
We have lost a good friend. Rest in peace, DerplingDiamond.

Jun 14th, 2017
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  1. I'm not gonna share any personal details, but after excessive research and even getting confirmation from his family, DerplingDiamond (yes, the same derplingdiamond that's known for always being in my chat and always memeing) has passed away. We just learned that this happened on June 7th.
  3. This whole situation honestly doesn't even feel real, and I don't even really know what to say or what to do. I've never lost anyone close to me like this before so I'm not sure how I should go about it at all. I feel like I should at least inform everyone of this though, because Diamond was such a huge part of the community that I built with streaming. No matter what I was doing, Diamond was ALWAYS there. He was definitely known for being a memer but at the end of the day he was still a nice guy and he always supported any decision I decided to make in regards to my stream.
  5. I talked to Diamond almost every day, we shared so many laughs and good experiences. It's just so weird to think that same guy I was having fun with just last week is actually gone now. It just happened SO suddenly and there's no way any of us could have been prepared for it. I don't know the full details of his passing (like why or how it happened), but regardless it feels like a huge part of me and our community has been completely demolished. Keep in mind that Diamond made most of my FFZ emotes, and there's also the hundreds of videos on my channel where I'm talking to Diamond directly because he's by far the most active member of my chat. So all that history of him is just.... left with us, forever.
  7. I honestly don't know what else to say. I'm just incredibly heartbroken over this for so many reasons. I don't know how we're even supposed to move on from this. But regardless of what happens now, we can't forget about everything DerplingDiamond has done for the MarioMan community. There aren't any words powerful enough that express how sad I am over this, but the best thing we can do now is remember Diamond for everything he did and try our hardest to move forward from this point onward. And of course, I give all of my condolences to Diamond's family.
  9. We love you, DerplingDiamond. And we won't ever forget you. <3
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