Guest User

NCP Config Release 2

a guest
Jun 1st, 2021
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  1. # This Custom NCP config was created by Xinepeng
  2. # Config Release Version 2, created since 6/1/2021 to help patch some of NCP's flaws
  3. # Make sure you are using ProtocolLib and ConditionalCommands
  4. #
  5. #
  6. # This is the version of NCP I'm currently using, If you are using a version like 1.8 I recommend AntiHaxerman instead.
  7. #
  8. # Based off of CaptainObvious0's config anyone is free to contribute to these values.
  9. #
  10. # I was pretty bored when I made this lol but thanks for using my config <3 means a lot to me
  11. savebackconfig: true
  12. logging:
  13. active: true
  14. maxqueuesize: 5000
  15. extended:
  16. status: false
  17. commands:
  18. actions: false
  19. allviolations:
  20. debug: true
  21. debugonly: false
  22. backend:
  23. trace: false
  24. notify: false
  25. backend:
  26. console:
  27. active: true
  28. asynchronous: true
  29. file:
  30. active: false
  31. prefix: ''
  32. filename: nocheatplus.log
  33. ingamechat:
  34. active: true
  35. prefix: '&7&l[&cNC+&7&l]&7 '
  36. data:
  37. expiration:
  38. active: false
  39. duration: 60
  40. history: false
  41. consistencychecks:
  42. active: true
  43. interval: 10
  44. maxtime: 2
  45. suppresswarnings: false
  46. permissions:
  47. policy:
  48. default: ALWAYS
  49. rules:
  50. - 'nocheatplus.notify :: INTERVAL:60, -world, -offline'
  51. - 'nocheatplus.admin.debug :: INTERVAL:10'
  52. - 'nocheatplus.admin* :: ALWAYS'
  53. - 'nocheatplus.command* :: ALWAYS'
  54. - 'nocheatplus.bypass* :: ALWAYS'
  55. - 'regex:^nocheatplus\.checks\..*\.silent$ :: FALSE'
  56. - 'nocheatplus.checks* :: INTERVAL:6'
  57. protection:
  58. plugins:
  59. hide:
  60. active: true
  61. nopermission:
  62. message: '&cDid you really think you had permission to run this command? Ask the server Admin if you want to run this command, he is probably going to say no though.'
  63. commands:
  64. - '?'
  65. - plugins
  66. - version
  67. - icanhasbukkit
  68. - bukkit:help
  69. - bukkit:?
  70. - about
  71. unknowncommand:
  72. message: &c&lNCP &7» &rThe server currently runs a custom &cNoCheatPlus Config &rRelease Version 2&cReport any false postives to the server admin'
  73. commands:
  74. - ncp
  75. commands:
  76. consoleonly:
  77. active: false
  78. message: '&cThis command will cause errors if ran by players, instead go to the server console and run the command there instead'
  79. commands:
  80. - op
  81. - deop
  82. checks:
  83. active: true
  84. lag: true
  85. debug: false
  86. blockbreak:
  87. active: true
  88. direction:
  89. active: true
  90. actions: cancel vl>10 log:bdirection:0:8:i cancel
  91. fastbreak:
  92. active: true
  93. strict: true
  94. delay: 95
  95. intervalsurvival: 100
  96. grace: 2000
  97. actions: cancel vl>2 log:fastbreak:1:10:i cancel vl>110 cmd:cheatwarn:0:15 log:fastbreak:1:7:i cancel vl>95 cmd:cccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>110 cmd:cheatban:0:2 cancel vl>125 cmd:ccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>1000 cancel log:highvlerror:0:5:i
