
Seven devils - Kat Layout

Dec 24th, 2018
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  108. <h1>save yourself,</h1>
  109. <h2>yeah you should run from me.</h2>
  110. <div style="height:195px; overflow:auto; padding-right:3px; margin-top:3px; border:4px solid black; border-top:0;">
  111. <b>NAME:</b> Jezebel Caitria Moriarty
  112. <br><b>NICKNAMES:</b> Jez, Jezzy
  113. <br><b>ALIASES:</b> Bone Lady <i>(media)</i>, Kate Powers <i>(uk)</i>, Emilia Paris <i>(us)</i>
  114. <br><b>DATE OF BIRTH:</b> November 16<sup>th</sup> <i>(age eighteen)</i>
  115. <br><b>PLACE OF BIRTH:</b> Dalkey, Ireland
  116. <br><b>CURRENT RESIDENCE:</b> London, England
  117. <br><b>PREVIOUS RESIDENCE:</b> Ventura, California - Los Angeles, California
  118. <br><b>CITIZENSHIP:</b> Irish, American
  119. <br><b>ETHNICITY | ACCENT:</b> Irish | Sort of American, Sort of British, with a soft Irish lilt. It's the weirdest thing.
  120. <br>
  121. <big>family</big>
  122. <b>Carmen Castellanoe</b> Was once the mentor to Katherine, she is the woman who taught Katherine how to be the bitch we all know and love, The two where lovers at one point until Kat had to run because of Klaus. In current day Carmen hunts down Katherine and confronts her and now the two are dating and happy. Carmen is the one person who can control the Petrova girl. </i>
  123. <br><b>Ruairi Moriarty</b> Older than the twins by 15 years, he's the eldest child. Speculated by many to be the actual father to Jezebel and Prince, only Kezia, Elijah, and Ruairi know that this is truth. He practically raised the twins due to their parents negligence and disregard. However, this was about the only good thing Ruairi did for Jezebel, as he would go on to force himself onto a young Jezebel, even going as far to convince her that it was right. She fell right for the trap, and by the age of 10, she was utterly obsessed with him. He's always been a point of contention between Kezia and Jezebel, as the two always warred for his attention. Jezebel believes that her mother won after her mother got pregnant by Ruairi. They had a complete falling out when Jezebel killed their daughter. Following the escape of Prince and Jezebel from White Chapel Asylum, Ruairi has been searching for them.
  124. <br><b>Prince Moriarty</b> Her twin brother, her protector, her caretaker. In the end it has always been the two of them. Prince has always been the one that keeps Jezebel grounded, and both have gone to extreme lengths to protect each other - and still will. After attempting to kill Kezia in his sister's defense, Prince spent two years in White Chapel with Jezebel. The experience only fueled their violence more, and brought them far closer together. Following their escape from the asylum, they are inseparable.
  125. <br><b>Keelin Moriarty</b> Both her niece and her sister, Keelin was the daughter of her mother and brother. Jezebel considered the infant to be the cause of all of her problems. She was killed at one year old by Jezebel, who built herself a dollhouse out of her bones.
  126. <br><b>Jim Moriarty</b> Her uncle that she hasn't seen since she was seven. He was responsible for the cover up of her murders of her peers back in Dalkey, Ireland. As of 2011, he is deceased.
  127. <br>
  128. <big>personality</big>
  129. <b>Traits:</b> Childish, manipulative, inconsistent, creative, violent, dependent, attention-seeking, ingenuous, chaos-driven, arrogant
  130. <br><b>Personality:</b> Full of contradictions, Jezebel is extremely child-like in nature, hovering around the mental age of nine. Despite her childish persona, she is intensely sadistic, and has extremely brutal violent tendencies. While being behaviorally at a juvenile level, she is rather intelligent, above average compared to most adults. Her intelligence mostly manifests in artistic ways (ie. she draws her feelings in complicated ways no one can understand, she makes dollhouses out of bones, etc). Her biggest flaw though is that she is easily distracted, unable to stay on one topic for more than a few minutes at a time. She is highly egotistical, viewing everyone else as below her. She holds no-to-very-little regard for other living beings, excluding bugs. While not a leader, Jezebel isn't a follower, preferring to go along to the beat of her drum. However, she has a very dependent personality, and lacks the ability to make the decisions that truly matter.<br>
  131. <b>Pathology | Modus Operandi | Signature:</b> Serial Killer <i>(disorganized/asocial)</i> | She removes the skeleton, starting with the appendicular, then if they're still alive, she moves to the axial skeleton | Keeps the bones she removes as long as they were removed while the victim was alive
  132. <br><b>Disorders:</b> <i>Psychopathy</i> a mental disorder in which an individual manifests amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from experience, etc. <i>Reactive Attachment Disorder</i> a disorder caused by a lack of attachment to any specific caregiver at an early age, and results in an inability for the child to form normal, loving relationships with others. <i>Conduct Disorder</i> a mental disorder diagnosed in childhood or adolescence that presents itself through a repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate norms are violated. These behaviors are often referred to as "antisocial behaviors." <i>ADHD</i> a brain disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development.
  133. <br><b>Addictions:</b> Cocaine, blood, collar bones
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