
[Psychetangle (Keta)] Ran-sama no Futanari Chinpo Massage!

Sep 28th, 2018
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  1. (C92) [Psychetangle (Keta)] Ran-sama no Futanari Chinpo Massage! (Touhou Project)
  4. Page 1
  5. 藍さまのふたなりちんぽマッサージ!
  6. Ran's Futanari Dick Massage!
  8. Page 2
  9. Panel 1
  10. 体臭が気になる?
  11. You're worried about your body odor?
  12. Panel 2
  13. ちょっ...!そんな大声で言わないでくだきいよ!!
  14. Hey! Don't say it so loudly!
  15. おっとすまんすまん
  16. Oh! Sorry about that.
  17. Panel 3
  18. 夏場はどうにも犬臭いみたいで気になっちゃって...
  19. Summertime weather causes me to smell like a dog...
  20. 私は特に気にならんが...なんならうちに来たらどうだ?良い方法があるぞ
  21. Well I don't really mind, but if it bothers you that much you should come to my place. I have a good remedy for that.
  22. Panel 4
  23. ホントですか!?行きます行きます!
  24. Really!? I'll definitely have to come then!
  26. Page 3
  27. Panel 1
  28. 八雲家脱衣所
  29. Ran Yakumo's dressing room
  30. Panel 2
  31. 私は準備してくるからそれを着て待っててくれ!
  32. I'll be getting things ready, so just put on that outfit and wait.
  33. って爽やかに言い残してお風呂場に行っちゃったけど...
  34. After she said that, I went to the bathroom, but...
  35. Panel 3
  36. 何この妙に布面積の少ない水着!?何されるの!?
  37. What's with this incredibly skimpy swimsuit!? What does she have planned!?
  38. 準備できたぞー入ってきてくれー!
  39. I'm ready! You can come in now!
  40. は、はーい...
  41. O-okay...
  42. Panel 4
  43. お邪魔しまーす...
  44. I'm coming in.
  46. Page 5
  47. Panel 1
  48. ようこそ八雲マッサージヘー♥
  49. Welcome to the Yakumo massage service! ♥
  50. ま...マッサージ...?
  51. M-Massage?
  52. Panel 2
  53. ささ、このマットの上にうっ伏せに寝転がってくれ
  54. Come on. Lie face down on this mat here.
  55. は、はい
  56. O-okay...
  57. わっ なんかぬるぬるする?
  58. Woah! It's so slimy...
  60. Page 5
  61. Panel 1
  62. 体臭の原因は主に体に溜まった老廃物だからな
  63. The main cause of body odor is accumulated waste in your body.
  64. マッサージで代謝を促して汗を流せば余分なモノが排出されて綺麗になるわけだ
  65. So we're going to stimulate your metabolism with a massage, and draw out that waste through your sweat. We'll wash it all away and leave you smelling clean!
  66. へぇー...?
  67. Huh...
  68. よく分からないけど...
  69. I don't really get it...
  70. Panel 2
  71. それじゃあ背中にもローション塗ってくぞ~♥
  72. Well then, I'll spread the lotion all over your back! ♪
  73. ひゃっ!?
  74. Wah!?
  75. あ、あの...マッサージって手で揉みほぐしたりするものなんじゃ...
  76. Umm... When you said massage, I thought you meant with your hands...
  77. Panel 3
  78. ん?気持ち良くないか?
  79. Hmm? Does it not feel nice?
  80. いえ...凄く良いんですけど...
  81. Well It's not that it isn't pleasant...
  82. なら良いじゃないか♥
  83. Then there's no problem! ♥
  85. Page 6
  86. Panel 1
  87. さてとお次は...
  88. Alright, next up...
  89. Panel 2
  90. んっ...♥
  91. Nh ♥
  92. Panel 3
  93. 身体の内側から本格的に解してやるぞ♥
  94. I'll thoroughly massage inside your body! ♥
  96. Page 7
  97. Panel 1
  98. 身体の内側?
  99. Inside my body?
  100. そうだ♪股の力抜いててくれな~♥
  101. That's right! ♪ I'll draw out all of your sweat using your pussy! ♪♥
  102. 股...って...
  103. My... Pussy?
  104. Panel 2
  105. 股!?
  106. My pussy!?
  107. ちょっ...なんでちんちん生やしてるんですか!!
  108. Wait! Why do you have a dick!?
  109. というかいつの間に...!!
  110. When did you grow one!?
  112. Page 8
  113. Panel 1
  114. お"っ...♥
  115. Oh!♥
  116. Panel 2
  117. おぉっ...♥
  118. Ooohh!!♥
  119. Panel 3
  120. おぉぉ...っ!!♥
  121. Oooooohhhh!!!♥
  122. Panel 4
  123. はー...♥全部挿入ったぁ...♥
  124. Haa... ♥ I'm completely inside. ♥
  125. お加減はどうですか?お客さま♥
  126. How are you feeling Miss?
  127. ふっ...!!ぐうっ...!!♥
  128. Haaah!!! Nnngg!!! ♥
  130. Page 9
  131. Panel 1
  132. き...♥気持ち良いです...けどっ...♥
  133. I-it does feel good... ♥ ... But...
  134. Panel 2
  135. これっ♥マッサージじゃなくてっ...!♥
  136. This... Ah♥ This isn't a massage!!
  137. ぐっ...!!!♥
  138. Gah!!!♥
  139. Panel 3
  140. ただのっ♥セックスっ...♥
  141. This is just... Ah♥ This is sex!! ♥
  142. お"っ!!!
