

Jan 19th, 2019
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  1. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "I appreciate you, Bam."
  3. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "I love you too."
  5. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "I do love you, but I appreciate everything you do that you don't have to."
  7. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "It's funny, because I was just thinking you're the one sacrificing for me, here."
  9. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "Am I?"
  11. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "Indeed. A friend of mine has given you legitimate offense and you're worried I might not get to spend time with her as much if it goes poorly."
  13. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "I love you, I do not own you. Just because I take issue with someone, I certainly don't expect you to. I just hope she wouldn't put you in the position to feel like you had to defend me or anything else in that realm."
  15. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "You do own me. At the very least, a large piece of me."
  17. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "You are my... I dont know what I call you, but you are mine."
  19. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "I am, yes."
  21. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: " do you do that!?"
  23. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "You always find a way to calm me or make me smile when I don't want to."
  25. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "Yes, well, you might actually be perfect and I hope you know how intimidating that can be."
  27. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "I am far from perfect, Bam."
  29. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "You are strongly opinionated, but mild in mannerisms. You can handle paperwork, make a convincing argument, join me on the field. You flirt, when you want to, or you sit and we have long, philosophical discussions. I can drink with you, take you out on my arm like a trophy, drag you home and defile you or charge into battle with you."
  31. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "I'm leaning towards perfect."
  33. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "Flattery gets you everything, Bam."
  35. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "I think that makes me perfect for you, but not perfect in general."
  37. (Tells): His voice sharp-edged and frosty, Toz whispers to you, "Why do I care about the rest of the world's standards?"
  39. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "You don't, and I love that about you."
  41. You hear the door to the north being unlocked.
  42. The door to the north is opened from the other side.
  43. Toz arrives from the north.
  44. Toz closes the door to the north.
  45. Toz locks the north door.
  47. Toz leans in close and lightly kisses his lips to yours.
  49. Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
  51. You lean over and lightly kiss your lips to Toz's.
  53. Toz Aquila-Seirath smiles and says to you, "I just needed to come give that to you."
  55. You smile and say to Toz, "I'm glad you did."
  57. You have emoted: Tatia watches Toz quietly from her place on the floor by the fire. "Just so you are aware, I probably wont be around next week."
  59. Toz strips off his armor and moves to settle in behind you, arm draping over you waist to draw you back against him. "Mmh. I'll miss you," he offers up, leaning forward to kiss the back of your neck through you hair.
  61. You have emoted: Tatia smiles softly while leaning back against Toz and tilting her head downward slightly. "You better." she teases, glancing over her shoulder at Toz. She falls silent and just enjoys the closeness for a time. "Pi is considering a move." she eventually tells Toz softly.
  63. Pausing, then bumping against you, Toz pulls back with the arm around your waist in a tight squeeze. "Is she?" he wonders quietly. "That's wonderful news. Tell me all about that, then." His leg lifts after, carefully nudging his foot between your legs.
  65. You have emoted: Tatia shifts her stance enough to accommodate Toz's foot, leaning her body back to adjust with her shift. "She hasn't been waking, I asked why and she told me other than her sisters, she has nothing to wake for. I asked her if she was still to proud to consider finding somewhere that would fulfill her." she explains softly, a small smile on her features as she continues. "She said she didn't know if she would fit in up here, but she thought about it all the time." she pauses here and glances up at Toz, offering a bright smile. "She asked if I ever considered moving back South and if I was only so happy here because of you."
  67. You say, "I explained how lively Spinesreach is, that people actually congregate and speak to one another. The conversations on the cit aether are actual conversations and not petty arguments. I also told her it was not a decision to be made lightly and she needed to be sure."
  69. "At which point you told her you have to chase men off with a broom, even without me," Toz speculates to you, with a slight grin, dipping his head to nuzzle softly against your neck from behind, though the gesture is more fond than teasing or seeking. He seems otherwise content to settle behind you, holding you, thinking for a long moment. Then, he suggests, "Have her talk to some people. Ask why they live here? Desidora might be a good one to start with."
  71. You say, "And enlightened her I have never come close to considering going back, and you were not my only reason for happiness."
  73. You have emoted: "She knows about the men." Tatia teases in return, tilting her head slightly with Toz's nuzzle. "She worried that she isnt as nice as her sisters. I told her she was just fine and never unjust." She lifts a hand to rest against Toz's arm around her waist, "She's going to start with her first visit to Spinesreach."
  75. "Should I make an appearance?" Toz wonders of you, the question a little hesitant. His lips soon curve to a smile though, as he feels your hand rest atop his arm, turning his hand just a little to show his palm, reaching for your hand. "I hope it goes well, either way. Just let me know what you need, alright?"
  77. You have emoted: "I brought you up." Tatia tells Toz while intertwining her fingers with Toz's. "Reminded her you live here, we are with each other. She said she knows, and that if she came here.. she wouldn't so much have a reason to despise you anymore." the last bit comes out in a small laugh. "She still wants to blame you, even knowing the truth. But thanks you in the same breath for making me happy." she admits while shaking her head lightly from side to side. "I want her to decide, you didn't push me and I wont push her."
  79. "I'll make myself available, then, but not insert myself to her tour." Toz gives a slight grin to you, nuzzling through your hair to place a simple, distinct nip on your ear. "I think my way of working on you won't work on her, anyway. Which is for the best, really, I don't want you mad at me." He gives you a little tug back against him, settling in comfortably himself. "I know what this means to you."
  81. You have emoted: "You dont want me mad at you." Tatia reiterates with a slight grin. She tilts her head with the nip and playfully cuts her eyes back at Toz. "I'm not going to get my hopes up. My sister is stubborn and loyal to a fault." she admits, but smiles. "I would be beside myself if she decided to move here."
  83. With a nod to you, Toz lets himself relax alongside you, his eyes closing. "You awake awhile, or..?" he questions, seeming content to settle there himself. His tail gives a flick, then twitches over him to drape over your topmost leg, adding to the pile of pieces of him resting over or tangled with you.
  85. You have emoted: Tatia drops her glance to Toz's tail and snickers quietly. "Sleep is in order, I believe." she decides to Toz, a content sigh escaping her.
  87. With a little laugh himself, mostly at your laugh, Toz nods and squeezes a final time. "Sleep tight then, my love. I'll see you soon."
  89. You have emoted: "Pleasant dreams, Bam. Love you." Tatia murmurs while settling in comfortably against Toz and drifting off shortly after.
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