
Week of Jane day 2 - Last night in Hogwarts

Aug 19th, 2018
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  1. Jane resisted it at first, but every time Anon had asked her out on a date, she couldn't refuse. She tried to play it off as the two of them being just good friends and Anon didn't seem to mind.
  2. If only that stopped the rumors...
  4. Jane was in the bathroom of her dorm applying make-up. Nothing too eye-catching, just what she usually wore... Well, maybe she tried to make herself look a bit more beautiful, but she was going out on a date with her ...Friend.
  5. "Hello, Jane, getting ready for your day out with Ymous?"
  6. Jane stopped humming and turned around slightly flustered.
  7. "Penny, what are you doing in my dorm?"
  8. Penny laughed.
  9. "Why are you still getting red when someone mentions your dates with your boyfriend?"
  10. Jane frowned at the mischievous blonde hufflepuff, she didn't appreciate how nosy Penny was about her alleged relationship with Ymous.
  11. "He's not my boyfriend..."
  12. "How many dates have you gone to so far? four, five?"
  13. "Do you consider everytime you spend time with him a date?"
  14. Penny stopped smiling for a bit but regained her infuriating confidence.
  15. "Should I? You keep insisting he's not your boyfriend, but here you are going out of your way to make yourself pretty for him."
  16. "This is what I usually wear."
  17. "Sure, sure, do you want to know how I know that is poppycock?"
  18. Jane was quiet.
  19. "Anon has noticed it."
  20. "...What?"
  21. "Anon has noticed you changing your makeup, do you know how rare that is in a guy, he pays so much attention to you that he noticed your lipstick is a shade darker..."
  22. "..."
  23. Penny laughed again and smiled mischievously.
  24. "Don't worry, he keeps to the story you insist on him, that you're just very good friends, but even a blind person could see that there is something between the two of you."
  25. Jane sighed and regained her serious demeanour
  26. "We're just friends, and I am trying to keep him out of trouble."
  27. "You never wear your prefect badge when you go out on dates with him."
  28. Jane furrowed her brows and cursed how observant Penny was. Why did this nice girl grow up to be such a nosy little brat.
  29. "Well, anyway, your friend who is also a boy sent me here. He asked if you could wait at the common room while he goes to turn in his transfiguration notes to McGonagall, he'll be back soon."
  30. Penny left Jane alone in her dorm.
  31. Jane was annoyed and went to her trunk and took out a wooden box where she kept her prefect badge. She really had stopped wearing it during their dates, was it to make it less official? She loved wearing that badge, but it just reminded her about how she is in constant struggle with Anon being a troublemaker and a occasional rulebreaker. She knew Anon had calmed down a bit after the bet they had a years ago and their first date. But he still went out on adventures, he even once asked her if she wanted to join him. But instead she had told him off, she was wearing the badge at the time.
  32. She did look the other way more often now, did she let him go easier now, because he clearly put the effort to make absolutely sure it was necessary to bend the rules in his quest to find his missing brother. The dates the two had gone on had nothing to do with it.
  33. Jane polished her badge and clipped it on her coat and went into the common room and sat on chair closest to the door and put the coat on the armrest.
  35. Jane waited for Anon and let her mind roam a bit, she was thinking about the first date they went on, thinking about it afterwards made it feel like a dream. It lasted for less than an hour, the two just walked up to the lake and talked. She was hesitant at first, but she quickly forgot that the boy was only twelve years old. He was confident and polite, he let her set the pace, he never got closer than she was comfortable with and even the silence when the two just stared at the reflection of the moon on the lake was comfortable. Did he plan everything, he couldn't have... But at the same time, even when it started raining Anon didn't skip a beat and conjured an invisible umbrella with his wand and held it over her.
  36. It was the most romantic moment she had ever experienced...
  37. Jane realized she had sighed wistfully and coughed while looking around.
  38. She started fidgetting with her prefect badge, straightening it on her coat while waiting for Anon. She heard some hufflepuffs walk into the common room and sit down on chairs behind her, they must not have realized she was there, because they had gossipped about her and Anon and didn't stop when they got in the common room.
  39. "...Yeah, but why, she's so frigid."
  40. "Well, I heard they're not really dating. Maybe Ymous is just doing it to keep the heat off him, being friendly with a prefect might have it's benefits."
