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Jun 9th, 2016
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  1. The door to the adjacent room -- Ainzach’s office -- opened, and a new guest entered.
  2. 邻室——通向艾因扎克办公室里的门被打了开来,进来的是一位新客人。
  4. The man with an excessively skinny body -- to the point where some might even consider him anorexic -- was Ainzach’s old friend, the head of E-Rantel’s Magician’s Guild, Theo Rakesheer.
  5. 那名瘦得过头、甚至令人觉得近乎神经质的身体线条的这个男子,正是艾因扎克的老朋友,耶·兰提尔的魔术师工会会长,提欧·拉克希尔。
  7. “Pluton, that was quite a surprise. I didn’t expect the Sorcerer King to come calling in the middle of our discussions. Did he notice something?”
  8. 「布尔敦,这可真让人吃惊啊,真没想到在我们俩密谈的时候魔导王会来啊。是被察觉到什么了吗?」
  10. “I’m not so sure about that.”
  11. 「这我就不清楚了」
  13. This morning, Ainzach had gone through the daily routine of meeting Rakesheer early on to exchange information.
  14. 今早艾因扎克也如同往常一样,早早和拉克希尔碰头交换着情报。
  16. Ever since the city had fallen under the sway of the Sorcerer King, they only met in the morning. The reason for that was because they believed that most undead did not like the sun. Still, after seeing the undead army patrol the streets, they knew that it was little more than a way to put their minds at ease.
  17. 从这个都市被魔导王支配后,两人的会面就必然只有早上。而之所以这么做,则是因为有着、大多数不死族生物都不喜欢太阳,这样的知识存在。虽然在看到街上巡逻着的不死者军团后,也明白了这种想法只不过是微小的自我安慰罢了。
  19. Their meetings were essentially undertaken for the purpose of swapping news, with no consideration to the future movements of the Adventurer’s Guild and the Magician’s Guild. Or rather, ever since the founding of the Sorcerous Kingdom, everyone who could flee had already left for the Empire and the Kingdom. The Magician’s Guild had also transferred all their magic items out of the city, with only a few members staying behind. In other words, the Magician’s Guild of this city was effectively disbanded.
  20. 碰头商量基本都是为了进行情报共享,而没有对今后冒险者工会、魔术师工会的动向进行过商讨。倒不如说,自从魔导国建国后,该移居的人都早早的投奔了王国和帝国。而魔术师工会也几乎把所有的魔法道具都转移了出去,留在这个都市的人就只有寥寥数名。也就是说,这个都市的魔术师工会实际上已经无异于解散了。
  22. However, there was still much that needed to be discussed in the field of information analysis.
  23. 但在情报的分析这层意义上,需要研讨的重要事项可还有不少。
  25. Although adventurers were not particularly bound to countries, could they still carry on as they had before, from within the Sorcerous Kingdom? Would the Sorcerous Kingdom send harriers after the former citizens of this land who were busy fleeing it? If they managed to successfully cross the border, would the Sorcerous Kingdom demand the extradition of the refugees at a national level? What about magic casters?
  26. 虽然冒险者向来不怎么受到国家的约束,但是在魔导国也能合之前一样吗。或者说会向逃亡的本国国民派出追兵吗。如果是那样即使是顺利地越过了国境,会在国家层面提出将逃亡民众引渡回来吗。魔术师的话又会怎么样呢。
  28. How could they handle this situation without sacrificing Momon, who was now a resident here? In addition, how should the Adventurer’s Guild treat Momon?
  29. 该以什么样的态度来对应,不惜舍身为民的飞飞呢。作为冒险者工会又该如何对待飞飞呢。
  31. The temples remained silent, sensing that the Sorcerer King was keeping a distance from them too. However, would this carry on in the future? Would they lead a resistance movement against him?
  32. 神殿势力还保持着沉默,感觉魔导王也和他们保持着一定距离。但是今后也会像这样保持下去吗。真的不会展开反抗活动吗。
  34. Each of these questions was a challenging one, which taxed both their brains to the limit with nothing to show for their effort. However, it would be troublesome if they did nothing and simply let things unfold. The temples were particularly problematic in that respect.
  35. 虽然这每一个问题,都是二人绞尽脑汁也得不出答案的难题。但如果什么都不做,等事请真的发生后就麻烦了。特别是神殿势力这边的问题。
  37. Could the temples really accept their mortal enemy, one of the undead, as their king? They held their peace for now, but that in turn frightened the people even more.