  98. frequency:
  99. active: true
  100. intervalcreative: 95
  101. intervalsurvival: 49
  102. shortterm:
  103. ticks: 5
  104. limit: 6
  105. actions: cancel vl>12 log:bbfrequency:2:7:i cancel vl>25 cmd:cccheatkick:0:2 cancel vl>35 cancel cmd:kickfrequency:0:2 vl>50 cmd:ccheatkick:0:2 cancel
  106. noswing:
  107. active: default
  108. actions: vl>20 log:noswing:0:12:i
  109. reach:
  110. active: true
  111. actions: cancel vl>5 log:breach:0:10:i cancel
  112. wrongblock:
  113. active: default
  114. level: 10
  115. improbable:
  116. feedonly: false
  117. weight: 0.6
  118. actions: cancel vl>15 log:instantbow:2:6:i cancel
  119. blockinteract:
  120. active: true
  121. direction:
  122. active: true
  123. actions: vl>5 cancel vl>24 log:bdirection:0:7:i cancel
  124. reach:
  125. active: true
  126. actions: vl>5 cancel vl>24 log:bdirection:0:7:i cancel
  127. speed:
  128. active: true
  129. interval: 2000
  130. limit: 50
  131. actions: cancel vl>200 log:bspeed:0:8:i cancel vl>3000 cmd:cccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>4250 cmd:cheatban:0:2 cancel vl>5000 cmd:ccheatban:0:2 cancel
  132. visible:
  133. active: true
  134. actions: vl>4 cancel vl>50 log:bvisible:0:10:i cancel
  135. blockplace:
  136. active: true
  137. against:
  138. active: default
  139. actions: cancel
  140. autosign:
  141. active: true
  142. skipempty: false
  143. actions: cancel vl>5 log:bautosign:0:6:i cancel vl>12 cmd:cccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>15 cmd:cheatban:0:2 cancel vl>20 cmd:ccheatban:0:2 cancel
  144. direction:
  145. active: default
  146. actions: cancel vl>10 log:bdirection:0:8:i cancel
  147. fastplace:
  148. active: default
  149. limit: 16
  150. shortterm:
  151. ticks: 12
  152. limit: 5
  153. improbable:
  154. feedonly: false
  155. weight: 0.5
  156. actions: cancel vl>5 cancel log:fastplace:8:3:i vl>20 cancel log:fastplace:2:4:i vl>80 cancel log:fastplace:0:10:if cmdc:kickfastplace:1:10
  157. reach:
  158. active: true
  159. actions: cancel vl>5 log:breach:0:8:i cancel
  160. noswing:
  161. active: true
  162. exceptions:
  163. - LILY_PAD
  165. actions: vl>20 log:noswing:0:12:i
  166. scaffold:
  167. active: true
  168. angle: true
  169. sprint: true
  170. time:
  171. active: true
  172. average: 2
  173. rotate:
  174. active: true
  175. difference: 90
  176. toolswitch: true
  177. actions: vl>1 cancel vl>15 cancel log:scaffold:3:7:if vl>70 cancel log:scaffold:0:5:if cmd:clearscaffold:0:1 cmdc:kickscaffold:0:1
  178. speed:
  179. active: true
  180. interval: 70
  181. improbable:
  182. feedonly: true
  183. weight: 0.3
  184. actions: cancel vl>150 log:bpspeed:3:5:i cancel vl>400 cmd:cccheatkick:0:2 cancel vl>500 cmd:cheatkick:0:2 cancel vl>600 cmd:ccheatkick:0:2 cancel
  185. preventmisc:
  186. boatsanywhere: true
  187. chat:
  188. active: default
  189. captcha:
  190. active: 'false'
  191. skip:
  192. commands: false
  193. characters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890!?><
  194. length: 6
  195. question: '&c&l(!)&7 Please type ''&6[captcha]&7'' to continue using chat.'
  196. success: '&c&l(!)&7 Antispam check passed.'
