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a guest
Jul 20th, 2018
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  1. {
  2. "defaultSeverity": "error",
  3. "extends": [
  4. "tslint:recommended"
  5. ],
  6. "jsRules": {},
  7. "rules": {
  8. "align": true,
  9. "array-type": [
  10. true,
  11. "array"
  12. ],
  13. "arrow-parens": [
  14. true,
  15. "ban-single-arg-parens"
  16. ],
  17. "arrow-return-shorthand": true,
  18. "await-promise": true,
  19. "class-name": true,
  20. "curly": [
  21. true,
  22. "ignore-same-line"
  23. ],
  24. "forin": true, // requires "for-in" loops to contain "hasOwnProperty" if checks
  25. "indent": [
  26. true,
  27. "spaces",
  28. 2
  29. ],
  30. "interface-over-type-literal": true,
  31. "no-angle-bracket-type-assertion": true,
  32. "no-consecutive-blank-lines": true,
  33. "no-duplicate-variable": [
  34. true,
  35. "check-parameters"
  36. ],
  37. "no-empty": true,
  38. "no-floating-promises": true,
  39. "no-for-in-array": true,
  40. "no-shadowed-variable": true,
  41. "no-string-throw": true,
  42. "no-switch-case-fall-through": true,
  43. "no-trailing-whitespace": true,
  44. "no-unused-variable": true,
  45. "no-var-keyword": true,
  46. "object-literal-key-quotes": [
  47. true,
  48. "as-needed"
  49. ],
  50. "object-literal-sort-keys": [
  51. true,
  52. "ignore-case",
  53. "shorthand-first"
  54. ],
  55. "prefer-const": [
  56. true,
  57. {
  58. "destructuring": "all"
  59. }
  60. ],
  61. "promise-function-async": true,
  62. "quotemark": [
  63. true,
  64. "double",
  65. "jsx-double"
  66. ],
  67. "restrict-plus-operands": true,
  68. "semicolon": [
  69. true,
  70. "never"
  71. ],
  72. "space-within-parens": true,
  73. "switch-default": true,
  74. "trailing-comma": [
  75. true,
  76. {
  77. "multiline": "never",
  78. "singleline": "never"
  79. }
  80. ],
  81. "triple-equals": [
  82. true,
  83. "allow-undefined-check",
  84. "allow-null-check"
  85. ],
  86. "typedef": true,
  87. "typeof-compare": true,
  88. "whitespace": [
  89. true,
  90. "check-branch",
  91. "check-decl",
  92. "check-operator",
  93. "check-module",
  94. "check-separator",
  95. "check-rest-spread",
  96. "check-type",
  97. "check-typecast",
  98. "check-type-operator",
  99. "check-preblock"
  100. ]
  101. },
  102. "rulesDirectory": []
  103. }
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