  41. Jane wanted to stop listening, but she couldn't, maybe she should announce she was there the whole time, but she didn't want to do that either. Why were people so cruel and why did they care if she spent time with Anon. Sure it was a bit strange that she spent that much time with a 14 year old boy. The first rumors she heard when she started her last year were about her relationship to Anon... Maybe she should just stop it altogether, but she enjoyed spending time with Anon.
  42. Jane went back to fidgetting with her prefect badge when she heard the door open again, she turned to look at Anon, who had walked in and started to scan the room. The gossipping stopped immediately and the people who had talked about him behind his back were coughing uncomfortably.
  43. Jane got up and put her coat on. She noticed the terrified looks on the other hufflepuffs, she just smiled at them and walked to the waiting Anon.
  44. Anon looked at the girl for a bit and noticed her wearing the badge and smiled.
  45. "Is it a special occasion? you're wearing your best."
  46. Jane blushed but couldn't think of a good excuse for wearing the badge. Anon held his arm out, Jane placed her hand around it and the two left the common room.
  47. "So, where would you like to go today?"
  48. Jane thought about it for a bit, she kinda wanted to say honeydukes at first, but she had grown more self-conscious lately.
  49. "Anywhere but Madame Puddifoots..."
  50. "What is Madame Puddingfoot?"
  51. Jane hadn't realized Anon didn't know about the cafe, now she just advertised it to him.
  52. "A cafe..."
  53. "Cafe? never heard of it, I always just go to three broomsticks, it seems I have much to explore in Hogsmeade."
  54. "Let's just walk around for a bit then go to three broomsticks."
  55. "Alright, but if you don't mind, I want to stop at honeydukes, I'll buy you that chocolate you like."
  56. Jane wanted to protest, but couldn't think of a good way to say it. She could just decline, but she really liked Anon being thoughtful.
  58. When the two arrived in Hogsmeade the town was more quiet than usually, it was colder outside and there was snow everywhere, the snow-covered roofs on the houses made the town look slightly bit more magical. She knew it was the first time Anon had seen snow in Hogsmeade.
  59. "It's beautiful..."
  60. Jane smiled, something about Anon's genuine awe was so precious. She loved how earnest the younger boy could be and how full of wonder he still was, but at the same time he was dangerously charming. She couldn't understand why he seemed to be so interested in her, she kept hearind people talk about it being just him taking advantage of her being prefect. But she didn't believe it, those rumors were ill-conceived and malicious.
  61. The two walked around Hogsmeade, Anon let her lead him around, while she clung to his arm. She was keeping her distance and Anon never made any moves to advance on her, but it felt like an open invite. She could at any moment just wrap herself tighter around his arm.
  62. She didn't at least not that time, they two simply walked around in comfortable silence, she enjoyed the fact that it never felt awkward to be quiet around Anon, the two could walk around Hogsmeade for hours without saying a word and it didn't feel like a waste. It was relaxing, they just walked around to take in the sights and smiled at eachother.
  63. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad... She could just pull herself closer... He was so warm too. She was about to convince herself when she was interrupted by Anon.
  64. "Let's go in, I have some stuff I want to buy as presents."
  65. Jane realized the two had walked up to Honeydukes, she lost her concentration when she started thinking about getting closer to Anon, poor boy didn't know what he had interrupted. But it was probably for the better, she was dangerously close to starting to admit to her feelings.
  66. Jane let go of Anon's arm and the boy went to open the door for her, she walked in the store and was greeted with the sweet smells of the... Sweets, Jane was looking around the store and started wishing she hadn't gone in. She got really self-conscious now, she knew what people were saying behind her back and she normally didn't pay any mind to it, but what did Anon think about her?
  67. "Do you want that chocolate you like?"
  68. Jane turned around, Anon had finished picking all the things he wanted to buy for his friends for christmas.
  69. "I don't know, I mean, don't you think I'm..."
  70. Jane started, but couldn't bring herself to say it.
  71. "Hmm? Are you tired of it?"
  72. Jane thought about it, but then she realized if she started that conversation with Anon, she would just put him in a awkward situation.
  73. "Yeah, I am a bit tired of it, actually coming here made me realize how tired I am at chocolate. I think I might take a break from it. But thanks for offering anyway, I appreciate it."
  74. Anon smiled.
  75. "I know what you mean, when I learned about chocolate frogs I ate so many I couldn't eat anything sweet for months."