  197. tries: 3
  198. actions: cancel cmdc:kickcaptcha vl>4 log:captcha:2:5:cf cancel cmdc:kickcaptcha
  199. color:
  200. active: false
  201. actions: cancel
  202. commands:
  203. active: default
  204. exclusions:
  205. - undo
  206. - redo
  207. handleaschat:
  208. - me
  209. - msg
  210. - emsg
  211. - essentials:msg
  212. - tell
  213. - etell
  214. - essentials:tell
  215. - say
  216. - esay
  217. - essentials:say
  218. - whisper
  219. - ewhisper
  220. - essentials:whisper
  221. - w
  222. - essentials:w
  223. - ew
  224. - r
  225. - er
  226. - essentials:r
  227. - reply
  228. - essentials:reply
  229. - ereply
  230. level: 10
  231. shortterm:
  232. ticks: 18
  233. level: 3
  234. actions: log:commands:0:5:cf cancel cmdc:kickcommands vl>20 log:commands:0:5:cf cancel cmdc:tempkick1
  235. text:
  236. active: default
  237. allowvlreset: true
  238. frequency:
  239. normal:
  240. minimum: 0.0
  241. factor: 0.9
  242. weight: 6
  243. level: 160
  244. actions: cancel cmdc:tellchatnormal vl>7 log:chatnormal:0:5:cif cancel cmdc:tellchatnormal vl>20 log:chatnormal:0:5:cif cancel cmdc:kickchatnormal vl>40 log:chatnormal:0:5:cif cancel cmdc:kickchat5
  245. shortterm:
  246. minimum: 2.0
  247. factor: 0.7
  248. weight: 3.0
  249. level: 20.0
  250. actions: log:chatfast:2:3:icf cancel cmdc:kickchatfast:0:5 vl>20 cancel log:chatfast:0:5:cif cmdc:kickchatfast vl>40 cancel log:chatfast:0:5:cif cmdc:kickchat1
  251. message:
  252. lettercount: 1.0
  253. partition: 1.0
  254. uppercase: 1.2
  255. afterjoin: 1.5
  256. nomoving: 1.1
  257. repeatviolation: 2.0
  258. repeatglobal: 1.0
  259. repeatself: 1.5
  260. words:
  261. lengthav: 1.0
  262. lengthmsg: 1.0
  263. noletter: 0.2
  264. global:
  265. active: true
  266. weight: 1.0
  267. words:
  268. active: true
  269. prefixes:
  270. active: false
  271. similarity:
  272. active: true
  273. player:
  274. active: true
  275. words:
  276. active: true
  277. prefixes:
  278. active: true
  279. similarity:
  280. active: true
  281. warning:
  282. active: true
  283. level: 67
  284. message: "\n &c&l(!)&7 Please slow down chat, you might get kicked by the antispam.\n \n"
  285. timeout: 10
  286. relog:
  287. active: default
  288. timeout: 5000
  289. warning:
  290. message: '&c&l(!)&7 You relogged really fast! If you keep doing that, you''re going to be banned.'
  291. number: 1
  292. timeout: 60000
  293. kickmessage: Too fast re-login, try with a little delay.
  294. actions: log:relog:0:10:cf cancel vl>20 log:relog:0:10:cf cancel cmdc:tempkick5
  295. logins:
  296. active: default
  297. startupdelay: 600
  298. perworldcount: false
  299. seconds: 10
  300. limit: 10
  301. kickmessage: Too many players are logging in at the same time, please try again later.
  302. combined:
  303. active: default
  304. bedleave:
  305. active: true
  306. actions: cancel log:bedleave:0:7:i cmd:kickbedleave:0:2
  307. enderpearl:
  308. active: true
  309. preventclickblock: true
  310. improbable:
  311. active: true
  312. level: 198
  313. actions: cancel vl>4 log:improbable:0:6:i cancel vl>520 cmd:cccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>600 cmd:cheatban:0:2 cancel vl>720 cmd:ccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>12000 cancel log:highvlerror:0:5:i
  314. invulnerable:
  315. active: true
  316. triggers:
  317. always: false
  318. falldistance: true
  319. initialticks:
  320. join: -1
  321. ignore:
  322. - FALL
  323. modifiers:
  324. all: 0
  325. munchhausen:
  326. active: true
  327. actions: cancel vl>100 cancel log:munchhausen:0:60:i
  328. yawrate:
  329. rate: 105
  330. penalty:
  331. factor: 1.0
  332. minimum: 250
  333. maximum: 2000
  334. improbable:
  335. feedonly: false
  336. weight: 90.0
  337. fight:
  338. active: true
  339. canceldead: true
  340. maxloopletencyticks: 8
  341. toolchangepenalty: 150
  342. pvp:
  343. knockbackvelocity: true
  344. yawrate:
  345. active: true
