

Jul 17th, 2022
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  1. Config = {}
  3. ---------------
  4. -- Utility
  5. ---------------
  6. Config.Framework = "QBCore" -- QBCore or ESX
  7. Config.CoreName = "qb-core" -- qb-core or esx:getSharedObject
  8. Config.TempoEsperaPescar = {minTime = 5000, maxTime = 10000} -- How long a player will be waiting to fish, during or after casting fishingrod
  9. Config.StopFishing = 73 -- Stop Fishing Key [X] (
  10. Config.QBTarget = "qb-target" -- The name of the Target export you are using
  11. Config.SkillBarFish = "qb-lock" -- qb-lock or qb-skillbar
  12. Config.EnableCommandForProp = true -- Enable command to remove fishing rod prop from hand
  13. Config.CommandForProp = "propcana" -- Command to remove the stack prop on the hand
  14. Config.HudRelieveStress = "hud:server:RelieveStress" -- Trigger to relieve the stress
  15. Config.BonusForEating = "all" -- You can put: armour, stress, stamina or all
  16. Config.BonusStress = math.random(5, 10) -- Amount of give stress
  17. Config.BonusAmour = math.random(5, 10) -- Amount of armour
  18. Config.QuantityRelieveStress = math.random(5, 10) -- -- Amount of relieve stress
  19. Config.BonusStamina = 1.0 -- Amount of stamina
  20. Config.EnableRentBoat = true -- Enable rent a boats?
  21. Config.ChanceRemoveKey = 2 -- 1 to 10 2 = 20% | If you dont need this put 10
  22. Config.ChanceRemoveBait = 2 -- 1 to 10 2 = 20% | If you dont need this put 10
  23. Config.CoreSkills = false -- If you use core_skills make this true and change values on s_editable.lua
  25. ---------------
  26. -- Mini-Game
  27. ---------------
  28. Config.QBSkillbar = {
  29. duration = math.random(2500,5000),
  30. pos = math.random(10, 30),
  31. width = math.random(10, 20),
  32. }
  34. Config.QBLock = {
  35. circles = math.random(2,4),
  36. time = math.random(7,10) ,
  37. }
  38. ---------------
  39. -- Blips
  40. ---------------
  41. Config.EnableGeneralBlips = true -- Enable general blips?
  42. Config.BlipSpriteLegalFishing = 410
  43. Config.BlipDisplayLegalFishing = 4
  44. Config.BlipScaleLegalFishing = 0.7
  45. Config.BlipColourLegalFishing = 74
  46. Config.LegalFishing = {
  47. [1] = { x = -1814.75, y = -951.19, z = 1.7, name = "Legal Fishing Zone"},
  48. [2] = { x = -283.98, y = 6602.14, z = 1.33, name = "Legal Fishing Zone"},
  49. }
  51. ----------------------
  52. -- Stash
  53. ----------------------
  54. -- **NOTE:** This is on available for QBCore
  55. Config.Stash = {
  56. Name = "FishingBox_",
  57. Weight = 500000,
  58. Slots = 12,
  59. }
  61. ----------------------
  62. -- Car
  63. ----------------------
  64. Config.PayForVehicle = true -- If true when you rent a boat you gona pay
  65. Config.AmountPayForVehicle = 250 -- If pay for vehile is true, this is the amount remove
  66. Config.Fuel = "LegacyFuel" -- Name of your fuel script
  67. Config.VehicleKeysTrigger = "vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner" -- Trigger to give vehiclekeys
  69. Config.Barcos = {
  70. [1] = {barco = "dinghy"}, -- Boat
  71. }
  73. Config.SpawnBarcoLosSantos = { -- Locations to spawn boat SandyShores
  74. [1] = {x = -1827.51, y = -956.93, z = -0.14, h = 114.64},
  75. [2] = {x = -1836.51, y = -946.11, z = -0.27, h = 94.39},
  76. -- You can add more
  77. }
  79. Config.SpawnBarcoPaletoBay = { -- Locations to spawn boat PaletoBay
  80. [1] = {x = -292.51, y = 6617.31, z = -0.40, h = 38.70},
  81. [2] = {x = -294.22, y = 6637.88, z = -0.40, h = 71.35},
  82. -- You can add more
  83. }
  85. ---------------
  86. -- Fish
  87. ---------------
  88. Config.PeixeLegal = { -- Legal Fish
  89. "cavala",
  90. "bacalhau",
