Guest User


a guest
Feb 18th, 2018
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text 1.09 KB | None | 0 0
  1. set nocompatible
  2. set history=50
  3. set ignorecase
  4. set notitle
  5. set wrapscan
  6. set number
  7. set ruler
  8. set nolist
  9. set showcmd
  10. set showmatch
  11. set laststatus=2
  12. set backspace=indent,eol,start
  13. set shiftwidth=2
  14. set softtabstop=0
  15. set backup
  16. "set encoding=euc-jp
  17. set encoding=utf-8
  18. "set fileencodings=euc-jp
  19. set fileencodings=utf-8,euc-jp,ucs-2le,ucs-2,cp932
  20. set incsearch
  21. set hlsearch
  22. set modelines=10
  23. set nolist
  24. set tabstop=2
  25. set expandtab
  26. set autoindent
  27. set backupdir=/Users/kyagi/backup
  28. set backupext=.bak
  29. set undolevels=100
  30. let &directory = &backupdir
  31. let g:neocomplcache_enable_at_startup = 1
  32. filetype plugin on
  33. filetype indent on
  34. function AC_Brackets()
  35. inoremap { {}<LEFT>
  36. inoremap [ []<LEFT>
  37. inoremap ( ()<LEFT>
  38. inoremap " ""<LEFT>
  39. inoremap ' ''<LEFT>
  40. endfunction
  41. if has("autocmd")
  42. autocmd FileType php call AC_Brackets()
  43. autocmd FileType c call AC_Brackets()
  44. autocmd FileType cpp call AC_Brackets()
  45. autocmd FileType javascript call AC_Brackets()
  46. autocmd FileType perl call AC_Brackets()
  47. autocmd FileType ruby call AC_Brackets()
  48. endif
  50. imap jj <ESC>
  51. nmap j gj
  52. nmap k gk
  53. vmap j gj
  54. vmap k gk
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