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Nov 12th, 2019
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  2. 18:40:23 <Hippo> Crashington: 'An ongoing disinformation is to cover up any manifestations of SCP-XXXX, labelling it a rare non-anomalous disease affecting the nervous system.'
  3. 18:40:27 this can be simplified:
  4. 18:40:43 'An ongoing disinformation campaign is to cover up manifestations of SCP-XXXX as a rare non-anomalous disease affecting the nervous system.'
  7. 18:41:25 <•Crashington> That works better yeah
  9. 18:41:39 <Hippo> 'Affected individuals begin to perceive strong pain in multiple regions of the body.'
  10. 18:41:57 rule of thumb: never use 'begin' when you don't have to
  11. 18:42:03 'Affected individuals perceive...'
  12. 18:42:10 also swap 'strong' with 'severe'
  13. 18:42:26 'Where the pain is felt and how it feels differs for each individual.' <-- would cut this line
  14. 18:42:56 'Cases of SCP-XXXX can be identified by slight fluctuations of Hume levels at the affected nerves and within the brains of the victims. Furthermore, the pain is not affected by any kind of analgesic1.' <-- hm
  15. 18:43:19 i might feel differently but my instinct says 'cut the hume levels sentence'
  16. 18:43:25 and change the last sentence to something like
  17. 18:44:13 'This pain is non-responsive to any form of medication', maybe
  18. 18:44:17 analgesics aren't just painkillers btw
  19. 18:44:38 wait
  20. 18:44:39 i'm wrong
  21. 18:44:42 morphine *is* an analgesic
  22. 18:44:49 i thought analgesics only referred to things like aspirin and tylenol
  23. 18:44:51 so nvm
  25. 18:45:02 <•Crashington> I looked it up :D analgesic is literally everything that is used against pain
  27. 18:45:03 <Hippo> 'This pain is non-responsive to analgesics'
  28. 18:45:25 yeah, i used to work in a pharmacy and we called it the 'analgesics aisle' and i think i just got it into my head that's *all* it referred to (tylenol, etc)
  30. 18:45:41 <•Crashington> Yeah haha, i didnt even know the term before
  34. 18:46:14 <•Crashington> The hume level thing was to make it clearly anomalous
  36. 18:46:34 <Hippo> right, i think that's a detriment to your article though, depending on how this pans out
  39. 18:46:48 <Hippo> like you can get away with not making it clear how something is anomalous as long as the article shows us it's anomalous later
  41. 18:46:49 <•Crashington> So noone says "why did this even get an scp entry"
  44. 18:47:02 <•Hippo> oh, haha
  46. 18:47:04 <•TheMightyMcB> There we go
  47. 18:47:40 Yeah it's either you update or I had to kick you from the room and ask you to rejoin
  49. 18:47:47 <•Hippo> Crashington: like you can get away with just saying 'this thing is anomalous' -- SOMEONE will complain in the comments, 100% guarantee, but it won't be the majority of readers
  51. 18:47:49 <•TheMightyMcB> And ns update is more polite
  53. 18:48:07 <•Hippo> especially if it's established in the article itself how it's anomalous later on
  54. 18:48:47 'The first documented case of SCP-XXXX was reported by Researcher Dimas Reynolds on 2013/12/03. Researcher Reynolds reported to the hospital wing of Site-52 complaining of sharp pains in his lower abdomen, left leg and throat. During the check-up, no cause for this could be found. As the symptoms did not subside over several days and despite medication, Reynolds suspected anomalous activity
  55. 18:48:47 and was granted a more thorough examination.'
  56. 18:48:57 this bit feels a bit awkward, let me try to chew through why/how
  57. 18:49:37 'The first documented case of SCP-XXXX occurred on 2013/12/03. Researcher Reynolds reported to the hospital wing of Site-52, complaining of sharp pains in his lower abdomen, left leg, and throat.'
  58. 18:49:44 (you forgot the oxford comma btw)
  59. 18:49:50 (that's the comma that comes before the 'and')
  60. 18:50:11 i would cut the 'during the check-up' sentence
  62. 18:51:50 <•Crashington> Oh yeah, the checkup thing is awkward
  64. 18:52:01 <•Hippo> 'Despite treatment, the symptoms persisted over several days; this led to a more thorough examination.'