  76. The two laughed lightly and Anon went to pay for the other sweets he was buying. Jane sighed and waited for Anon near the door. She felt more insecure now than she had felt in a long time.
  77. Anon stuffed his purchases to his bag and left the store with Jane. He offered his arm to the girl again, but she didn't take it. She stared at the boy with a serious expression, the boy noticed it.
  78. "Is everything alright, Jane?"
  79. "Do you really like me?"
  80. Anon looked surprised, he started getting flustered and looked around for a bit.
  81. "What do you mean, Jane?"
  82. "Do you really like me, I want to know."
  83. Anon took a deep breath.
  84. "I REALLY like you."
  85. Jane frowned, she couldn't understand why he liked her so much, she felt fat and ugly and everyone kept calling her frigid, she couldn't even bring herself to walking closer to him. It wasn't even about his age anymore, she had just used that as an excuse.
  86. "...Why?"
  87. "I think you're cute, I love your determination."
  88. Anon paused for a bit and smiled wistfully.
  89. "I think you bring out the best in me... I had my doubts at first, I couldn't believe the sorting hat at first..."
  90. Jane raised her eyebrows, she was surprised. Anon had never talked about his sorting, she could remember he was the second near hatstall she had ever seen, but she had never thought about asking him about it.
  91. "What do you mean?"
  92. "The sorting hat considered putting me in slytherin, like my brother... It went on about how I could find the correct means for my ambitions, how everything I needed was in slytherin. But I rejected it..."
  93. "The hat wanted to put you in slytherin?"
  94. "Yeah, but it admitted that I was kind and loyal... I wanted so badly to get out of this shadow, everyone in my family was slytherin except my father, who went to Koldovstoretz..."
  95. Jane felt bad, she remembers how rude she had been to Anon during his first year. She didn't realize how insecure he was about belonging in hufflepuff.
  96. "The hat went quiet and I swear I could hear the reluctance in him when he declared me a hufflepuff..."
  97. Jane stared at the ground.
  98. "I didn't know..."
  99. "I've never told anyone about this, but..."
  100. Anon gently raised Jane's heard and looked her in the eyes.
  101. "I wasn't sure about it when I started, I got into a lot of trouble and I still keep getting into trouble. But I heard you scold me, saying I didn't act like a hufflepuff. But I couldn't stop, I was driven."
  102. Anon paused for a while and collected his thoughts.
  103. "At first it was spite, I really hated hearing you say I didn't belong in hufflepuff, but it was what I needed to hear, it made me act kinder towards others, it wasn't even trouble for me to help those that needed it... Maybe it was what drove me to the vaults."
  104. Jane was quiet as she listened to Anon open up to her.
  105. "I wanted to prove you wrong, but that wasn't the right way to look at it... I realized I didn't want to prove you wrong, I wanted to make you proud."
  106. Jane tried to avert her gaze, but Anon kept his hand on her chin.
  107. "But I said all those mean things to you..."
  108. "But you also said I was a hufflepuff, that I belonged there... And that you adored things that the hat considered traits for slytherin. I realized it was more complicated than that. I felt better about myself than I ever did."
  109. Anon turned his head and took another deep breath and then put both his hands on her cheeks looked Jane in the eyes .
  110. "I always thought you were cute and I liked you... But that was when I fell in love with you. I love you, Jane."
  111. Jane watched as the confession started turning the boy redder. She wanted to turn her head away, but his warm hands kept her head in place.
  112. "If you want to reject me now, because I am younger I understand... I will wait. I am a wizard and you're a witch, when we get older the years stop mattering, I will find you then, but I don't want to wait."
  113. "Anon..."
  114. "If it's any other reason, I understand, please let me know... But if you like me back, I want to stop pretending, and to hell what anyone says..."
  115. Jane was quiet.
  116. "Do you like me, Jane?"
  117. Jane collected herself, he head was a mix of excuses and rationalizations on why she should reject him all her doubts piled up, but she looked Anon in the eyes again and her mind went quiet.
  118. "Yes..."
  119. Anon kissed Jane. Anon felt his hands get warmer as blood rushed into her cheeks, everything about that moment was perfect, the snow was falling gently around them. Both felt like time had stopped.
  120. When Anon finally pulled back and lowered his hands, Jane felt like all the blood in her body had collected in her cheeks, but she had a smile on her face.
  121. "Anon... I..."
