
Kim's Punishment

Aug 12th, 2018
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  1. Kim was mean to everybody, spending significant time picking on freshmen and girls frumpier than her. With long blonde hair, massive breasts, and only the most expensive, skimpy outfits Kim was most definitely a popular girl. Every student had heard the rumors of Kims promiscuity, the football team knew it well. She used sex as a weapon against people who made her mad, flashing her underwear and bouncing her breasts up and down. This would seduce the boyfriend of any girl who’d pissed her off into cheating, and then she’d sit back and watch the relationship crumble while she laughed. “Bimbo….” was whispered by so many when she passed by her. It was when Samantha bumped Kim in the hall, Knocking her down. The popular girl exploded on Samantha “How dare you touch me you fucking freak! You aren't even fit to breathe my air let alone walk in my space. You are such a little nothing.” Samantha was not prepared for the assault and sat mortified. She was a timid girl wearing conservative jeans and a hoodie, spending most of her time working on computer programs in her dorm. Tears welled in Sam's eyes, and she ran off crying. “Jeez Kim that was really harsh.” Even Kim couldn’t help to agree and after picking up her stuff and striding to class she found Samantha’s dorm room looking to apologize. She knocked on the door standing alone in an empty hallway, and heard a shuffling inside, then the door opened a crack. Samantha looked out at Kim, her eyes shining against a darkened room with only a blue light behind her. Before she could say anything Kim spoke “Hey Sammy, i uh just wanted to come by and say I’m sorry” Samantha stared at her for a second before closing the door, saying “give me a second.” There was more and more shuffling behind the door kim assumed she was putting clothes on or something to that nature, she was proven very wrong when the screen of a phone greeted her when the door opened again. There was a flash, then darkness. When Kim woke up she was cold and unable to move, the room around her was dark and she couldn't move. Her arms, legs, and head were all tied down in front of her was a dark computer screen. She was definitely naked except for something wrapped around her curvy waist. It almost felt like the cushion of the chair wrapped around her entire waist, it was a strange feeling having the cushiony bulk between her legs. Behind her Sam Began to talk. “ Hi Kimmy” there was a lot of bite in the nerdy conservative girls voice. “I’ve watched you run this College and i can’t stand for it, do you know what my major actually is?” Kim felt the sinister vibe in the room “I-I uh is it computers?” “Kind of, actually I double major in psychology and computer science. With this I’ve been working on a program that rewrites a person's brain for my thesis, almost like hypnosis but harsher” Kim squirmed in her captivity and for the first time heard the crinkle her only covering produced. H-hey that’s cool, uh Sammy? Am am I wearing a diaper?” “Well yes i was getting to that, I want to test this program and i figured the best way was to re-write the meanest girl in school, so I'm going to turn you super positive, friendly, and diaper dependent. I wanna make sure you’ll want to make people happy and that no one is going to want to sleep with you because of your full diaper. “Wha- NO! YOU CAN'T DO THAT, LET ME GO YOU LITTLE BITCH.” Sam chuckled and hit a button on the keyboard next to her before covering her eyes. Bright flashes ran crossed the screen in front of Kim, something compelled her in the droning sounds to keep her eyes open words and pictures stuck in her mind as she watched. Incontinent. Be Nice. Mess. Wet. Friendly. Happy. Fill The Diaper. Love The Diaper. More and more flashed in her eyes but she stopped focusing when she felt her bladder release, an intense amount of warm pee spread through her diaper. Against her thighs she felt the padding swell outward. “NOOO, I just peeeed” As the program kept going Kim kept absorbing the images before her behind her on the edge of her hearing she heard Samantha Shift “The music, i hafta loo….” the shuffling stopped and Kim heard sounds of grumbling followed be farts and a squishing nose. Kim wrinkled her nose at whatever the new smell was. She found out quickly when a sudden pressure in her bowels again took her attention what it was. Like Samantha behind her she pushed without a second thought. Warm poop filled the back end of her diaper. With the chair beneath her, every bit of that mush spread around her rear and waist. “I- I just poo-pooped myself…...It feels soooo warm and squishy.” With that phrase Kim’s mind was gone she bounced and giggled as the video ended, she passed out again, this time completely nude and in a very full diaper. After a few days of wondering where kim was she appeared again on the quad during a busy Saturday afternoon, wearing a childish schoolgirl top, a backpack and a large adult diaper. The back end of the nappy sagged with what had to be too messes for a girl of Kim’s size. One of her friends was the first to come up to Kim. “What happened to you and what are you wearing!?” “My Diaper of course!” Eventually Kim was taken away and sent back to her parents. Everybody who talked to her reported that, despite her condition she was very friendly. Samantha become more and more reclusive, whispers from students often said her ass looked better and thicker. It was also said that she would run off from crowds with an odd smell following her.
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