  66. 18:52:02 <•Crashington> Id change it to examination if ill keep it at all
  68. 18:52:31 <•Hippo> 'Below is an interview conducted with Researcher Reynolds to gain further insight on his symptoms.' cut this, you don't need it (the interview speaks for itself)
  70. 18:52:41 <•Crashington> Okay
  72. 18:52:48 <•Hippo> 'Addendum 1: 2013/12/15 Interview Log' <-- cut the date too (the date is *in* the log)
  73. 18:53:29 Crashington: <-- check out the top two blocks (one is a video log, and the other is the code for this log)
  74. 18:53:43 i'm providing this to show you a simple format
  76. 18:53:48 <•Crashington> Oh thanks
  78. 18:53:55 <•Hippo> one change i'd make to make this more clean (to the log i provide)
  80. 18:53:59 <•Crashington> Shouldve probably looked at formatting gaha
  82. 18:54:07 <•Hippo> >
  83. = **INTERVIEW LOG**
  84. 18:54:08 >
  85. ----
  86. 18:54:16 >
  87. **DATE:** xx/yy/whatever
  88. 18:54:23 >
  89. **INTERVIEWER:** blah blah
  90. 18:54:25 >
  91. ----
  93. 18:54:26 <•Crashington> Oh yeah
  94. 18:54:31 Thats probably sexier
  96. 18:54:33 <•Hippo> >
  98. [BEGIN LOG]
  100. 18:54:47 yeah it just looks much more neat and organized
  101. 18:55:16 okay question #1: does this need to be a video log
  102. 18:55:19 can this just be an audio log
  103. 18:55:24 do we need to *see* anything
  104. 18:55:54 if not, make it an audio log -- less for us to process, we can focus on the dialogue, and it feels more credible (like we're listening into an audio-tape rather than watching a video that isn't here)
  105. 18:56:36 like asking the reader to imagine we're hearing audio is more immersive than asking the reader to imagine we're watching video (since you're asking the reader to fake *two* senses instead of just one)
  107. 18:56:51 <•Crashington> I guess i felt it made sense that they would just default to video
  108. 18:57:00 In an interview
  109. 18:57:09 But i see your point
  111. 18:57:16 <•Hippo> def. up to you but i don't see any reason why it couldn't just be audio! but it's not *super* important
  112. 18:57:25 Reynolds: Hey Rosa. Right now, the same way as I've been feeling for the past 2 weeks now.
  113. 18:57:26 It just doesn't stop hurting. <-- line-break here? why?
  114. 18:57:44 <•Crashington> Not on purpose oops
  116. 18:58:15 <•Hippo> 'Lutece: Could you describe the way it hurts?' <-- 'Could you describe the pain?' sounds more like something a doctor would say
  117. 18:58:26 or 'Could you describe the pain? Burning, piercing...?'
  118. 18:58:47 'Well, basically my throat, left leg and stomach have been hurting like crazy. It feels very sharp and I can't seem to influence it at all.'
  120. 18:59:20 <•Crashington> Oh yeah making suggestions is good
  122. 18:59:32 <•Hippo> 'It's in my throat and leg. Sometimes in my stomach. Sharp and stabbing. Nothing I do seems to affect it.'
  124. 18:59:33 <•Crashington> Really didnt like that single sentence so that makes it better
  126. 19:00:06 <•Hippo> the reason i changed this is complicated but one reason is that you don't want his description to sound like literally the description we already received in the discovery log (when you described the pain he reported)
  127. 19:00:15 you want it to sound a little more human
  128. 19:00:54 'Lutece: What you mean is that the pain does not respond to any influences? So it doesn't grow smaller or bigger no matter what you do?'
  129. 19:01:32 'Lutece: The pain doesn't respond to anything? It doesn't grow more or less intense when you do certain things?'
  130. 19:02:19 Lutece: I am so sorry, Dimas, I am sure we will figure something out to help you soon. Is there anything else you would like to note before we stop for today?
  131. 19:02:19 Reynolds: There is, it's just… kind of hard to describe. <-- need another linebreak for this
  132. 19:02:32 'Lutece: Take your time, you can say it in simple words.' <-- just "Take your time." is fine
  133. 19:03:47 i just read through the rest of it
  134. 19:03:49 i don't get what's going on
  135. 19:04:00 can you summarize it for me? like what's the disease?