  346. angle:
  347. active: true
  348. threshold:
  349. average_move: 100
  350. average_time: 150
  351. average_yaw: 60
  352. average_switch: 50
  353. actions: cancel vl>100 log:angle:6:5:i cancel vl>800 log:angle:0:20:if cancel
  354. critical:
  355. active: true
  356. falldistance: 0.075
  357. falldistleniency: 9.0E-4
  358. actions: vl>2 cancel vl>17 log:critical:0:6:i cancel vl>28 cmd:cccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>35 cmd:cheatban:0:2 cancel vl>45 cmd:ccheatban:0:2 cancel
  359. direction:
  360. active: true
  361. strict: true
  362. failall: true
  363. penalty: 160
  364. actions: vl>1 cancel vl>6 log:fdirection:0:6:i cancel vl>30 cmd:cheatwarn:0:15 log:fdirection:0:5:i cancel vl>38 cmd:cccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>60 cmd:cheatban:0:2 cancel vl>50 cmd:ccheatban:0:2 cancel
  365. fastheal:
  366. active: true
  367. interval: 4000
  368. buffer: 1000
  369. actions: cancel vl>10 cancel log:fastheal:0:10:i
  370. godmode:
  371. active: true
  372. minage: 1100
  373. maxage: 5000
  374. actions: log:godmode:1:8:i cancel
  375. noswing:
  376. active: true
  377. actions: vl>1 cancel vl>7 log:noswing:0:8:i cancel
  378. reach:
  379. active: true
  380. survivaldistance: 3.7
  381. penalty: 250
  382. reduce: true
  383. precision: true
  384. reducedistance: 0.6
  385. reducestep: 0.15
  386. improbable:
  387. feedonly: false
  388. weight: 2.0
  389. actions:vl>1 cancel vl>4 log:freach:0:5:i cancel vl>22 cmd:cccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>28 cmd:cheatban:0:2 cancel vl>34 cmd:ccheatban:0:2 cancel
  390. selfhit:
  391. active: true
  392. excludeprojectile: false
  393. warn_player: true
  394. actions:log:fselfhit:1:8:i cancel vl>10 cancel cmd:kickselfhit:0:2 vl>15 cmd:ccheatkick:0:2 cancel
  395. speed:
  396. active: default
  397. limit: 16
  398. actions: cancel vl>8 log:fspeed:0:6:i cancel vl>25 cmd:cccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>32 cmd:cheatban:0:2 cancel vl>40 cmd:ccheatban:0:2 cancel
  399. shortterm:
  400. ticks: 8
  401. limit: 6
  402. improbable:
  403. feedonly: false
  404. weight: 2.0
  405. inventory:
  406. active: true
  407. drop:
  408. active: true
  409. limit: 4
  410. timeframe: 15
  411. actions: log:drop:0:6:i cancel vl>6 cancel cmd:cheatkick:0:2
  412. fastclick:
  413. active: true
  414. exclude:
  415. - Inventory Name Here
  416. sparecreative: true
  417. tweaks1_5: true
  418. limit:
  419. shortterm: 3
  420. normal: 10
  421. chest: 155
  422. improbable:
  423. weight: 0.7
  424. actions: vl>3 cancel vl>80 log:fastclick:1:8:i cancel
  425. instantbow:
  426. active: true
  427. strict: true
  428. delay: 125
  429. improbable:
  430. feedonly: false
  431. weight: 0.6
  432. actions: cancel vl>15 log:instantbow:2:6:i cancel
  433. instanteat:
  434. active: true
  435. actions: log:instanteat:2:5:i cancel
  436. fastconsume:
  437. active: true
  438. duration: 1.2
  439. whitelist: false
  440. items:
  441. - DRIED_KELP
  442. actions: log:fastconsume:2:8:i cancel
  443. inventorymove:
  444. active: true
  445. disable_creative: true
  446. hdist_leniency: 0.04
  447. hdist_min: 0.12
  448. actions: cancel vl> 5 log:inventorymove:4:5:i cancel
  449. gutenberg:
  450. active: true
  451. pagelimit: 50
  452. actions: cancel log:gutenberg:0:10:i cmd:kickinvaliddata:0:2
  453. items:
  454. active: default
  455. open:
  456. active: true
  457. close: true
  458. cancelother: true
  459. hotfix:
  460. duplication:
  461. fallingblockendportal: true
  462. moving:
  463. active: true
  464. creativefly:
  465. active: default
  466. ignoreallowflight: true
  467. ignorecreative: true
  468. model:
  469. creative:
  470. horizontal:
  471. speed: 114
  472. vertical:
  473. ascend:
  474. speed: 100
  475. maxheight: 128
  476. spectator:
  477. horizontal:
  478. speed: 450
  479. vertical:
  480. ascend:
  481. speed: 170
  482. maxheight: 128
  483. ground: false
  484. levitation:
  485. horizontal:
  486. speed: 50
  487. vertical:
  488. ascend:
  489. speed: 10
  490. maxheight: 128
  491. gravity: false
  492. modifiers: false
  493. ground: true
  494. slowfalling:
  495. horizontal:
  496. speed: 65
  497. vertical:
  498. ascend:
  499. speed: 0
  500. maxheight: 128
  501. gravity: false
  502. modifiers: true
  503. ground: true
  504. elytra:
  505. horizontal:
  506. speed: 506
  507. modsprint: 1.0
  508. vertical:
  509. ascend:
  510. speed: 0
  511. maxheight: 128
  512. modifiers: false
  513. resetFwOnground: false
  514. strict: true
  515. actions: vl>6 cancel vl>180 cmdc:flyshort:0:6 cancel vl>1750 log:flylong:0:4:i cancel vl>6000 cmd:cheatwarn:0:15 log:flylong:0:4:i cancel vl>7000 cmd:cheatban:0:5 cancel vl>8000 cmd:ccheatban:0:2 cancel
  516. morepackets:
  517. active: true
  518. seconds: 6
  519. epsideal: 20
  520. epsmax: 22
  521. burst:
  522. packets: 25
  523. directviolation: 30
  524. epmviolation: 60
  525. setbackage: 45
  526. actions: cancel vl>25 log:morepackets:2:7:i cancel vl>90 cmd:cccheatkick:0:3 cancel vl>100 cmd:kickpackets:0:3 cancel vl>180 cmd:ccheatkick:0:3 cancel
  527. nofall:
  528. active: true
  529. dealdamage: true
  530. skipallowflight: true
  531. resetonviolation: false
  532. resetonteleport: false
  533. resetonvehicle: true
  534. anticriticals: true
  535. actions: log:nofall:0:7:i cancel vl>4 cancel cmd:cccheatkick:0:12 vl>8 cmd:cheatban:0:2 cancel vl>12 cmd:ccheatban:0:2:ci cancel
  536. passable:
  537. active: true
  538. actions: vl>2 cancel vl>24 log:passable:1:5:i cancel vl>170 cmd:cccheatkick:0:2 cancel vl>200 cancel cmd:cheatkick:0:2 vl>220 cmd:ccheatkick:0:2 cancel
  539. untracked:
  540. teleport:
  541. active: true
  542. command:
  543. active: true
  544. tryteleport: true
  545. prefixes:
  546. - sethome
  547. - home set
  548. - setwarp
  549. - warp set
  550. - setback
  551. - set back
  552. - back set
  553. - spawn
  554. - hub
  555. - hub
  556. - tpaccept
  557. - tpahere
  558. - wild
  559. - randomtp
  560. - wildtp
  561. - warp
  562. - home
  563. - tp
  564. - tpa
  565. - tpask
  566. survivalfly:
  567. active: true
  568. stepheight: default
  569. extended:
  570. vertical-accounting: true
  571. horizontal-accounting: true
  572. reset-activeitem: true
  573. leniency:
  574. hbufmax: 1.0
  575. violationfrequency:
  576. active: true
  577. debug: false
  578. maxleniencyvl: 30
  579. mintoadd: 5
  580. morevls: 5
  581. movecount: 8
  582. freezecount: 40
  583. freezeinair: true
  584. setbackpolicy:
  585. falldamage: true
  586. voidtovoid: true
  587. actions: vl>45 cancel vl>175 cmdc:flyshort:1:7 cancel vl>1800 log:flylong:0:6:i cancel vl>6800 cancel cmd:cheatwarn:0:15 log:flylong:0:5:i vl>9000 cmd:cccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>1000 cmd:cheatban:0:5 cancel vl>12000 cmd:ccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>25000 cancel log:highvlerror:0:5:i
  588. hover:
  589. active: true
  590. step: 5
  591. ticks: 85
  592. loginticks: 100
  593. falldamage: true
  594. sfviolation: 550
  595. velocity:
  596. activationcounter: 80
  597. activationticks: 140
  598. strictinvalidation: true
  599. splitmoves: default
  600. ignorestance: default
  601. tempkickillegal: true
  602. loadchunks:
  603. join: true
  604. move: true
  605. teleport: true
  606. worldchange: true
  607. sprintinggrace: 2.0
  608. assumesprint: true
  609. speedgrace: 4.0
  610. enforcelocation: default
  611. setback:
  612. method: default
  613. vehicle:
  614. preventdestroyown: true
  615. enforcelocation: default
  616. schedulesetbacks: default
  617. schedulesetpassenger: default
  618. morepackets:
  619. active: true
  620. actions: cancel vl>12 log:morepackets:0:8:i cancel
  621. envelope:
  622. active: true
  623. hdistcap:
  624. default: 0.9
  625. pig: 0.3
  626. actions: cancel vl>100 cancel log:vehicleenvelope:0:15:i
  627. message:
  628. illegalplayermove: Illegal move.
