
DAiE Ch 3. Epilogue - The Lunar Princess

Apr 28th, 2012
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  1. >You are Doctor Anonymous.
  2. >And right now, you have screwed up. Big time.
  3. >Your body is covered in cold sweat. You woke up approximately an hour ago, in this room.
  4. >You would get out of this bed, but every muscle in your body is aching, and your hands are wrapped in bandages.
  5. >What the hell happened?
  6. >You only have a faint, fuzzy idea of what occurred, and the prognosis is grim.
  7. >If what you remember is true, then... Celestia is likely going to be pissed at you.
  8. >Actually, pissed is an understatement.
  9. >You look out the window, the bright moon shining its pale light into the room.
  10. >Something about it is beautiful, and yet foreboding.
  11. >Looking at it, you make a decision.
  12. >You should get out of here. Better to let Celestia cool down than know you're awake.
  14. >Your tired, stiff body protests every motion as you pry yourself into a sitting position. Turning to the side is no easier, and getting up is even worse.
  15. >Dear science, how much did powering that death ray drain your internal reserves?
  16. >Considering how damned tired you are, you're surprised you can move.
  17. >You manage, with time, to hobble over to the door. You place your hand on the cold metal, knob, and turn...
  18. >Well shit.
  19. >It's fucking locked.
  20. >You might be able to break it down, but... that is the opposite of stealthy. You might be able to pick it, but you don't have the energy to look for a substitute pick and tension wrench.
  21. >There's only one other exit to this place.
  22. >Your eyes drift back over to the window.
  23. >...damnit.
  25. >You hobble back across the room, and look down.
  26. >You're high up. Much higher than you'd like to be.
  27. >But you're overlooking the gardens, and there's a large, soft bush that you can easily land it.
  28. >You run through the possibilities in your head. Between the cushioning of the fall and your general resiliency, you should be able to survive and remain mobile.
  29. >And if not? You've got a back-up spine.
  30. >...
  31. >Are you really about to try and jump out of a window?
  32. >Your mind flashes back to the look on Celestia's face as you blew a hole in the ceiling.
  33. >...yes. Yes you are.
  34. >Hoisting yourself up into the archway, you steel yourself. One...
  35. >Two...
  36. >Three!
  37. >You cast yourself into the air, trusting not in fate, but in your calculative mind.
  38. >And then fate screws you over, by sending a large black form careening into your trajectory.
  40. >You slam directly into the large thing, which gives a feminine yelp.
  41. >You and the other creature tumble to the ground in a blur. And desperately you hope you manage to land on something soft.
  42. >The sickening crack and the sudden jolt of pain tell you that you did not, in fact, land on something soft. In fact, something soft landed on you.
  43. >You black out.
  44. >When your vision returns, you see the stranger you collided with, a large pony, with a deep, almost purple, blue coat, and a long, flowing mane that almost seemed to reflect the sky itself as it undulated in the cold night air.
  45. >It almost looks like...
  46. >You shoot up to a sitting position, even as your body cries out in demand that you stop.
  47. >Looks like that back-up spine is paying off.
  48. "C-celestia?"
  49. >The pony's face turns immediately from concern to disappointment.
  50. >"No, we are not our sister, strange creature."
  52. >You are flooded by guilt and relief at the same time. Running into Celestia like that right now would be bad.
  53. >But you've apparently offended this other pony. Her sister?
  54. "O-oh. I'm terribly sorry. I didn't know she had a sister."
  55. >She offers you a sad smile. "You and the rest of Equestria. We are sorry for running into you. Enigmatic creatures do not typically fall from the Canterlot windows. Can you walk?"
  56. >Your face flushes red as you consider just how stupid jumping out of a goddamn window was. With some effort, though, you manage to stand up.
  57. "It... it appears so."
  58. >She breathes a sigh of relief. "We are most glad. Crippling a visitor would do absolute wonders for our already wondrous popularity." The pony frowns for a second, before considering you. "And you are?"
  59. >With another unpleasant crack you manage to reset your primary spine. She flinches in response.
  60. "Ugh.. Doctor... Doctor Anonymous. A pleasure, I'm sure, miss...?"
  61. >She gives you a coy smile. "We are Princess Luna, Celestia's sister. We heard what you did to her dining hall."
  62. >Well, fuck.
  64. "I-is... is she mad?"
  65. >Her smile widens. "She is furious."
  66. >Well fucking fuck fuck fuck fuck.
