
You Wouldn't Pirate Meduigi's Mansion Part 2 / Also robots

Apr 21st, 2014
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  1. Mar 08 12:19:41 <Aori_Radidjiu> All right! You all go up the stairs and back into the study. Seems the time is about 2 PM, now, judging from the sun in the singular window in this room.
  2. Mar 08 12:22:36 <Melons> Is that everything upstairs?
  3. Mar 08 12:23:08 <Aori_Radidjiu> Ah, let me clarify
  4. Mar 08 12:23:10 * Knox is still a bit wary after the ghosts started playing games with them
  5. Mar 08 12:23:22 <Aori_Radidjiu> When you found the hidden staircase in the study
  6. Mar 08 12:23:24 <Aori_Radidjiu> it went down
  7. Mar 08 12:23:35 <Aori_Radidjiu> And then you guys went back up after you investigated it
  8. Mar 08 12:23:41 <Aori_Radidjiu> Back into the study.
  9. Mar 08 12:23:49 <Melons> But after that, have we explored everything we've found upstairs or are there remaining rooms?
  10. Mar 08 12:24:38 <Aori_Radidjiu> On 2F? Definitely not, this thing is a whole quadrangle and you guys have only really investigated the sourthern part of 2F
  11. Mar 08 12:24:49 <Aori_Radidjiu> Not that investigating every room is exactly necessary
  12. Mar 08 12:25:03 <Med> every single god damn room
  13. Mar 08 12:25:14 <Aori_Radidjiu> Your goal is the Library, after all
  14. Mar 08 12:25:30 <Med> (one of the books we were looking for was hidden behind a wall, so clearly we'll have to search everything)
  15. Mar 08 12:25:34 * Knox seems to be ready to get a move on
  16. Mar 08 12:25:35 <Melons> "So uh...Med, you said you actually remembered where the library is?"
  17. Mar 08 12:26:20 <Med> "Sort of. What I'm looking for's up here, though."
  18. Mar 08 12:26:43 <Melons> "You gonna clue us in?"
  19. Mar 08 12:27:15 * Med i-isn't sure which clues Mel wants, so she just ???s at Mel
  20. Mar 08 12:28:13 <Aori_Radidjiu> Med, there are two entrances to the library! There's one on 2F's West Hallway, and another on 1F's West Hallway. The library is oddly also the only entrance to the courtyard that isn't through a window.
  21. Mar 08 12:28:38 <Melons> Groooooan. "Well just tell me where the library is and the rest can help you look for...whatever you're looking for."
  22. Mar 08 12:28:40 <Aori_Radidjiu> (>implying there was only one copy of that book in the whole house)
  23. Mar 08 12:29:20 <Aori_Radidjiu> You guys are at 2F West Wing right now, in a room off its Southern Hallway.
  24. Mar 08 12:29:44 <Med> "That's super dangerous, though!"
  25. Mar 08 12:30:16 <Knox> “Splitting up? I’d rather just hurry all of this up either way, but I’ll go with her.”
  26. Mar 08 12:30:45 <Melons> "They're only ghosts, and it's not my family they seemingly have a problem with."
  27. Mar 08 12:31:13 <Mackenzie> "I'd rather we get Med's thing together, then go to the library together, and not make ourselves vulnerable."
  28. Mar 08 12:31:32 * Knox grunts. “What are you looking for, then?” he asks Med.
  29. Mar 08 12:33:02 * Mayuri is tagging along, she guesses! :o
  30. Mar 08 12:33:17 <Med> "Proof that my oldest brother existed."
  31. Mar 08 12:33:39 <Melons> "So...picture album?"
  32. Mar 08 12:34:10 <Med> "Maybe. Or things that would've belonged to him. Or which room he might've slept in."
  33. Mar 08 12:35:30 <Melons> "Well the other brothers' rooms are all in this area, so if it's not here that might be a bit mroe obscure than just checking the library for things more specifically related to your family. Or hidden chambers with conspicuous books or candles."
  34. Mar 08 12:38:04 <Knox> “Oldest brother...?” he’s a bit confused at what the fuck Med is going on about but shrugs. “Seems like an awfully vague search. You don’t know what you’re looking for or where you’d find it?”
  35. Mar 08 12:38:06 <Med> "Mhm. The library's pretty close anyway~"
  36. Mar 08 12:38:27 <Knox> “Well, let’s have a look.”
  37. Mar 08 12:38:32 <Melons> Mel suppresses a second groan.
  38. Mar 08 12:41:58 <Aori_Radidjiu> Out of the study, I"m assuming? Let's seee~
  39. Mar 08 12:42:06 * Med TO MORE BEDROOMS
  40. Mar 08 12:42:13 <Melons> She is the devil.
  41. Mar 08 12:42:29 * Med is only half-devil!
  42. Mar 08 12:42:54 <Melons> The Devil is an angel.
  43. Mar 08 12:44:23 <Aori_Radidjiu> 2F WEST WING SOUTH HALLWAY doesn't have any unexplored rooms. Rounding the corner, you reach 2F WEST WING WEST HALLWAY SOUTH SECTION, which has two doors on the left and one on the right.
  44. Mar 08 12:46:26 * Melons picks the right left door.
  45. Mar 08 12:46:38 <Med> "One of these is the library, I think!"
  46. Mar 08 12:47:05 <Aori_Radidjiu> There's a further section of hallway further down (MIDSECTION) and another one even further down (NORTH SECTION). The entrance to the library is in the MIDSECTION
  47. Mar 08 12:49:16 * Knox just shuffles along.
  48. Mar 08 12:49:44 <Aori_Radidjiu> There's...a far left door and a close left door, to separate them. which one did you mean, Mel?
  49. Mar 08 12:49:51 <Melons> The right one!
  50. Mar 08 12:50:09 <Melons> They're left doors, that means the far one.
  51. Mar 08 12:50:23 <Aori_Radidjiu> ooooooooooookay
  52. Mar 08 12:50:31 <Aori_Radidjiu> (that's what I thought, but what a goof)
  53. Mar 08 12:50:45 * Mackenzie follows along as well, presumably going through the door with Mel
  54. Mar 08 12:50:49 <Aori_Radidjiu> Going into the far left door, you find...
  55. Mar 08 12:52:33 <Aori_Radidjiu> A guest room! There's a bed, a nightstand, and a closet, all in perfect order, save for the dust that's begin to cover them.
  56. Mar 08 12:52:42 <Aori_Radidjiu> *begun
  57. Mar 08 12:52:55 * Melons sighs and...looks under the bed.
  58. Mar 08 12:53:22 <Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20
  59. Mar 08 12:53:22 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 1d20: 19 [1d20=19]
  60. Mar 08 12:53:41 * Med looks around the room with the help of a fuzzy.
  61. Mar 08 12:53:56 <Med> 1d6-1 med;5d6+2+1d6 fuzzy;2d6 knives cause why the fuck not
  62. Mar 08 12:53:56 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, med: 3 [1d6=4]; fuzzy: 18 [5d6=1,6,2,2,4; 1d6=1]; knives cause why the fuck not: 9 [2d6=3,6]
  63. Mar 08 12:54:16 <Aori_Radidjiu> 2d6+8+25 damage to Mel~
  64. Mar 08 12:54:17 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, damage to Mel~: 44 [2d6=6,5]
  65. Mar 08 12:54:28 <Melons> W-What kind of damage?
  66. Mar 08 12:54:37 * Mayuri is still following around! :o
  67. Mar 08 12:54:46 <Aori_Radidjiu> There's a rustle, and then a SHADOW bursts out of the space under the bed and WHAPS Mel in the face. Shadow Sneak!
  68. Mar 08 12:54:53 <Mackenzie> Psychological
  69. Mar 08 12:55:07 <Aori_Radidjiu> Perceptions to get a look at this thing before it disappears
  70. Mar 08 12:55:11 <Knox> He grimaces when he sees a shadow attack Mel. “What the hell?”
  71. Mar 08 12:55:12 * Melons reflexively Cursed Bodies.
  72. Mar 08 12:55:13 <Knox> 2d6
  73. Mar 08 12:55:14 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, 2d6: 10 [2d6=4,6]
  74. Mar 08 12:55:17 <Melons> 3d6+7 Eyevisiongoes
  75. Mar 08 12:55:18 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Eyevisiongoes: 19 [3d6=5,6,1]
  76. Mar 08 12:55:25 <Med> should I reroll?
  77. Mar 08 12:55:30 <Mackenzie> 1d6+1; 4d6
  78. Mar 08 12:55:30 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, 1d6+1: 6 [1d6=5]; 4d6: 14 [4d6=1,2,6,5]
  79. Mar 08 12:55:34 <Aori_Radidjiu> Uh, don't.
  80. Mar 08 12:55:39 <Med> also
  81. Mar 08 12:55:41 <Aori_Radidjiu> Let's seeee
  82. Mar 08 12:55:58 <Med> 3d6+1 mcmillions will join in. if it's high enough, she might just do something
  83. Mar 08 12:55:59 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, mcmillions will join in. if it's high enough, she might just do something: 9 [3d6=2,1,5]
  84. Mar 08 12:56:33 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mel and Fuzzy notice the Shuppet before it disappears into the aether
  85. Mar 08 12:56:46 <Mayuri> "Is this, like, Mt. Pyre in a building?" >.<
  86. Mar 08 12:56:53 <Melons> Despite needing an inhaler to speak after the hit and the dust, Mel looks ecstatic. "SHUPPET!"
  87. Mar 08 12:56:59 <Melons> +puff
  88. Mar 08 12:56:59 <Med> Does that count as fleeing?
  89. Mar 08 12:57:20 <Aori_Radidjiu> Yes, but you can't very well Pursuit something you can't see, so only Fuzzy can act on it
  90. Mar 08 12:57:25 * Mayuri checks for Chiri hat and Hanako and Naomi purse carry-ons :<
  91. Mar 08 12:57:47 <Med> fuzzy uses Last Resort on it as an interrupt. twice.
  92. Mar 08 12:57:49 <Med> ((that was a joke))
  93. Mar 08 12:58:01 <Aori_Radidjiu> Chiri hat? Check. Naomi Purse? Check. Hanako...
  94. Mar 08 12:58:23 <Aori_Radidjiu> Hanako's usually in your purse, but occasionally jumps out and darts in between your legs. Seems she's a bit restless.
  95. Mar 08 12:58:37 <Melons> Can I make a TK trip attempt?
  96. Mar 08 12:59:26 <Mackenzie> (it doesn't have legs)
  97. Mar 08 12:59:32 <Melons> It can be pushed to the ground either way!
  98. Mar 08 12:59:35 <Knox> He raises an eyebrow. “You sound pretty happy for someone who just got socked in the face.”
  99. Mar 08 12:59:36 <Aori_Radidjiu> Sure, you may attempt to
  100. Mar 08 12:59:40 * Mayuri blinks at Hanako
  101. Mar 08 12:59:58 <Melons> 1d20-3 AC4 I believe
  102. Mar 08 12:59:59 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, AC4 I believe: -1 [1d20=2]
  103. Mar 08 12:59:59 <Mayuri> "E-Erm... Ghosts can't actually hurt you, can they?" ^.^
  104. Mar 08 13:00:04 <Melons> Well damn
  105. Mar 08 13:00:12 <Knox> “Of course they can.”
  106. Mar 08 13:00:44 <Med> "And these ones are good at it."
  107. Mar 08 13:00:45 <Aori_Radidjiu> A small droplet of blood drips out of Mel's nose, whether from being socked in the face or TK exertion none can say.
