

Sep 13th, 2020
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  1. forward Paint();
  2. public Paint()
  3. {
  4. if(rpp < 2) { PST = 0, rpp = 0, PGun[0] = 0, PGun[1] = 0, PGun[2] = 0, PGun[3] = 0, PGun[4] = 0, PGun[5] = 0, PGun[6] = 0, PGun[7] = 0, PMap[0] = 0, PMap[1] = 0, PMap[2] = 0, PMap[3] = 0, PMap[4] = 0, PMap[5] = 0, PMap[6] = 0, PMap[7] = 0, PMap[8] = 0;
  5. foreach(new c : Paintp) SetCameraBehindPlayer(c), SetPlayerVirtualWorldEx(c, 0), SetPlayerPos(c, 1310.14, -1368.57, 13.5508), SendClientMessage(c, COLOR_DARKGRAY, "Paintball round was end, not enough enrolled players. (2)"); Iter_Clear(Paintp); return 1; }
  6. rm = 0, rw = 0;
  7. for(new z = 0; z < 9; z++) if(PMap[z] > PMap[rm]) rm = z;
  8. for(new o = 0; o < 8; o++) if(PGun[o] > PGun[rw]) rw = o;
  9. pTi = SetTimer("ptim", 970, 1), RP = rm, PST = gtm+300, format(strAll, 200, "N.R: Currently %d players are fighting in the Paintball Arena.", rpp), SendClientMessageToAll(0xF29418FF, strAll);
  10. foreach(new i : Paintp)
  11. {
  12. switch(rm)
  13. {
  14. case 0: pwro = 0, format(spow, 50, "* The map lm_field1 was chosen with %d votes.", PMap[rm]), SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, spow);
  15. case 1: pwro = 0, format(spow, 50, "* The map lm_field2 was chosen with %d votes.", PMap[rm]), SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, spow);
  16. case 2: pwro = 0, format(spow, 50, "* The map lm_ship was chosen with %d votes.", PMap[rm]), SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, spow);
  17. case 3: pwro = 0, format(spow, 50, "* The map lm_cemetery was chosen with %d votes.", PMap[rm]), SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, spow);
  18. case 4: pwro = 10, format(spow, 50, "* The map lm_rcbtl was chosen with %d votes.", PMap[rm]), SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, spow);
  19. case 5: pwro = 0, format(spow, 50, "* The map lm_aerolv was chosen with %d votes.", PMap[rm]), SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, spow);
  20. case 6: pwro = 3, format(spow, 50, "* The map lm_jizzy was chosen with %d votes.", PMap[rm]), SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, spow);
  21. case 7: pwro = 1, format(spow, 50, "* The map lm_caligula's was chosen with %d votes.", PMap[rm]), SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, spow);
  22. case 8: pwro = 15, format(spow, 50, "* The map lm_motel was chosen with %d votes.", PMap[rm]), SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, spow);
  23. }
  24. switch(rw)
  25. {
  26. case 0: format(spow, 56, "* The weapon 9mm Pistol was chosen with %d votes.", PGun[rw]), SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, spow), RW = 22;
  27. case 1: format(spow, 56, "* The weapon Desert Eagle was chosen with %d votes.", PGun[rw]), SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, spow), RW = 24;
  28. case 2: format(spow, 56, "* The weapon AK-47 was chosen with %d votes.", PGun[rw]), SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, spow), RW = 30;
  29. case 3: format(spow, 56, "* The weapon M4 was chosen with %d votes.", PGun[rw]), SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, spow), RW = 31;
  30. case 4: format(spow, 56, "* The weapon MP5 was chosen with %d votes.", PGun[rw]), SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, spow), RW = 29;
  31. case 5: format(spow, 58, "* The weapon Micro SMG/Uzi was chosen with %d votes.", PGun[rw]), SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, spow), RW = 28;
  32. case 6: format(spow, 56, "* The weapon Tec-9 was chosen with %d votes.", PGun[rw]), SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, spow), RW = 32;
  33. case 7: format(spow, 56, "* The weapon Combat Shotgun was chosen with %d votes.", PGun[rw]), SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, spow), RW = 27;
  34. }
  35. sPaint(i), SPD(i,-1,0,"","","",""), PlayerTextDrawShow(i, PB0[i]), PlayerTextDrawShow(i, PB1[i]), PlayerTextDrawShow(i, PB2[i]), PlayerTextDrawShow(i, PB3[i]), TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, PT[0]), TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, PT[1]),
  36. PlayerTextDrawShow(i, PB4[i]), PlayerTextDrawShow(i, PB5[i]), ClearAnimations(i), SpawnPlayer(i), pInfo[i][PaintD] = gtm;
  37. }
  38. return 1;
  39. }
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