
Manonymous Part 7: Anon & Apple Family VS Giant Timber Wolf

Feb 10th, 2013
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  1. >7 minutes left
  2. >The wolf took a whole minute to form itself, but it looks like it considers it worthwhile
  3. >There's what you assume to be a look of confidence on the giant's face, and it's growling that same throaty chuckle it made when you smashed some of its comrades
  4. >It looks about 25 feet tall and twice that long: its claws seem razor sharp, and its fangs are jagged and sharp
  5. >This... Is bad
  6. >Really, really bad
  7. >Even at your peak, you'd have trouble fighting something this size, and you've only saved up enough energy for 3 or 4 mintues of stressful movement at most
  8. >And if you just so happen to take a hit, then that'll get cut down by even more
  9. >The new giant timber wolf stares you down, giving a stomp that shakes the earth beneath you
  10. >You sigh, and haul yourself to your feet, trying to think up a way to delay this monster for 7 more minutes...
  11. >Wait
  12. >Do you really have to wait it out for those 7 minutes?
  13. >That 4 minutes of strenuous movement... If you used it for evasion instead of attack, running back to the farmhouse to meet Applejack...
  14. >You could meet her halfway! That would save you both time and energy, and you'd have it easier taking down the wolf together
  15. >But can you really run that long while evading this thing all the while? And worse, it'd completely tear up the farm if you're not careful
  16. >The damage would be catastrophic if it ran wild just trying to kill you: you can't put that on the Apple family
  17. >Running to find Applejack is an emergency back-up plan then
  18. >Fighting it directly is out of the question with how you are now: but what does that leave you with?
  19. >Dodge and hope for the best, you guess
  20. >Not much of a plan, but it's all you've got right now
  21. >... Well
  22. >That's not quite true
  23. >You do have Zecora's medicine
  24. >But let's save that for when you truly are all out of options
  25. >Nothing to do but wait and hope Applejack arrives back in time...
  27. ---Applejack's P.o.V, 4 minutes ago---
  29. >Anon, that idiot!
  30. >Thinkin' that he kin take on an entire pack of timber wolves!
  31. >But not like stickin' around would have helped anyp0ny: he was right, if you both stayed, you'd both die
  32. >Askin' fer hard cider and something to light a fire... Easy to see what he's got planned
  33. >It's not a bad idea, timber wolves are legendarily vulnerable to fire
  34. >But it really does take a madstallion to even try lightin' one of those things up
  35. >Takin' on an entire pack? Unthinkable!
  36. >Especially considering a single bite is enough to start causing some major troubles
  37. >Big Mac sees you chargin' down toward the house, stopping his bucking in concern and followin' you in a gallop
  38. >"Hey sis, what's the rush? Somethin' happened in the south fields?"
  39. >You manage ta get out some words while panting and running.
  40. "Timber wolves! A pack of them! Anon's holding them all off fer now, but we need somethin' to light 'em up!"
  41. >Big Mac turns pale at that. "And you just left him alone with them!?"
  42. "His plan! Too tired after buckin' to run. Not too tired ta fight though."
  43. >He nods, trying ta think.
  44. >"And yer sure he kin handle himself?"
  45. "He took on the Shining Armour with two or three busted ribs and won easily. Ah think he'll be alright."
  46. >But will he really? A timber wolf is different to a pony. You could outfight a unicorn with nothin' but grit and willpower. With a timber wolf... One bite and yer done for
  47. >"Alright, Applejack, you git the matches from inside the house and I'll grab the hard cider from the cellar."
  48. "Thanks big brother. We need to take all the shortcuts we can..."
  49. >Just hold on Anon... And whatever ya do, don't get bit!
  51. ---Anon's P.o.V, present time---
  53. >Fuck, fuck, FUCK!
  54. >One minute in, you managed to evade the damn thing by ducking between its legs and under its body to keep it off its balance
  55. >But then the damn thing got wise to you and started dropping down and trying to crush you with its body every time you tried
  56. >And now, your arm and leg... Where you got bitten... They're starting to feel numb
  57. >If this keeps up, you won't be able to put your full weight on your leg anymore and you won't be able to make a fist
  58. >Forget running, best you could do is hop and drag your leg behind you
  59. >This is why the alpha was laughing before: it knows what the bites do and it knew that you were screwed once you got bitten
  60. >So now, you're resorting to hiding, hoping to wait it out
  61. >Throwing everything you could find into its eyes took 30 seconds of high-energy movement, but it's gotten you back 30 seconds of rest so far
  62. >Even trade, right?