  108. Mar 08 13:00:47 <Knox> “Even if you’ve got a Normal type pokemon they’re more than likely able to do something that smarts.”
  109. Mar 08 13:00:57 * Melons tries to chase after the dorbpet even after fizzling.
  110. Mar 08 13:02:03 <Aori_Radidjiu> FROM WHAT YOU COULD TELL, in the brief moment you saw it, it seemed to start moving towards the door.
  111. Mar 08 13:02:11 <Aori_Radidjiu> Meanwhile.
  112. Mar 08 13:02:22 <Mayuri> "In that case, we aren't /chasing it/ are we..."
  113. Mar 08 13:02:25 <Aori_Radidjiu> MED! Knives hops on the bed, laying down on it briefly.
  114. Mar 08 13:02:50 <Med> "Is it familiar?" she asks the pawniard.
  115. Mar 08 13:02:57 <Mayuri> "... I mean... random ghost attacks is scary enough..." >.<
  116. Mar 08 13:03:26 * Melons is, in fact, chasing it out the door, zero fucks given about anything else because it's A SHUPPET.
  117. Mar 08 13:03:50 <Aori_Radidjiu> He pushes on the bed a little, the fluffy bed giving slight way under his bladed limb, and nods to you, Med.
  118. Mar 08 13:04:30 <Knox> He just gives a bit of a chuckle. “You haven’t actually caught any pokemon yourself, have you kid? I bet that Miccino was a gift.”
  119. Mar 08 13:04:40 <Aori_Radidjiu> Hrm~
  120. Mar 08 13:04:44 <Aori_Radidjiu> 4d6+2
  121. Mar 08 13:04:45 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 4d6+2: 15 [4d6=3,4,1,5]
  122. Mar 08 13:04:56 <Med> "I guess we've found it then."
  123. Mar 08 13:05:02 <Med> "Wanna look around?"
  124. Mar 08 13:05:11 <Knox> He just walks after Mel.
  125. Mar 08 13:05:37 <Aori_Radidjiu> Okay, then. Luna seems a bit dumbfounded at Mel rushing out the door, but decides to chase after. "Where's the ghost!? Gotta' get the ghost~"
  126. Mar 08 13:05:45 <Mayuri> "I wouldn't wanna catch the kind of Pokemon I'd have to chase and be scared of!"
  127. Mar 08 13:06:10 * Mackenzie is standing around in the guest room, looking slightly impatient, but not precisely bothered
  128. Mar 08 13:06:43 <Aori_Radidjiu> Unfortunately, Mel
  129. Mar 08 13:06:47 <Aori_Radidjiu> You don't get another glimpse of it
  130. Mar 08 13:06:54 <Aori_Radidjiu> so it's hard to say where it went besides "out the door"
  131. Mar 08 13:07:30 <Aori_Radidjiu> Knives shrugs at Med, hopping off the bed.
  132. Mar 08 13:07:50 <Knox> He glances over at Mayuri. “Pro tip: That’s a lot of them. Most pokemon people catch are either defending themselves, attacking because they’re angry, hungry or defending their territory, or in the occasional case someone can charm a pokemon right into their ball. I’m guessing you’re the kind of person who’d want to do the latter, but it’s easy to get hurt if you’re not
  133. Mar 08 13:07:50 <Knox> careful.”
  134. Mar 08 13:09:11 <Melons> "Hmmm...."
  135. Mar 08 13:10:01 <Melons> Oh shit, I completely forgot I had Djinni and Po out :<
  136. Mar 08 13:11:10 <Knox> "Many pokemon are no more than wild animals. That's why a kid like you wandering around by herself needs her own pokemon to protect herself. It isn't all just fun and games, this shit is dangerous if you're unprepared."
  137. Mar 08 13:11:24 <Med> "We might as well!" Med decides, since Knives is being all ambiguous..
  138. Mar 08 13:11:34 * Med looks around with the help of a fuckton of pokemon.
  139. Mar 08 13:11:53 <Med> 1d6-1 MED;2d6 knives;3d6+1 shoulderbird;5d6+2+1d6 magical creature
  140. Mar 08 13:11:53 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, MED: 4 [1d6=5]; knives: 3 [2d6=2,1]; shoulderbird: 11 [3d6=6,3,1]; magical creature: 23 [5d6=2,6,4,2,2; 1d6=5]
  141. Mar 08 13:12:38 <Knox> "Ghosts are probably some of the smarter ones, actually." he comments, "But that doesn't make things any safer considering they're tricksters."
  142. Mar 08 13:12:56 <Med> "These aren't trickster-type ghosts. These're malevolent."
  143. Mar 08 13:13:04 <Mayuri> "That's what my Pokemon are for, so I'm not in trouble if something happens!"
  144. Mar 08 13:13:20 <Melons> Melanie shouts down the halls, enhancing the range of her voice a bit with the psycho kunurtics. "Come back, I just wanted to talk to you!"
  145. Mar 08 13:13:24 <Melons> 1d6 FEAR MY CHARM ROLL!
  146. Mar 08 13:13:26 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, FEAR MY CHARM ROLL!: 2 [1d6=2]
  147. Mar 08 13:13:59 <Knox> He sighs and hurries after Mel, leaving Med to search the room.
  148. Mar 08 13:15:08 <Aori_Radidjiu> Med, and Knives, and Shoulderbird don't find anything, partially because Shoulderbird is getting all excited looking at the window because THE SKY IS DARKENING
  149. Mar 08 13:15:08 * Melons hasn't run much further than the entrance/exit of that room, seeing as how she doesn't know which way to go.
  150. Mar 08 13:15:10 * Mayuri looks between the two for a bit, and follows after Mel too
  151. Mar 08 13:16:38 <Aori_Radidjiu> Fuzzy checks the closet. Then checks the night stand. Then checks under the bed (there's this adorable bit where they iiiiiinch slowly towards the bed, ribbons at the ready). Then finally sniffsniffs and...
  152. Mar 08 13:17:00 * Mackenzie is still in the guest room, but not really aware that people are leaving, being a Mack and all
  153. Mar 08 13:17:08 <Med> ((((sylveons a boy))))
  154. Mar 08 13:18:02 <Aori_Radidjiu> And he finally goes over to the curtains, grabs them with his ribbons, and then SHAKE SHAKE
  155. Mar 08 13:18:22 <Aori_Radidjiu> And out pops a little sparkle. Like literally a sparkle.
  156. Mar 08 13:18:30 * Melons contemplates for a bit and releases Solem and Eli as well, hoping next time the presence of a small ghost army around her can entice any non-batshit ghosts to her side.
  157. Mar 08 13:20:06 <Aori_Radidjiu> Knives picks up the sparkle and then walks right out of the room, giving you a nod.
  158. Mar 08 13:21:09 * Med has no fucking idea what was just found, but clearly it was important so she pets Fuzzy anyway... and notes the darkening sky, since her looking around was less of actually looking around and more watching her pokemon.
  159. Mar 08 13:22:11 * Med also follows a Knives~
  160. Mar 08 13:22:46 <Aori_Radidjiu> So the whole group is in the hallway now.
  161. Mar 08 13:22:48 <Aori_Radidjiu> WHERE TO?
  162. Mar 08 13:23:03 <Knox> -Now- we can check out the library.
  163. Mar 08 13:23:28 <Knox> (Since Mel apparently lost the shuppet)
  164. Mar 08 13:23:34 <Melons> (My pain is eternal)
  165. Mar 08 13:24:01 <Aori_Radidjiu> If everyone is in agreement on that, you go to the MIDSECTION of the hall, then go through the door on the right there, and you find yourself on the second floor of a LIBRARY.
  166. Mar 08 13:24:38 * Melons quickly checks for some sort of catalogue or other form of index.
  167. Mar 08 13:24:44 * Med takes them to the library~
  168. Mar 08 13:28:17 * Mayuri blinks
  169. Mar 08 13:28:59 <Aori_Radidjiu> There IS in fact a catalog, down on the first floor, there's a bunch of cards in a little box with information on all the books and some such and which section they're located in. There's stairs connecting the first and second floors
  170. Mar 08 13:29:31 <Melons> WHO NEEDS STAIRS WHEN YOU CAN J- no, Mel takes the stairs down to rifle through for the locations of the books she needs.
  171. Mar 08 13:30:06 * Mayuri checks if there are books that aren't about ghosts or something similar here
  172. Mar 08 13:30:28 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mayuri, roll me perception or Intuition, whichever is higher~
  173. Mar 08 13:30:45 <Melons> Perceptuition
  174. Mar 08 13:31:04 <Mackenzie> Inception
  175. Mar 08 13:31:21 <Mayuri> 4d6+4 ok
  176. Mar 08 13:31:22 <DiceMaid-9001> Mayuri, ok: 15 [4d6=3,2,4,2]
  177. Mar 08 13:32:40 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mayuri, you notice some beanbag chairs, in pastel colors, over in a certain section, where there are a bunch of children's books!
  178. Mar 08 13:34:24 <Mayuri> Does this mean everything else is about ghosts.
  179. Mar 08 13:34:44 <Melons> Do you want to know how ghost pokemon reproduce?
  180. Mar 08 13:34:54 <Knox> (This IS the house of a family who was known prominently for their ghosts)
  181. Mar 08 13:35:42 <Knox> Knox wanders around the library, mostly just keeping an eye out. Since this place is apparently connected to the courtyard, he occasionally glances out the window.
  182. Mar 08 13:36:20 <Aori_Radidjiu> Not necessarily. There's also a section of th elibrary with a novel selection. It seems that the entire second floor of the library is for fiction, and the first floor is for nonfiction and GOASTS
  183. Mar 08 13:37:02 <Med> 5d6+2+1d6 surely petting and rewarding fuzzy for every successful finding will result in the sylveon searching even the library for something!
  184. Mar 08 13:37:02 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, surely petting and rewarding fuzzy for every successful finding will result in the sylveon searching even the library for something!: 20 [5d6=1,3,6,4,3; 1d6=1]
  185. Mar 08 13:37:19 <Melons> Can Sylveons even read?
  186. Mar 08 13:37:47 <Aori_Radidjiu> They can't
  187. Mar 08 13:38:06 * Med will teach hers to read anyway!!
  188. Mar 08 13:38:08 <Mackenzie> "I don't really have anything to do here but wait for a potential attack, so... lemme know when that happens." He goes and finds a table to sit at, and scratches Wilford's head.
