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Feb 7th, 2017
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text 17.90 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ./HyperLightDrifter: /usr/lib/ no version information available (required by ./HyperLightDrifter)
  3. ***************************************
  4. * YoYo Games Linux Runner V1.3 *
  5. ***************************************
  6. CommandLine: -game game.unx
  7. ExeName= /home/ostrosco/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/HyperLightDrifter/HyperLightDrifter
  8. MemoryManager allocated: 17920
  10. ***************************************
  11. * YoYo Games Runner v1.0(999)[r32908] *
  12. ***************************************
  13. RunnerLoadGame: game.unx
  14. RunnerLoadGame() - assets/game.unx
  15. Checking if INIFile assets/options.ini Exists
  16. assets/options.ini file contents: [Linux]
  17. DisplayName="HyperLightDrifter"
  18. NewDebugger=0
  20. INI DisplayName=HyperLightDrifter
  21. Reading File assets/game.unx
  22. Loaded File assets/game.unx(609331346)
  23. IFF wad found
  24. Get Resolution
  25. Get Header Information
  26. InitGMLFunctions
  27. HighScore..SavePrePend /root/.config/HyperLightDrifter/
  28. Game..Math..Graphic..Action..File..Resource..Interaction..3D..Particle..Misc..DS..Sound..Physics..Gamepad..GAMEPAD: Initialising Ubuntu support
  29. GAMEPAD: 4 axis values (last) at 0x9baaf50
  30. GAMEPAD: Enumerating 3
  31. GAMEPAD: device name Logitech Gamepad F310
  32. GAMEPAD: buttons - 11, axes - 8
  33. GAMEPAD: 4 axis values (last) at 0x9baaf10
  34. GAMEPAD: 4 axis values (last) at 0x9baaef0
  35. GAMEPAD: 4 axis values (last) at 0x9baaed0
  36. Buffers..Networking..Shaders..steamfile:/home/ostrosco/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/HyperLightDrifter/steam_appid.txt
  37. Steam_Init
  38. Steam - SteamAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary
  39. Steam - Steamworks_InitCEGLibrary
  40. Steam - SteamAPI_InitSafe
  41. [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
  42. [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; unable to locate a running instance of Steam, or a local
  43. SteamAPI_InitSafe() failed
  44. Steam_Init
  45. SteamInit failed: Steam must be running to play this game (SteamAPI_InitSafe() failed)
  46. InitPushFunctions...YoYo..Fini
  47. ID_STRG
  48. Create Window
  49. Display Size(Pixels): 3840,1200
  50. GameDisplayName=HyperLightDrifter
  51. Win #1
  52. XF86VidModeExtension-Version 2.2
  53. Got Doublebuffered Visual!
  54. glX-Version 1.4
  55. Icon: w=64 h=64
  56. sw=1920 wh=1200
  57. WindowCentre: 1440,330
  58. Depth 24
  59. Congrats, you have Direct Rendering!
  60. sync = 1
  61. **** GLX Extensions ***
  62. GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating GLX_SGIX_fbconfig GLX_SGIX_pbuffer GLX_SGI_video_sync GLX_SGI_swap_control GLX_EXT_swap_control GLX_EXT_swap_control_tear GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap GLX_EXT_buffer_age GLX_ARB_create_context GLX_ARB_create_context_profile GLX_EXT_create_context_es_profile GLX_EXT_create_context_es2_profile GLX_ARB_create_context_robustness GLX_NV_delay_before_swap GLX_EXT_stereo_tree GLX_ARB_context_flush_control GLX_NV_robustness_video_memory_purge GLX_ARB_multisample GLX_NV_float_buffer GLX_ARB_fbconfig_float GLX_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GLX_NV_copy_image GLX_ARB_get_proc_address
  63. Checking for GLX_EXT_swap_control
  64. Vsync: GLX_EXT
  66. Init Graphics
  67. GR_D3D_Init()
  68. OpenGL: version string 4.5.0 NVIDIA 367.44
  69. OpenGL: vendor string NVIDIA Corporation
  70. OpenGL GLSL: version string 4.50 NVIDIA
  71. Check TextureID
  72. finished(2)!!