  67. "Oh. Lovely."
  68. >"Isn't it?" This is not the response you expected, and she can read it on your face.
  69. >"We are sorry. 'tia and I are on good terms but, it is sometimes nice to see her get her comeuppance."
  70. >Silently, you wonder what happened between them to inspire something like that.
  71. "What happened between you two to inspire something like that?"
  72. >Damnit, mouth, I said silently.
  73. "Shut up, brain. You know we can't wonder silently."
  74. >She looks at you like a madman. Which you fucking are, because you're talking to yourself.
  75. "Uhm, sorry. But, what happened, if you don't mind me asking?"
  76. >Luna considers you for a moment, then looks up to the moon. "Very long ago, we had a fight. I was jealous, and she would not listen to me. It... ended badly."
  78. "'Badly', how?"
  79. >She pauses for a long while, still looking at the moon. "...she... we... do not wish to speak of it."
  80. "Fair enough."
  81. >You start to move forward. Pain courses through your body in a desperate attempt to get you to stop, but you tune it out. Luna might be your best bet of getting out of this situation with minimal consequences.
  82. "I'm sorry for asking, it was not my intention to dredge up bad memories."
  83. >She shakes her head, and starts walking with you. "It is not your fault. Besides, you didn't hurt anyp0ny, and the damage to the hall can be repaired. As far as we are concerned, all you did was infuriate our sister, so you cannot be too bad in our book." She giggles lightly at the thought of it. At least SOMEone is on your side here. Somep0ny, you mean.
  84. "Did she uh, happen to tell you why?"
  85. >"No. But... we can guess. We apologize for that as well. Our sister can be rather... untoward sometimes."
  86. >You block out the memories that attempt to come rushing back. The last thing you need is rustled jimmies around a second princess.
  87. "The real problem is that she was a bit -too- toward."
  88. >She giggles again. You made a joke. An actual damn joke. You think you're getting the handle of this 'social skills' thing.
  89. "So... would you be willing to help me evade your sister's wrath, perhaps?"
  90. >Luna stops, giving you a cautious, stern look.
  91. >Maybe not.
  93. >The princess doesn't speak for a long while. Her eyes scan up and down your body, and into your eyes, judging you.
  94. >It's uncomfortable.
  95. >"...yes. We think we can do that."
  96. >You breathe a sigh of relief. As the two of you begin walking again.
  97. "Thank you. I was wracking my brain trying to find a solution my predicament. You're a life-saver, Princess. Perhaps literally."
  98. >She smiles at the recognition. "Oh, no, Doctor. Our sister does not kill."
  99. >Then her smile fades. "She... is above killing."
  100. >Another snap as more of your bones lock into place.
  101. >She cringes. "What is.. what is that?"
  102. "It's my skeleton. I'm quite certain I fractured more than a few bones during that fall."
  103. >The alicorn cocks her head. "You humans are quite resilient."
  104. "Not really."
  105. >Her brow raises in confusion, and before she can inquire further, it's your turn to stop as your stomach sinks.
  106. >You've reached the royal garden's statuary.
  108. >"...Doctor?"
  109. >You don't answer her. Even from here, you can see it. That statue. Even from here, it unnerves you completely.
  110. >Her gaze follows yours, and her expression becomes one of suspicion. "...Doctor."
  111. >You finally pry your eyes from the statue to look at her.
  112. "...-y-yes?"
  113. >She gives you that appraising stare again. A pony of few words.
  114. >"You wish to avoid the statuary."
  115. "...yes."
  116. >"Very well. We... understand."
  117. >Wait, does she?
  118. >You walk on, silently.
  119. "So... who was it?"
  120. >"The statue?"
  121. "Yes."
  122. >"It was a good friend of ours. 'tia and I once cared for him dearly."
  123. "He does not seem very friendly."
  124. >"No. Something in him changed. It ended badly."
  125. "There's that phrase again."
  126. >She sighs. "Yes. It is a pattern in our life."
  127. >Wait, shit. Bad mouth. You are officially forbidden from speaking before clearing things with me.
  128. "Oh, pike off, brain."
  129. >"...what?"
  130. "Uhh... nothing. Clearing my throat."
  131. >She rolls her eyes, not believing you but not inquiring any further. The two of you are silent for a long while before Luna finally speaks up again.
  132. >"We cannot help but wonder, Doctor. Why were you falling out of a window? You cannot fly, can you?"
  133. "Oh! That. That is... a very good question."