  189. Mar 08 13:39:08 <Mayuri> The fluffier and cuter the Pokemon, the smarter, right?
  190. Mar 08 13:39:48 <Aori_Radidjiu> Fuzzy has no idea how any of these books are different from any other and ends up going to the children's section if left alone
  191. Mar 08 13:39:51 <Aori_Radidjiu> ANYWAY
  192. Mar 08 13:40:11 * Mayuri investigates children's books, she guesses!
  193. Mar 08 13:40:54 * Melons can't remember the name of the books she's looking for and logs aren't helping, but she goes to grab those, obviously unleashing Byblos.
  194. Mar 08 13:40:58 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mel, after sifting through the contents of the catalog, you figure out which section the books are located in. They're over by the door to the courtyard, the door itself being wooden framed with a glass center, giving a clear view of the courtyard and the black sphere in the middle o fit
  195. Mar 08 13:41:10 <Med> If her crew and her other pokemon don't need her attention, or if they're okay with joining in, she totes reads Fuzzy a story from the children's section~
  196. Mar 08 13:41:21 <Aori_Radidjiu> Of course
  197. Mar 08 13:41:41 <Med> her ex-crew.
  198. Mar 08 13:42:11 <Melons> Unfortunately, Mack isn't an ex-sex-crewmate.
  199. Mar 08 13:42:12 <Knox> He just hangs out near Mack in the meantime, he supposes. "Got any stories?" he asks idly.
  200. Mar 08 13:42:34 <Aori_Radidjiu> If only it were that easy. You approach the bookshelves, and a few of them topple. A pair of Shuppets and a Banette pop up on top of a fallen bookshelf, all staring you down. The toppling bookshelves, of course, make a loud noise that reverberates throughout the library
  201. Mar 08 13:42:59 <Med> wh-who is 'you'? D:
  202. Mar 08 13:43:23 <Mackenzie> Mack glances over. "What kind?"
  203. Mar 08 13:43:37 <Aori_Radidjiu> That was referring to Mel.
  204. Mar 08 13:43:51 <Med> Is she nearby enough to order her darkmons to attack?
  205. Mar 08 13:44:03 <Knox> "About your experiences with the crew...Or I suppose we could deal with more of this ghost bullshit." he looks down when he hears the toppling bookshelves.
  206. Mar 08 13:44:32 <Melons> 6d6+4 Based on my ghost knowledge, do they look like they're about to attack out of anger or out of fear?
  207. Mar 08 13:44:34 <Aori_Radidjiu> You have time to rush over, but you can't immediately attack, no
  208. Mar 08 13:44:34 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Based on my ghost knowledge, do they look like they're about to attack out of anger or out of fear?: 20 [6d6=2,5,1,2,1,5]
  209. Mar 08 13:44:42 <Knox> "Isn't toppling bookcases getting old at this point."
  210. Mar 08 13:45:01 * Knox unfortunately abandons his conversation with Mack and heads down.
  211. Mar 08 13:45:01 <Aori_Radidjiu> It's...a mixture of both?
  212. Mar 08 13:45:36 <Mackenzie> Mack stands up. "I'd actually rather just tell stories." He starts heading over in spite of this statement.
  213. Mar 08 13:46:07 * Melons and her ghost army don't particularly prepare for war yet. " I think we're about done here, so we'll leave if we're troubling you. that thing a problem?" She points at the cyst.
  214. Mar 08 13:47:35 <Aori_Radidjiu> They make as if to attack and then stumble when you point out THAT THING. The Banette looks left to one Shuppet, then right to the other, all of them suddenly more pronouncedly scared.
  215. Mar 08 13:48:47 <Melons> "With your help and some preparation, I might be able to take care of it." Is my Shuppet friend from earlier one of these two?
  216. Mar 08 13:49:25 <Aori_Radidjiu> Sure is one of those two! At your mention of "take care of it", they all jump a little, shaking their heads frantically. Nopenopenopenopenope
  217. Mar 08 13:49:33 <Melons> "It's that strong?"
  218. Mar 08 13:50:26 <Aori_Radidjiu> Nodnodnod!
  219. Mar 08 13:51:39 <Knox> "So what's even going on down here." he grumbles as he reachs Mel's level.
  220. Mar 08 13:51:47 <Melons> "Hmmm...." Mel wills a storm of dust up into a large ball of what effectively becomes dust clay. Gross. "Move the dust around and show me what it looks like."
  221. Mar 08 13:52:25 <Aori_Radidjiu> Shuppets don't have arms, SO
  222. Mar 08 13:52:34 <Aori_Radidjiu> The Banette gets to sculpting
  223. Mar 08 13:52:41 * castfromhp_ ( has joined
  224. Mar 08 13:53:02 * Melons ignores Knox because fuck this is a lot of work.
  225. Mar 08 13:53:23 * Med approaches too, having given up on storytime for now. maybe later :(
  226. Mar 08 13:53:52 * castfromhp has quit (Ping timeout)
  227. Mar 08 13:54:24 <Aori_Radidjiu> The Banette sculpts...and sculpts...and sculpts...
  228. Mar 08 13:54:39 * Mayuri notices ghost shenigans? oo
  229. Mar 08 13:54:40 <Mayuri> o.o*
  230. Mar 08 13:55:03 <Aori_Radidjiu> It creates two figures, one slightly humanoid, with broad shoulders (yes you do Mayuri) and the other serpentine, towering over the humanoid figure
  231. Mar 08 13:55:30 <Melons> 6d6+4 Of course I know what this is...totally...definitely...
  232. Mar 08 13:55:31 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Of course I know what this is...totally...definitely...: 30 [6d6=3,6,1,4,6,6]
  233. Mar 08 13:55:39 <Med> 2d6 does med know what it is
  234. Mar 08 13:55:40 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, does med know what it is: 10 [2d6=6,4]
  235. Mar 08 13:55:52 <Mackenzie> 3d6+1 pokedu
  236. Mar 08 13:55:52 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, pokedu: 14 [3d6=5,5,3]
  237. Mar 08 13:55:58 <Med> -1 to that, so 9
  238. Mar 08 13:56:04 <Aori_Radidjiu> Med and Mack have no clue
  239. Mar 08 13:56:51 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mel on the other hand, being well versed in the occult, and being from Sinnoh, recognizes a representation of Darkrai...AND a representation of Giratina, when she sees one
  240. Mar 08 13:57:20 <Knox> He doesn't really seem put off at being ignored. He just crosses his arms and watches.
  241. Mar 08 13:57:31 <Melons> "...both of these reside in there?"
  242. Mar 08 13:57:42 <Aori_Radidjiu> Nod.
  243. Mar 08 13:57:46 * Med takes pictures of the dust with her phone~ She can ask bro, if she has to.
  244. Mar 08 13:58:34 <Melons> "...we...are quite out of our league. More than ever before...but that doesn't e- have you guys been living here to ward off others for their own good or are they making you do this?"
  245. Mar 08 13:58:37 <Mayuri> 4d6+3 I have occult education too!
  246. Mar 08 13:58:37 <DiceMaid-9001> Mayuri, I have occult education too!: 9 [4d6=1,3,1,1]
  247. Mar 08 13:58:45 <Mayuri> (i hate you dicemaid)
  248. Mar 08 13:59:49 <Aori_Radidjiu> The Banette tries to figure out how to answer and then realizes that's not a yes or no question and frowns
  249. Mar 08 14:00:23 <Melons> "Oh...right...uh...nod your head up and down if it's the first one, shake back and forth if it's the second, stick out your tongue if it's neither."
  250. Mar 08 14:00:51 <Aori_Radidjiu> It unzips and shows that IT DOESN'T HAVEA TONGUE and then goes to nodding.
  251. Mar 08 14:01:35 <Aori_Radidjiu> Then it makes a SHOOing motion
  252. Mar 08 14:02:02 <Melons> "Huh, I thought they usually...oh well...but that we know, we can get the word out and you guys don't have to stay here anymore...also that Shuppet owes me, hm?" General shooing or urgent shooing?"
  253. Mar 08 14:02:13 <Med> If any of her bros have cellphones, she texts them the pictures, asking what it is!
  254. Mar 08 14:02:28 <Med> And letting them know that the spirits say that that's what's haunting the mansion.
  255. Mar 08 14:02:33 <Mayuri> "So... how scary are those things?" o.o
  256. Mar 08 14:02:44 <Knox> He peeks out into the courtyard.
  257. Mar 08 14:03:12 <Melons> "Quite simply, if Aether got them, we're all pretty royally fucked. It's a Dakrai and a Giratina."
  258. Mar 08 14:03:15 <Melons> +r
  259. Mar 08 14:03:40 <Med> 5d6+6 focus: remember those names, especially since god damn ghost dad just talked about one the other day
  260. Mar 08 14:03:41 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, focus: remember those names, especially since god damn ghost dad just talked about one the other day: 20 [5d6=5,1,3,1,4]
  261. Mar 08 14:04:40 <Melons> 4d6+4 Guile to hide how nervous she is, specifically her voice breaking a bit when mentioning the Darkrai
  262. Mar 08 14:04:41 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Guile to hide how nervous she is, specifically her voice breaking a bit when mentioning the Darkrai: 17 [4d6=1,2,6,4]
  263. Mar 08 14:05:12 <Mayuri> (Should I know what Darkrai and Giratina are?)
  264. Mar 08 14:05:18 <Aori_Radidjiu> The shooing is a bit on the urgent side. The courtyard doors pop open about now and a Necturna floats in, followed by two Necturines dropping in from above and scuttling along. The Necturna OPENS UP ITS BODY JAWS AND ROARS. Seems she didn't get the memo
  265. Mar 08 14:05:53 <Aori_Radidjiu> (Probably not, unless your occult is high, Mayuri)
  266. Mar 08 14:06:01 <Mayuri> (Is 4 "high"?)
  267. Mar 08 14:06:05 <Aori_Radidjiu> (or your pokemon education)
  268. Mar 08 14:06:10 <Aori_Radidjiu> (Reasonably, roll it)
  269. Mar 08 14:06:22 <Mayuri> 4d6+3 If you give me 3 1s again.
  270. Mar 08 14:06:22 <DiceMaid-9001> Mayuri, If you give me 3 1s again.: 20 [4d6=3,5,3,6]
  271. Mar 08 14:06:28 <Knox> 3d6 I'll roll Occult too
  272. Mar 08 14:06:28 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, I'll roll Occult too: 10 [3d6=3,1,6]
  273. Mar 08 14:06:34 <Aori_Radidjiu> (they're called KNOWLEDGE skills because they let you know if you KNOW about things)
  274. Mar 08 14:06:37 <Mackenzie> 3d6+1 recognize the legendaries by name
  275. Mar 08 14:06:37 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, recognize the legendaries by name: 15 [3d6=5,5,4]
  276. Mar 08 14:07:03 <Aori_Radidjiu> Ah, yes, Mayuri, you recognize the figures that were sculpted by the Banette, although you don't know them all that intimately
  277. Mar 08 14:07:17 <Med> 2d6-1 AND MED
  278. Mar 08 14:07:17 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, AND MED: 4 [2d6=2,3]
  279. Mar 08 14:07:48 <Knox> He snickers at the Necturna's attempt to scare them off.
  280. Mar 08 14:08:40 * Mayuri blink blink o.o
  281. Mar 08 14:08:53 <Melons> "Hey uh...don't hurt them too badly, they're just trying to keep us away from releasing an apocalypse..."