  73. Texture #1 16,16
  74. Texture #2 16,16
  75. Check TextureID
  76. finished(2)!!
  77. Background_InitTextures()
  78. Sprite_InitTextures()
  79. Font_InitTextures()
  80. IO Init
  81. Process Messages
  82. Splash!
  83. Start Frame
  84. Part Create Textures
  85. Debug Init Remote Interface
  86. VM Init
  87. Create Score Form
  88. Create Load Form
  89. Create Error Form
  90. Do The Work
  91. LoadGameData()
  92. initialise everything!
  93. Process Chunk: GEN8 1196
  94. Process Chunk: OPTN 64
  95. Process Chunk: LANG 12
  96. Process Chunk: EXTN 1040
  97. Process Chunk: SOND 27084
  98. Audio_Load()
  99. Process Chunk: AGRP 4
  100. AudioGroup_Load()
  101. Process Chunk: SPRT 51639200
  102. Process Chunk: BGND 244
  103. Process Chunk: PATH 4
  104. Process Chunk: SCPT 8080
  105. Process Chunk: GLOB 4
  106. Process Chunk: SHDR 1904
  107. Process Chunk: FONT 6420
  108. Process Chunk: TMLN 4
  109. Process Chunk: OBJT 216644
  110. Process Chunk: ROOM 250804
  111. Process Chunk: DAFL 0
  112. Process Chunk: TPAG 653412
  113. Process Chunk: CODE 0
  114. Process Chunk: VARI 0
  115. Process Chunk: FUNC 0
  116. Process Chunk: STRG 399456
  117. Process Chunk: TXTR 496781172
  118. Process Chunk: AUDO 59344398
  119. Audio_WAVs()
  120. PrepareGame()
  121. Extension_Prepare()
  122. Code_Constant_Prepare()
  123. Script_Prepare()
  124. TimeLine_Prepare()
  125. Object_Prepare()
  126. Preparing 504 objects:
  127. Objects 0: MasterClass
  128. Objects 1: doorsToVisit
  129. Objects 2: PauseDelayObj
  130. Objects 3: ANALYTICS
  131. Objects 4: BACKGROUND
  132. Objects 5: StuckBox
  133. Objects 6: BatteryCharger
  134. Objects 7: BG
  135. Objects 8: BGScenery
  136. Objects 9: bullet
  137. Objects 10: BurstShot
  138. Objects 11: ConfirmWindow
  139. Objects 12: DATA
  140. Objects 13: Decor
  141. Objects 14: DecorShadow
  142. Objects 15: DecorXRayBlock
  143. Objects 16: DecorXRayShadowBlock
  144. Objects 17: enemy
  145. Objects 18: EnemyHitMask
  146. Objects 19: FOREGROUND
  147. Objects 20: GameExiter
  148. Objects 21: Hazard
  149. Objects 22: jumpledge
  150. Objects 23: LIBRARY
  151. Objects 24: Mantleable
  152. Objects 25: MovingBlock
  153. Objects 26: MUSIC
  154. Objects 27: ObjWindow
  155. Objects 28: Particle
  156. Objects 29: PathFindObstacle
  157. Objects 30: ProjectileBlockCollider
  158. Objects 31: Scenery
  159. Objects 32: SCREEN
  160. Objects 33: SimpleEffect
  161. Objects 34: SimpleEffectGUI
  162. Objects 35: StateScenery
  163. Objects 36: RecessingScenery
  164. Objects 37: TimeLimit
  165. Objects 38: Menus
  166. Objects 39: Credits
  167. Objects 40: titleHLD
  168. Objects 41: PAXChallengeResults
  169. Objects 42: ThankYouScreen
  170. Objects 43: titlescreen
  171. Objects 44: Waiter
  172. Objects 45: EditorObj
  173. Objects 46: Spawner
  174. Objects 47: LevelBoundary
  175. Objects 48: FOLDER_EditorObjs
  176. Objects 49: Hoarde
  177. Objects 50: charmaker
  178. Objects 51: CharVictory
