oh!
  407. ~Team Hunters Boss: Also, before I go, shall I tell you Maxeru
  408. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: Sure.
  409. ~Team Hunters Boss: *Maxeru's involvement
  410. ~Team Hunters Boss: *Maxerus'
  411. %†Gym Ldr. Rolep†: I have to go real soon though, so quickly please?
  412. ~Team Hunters Boss: Well, this may seem obvious, but he had a trainer in Rome. A wonderful human.
  413. ~Team Hunters Boss: See Maxerus saw all the goodness in humanity. He didn't like the Omeegans, but saw it unfair and cruel that the Legends were the ones that decided all humans die
  414. ~Team Hunters Boss: So because he thought his human was killed in wreckage, he dabbled in Black Magic. Vowed to get vengence
  415. ~Team Hunters Boss: First, 200 years prior to story, he shot down the Sky Temple, symbol of balance in the world. This drove some Pokemon mad.
  416. ~Team Hunters Boss: 2nd, 50 years prior to story, he conjured a meteor to destroy the planet
  417. ~Team Hunters Boss: 3rd, 35 years prior, he enlisted a vengeful Darkrai into trying to put the world to sleep so he may reign.
  418. ~Team Hunters Boss: Now
  419. ~Team Hunters Boss: He used his magic to send out 5 runes that everyone thought would bring balance back
  420. ~Team Hunters Boss: While the heros track em down
  421. ~Team Hunters Boss: Maxerus wins a guild election, becomes guildmaster, holds the city hostage, and attracts Dracoris
  422. ~Team Hunters Boss: Once Dracoris is there, he poisons him with Black Magic and makes him basiall a Shadow Pokemon
  423. ~Team Hunters Boss: The heroes defeat Dracoris, with the help of Rayquaza who clears Dracoris' fog. Dracoris then "kills" Maxerus
  424. ~Team Hunters Boss: The end
  425. ~Team Hunters Boss: Oh wait
  426. ~Team Hunters Boss: Maxerus also has a part int he story undercover
  427. ~Team Hunters Boss: No one knows who he is (not telling you) until it is too late
  428. ~Team Hunters Boss: Shoot
  430. Woofless
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