  282. Mar 08 14:09:18 <Mayuri> "H-How bad of an apocalypse?"
  283. Mar 08 14:09:33 <Aori_Radidjiu> The sphere in the courtyard is pulsating now, occasional veins popping up in the sphere
  284. Mar 08 14:10:10 <Med> "There're both of them in one sphere?"
  285. Mar 08 14:10:11 <Melons> "...Med, tell your brothers to get here as fast as they can. This may be a pretty fucking disasterous emergency."
  286. Mar 08 14:10:13 <Knox> "I don't really recognize the names, but the thing in the courtyard seems to be moving. It sounds more like your apocalypse is now.""
  287. Mar 08 14:10:27 <Med> "Um... alright..."
  288. Mar 08 14:10:29 <Knox> He cracks his knuckles. "This should be fairly interesting."
  289. Mar 08 14:10:44 * Med goes off to call her bros~
  290. Mar 08 14:11:32 <Aori_Radidjiu> It bears asking, you all going to stay here or run off? Regardless, Med, which bro first?
  291. Mar 08 14:11:47 <Med> 5d6+6 intuition: the most likely one to answer quickly
  292. Mar 08 14:11:47 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, intuition: the most likely one to answer quickly: 26 [5d6=5,5,5,1,4]
  293. Mar 08 14:12:17 <Med> not just in the sense of the phone, but being able to help in some way
  294. Mar 08 14:12:18 * Mayuri looks to Hanako
  295. Mar 08 14:12:18 * Melons is staying to protect the pokermens. Also to keep an eye on what may be the birth of twin gods, this is pretty exciting even if it's terrifying in every respect.
  296. Mar 08 14:12:32 <Aori_Radidjiu> Siet runs a JOB dealing with these nasties, you know he'll answer promptly during his work hours
  297. Mar 08 14:12:40 <Med> Siet it is~
  298. Mar 08 14:13:12 <Mackenzie> "Well... If these things getting out is going to be a disaster... I'm going to do what I can for the situation."
  299. Mar 08 14:13:21 <Aori_Radidjiu> The Necturna is glaring daggers at you all, and the Banette is panicking, making a motion for you all to SHOO GET OUT GO AWAY
  300. Mar 08 14:13:33 <Aori_Radidjiu> Siet answers. "Hello?"
  301. Mar 08 14:13:42 <Med> Although S.C would be helpful on the battling side, they have plenty of trainers already, so his assistance would just be additional rather than an extra factor. Lain, while super fucking useful in these types of scenarios, is less reliable.
  302. Mar 08 14:13:45 * Mayuri checks to see what Hanako thinks! o.o
  303. Mar 08 14:14:15 <Med> "Hi. We're in the mansion, and a dark sphere's waking up. Mel said it might have a Darkrai and a Giratina."
  304. Mar 08 14:14:23 <Aori_Radidjiu> Luna (since I've managed to forget about her) is breaking into a cold sweat.
  305. Mar 08 14:15:01 <Melons> 6d6+4 Do I have any inkling of an idea whether I can pull some souls into my Odd Keystone while also delaying Giratina's birth or some sorcery like that?
  306. Mar 08 14:15:02 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Do I have any inkling of an idea whether I can pull some souls into my Odd Keystone while also delaying Giratina's birth or some sorcery like that?: 19 [6d6=2,1,4,5,1,2]
  307. Mar 08 14:15:31 <Aori_Radidjiu> "A what."
  308. Mar 08 14:15:37 <Med> "Fuzzy," she says a bit away from the phone. "Put up Light Screen in advance!"
  309. Mar 08 14:15:49 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Why aren't you getting out if it's waking up?"
  310. Mar 08 14:16:09 <Med> "What is it?"
  311. Mar 08 14:16:10 * Knox squints at the Banette and shrugs, heading out of the library a little disappointed.
  312. Mar 08 14:16:26 <Knox> "I guess we -should- run for our lives or something." he says idly.
  313. Mar 08 14:16:39 <Knox> "Kinda wanted to see what would happen firsthand though..."
  314. Mar 08 14:17:01 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Exactly what you said it is. You guys are stirring it up, and you'll wake it up if you stick around too long, but if you leave first it'll calm back down!"
  315. Mar 08 14:17:01 <Mayuri> 4d6+4 Should we be running? (intuition)
  316. Mar 08 14:17:02 <DiceMaid-9001> Mayuri, Should we be running? (intuition): 15 [4d6=3,6,1,1]
  317. Mar 08 14:17:45 <Med> "So we should leave for now?"
  318. Mar 08 14:18:18 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Get whatever you came for and get out if you don't want to have terrible things happen, yes!"
  319. Mar 08 14:18:37 <Mackenzie> "Wait, are we leaving now? I thought we were staying to help or something."
  320. Mar 08 14:18:43 <Med> "Alright." away from the phone, she says, "Tour's over! We're leaving!"
  321. Mar 08 14:18:45 <Melons> "We've no guarantee that will actually help at this point...but...I suppose..." Mel pulls out her rock anyways, hoping to snag some spirits toward its progress, and beckons toward the guardian ghosts. "I need at least one representative of you lot to come with me for information." And then she reluctantly turns to leave.
  322. Mar 08 14:18:54 <Med> 6d6+6 command works on PCs, right? (at least it works on random NPC ghost chasers!)
  323. Mar 08 14:18:54 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, command works on PCs, right? (at least it works on random NPC ghost chasers!): 26 [6d6=2,6,1,4,5,2]
  324. Mar 08 14:19:12 * Med leads them out of the mansion!
  325. Mar 08 14:19:25 <Aori_Radidjiu> The lot of the ghosts look at each other in confusion
  326. Mar 08 14:19:28 <Melons> Of course we already knew how to get out.
  327. Mar 08 14:19:39 <Aori_Radidjiu> and then a Shuppet comes forth for you, Mel~
  328. Mar 08 14:20:06 <Knox> Knox is already heading out, surprisingly calm.
  329. Mar 08 14:20:11 * Melons offers it a Dusk Ball. Seems appropriate.
  330. Mar 08 14:21:19 * Mayuri blink blinks at a Necturine and turns to leave!
  331. Mar 08 14:21:34 <Mayuri> "M-Maybe we can come back later when they won't be as mad?"
  332. Mar 08 14:21:57 <Melons> "We'll certainly be back, but not until we actually know what we're doing."
  333. Mar 08 14:21:59 <Aori_Radidjiu> The Necturine blinkblinks back at Mayuri
  334. Mar 08 14:22:05 * castfromhp_ is now known as castfromhp
  335. Mar 08 14:24:15 <Aori_Radidjiu> And
  336. Mar 08 14:24:18 <Aori_Radidjiu> Out you all go...?
  337. Mar 08 14:24:28 <Mackenzie> Out we all go...
  338. Mar 08 14:24:32 <Melons> Quite out. But we didn't white out.
  339. Mar 08 14:24:42 <Aori_Radidjiu> Not at all.
  340. Mar 08 14:25:55 * Mayuri blink blink blink
  341. Mar 08 14:26:20 <Mayuri> "Well... I guess it's best we don't wake up scary stuff..."
  342. Mar 08 14:26:35 <Med> "What're those things?" she asks her bro, still on the line~
  343. Mar 08 14:26:57 <Aori_Radidjiu> "What do you think they are?" He sighs.
  344. Mar 08 14:27:08 <Med> 5d6+6 INTUITION
  345. Mar 08 14:27:09 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, INTUITION: 23 [5d6=3,1,3,5,5]
  346. Mar 08 14:28:56 <Knox> "Did you at least get your books?" he asks Mel.
  347. Mar 08 14:29:29 <Aori_Radidjiu> A sleeping Darkrai and Giratina! That some of dad's pokemon tried burning the mansion down to get you all away from
  348. Mar 08 14:30:10 <Melons> Mel frowns. ", the ghosts stopped me before I could...though I imagine this is more important and may explain some things anyways."
  349. Mar 08 14:30:30 <Knox> (Didn't Aori give you some time to "get what you came for and get out"?)
  350. Mar 08 14:30:41 <Aori_Radidjiu> (Yeah, you did)
  351. Mar 08 14:30:44 <Knox> (Because that's totally what Siet said)
  352. Mar 08 14:31:09 <Aori_Radidjiu> (the Banette (and the Necturna, grudgingly) would've pointed out the books you needed fi you asked and then SHOOED you on your way)
  353. Mar 08 14:31:19 <Melons> (Oh, I assumed that since going to the bookcase brought me close enough to trigger the guardians that going back to get closer after being warned it would wake up hellspawn was a little...silly)
  354. Mar 08 14:31:28 <Mayuri> 'H-Hey.... uh..."
  355. Mar 08 14:31:42 <Mayuri> "Are they.... upset at anybody coming, or one of us in particular?"
  356. Mar 08 14:31:56 * Med decided it was safer to just come back later, after things settled down, if they had to~
  357. Mar 08 14:32:01 <Knox> (Yeah let's not make this trip a complete waste :D)
  358. Mar 08 14:32:04 <Melons> "Sounded like they were keeping anyone and everyone away from it."
  359. Mar 08 14:32:08 <Knox> "Anyone, I'd guess." he says to Mayuri.
  360. Mar 08 14:32:21 <Melons> "Is that right?" Mel asks the Shuppet.
  361. Mar 08 14:32:26 <Aori_Radidjiu> Luna's sitting on the steps of the mansion, hugging her knees, her camera sat down on a step next to her.
  362. Mar 08 14:32:28 <Med> "Something dangerous, but that's not really descriptive!"
  363. Mar 08 14:32:29 <Aori_Radidjiu> Nod!
  364. Mar 08 14:32:51 <Knox> He pauses next to Luna. "Well? Get what -you- came for?"
  365. Mar 08 14:32:58 * Med had a Luna and a kid to worry about, after all!
  366. Mar 08 14:33:28 <Melons> "Oh...that reminds me..." Mel turns to Luna. "'re not airing this, correct?"
  367. Mar 08 14:33:44 <Aori_Radidjiu> She exhales, a little dramatically. "Unfortunately, no."
  368. Mar 08 14:33:54 <Mayuri> "I mean... just anybody coming close wouldn't wake up weird things, right..."
  369. Mar 08 14:35:19 <Melons> "I'd hate to have had to destroy your equipment, but it should be quite clear that airing this would only bring more interest and activity to an area that should be sealed off until those much more prepared for this can handle it."
  370. Mar 08 14:35:27 <Knox> "That was exactly the implication, kid."
  371. Mar 08 14:36:17 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Ugh." Luna stares off into space. "Now I have to find something else to prove myself with..."