  38. 他们神殿势力到底能不能接受不共戴天的仇敌、不死者来作自己头上的王呢。现状虽然还保持着沉默,但这反而更令人害怕。
  40. In addition, there were the religious factions from the surrounding countries. If things went poorly, they might decide to independently declare a jihad, with the temples within the Sorcerous Kingdom serving as a fifth column. That situation had a chance of coming to pass.
  41. 而且还有周边国家存在着的神殿势力。弄不好的话各国的神殿势力单独发布圣战通告,而魔导国的神殿势力作为其内应而展开行动,这样的情况也是有可能出现的。
  43. The reason why there was nobody here to represent the temples was because their stance on the matter was unclear. While it was easy enough to call them over, it would be bad if they ended up being drawn into something else instead.
  44. 现在这里没有代表神殿势力的人在场,也是有着因为他们立场的不透明缘故。轻易将其叫来,反而被他们牵扯进去的话,那可就得不偿失了。
  46. That said, neither of them thought the temples would actually be able to defeat the Sorcerer King. What made them uneasy was the massacre that would surely unfold after they tried. Even worse, they feared that this would result in Momon, the Sword of the Sorcerer King, slaughtering them all. In addition, how would they heal the wounds in the hearts of the country’s people after something like that happened?
  47. 只是,两人也不认为神殿势力真的能胜过魔导王。他们所害怕的是,在那之后会出现的虐杀场面。更怕的是,最后会导致化作了魔导王之剑的飞飞会将他们斩尽杀绝,这样一个结果。还有在那之后,又该怎么治愈这个国家的人民心伤呢。
  49. Just as their heads were aching from this chaotic mess of events, the Sorcerer King had arrived.
  50. 就在为着这些乱七八糟的事情而头痛的时候,魔导王却来了。
  52. “However, His Majesty seems to have sensed your presence here.”
  53. 「不过,魔导王陛下已经察觉到你在这里了哦」
  55. The best proof of that was the Sorcerer King’s snort of laughter as he looked at the room next door.
  56. 看着隔壁的房间发出嘲笑声的魔导王,便是最有力的证据。
  58. “If it goes poorly, everything we’ve talked about might well have been leaked.”
  59. 「搞不好的话,我们至今为止的会谈都已经泄露出去了也不一定」
  61. “What? That means…?”
  62. 「什么?那也就是说?」
  64. “Exactly what you think. He also meant for you to hear his words.”
  65. 「估计没跑了吧,那话本来就是打算也说给你听的」
  67. The acoustics of this room were tuned such that everything said here could be heard in the other. Because of that, Rakesheer -- who was hiding in the room next door -- should have heard everything the two of them had said.
  68. 由于一些小把戏这个房间里所发出的声音,在对面的房间也能够清楚地被听到。为此躲在隔壁房间的拉克希尔,无疑也有听到了两人的谈话吧。
  70. “Do you think he could have been mistaken?”
  71. 「没有弄错吗?」
  73. “No, that’s impossible. To some extent, he should have sensed someone was there. However, His Majesty might have thought it was someone from the temples.”
  74. 「不,那不可能。不管怎样至少已经发现有谁在了吧。但说不定陛下认为那是神殿势力的人也不一定」
  76. At that time he had been more confused than shocked due to the suddenness of the situation. When he thought back to it, all he felt was regret for his actions. How he wante to laugh at himself, who stowed his friend out of the way.
  77. 那个时候由于事发突然,比起惊愕所感受到的更多是混乱。现在回想起来的话剩下的就只有不甘心。偷偷的把同伴给藏起来,那样狭量的自己简直就令人戳之以鼻。
  79. He should have invited Rakesheer out, so the three of them could have had a face-to-face talk.
  80. 那个时候就应该把拉克希尔给叫进来,三人一起掏心掏肺地好好谈一场的。
  82. Granted, the Sorcerer King probably had not put all his cards on the table yet. However, he had stated his opinions to a mere citizen, with the regal bearing of a ruler. How had he performed, in contrast?
  83. 虽然魔导王应该也没有完全揭开自己的底牌吧。但他却拿出了与王者所相符的态度,与区区是个平民的自己道出了心声。而与之相对的,自己又如何呢。
  85. As he watched Ainzach knit his brows, Rakesheer icily asked:
  86. 看着眉头紧锁的艾因扎克,拉克希尔则冷冷地说道。
  88. “Then, what will you do next? No, I already know. After all, you used to call him the Sorcerer King, but now you refer to him respectfully.”