  629. illegalvehiclemove: Illegal vehicle move.
  630. net:
  631. active: true
  632. attackfrequency:
  633. active: true
  634. limitforseconds:
  635. half: 9
  636. one: 14
  637. two: 39
  638. four: 55
  639. eight: 100
  640. improbable:
  641. weight: 3.0
  642. actions: cancel vl>10 cancel log:attackfrequency:4:5:i vl>200 cancel log:attackfrequency:0:4:if cmdc:kickattackfrequency
  643. flyingfrequency:
  644. active: true
  645. seconds: 5
  646. packetspersecond: 60
  647. actions: cancel vl>2500 cmd:kickinvaliddata:0:2 cancel
  648. reduceredundant:
  649. active: true
  650. seconds: 3
  651. actions: cancel
  652. keepalivefrequency:
  653. active: true
  654. seconds: 20
  655. actions: cancel vl>10 cancel log:keepalive:0:10:i vl>100 cancel cmd:kickalive:0:2
  656. packetfrequency:
  657. active: true
  658. limitpersecond: 300
  659. seconds: 4
  660. actions: cancel cmd:kickpacketfrequency:0:4 vl>4 cmd:ccheatkick:0:5 cancel
  661. sounddistance:
  662. active: true
  663. maxdistance: 240
  664. superseded:
  665. flying:
  666. cancelwaiting: true
  667. wrongturn:
  668. active: true
  669. actions: cancel log:wrongturn:0:15:icf cmdc:kickillegalrotations:0:10
  670. strings:
  671. against: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to place a block against liquid blocks or air as if they were solid &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  672. angle: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: potentially tried to hit multiple entities at the same time (Tags: &6[tags]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  673. attackfrequency: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: seems to be using an autoclicker (Clicks: &6[packets]&7/LimitPerTime-frame: &6[limit]&7, &6[tags]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  674. bautosign: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to use the autosign hack (Subcheck: &6[tags]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  675. bbfrequency: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to break too many blocks at once &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  676. bdirection: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to interact with a block outside their line of sight &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  677. bedleave: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to send fake bed leave packets (was not in/near a bed) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  678. bpspeed: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to throw projectiles too quickly &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  679. breach: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to interact with a block too far away &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  680. bspeed: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: is interacting with blocks beyond legit speeds &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  681. bvisible: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to interact with a block through a solid obstacle &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  682. bwrong: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to break another block than interacted with last &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  683. captcha: '[player] failed captcha repeatedly &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  684. chatfast: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: acted like spamming (message deleted) (IP: &6[ip]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  685. chatnormal: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: seems to be spamming the server chat &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  686. commands: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: issued too many commands too quickly &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  687. creativefly: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: performed a move that deviates from the model (Model: &6[model]&7, Tags: &6[tags]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  688. critical: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to perform an illegal critical hit (Tags: &6[tags]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  689. drop: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to drop more items than allowed &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  690. dropkick: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Dropping items too fast.
  691. fastbreak: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to break a block faster than possible (Block: &6[blocktype]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  692. fastclick: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to move items in their inventory too quickly &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  693. fastconsume: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to consume an item too quickly (Food: &6[food][tags]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  694. fastheal: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to regenerate their health bar faster than possible (Health: &6[health]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  695. fastplace: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to place blocks too quickly &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  696. fdirection: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to hit an entity outside their line of sight &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  697. fdirectionlowvl: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: could be using an aimbot (hit not canceled) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  698. flyfile: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to perform an illegal move from ([locationfrom]) to ([locationto]) over a distance of ([distance]) blocks, subchecks triggered> ([tags]) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  699. flyingfrequency: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: is manipulating packets sent to the server to gain an unfair advantage &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  700. freach: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to hit an entity from a suspicious distance (Reach: &6[reachdistance]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  701. fselfhit: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to hit themselves &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  702. fspeed: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: clicked [violations] times over the established [limit] CPS limit &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  703. godmode: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to ignore inflicted damage (Health: &7[health]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  704. gutenberg: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: created a book with too many pages &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  705. improbable: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: is exhibiting an erratic behaviour (Check: &6[tags]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  706. instantbow: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to shoot an arrow too fast &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  707. instanteat: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to consume an item too quickly (Food: &6[food]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  708. inventorymove: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to click in their inventory while simultaneously performing another action (Tags: &6[tags]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  709. keepalive: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: is spamming keep-alive packets to the server &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  710. kickagainst: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Invalid block placements.