  179. Objects 52: NewRegionSoundEvent
  180. Objects 53: AllHoardesBeaten
  181. Objects 54: BonusHoardeBeaten
  182. Objects 55: door
  183. Objects 56: TitleDoor
  184. Objects 57: EditorCheckpoint
  185. Objects 58: Region
  186. Objects 59: RegionWall
  187. Objects 60: BossWall
  188. Objects 61: BoomBox
  189. Objects 62: Ambience
  190. Objects 63: CameraCue
  191. Objects 64: CameraLock
  192. Objects 65: CaseResetter
  193. Objects 66: EmptyObject
  194. Objects 67: TrueAtInterval
  195. Objects 68: PermaState
  196. Objects 69: CollectibleCheck
  197. Objects 70: PlayerHasMapCheck
  198. Objects 71: WellCheck
  199. Objects 72: RoomVisited
  200. Objects 73: BossCheck
  201. Objects 74: OneTimeTrue
  202. Objects 75: ParallaxObj
  203. Objects 76: NoCombat
  204. Objects 77: NoShoot
  205. Objects 78: NoWarp
  206. Objects 79: EditorBloomer
  207. Objects 80: EditorScreenShake
  208. Objects 81: EditorSound
  209. Objects 82: EditorCutscene
  210. Objects 83: TutorialButtonPrompt
  211. Objects 84: TutorialInfiniteSlime
  212. Objects 85: EditorWaypoint
  213. Objects 86: Note
  214. Objects 87: SpecialWayPoint
  215. Objects 88: DrifterDeath
  216. Objects 89: GlowingEyes
  217. Objects 90: BloodSprayer
  218. Objects 91: EnemyHPChecker
  219. Objects 92: FOLDER_ENDE
  220. Objects 93: AmbientSound
  221. Objects 94: GauntletDoor
  222. Objects 95: CrissCross
  223. Objects 96: OverTrigger
  224. Objects 97: UnderTrigger
  225. Objects 98: doorbottom
  226. Objects 99: grass
  227. Objects 100: HalSpawner
  228. Objects 101: middoor
  229. Objects 102: puddle
  230. Objects 103: destructable
  231. Objects 104: PhaseCrystalMaker
  232. Objects 105: CrystalDestructable
  233. Objects 106: MultiHitCrystal
  234. Objects 107: OrganTubeTiny
  235. Objects 108: OrganTubeThin
  236. Objects 109: OrganTubeSmall
  237. Objects 110: Collectible
  238. Objects 111: CollectibleColumn
  239. Objects 112: FOLDER_Items
  240. Objects 113: Crate
  241. Objects 114: CrateBig
  242. Objects 115: MultiHitCrate
  243. Objects 116: Barrel
  244. Objects 117: ExplodingBarrel
  245. Objects 118: GearbitCrate
  246. Objects 119: Gearbit
  247. Objects 120: Map
  248. Objects 121: HealthKit
  249. Objects 122: DrifterBones_Key
  250. Objects 123: DrifterBones_Weapon
  251. Objects 124: DrifterBones_Outfit
  252. Objects 125: ModuleSocket
  253. Objects 126: LibrarianTablet
  254. Objects 127: LibraryCase
  255. Objects 128: LibraryWall
  256. Objects 129: LibraryWallFinal
  257. Objects 130: FOLDER_ENDD
  258. Objects 131: DrifterBones
  259. Objects 132: BatteryRefiller
  260. Objects 133: HealthPlant
  261. Objects 134: FOLDER_Enviro
  262. Objects 135: Button
  263. Objects 136: HighScoreBoard
  264. Objects 137: SmallHighScoreBoard
  265. Objects 138: ToggleSwitch
  266. Objects 139: RailgunSwitch
  267. Objects 140: Terminal
  268. Objects 141: WarpPad
  269. Objects 142: StairsRight
  270. Objects 143: StairsLeft
  271. Objects 144: SmallStairsRight
  272. Objects 145: SmallStairsLeft
