

Nov 28th, 2016
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  1. use Drupal\rdf_entity\Entity\Rdf;
  3. $body = "<p>This specification defines mechanisms to allow different security realms to federate, such that authorized access to resources managed in one realm can be provided to security principals whose identities are managed in other realms. While the final access control decision is enforced strictly by the realm that controls the resource, federation provides mechanisms that enable the decision to be based on the declaration (or brokering) of identity, attribute, authentication and authorization assertions between realms. The choice of mechanisms, in turn, is dependent upon trust relationships between the realms. While trust establishment is outside the scope of this document, the use of metadata to help automate the process is discussed. A general federation framework must be capable of integrating existing infrastructures into the federation without requiring major new infrastructure investments. This means that the types of security tokens and infrastructures can vary as can the attribute stores and discovery mechanisms. Additionally, the trust topologies, relationships, and mechanisms can also vary requiring the federation framework to support the resource&rsquo;s approach to trust rather than forcing the resource to change. The federation framework defined in this specification builds on WS-Security, WS-Trust, and the WS-* family of specifications providing a rich extensible mechanism for federation. The WS-Security and WS-Trust specification allow for different types of security tokens, infrastructures, and trust topologies. This specification uses these building blocks to define additional federation mechanisms that extend these specifications and leverage other WS-* specifications. The mechanisms defined in this specification can be used by Web service (SOAP) requestors as well as Web browser requestors. The Web service requestors are assumed to understand the WS-Security and WS-Trust mechanisms and be capable of interacting directly with Web service providers. The Web browser mechanisms describe how the WS-* messages (e.g. WS-Trust&rsquo;s RST and RSTR) are encoded in HTTP messages such that they can be passed between resources and Identity Provider (IP)/ Security Token Service (STS) parties by way of a Web browser client. This definition allows the full richness of WS-Trust, WS-Policy, and other WS-* mechanisms to be leveraged in Web browser environments. It is expected that WS-Policy and WS-SecurityPolicy (as well as extensions in this specification) are used to describe what aspects of the federation framework are required/supported by federation participants and that this information is used to determine the appropriate communication options. The assertions defined within this specification have been designed to work independently of a specific version of WS-Policy. At the time of the publication of this specification the versions of WS-Policy known to correctly compose with this specification are WS-Policy 1.2 and 1.5. Within this specification the use of the namespace prefix wsp refers generically to the WS-Policy namespace, not a specific version.</p>\r\n";
  5. Rdf::create([
  6.   'id' => '',
  7.   'rid' => 'solution',
  8.   'label' => 'whatever',
  9.   'field_is_state' => 'validated',
  10.   'field_is_description' => $body,
  11. ])->save();
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