
hahaniggerz => 880185440615006208 2019-03-08 followers

Jan 15th, 2020
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  1. Name,"Screen name","Twitter ID",Location,Biography,"Created date",Followers,Following,Tweets,Favorites,Website,"Time zone",Geo-enabled,Verified,Language,Protected
  2. Jewsuit,@_m4r10_p10,"ID 14566202",,,"Mon Apr 28 06:17:22 +0000 2008",89,274,2137,300,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  3. "augustus lane",@AugieLane,"ID 967797355339763712",,"some goy. white advocate. Abortion is murder!","Sun Feb 25 16:24:05 +0000 2018",241,449,4078,5386,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  4. OpenBorders4Israel,@cnnbnt,"ID 787536911548067840","South Africa","#OpenBordersForIsrael Turn Israel brown.","Sun Oct 16 06:13:26 +0000 2016",79,135,1006,1520,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  5. bestillknowgod,@Greengomangdada,"ID 893242141836795905","United States","the tv did it","Thu Aug 03 22:48:17 +0000 2017",16,158,86,193,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  6. "shoe and shoelace",@shoeandshoelace,"ID 2273868028","Communist Occupied America","Popular Russian Cartoon Show on ????????? CCCP - Shoe and Shoelace! One is Meaningless without the Other","Sat Jan 11 00:09:58 +0000 2014",444,980,2691,18311,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  7. SigurdFenrisson,@SonOvFenris,"ID 16213321",PNW,"Some dude... @ me. ??","Tue Sep 09 23:35:36 +0000 2008",237,1295,3567,6369,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  8. "Uhuru Mindset",@SadAnimeChef,"ID 780544531796070400","Washington, USA","sad retard","Mon Sep 26 23:08:13 +0000 2016",289,245,12266,25723,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  9. "daisy buchanan",@whatgreenlight,"ID 796552034782679042",,"? plz no dm","Thu Nov 10 03:16:19 +0000 2016",933,567,4758,50803,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  10. "Groping Groyper ?",@HwyteMale,"ID 4854600694",,"Lookin to grab tiddies","Wed Jan 27 19:10:28 +0000 2016",202,411,2446,6665,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  11. truthseeker,@4twentEy,"ID 818283598373523456",,"I greet you in the love and the light","Mon Jan 09 02:29:47 +0000 2017",220,663,1386,13118,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  12. heilstormer69,@backfromhell69,"ID 832418878726819840",KY,"party like it's 1939! go make me a sammich?","Fri Feb 17 02:38:21 +0000 2017",259,641,2968,2632,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  13. 9eyedeel,@9eyedeel,"ID 16995760",,"Marvel at my PRACTICAL OSCILLATION to obtain money, fame, advantage, charm, pleasure, wisdom or some other form of pretense or deception.","Mon Oct 27 09:57:59 +0000 2008",2936,4719,70836,12175,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  14. SchnableApe?,@Snabelapa,"ID 258962834",Sweden,"Pluralism is the cure for society.
  16. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy
  18. RT's=Anything that fits my fancy.","Mon Feb 28 21:50:24 +0000 2011",399,675,46994,76638,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  19. "Horse Lady Cornfield",@TanyaCornfield,"ID 473704565",Iowa,"GO TRUMP AMERICA / What Free Speech? Pioneer Spirit ?#HelicopterTwitter NATIONALIST Follow @realdrrusty","Wed Jan 25 07:44:39 +0000 2012",7955,7227,131458,131158,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  20. Robert,@Bob36808134,"ID 871157573994598400"," ","We are the only resistance against cultural marxism.","Sun Jun 04 00:12:05 +0000 2017",71,53,1969,1278,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  21. Andrew,@BLADERAZE,"ID 489949379","New York",,"Sun Feb 12 02:32:46 +0000 2012",1129,3417,15585,7111,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  22. Eru_iluvatar,@finalboss1266,"ID 832028114746228737",,,"Thu Feb 16 00:45:35 +0000 2017",56,145,728,4332,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  23. "Smirking Richard Spencer Face Guy",@osvanska,"ID 820510673516032001",Here,"In his autumn before the winter, comes man's last mad surge of youth.
  25. Journalist","Sun Jan 15 05:59:23 +0000 2017",962,1130,5771,22192,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  26. GunShowTees,@GunShowTees,"ID 347545767",Texas,"badass tshirts. buy one or you're a cuck","Tue Aug 02 23:44:20 +0000 2011",138,227,1275,67592,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,Protected
  27. Wowza,@Jeb2032,"ID 2942513886",,"follower of the president, Joe Rogen and the USA","Thu Dec 25 06:08:15 +0000 2014",169,903,4745,3386,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  28. Hi,@FionasRevenge,"ID 794630243105538048",,,"Fri Nov 04 19:59:48 +0000 2016",3719,3805,123043,75286,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  29. "Mr. Gunt",@MisterGunt,"ID 498456439",U.S.A.,"Surrounded by tree-hugging baby -killers. HELP!!! (Mostly I just retweet stuff.) #MAGA","Tue Feb 21 02:33:32 +0000 2012",1014,1785,25845,7104,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  30. "UnserLiebender Vater",@TruthWillOut33,"ID 721801354696597504","New Babylon","Christ loves all and if you love him you will obey his commandments. The ethnostate exists in heaven where sin does not exist and everything is as God intended","Sun Apr 17 20:43:48 +0000 2016",151,167,1819,3680,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  31. "Fellow?? ????? Groyper",@Fellow_Groyper,"ID 863419900454289410",,"daily reminder that all of your problems are due to you not hangin out with the boys and skipping the gym","Sat May 13 15:45:20 +0000 2017",634,511,7263,87360,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  32. "you can read..",@_det_var_trist_,"ID 726440510332784640",There,"we are all going to die??????","Sat Apr 30 15:58:09 +0000 2016",1649,3425,97957,77944,,,Disabled,"Not verified",no,"Not protected"
  33. TrumpReallyIsClinton,@ScatusMaximus,"ID 878293777999376384","Your moms vajayjay.","Now that wasn't very nice....","Fri Jun 23 16:48:49 +0000 2017",18,46,998,522,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
  34. "War Horse",@WarHorseVA,"ID 877327735768719360","Ol' Virginny","Confederacy is to this day the greatest conservative resistance to federal authority in American history","Wed Jun 21 00:50:06 +0000 2017",50,106,1010,528,,,Disabled,"Not verified",en,"Not protected"
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