
Vop Positon Application Spoof

May 11th, 2014
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  1. My name Brittany and I am signing up for the Vop position.
  2. 1. I would like this position just because there are stupid people.
  3. 2. No.
  4. 3. About 20 years, even when I was in Mommy's Tummy ;x Yes, Twin, that long.
  5. 4. Kat, UrAnooses, BitchTits, Twin.
  6. 5. I would say "Oopsies, I'm sorry"
  7. 6. Ignore, Ban, Kick [Smart Ass Remark Added Here], None of that color shit, Silence (Whole channel), Private, Secret, there's a couple of that, like, Ignore joins, Ignore parts, Ignore public, Yada yada yada. Also all that like !Alist and !Blist jazz.
  8. 7. mIRC with BNC, and AndroidIRC, if that is not right, please make a clearer answer. I mean really, what does that even fucking mean?
  9. 8. Anywhere from 6:00 AM to about 7:30 AM, then skip to about 3:00 PM to 10:30 PM Eastern Time Zone(UTC-05:00) And in the summer, All Frigging Day Because I Have No Life.
  10. 9. Yes I can handle abuse. I'd be like "Missy May, you are talking to the wrooong person. Please go see my associate. Or if you have any complaints about me, please speak to any Status Holder Above me. Please and Thank You~"
  11. 10. Yes, because I don't like not being allowed somewhere so I tend to follow the rules.
  12. And on that last note, kthx ;3 I was actually really close to making this into formal looking letter/essay. But who cares, I'm just giving it to Twin.
  13. Lurv Yew Twinny ;o
  14. Brit
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