  143. Ooh!!!
  145. Page 10
  146. Panel 1
  147. そんなワケ無いだろ♥これはれっきとしたマッサージなんだから♥
  148. That's not true! ♥ This is a full service massage! ♥
  149. お前はただ私に身を任せて気持ち良くなって良いんだぞ♥
  150. You just relax, and leave everything to me! ♥ I'll make you feel really good! ♥
  151. Panel 2
  152. 今度はっ...当てる角度を変えてっ...♥
  153. Here, let's change our position a bit ♥
  154. コツ♥ コツン♥ おっ♥
  155. Thrust♥ Thrust♥ Ooh ♥
  156. Panel 3
  157. どうだ?汗が止まらないだろ♥溜まってるもの全部流して行こうなー♥
  158. How is it? You're sweating so much! ♥ Let all of your accumulated waste seep out! ♥
  160. Page 11
  161. Panel 1
  162. は~い今度は仰向けになって水着も脱いで正常位~♥
  163. Now I'll remove your swimsuit, and lie you on your back.♥
  164. せ、正常位ってやっぱりただのセッ...
  165. This is the missionary position! This really is just se-
  166. Panel 2
  167. -eeeeeex!?
  168. Panel 3
  169. セックスってのはお互いが気持ち良くなるものだろ?
  170. Sex is something that make us both feel good right?
  171. ひくひく♥
  172. Twitch Twitch ♥
  174. Page 12
  175. Panel 1
  176. 私はただお前を気持ち良くするためにちんぽをまんこに出し入れしてるだけであって♥
  177. I'm only pistoning my penis in and out of your pussy to make you feel good! ♥ (maybe bold the "you" for emphasis)
  178. 私は別にっ♥気持ち良くなってなんかっ♥いないからなっ♥
  179. I'm not particularly, ♥Haa♥ feeling good, ♥Ohh♥ or anything!♥
  180. ぎっ...♥
  181. Geh ♥
  182. Panel 2
  183. ましてや射精するつもりなんかっ♥
  184. I don't intend to cum inside! ♥
  185. 微塵も無いぞっ♥
  186. I'll leave no speck behind! Even in here!♥
  187. Panel 3
  188. だからお前は安心してっ♥
  189. So put your mind at ease,♥
  190. お"っ♥ お"ほっ♥
  191. Ooh! ♥ I-I see!♥
  192. Panel 4
  193. 気持ち良くなっていればっ...♥
  194. And just enjoy it!♥
  196. Page 13
  197. Panel 1
  198. 気持ち良くなっていればっ...
  199. As long as you feel good...
  200. Panel 2
  201. 良いっ!?
  202. Feel good!?
  203. Panel 3
  204. ら...藍さん...?
  205. R-Ran?
  207. Page 14
  208. Panel 1,2
  209. どうして急に止まっ...
  210. Why did you stop so sudde-?
  211. Panel 3,4
  212. てぇぇぇ!!♥
  213. nnlllyyyyy!!♥
  214. Panel 5
  215. 藍さん!?なんで黙ってるんですか!!
  216. Ran!? Why aren't you saying anything?!
  217. ねぇ!!藍きん!!!
  218. Hey!! Ran!!
  219. ただのマッサージなんですよね!?セックスじゃないんですよね!?
  220. This is supposed to be just a massage right!? We're not having sex, right!?
  221. なんでピストン加速してるんですか!?絶対射精しようとしてますよね!?
  222. Why are you speeding up!? You're just trying to cum aren't you!?
  223. 完全に中出しキメようとしてますよね!?ねぇってば!!!!
  224. You're going to shoot your cum in my womb aren't you? Ran!!!
  225. フッ♥ フッ♥ フッ♥
  226. Hah♥ Hah♥ Hah♥
  227. Panel 6
  228. 藍さん!?
  229. Ran!?
  230. 藍さんってばぁ!!!
  231. Say something!!! Ran!!!
  233. Page 15
  234. Panel 1
  235. ぐっ...!!
  236. Ngg!!
  237. ぎいっ!!(Top corner, it's a bit cut off)
  238. Gaah!!
  239. Panel 2
  240. お"お"お"っ...♥♥
  241. Oooohhh!!!♥♥
  242. Panel 3
  243. ゴプッ...♥! ゴポッ!!♥♥
  244. Spurt! ♥ Spurt!!♥♥
  246. Page 16
  247. Panel 1
  248. ひくひく...♥
  249. Twitch twitch ♥
  250. Panel 2
  251. ふー...♥
  252. Haaa... ♥
  253. Panel 3
  254. 柄にも無く不意打ちで射精させられてしまったな...♥
  255. Whew, that wasn't like me. Something came over me, and I just had to ejaculate. ♥
  256. Panel 4
  257. このままでは九尾としての油券に関わるからなまだまだイくぞ♥
  258. Anyways, we're still both covered in oil, and because I'm a Nine tailed fox, I can still cum so much more. ♥
  259. こっちはもう一杯だよ!
  260. Eh!? I'm already full after just one time!
  261. おわる?
  262. The end?
  264. Page 17
  265. あとがき
  266. Afterword
  268. 初めてsaiを全く使わずに
  269. クリスタのみで制作してみました。
  270. 色々難しくて大変だった..。
  271. 少しは慣れてきたので次回はもっと質を上げられると良いな...。
  272. For the first time, I didn't use SAI at all.
  273. I tried to make this using only Clip Studio Paint.
  274. It was pretty difficult.
  275. I'm getting used to it bit by bit, so hopefully the quality will be better next time.
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