

Oct 25th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Update v5, i managed to import some nnue eval i found online, so i guess this isn't really its own engine anymore. however, its a lot lot stronger now, i faced it against every stockfish, its strongest win was stockfish 11, and it only lost to stockfish 12 (it drew 13 and 14 if your wondering). I measure these in percentage as well, while the without nnue and improved buffer speed and pondering (yeah, i did that too), it played at around 31%, not too bad, however, with these new upgrades, it played at an astonishing 72%! This is more then double the firepower of the last edition. I wish you good luck in challenging this bot!
  3. Quick update (I guess update v.5.1??) this bot is now using server!
  4. before i had it running on my normal computer, so i could only have it running whenever i remembered about it. However, i recently got myself a server that so happens to have a stronger cpu than the one on my main computer (don't ask how).
  5. So anyways, thank you so much for any support you may have given. I wish you the best of luck beating me. Thanks!
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