  273. Objects 146: StairsUp
  274. Objects 147: SmallStairsUp
  275. Objects 148: JumpPad
  276. Objects 149: InvisiblePlatform
  277. Objects 150: Light
  278. Objects 151: RoomDoor
  279. Objects 152: DiamondDoor
  280. Objects 153: VanishingDoor
  281. Objects 154: Televator
  282. Objects 155: BigBossDoor
  283. Objects 156: DrifterVaultDoor
  284. Objects 157: ModuleDoor
  285. Objects 158: ShortWarp
  286. Objects 159: Teleporter
  287. Objects 160: UpgradeSword
  288. Objects 161: UpgradeDash
  289. Objects 162: UpgradeHealthPack
  290. Objects 163: UpgradeSpecial
  291. Objects 164: UpgradeWeapon
  292. Objects 165: ApartmentDiagram
  293. Objects 166: ApartmentLightSwitch
  294. Objects 167: ApartmentMirror
  295. Objects 168: CapeChooser
  296. Objects 169: CompanionShellChooser
  297. Objects 170: SwordChooser
  298. Objects 171: StaminaRecharger
  299. Objects 172: ChainDashScoreBoard
  300. Objects 173: ChainDashScoreBoardPro
  301. Objects 174: WellTower
  302. Objects 175: WaterFloor
  303. Objects 176: SnowFloor
  304. Objects 177: WaterFallRegion
  305. Objects 178: TitanHeart
  306. Objects 179: TitanEye
  307. Objects 180: GooCircle
  308. Objects 181: SoccerBall
  309. Objects 182: SoccerScoreBoard
  310. Objects 183: AbyssDoor
  311. Objects 184: AbyssDoorPillar
  312. Objects 185: FOLDER_END3
  313. Objects 186: SnowPile
  314. Objects 187: VineBottom
  315. Objects 188: InteractiveObj
  316. Objects 189: SceneryLight
  317. Objects 190: DoorInteractiveSystem
  318. Objects 191: SwitchParent
  319. Objects 192: FloorButton
  320. Objects 193: SwitchPillar
  321. Objects 194: TimedSwitchPillar
  322. Objects 195: SlowSwitch
  323. Objects 196: SplittingDoor
  324. Objects 197: SinkingDoor
  325. Objects 198: Tower
  326. Objects 199: Danger
  327. Objects 200: AcidParent
  328. Objects 201: LaserHazard
  329. Objects 202: AcidPool
  330. Objects 203: AcidPoolShrink
  331. Objects 204: FOLDER_Hazards
  332. Objects 205: PopUpTurret
  333. Objects 206: CrushBlock
  334. Objects 207: MovingPlatform
  335. Objects 208: RisingPlatform
  336. Objects 209: DropPlatform
  337. Objects 210: SickArea
  338. Objects 211: PhaseMine
  339. Objects 212: FlamePole
  340. Objects 213: FlameVent
  341. Objects 214: FlameThrower
  342. Objects 215: linkMine
  343. Objects 216: FOLDER_ENDH
  344. Objects 217: SinkingPlatform
  345. Objects 218: ShallowPlatform
  346. Objects 219: WarpBlockTrap
  347. Objects 220: TimePole
  348. Objects 221: Turret
  349. Objects 222: TimeSlower
  350. Objects 223: FlameJet
  351. Objects 224: TurretLaser
  352. Objects 225: TurretOrb
  353. Objects 226: PhaseDropPlatform
  354. Objects 227: Mine
  355. Objects 228: OtterBody
  356. Objects 229: AcidLake
  357. Objects 230: PhasePlatform
  358. Objects 231: Destructor
  359. Objects 232: EnemyShout
  360. Objects 233: OtherCompanion
  361. Objects 234: EnemyBomb
  362. Objects 235: GoalBomb
  363. Objects 236: CultCharge
  364. Objects 237: enemyWeaponCol