  711. kickalive: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Too many keep-alive packets.
  712. kickattackfrequency: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Unlikely fast clicking.
  713. kickbedleave: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Invalid bed-leave packets.
  714. kickbow: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Shooting arrows too quickly.
  715. kickbspeed: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Too fast block interactions.
  716. kickcaptcha: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Enter the captcha!
  717. kickchat1: ncp tempkick [player] 1 &c&l(!)&7 Do not spam the server chat (1 minute tempkick)
  718. kickchat5: ncp tempkick [player] 5 &c&l(!)&7 You are not allowed to spam the server chat (5 minutes tempkick)
  719. kickchatfast: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Stop spamming.
  720. kickchatnormal: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Too many chat messages, take a break.
  721. kickcommands: ncp tempkick [player] 1 &c&l(!)&7 Do not spam commands (1 minute tempkick)
  722. kickcritical: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Incorrect movements (Critical cheats?)
  723. kickfastbreak: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Breaking blocks too fast.
  724. kickfastclick: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Unlikely inventory interactions.
  725. kickfastconsume: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Using items too quickly.
  726. kickfastheal: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Too fast health regeneration.
  727. kickfastplace: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Placing blocks too quickly.
  728. kickfly: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Moved unexpectedly.
  729. kickflyingfrequency: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Kicked for packet spam.
  730. kickfrequency: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Illegal block-breaking frequency.
  731. kickgod: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 GodMode?
  732. kickillegalblockinteract: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Illegal block interactions.
  733. kickillegalrotations: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Invalid rotations.
  734. kickimprobable: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Illegal client modifications.
  735. kickinvaliddata: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Invalid book data.
  736. kickpacketfrequency: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Too many packets.
  737. kickpackets: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 You sent too many moves (extreme lag?)
  738. kickscaffold: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Unnatural block placements.
  739. kickselfhit: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 You tried to hit yourself!
  740. kicksuspiciouscombat: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Illegal combat modifications.
  741. kickvehiclefly: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Unexpected vehicle movement.
  742. kickwb: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Block breaking out of sync.
  743. knockback: '&c[player] &7could be using &6[check] &7VL &c[violations]&7'
  744. freachhighvl: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: is most likely using a killaura cheat (Reach: &6[reachdistance]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  745. morepackets: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: sent too many moves (&cPackets&7/&cVL [packets]&7)'
  746. msgtempdenylogin: You are temporarily denied to join this server.
  747. munchhausen: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to hit themeselves with a fishing rod too many times (the knockback can be potentially abused for bypasses) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  748. nofall: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to alter fall damage or fall distance (Tags: &6[tags]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  749. noswing: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: didn''t swing arm before performing their action &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  750. passable: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to move into a block (bugged player of phase cheat) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  751. pitchpattern: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: has pitch rotation patterns that are often associated with cheats &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  752. relog: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to relog too fast &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  753. scaffold: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to place a block in an unnatural way (Tags: &6[tags]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  754. survivalfly: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to move unexpectedly &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  755. survivalflyhighvl: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to perform an illegal move (Subchecks: &6[tags]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  756. tellchatnormal: ncp tell [player] &c&l(!)&7 Too many messages, slow down...
  757. tempkick1: ncp tempkick [player] 1 &c&l(!)&7 You have to wait 1 minute before joining this server again.
  758. tempkick5: ncp tempkick [player] 5 &c&l(!)&7 You have to wait 5 minutes before joining this server again.