  372. Mar 08 14:38:27 <Knox> "Prove yourself?"
  373. Mar 08 14:38:27 <Melons> "Or instead of like going all fan servicey and all that, you could point out that you do actually do some impressive things, but like fighting and exorcisms aren't necessarily indicative of greatness."
  374. Mar 08 14:39:32 <Melons> "But what the fuck do I know."
  375. Mar 08 14:39:34 <Aori_Radidjiu> "No I mean, I need something to challenge myself wtih...I finished all the gyms, but I still can't touch my brother."
  376. Mar 08 14:39:41 <Melons> Woahlewd.
  377. Mar 08 14:40:29 <Med> Speaking of brothers, is hers still on the line? D:
  378. Mar 08 14:41:00 <Aori_Radidjiu> Sure is!
  379. Mar 08 14:41:14 <Melons> "Why not actually seek an apprenticeship at the gym here or something? Beating the gym isn't quite the same as beating the gym leader."
  380. Mar 08 14:41:54 <Melons> "I imagine it would also let you keep tabs on our friends in the mansion and maybe even be part of the group that eventually goes in to...I guess I don't know if that's actual god slaying, or banishment, or what they'd do..."
  381. Mar 08 14:42:22 <Aori_Radidjiu> She scrunches up her face. "My brother is Lupin Mani of the Elite Four, I don't think Gym Training quite touches that."
  382. Mar 08 14:42:38 <Melons> "Elitist Four."
  383. Mar 08 14:43:10 <Mayuri> "Why not just beat him..." >.<
  384. Mar 08 14:43:28 <Aori_Radidjiu> "You say that like I haven't tried!"
  385. Mar 08 14:43:39 <Melons> "Well, how do you match up with the other three?"
  386. Mar 08 14:43:54 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Well!"
  387. Mar 08 14:44:00 <Aori_Radidjiu> "I'm a Fairy trainer"
  388. Mar 08 14:44:15 <Melons> Isn't one of them a Steel Ace?
  389. Mar 08 14:44:15 <Aori_Radidjiu> "And that pretty much automatically puts me at a terrible disadvantage against Lecia."
  390. Mar 08 14:44:25 <Melons> Oh, not THAT kidn of Well.
  391. Mar 08 14:44:45 <Melons> "Then fix the weakness."
  392. Mar 08 14:44:52 <Mayuri> "You... are?" o.o
  393. Mar 08 14:45:10 <Melons> "She's...she's wearing a..."
  394. Mar 08 14:45:12 <Aori_Radidjiu> "My brother's a Fairy trainer and I can't get an edge in on him."
  395. Mar 08 14:45:27 <Knox> "I'd say your first problem is letting someone else be your measuring stick."
  396. Mar 08 14:46:45 <Knox> "If you want to get good, you can't let something like "I have to prove myself equal to my brother" be a cap on your limits."
  397. Mar 08 14:47:45 <Mackenzie> "Well, it's not like we've been particularly challenged by the gyms we've faced either, if what you want is a metric of your capabilities between the gyms and Elite Four."
  398. Mar 08 14:47:59 <Aori_Radidjiu> Meanwhile, on a certain phone conversation, Siet speaks up. "If you want to know how they got there, I have no idea, myself. I've tried to get Dad to talk about it but he always tries to edge around the subject, so there's no figuring that out."
  399. Mar 08 14:48:22 <Med> "I think I have an idea, but it's pretty vague."
  400. Mar 08 14:48:32 * Melons tries to listen in on Med's call.
  401. Mar 08 14:49:04 <Med> "It sounds related to the other stuff I mentioned earlier, right?"
  402. Mar 08 14:49:12 <Aori_Radidjiu> Luna stands up. "I pretty much have to be equal to him if I want to take his spot, though! My goal is to take his spot on the Elite Four."
  403. Mar 08 14:49:22 <Melons> 3d6+4 Dat hearing perception
  404. Mar 08 14:49:23 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Dat hearing perception: 14 [3d6=2,2,6]
  405. Mar 08 14:49:38 <Knox> "If you're here." he puts a hand on Mayuri's head. "And you want to be here." he moves his hand to Med's head. "You have to aim for here, is what I'm saying." He puts his hand on his own head.
  406. Mar 08 14:49:53 <Knox> He's obviously measuring heights here.
  407. Mar 08 14:50:06 <Melons> He's obviously being condascending, quick, get him!
  408. Mar 08 14:50:14 <Aori_Radidjiu> She tilts her head. "So you're saying...that I should aim for being Champion?"
  409. Mar 08 14:50:23 <Knox> "Damn right."
  410. Mar 08 14:50:47 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Hmmm."
  411. Mar 08 14:51:05 <Aori_Radidjiu> "I'd never really considered it, since Murphy's a Dark Trainer...I'd have an inherent advantage against him..."
  412. Mar 08 14:52:05 <Mackenzie> "If he's the champion, he's obviously prepared and ready for disadvantageous situations."
  413. Mar 08 14:52:12 <Knox> "Still, if you want to get that far you're going to have to put effort into it. Whether you're capable of it or not is up to you. Even if get good enough to even face off against the champion, you still achieved your original goal."
  414. Mar 08 14:52:59 <Aori_Radidjiu> Luna nods. "Then I'll go do that!" And then she picks up her camera and starts stomping off for who the fuck even knows
  415. Mar 08 14:53:52 <Knox> "And there she goes."
  416. Mar 08 14:53:57 <Aori_Radidjiu> Siet speaks up on the phone. "It could have to do with Eilert and Mom, yes, but there's no way to know for certain. Still, Darkrai have a connection to the Dream World, so it's hard to say it isn't connected."
  417. Mar 08 14:54:19 <Med> "They do?"
  418. Mar 08 14:54:37 <Med> "Maybe I should've stayed around to talk with it, then!"
  419. Mar 08 14:54:44 <Melons> "Hey, ask him if your dad ever told him about the Darkrai in Sinnoh."
  420. Mar 08 14:55:06 <Med> "Huh? Um... Mel wants to know if you ever heard anything about a Darkrai in Sinnoh from dad."
  421. Mar 08 14:55:37 <Aori_Radidjiu> "I did. He summarily told me to never mess with them unless I had to."
  422. Mar 08 14:55:49 <Med> "Well, it looks like we might have to."
  423. Mar 08 14:56:06 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Do you?"
  424. Mar 08 14:57:05 <Med> "It's still our mansion. There're principles and stuff, right? I mean, maybe it can wait, but... there're apparently a lot of people trying to break in. It's bound to get some of them killed."
  425. Mar 08 14:57:15 <Melons> "Why don't we just all meet at the gym and talk in person..."
  426. Mar 08 14:57:52 * Med answers Mel, a bit away from the phone, "His office's a bit away from the gym, but we can go there if you'd like!"
  427. Mar 08 14:58:08 <Aori_Radidjiu> From here, his office is closer than the Gym, actually
  428. Mar 08 14:58:22 <Med> "I think it's on the way... sort of..."
  429. Mar 08 14:58:23 <Melons> "Well I just meant we should presumably get more of your family involved anyways."
  430. Mar 08 14:59:00 <Med> "Okay," she says to Siet through the phone, "I think we're stopping by your office, so... we can continue talking then!"
  431. Mar 08 14:59:09 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Sure. See you there."
  432. Mar 08 14:59:13 <Med> "Bye<3"
  433. Mar 08 14:59:23 * Med hangs up~
  434. Mar 08 14:59:26 <Med> "Okay, let's go!~"
  435. Mar 08 14:59:30 <Aori_Radidjiu> It's about now
  436. Mar 08 15:00:08 * Med leads the group to Siet's office, presuming that whatever crazy things Aory's typing don't prevent these plans.
  437. Mar 08 15:00:38 <Melons> Obviously we can ask any potential trouble or happenings to move with us to save time.
  438. Mar 08 15:00:46 <Med> Yes.
  439. Mar 08 15:00:51 <Aori_Radidjiu> That someone POPs up right in front of the group, breathing heavily. It's Mistral (for reference for Kain and Lymia, she's a girl of about 19, dressed in a ranger uniform, with short brown hair)!
  440. Mar 08 15:01:05 <Aori_Radidjiu> ...I could've constructed that better. Anyway.
  441. Mar 08 15:01:11 <Knox> ""
  442. Mar 08 15:01:16 <Med> (there's technically a treedrawing of her)
  443. Mar 08 15:01:21 <Knox> He was following along but squints at the newcomer.
  444. Mar 08 15:01:42 <Melons> Oh this doesn't seem good.
  445. Mar 08 15:01:46 <Aori_Radidjiu> oh right, first one on the left
  446. Mar 08 15:01:48 <Aori_Radidjiu> ANYWAY
  447. Mar 08 15:02:24 <Knox> "And you are...?"
  448. Mar 08 15:02:27 <Aori_Radidjiu> Pant, pant, pant. "The ship..." Pant. "It's under attack..." She gets in a deep breath. "By these huge metal things!"
  449. Mar 08 15:03:14 <Med> "Metal things?"
  450. Mar 08 15:03:47 * Melons groans "Med, go ahead to the office and update your brother on the situation, we've got stuff to do." and runs toward the ship.
  451. Mar 08 15:03:52 <Aori_Radidjiu> "It's...kind of like things that Lecia builds...but they're way messier..." Pant, pant.
  452. Mar 08 15:04:26 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Lesieli and Mirai and the Bear and whatshisname and Auriga are trying to stall for you guys..."
  453. Mar 08 15:05:04 <Med> "You don't want help?"
  454. Mar 08 15:05:22 <Aori_Radidjiu> Another breath. "You guys head over..." WHEW "and I'll go ahead to there..."
  455. Mar 08 15:05:42 <Knox> "...sounds like our stop by the office is getting delayed." He looks towards Med. "Well, if you're offering help, we'll take it. Either way, let's go!"
  456. Mar 08 15:05:45 <Melons> "Well it's...not your problem anymore, right? I would be nice but...whatever, haven't got the time, do whichever you want." Gone
  457. Mar 08 15:06:03 * Knox takes off as well!
  458. Mar 08 15:06:37 <Aori_Radidjiu> And from there, we're dropping off for now. We might be able to start up again if Rammy shows up early enough.
  459. Mar 08 15:07:26 * Mackenzie swaps Wilford for Veronica. "Alright Veronica, we have enemies back at the ship! Lets go!" Mack starts running, presumably starting before the others but of course I need to AFK constantly
  460. Mar 08 15:10:51 * Knox is now known as Kain
  461. Mar 08 15:23:03 <Aori_Radidjiu> Waiting...waiting...
  462. Mar 08 15:23:07 <Aori_Radidjiu> Continue anyway?
  463. Mar 08 15:23:50 * Kain is now known as Knox
  464. Mar 08 15:24:47 <Aori_Radidjiu> Y/N
  465. Mar 08 15:25:03 <Mackenzie> let's go :(
  466. Mar 08 15:25:14 <Melons> Y
  467. Mar 08 15:26:39 <Knox> Y
  468. Mar 08 15:28:19 * Roara ( has joined
  469. Mar 08 15:30:36 * Roara has quit (Connection reset by peer)
  470. Mar 08 15:31:09 <Aori_Radidjiu> Loading...loading...
  471. Mar 08 15:32:01 * Roara (roara@5B2FD314.BE3F256F.DCDBF977.IP) has joined
  472. Mar 08 15:37:13 <Aori_Radidjiu> After halting a bit, we bring ourselves to the Mutiny, where three large metallic figures can be seen on the deck from a distance, with Lesieli and Mirai knocked out on the ground, Bearington and whatshisname in between the girls and the machines, whatever they are.
