

Aug 1st, 2018
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  1. Wednesday, August 1, 2018
  2. 8:46 PM - Console-: hey, went over the demo last night with grapejuiceIII, i also pulled your stream POV so he could get a glimpse of comms and calling
  3. 8:46 PM - Console-: we came up with some improvements for you for calling
  4. 8:46 PM - Console-: do you mind if i share them with you?
  5. 8:46 PM - cool as paused water: go for it
  6. 8:47 PM - Console-: 1) try not to overcall damage. There were many situations where you called focuses on players, saying they were very hurt when you did little or no damage.
  7. 8:48 PM - Console-: it caused a lot of unneeded feeding and baiting
  8. 8:48 PM - Console-: 2) allow your players to fill their roles
  9. 8:48 PM - Console-: for example, letting brick keep track of ubers, and letting the flank try and get in behind; that actually segways into the third point
  10. 8:48 PM - Console-: 3) try not to overcommit for hero plays or big picks
  11. 8:49 PM - Console-: grape noticed in ubers or pushes you tend to overextend, leaving youself either alone in a post uber while other players are taking fights on the point or not allowing them any time to catch up to you
  12. 8:50 PM - Console-: caused you to get caught in some bad scenarios, it played into overcalling damage
  13. 8:50 PM - Console-: we also looked at mids
  14. 8:51 PM - Console-: try not to call mid strats arbitrarily; we went through each mid and noticed the only ones we were losing is when you were playing low ground, with the exception of the 2nd mid where i played left
  15. 8:51 PM - Console-: the mids you and i were constantly keeping high ground and jumping around we were fucking
  16. 8:51 PM - Console-: you tend to micro/overcall plays very hard
  17. 8:52 PM - Console-: this kinda goes hand in hand with allowing players to fulfill their roles
  18. 8:53 PM - Console-: telling the team to stack on a wipe, or trying to tell people exactly when and where to be when they know better clutters comms and prevents you from planning ahead as a caller effectively
  19. 8:53 PM - Console-: trusting the roamer stays last, the flank scout caps, the medic calls uber, etc. seem small but add up fast
  20. 8:55 PM - Console-: also, a lot of times when players tried to provide constructive criticisms or new ideas on what to do in scrims, i noticed that you frequently blew them off and occaisionally just pretended that they either didn't know what they were talking about or that only your calls mattered
  21. 8:55 PM - Console-: try and keep an open mind when people provide ideas on what to change/fix, its never an attempt to call you bad or to try and countercall
  22. 8:56 PM - Console-: we noticed this both in and out of comms, but sometimes blowing off steam out of comms can be just as harmful
  23. 8:57 PM - Console-: having faith in your teammates and working together is really important
  24. 8:57 PM - Console-: also we noticed that you need to be a bit more dynamic with your play because sometimes it hurts our pushes
  25. 8:58 PM - Console-: a lot of times you like to take the star role/focus role in a push or uber, which can be fine
  26. 8:58 PM - Console-: but you need to recognize what situations you can pull back and play a more supportive role, setting up other players like your demo or pocket scout to make big plays
  27. 8:59 PM - Console-: so sometimes big dicking a situation (trying to take a fight head on) can be a worse alternative than letting another teammate try and deal with something or playing passive and setting up another play
  28. 9:00 PM - Console-: again, kind of plays into the overcommitting and micromanaging points
  29. 9:01 PM - Console-: gonna try to change a little bit of what i did on roamer, and value my life a lot more. I was taking the first steps towards doing that and it showed in that metalworks map last night, but grape helped point out some more scenarios i could have baited for scouts or not full committed
  30. 9:01 PM - Console-: i know that was a lot at once to process, the map was a full 30 minutes and i tried to explain everything we went over concicely but also with decent explainations
  31. 9:06 PM - cool as paused water: aight
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