  91. "robalo",
  92. "linguado",
  93. "fishingtin",
  94. "raia",
  95. "fishingboot",
  96. "salmao",
  97. "atum",
  98. "sardinha",
  99. "peixegato",
  100. "tamboril"
  101. }
  103. Config.PeixeIlegal = { -- Illegal Fish
  104. "golfinho",
  105. "tubaraotigre",
  106. "tubaraomartelo",
  107. "baleia",
  108. "fishingboot",
  109. }
  111. ---------------
  112. -- Upgrades
  113. ---------------
  114. -- Upgrade Fishingrod
  115. Config.ItemNecessario1 = "raia" -- First item needed to upgrade fishing rod
  116. Config.ItemNecessario1Label = "Stingray" -- Item name to look nice in the menu :D
  117. Config.AmountItemNecessario1 = 25 -- Amount of first item needed
  118. Config.ItemNecessario2 = "bacalhau" -- Second item needed to upgrade fishing rod
  119. Config.ItemNecessario2Label = "Cod" -- Item name to look nice in the menu :D
  120. Config.AmountItemNecessario2 = 50 -- Amount of second item needed
  122. -- Upgrade Net
  123. Config.ItemNecessarioRede1 = "raia" -- First item needed to upgrade fishing rod
  124. Config.ItemNecessarioRede1Label = "Stingray" -- Item name to look nice in the menu :D
  125. Config.AmountItemNecessarioRede1 = 25 -- Amount of first item needed
  126. Config.ItemNecessarioRede2 = "bacalhau" -- Second item needed to upgrade fishing rod
  127. Config.ItemNecessarioRede2Label = "Cod" -- Item name to look nice in the menu :D
  128. Config.AmountItemNecessarioRede2 = 50 -- Amount of second item needed
  130. ---------------
  131. -- Rewards
  132. ---------------
  133. -- Fishing with fishingrod
  134. Config.RewardFishingRod = {
  135. FishingRodLevel_1 = {
  136. Max = 1,
  137. Min = 1,
  138. },
  139. FishingRodLevel_2 = {
  140. Max = 2,
  141. Min = 2,
  142. },
  143. FishingRodLevel_3 = {
  144. Max = 3,
  145. Min = 3,
  146. },
  147. FishingRodLevel_4 = {
  148. Max = 4,
  149. Min = 4,
  150. },
  151. FishingRodLevel_5 = {
  152. Max = 5,
  153. Min = 5,
  154. },
  155. }
  157. --------------------------
  158. -- FISHING NET
  159. --------------------------
  160. Config.FishingNet = {
  161. Enable = true, -- Enable fishing net?
  162. BlockBoat = true, -- Block boat when is fishing with fishing net ( Not to spam multiple fishing nets )
  163. }
  165. Config.FishingTimeWithNet = 30000 -- 30 Seconds
  166. Config.RewardsNetFish = {
  167. NetNivel_1 = {
  168. Max = 3,
  169. Min = 2,
  170. },
  171. NetNivel_2 = {
  172. Max = 4,
  173. Min = 3,
  174. },
  175. NetNivel_3 = {
  176. Max = 5,
  177. Min = 4,
  178. },
  179. NetNivel_4 = {
  180. Max = 6,
  181. Min = 5,
  182. },
  183. NetNivel_5 = {
  184. Max = 7,
  185. Min = 6,
  186. },
  187. }
  189. ---------------
  190. -- Sell Fishs
  191. ---------------
  192. Config.EnableBlipSelling = true
  193. Config.VendaPeixes = { -- Blip to sell fish you have caught (ONLY LEGAL FISH)
  194. [1] = { x = -1816.40, y = -1193.33, z = 13.305, name = "Selling Fish"},
  195. [2] = { x = -638.65, y = -1249.60, z = 11.81, name = "Selling Fish"},
  196. }
  198. -- Legal Fish
  199. Config.PrecoCavala = math.random(1,5) -- Price of sell Mackerel
  200. Config.PrecoBacalhau = math.random(1,5) -- Price of sell Cod
  201. Config.PrecoRobalo = math.random(1,5) -- Price of sell Bass Fish
  202. Config.PrecoLinguado = math.random(1,5) -- Price of sell Flounder
  203. Config.PrecoRaia = math.random(1,5) -- Price of sell Stingrays
  204. Config.PrecoSalmao = math.random(1,5) -- Price of sell Stingray
  205. Config.PrecoAtum = math.random(1,5) -- Price of sell Tuna Fish
  206. Config.PrecoSardinha = math.random(1,5) -- Price of sell Sardine
  207. Config.PrecoPeixeGato = math.random(1,5) -- Price of sell Catfish