  473. Mar 08 15:38:18 <Aori_Radidjiu>
  474. Mar 08 15:38:27 <Knox> "What the hell are those things?"
  475. Mar 08 15:39:20 * Knox keeps hurrying!
  476. Mar 08 15:40:05 * Melons is quite visibly pissed upon spotting Mirai.
  477. Mar 08 15:40:15 * Mackenzie heroically rushes up on deck with a Veronica. "Bearington! Backup is here. Get the others inside; you've earned your rest."
  478. Mar 08 15:41:23 * Melons silently tosses Po out.
  479. Mar 08 15:41:36 * Knox practically leaps out on deck, too, trying to get a better look at these figures.
  480. Mar 08 15:42:15 <Aori_Radidjiu> Arriving on ship, you finally get a good view of everything, specifically the THINGS on the ship. One of them is a levitating mass of twisted metal and lights and vents with flames spouting out. The second is a purple and black humanoid figure, with a red cape, and what looks like a sheathed sword at its side. The third is also slightly humanoid, completely black, with a dragonish
  481. Mar 08 15:42:16 <Aori_Radidjiu> snout and three red eyes.
  482. Mar 08 15:44:31 <Aori_Radidjiu> A female voice emanates from the second figure, wtiht he sword, from a speaker. "Oh! So it seems the rest of the crew is here, eh? Time for me to finish the job then, ahehehahaheheha!"
  483. Mar 08 15:45:35 <Aori_Radidjiu> "EPHES, SEPTUAGINT! New targets! Let's go!"
  484. Mar 08 15:45:51 <Med> "Are you from Aether?!" Med shouts back a response. presumably, after spending her highschool years in a band with a musical prodigy, she's learned how to project at some point!
  485. Mar 08 15:46:33 <Aori_Radidjiu> The voice laughs. "Sure am! Let's see if you can take my creations, eh?"
  486. Mar 08 15:46:34 <Knox> He narrows his eyes and tosses out a pokeball, releasing his Pinsir, Tenebrae, silently.
  487. Mar 08 15:47:00 <Aori_Radidjiu> Speeds!
  488. Mar 08 15:47:16 <Mackenzie> Mack 18, Veronica 30
  489. Mar 08 15:47:19 <Knox> Knox 20, Tenebrae 19!
  490. Mar 08 15:47:31 <Melons> 2d10 Lemme roll my Moody first
  491. Mar 08 15:47:32 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Lemme roll my Moody first: 10 [2d10=1,9]
  492. Mar 08 15:47:49 <Melons> Well that's not useful at all
  493. Mar 08 15:47:54 <Med> "Hear that, Knives, McMillions? They're part of the people responsible for everything."
  494. Mar 08 15:48:29 <Knox> "Machines... so I'll probably have to try a different tactic..."
  495. Mar 08 15:48:43 * Med 21, McMillions 23, Knives 15
  496. Mar 08 15:48:47 <Melons> Mel 17, Po 23 (+10 first turn)
  497. Mar 08 15:48:47 * Aori_Radidjiu has changed the topic to: Veronica > Leader (VYSAGA) > Knox = KAISER type EPHES = ZEHIRUT type SEPTUAGINT > Tenebrae > Mack > Leader (VYSAGA)
  498. Mar 08 15:49:24 * Aori_Radidjiu has changed the topic to: Po (turn 1) > Veronica > Leader (VYSAGA) > Po (actual) > Knox = KAISER type EPHES = ZEHIRUT type SEPTUAGINT > Tenebrae > Mack > Mel > Leader (VYSAGA)
  499. Mar 08 15:49:47 <Aori_Radidjiu> Oh, Med DID give speeds
  500. Mar 08 15:50:22 * Aori_Radidjiu has changed the topic to: Po (turn 1) > Veronica > Leader (VYSAGA) > Po (actual) = McMillions > Med > Knox = KAISER type EPHES = ZEHIRUT type SEPTUAGINT > Tenebrae > Mack > Mel > Knives > Leader (VYSAGA)
  501. Mar 08 15:50:57 <Aori_Radidjiu> PO!
  502. Mar 08 15:51:27 <Melons> A large needle flies straight through Po into VYSAGA! Cursed mofo.
  503. Mar 08 15:52:16 <Aori_Radidjiu> The construct seems IMMUNE to it, but whoever is speaking doesn't seem to be. "AGH, YOU'RE the WORST!"
  504. Mar 08 15:52:31 <Aori_Radidjiu> Veronica!
  505. Mar 08 15:52:48 <Melons> In addition, Type Strategy activates, 5 DR until the end of his next turn.
  506. Mar 08 15:53:53 <Knox> "It's just a remote body. She's not really here." he notes after a moment.
  507. Mar 08 15:54:15 <Mackenzie> "Alright Veronica, Fire Spin! Do it how we rehearsed!" Auto 10 vs AC 4 at Vysaga
  508. Mar 08 15:54:27 <Aori_Radidjiu> Hits!
  509. Mar 08 15:54:43 <Mackenzie> Also Vortex is a bitch of a mechanic
  510. Mar 08 15:54:47 * Roara has quit (Quit: )
  511. Mar 08 15:55:58 <Aori_Radidjiu> Vortex! "Ganging up on me, huh? What a bunch of JERKS!"
  512. Mar 08 15:56:38 <Aori_Radidjiu> VYSAGA!
  513. Mar 08 15:56:46 <Melons> (DB6 with stab is 2d6+8 by the way, fire spin DOES do direct damage as well)
  514. Mar 08 15:57:10 <Mackenzie> (Oh yeah, I forgot)
  515. Mar 08 15:57:39 <Mackenzie> 2d6+8+22
  516. Mar 08 15:57:40 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, 2d6+8+22: 40 [2d6=5,5]
  517. Mar 08 15:57:50 <Aori_Radidjiu> It draws its blade, slamming it down onto the ground (creating a nice hole in the deck, oh joy) which is BURSTING with energy. Then it slashes at the ambient energy, creating a SHOCKWAVE that goes right for Po!
  518. Mar 08 15:58:16 <Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 Psycho Cut
  519. Mar 08 15:58:17 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Psycho Cut: 5 [1d20=5]
  520. Mar 08 15:58:23 <Aori_Radidjiu> AC 2
  521. Mar 08 15:58:34 <Aori_Radidjiu> I THINK THAT MISSES
  522. Mar 08 15:58:35 <Melons> Miss
  523. Mar 08 15:58:43 <Melons> MALEDICTION
  524. Mar 08 15:58:47 <Aori_Radidjiu> McMillions!
  525. Mar 08 15:58:54 <Med> delay until after Med
  526. Mar 08 15:59:49 <Aori_Radidjiu> The machine's CAPE gets caught under its leg, and it spends a bit of time getting itself unstuck. Eva -2 until next action!
  527. Mar 08 16:00:02 <Aori_Radidjiu> Then...Knox!
  528. Mar 08 16:00:07 <Med> b-but
  529. Mar 08 16:00:14 <Knox> Med gets a turn
  530. Mar 08 16:00:19 <Aori_Radidjiu> Oh, Med
  531. Mar 08 16:00:19 <Mackenzie> (Also, gonna do damage and breakout attempt for the vortex?)
  532. Mar 08 16:00:22 <Aori_Radidjiu> I misread the turnorder
  533. Mar 08 16:00:27 <Med> yay~
  534. Mar 08 16:00:32 <Melons> (Curse + Fire Spin = lawl)
  535. Mar 08 16:00:40 <Aori_Radidjiu> (it took damage,b ut the breakout...)
  536. Mar 08 16:00:41 <Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20
  537. Mar 08 16:00:42 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 1d20: 9 [1d20=9]
  538. Mar 08 16:00:43 <Med> Go! Fight! Win!
  539. Mar 08 16:00:56 <Melons> (DC 20 first turn, then 14, then 8, then 2, then gone)
  540. Mar 08 16:00:59 <Aori_Radidjiu> No breakout
  541. Mar 08 16:01:05 <Med> Everyone gets +1 Attack CS, and one application of Motivated (which can be used as a free action to increase a Combat Stage if it's below its Default value)
  542. Mar 08 16:01:30 <Aori_Radidjiu> McMillions?
  543. Mar 08 16:01:45 <Med> Assurance on Vysaga.
  544. Mar 08 16:01:47 <Melons> (I fucked up Mel's speed reduction by the way, she's at 15)
  545. Mar 08 16:01:53 <Med> 1d20 ac2
  546. Mar 08 16:01:53 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, ac2: 6 [1d20=6]
  547. Mar 08 16:02:23 <Aori_Radidjiu> Hits!
  548. Mar 08 16:02:32 <Med> firespin did damage, so ...
  549. Mar 08 16:02:53 <Med> 4d10+15+46+11-5
  550. Mar 08 16:02:53 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, 4d10+15+46+11-5: 84 [4d10=8,1,2,6]
  551. Mar 08 16:03:38 <Aori_Radidjiu> Okay! Doesn't seem to do as much damage as you'd expect...but anyway, Knox!
  552. Mar 08 16:03:42 <Med> and Omen on KAISER type EPHES
  553. Mar 08 16:04:02 * Knox rushes over to EPHES (or whichever one is the floating one on fire) and rolls up his sleeve, raising his arm and showing off the many tattoos of unown and stylized pokemon. He runs his fingertips across them, and in an instant, all of their eyes open. "Stratan Gate - Open!" A rune circle appears in midair over Knox and sharp daggers of obsidian rock begin to shower out of it,