  137. 19:08:01 <•Crashington> Basically, the foundation is dabbling in an unconventional way to keep people from dying ik accidents
  138. 19:08:28 By pulling versions from universes where they didnt die to ours, to replace them
  140. 19:08:39 <•Hippo> okay -- is that something i'm supposed to get from this article?
  141. 19:08:47 or do i need to have read the other article you reference to understand that
  143. 19:08:59 <•Crashington> This however, not only robs the other universed, but also leads to them feeling tje symptoms of their originals death
  144. 19:09:14 The other article is just a thing that kills alot of people
  146. 19:09:19 <•Hippo> that seems like... an interesting idea, i think? but it also seems incomplete
  148. 19:09:19 <•Crashington> But it didnt
  150. 19:09:24 <•Hippo> oh, okay
  151. 19:09:32 yeah like there's absolutely no way i'm going to get that from this article
  153. 19:09:36 <•Crashington> Yeah i still seem to be not clear enough with it
  154. 19:10:05 I would like it to be something where you dont get it inmediatly
  155. 19:10:16 But i obviously dont want it to be completely unclear
  157. 19:10:17 <•Hippo> i'm a huge fan of making things implicit but this definitely falls well past the line of 'not enough information to leave the reader with a sense of what's going on'
  159. 19:10:53 <•Crashington> Yeah, youre not the first to say that (although i already made some changes)
  160. 19:11:03 Where do you think it could be more explicit?
  162. 19:11:09 <•Hippo> also like, we don't even get the sense that the foundation is *up* to anything here
  163. 19:11:41 <•Hippo> hm
  164. 19:11:59 <•Hippo> idk i also feel like the whole phantom limb/phantom death thing is *interesting* as a premise but somehow incomplete
  165. 19:12:13 that being said, i think you need to... hm
  167. 19:12:38 <•Crashington> Oh really
  169. 19:13:00 <•Hippo> one thing i'd put a lot of thought into is whether you want this to be something the foundation is doing, or something that's happening without the foundation's awareness, too
  171. 19:13:18 <•Crashington> Damnit i thought the seemingly senseless research prohibition and the restricted accesd would do lead it into the conspiracy thing
  172. 19:13:51 I would definitly like it to be a conspiracy type thing
  174. 19:14:00 <•Hippo> i mean that implies the foundation isn't interested in investigating this, but that could imply all *sorts* of things; technology that uses alt-universe body-snatching isn't exactly the first place my mind would go
  175. 19:14:25 okay, then i think you need to establish a sense of strong paranoia
  177. 19:15:03 <•Crashington> Yeah i guess so hmm
  179. 19:15:22 <•Hippo> like. rather than the direction you're going in here, i think the interview needs a significantly different approach
  180. 19:15:46 the way you have it structured now it's him talking about the pain, mentioning something weird, then going on this speech where he describes being confused and going to the wrong mailbox
  182. 19:16:35 <•Crashington> That one is to imply like a mandela effect
  184. 19:16:52 <•Hippo> instead, think of structuring it this way: describe this initially as anomalous pain in the body. then, at the end, with just one line, briefly mention something about the subjects expressing various degrees of paranoia, confusion, and displaced/incorrect memories. then have the interview be a *psychological* interview/therapy session, where
  185. 19:16:55 --yeah
  186. 19:17:27 like, he's been growing angry and confused and is no longer spending time with his wife or children. insisting they *aren't* his wife and children, maybe
  187. 19:17:42 or maybe more subtle, just describing how everything in his house feels wrong. the alarm clock is the wrong color
  188. 19:17:55 the number of steps on his staircase in his house is one too many
  189. 19:18:09 you want to skirt the line between making the reader wondering if this guy's legitimately crazy or if he's legitimately right
  190. 19:18:41 you can have it escalate at the end with the psychologist mentioning some incident with his wife and/or children and him claiming loudly they aren't his children -- like that could be how it ends, this forceful insistence or something
  191. 19:19:07 at that point you've got the reader a little confused and interested, because now they're wondering "okay is this guy just paranoid? or are things changing around him? or what's going on"
  193. 19:19:16 <•Crashington> I guess he is waving it off too much right now
  195. 19:19:23 <•Hippo> right, and it's not the focus
  197. 19:19:32 <•Crashington> Yeah
