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10k draws from a Deck of Every Card

a guest
Jul 6th, 2015
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  1. 6 Four of Salads
  2. 6 Three of Hearts
  3. 10 Four of Spades
  4. 11 Four of Kumquats
  5. 12 Eight of Salads
  6. 12 Seven of Clubs
  7. 12 Ten of Diamonds
  8. 12 Ten of Spades
  9. 13 Four of Papayas
  10. 13 Nine of Salads
  11. 13 Three of Papayas
  12. 14 Five of Kumquats
  13. 14 Four of Clubs
  14. 14 Nine of Spades
  15. 14 Six of Diamonds
  16. 14 Six of Spades
  17. 15 Eight of Clubs
  18. 15 Seven of Salads
  19. 15 Three of Clubs
  20. 15 Three of Kumquats
  21. 15 Two of Kumquats
  22. 16 Eight of Kumquats
  23. 16 Ten of Kumquats
  24. 16 Three of Diamonds
  25. 16 Three of Salads
  26. 17 Five of Hearts
  27. 17 Six of Clubs
  28. 17 Six of Papayas
  29. 17 Ten of Clubs
  30. 17 Ten of Hearts
  31. 17 Ten of Salads
  32. 17 Three of Spades
  33. 17 Two of Hearts
  34. 18 Five of Spades
  35. 18 Four of Diamonds
  36. 18 Nine of Hearts
  37. 18 Seven of Hearts
  38. 18 Two of Diamonds
  39. 19 Eight of Spades
  40. 19 Five of Papayas
  41. 19 Five of Salads
  42. 19 Nine of Clubs
  43. 19 Nine of Kumquats
  44. 19 Six of Hearts
  45. 19 Two of Papayas
  46. 20 Eight of Diamonds
  47. 20 Eight of Papayas
  48. 20 Nine of Diamonds
  49. 20 Seven of Kumquats
  50. 20 Seven of Papayas
  51. 20 Seven of Spades
  52. 20 Six of Salads
  53. 20 Two of Clubs
  54. 22 Four of Hearts
  55. 22 Nine of Papayas
  56. 22 Seven of Diamonds
  57. 22 Ten of Papayas
  58. 22 Two of Salads
  59. 23 Six of Kumquats
  60. 23 Two of Spades
  61. 24 Five of Clubs
  62. 24 Five of Diamonds
  63. 25 Eight of Hearts
  64. 31 Four of Cups
  65. 31 Two of Coins
  66. 33 Five of Cups
  67. 33 Three of Cups
  68. 33 Two of Swords
  69. 35 Five of Swords
  70. 37 Three of Wands
  71. 38 Five of Wands
  72. 38 Two of Cups
  73. 39 Five of Coins
  74. 39 Four of Wands
  75. 39 Three of Swords
  76. 42 Three of Coins
  77. 45 Four of Swords
  78. 45 Two of Wands
  79. 48 Four of Coins
  80. 126 VII - The Chariot
  81. 130 II - The High Priestess
  82. 133 Suit Warehouse Discount Card
  83. 137 Forest
  84. 141 XI - Strength
  85. 144 Aquarius Horoscope
  86. 144 Revolver
  87. 144 XII - The Hanged Man
  88. 145 Island
  89. 145 Pirate Birthday Card
  90. 147 Mountain
  91. 147 Swamp
  92. 148 The Hive
  93. 149 Hunky Fireman Card
  94. 149 I - The Magician
  95. 149 Lightning Bolt
  96. 149 Rope
  97. 150 IX - The Hermit
  98. 150 Plantable Greeting Card
  99. 150 Unstable Portal
  100. 150 XIV - Temperance
  101. 152 Ancestral Recall
  102. 153 Dark Ritual
  103. 153 Fire Elemental
  104. 154 Plains
  105. 155 Goblin Sapper
  106. 155 Spare Tire
  107. 156 0 - The Fool
  108. 156 The Race Card
  109. 157 Extra Tank
  110. 157 XVIII - The Moon
  111. 157 XVII - The Star
  112. 158 V - The Hierophant
  113. 159 Slimer Trading Card
  114. 161 XV - The Devil
  115. 162 Gift Card
  116. 163 IV - The Emperor
  117. 163 Professor Plum
  118. 164 1952 Mickey Mantle
  119. 164 Green Card
  120. 164 Mine
  121. 165 Giant Growth
  122. 165 Go Fish
  123. 165 Laboratory
  124. 165 XVI - The Tower
  125. 166 Werewolf
  126. 168 XIII - Death
  127. 170 Candlestick
  128. 170 Christmas Card
  129. 172 Knife
  130. 172 Lead Pipe
  131. 174 Wrench
  132. 179 Sheep
  133. 180 Healing Salve
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