  554. Mar 08 16:04:03 * Knox digging themselves into whoever's around him.
  555. Mar 08 16:04:11 <Knox> 1d20 Hidden Power Rock
  556. Mar 08 16:04:12 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Hidden Power Rock: 14 [1d20=14]
  557. Mar 08 16:04:26 <Knox> 2d6+8+29
  558. Mar 08 16:04:27 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, 2d6+8+29: 43 [2d6=2,4]
  559. Mar 08 16:04:29 <Aori_Radidjiu> The floating one is SEPTUAGINT
  560. Mar 08 16:05:49 <Aori_Radidjiu> It seems to take...not much damage, actually
  561. Mar 08 16:06:06 <Knox> "Shit, that doesn't work either?"
  562. Mar 08 16:06:24 <Med> 5d6+6 INTUITION~
  563. Mar 08 16:06:24 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, INTUITION~: 30 [5d6=6,4,6,4,4]
  564. Mar 08 16:06:42 * Aori_Radidjiu has changed the topic to: Po (turn 1) > Veronica > Leader (VYSAGA) > Po (actual) = McMillions > Med > Knox = KAISER type EPHES = ZEHIRUT type SEPTUAGINT > Tenebrae > Mack > Mel - Knives > Leader (VYSAGA)
  565. Mar 08 16:06:54 * Aori_Radidjiu has changed the topic to: Po (turn 1) > Veronica > Leader (VYSAGA) > Po (actual) = McMillions > Med > Knox = KAISER type EPHES = ZEHIRUT type SEPTUAGINT > Tenebrae > Mack > Mel = Knives > Leader (VYSAGA)
  566. Mar 08 16:07:20 <Aori_Radidjiu> Med, you think the VYSAGA resists Dark attacks
  567. Mar 08 16:08:01 <Aori_Radidjiu> Next up...
  568. Mar 08 16:08:06 <Aori_Radidjiu> KAISER type EPHES
  569. Mar 08 16:09:22 <Aori_Radidjiu> It rushes up to Veronica, and....
  570. Mar 08 16:09:28 <Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 AC 2
  571. Mar 08 16:09:29 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, AC 2: 17 [1d20=17]
  572. Mar 08 16:09:35 <Knox> (But yeah, Knox attacked Septuagint)
  573. Mar 08 16:09:44 <Aori_Radidjiu> (yup)
  574. Mar 08 16:10:00 <Mackenzie> Very hit
  575. Mar 08 16:10:15 <Aori_Radidjiu> 2d8+10+30 It covers itself with a coat of WATER and crashes into Veronica (Waterfall)
  576. Mar 08 16:10:15 <Med> "It's just a guess, but... try fighting-type moves on that one!"
  577. Mar 08 16:10:15 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, It covers itself with a coat of WATER and crashes into Veronica (Waterfall): 47 [2d8=3,4]
  578. Mar 08 16:10:18 * Med points at the leader!
  579. Mar 08 16:10:22 <Melons> Spiteful Intervention: Waterfall is now disabled.
  580. Mar 08 16:10:46 <Aori_Radidjiu> It'd flinch, but flinch only happens to stuff that hasn't moved yet this round.
  581. Mar 08 16:10:50 <Knox> "Got it!" he calls out.
  582. Mar 08 16:10:53 <Aori_Radidjiu> Waterfall is disabled!
  583. Mar 08 16:11:11 <Aori_Radidjiu> ZEHIRUT type SEPTUAGINT
  584. Mar 08 16:11:58 <Aori_Radidjiu> Targeting System! It Locks On to Mel!
  585. Mar 08 16:12:18 <Aori_Radidjiu> Then it rushes over and...
  586. Mar 08 16:12:43 <Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 expels a HURRICANE
  587. Mar 08 16:12:44 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, expels a HURRICANE: 15 [1d20=15]
  588. Mar 08 16:12:48 <Aori_Radidjiu> OH NICE
  589. Mar 08 16:13:04 <Aori_Radidjiu> It hits Mel, Po, and Knives
  590. Mar 08 16:13:11 <Melons> Cursed Body fo' sure on that.
  591. Mar 08 16:13:11 <Aori_Radidjiu> (burst 1)
  592. Mar 08 16:13:13 <Mackenzie> Oh cool, Veronica is still up
  593. Mar 08 16:13:23 <Aori_Radidjiu> 3d10+10+40 Also CONFUSE
  594. Mar 08 16:13:24 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Also CONFUSE: 62 [3d10=1,2,9]
  595. Mar 08 16:13:29 <Aori_Radidjiu> Flying type damage
  596. Mar 08 16:13:56 <Aori_Radidjiu> Tenebrae!
  597. Mar 08 16:14:24 <Knox> (Sorry sorry sorry)
  598. Mar 08 16:14:28 <Knox> (Had to grab something)
  599. Mar 08 16:14:56 <Knox> "Tenebrae, you heard her! Storm Throw on the one in the cape!"
  600. Mar 08 16:15:09 <Med> Knives: 60/87 + Confused
  601. Mar 08 16:15:21 <Knox> The Pinsir charges at Vysaga and attempts to clamp her in its horns before tossing her!
  602. Mar 08 16:15:23 <Knox> 1d20 STORM THROW
  603. Mar 08 16:15:24 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, STORM THROW: 18 [1d20=18]
  604. Mar 08 16:15:28 <Aori_Radidjiu> Parry.
  605. Mar 08 16:15:42 <Knox> NOPE
  606. Mar 08 16:15:44 <Knox> MOLD BREAKER
  607. Mar 08 16:16:10 <Knox> ...I think Parry would count as a defensive ability?
  608. Mar 08 16:16:23 <Knox> Maybe not
  609. Mar 08 16:16:26 <Aori_Radidjiu> The user ignores the effect of enemies’ Defensive
  610. Mar 08 16:16:26 <Aori_Radidjiu> Abilities. Defensive Abilities are Abilities that grant
  611. Mar 08 16:16:26 <Aori_Radidjiu> Immunity or Resistance to a Type, Immunity to critical
  612. Mar 08 16:16:26 <Aori_Radidjiu> hits or a status effect, or prevent Combat Stages from
  613. Mar 08 16:16:26 <Aori_Radidjiu> being lowered. Sturdy is also a Defensive Ability.
  614. Mar 08 16:16:27 <Melons> I'd totally count it, though it's not on thel ist of examples.
  615. Mar 08 16:16:32 <Aori_Radidjiu> It actually doesn't hit any of those
  616. Mar 08 16:17:12 <Aori_Radidjiu> Hrm
  617. Mar 08 16:17:13 <Aori_Radidjiu> HOw's about
  618. Mar 08 16:17:22 <Aori_Radidjiu> instead of activating Parry it uses up its single use of DETECT
  619. Mar 08 16:17:35 <Knox> That'll do!
  620. Mar 08 16:17:51 <Aori_Radidjiu> All right.
  621. Mar 08 16:17:58 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mackenzie!
  622. Mar 08 16:18:38 <Mackenzie> Focus Energy, boring setup time
  623. Mar 08 16:18:47 <Aori_Radidjiu> ~boring~
  624. Mar 08 16:18:54 <Aori_Radidjiu> Melanie!
  625. Mar 08 16:18:58 <Aori_Radidjiu> You're CONFUSED
  626. Mar 08 16:19:01 <Melons> 1d20 Hit myself in confusion like a champ
  627. Mar 08 16:19:03 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Hit myself in confusion like a champ: 3 [1d20=3]
  628. Mar 08 16:19:04 <Med> (dont forget you all have +1 CS to Atk)
  629. Mar 08 16:19:26 <Aori_Radidjiu> Knives!
  630. Mar 08 16:19:51 <Med> 1d20+2 CONFUSION
  631. Mar 08 16:19:52 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, CONFUSION: 16 [1d20=14]
  632. Mar 08 16:20:02 <Aori_Radidjiu> Knives dun' give a shit
  633. Mar 08 16:20:03 <Melons> 1d8+7+8 good thing I'm at 3 stages of attack, fuck you Moody
  634. Mar 08 16:20:04 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, good thing I'm at 3 stages of attack, fuck you Moody: 22 [1d8=7]
  635. Mar 08 16:20:24 <Melons> 2d10 Did I mention hitting yourself in confusion triggers moody too?
  636. Mar 08 16:20:26 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Did I mention hitting yourself in confusion triggers moody too?: 10 [2d10=2,8]
  637. Mar 08 16:20:33 <Med> Knives is cured by perks of being owned by an adorable cheerleader-type trainer!~
  638. Mar 08 16:21:06 <Med> Mel, dont forget about the +1 CS to anything lower than Default that you can do anytime as a free action once
  639. Mar 08 16:21:15 <Melons> I would if I wasn't confused.
  640. Mar 08 16:21:34 <Aori_Radidjiu> What'll Knives do?
  641. Mar 08 16:21:47 <Med> Knives will try Assurance on the one Knox attacked. Septuathing.
  642. Mar 08 16:22:00 <Aori_Radidjiu> roll it~
  643. Mar 08 16:22:07 <Med> 1d20 ac2
  644. Mar 08 16:22:07 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, ac2: 4 [1d20=4]
  645. Mar 08 16:22:16 <Aori_Radidjiu> Miss.
  646. Mar 08 16:22:29 <Aori_Radidjiu> VYSAGA!
  647. Mar 08 16:23:07 <Mackenzie> Nother fire spin escape (14 this time)
  648. Mar 08 16:23:10 <Aori_Radidjiu> The Evasion down wore off
  649. Mar 08 16:23:17 <Aori_Radidjiu> It uses SWORDS DANCE
  650. Mar 08 16:23:20 <Aori_Radidjiu> And then
  651. Mar 08 16:23:21 <Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20
  652. Mar 08 16:23:21 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 1d20: 7 [1d20=7]
  653. Mar 08 16:23:27 <Aori_Radidjiu> Still being spun in fire!
  654. Mar 08 16:23:47 <Aori_Radidjiu> NEW ROUND
  655. Mar 08 16:23:51 * Aori_Radidjiu has changed the topic to: Veronica > Leader (VYSAGA) > Po (actual) = McMillions > Med > Knox = KAISER type EPHES = ZEHIRUT type SEPTUAGINT > Tenebrae > Mack > Mel = Knives > Leader (VYSAGA)
  656. Mar 08 16:23:55 <Aori_Radidjiu> Veronica!
  657. Mar 08 16:25:08 <Med> Spending 2 AP to lift all restrictions.
  658. Mar 08 16:25:41 <Mackenzie> "I can't guarantee you'll be safe... But keep swinging! Flame Burst!"
  659. Mar 08 16:25:44 <Med> actually just 1. can keep the 5 damage thing.
  660. Mar 08 16:25:44 <Mackenzie> 1d20 ac2
  661. Mar 08 16:25:45 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, ac2: 18 [1d20=18]
  662. Mar 08 16:25:52 <Aori_Radidjiu> On Vysaga?
  663. Mar 08 16:25:56 <Mackenzie> Yes
  664. Mar 08 16:25:57 * Break ( has joined
  665. Mar 08 16:26:00 <Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 Water Shuriken
  666. Mar 08 16:26:01 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Water Shuriken: 6 [1d20=6]
  667. Mar 08 16:26:09 <Aori_Radidjiu> ...AC 4, so that misses
  668. Mar 08 16:26:17 <Aori_Radidjiu> It expends its use of DODGE to get out of that.
  669. Mar 08 16:26:45 <Aori_Radidjiu> Since it used up its turn...
  670. Mar 08 16:26:47 <Aori_Radidjiu> PO!
  671. Mar 08 16:26:51 <Aori_Radidjiu> confused
  672. Mar 08 16:26:53 <Mackenzie> 2d10+10+22 i just wanna see what it would have been okay ;-;
  673. Mar 08 16:26:53 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, i just wanna see what it would have been okay: 38 [2d10=4,2]
  674. Mar 08 16:26:58 <Melons> 1d20 He hurts himself in confusion too
  675. Mar 08 16:26:59 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, He hurts himself in confusion too: 3 [1d20=3]
  676. Mar 08 16:27:06 <Aori_Radidjiu> pffft
  677. Mar 08 16:27:33 <Aori_Radidjiu> McMillions!
  678. Mar 08 16:27:36 <Melons> 1d8+6+5
  679. Mar 08 16:27:38 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, 1d8+6+5: 16 [1d8=5]
  680. Mar 08 16:27:44 * Break_ has quit (Ping timeout)
  681. Mar 08 16:27:55 <Mackenzie> Also I think they technically take fire spin damage and attempt to break out when they shuriken
  682. Mar 08 16:28:02 <Mackenzie> (8 that time)
  683. Mar 08 16:28:23 <Aori_Radidjiu> oh right
  684. Mar 08 16:28:25 <Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 BREAKOUT
  685. Mar 08 16:28:26 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, BREAKOUT: 17 [1d20=17]
  686. Mar 08 16:28:30 <Aori_Radidjiu> BROKEN OUT
  687. Mar 08 16:28:33 <Med> McMillions will wait until after ___'s turn.
  688. Mar 08 16:28:43 <Aori_Radidjiu> Med!
  689. Mar 08 16:30:09 * Med lets Chomps out as her Shift action. Inspired Training to Chomps, McMillions, Po, and Mel! +1 Evade and +2 Saves.