  365. Objects 238: CrystalSpike
  366. Objects 239: TimePhaseBullet
  367. Objects 240: NinjaStar
  368. Objects 241: LaserShot
  369. Objects 242: enemyshot
  370. Objects 243: rocket
  371. Objects 244: EnemyBullet
  372. Objects 245: magicmissile
  373. Objects 246: HALDrifter
  374. Objects 247: deadHallucination
  375. Objects 248: HALdirk
  376. Objects 249: EnemyPlopper
  377. Objects 250: TestEnemy
  378. Objects 251: ParryPrince
  379. Objects 252: TanukiSpear
  380. Objects 253: CrystalSpider
  381. Objects 254: AlphaWolf
  382. Objects 255: NinjaFrog
  383. Objects 256: JarFrog
  384. Objects 257: Strider
  385. Objects 258: SwoopNSpit
  386. Objects 259: GarbagePlant
  387. Objects 260: DropBird
  388. Objects 261: DiveBomb
  389. Objects 262: Crab
  390. Objects 263: CrabMan
  391. Objects 264: BurstBird
  392. Objects 265: SummonBlockBird
  393. Objects 266: FOLDER_EnemyG
  394. Objects 267: dirk
  395. Objects 268: RifleDirk
  396. Objects 269: missiledirk
  397. Objects 270: slime
  398. Objects 271: Leaper
  399. Objects 272: spider
  400. Objects 273: Dirkommander
  401. Objects 274: PunchingBag
  402. Objects 275: WeakPunchingBag
  403. Objects 276: RegPunchingBag
  404. Objects 277: FOLDER_EnemyW
  405. Objects 278: TanukiSword
  406. Objects 279: TanukiGun
  407. Objects 280: SmallCrystalSpider
  408. Objects 281: CrystalBaby
  409. Objects 282: Wolf
  410. Objects 283: FOLDER_EnemyE
  411. Objects 284: NinjaStarFrog
  412. Objects 285: SpiralBombFrog
  413. Objects 286: Grumpshroom
  414. Objects 287: Melty
  415. Objects 288: FOLDER_EnemyN
  416. Objects 289: GhostBeamBird
  417. Objects 290: CultBird
  418. Objects 291: Birdman
  419. Objects 292: FOLDER_EnemyS
  420. Objects 293: SouthDrone
  421. Objects 294: RoboDog
  422. Objects 295: BlaDirk
  423. Objects 296: FOLDER_END
  424. Objects 297: FOLDER_Bosses
  425. Objects 298: HalBoss
  426. Objects 299: Cleaner
  427. Objects 300: OldGeneral
  428. Objects 301: JerkPope
  429. Objects 302: MarkScythe
  430. Objects 303: BennyArrow
  431. Objects 304: BulletBaker
  432. Objects 305: AlucardModuleSocket
  433. Objects 306: CountAlucard
  434. Objects 307: TanukiCrystal
  435. Objects 308: FOLDER_END5
  436. Objects 309: GearBitSpawner
  437. Objects 310: HalExplosion
  438. Objects 311: HalArm
  439. Objects 312: DiamondEye
  440. Objects 313: EmberDiamond
  441. Objects 314: EmberArm
  442. Objects 315: EmberArmPiece
  443. Objects 316: EmberLaser
  444. Objects 317: GunSlinger
  445. Objects 318: CrystalQueen
  446. Objects 319: SpiderEgg
  447. Objects 320: AlucardDrone
  448. Objects 321: ArrowStrike
  449. Objects 322: Scythe
  450. Objects 323: WarpTraveler
  451. Objects 324: DiamondSpider
  452. Objects 325: CrystalSpikeMaker
  453. Objects 326: CrystalWallMaker
  454. Objects 327: DiamondSpiderLeg
  455. Objects 328: BloodPickup
  456. Objects 329: CompanionSuit
  457. Objects 330: BetaCapePickup
  458. Objects 331: Powerup
  459. Objects 332: PowDrone
  460. Objects 333: PowBubbleDrone
