
HL2E3 Fan Script, Chapter 3

Sep 30th, 2017
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  1. Harry Rebar's surname was really a nickname, gained from his proficiency as a squad leader; hard as nails and holding everything together.
  2. It was quite literal, in fact, that he was as hard as nails: Metal plating protected his head and torso, as well as the outer part of each limb.
  3. The plates on his left arm were oversized so as to form a shield, and covered in spikes of sharpened rebar; a coincidence and a practicality, rather than anything to do with his name.
  4. Even with the immense weight of the plates, he was still able to carry a gluon gun from days gone by, for he was swole.
  6. He and Barney Calhoun each led an assault squad intended to travel ahead of the demolition team, and a fourth group of Resistance fighters were present just for the numbers.
  8. The demolition team was, of course, the anxious trio now leaving the ocean behind as they went further inland and closer to the ice.
  9. They kept watching out the window as they finally arrived at the scene of the Borealis; a huge chasm, with dozens of Combine like ants scurrying around and inside it, their black uniforms adding to the illusion.
  10. They also noted the many helicopters around the chasm, aware that the helicopters were the only way back.
  11. The troop-carrying dropships swooped down and deposited their containers outside the chasm, and the containers in turn deposited a number of troops in snow camouflage; but a moment later they were out of view as Gordon and Alyx descended into the chasm.
  13. Now that they were closer, and travelling much slower, it could be seen what the Combine were up to: They carried strange machines which ate away at the ice, and allowed them to deposit it elsewhere, gradually forming tunnels and platforms so they could navigate the cliffs.
  14. The container was rested on one of those platforms, and the trio scurried back into hiding amongst the mass of Combine equipment.
  15. After a few tense moments, the container door swung open, and a silhouetted soldier stood before the Borealis.
  16. The Borealis bridged the chasm, long scars running down the cliff from the ship falling into place.
  17. It loomed over the same bridge of ice that the container rested on, a bridge which was steadily being expanded by the ice-manipulating tools of the Combine.
  19. The soldier who had opened the door tried uselessly to move some of the machinery, then radioed "Ship-mover arrived, send carriers".
  20. They then noticed a glowing red light amongst all the equipment, and leaned in to inspect it. But only after looking Dog in the eye for a moment they were skewered by a length of red-hot rebar, sizzling slightly as it cooled off in his brain.
  21. Gordon reloaded his crossbow, and Alyx radioed the other squadrons: "I'm not sure where you've landed, but now would be a good time to break out!".
  23. Gunshots and explosions could be heard in the distance, and the many soldiers building underneath the Borealis began to build fortifications instead. "That wasn't what I was hoping for..." said Alyx, Gordon and her now finding themselves in the middle of an ice castle guarded by many soldiers.
  24. Dog held up a couple metal plates, then set them down at the container entrance, and looked towards a tunnel connecting the ice bridge to other structures in the chasm.
  25. First, Gordon and Alyx looked confused.
  26. Then, they understood.
  27. Then, it hit them how absurd the idea was.
  28. But finally, they accepted.
  29. They each stood on a metal plate, and were shoved by Dog, exiting the container at speed. By the time they were seen by the soldiers, who were facing outwards, they were already rounding a bend in the tunnel and leaving sight.
  30. Skidding along the ice, the tunnel spat them out again at what seemed to be planned as base camp, a huge ice bridge with equally icy buildings, connecting to both sides of the chasm and the top of the chasm.
  32. A dozen soldiers were making their stand there, several working on sealing off the tunnel leading to the third ice bridge that the Resistance were on. The rest were shooting at the Resistance from afar, but were suddenly alerted to a more immediate threat by a snowboarding Gordon Freeman blowing their heads apart with a shotgun, and Alyx using her rifle both for its intended purpose and as a club.
  33. Although they could probably finish off the rest of the soldiers, they decided to keep snowboarding on through as the snow-camo reinforcements were coming down the ramp from the top of the chasm.
  35. Gordon and Alyx crashed through the barely-started seal of the tunnel, their improvised snowboards painting red lines and finally going slow enough to stop, saving them from crashing into the mob of Resistance fighters coming their way.
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