  63. >The wolf got its sight back by shedding the damaged parts of its eyes and replacing them: and now it's searching for you, trying to sniff you out
  64. >You're not stupid: you made sure to hide downwind so the breeze wouldn't carry your scent
  65. >5 minutes until you get your fire...
  66. >But are you even going to be able to use it now?
  67. >It's getting harder to move your foot and wrist
  68. >Soon your elbow and knee will be locked out too
  69. >A triumphant howl comes from behind you and you duck and roll away from the tree giving you cover
  70. >A half a second later, a giant pair of jaws clamps around the tree and rips it from the earth
  71. >The massive timber wolf snarls, looking down at you from over the 'stick' it has grasped in its mouth
  72. >You grit your teeth and try desperately punching your arm to get some sort of feeling back in it. Nothing.
  73. "Sorry boy, but I'm not in the mood for 'fetch' right now."
  74. >You take a step back.
  75. >The wolf drops the tree and takes one, massive step forward.
  76. >If you run now, you'd have to do it for two and a half miutes straight while dodging this monster
  77. >That'd leave you with one minute of movement plus fire to take it down with AJ for backup
  78. >And the medicine as a final resort...
  79. >But is your leg going to work for two and a half minutes?
  80. >It will work
  81. >It has to work
  82. >Because you have no other choice
  83. >No other options but this
  84. >You grit your teeth, and prepare to dash
  85. "Alright boy, new game... How about 'tag'? You're it!"
  86. >You turn and start running the most spacious path possible
  87. >The wolf gives a howl and takes off after you
  88. >You try and zig-zag as the wolf continuously slams its paws down where it thinks you're going to go, like a cat toying with a mouse
  89. >It's not even trying to kill you: it's just playing around
  90. >It can kill you anytime it wants now, and those bites...
  91. >You're only going to get weaker
  92. >You map out where you remember dropping your shirt in the sun and plan your route to get to it
  93. >You'll need something to soak in the alcohol after all
  94. >The wolf knocks over another tree and sends it flying straight into your path with another swipe of its giant paws
  95. >It wants to try and block off your path, but seeing that in your way, you get a different idea
  96. >Instead of going around the tree as expected, you jump
  97. >Kick off of it backwards with your good leg
  98. >Straight into your pursuers face
  99. >The wolf's eyes widen: it wasn't expecting an attack
  100. >Spinning in midair to boost this kicks power, you slam your leg into the side of the beasts head with as much force as you can muster
  101. >Your foe is sent reeling from the blow, the force making it drop as its head is smashed into another tree
  102. >You use your reprieve to hide amongst the boughs of the fallen trees
  103. >You've been running for 30 seconds: 4 more minutes until you can meet AJ
  104. >If you can hide for another minute, that'll give you time to recover from the kick you just used
  105. >Unfortunately, the wolf has other ideas
  106. >It howls its fury, and starts picking up random trees and tossing them about the farm
  107. >Of course it's mad: it was certain of its victory, and all of a sudden, you pull out a kick like that on it?
  108. >It must be tired of toying with you
  109. >Desperate for revenge
  110. >You grimace, and prepare to run
  111. >Only to realise, you can't
  112. >Time's up
  113. >Your leg refuses to move
  114. "Sonofabitch..."