  759. vehicleenvelope: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to move a vehicle unexpectedly (Tags/Vehicle: &6[tags]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  760. wrongturn: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: sent an impossible pitch rotation (&6>90 &7or&6 <-90&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  761. clearimprobable: ncp removeplayer [player] COMBINED_IMPROBABLE
  762. clearcritical: ncp removeplayer [player] FIGHT_CRITICAL
  763. clearsf: ncp removeplayer [player] MOVING_SURVIVALFLY
  764. clearcf: ncp removeplayer [player] MOVING_CREATIVEFLY
  765. clearpassable: ncp removeplayer [player] MOVING_PASSABLE
  766. clearvehicle: ncp removeplayer [player] MOVING_VEHICLE_ENVELOPE
  767. clearscaffold: ncp removeplayer [player] BLOCKPLACE_SCAFFOLD
  768. cccheatkick: cc [player] unless -ping->90|-tps-<19.5|-time_online-<30|-uptime-<80 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &rSuspicious Server Activity /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 90 - TPS > 19.5)
  769. ccheatkick: cc [player] unless -time_online-<30|-uptime-<80 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &rSuspicious Server Activity /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 151 - TPS > 19.2)
  770. cheatkick: cc [player] unless -ping->151|-tps-<19.2|-time_online-<30|-uptime-<80 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &rSuspicious Server Activity /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - High VL, TPS & Ping not checked)
  771. cccheatban: cc [player] unless -ping->90|-tps-<19.5|-time_online-<30|-uptime-<80 do /0/ ban [player] &cNCP &7» &rUnfair Advantages /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOBAN:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been banned due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 90 - TPS > 19.5) /40/ tellraw @a ["",{"text":"§8(§cWarning§8) §rA player has been removed from the server for cheating or abuse. Players caught cheating or abusing will be banned. Never turn your back."}]
  772. ccheatban: cc [player] unless -time_online-<30|-uptime-<80 do /0/ ban [player] &cNCP &7» &rUnfair Advantages /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOBAN:&r &7The player &c[player] &7may have been banned due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - High VL, TPS & Ping not checked) /40/ tellraw @a ["",{"text":"§8(§cWarning§8) §rA player has been removed from the server for cheating or abuse. Players caught cheating or abusing will be banned. Never turn your back."}]
  773. cheatban: cc [player] unless -ping->151|-tps-<19.2|-time_online-<30|-uptime-<80 do /0/ ban [player] &cNCP &7» &rUnfair Advantages /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOBAN:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been banned due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 151 - TPS > 19.2) /40/ tellraw @a ["",{"text":"§8(§cWarning§8) §rA player has been removed from the server for cheating or abuse. Players caught cheating or abusing will be banned. Never turn your back."}]
  774. highvlerror: '&7The player &c[player] &7caused the check &6[check] &7to go up very high to &c[violations]&7. Please investigate this issue.'
  775. compatibility:
  776. exemptions:
  777. wildcard:
  778. default:
  779. metadata:
  780. active: true
  781. keys:
  782. - nocheat.exempt
  783. npc:
  784. active: true
  785. bukkitnpc: true
  786. metadata:
  787. active: true
  788. keys:
  789. - NPC
  790. remove:
  791. join: true
  792. leave: true
  793. server:
  794. cbdedicated:
  795. enable: true
  796. cbreflect:
  797. enable: true
  798. blocks:
  799. breakingtime:
  801. allowinstantbreak:
  802. - LONG_GRASS
  804. overrideflags:
  805. snow: default
  806. moving_piston: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  807. WATER_LILY: default+ign_passable+ground_height+height8_1
  808. DEAD_TUBE_CORAL: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  809. DEAD_TUBE_CORAL_WALL_FAN: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  810. DEAD_BRAIN_CORAL: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  811. DEAD_BRAIN_CORAL_WALL_FAN: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  812. DEAD_BUBBLE_CORAL: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  813. DEAD_BUBBLE_CORAL_WALL_FAN: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  814. DEAD_FIRE_CORAL: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  815. DEAD_FIRE_CORAL_WALL_FAN: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  816. DEAD_HORN_CORAL: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  817. DEAD_HORN_CORAL_WALL_FAN: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  818. DEAD_TUBE_CORAL_FAN: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  819. DEAD_BRAIN_CORAL_FAN: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  820. DEAD_BUBBLE_CORAL_FAN: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  821. changetracker:
  822. active: true
  823. pistons: true
  824. maxageticks: 80
  825. perworld:
  826. maxentries: 1000
  827. configversion:
  828. notify: false
  829. notifymaxpaths: 5
  830. created: 1154
  831. saved: 1154
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