
Anonymous - #OpNSA Release IV: Saxby Chambliss

Oct 16th, 2013
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  1. Greetings.
  3. ~#Greeting to you Senator Saxby Chambliss Republican Senator from Georgia.#~
  6. ~#InfoSec#~
  7. ~#xen0nymous#~
  9. Sometimes, the world's laws is just a book to follow to be a man of the law.
  10. But sometimes you have to make exceptions in order to do what's right.
  11. ~#ReaperG
  13. ~#Message: And the time has come for a reckoning for your malfeasance as both a member of the senate and as a congressional representative from Georgia's 8th district.
  14. While serving in the US house of representatives as a member of the house permanent select comity of intelligence you shared the house
  15. intelligence sub comity on terrorism and homeland security which oversaw the intelligence inquirer into the September 11th attacks in
  16. 2001 and 2002 you naturally used that as a spring board into the senate.
  17. running on a campaign of fear to a victory in the 2002 elections and became the ranking republican on the senate select comity on intelligence a member of the Gang of Eight in 201.
  19. This means you are briefed on all intelligence operations and procedures as such you have nearly unrivaled access to information about covert operations and intelligence gathering methods just like your compatriots in the Gang Of Eight that we have previously profiled.
  21. Your voteing record on intelligence is of some note as you clearly favored draconian security measures over freedom and liberty
  22. You voted in favor of USA Patriot Act in 2001 as well as all of its extensions and expansions and the disastrous Protect America Act of 2007
  23. which paved the way for the 4th amendment destroying Prism program and even had the nerve to publicly condemn the recent mash
  24. which would have defended the mass collection of domestic telephone records of hundreds of millions of American citizens.
  25. Worst of all you will not hesitate to lie and dissemble to protect your position on these matters to quote one of your more public lies about the Prism program
  26. from an interview with George Stephanopoulos:
  27. -
  28. George :"Would it surprise you if it turns out that what Mr Greenwald reporting on there is true and that low level officials have that kind of capability to read e-mails, internet traffic, listen to phone calls?"
  30. Saxby: "George, It would not just surprise me. It would shock me. I was back at NSA just last week. uhh spent couple of hours out there with high level and low level NSA officials and what I have assured of is that there is no capability at NSA for anyone without a court order to listen to any telephone conversation or to monitor any e-mail.
  31. In fact we don't monitor e-mails that's what uhh kind of assures me that uhh the reporting is.. is not correct. because no e-mails are monitored now they used to be but that stopped uhh two, three years ago so I feel confident that uhh that
  32. there may have some abuse uhh but if was it was pure accidental"
  33. -
  34. This Clearly contradicts what is now known all about the NSA tactics and the Prism program as well as the NSA Keyscore.
  35. Thanks to the leaks by whistle blower Edward Snowden.
  37. And For what reason do you lie about the NSA and its domestic data mining and its surveillance senator?
  39. Perhaps you tell yourself that it is for the greater good?
  42. #InfoSec
  44. Perhaps you delude yourself that by circumventing the 4th amendment and the bill of rights your carrying out your sworn duty to protect the united states of America from all threats both foreign and domestic but your financial dis-closer statements tell a very different story. Since the 2008 election cycle you have accepted $840,816 dollars in campaign contributions or bribes.
  45. From defense contractors and NSA collaborators such as.
  47. Northrop Grumman $35,500
  48. Lockheed Martin $24,300
  49. Boeing n/a
  50. Verizon $17,500
  51. ATT $33,000
  52. Raytheon $15,500
  53. L-3 Communications n/a
  54. Microsoft $12,416
  56. In short you are beheld en' to the those who spy on us with drones, surveillance and our own private data and it is clearly their interest that you are making your priority not ours. Fortunately in January 2013 you announced that you will not be seeking reelection in the 2014 election cycle.
  58. Anonymous has had quite enough of you and will not be sorry to see you go.
  59. If you seek a presidential bid in 2016 we will do everything in our power to ensure you do not succeed.
  61. Farewell Senator Saxby Chambliss and good riddance.
  63. -x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---
  64. ------------------------------------------END OF INFO ///|\\\ I'M REAPERG------------------------------------------
  65. -x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---x---
  67. ~#Anonymous2013
  68. ~#DoX
  69. ~#EdwardSnowden
  70. ~#TheEnlightened
  71. ~#ReaperG
  72. ~#OpNSA
  73. ~#Illuminati666
  75. We are Anonymous.
  76. We are Legion.
  77. We do NOT forgive.
  78. We do NOT forget.
  79. The corrupt fear us.
  80. The honest support us.
  81. The heroic joins us.
  82. You should have expected us.
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