  115. >You hiss as quietly as you can
  116. >You try grabbing it at the knee and straightening it out by force, but it refuses to move: it's locked up
  117. >Soon your left arm will be the same way
  118. >3 and a half minutes
  119. >You grit your teeth and concentrate as hard as you can, willing it to move through nothing but sheer stubborn-minded focus
  120. >It twitches a little: but aside from that nothing
  121. >And then you hear the sniffing and snuffling
  122. >The wolf has finally cooled down, and it's using its head
  123. >You can feel it coming closer to your hiding spot, the shaking of the earth as each paw hits the ground
  124. >3 minutes
  125. >Then, a pause
  126. >The sniffing intensifies
  127. >And your tree shakes as it's lifted bodily into the air and hurled
  128. >The shock makes you try and grab hold of something, anything, but your hand is now refusing to respond
  129. >With only one hand to provide grip and your exhaustion still affecting you, you don't have the strength to hold onto anything
  130. >You're sent flying out of the tree and hit the ground with a loud thud, rolling back several feet
  131. >The impact knocked the wind out of you, and makes your muscles ache all over
  132. >But it wasn't as hard an impact as it should have been
  133. >You reach under yourself, and pull the thing that cushioned your fall out to take a proper look at it
  134. >Oh hey, your shirt and bag
  135. >At least you don't have to worry about finding those anymore
  136. >Now all you need is...
  137. >"Anon! Anooooon! Y'all still alive!?"
  138. >Perfect timing
  139. "Heh... You're early, Applejack. According to my clock, you weren't supposed to arrive for another 2 and a half minutes."
  140. >Applejack stops her gallop, dropping a pack of matches that she held in her mouth, staring slack-jawed at the monstrous timber wolf slowly stalking towards you
  141. >"Wh... Where in the name of mah grandpappy's apple cider did that thing...?"
  142. "That's what the pack became AJ. I've been trying to dodge it for the past few minutes and failing badly."
  143. >Applejack looks down at you as you try and sit up, and notices the bite marks
  144. >"Oh no... So they did manage to get ya..."
  145. "Give me the bad news now, AJ. What do these bites do?"
  146. >She swallows hard. "They paralyze ya. One limb at a time, until yer weak enough they can tear ya apart themselves... Or yer heart stops. Either way, y'need treatment ASAP!"
  147. >"Ain't no way to do that, sis." You glance behind you to see Big Mac with a barrel strapped to his back. "Timber wolves don't stop chasing til they've eaten what they've hunted."
  148. >Applejack stammers. "B-but, there's gotta be some way to get everyp0ny out of here and away from this thing safely!"
  149. "There is. We kill the wolf before it kills us."
  150. >Applejack stops and looks at you. "But Anon, yer leg, ler arm... How can you fight that beast? How can WE fight it? That monster? I can still see yer exhausted, and half of you is paralyzed!"
  151. "I got one gamble to make... If it works, we win and everyone goes home alive except our enemy. But first, I need to be a selfish asshole and ask you two a massive favour."
  152. >"Y'don't need to ask. We'll keep that thing off yer back while you get us a fire goin'", Big Mac speaks up. You're surprised he caught on so quick. He's not as slow as his speech makes him out to be.
  153. >Applejack nods tersely. No hesitation this time. "Alright Anon. Mah big brother trusts in you, so I'm gonna trust you too. I hope you know what you're doing."
  154. >Heh. That gives you a smile.
  155. "So do I AJ."
  157. >"Sis! Let's go!" Big Mac yells out and drops the barrel next to you as he dashes towards the wolf.
  158. >"Roger! Big brother!" Applejack follows.
  159. >No time to waste. Using your one remaining good arm, you grip your shirt with your teeth and tear.
  160. >Applejack and Big Mac split up, Big Mac taking the right and AJ the left
  161. >The wolf tries to ignore them, making to step towards you
  162. >But a buck from Big Mac to its paw makes it rethink that strategy
  163. >It's on a whole other level from AJ's buck: powerful, lightning fast, no openings presented
  164. >And in one hit it completely obliterates that part of the timber wolf's body
  165. >The beast growls in surprise as the sudden attack throws it off balance
  166. >Applejack has her own method of attacking: throwing several pieces of fruit, wood and stones in the air, she launches all of them towards the timber wolf's eyes with incredible high-precision bucks
  167. >Now blinded and crippled, but already reforming, the beast now turns its anger on the Apple siblings
  168. >You grin at their teamwork as you tear.
  169. "That's right... When fighting a giant, attack the extremities, joints and other weakspots first."
  170. >You break the barrel open with a slam of your fist, dunking and soaking the rags into it and wrapping them around your limbs
  171. >It's slow work with only one working hand, but at this rate...