  208. Config.PrecoTamboril = math.random(1,5) -- Price of sell Monkfish
  210. -- Selling
  211. Config.TypeCash = "bank" -- If you use Config.TypePayment = "cash" then here you put "bank" or "cash"
  212. Config.TypePayment = "cash" -- "cash" or "blackmoney" or "item"
  213. Config.PayItem = "phone" -- Item to pay if you have Config.TypePayment "item"
  214. Config.AmountItem = {
  215. Min = 2,
  216. Max = 3,
  217. }
  219. Config.Markedbills = "markedbills"
  220. Config.PrecoGolfinho = math.random(100,200) -- Price of sell Dolphins
  221. Config.PrecoTubaraoTigre = math.random(200,300) -- Price of sell Tigersharks
  222. Config.PrecoTubaraoMartelo = math.random(300,400) -- Price of sell Hammerhead Sharks
  223. Config.PrecoBaleia = math.random(400,500) -- Price of sell Killer Whales
  226. ---------------
  227. -- Treasure Chest
  228. ---------------
  229. -- QBCore
  230. Config.CaixasRaras = { -- The percentage of these boxes going fishing is: 10%
  231. "fishingloot",
  232. "fishinglootbig",
  233. }
  235. Config.RewardDinheiroLootBox = 100 -- Cash reward when opening the box: fishingloot
  236. Config.RewardItemLootBox = 'diamond_ring' -- Item reward when opening the box: fishingloot
  238. Config.RewardsCaixaTesouro = { -- These items will come out in the box fishinglootbig
  239. [1] = { name = "water", price = 0, amount = math.random(1,2), info = {}, type = "item", slot = 1, },
  240. [2] = { name = "ouro", price = 0, amount = math.random(1,2), info = {}, type = "item", slot = 2, },
  241. [3] = { name = "phone", price = 0, amount = math.random(1,2), info = {}, type = "item", slot = 3, },
  242. [4] = { name = "ferro", price = 0, amount = math.random(1,2), info = {}, type = "item", slot = 4, },
  243. [5] = { name = "water", price = 0, amount = math.random(1,2), info = {}, type = "item", slot = 5, },
  244. }
  248. ---------------
  249. -- Peds
  250. ---------------
  251. Config.PedListFishing = {
  252. {
  253. model = "s_m_y_ammucity_01",
  254. coords = vector3(-1816.21, -951.54, 0.45),
  255. heading = 110.0,
  256. gender = "male",
  257. scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_STAND_FISHING"
  258. },
  259. {
  260. model = "s_m_y_ammucity_01",
  261. coords = vector3(-283.98, 6602.14, 0.33),
  262. heading = 55.57,
  263. gender = "male",
  264. scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_STAND_FISHING"
  265. },
  266. {
  267. model = "s_m_y_busboy_01",
  268. coords = vector3(-1816.406, -1193.334, 13.305),
  269. heading = 325.172,
  270. gender = "male",
  271. scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD"
  272. },
  273. {
  274. model = "a_m_y_mexthug_01",
  275. coords = vector3(-371.11, 277.47, 85.42), -- Location to sell illegal fish
  276. heading = 308.44,
  277. gender = "male",
  278. scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD"
  279. },
  280. {
  281. model = "s_m_y_busboy_01",
  282. coords = vector3(-638.65, -1249.60, 10.81),
  283. heading = 170.44,
  284. gender = "male",
  285. scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD"
  286. },
  287. }
  290. -------------
  291. --- Police Alert Ilegal Fishing
  292. ------------
  293. Config.ChanceChamarPolicia = 100 -- 10% probability to call cops
  294. function AlertarPolicia(src)
  295. exports['ps-dispatch']:IllegalFishing()
  296. end
  298. -------------
  299. --- Notify
  300. ------------
  301. function Notify(msg)
  302. if Config.Framework == "QBCore" then
  303. QBCore.Functions.Notify(msg)
  304. elseif Config.Framework == "ESX" then
  305. exports['mythic_notify']:DoHudText('inform', msg, 5000)
  306. end
  307. end
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