
Alola Girls Ch. 31 (BBW, WG)

Oct 13th, 2020
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  1. Chapter 31
  3. Jack awoke to the sound of a phone going off. His head hurt a decent bit from all of the drinking the night before, but he remembered getting his rocks off inside the 240 beauty next to him and smiled with delight. He turned over to see her struggling wildly to get untangled from the blankets.
  5. “Morning.” Jack said, rubbing his eyes of sleep.
  7. “Aye, mornin’ to yoo.” Gloria muttered. “Da whiskey’s bitin’ meh.”
  9. “Same.” Jack said, realizing he hadn’t needed an extra minute to process her accent. “Want room service? I could use a bite to eat...”
  11. Gloria paused suddenly and turned to him. “I’m tahdy for werk alreadeh.”
  13. “Oh... sorry.” Jack said.
  15. It took a few minutes for Gloria to get dressed and ready in the bathroom, but when she re-appeared, she wore a scowl on her face. “Oi, rich boy.”
  17. “Wassup?” Jack replied.
  19. “I got no cah hehre...” Gloria said.
  21. “Shit, yeah, I’ll give you a ride.”
  23. A few minutes the later the duo was on their way out of the hotel parking lot in Jack’s rental car.
  25. “Oooh, dah Rosa girl, she’s a real jakeh. And you are a wee bit too.” Gloria said.
  27. Jack shrugged. “Usually I’m not such a light weight. What scotch was that we had last night?”
  29. Gloria giggled. “Not tellin’.”
  31. Jack rubbed his forehead, which still ached quite a bit. “Well I’m definitely feeling it today.”
  33. “Me too." Gloria groaned. “Wait, are we...?” Gloria’s voice stopped and her mouth opened.
  35. “Wha-?”
  37. “Wahn’ soom donuts?” Gloria asked, excitement in her voice. “
  39. “Uh... Sure.” Jack said.
  41. Minutes later the two were waiting in line at a decently packed donut shop. Jack couldn’t help but notice the number of obese women hanging around, even seeing a 400 pound female police officer gorging on donuts with abandon. His dick livened up, but when he got to the counter, he was shell-shocked.
  43. A tall, red-haired woman was behind the cash register. She had a loud, deeper voice that had a villainous tone. The woman had to be larger than the officer eating in the cafe. Gloria listed off a dozen donuts or so, and Jack’s watchful eyes followed the enormous clerk. Even so covered up in her uniform, he could tell the 430 pound woman had quite a figure. When she returned with the dozen donuts Gloria was taking to work, he got a good glimpse of her name-tag: Jesse.
  45. “And for you?” She asked him, her rounded face in a big smile.
  47. “Uh... let’s see...” Jack grabbed a dozen donuts for him and the girls back at the villa, as well as ordered a lot of chocolate milks. When Jesse turned around to go to the fridge, he got a view of one of the widest asses he’d ever seen.
  49. “She’s a real lookah, ain’t she?” Gloria muttered.
  51. Jack nodded. “That cop is too.”
  53. Gloria looked around and saw the blue-haired young woman pouring a frappe down her throat, then adding it to a pile of two other assuredly empty beverages. “Right you are.”
  55. “I’d let her arrest me any day.” Jack said with a wink.
  57. Jack turned back around, and a different woman appeared, this one much skinnier (but still fat by any standard) than Jesse. This woman had long golden hair done in pig tails. She was a looker as well, but not the eye catcher that Jesse was. He caught her name tag, reading “Cassidy” and then made eye contact with her, and she began speaking. “Sorry about the wait, our resident pig gets a little mesmerized by the donuts. Anything else I can get for you?” She said, a flirty look in her eyes.
  59. Jack gave an uneasy smile. “No, that’s all.”
  61. Cassidy smiled fakely back. “Well, take this orange juice on the house.” Cassidy said, handing him the bottle, and Jack noticed something was taped to it. “Have a great day, see you around.” She said, then walked away, swinging her hips with great exaggeration.