  122. Jane collected herself and took her wand out.
  123. "Immobulus"
  124. Anon froze with his wide smile still in his face.
  125. "Thank you for the wonderful date, Anon... I loved every second of it, but I need to get used to being your girlfriend."
  126. Jane kissed Anon's cheek and walked out of Hogsmeade.
  128. The people who were watching the moment started gathering around Anon now.
  129. "Should we... Do something?" some Ravenclaw asked.
  130. "That was the most romantic thing I had ever seen." a Gryffindor girl said to the dismay of her boyfriend.
  131. Anon knew the charm didn't last for long and felt he could already move his fingers, after it completely wore off he kept smiling and nodded at the people staring at him and walked off to Three broomsticks.
  133. Things had changed, Jane noticed it clear as day, no one actually called her frigid anymore. she was still paying close attention to rumors. She caught a few about Anon's misadventures and while she was disappointed, she also understood the boy better now. She would continue keeping the slytherin blood in him in check and took every chance to scold him for getting into trouble. But secretly she loved every bit of her renegade boyfriend. She never confessed to him properly, but she thought she'd get a chance.
  134. They hadn't gone on other dates since then, but they often ate breakfast together and spent time in the common room. It was nice. And no one brought up their age difference after a while. She realized that Anon was really mature for his age, and like he said it didn't really matter. Most of the skinship between the two was just holding hands and her leaning on him while they were sitting in the common room. It was all pure and wholesome. But she wasn't stupid, she noticed changes in Anon. But the boy never made any unwanted advances on her, and she appreciated it. Although it sometimes felt like it was more him waiting for her than the other way around.
  135. But the status quo for now was that they were dating and had shared their first kiss and nothing more.
  137. Then her exams started closing in...
  138. Jane got really stressed and irrate, she barely had time to study enough and she had started taking it out on Anon. She hated how understanding the boy seemed to be, she was treating him badly, but the boy kept being supportive of her. It made her feel terrible, but she had to do well in her final exams.
  139. Jane sat in the common room and was rubbing her eyes, she was reading on charms and thought about going to practice for a bit, but she was getting tired and her shoulders were stiff.
  140. She nearly jumped out of fright when she felt Anon's hands on her shoulders.
  141. "You need to take a break, Jane."
  142. Anon said gently as she was massaging her shoulders. Jane let out a long sigh and closed her eyes. She enjoyed the moment for a while and finally opened her eyes.
  143. "I need to practice this charm..."
  144. "Why don't we practice together, I want to make sure you don't overwork yourself, and we could spend time together."
  145. Jane stopped to think, would Anon's presence there be too much of a distraction? They could try it and if it didn't work out she could just tell him that. He would understand.
  146. "Alright, but if you're too distracting I'll continue alone, I really need to learn this."
  147. "Of course, I know a good place to practice."
  148. "What is that?"
  149. "That magical room in seventh floor."
  150. "Oh, you mean the room of requirement, I've never thought about going there to practice, but it's nearly curfew."
  151. "You're a prefect, Jane."
  152. "And you can't get into any more trouble than you already are in."
  153. "If someone catches us, you'll just say you caught me and were taking me to the common room."
  154. Jane paused.
  155. "What if they know we're dating, we could both get into trouble."
  156. "Let's just not get caught, you can't really practice charms in the common room anyway."
  157. Anon moved his hands to Jane's neck that was stiff from all the reading she had done. She moaned contently and enjoyed herself.
  158. "Alright..."
  159. Jane enjoyed the massage for a few moments more and then got up and picked up her book.
  161. The two snuck to the enchanted room and when they got in Jane relaxed a bit. The room they entered had a table in the middle and a few chairs and some books on a bookshelf.
  162. "Wonder how these books got in here, did the room make them, or did someone leave them here... The mechanics behind these room are shrouded in mysery."
  163. Jane smiled, Anon couldn't help himself but to try to understand how the room worked. Most students the even knew about the room didn't stop to think about it. She sat down on one of the chairs and put down the book and two parchments infront of her.
  164. "So, what do you need to do?"
  165. Anon sat down next to her.
  166. "I need to enchant the two pieces of parchments in a way that if I write on one, the text also appears on the other."
  167. "That's handy, is there a maximum range to it?"
  168. "I don't know, I just need to get this to work."
  169. "Sorry..."
  170. "It's fine, you can just read up on it and if you spot me do something wrong, let me know."