  89. 「那么你接下来又打算怎么办呢?不,你不用说我也明白。毕竟先前还是直呼魔导王的男人,现在却已经加上敬称了啊」
  91. “Don’t you think someone might be listening in on our conversation?”
  92. 「你不觉得我们的对话很有可能被窃听了吗?」
  94. “Don’t you think that’s the reason I’m telling you this now?”
  95. 「正因为如此,我现在才在忠告你不是吗?」
  97. “Could it be that I was magically charmed?”
  98. 「有没有可能因为是受到了魔法的魅惑?」
  100. “I’m not confident in completely ruling it out, but I don’t think so. Charm magic is time-limited, and even if the Sorcerer King wanted to sustain it, he probably would not be able to.”
  101. 「虽然我不敢说没有那种可能,但应该是不会的吧。魅惑魔法是有时间限制的。即使是魔导王想要一直维持下去,应该也是办不到的」
  103. “Then again, it might be possible for His Majesty.”
  104. 「但说不定那位魔导王陛下就有可能的哦」
  106. “Come on, give me a break. That would be a real headache if it was true. After all, that’s magic of the 8th tier and above, the realm of the divine.”
  107. 「饶了我吧。真要是那样的话可就头疼了。毕竟那可是连神之领域的第八阶位魔法都能够使用的存在啊」
  109. The two of them laughed briefly, and then Ainzach resumed his serious expression.
  110. 两人短暂的笑了笑后,艾因扎克换回了认真的神情。
  112. “I believe helping His Majesty in this matter is a good idea.”
  113. 「我认为即使协助魔导王陛下也是可以的」
  115. “Even if that makes you all accomplices in invading other countries?”
  116. 「即使这有可能成为侵略的帮凶?」
  118. “...Is it not natural for strong nations to subjugate weaker ones?”
  119. 「……强国支配弱国,这不是理所当然的景象吗?」
  121. “So you know it will result in tragedy and have chosen to permit it?”
  122. 「明知会变得不幸,也要对此默认吗?」
  124. “Things may not necessarily develop in that way. After all, ever since His Majesty took control of this country, who among us is poorer off?”
  125. 「事情可不一定会发展成那样。而且说到底,自魔导王陛下支配这个国家以后,又有谁变得不幸了呢?」
  127. Rakesheer fell silent.
  128. 拉克希尔沉默了下来。
  130. The surprising thing was that nobody in this country could say they were in a worse situation than before.
  131. 事实上令人惊讶的是,这个国家没有一个人能够断言说自己变得不幸了。
  133. “Aren’t there adventurers who lost their jobs because of this?”
  134. 「不是有因此而失业的冒险者吗?」
  136. “Well, you’re right, but isn’t it a little… come on, lay off me already.”
  137. 「嘛,这倒是真的啦,但你这话说的是不是有点……你也别讽刺我了啦」
  139. “That’s true. I spoke without thinking. Still, given that this was such a rare opportunity, why didn’t you ask the Sorcerer King what he thought about the temples?”
  140. 「也是啊。稍微说了些不中听的话啊。但难得来一趟,你怎么不问问魔导王,关于神殿势力那边是怎么想的呢?」
  142. “Give me a break. If His Majesty decided that they were a nuisance and decided to destroy them because of something I said, I’d have to live the rest of my life knowing I caused a great slaughter. How do you think I could live with myself if that happened?”
  143. 「饶了我吧。如果因为我说的一句话让陛下说出什么,说起来确实很碍眼啊干脆灭了吧,之类的话来。那我下半辈子可得一直背负着造成虐杀的重负,这让我怎么活的下去啊」
  145. “Do you think the Sorcerer King is someone who would do such a thing?”
  146. 「你认为魔导王是会做出此等行径的对手吗?」
  148. “No. In fact, I’d say it’s the opposite. His Majesty is very rational, to the point where it’s quite shocking. To the point where sometimes, I wonder if that undead face of his was actually made by magic. Yes -- it feels just like when I talk to Momon-dono.”
  149. 「不,倒不如说正相反。那位大人非常的理性。理性到令人惊讶的程度。甚至不禁令我遐想,那张不死者的面孔真的不是用魔法变出来吗,都到了如此程度。没错——就像是飛飛阁下的那种氛围」
  151. “Well, that would be a slight on Momon-dono.”
