
AdventCalendar - en.yml - OLD

Nov 25th, 2016
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YAML 1.98 KB | None | 0 0
  1. nameOfPlugin: "&6[&5AdventCalendar&6]"
  2. nameOfInventory: "&5&lAdvent Calendar"
  4. rewardsFromDay: "&aYou opened present from &3{window}. &awindow!"
  5. rewardsText: "&aRewards in present:"
  6. rewardsAdded: "&aRewards were added to your account!"
  7. rewardsRewardsText: "&6- {reward}"
  9. consoleError: "&cYou must be a player!"
  10. noPermissions: "&cYou don't have permissions!"
  11. wrongUsingCommand: "&cWrong using the command!"
  12. invalidWorld: "&cYou can't open AdventCalendar in this world!"
  13. cannotBeOpened: "&cAdventCalendar can't be opened now!"
  14. cannotOpenWindow: "&cThis window can't be open!"
  15. fullInventory: "&cYour inventory is full. &7Please make space for present in your inventory!"
  17. aboutPlayerYes: "&3You can open window, today!"
  18. aboutPlayerNo: "&cYou opened window today!"
  19. aboutPlayerNoYet: "&cYou can't open a window yet!"
  21. playerRecievedPresent: "&aYou recieved present from window number: &6{window}"
  22. configReloaded: "&aConfig successfully reloaded!"
  23. countOfOpenedWindows: "&7Count of opened Windows: &6{sum}"
  24. infoDescription: "&7Open windows and be rewarded with amazing items!"
  25. infoCommandToOpen: "&7Open AdventCalendar with command &6{command}"
  26. infoVersion: "&7Version of plugin: &6{version}"
  27. infoWarning: "&c&lWarning! &7Please make space for rewards in your inventory!"
  29. GUIEmptyWindow: "&e&lInformations"
  30. GUIEmptyWindowLore:
  31. - "&aCount of opened Windows: &3{sum}"
  32. - ""
  33. - "{aboutPlayer}"
  34. - "&aNext window can be open in: &3{remainingTime}"
  36. presentHeadName: "&3&lNumber of present: &6&l{numOfWindow}"
  37. presentLore:
  38. - "&aRight Click to open present!"
  39. - ""
  40. - "&c&lWarning! &7Please make space"
  41. - "&7for rewards in your inventory!"
  43. GUIWindow: "&3&lWindow: &6&l{number}"
  44. GUIWindowLoreOldWindow:
  45. - "&cThis window can't be open already!"
  46. GUIWindowLoreNotOpened:
  47. - "&cThis window can be opened on &3{date}"
  48. GUIWindowLoreOpenedToday:
  49. - "&cThis window was already opened today!"
  50. GUIWindowLoreOpenToday:
  51. - "&e&lYou can open this window today!"
  52. - ""
  53. - "&aClick to open this window!"
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