  171. Jane continue practicing the charm, while Anon was reading about it. Jane felt like she wasn't making any progress and started getting irritable.
  172. "This spell is interesting."
  173. "I know, Anon, will you let me concentrate..."
  174. "You've been trying for almost thirty minutes, you should take a break."
  175. Jane opened her mouth to tell Anon off, but she noticed Anon was going to his bag.
  176. "I almost forgot, I brought you that chocolate you like. Take a break, it'll help with your."
  177. Jane sighed and relaxed a bit, she was too stressed about the exams, clearly.
  178. "Anon."
  179. Anon lifted his head from the book.
  180. "I'm sorry, I'm just stressed out, I don't mean to take it out on you."
  181. "Don't worry about it, I understand."
  182. Jane was eating the chocolate Anon had brought her, she started to feel like she needed to tell Anon how she really felt. He already knew, but she had never told it to him directly. She was about to tell him when the boy interrupted her.
  183. "Oho, look, it says here if the two objects were originally one, the charm is easier. Did you try that?"
  184. "What?"
  185. "Try cutting one of the parchments in half and cast the charm on the pieces."
  186. Jane raised her eyebrows but pointed her wand at one of the parchments.
  187. "Diffindo."
  188. The parchment was cut clean from the half. When she tried the charm on the pieces again and started writing on one of them she noticed blotches appear on the other half, it wasn't great, but atleast she was making progress.
  189. She turned to look at Anon who was smiling at her warmly. She went back to practicing the charm, now that she had made progress on it.
  190. The two spent rest of the evening in the room and she felt like she finally got the hang of the charm. She even managed to get it working with two unrelated parchments, linking them together. It wasn't quite perfect, but she had time to do more practice later.
  191. "That's enough for tonight, Anon."
  192. Jane looked at her tired boyfriend, he was trying his best to understand the spell, but it might've been a bit too advanced, even for a prodigy like him.
  193. The boy yawned and smiled at Jane.
  194. "Yeah, let's head back."
  195. Anon started cleaning the table and carried all of Jane's books in his bag. The little thoughtful things he did made Jane happy.
  196. "Anon?"
  197. "Yes, Jane?"
  198. "Let's go on another date after my exams are over, before the schoolyear is over."
  199. Anon smiled at her.
  200. "Yeah."
  202. Jane focused on her exams from that point on, she still ate breakfast with Anon, but she was too busy to spend more time with him, when the exams actually started. She decided she would make it up for Anon later. Anon spent the rest of the year as he usually did, going on adventures and proving himself every bit the prodigy she knew he was. And he supported her every chance he got, He cheered her up and filled her with confidence as she took her exams.
  203. After the exams were over and there was more time to spend together with Anon, the two sat in common room often and walked around the castle. She enjoyed taking walks with Anon, it reminded her of the time she really fell for him, even when she was in denial about it for the longest time afterwards.
  204. Time seemed to fly by faster than she could grasp it, she had realized she never found a good time to confess her love to Anon. She decided she would spend the last night in Hogwarts with him.
  205. She walked into the common room, where she saw Anon sit with his friends, she walked up to him and when he noticed she was standing there he excused himself to his friends and walked up to her.
  206. "Anon."
  207. "Yes, Jane?"
  208. "I want to go out on one last date with you, meet me 30 minutes before curfew infront of the room we practiced charms in."
  209. Anon smiled widely at the girl.
  210. "I will be there."
  211. "I'll see you then."
  212. Jane turned around and went to prepare in her dorm.
  214. That evening Jane waited for Anon in an alcove in the seventh floor. She had decided she would need to officially confess her love for him and discuss the future together.
  215. "Evening, Jane."
  216. Anon walked up to the girl waiting for him, he held his hand out.
  217. Jane smiled and took his hand and got up.
  218. "Anon."
  219. "So, why did you want to meet me here?"
  220. "You'll see..."
  221. Jane lead Anon up to the hallway that had the tapestry of Barnabas trying to teach ballet to trolls.
  222. "Wait here."
  223. Jane let go of Anon's hand and started walking up and down the hallway, until she saw a door appear on one of the walls. She peeked inside, then looked at the boy.
  224. "Alright, come."
  225. She smiled shakily as the boy got closer, she held the door open for him and the two entered the room together.
  226. "This is a bedroom."
  227. "Yes, this is the last night I will spend in Hogwarts... I wanted to spend it with you, Anon."