  63. “Dah happen all the time for yoo?” Gloria asked.
  65. “More and more, to be honest.” Jack said.
  67. “She gaw’ ah’ shot?”
  69. Jack shrugged. “If I’m bored and you aren’t available.” He gave Gloria’s gut a playful squeeze.
  71. “Oi, stop ih!” Gloria barked back.
  73. A few minutes later the duo was getting into Jack’s rental car, and Jack was just about to put his keys in the ignition when Gloria began softly hitting him on the back.
  75. “Look at dah!” Gloria said, pointing to something.
  77. Jack looked to a nearby parking spot and saw a police motorcycle being mounted by the 400 pound female police officer, or at least she was attempting to mount it. She couldn’t even swing either of her beefy legs over the seat. Jack whipped out his phone and immediately began filming the sight, feeling his loins getting more and more aroused.
  79. Gloria took notice of his erection and began to giggle. “Boyo, ah gotta go.” Gloria said.
  81. Jack nodded, stopped filming and turned the car on. Upon pulling out of the parking place, Gloria then maneuvered her head over his lap and began undoing his pants, forcing his dick out. Once out, Gloria turned up to face him and grinned wickedly. “Cheers” was all she had to say before she began sucking him off.
  83. A while later he was walking through the Hano Grand Resort lobby with a box full of donuts, debating on what to do with the rest of his day when he saw a display of informational pamphlets about things to do around Akala, and one caught his eye in particular: the Paniola Dairy farm just outside of town. He suddenly remember meeting the woman named Whitney with the enormous breasts, and remembered she was just over 400 pounds around a month ago, and was getting excited just thinking about how big she’d grown since.
  85. He bolted for the Sea House and saw Rosa and Nessa feasting on large stacks of pancakes smothered in syrup and butter. “Well girls, I got good news, we’re going for a little drive today.”
  87. Rosa gulped down some chocolate milk then turned to face him. “YAY!” She cheered loudly. “Is it anything to do with your secret project?”
  89. Jack shook his head. “Not at all. We’re going to the Paniola Dairy.”
  91. “The fwha-?” Nessa asked, mouth still full of pancake.
  93. “It’s supposed to have the best ice cream in Alola.” Jack said, and Rosa’s eyes lit up.
  95. “Oooh, I like the sound of that...” Rosa began, then looked down at her bloated tummy, which was still quite small but had been stuffed to the brim with breakfast foods. “Maybe ice cream isn’t the best idea for me...” Rosa said nervously.
  97. “No choice.” Jack said. “I’ll even buy you a flask for the trip.”
  99. “A flask?” Rosa asked dumbly.
  101. Nessa smirked. “For smuggling booze in public.”
  103. Rosa’s jaw dropped. “No no no no, I need to stay sober, I’ve already done too much.”
  105. Nessa whipped out her phone. “I’ve got a dozen different picture with you and different drinks the past few days, I’m sure Oleana would be very interested to see them...”
  107. Rosa’s expression turned to pure terror. “Oh...”
  109. Jack shrugged. “Besides, Oleana’s going to be out of our hair pretty soon. I’ll be your boss and you can get as drunk as you want with us.”
  111. Rosa shook her head. “But I don’t want to get drunk, especially so early in the morning...”
  113. “Then take it as bosses orders.” Jack said. “Even Nessa will start with you.”
  115. Nessa gave him a look but then turned back and smiled at Rosa. “Yeah, lets get some mimosas!”
  117. “Not the ones with the extra shot in them, right?” Rosa asked.
  119. Nessa shook her head. “In your dreams, girl.”
  121. Rosa sighed, exasperated, but bowed her head in submission.
  123. “Oh and I forgot to mention...” Jack said, opening the box of a dozen donuts. “You two need to finish these before we can leave.”
  125. Nessa eyed him with delight. “It’s been so long since I’ve had donuts...” Nessa then began scarfing down the remnants of her pancake breakfast with a gusto.
