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  3. Anonymous 12/24/18(Mon)00:06:42 No.12278388▶>>12278405 >>12278452 >>12278993 >>12280475
  4. Women are the ideal vectors of counter-initiation and the culture of narcissism. If you simplify things a lot, they are the biggest "want" in society, they are ubiquitous and impossible to avoid, their faces alone can be used to sell products, they are infinitely varied and always tantalizing so they are difficult to guard against in a single oath (in the way one can at least go "I will never drink alcohol again," and not be tempted by liquor any more than beer or wine). They can be conveniently programmed to have whatever standards you want, so most men will obey those standards and be distorted and degenerated.
  6. This society has effectively programmed women to only be satisfied by bizarre caricatures of masculinity, hypertrophied in strange inhuman ways, with no room for an actual person underneath. Men who "perform" their twisted hyper-masculinity constantly, by being living avatars of success, fame, fortune, power, in the way that the manicured image of a celebrity does, because you never have to see the celebrity's ordinary human side. It's taught women to love living manifestations of only the worst parts of their own unconscious archetypes of ideal masculinity. Those parts are supposed to be there, in the way that men are supposed to have ooga booga jungle lust for vagina dentata archetypical femme fatales or the archetypal jezebel whore who is nothing but living sexuality, but you're not supposed to actually concretize those things and expect them from real human beings.
  8. Because of the economy of sexual desire, any archetypes women project will be unconsciously obeyed by men, who will twist themselves to conform to them. Women now have heads full of rap music, Mad Men-esque caricatures of "perfectly suave, perfectly witty, leader of men, never makes a mistake, never loses composure, reminds me of daddy, taller than me, perfectly built, suit always fits perfectly and never wrinkles" living avatars of masculine charisma. Add to that their addled endocrine systems, which are probably making them ovulate for silverback gorilla dick 24/7. Their unrealistic conscious expectations of wealth and success are only the tip of this massive fucking iceberg.
  10. There is no winning move against this. You can come up with survival strategies, like actually trying to "be yourself," but you will constantly be making at least some concessions in that regard. It's already inherently phony to message fifty girls and say "Haha hey I like The Office too" when you don't even really like The Office. The uglier or shorter you are, the more you have to hide and distort your real self to perform, the more you have to embody weird priapian tropes. And most men think this is normal and good. They think that "correctly embodying the tropes" = "being normal" = "being happy." They create an entire false self, and any chance at having a real self withers in the background.
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