  228. Anon took a deep breath and walked up to the twin bed in the room, the room felt like a well taken care of hotel bedroom, there was a twin bed in the room and on both sides of the bed there were nightstands with enchanted lanterns. There were also a clothesrack, a wardrobe and a few chairs in the room.
  229. Jane sat on one of the chairs and looked at the boy inspecting the room curiously.
  230. "Are you alright with this, Anon? We don't have to do this, if you feel uncomfortable."
  231. Anon turned towards the girl, his face was slightly red and he was visibly nervous.
  232. "N-no, I am okay with this. I'm just a little bit nervous."
  233. Jane sighed and smiled weakly.
  234. "So am I." Jane turned to stare at the floor.
  235. "But I really want to spend a night with you, Anon... Before I have to leave you."
  236. Anon sat down on the bed infront of Jane.
  237. "This is fine, we don't have to rush, we have all the time in the world."
  238. Jane raised her head and looked at Anon, who was smiling his assuring smile.
  239. "I wanted to talk to you about that... About what happens when I graduate."
  240. "I know, you will have your career ahead of you, I am so proud of you, Jane."
  241. Jane smiled, she loved the way Anon supported her, he had helped her with her exams and he held her together during them.
  242. "I am not talking about just myself, Anon."
  243. Jane paused for a while and collected herself.
  244. "I want to talk to you what happens to us in the future, we'll be split up tomorrow..."
  245. Anon turned to look at the floor.
  246. "I would be lying if I said I didn't feel sad about that, Jane."
  247. "I feel sad about it too, Anon, but you must no let that affect your studies, promise me you wont."
  248. Anon took out his wand and started fidgetting with it.
  249. "I promise I will try to focus on my studies after you leave."
  250. "I know you will do great, you are so talented at everything... I can't wait to see what you will accomplish. I want to be there for you."
  251. Anon blushed and smiled at Jane.
  252. "Four years will go by quickly, Jane, and we can spend time together during my summer and winter breaks. I know my age was a problem before, but it won't be for long."
  253. Jane sighed.
  254. "I know, I made it a bigger problem than it really was."
  255. "It wasn't completely unfounded... There were times when I felt crazy for even considering trying to date an older girl like you, Jane, but I didn't give up on it."
  256. Anon took a deep breath.
  257. "I felt scared... But you were patient and you removed all my doubts. Even now, I feel completely comfortable being with you."
  258. Anon started untying his tie.
  259. Jane looked at the boy a bit nervously, but it really was what she wanted, even just sleeping together with Anon made her nervous. They had never done anything like this before. So far they had only shared one kiss and the closest to snuggling was when she was leaning on him in the common room.
  260. But really was what she wanted. She walked up to the other nightstand and placed her prefect badge on it and started untying her tie and took off her robe and folded it neatly on a chair. She removed her shoes and stockings, but stopped and sat down on the bed.
  261. She was starting to get nervous, she had a bad self-image and undressing down to her undergarments infront of Anon was harder than she thought. She stared at the floor and tried to collect herself.
  262. "You don't need to be nervous, Jane."
  263. Anon sat down next to her and wrapped his arms around her.
  264. Jane felt her worries fade off and she kissed Anon. She closed her yes and left Anon unbutton her shirt. Once she was down to her plain undergarments she turned red and tried to avert her gaze again.
  265. Jane felt Anon put his hand on her cheek and turned her head and looked her in the eyes.
  266. "You are beautiful."
  267. Jane smiled and Anon pulled her on the bed and under the covers.
  268. The two were just lying on the bed for a while until they turned towards eachother, Jane leaned in and rested her forehead on Anon's and smiled contently.
  269. "I couldn't imagine a better way to spend my last night in Hogwarts..."
  270. "You need to come visit Hogwarts when I graduate then."
  271. The two laughed and sighed.
  272. "I am not going to be here to rein you in anymore, Anon... I want you to promise me that you will do your best to stay out of harms way."
  273. Jane smiled.
  274. "I know you will continue with your adventures, I am not going to tell you to stop, but I want you to be safe. So we can get together in the future."
  275. Anon smiled back at Jane.
  276. "I promise."
  277. "I love you, Anon."
  278. Jane kissed Anon, he then wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer.
  279. "I love you, Jane."
  280. Both of them sighed contently and spent the last night they had in Hogwarts together.
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