
The line religion and rational thought, balanced with ethics

Aug 14th, 2013
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  1. We have rescued the Captain! I was worried for a moment, there. He did require an operation, however - he was implanted with the unique eggs of the local Beedrill, a frighteningly parasitic variant of the ones we're familiar with. Not wishing the larva to die, I re-implanted the egg into a pokemon corpse leftover from the night's raid. Hopefully the Weedle inside will not die - it deserves its right to life as well. Perhaps, in addition, we could learn more of their species as well...
  3. And now, for stranger news. Charles... was not entirely who we thought he was. He was not an enemy, thankfully, but... it seems he was somewhat of a... spirit that had not been allowed to move on. A powerful pokemon named Mew used this spirit as a guise to learn about us, and indeed rescued us when we were outnumbered, saving Rudiger. Charlie is... no longer with us. His spirit has moved on after a troubled life. Though Mew assured us that we had made him happy - and that he considered me a friend, despite our nationalities, and that has made me quite glad, despite my melancholy. It certainly has made me think a lot, these events. Pondering over the nature of God, the Devil, the soul, the afterlife - it has been implied humans actually understand relatively little of how the world truly works. What is true? What is misunderstood? What is fabricated? If humanity was 'tricked' into free will, if that in itself was the knowledge of good and evil, is there even a place for us in the beyond? Is there a beyond at all?
  5. Clearly we do not understand as much as we thought we did. Books, doctrines, theses things are like old wives' tales, exaggerated things based on anecdote and circumstance and distorted through years and years of retelling - but there may be some grains of truth deep down. But where?
  7. Wondering these things has also made me wonder about humanity itself. Our nature... our choices. The Knowledge of Good and Evil. The threshold at which free will ends and chemical biology begins. The weight of a single life and the disregard of hundreds of thousands. And we call them monsters, hm? It is humanity that is more capable and willing to do evil on such large scales than it is incomprehensible, than any other being. Even Giratina, the Devil himself as we know of him, is not dedicated to the mindless destruction of those he disagrees with.
  9. But... we possess that Knowledge, don't we? And the will to use it how we please. Is it not true then, that we can also be kinder than any being on Earth? That we can also create beauty, and understanding? It is intelligence that also lends itself to true empathy, is it not? On second thought, perhaps that is arrogant to assume. But... surely we humans can strive to do better than we have. So why haven't we? What will it take to open our eyes? Surely not our destruction. And yet... the threat of that is exactly what it's taken, hasn't it?
  11. I must think over all of this more.
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