
Dead Eye

May 4th, 2013
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  1. Name: Dead Eye
  2. Race: Draco-Earth Pony
  3. Class: Stalker
  4. Skills: Tough
  5. Predator
  6. Get Out Of Here: automatic, once per combat; get up when helpless, can use outside combat with a long recharge
  7. Marksmen Shot
  8. Stealth
  9. Vantage point
  10. Talent: Master shot (+2 to marksmen shot)
  12. Perks: Do you even Lift?: You can lift far more than the average member of your species, easily toting massive boulders, other players, and even buffalo. You can push at least twice as much as you can lift. This effect stacks with the tough racial. (2)
  13. Question Your Methods: You have a scary or intimidating appearance, for your race. (1)
  14. Observant: You can make Perception checks to notice things as an instant action, using the roll of your other action that turn. (1)
  15. Hardcore Parkour: You can run up tall walls, climb trees in seconds, balance on pin-needles, and even run across water short distances. (1)
  17. Flaws
  19. Too Tall: You are a giant among your other races, and you have trouble fitting into places, caves, etc. and using things made for your kind. (1)
  20. Oath:You’ve sworn an oath of honor that, if broken, would have dire consequences. You select both the Oath and the consequences when you pick this Flaw (A Dm can limit you if you choose outlandish or overly mild consequences). Examples would include a code of chivalry, or a vow of poverty. (I will never attack a target who cannot defend them self, or it would be unsporting to hunt) (2)
  21. Hateful: You will never be able to understand or share in the magic of friendship, and you have a hard time settling for simply “disliking” things. NPC’s will almost never act friendly to you. (unless motivated) (1)
  22. PETA (Ponies for the eating of tasty animals) : For some reason, animals fear you or just don't like you. Some will flee from you on sight and some will outright attack you . (1)
  24. Inventory: Wrist comp with Wrist blades built into it, controls all functions of his suit.
  25. Helmet with a built in HUD that contains a Thermal vision mode and a Built in stealth field and a built in voice recording device and accompanying speaker to project the voices out and a three pronged laser dot device for aming his Plasmacaster. (1/1 on the stealth field module)
  26. Telescopic Bladed staff
  27. Shoulder mounted Plasmacaster
  28. Armored shoulder pads
  30. Bio: Dead Eye is a member of a clan of Draco-Ponies who are believed to be the best Hunters in all Equestria. He is over 8 feet tall and rippling with Muscles built up from years of training. He is considered one of the finest marksmen in the clan, his plasma caster being more of a shoulder mounted sniper rifle than a simple ranged weapon. He is A large dark green specimen with black eyes, though few outsiders have ever seen his eyes before, as he rarely removes his helmet, or uses his own voice, only using it when the recordings he has can't convey his message.
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