  461. Objects 334: PowStunDrone
  462. Objects 335: FOLDER_NPC
  463. Objects 336: WayPoint
  464. Objects 337: LizardFamily
  465. Objects 338: ChantBird
  466. Objects 339: NPCGeneric
  467. Objects 340: NPCAltDrifter
  468. Objects 341: npc
  469. Objects 342: Citizen
  470. Objects 343: Buffalo
  471. Objects 344: BadassDrifter
  472. Objects 345: BadassInApartment
  473. Objects 346: BadassInOffice
  474. Objects 347: FOLDER_END2
  475. Objects 348: NPCCustomBase
  476. Objects 349: FOLDER_Wildlife
  477. Objects 350: DirkGoalie
  478. Objects 351: EmberFox
  479. Objects 352: AbyssDog
  480. Objects 353: JarFrogCarry
  481. Objects 354: FrogDragOtter
  482. Objects 355: Tadpole
  483. Objects 356: Fly
  484. Objects 357: TinyFly
  485. Objects 358: Eel
  486. Objects 359: Snail
  487. Objects 360: BirdManFlyaway
  488. Objects 361: fish
  489. Objects 362: Dog
  490. Objects 363: Squirrel
  491. Objects 364: Deer
  492. Objects 365: Robin
  493. Objects 366: Crow
  494. Objects 367: HalBird
  495. Objects 368: Heron
  496. Objects 369: WildDrone
  497. Objects 370: SquidBot
  498. Objects 371: ScorpBot
  499. Objects 372: bird
  500. Objects 373: BirdBlack
  501. Objects 374: FOLDER_ENDW
  502. Objects 375: WildLife
  503. Objects 376: weatherobj
  504. Objects 377: BlackRain
  505. Objects 378: FOLDER_FX
  506. Objects 379: ColorRegion
  507. Objects 380: ScreenDust
  508. Objects 381: TinyDust
  509. Objects 382: RainbowGlitter
  510. Objects 383: Pulser
  511. Objects 384: WaterSparkle
  512. Objects 385: RainbowBGDust
  513. Objects 386: SnowMaker
  514. Objects 387: SlowSnow
  515. Objects 388: rainmaker
  516. Objects 389: LeakyRain
  517. Objects 390: LeakyRainPart
  518. Objects 391: BlackRainMaker
  519. Objects 392: Clouds
  520. Objects 393: FGMist
  521. Objects 394: Lightning
  522. Objects 395: FOLDER_ENDweath
  523. Objects 396: CloudWrap
  524. Objects 397: rain
  525. Objects 398: snow
  526. Objects 399: dustpart
  527. Objects 400: DashBlock
  528. Objects 401: block
  529. Objects 402: SoftBlock
  530. Objects 403: block2
  531. Objects 404: blockPathfindless
  532. Objects 405: PartBlock
  533. Objects 406: OverWall
  534. Objects 407: UnderWall
  535. Objects 408: SafePlatform
  536. Objects 409: ProtectionPlatform
  537. Objects 410: Secondary
  538. Objects 411: RoomMapData
  539. Objects 412: DrawPoint
  540. Objects 413: DrawLine
  541. Objects 414: DrawCircle
  542. Objects 415: DrawOval
  543. Objects 416: DrawText
  544. Objects 417: attackcol
  545. Objects 418: HitCollider
  546. Objects 419: char
  547. Objects 420: Decoy
  548. Objects 421: PhantomSlash
  549. Objects 422: charHitMask
  550. Objects 423: deadchar
  551. Objects 424: deadP2
  552. Objects 425: ghost
  553. Objects 426: AltCompanion
  554. Objects 427: Orb
  555. Objects 428: rollyPolly
  556. Objects 429: rollyRocket
  557. Objects 430: CrystalLance
  558. Objects 431: CrystalMarker
  559. Objects 432: CrystalMaker
  560. Objects 433: Crystal
  561. Objects 434: diamondBullet