  172. >Maybe you have a good chance of victory after all
  173. >Applejack is dodging between the front paws and the wolf's jaws as she launches more projectiles as Big Mac works on steadily demolishing the rear legs
  174. >At first, it seems to be working
  175. >But then, the worst case scenario occurs
  176. >Applejack stumbles on a loose apple, losing her balance for a second
  177. >A second is more than enough for the monster she's contending with
  178. >A massive paw slams into her from the side
  179. >Her head and body smash into a tree with a cry, and she slumps down unconscious
  180. >"SIS!" Big Mac gives a roar.
  181. >You curse your slowness and work on igniting the rags wrapped around your hands and feet
  182. >The match is lit
  183. >Big Mac launches a more powerful, but slower buck out of fury
  184. >In exchange for the lower part of one of its leg, the wolf slams Big Mac into the dirt with a single stomp of one of its front legs
  185. >You ignite the rags
  186. >The wolf presses down on Big Mac, with creaking from its joints as it pushes down slowly with more and more force
  187. >You pull one of the medicine balls out of the bag
  188. >There's a sickening crack as Mac's ribs start to give and he roars in pain
  189. >You flick the medicine into your mouth and bite down
  190. >The wolf is satisfied as Mac grows silent and falls unconscious, as it turns on Applejack's still form
  191. >It takes a lot to cruch down that medicine: but once it does break, the pieces melt away in your mouth in half a second, before you can swallow them
  192. >The wolf stalks towards AJ, enjoying the moment of bringing down a prey that has put it through a lot of pain
  193. >And you feel the effects of the medicine take hold
  194. >Your pain fades away
  195. >You can feel your leg and arm again
  196. >Your mind is clear: all appears brighter and sharper in your vision and everything sounds magnitudes louder without hurting your ears
  197. >And your heartbeat
  198. >Oh god, your heartbeat
  199. >You never knew it could beat so hard and so fast
  200. >Your body temperature is rising: it feels as if the fire in your blood has awakened in your entire body
  201. >You stand as time seems to slow to a crawl
  202. >You look over and see the wolf now fully reformed about to crush Applejack underfoot
  203. >And you feel nothing but rage for this monster
  204. >Its paw is brought down with incredible force, meant to crush and kill in a single strike
  205. >But before it can deliver the final blow, its paw breaks and explodes in a fireball
  206. >The wolf stumbles, shocked yet again
  207. >And it stares at the source of the fire
  208. >You
  209. >Standing in front of it, hands and feet burning and standing guard over Applejack's unconscious body
  210. >You crossed the distance in a fraction of a second, and obliterated that part of its body with a single blow
  211. >5 minutes to kill this thing?
  212. >With the way you are now, you'll only need 30 seconds
  213. >The fire that burns over your skin is a perfect match for the fire in your blood, heart, mind and soul
  214. >You have two goals now: protect your friends, no, your comrades
  215. >And KILL
  216. >THIS
  217. >BASTARD!
  218. >The wolf can feel your anger: it tries to back off
  219. >You kick off the ground, and deliver a solid strike to the jaw
  220. >Flaming debris rains down from your hit as the beast's jaw explodes in a shower of burning wood
  221. >Not a deep enough hit though: the wisp within the wolf hasn't ignited yet
  222. >Then you'll just have to keep attacking
  223. >The wolf tries to slam you with its paws, but you're already behind it when it starts to move
  224. >A high kick, and one of its rear legs explodes at the joint
  225. >It turns with a snarl, but it takes two powerful hits to the body in rapid succession
  226. >Its body now aflame and missing its lower jaw and a hind leg, it tries desperately to shed itself of the burning pieces, but its front leg disappears in another flash of fist and fire meeting the flammable wood
  227. >The wolf starts to tumble to the ground, unable to remain standing
  228. >An uppercut to what remains of the head sends it flying straight back up
  229. >The wisp within has finally caught fire--but it holds its shape, staring hatred at you from its one remaining eye
  230. >Another two steps and you stand at the barrel that Big Mac left for you. His gift to let you bring down this monster.