  199. 19:19:35 <•Hippo> also that big speech he gives at the end -- like i think that's too much -- it's this huge chunk of text that's easy to gloss over
  200. 19:19:46 you want to work it in slower, with the doctor talking to him about it, easing the reader in
  202. 19:19:56 <•Crashington> That makes alot of sense
  203. 19:20:15 This is the 2nd time ive triednto weite dialogue so this is really helpful haha
  204. 19:20:26 Tried to write*
  206. 19:20:43 <•Hippo> oh, no problem, and yeah dialogue is extremely hard to pull off well -- it takes a lot of practice i feel, and a lot of reading of other works to kind of get into the right headspace
  207. 19:21:12 i'd look to movies with dialogue you really like -- remember that dialogue doesn't have to be realistic, it just has to *feel* realistic
  210. 19:22:00 <•Hippo> also if you go with the paranoia angle, just be careful not to get too deep into the mental illness angle, lots of potential landmines there (you can avoid most of them by just going with a generic 'paranoia' diagnosis)
  212. 19:22:43 <•Crashington> Yeah
  214. 19:23:09 <•Hippo> after that though you're not done -- i'm not sure where you go from there, but once you establish the atmosphere of paranoia, i think... maybe broaden it? give us a sense that there's multiple people throughout the foundation experiencing this. there's one other creepy angle you can go with for atmosphere that might work, might not
  217. 19:23:30 <•Crashington> I could also escalate it more with the incident, where all those displaced people show this confusion and hysteria
  219. 19:23:35 <•Hippo> remember that these are people who were supposed to have died -- they were snatched from a world where they didn't and brought to one where they did
  222. 19:23:56 <•Hippo> so maybe part of this process leaves them increasingly fixated on the method which they should have died
  223. 19:24:03 ie, someone who died in a car crash keeps waking up in his car
  224. 19:24:07 keeps having dreams of car accidents
  226. 19:24:11 <•Crashington> Ohh
  227. 19:24:19 Thats an interesting angle
  229. 19:24:24 <•Hippo> until eventually he just. *kills* himself in a car accident/crash. recreating it
  231. 19:24:38 <•Crashington> Yeah
  233. 19:24:50 <•Hippo> like, some part of their subconscious recognizes they don't belong here, that they were supposed to have *died* in this world, and they keep going back to that
  235. 19:24:52 <•Crashington> I think i need a much igger escalation
  236. 19:25:02 This does not work with a fpcus on the small scale
  237. 19:25:10 Bigger*
  238. 19:25:29 Not even more explicit but just more extreme
  240. 19:25:41 <•Hippo> i think it can work with the small scale focus but i do agree you need to broaden your approach a little, maybe? not sure hat that would look like but -- maybe, yes
  242. 19:26:14 <•Crashington> 19:23:30 <• Crashington> I could also escalate it more with the incident, where all those displaced people show this confusion and hysteria
  243. 19:26:21 <•Crashington> What would you think of this
  245. 19:31:03 <•Hippo> Crashington: either way after the interview (which is your hook -- this might be a challenge because it means your interview's gotta be pretty choice, and a good, atmospheric, escalating interview is *really* hard, especially if you haven't done them before), you need a way to push things farther and make us start feeling that paranoia toward the *Foundation* -- like once you got us into
  246. 19:31:03 the guy's paranoid headspace about his life, you need to make us wonder if the Foundation *itself* isn't fucking with him somehow
  247. 19:31:11 but i think that interview is the main thing you've gotta get first
  248. 19:31:32 like that's what i would focus on, making that interview a good bangin slow-boil paranoia thing
  249. 19:31:45 after that the rest can kind of flow out from it
  251. 19:31:57 <•Crashington> Yeah the interview is definitly the main part
  252. 19:32:03 That was always the intention
  254. 19:32:21 <•Hippo> from there you got a lot of options (once the interview is solid i mean) and it's hard for me to talk about them because they all depend on how the interview goes
  255. 19:33:35 i think that's it for now unless you got anything you want to ask me
  257. 19:33:36 <•Crashington> I like the idea of leaning into the censorship best, but yes it probably depends on the interview
  258. 19:34:06 Not really, this was alot to take in, but in the best way
  259. 19:34:19 You have been a huge help hippo, thank you
  261. 19:34:25 <•Hippo> np!
  263. 19:34:32 <•Crashington> I know where to go from here
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