  127. After donut number eight was consumed, Jack could tell the girls needed to tap out.
  129. “Ugh... so many donuts...” Rosa said, then belched suddenly.
  131. “Talk about a carbo load...” Nessa said, rubbing her distended, bloated tummy.
  133. Jack decided to have mercy on the girls and wanted to escort them back to the villa so they could take a nap before they went on their excursion, but Jack noticed Kahili waddling to a table in the restaurant and he left his table without a word.
  135. “Hey Kahili!” Jack called out.
  137. Kahili had just finished licking her lips before he called out for her, prompting her to scowl. Jack dashed over and took a seat across from her. “So, apparently you know a woman named Whitney at the Paniola Ranch?”
  139. Kahili turned to him, a look of annoyance on her face. “Yeah, what of it?”
  141. “Can I get her number? Me and the girls were going to go there today.”
  143. Kahili’s annoyed expression didn’t change. “No.” She said, then turned to the waiter and began ordering.
  145. Jack knew when to take an L, so he went back to Nessa and Rosa’s table, paid the bill, and helped the bloated girls back to the villa. The both collapsed on some couches and stretched out, burping, moaning, and rubbing their tummies as their food comas took over.
  147. A couple hours later, the trio was pulling up to the Paniola Ranch. They’d stopped at a liquor store for a flask, some bottles of cola, and a bottle of rum for Rosa, who grumbled about it but mixed the concoction as directed. It was only a fifteen minute drive outside of town, but the look of the little town of Paniola was completely different from Heahea. It looked straight out of a western movie, with a lot of people rocking cowboy hats and boots. There was a large parking lot, where a fancy looking steakhouse was the first thing coming in to view. There was another, much larger building behind it where he presumed the ranch tour started.
  149. The three walked into the main lobby,which was quite empty. It was a little before lunchtime on a weekday, so there didn’t seem to be many people out for the tour. Behind the counter, Jack saw the reason he’d come to the ranch in the first place.
  151. The pink haired beauty named Whitney was dressed in a more cowgirl-looking outfit and sitting down behind the counter, but from her face and flabby upper body he could tell the woman had put on some weight since he’d last seen her.
  153. Jack approached the counter, a hard on growing in his pants as he made eye contact with Whitney. He could tell she recognized him and smiled. He gave her a big smile as he approached and put his elbow on the counter.
  155. “Miss Whitney?” Jack said, trying to be as smooth as possible.
  157. “Good morning Mr. Cobal.” Whitney said confidently.
  159. “You remember me?”
  161. “Yeah, rich guy from the Battle Buffet. Big fan of my breasts, hard to forget. Been a while.”
  163. Jack shrugged. “Yup. Finally made it out here.”
  165. “Good stuff.” Whitney said. “Staying at the Hano Grand Resort I presume?”
  167. “Oh yeah.”
  169. “How’s Kahili?”
  171. “Mad at me.” Jack said.
  173. “That’s how you know she likes you.” Whitney said. Jack’s eyes dropped to her titanic breasts and he raised his eyebrows. “Well I understand why she’s mad at you then.”
  175. Jack shrugged. “I keep a lot of company.”
  177. Whitney blushed at that, eyeing the two skinny girls flanking him. “I see. And who are these ladies?”
  179. The introductions began, and Rosa and Nessa began asking about the tour.
  181. “Well, we have a tour that was supposed to happen five minutes ago, but no one showed up for the guide. I’m sure she’d be happy to give you one now if you like.” Whitney explained to the trio.
  183. “Sounds great. Do I pay here?” Jack asked.
  185. “Yeah, just a sec. Acerola!” Whitney called out behind her and turned back to him. “You eating at the steakhouse afterwards?”
  187. Jack nodded. “Of course.”
  189. “Have Acerola tell me when you guys are done, I need to talk to you about something important.” She said with a serious tone.