  152. 「再怎么说,这对飛飛阁下也太失礼了吧」
  154. Ainzach smiled thinly as he saw his old friend with a displeased look on his face.
  155. 对露出不愉快的表情这么说道的老朋友。艾因扎克浮现出了苦笑。
  157. “Well, that’s true. It’s disrespectful to compare a hero of humanity to the undead Sorcerer King. However, when you consider that they’re both beings of superhuman might, they do seem quite similar. If I had to describe it… yes, I can feel the same presence around them, one which only those extraordinary entities could radiate.”
  158. 「确实是那样啊。将人类的英雄与不死者的魔王相提并论的话确实失礼。但是,就同为站在超人领域的强者这方面来看的话,不确实有些相似之处吗。要比喻的话……没错,能让人感觉到,那种只有那种超越的存在才会散发的、独特的氛围」
  160. “I see. That does make sense when you put it that way.”
  161. 「原来如此,你这么说的话确实有那么几分意思」
  163. The two of them recalled the form of that great hero (Momon).
  164. 两人深深地回想起了那位英雄[飛飛]的身姿。
  166. Then, after that brief pause, Ainzach looked directly at Rakesheer.
  167. 那么、这么将话题拉回来以后,艾因扎克正面看向拉克希尔。
  169. “--Rakesheer. If you do not wish to aid His Majesty, could I trouble you to not come here any more?”
  170. 「——拉克希尔。如果你没有协助魔导王陛下的意思的话,能请你今后不要再出入这里了吗?」
  172. The reason for that hardly needed to be said. After all, Ainzach’s room might well be used to store data pertaining to the national administration of the Sorcerous Kingdom. Allowing outsiders to traipse in and out of such a room was definitely not appropriate.
  173. 理由根本就不需要说了。今后艾因扎克的房间有可能会被用来放置,关于魔导国国策运营的资料。那样的房间若是让无关人员随意出入的话,实在是有些显得不合适。
  175. In addition, the Sorcerer King’s words -- which had made such a great impact on Ainzach’s heart -- had also been spoken to his old friend.
  176. 而魔导王的话语就是如此这般的冲击了艾因扎克的内心,甚至令他对自己的老朋友说出了这番话。
  178. The new vision of adventurers of which he had spoken was a shining and glorious one. In the past, there had been adventurers who had set foot upon unknown lands. However, most of them died far from their homes, or had broken down in the face of reality. Only a handful of people could actually do such a dangerous thing. But now, the Sorcerer King -- a magic caster who wielded absolute power -- was offering his full support to them. That opened up a whole new vista of possibilities to them.
  179. 他所描述的全新的冒险者形象,是那么的熠熠生辉。确实也曾有过踏破了未知土地的冒险者。但更多的却是身死异乡、又或者在现实的面前挫败了下来。毕竟能出发去做这样危险之事的,就只有凤毛麟角的一小部分人。但倘若魔导王这位有着绝对力量的魔法咏唱者,将予以全面支援的话。那么新的可能性便将展现在世人们的眼前。
  181. Contained within that was the possibility of becoming true Adventurers.
  182. 那将孕育出真真正正的冒险者。
  184. After a brief pause, Rakesheer finally spoke.
  185. 稍微停顿了一会儿,拉克希尔也终于开口道。
  187. “I say, Ainzach. You do know that the Magician’s Guild in this city is practically disbanded, right?”
  188. 「我说,艾因扎克。这座都市的魔术师工会几乎已经完全解散了,这一点你也是知道的吧?」
  190. “Ahh, so it is.”
  191. 「啊啊,这当然」
  193. “Then, please allow me to support you with all my strength, as your former comrade. After all this is over, why not let us go explore the unknown as well?”
  194. 「那么,作为你曾经的同伴就让我全面的支援你吧。然后等一切都结束以后,我们何不也出发去探索未知呢?」
  196. “--Haha,” Ainzach chuckled. “Think of our age, though. Huhu -- are we really going for it?”
  197. 「——哈哈」艾因扎克笑了笑「考虑一下我们的年纪吧。哼哼——就这么办吧?」
  199. “Why not? Although, you’ll have to speak to His Majesty then, and convince him not to put an age restriction on the Adventurer’s Guild.”
  200. 「可不是嘛。为此你可得记得和魔导王陛下说啊,让他不要设置冒险者工会的年龄限制」
  202. And so the two of them filled the room with their cheerful laughter.
  203. 房间里回荡起了,两人朗朗的笑声。
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