  134. >"....yes?"
  135. "Well-"
  136. >You are cut off suddenly by a very familiar voice, that makes your entire body go stiff.
  137. >"Yes, Doctor. Pray tell, why -were- you falling out of a window?"
  139. >Well, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fucking fuckfuckfuckfuck
  140. >Slowly you turn. Step by step, inch by inch, millimeter by fucking millimeter.
  141. >Behind you stands Celestia, in her brilliant radiance, a bemused look on her face.
  142. "oh hello"
  143. >You start backing away, and you stumble clumsily into Luna.
  144. >She stands her ground.
  145. >"Sister, if you are thinking of punishing the Doctor, we implore you to think again."
  146. >Celestia raises an eyebrow. "Oh, dear sister? And what has the Doctor been telling you?"
  147. >"He told us enough. We know that it is your... forwardness that drove him to act out."
  148. >Celestia's expression does not change, and you can see Luna faltering slightly at that.
  149. >"Y-you have done this before, 'tia. Do you remember that griffin dignitary who fled Canterlot in a panic? Some may appreciate your advances, b-but.."
  150. >"But?"
  151. >Celestia steps closer to Luna, her long neck outstretched.
  152. >"But you.. you can't just-"
  153. >"Can't I?"
  154. >Luna lets out a small eep as Celestia steps forward again, her face now level with Luna's. She looks sternly at her sister, before smiling, and raising her neck again. She's giving you that same warm smile as when you first met her.
  155. >"Dear Luna, but you are so much fun to toy with. I'll have you know, I do not intend to punish the Doctor at all."
  156. >What?
  157. "What?"
  158. >"What?"
  160. "In fact, I pulled some strings, and I have acquired not only a house for him to stay in while he's Equestria, but some laboratory space."
  161. >What.
  162. "What."
  163. >"What."
  164. >Celestia laughs, taking far too much pleasure in your and Luna's stupor for your liking.
  165. >"But.. but you seemed so... angry at him."
  166. >She smiles. "I was. But then your little friend, Albert, told me something that changed my perspective entirely."
  167. >You are going to hug that little robot so hard.
  168. >"He did?"
  169. >Celestia nods. "Walk with me, Doctor. Luna, you can go. I promise I'll explain later."
  170. >Luna bites her lower lip in thought for a moment, before nodding, and bidding you a quiet "Farewell," before taking off.
  171. >The tall white pony looks down at you.
  172. "So... uh, what did Albert tell you?"
  174. >She doesn't answer immediately, and instead begins walking along the same path you and Luna were. Reluctantly, you begin to follow her.
  175. >"I want to apologize, Doctor. I jumped into what I wanted, without thinking of how you might take it."
  176. >You decide to keep your mouth shut on that one.
  177. >"I'm so used to ponies simply... giving me what I want. It's difficult to refuse a princess, after all." With that, she gives you a wink. You resist the urge to shudder.
  178. >"And, well, it hadn't even occurred to me that you might take my advances badly."
  179. >Keep. Shut. Mouth.
  180. >"After all, I had no idea you were a virgin."
  181. "I am going to throttle that little robot so hard."
  183. >She ignores you. "Something like that requires a.. delicate hoof. Slow, and deliberate. Caring. Nurturing. Something I didn't give you."
  184. >This is not happening.
  185. >"So for that, I apologize. I wouldn't want your first time to be some meaningless fuck on the dining hall table."
  186. >This is so not happening.
  187. >"And I understand if you're not quite ready."
  188. >Jimmies dangerously approaching rustling.
  189. >She leans closely to you, and a single hoof drags slowly across the small of your back as she whispers into your ear. "I'll give you some time to get ready for me."
  190. >Do not allow the jimmy reactor to overheat. Critical rustlage at this time could be catastrophic. REPEAT. DO NOT ALLOW-
  191. >Oh thank science she's stopped touching you.
  192. >She leans back up to a full standing position. "Until then, get situated. As I said, I've arranged for a comfortable house for you to stay in, and a local Ponyville engineer has offered to take you on as an apprentice. I suspect you're above the position, but at least you'll have a way of earning your keep."
  193. "why thank you princess"
  194. >"Just don't go losing your cherry before I've gotten a taste, Anonymous." You jump lightly in a mixture of pain and shock as her wing swings out and smacks your behind firmly.
  195. >With a wink, Celestia starts trotting off back towards the castle.
  196. >"And do go back to bed. You were in horrible condition the last time I saw you."
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