  231. >You touch the burning bandages to the liquid and it ignites
  232. >You raise your head and slowly look the wolf at whats left of its face
  233. >Its one eye widens with fear; it tries to turn, to run, but with only two legs left and its magic burning away, it can do nothing
  234. >You grip the barrel and launch it towards the cowardly beast with a roar
  236. >The barrels shatters against the creature, the burning liquid covers every part of the wolf's body
  237. >But the final blow must come from your fists
  238. >You sprint in, and underneath the beast, ball yourself up, tensing every muscle in your body
  239. >It's a fairly basic technique: use the force of all the muscles in your legs, back, chest and arms to land a single solid blow against a target
  240. >You extend all your muscles at once, and launch from the ground with all the strength you have
  241. >You pierce straight through the monster: the fire drills it to the core, and as you fall back to the ground, the creature finally falls apart
  242. >The wisp rises up into the air, swirling with green magic and the ever-burning fire
  243. >And it detonates, far above the ground into a magnificent ball of flame and magic
  244. >You spare the explosion a single glance before patting out your burning bandages
  245. "30 seconds."
  246. >You still have over four minutes of the medicine's effects: you look at the unconscious bodies of Big Mac and Applejack before gathering them both and heaving them onto your shoulders
  247. >They're both still breathing: they should be fine
  248. >Might as well make the time left count
  249. >With the two siblings hanging onto you, you start the walk back to the farmhouse
  250. >You remember the effort the two of them went to in their battle, how they fought for each other and for you
  251. >You're filled with gratitude and pride for these two and their courage
  252. >The least you can do is let them rest...
  254. ------------------------------------------------
  256. >The next thing you know, you're coming to on a nice comfortable bed
  257. >Everything still aches, but you're nowhere near as bad as you thought you would be
  258. >You crack open your eyes, squinting into the light with a grunt, and you hear a gasp next to you
  259. >"Everyp0ny! Quick, quick, come quick! He's wakin' up!"
  260. >Applejack? No, the voice is too high-pitched even if the accent matches
  261. >You look over at where the voice is coming from to see a yellow blur racing out of the room
  262. >Huh
  263. >You slowly sit up, feeling like you haven't moved in a while. A look out the window reveals that it's dusk outside. Musta been out for quite a few hours...
  264. >Quite a few apple trees out there too. Must be in the Apple family house.
  265. >You shake your head slowly, trying to figure out what happened. You remember finishing the fight and picking up Big Mac and Applejack, and then...
  266. >"Anon! Y'really are awake!"
  267. >You look over to see Applejack trembling, with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. She's got some bandages around her ribs, but looks no worse for wear.
  268. >You respond with a grin.
  269. "Just needed a nap after my bit of exercise. Feelin' pretty good right now even after all the punishment I took."
  270. >Applejack gives her own grin. "Just a nap? Guess you don't even know how long you were out fer, huh?"
  271. >You frown and give another glance out the window.
  272. "Judging from the light outside, I'd say 8 hours or so. Why?"
  273. >She chuckles and shakes her head. "Try 32 hours. And of course y'feel fine, ya big galloot, y'had Twilight and Granny Smith tendin' yer wounds most of the entire time too!"
  274. >You raise an eyebrow in shock.
  275. "32 hours!? No way! I can remember the fight like it happened just a few minutes ago!"
  276. >"Twilight said she'd used a spell to help ya sleep better. She healed up alomost all of yer minor injuries, y'know. And Granny Smith always has some antidote stocked for timber wolf bites, so we didn't have to worry about yer heart stoppin' neither."
  277. >She stops for a second, and looks down at the floor, shuffling her hooves awkwardly.
  278. >"An uh, Granny told us about how you brought us both back. Me and Big Mac. Slung over yer shoulder while y'were covered in bite marks, bruises, scratches and burns. And Ah, Ah just wanted to say, Ah'm..."
  279. "If the next words out of your mouth are, 'I'm sorry', I'm going to hit you AJ."
  280. >She stops, stunned out of a response.
  281. "I might've gotten you back here, but it was you and Big Mac that brought me everything we needed to win that fight. And it was you two that held that monster off for all that time while I got everything ready to take it down. And it was your family that took care of me while I recovered. We were a team, AJ. None of us would be here if it weren't for the other. We're comrades-in-arms now. And I won't hear anything more about it."
  282. >You smile at Applejack warmly, and she smiles back.