  562. Objects 435: ByuuBlockCollider
  563. Objects 436: bomb
  564. Objects 437: LeapFlame
  565. Objects 438: RailLaser
  566. Objects 439: CannonChunk
  567. Objects 440: WarpHammer
  568. Objects 441: HoloAimer
  569. Objects 442: CharFireShadow
  570. Objects 443: BlastShockwave
  571. Objects 444: blast
  572. Objects 445: BounceSpark
  573. Objects 446: droplet
  574. Objects 447: dustPillar
  575. Objects 448: FadeDebri
  576. Objects 449: BreakDebri
  577. Objects 450: SpinDebri
  578. Objects 451: fire
  579. Objects 452: Flag
  580. Objects 453: footPrint
  581. Objects 454: grassclipping
  582. Objects 455: imageFade
  583. Objects 456: imagestay
  584. Objects 457: imagePart
  585. Objects 458: MeatBlast
  586. Objects 459: shatter
  587. Objects 460: SnapFX
  588. Objects 461: sparkflash
  589. Objects 462: sparkshower
  590. Objects 463: splash
  591. Objects 464: teleporterfx
  592. Objects 465: bloodpart
  593. Objects 466: bloodspray
  594. Objects 467: BloodStain
  595. Objects 468: VirusStain
  596. Objects 469: giblet
  597. Objects 470: friedgib
  598. Objects 471: teleportfx
  599. Objects 472: goggletrail
  600. Objects 473: DashDiamond
  601. Objects 474: BurntGround
  602. Objects 475: deathdust
  603. Objects 476: smokesmall
  604. Objects 477: smoke
  605. Objects 478: rocketsplit
  606. Objects 479: explosionParticle
  607. Objects 480: dustdash
  608. Objects 481: missilesmoke
  609. Objects 482: parryflash
  610. Objects 483: rundust
  611. Objects 484: shielddust
  612. Objects 485: ImpactDust
  613. Objects 486: SmokeSpawn
  614. Objects 487: DustBall
  615. Objects 488: slimeTrail
  616. Objects 489: slimePart
  617. Objects 490: TwoFrameDeath
  618. Objects 491: BirdmanTumble
  619. Objects 492: muzzleflash
  620. Objects 493: ZeliskaEmmitter
  621. Objects 494: RailLaserFade
  622. Objects 495: ShieldPushSmall
  623. Objects 496: ShieldPushMedium
  624. Objects 497: ShieldPushLarge
  625. Objects 498: masterMuffler
  626. Objects 499: xpSound
  627. Objects 500: MissileHalf
  628. Objects 501: FireOnGround
  629. Objects 502: ExecuteDelayedObj
  630. Objects 503: objCttVideoPlayer
  631. Room_Prepare()
  632. Sound_Prepare()
  633. Decoding ogg snd_ScytheThrow.wav ...
  634. InitGraphics()
  635. Finished PrepareGame()
  636. Run_Start
  637. ------LOG START-------
  638. gp_face1 = 32769
  639. gp_face2 = 32770
  640. gp_face3 = 32771
  641. gp_face4 = 32772
  642. gp_start = 32778
  643. gp_select = 32777
  644. Check TextureID
  645. finished(2)!!
  646. Texture #3 1024,2048
  647. Got color from spr_CrazyBGColors. Col = 2431510
  648. Got color from spr_CrazyBGColors. Col = 4004638
  649. Got color from spr_CrazyBGColors. Col = 6430771
  650. Got color from spr_CrazyBGColors. Col = 5708334
  651. Got color from spr_CrazyBGColors. Col = 4594213
  652. ./ line 3: 2055 Segmentation fault LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./HyperLightDrifter
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