
Where are you Christmas Gifts?

Dec 26th, 2018
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  1. Covet: Felix was bummed out because he'd had a couple of Steph's gifts ordered to be sent here, and they still weren't here. Because he procrastinated, and holiday delivery sucks. He was sitting on the couch in his cheesy holiday gymshorts, with his arms crossed over his bare chest, pouting. "Thursday...Stupid Thursday."
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Steph had been in Felix's bedroom getting his boxes piled up for her to carry out to the living room. She hadn't really been sleeping or eating very much over the last few days so she was overall feeling pretty off, but trying to make the best of the holiday right now. Picking up the stack of boxes, she made her way out to the living room in her Christmas outfit, setting them down on the table. "Don't look so excited about Christmas presents, shit..."-
  3. Covet: He looked at Steph and just kind of let his jaw drop, but his frown about the gifts was still there. He let out a groan and slid down the couch, " Ha ha. I'm not excited, I'm mad about the damn postal service." He told her. He looked her over, having been pretty attentive to her eating being still kind of nonexistent over the weekend, even with his mom going over the top on the veggies, but he really didn't want to say anything because he knew it'd put her in a bad mood, and they both didn't need to be in bad moods.
  4. Alexithymiaa: "You should expect as much from the postal service." Arranging his gifts neatly on the table, she turned to look at him, planting her hands on her hips. "If you're just going to sit and be sour, then you're not going to get your gifts."-
  5. Covet: "What?!" Felix said with a grumpier look. "You can't take that away, you've already brought them out here, and it is Christmas." He said with a glare, then rolled his eyes. "Fine... I'm over it. Whatever."
  6. Alexithymiaa: "Then smile and maybe I'll still give them to you." She said as she picked up the first box, sitting down with it in her lap on the couch next to him.-
  7. Covet: Felix sighed and leaned his head back against the couh then looked at her and gave her a painful smile. "There better? Can I have the present now?"
  8. Alexithymiaa: -She let out a sigh, passing the box off to him which was definitely a brand new Nintendo Switch. "You better behave otherwise I'll take them back. It doesn't matter if you've already opened them."-
  9. Covet: "You sound like my mom" Felix said as he opened the box, " Ooooh...Thank you Red. Now.... It didn't happen to come with Mario Party did it?" He asked with a bigger cheesy grin, the gift perking him up rather quickly. Cause he's easy like that.
  10. Alexithymiaa: "Maybe you shouldn't make me sound like your mom." She said as she nudged him, watching him open the first gift. "I figured it would be something fun you could also take with you to work since you sit and do nothing for most of your shift." She beamed at him, picking up the next wrapped gift which was Mario Party, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and Pokemon all wrapped together. "Guess you'll have to find out."-
  11. Covet: "Sorry." He told her then looked down at the box, "You were absolutely correct, This is a game changer for work." Felix grinned, then took the next present from her. " Wow, four games even, Smash Bros! We're so playing Smashbros tomorrow. I'm going to slaughter you." He said, forgetting his one hand isn't at full movement So he wasn't going to be the greatest.
  12. Alexithymiaa: "You absolutely are not. I'm a button mashing master. No amount of skill can rival my quick button mashing techniques." She spoke proudly, picking up the next one which was a set of joycon controllers in pink and green.-
  13. Covet: "Pfft. I have a whole hand that acts a button masher right now, woman." He told her then opened up the next thing. "Oooh Pink!" He exclaimed. "You really got me the full set up here didn't you. Thank you Red." He said with a grin.
  14. Alexithymiaa: -She leaned in to kiss his cheek, nodding her head. "I couldn't just get you the system without getting you all set up to be a successful gamer, could I? I would never set you up for failure." She pushed up to her feet, turning to look at him. "I did have one more thing, but it's not exactly something new. And you probably won't use it for a while since it's winter." She paused, turning to the front walkway where she'd stashed his last gift since she couldn't really wrap it. Especially since it was already his. She walked back out with his bike helmet in her hands, custom painted. "I don't know if this is considered a gift if you bought the helmet yourself."- ( )
  15. Covet: Felix looked at the helmet and grinned. "Holy shit... It totally still counts as a gift. That is bad ass. The pink bandana is the shit." He said all excited and giddy as he took the helmet and looked over. "You out did yourself on this Red."
  16. Alexithymiaa: -She slid down to sit down next to him, giving a shrug. "I admittedly enlisted a little help with this one. I've never used an airbrush gun before so I had a bit of instruction, but I'm still pretty pleased with the way it came out."-
  17. Covet: "you still did it yourself, though." Felix said looking it over. "It's amazing." Then he frowned again, "All this amazing shit and I still have nothing for you though."
  18. Alexithymiaa: -She frowned, moving her hands to frame his face. "How many times do I have to remind you how much you've given me all of the other days of the year? I'm not concerned with what you do or don't give me on one specific day."-
  19. Covet: "But it's really cool stuff. And the only thing I have to offer up right now that looks even remotely "wrapped" is well..." He looked down at his shorts then over at her. "But I feel like that's a cop out."
  20. Alexithymiaa: -To prove her point, she shifted on the couch, tossing one leg over his lap to straddle him, sitting down and draping her forearms around his neck. "How is that a cop out? Not to mention might I remind you how much I can only assume you paid for this." She said, flicking her fingers to twirl her ring.-
  21. Covet: "Woah.. hey now..." Felix said as she climbed up on his lap. He rested his arms on her hips and gave her a look, then made a noise, "pfft, that doesn't count. That's not a chrismas gift."
  22. Alexithymiaa: "Exactly. This wasn't a Christmas gift, but it was a gift nonetheless. Do you see what I mean?" She asked gently, staring into his face.-
  23. Covet: "No, it was a gift that had a purpose and a promise attached to it. It's different. It means more, and gets it's own special thing. I get that you're trying to make me feel better, but I'm going to be pouty until it gets here, unless you can somehow manage to distract me."
  24. Alexithymiaa: "Mhm, it means more." She leaned in to brush her lips over his, keeping her voice low. "I think I can manage to distract you if you promise to get me some ice for my knee afterwards. It's been sore since we got here with all your crazy Arizona weather."-
  25. Covet: "I'm sorry it's not usually this bad and I can defintely get some ice for your knee and my shoulders, when we're done. But... we should probably get out of here incase Seb or my mom wakes up." He told her giving her ass a smack.
  26. Alexithymiaa: "We're falling apart at the seams." She said with a small laugh, swinging off of his lap and up to her feet, holding her hands down to him to help him up. "Then let's get off to your room then."-
  27. Covet: "I might be falling apart at the seams, but you're rusting up over ther, missy." He said with a smirk as she got up, he took her hands, but mostly got himself up, then wrapped his arm around her shoulders and walked with her back towards his room.
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