
once again, another pastebin

May 8th, 2017
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  1. It's that time of the week again!
  3. I've been learning Nightfire recently and it's a ton of fun. Once I finish learning the game I'll be doing some runs, but just know I'm not sure how far I wanna push this game.
  5. After I work on Nightfire, I'm gonna be learning Fable III. Why Fable III? It was one of the first games I got for my Xbox 360, and while people argue that it's the worst entry in the series, I still thought it was a great game. This is my excuse to play it again lol. I'm not sure what's after Fable III, but once I know for sure I'll announce it then.
  7. In other news, I was rehired at Goodwill for the summer so I can pay for school next year. Hopefully this will be my last year as an undergrad. After I graduate, I'm not sure if I'll go to graduate school or if I'll just try to get a job. Luckily I have just over a year to decide.
  9. Related to my stream/gaming, the speedrunning communities I've been a part of recently have been awesome. Even the ones I don't interact with as much have proven to be very welcoming of new people. Everyone pitches in to a conversation instead of just a couple people deciding the rules. When I was in the DKC community (well, I wasn't "in" but you get the idea), I never saw the welcoming nature of it. The first 2 people to watch my stream from the DKC community made me very uncomfortable and I felt like I already didn't belong, which ended up being true anyway. Luckily I've found communities that aren't like that at all. I just want to give a few shoutouts to these communities for being welcoming of not just me, but everyone:
  10. - Sly community
  11. - Bond community
  12. - Madagascar community
  13. - Mega Man community
  14. - Mario community
  15. - Gears of War community
  16. - Game Boy community
  17. I know I'm missing some, but communities like these are the reason speedrunning is still fun to me. It's even cool to see crossover in these communities, as that brings speedrunners even closer together. If you're in these communities and you're reading this, thank you!!!!!
  19. Anyways, that's it for now. I'll stream when I have the time this week, but there will be no stream Saturday for sure, as my younger brother graduates high school! But yeah, that's it. Enjoy your week!
  20. -Alec
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