  191. Jack raised his eyebrows lasciviously. “Not so subtle, are we?”
  193. Whitney grimaced. “Not that, horn dog. Something a bit more business-y.”
  195. Jack shrugged. “Well I’ll hear you out, but I don’t usually talk business.”
  197. “Have a tour and a steak and then lets talk.” Whitney said. “And here comes Acerola now.”
  199. A short, odd-looking young woman approached. Her hair looked rather messy, it being in a short bob with her bangs collected in a small ponytail going above her head. She wore a patchy dress of dark colors, and had big purple eyes. She was short like Lana, but a bit pudgier, weighing somewhere north of 360 pounds.
  201. “Hello there, are you here for the tour?” The portly young woman asked.
  203. “Yes we are!” Rosa replied enthusiastically.
  205. “Well, right this way please!” Acerola said, guiding the trio. “You three are so lucky, you get me all to yourself. Usually we’ll have large groups and families so there’s usually a couple dozen per tour, but it’s been pretty slow around here recently...”
  207. The tour was bit slow. They saw the many Miltank and Tauros, and saw how the Miltanks were milked, along with a history of the ranch. They then went into a cold storage facility where they saw ice cream being made.
  209. “Paniola Ranch’s ice cream has won many international awards and taste-test competitions. It’s probably the best kept secret in Alola...” Acerola explained.
  211. Rosa and Nessa were both captivated. Jack immediately thought back to Misty, she’d be in heaven. The redhead beauty was closing in on 400 pounds soon, and he’d have to get some of this ice cream to celebrate her milestone whenever he’d forced Oleana out of the picture.
  213. In the last stretch of the tour, Acerola had to stop and take a couple rest breaks, the portly little woman was getting rather fatigued form being on her feet so much. “Sorry, the employee discounts on ice cream have been really getting to me lately.” She gave as an explanation.
  215. The tour was finally over, and Jack asked Acerola to tell Whitney to meet them at the Paniola Steakhouse.
  217. The steakhouse had a rugged look to it, but a very high class looking menu. Rosa got a burger, while Nessa and Jack got steaks. Rosa had finished off the flask and her sodas while on the tour, so she was decently tipsy. Nessa ordered an Alolan Blue for her and one with two shots for Rosa, and told the waiter to “keep ‘em coming.”
  219. Jack had a beer, but since he was driving he wasn’t going to go too hard on it. Jack figured Whitney would be appearing at any moment, but she didn’t show up for a while.
  221. “And here’s your food...” The server said, putting an enormous looking burger in front of Rosa, then placing a large, juicy steak in front of Nessa. The server then put Jack’s smaller, but just as tasty looking steak in front of him. He took one last look around for Whitney before he started carving the steak up, and then took his first bite.
  223. The flavor hit him like a truck. The steak was perfectly cooked, and if it was possible for a steak to melt in your mouth, this was it. Nessa took her first bite and began moaning with delight.
  225. “This is so gooooood.” Nessa said.
  227. Rosa took a little while to compress her burger down for her to actually take a bite, but when she did, her reaction was even louder than Nessa’s moans of delight. The two skinny girls began tearing into their food ravenously, and even Jack was eating with abandon. This was easily the finest steak he’d ever had, and he’d had the best steaks of Castelia, one of the most prestigious dining scenes in the world.
  229. He didn’t even notice Whitney waddle up to the table until she was standing over him. “Well what do you think?”
  231. Jack had just taken a bite and nodded happily, chewing it a few times before swallowing. “It’s the best steak I’ve ever had.”
  233. Nessa nodded in agreement, mouth full of steak.
  235. “I know right?” Whitney said. “Mind if I sit?”
  237. “Please do. Want a steak for yourself?” Jack asked.
  239. Whitney’s eyes lit up. “You bet I do.”
  241. Whitney looked around real quick and grabbed a second chair, placing them underneath her massive behind before taking her seat. A server then came by and got Whitney’s order before scurrying off again.
  243. “So, business-y?” Jack said, facing Whitney and her titanic jugs.