  283. >"Well, thank ye kindly, sugar. I'd say any member of the Apple family would be proud to call you 'friend'. Ah know Ah am."
  284. >You look around, and ask.
  285. "You said Twilight and Granny Smith helped me recover? Don't suppose I could thank them face-to-face now could I?"
  286. >"Ah'll bring them up to see you now. You just stay there and rest until they say it's alright fer you t'move, d'you hear me now?"
  287. "Yes, MOTHER."
  288. >"Ah'll show you 'mother', yeh little..." And she closes the door, chuckling to herself.
  289. >You smile and allow your head to fall back onto your pillow with a sigh. 32 hours...
  290. >Wait.
  291. >Doesn't that make tomorrow the day?
  292. >Yeah. Yeah, it does.
  293. >You should do something special to mark it.
  294. >The door to your room opens again, and you turn to see Twilight being led by a rickety and wrinkled old earth p0ny with white hair.
  295. >This must be Granny Smith then.
  296. >"Hold still a second there, sonny", she warbles in a shaky voice. She grabs your bitten arm with a grip that has a surprising amount of strength for one so old.
  297. >Shouldn't be that surprising to you though. Your old teacher was something like 100, and you couldn't lay a finger on him if you tried.
  298. >She bends and flexes the wrist and fingers in different ways before nodding her approval.
  299. >"Timber wolf bites're always bad fer ya, sonny. Surprised you lasted as long as y'did with having taken two of 'em. But ever since the old days, when the Apple family first contended with timber wolves during our zap apple harvest..."
  300. >She continues to drone on about the history of zap apples and their ties to the timber wolves as well as how she first concocted the mixture that provided the cure for the paralyzing magic in their bites, all while testing your limbs for flexibility and movement range.
  301. >After a while she lets you go and gives you a stern look.
  302. >"Now, don't y'go messin' with them timber wolves again if y'can help it, sonny. Don't want you to wind up back here goin' through all my expensive herbs and ingredients."
  303. >And with that she wobbles out of the room. Twilight steps forward with a serious look on her face.
  304. >You try to match it with a serious expression of your own.
  305. "Applejack told me about how you healed me up after the battle. Thank you. Truly. Thank you."
  306. >Twilight sighs, looking tired.
  307. >"I don't know what you did, but most of the damage was internal. I consulted some of my texts in the library on the specific patterns of magic damage that kept cropping up, and apparently, it's a rare occurence in those that are affected by magic that both shuts down the body and drugs that enhance its performance."
  308. >You stay silent for a moment.
  309. "I took some special medicine because I got desperate. Thanks to that, me, AJ and Big Mac are all still alive."
  310. >"I know. I'm sure you only did it because you had to. But I have to know..." She takes a deep breath and then gives you a severe look. "Where did you get that medicine from?"
  311. >No point in lying.
  312. "A zebra in the Everfree Forest gave it to me. She threw some traps at me as a test, and I took those as a reward for exceeding her expectations."
  313. >"Somep0ny living in the Everfree? I haven't heard of anything like that..." She raises an eyebrow, looking skeptical. "So, you meet a stranger in the Everfree, they give you some dangerous unknown pills, and you actually take them?"
  314. "Not like I had a choice. If they did what she said they would, then I would live. If they didn't, I would die. And if I didn't take them at all, I would still die. It was my best and only option."
  315. >Twilight holds her expression, still looking with one eyebrow higher than the other. Then, she sighs and rests her chin on the side of your bed.
  316. >"Alright, alright, you had a good reason for using them then. And you did save Applejack and Big Mac, so..."
  317. "Am I forgiven for scaring you out of your wits yet again?"
  318. >She glares at you from her position on the bed. "Yes. THIS time. Please don't do it again..."
  319. >You chuckle and scratch her head, and she closes her eyes and relaxes.
  320. "Sorry Twilight. Can't make a promise I know I can't keep. A man's word is his life, after all."
  321. >Twilight twitches in irritation as she lifts her head and bats your hand away. "Well, at least you're not lying to me. I'll take it for now. And I'll have to study that medicine once we get back to the library too. Think you can walk?"
  322. "Sure thing."
  323. >You throw off your blanket and climb out of the bed, before looking down and realising something.
  324. "Twilight, why am I naked?"
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