  245. “Yes... You’ll notice there aren’t many people around her right now.”
  247. “Yeah, so?” Jack said. “Great service for us then.”
  249. Whitney nodded. “Yeah, but not a lot of revenue.”
  251. Jack grimaced, this was very business-y.
  253. Whitney had paused, expecting him to speak, but read his face and sighed. “Okay, so last month the owner died, and his kids have been having some legal squabbles. To pay for everything they’ve cut the advertising budget among other things, and while I don’t have the books, I can tell things are getting pretty dire financially around here.”
  255. Jack shrugged. “That’s too bad, this is a great place.”
  257. Whitney nodded, her multiple chins wobbling. “It’s an amazing place. But the kids are destroying it.”
  259. “Okay... So where do I come into the picture?”
  261. Whitney took a deep breath. “Well, considering they’re losing a ton of money right now, I think you should put in a bid to buy this place.”
  263. Jack’s grimace grew. “I don’t know a lick about running a business. I inherited all of my money.”
  265. “You could probably get it for really cheap.”
  267. Jack shook his head. “I’m already dealing with some bullshit as it is regarding my estate. If this place can’t keep its head above water, that’s really unfortunate.”
  269. Whitney then sighed. “This place was running fine before, the president of operations is still the same. And, this is gonna sound weird, but I talked to Kahili about you not too long ago.”
  271. “Oh... Alright.” Jack was no longer as surprised she remembered him so clearly.
  273. “She mentioned you do a lot of charity work, and you and your assistants want to help Alola any way you can. This is a very important part of local culture, I know it would benefit Alola to keep this place around.”
  275. Jack opened his mouth to rebuttal, but couldn’t think of anything. She was right, he did want to help Alola any way he could. He took a deep breath and shook his head.
  277. “How much you think this place is worth right now?”
  279. Whitney hemmed and hawed for a moment before saying “This place was evaluated at 5 million a couple years ago, now you could get it for one I bet.”
  281. Jack liked the sound of that. “I’m not going to pull the trigger anytime soon, but I’d be interested in speaking with the current president at some point.”
  283. “I can get you dinner with her tonight.” Whitney said. “She’s been having a very rough time.”
  285. “I bet.” Jack said. “You and her ought to come to Sea House tonight if that’s the case. I’ll be around.”
  287. “Excellent, it’s a date.” Whitney said, then went red when she realized the last part she’d added in.
  289. Jack shrugged. “Sounds good then. 6:00 work?”
  291. Whitney nodded. “We’ll see you then. She’s going to be thrilled!” Whitney exclaimed.
  293. A server then came by and with a dessert menu.
  295. “Anyone up for dessert?” He asked.
  297. “Oh yeah, I’ve been looking forward to the ice cream all day!” Rosa said excitedly, Jack realizing her burger had vanished.
  299. “Yeah, me too.” Nessa said, grabbing a menu.
  301. “Wait until you try the ice cream.” Whitney said. “It’s divine.”
  303. A few minutes later, Whitney’s steak came out, and not long after two massive sundaes were placed in front of Rosa and Nessa.
  305. Nessa had ordered a vanilla sundae covered in hot fudge sauce and a raspberry syrup looking thing. Rosa had gotten the same but with chocolate, both girls had star eyes as they both licked their lips.
  307. After one bite each both girls mewled with delight. “It’s so good!!!!!” Nessa cooed. “I don’t care about the brain freeze, this is amazing!”
  309. Jack grabbed a spoon and took a bit of Rosa’s chocolate monstrosity, and even he was hooked. “Yeah that’s the best damn ice cream I’ve ever had. You guys send this to stores on Melemele?”
  311. Whitney shook her head. “For some reason, no. Something a change in leadership could push...”
  313. Jack rolled his eyes. “Clever.” Jack paused for a brief bit, then cleared his throat. “And what’s the ranch president’s name?”
  315. Whitney smiled. “Her name... Is Cynthia.”
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