  690. Mar 08 16:30:56 <Med> Chomps is speed 11.
  691. Mar 08 16:30:59 <Aori_Radidjiu> Chomps' spee- okay
  692. Mar 08 16:31:07 * Aori_Radidjiu has changed the topic to: Veronica > Leader (VYSAGA) > Po (actual) = McMillions > Med > Knox = KAISER type EPHES = ZEHIRUT type SEPTUAGINT > Tenebrae > Mack > Mel = Knives > Leader (VYSAGA) > Chomps
  693. Mar 08 16:31:20 <Med> also why di di say after ___. after Med. silly me.
  694. Mar 08 16:31:30 <Med> McMillions now Night Shades VYSAGA!
  695. Mar 08 16:31:33 <Aori_Radidjiu> Doing McMillions' turn now?
  696. Mar 08 16:31:33 <Aori_Radidjiu> ah
  697. Mar 08 16:31:38 <Med> 1d20 ac2
  698. Mar 08 16:31:38 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, ac2: 11 [1d20=11]
  699. Mar 08 16:32:13 <Med> 42 unmitigated damage!
  700. Mar 08 16:32:48 <Aori_Radidjiu> McMillions sends out an aura of MALICE which knocks off a layer of VYSAGA's armor. "Oh, are you serious? They're serious. Then I'LL have to be serious. Limit off."
  701. Mar 08 16:33:02 * Aori_Radidjiu has changed the topic to: Veronica > Leader (VYSAGA) > Po (actual) = McMillions > Med > Knox = KAISER type EPHES = ZEHIRUT type SEPTUAGINT > Tenebrae > Mack > Mel = Knives > Leader (VYSAGA) > Chomps > Leader (VYSAGA)
  702. Mar 08 16:33:58 <Aori_Radidjiu> Knox!
  703. Mar 08 16:34:04 * Knox slips on his arm cannon and lets out a shot of globby goodness at EPHES to reduce its mobility!
  704. Mar 08 16:34:07 <Knox> 1d20 AC 8 status
  705. Mar 08 16:34:08 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, AC 8 status: 7 [1d20=7]
  706. Mar 08 16:34:12 <Aori_Radidjiu> Miss!
  707. Mar 08 16:34:35 <Aori_Radidjiu> KAISER type EPHES
  708. Mar 08 16:35:36 <Aori_Radidjiu> The black humanoid THING goes next to Tenebrae and Mack, and then...
  709. Mar 08 16:35:39 <Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 AC 3
  710. Mar 08 16:35:40 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, AC 3: 5 [1d20=5]
  711. Mar 08 16:35:49 <Aori_Radidjiu> OUTRAGE. Which has SMITE, so
  712. Mar 08 16:35:56 <Aori_Radidjiu> It technically doesn't miss
  713. Mar 08 16:36:13 <Aori_Radidjiu> 4d10+15+30 to the both of them, Enrage/Confuse Self
  714. Mar 08 16:36:14 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, to the both of them, Enrage/Confuse Self: 68 [4d10=10,2,6,5]
  715. Mar 08 16:36:19 <Aori_Radidjiu> That's resisted one step
  716. Mar 08 16:36:51 <Aori_Radidjiu> Because that's how the new SMITE works
  717. Mar 08 16:37:03 <Med> craazzyy
  718. Mar 08 16:37:07 <Mackenzie> 27 damage, Mack is hurtin like nobody's business
  719. Mar 08 16:37:19 <Aori_Radidjiu> ZEHIRUT type SEPTUAGINT
  720. Mar 08 16:37:23 <Melons> Mel meanwhile is at 38/115 and Po at 7/85 :<
  721. Mar 08 16:37:28 <Knox> Only 24 damage to Tenebrae. He shakes it off!
  722. Mar 08 16:37:53 <Aori_Radidjiu> It doesn't have Hurricane anymore. OH WELL. It turns to Mel, Po, and Mack, and then...
  723. Mar 08 16:38:02 <Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 MIRROR SHOT AC 5
  724. Mar 08 16:38:03 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, MIRROR SHOT AC 5: 17 [1d20=17]
  725. Mar 08 16:38:11 <Aori_Radidjiu> -2 Acc to all three of them, and then...
  726. Mar 08 16:38:23 <Aori_Radidjiu> 3d8+10+40 Steel Damage
  727. Mar 08 16:38:24 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Steel Damage: 59 [3d8=2,6,1]
  728. Mar 08 16:38:27 <Melons> well guess i'll go get a snack or something
  729. Mar 08 16:38:29 <Med> Mel and Po still have +1 Evade!~ th...that's probably not enough :(
  730. Mar 08 16:39:00 <Aori_Radidjiu> Tenebrae!
  731. Mar 08 16:39:50 <Knox> Tenebrae declares Revenge on Ephes! And since it's already damaged Tenebrae this round that -will- get boosted, but he'll still only get to go at the end of the turn.
  732. Mar 08 16:40:03 <Aori_Radidjiu> Oh well~
  733. Mar 08 16:40:08 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mackenzie!
  734. Mar 08 16:42:20 * Mackenzie uses a Super Potion on Mel. +35 HP
  735. Mar 08 16:43:15 * Mackenzie also recalls Veronica
  736. Mar 08 16:45:33 * Mackenzie retcons the potion into a revive
  737. Mar 08 16:45:36 <Aori_Radidjiu> *Revive
  738. Mar 08 16:45:50 <Aori_Radidjiu> Who you replacing Veronica with?
  739. Mar 08 16:45:56 <Aori_Radidjiu> Or are you doing that next turn?
  740. Mar 08 16:46:29 <Mackenzie> Uh, sure. I'll Hawlucha.
  741. Mar 08 16:46:37 <Mackenzie> Speed 25
  742. Mar 08 16:47:02 * Aori_Radidjiu has changed the topic to: Leader (VYSAGA) > HAWLUCHA > McMillions > Med > Knox = KAISER type EPHES = ZEHIRUT type SEPTUAGINT > Tenebrae > Mack > Mel = Knives > Leader (VYSAGA) > Chomps > Leader (VYSAGA)
  743. Mar 08 16:47:12 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mel!
  744. Mar 08 16:47:47 * Melons lets Kei out while whoozy. 19 Speed +10 first
  745. Mar 08 16:48:16 * Aori_Radidjiu has changed the topic to: Leader (VYSAGA) > HAWLUCHA > McMillions > Med > Knox = KAISER type EPHES = ZEHIRUT type SEPTUAGINT > Tenebrae = Kei > Mack > Mel = Knives > Leader (VYSAGA) > Chomps > Leader (VYSAGA)
  746. Mar 08 16:48:48 <Aori_Radidjiu> Knives!
  747. Mar 08 16:48:55 <Aori_Radidjiu> he moving or is it Chomps this turn?
  748. Mar 08 16:48:59 <Med> Chomps yo.
  749. Mar 08 16:49:02 <Aori_Radidjiu> 'kay
  750. Mar 08 16:49:05 <Aori_Radidjiu> VYSAGA
  751. Mar 08 16:49:06 <Med> already gave the orders out~
  752. Mar 08 16:49:41 <Melons> Oh, I only forfeit STandard and shifts, frees are still good, sweet.
  753. Mar 08 16:50:05 <Aori_Radidjiu> Vysaga draws its blade, jumping up, and then...
  754. Mar 08 16:50:09 <Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 Crit check
  755. Mar 08 16:50:10 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Crit check: 4 [1d20=4]
  756. Mar 08 16:50:13 <Aori_Radidjiu> nocrit
  757. Mar 08 16:50:48 <Aori_Radidjiu> 2d10+10+45 Sacred Sword can't miss, here comes the PAIIIIN on Knives (fighting type)
  758. Mar 08 16:50:49 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Sacred Sword can't miss, here comes the PAIIIIN on Knives (fighting type): 63 [2d10=7,1]
  759. Mar 08 16:50:55 <Melons> Can KEi cover and Detect?
  760. Mar 08 16:51:04 <Aori_Radidjiu> Hmmmm
  761. Mar 08 16:51:05 <Aori_Radidjiu> HMMMM
  762. Mar 08 16:51:10 <Aori_Radidjiu> Roll me an intercept check
  763. Mar 08 16:51:18 <Melons> 3d6+2 Athletics?
  764. Mar 08 16:51:20 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Athletics?: 10 [3d6=4,1,3]
  765. Mar 08 16:51:25 <Aori_Radidjiu> Hmmmmm
  766. Mar 08 16:51:59 <Aori_Radidjiu> Yeah, Kei jumps in and pushes Knives out of the way, jumping on top of the VYSAGA and then back into position.
  767. Mar 08 16:52:10 <Aori_Radidjiu> next up is CHOMPS
  768. Mar 08 16:52:58 <Melons> (Also I technically still had a command action that round, so I'll still have one for the next one)
  769. Mar 08 16:53:29 <Aori_Radidjiu> (notbad)
  770. Mar 08 16:53:36 <Melons> Oh
  771. Mar 08 16:53:36 <Melons> and
  772. Mar 08 16:53:38 <Melons> MALEDICTION
  773. Mar 08 16:54:16 <Aori_Radidjiu> Eeeeeeeh, doesn't work on forced misses, missy.
  774. Mar 08 16:54:31 <Melons> But...the wording directly implies it would!
  775. Mar 08 16:54:36 <Aori_Radidjiu> oh it does
  776. Mar 08 16:54:37 <Aori_Radidjiu> well then
  777. Mar 08 16:54:40 <Med> Chomps'll Fire Fang VYSAGA for daring to try and hurt Knives!
  778. Mar 08 16:54:47 <Aori_Radidjiu> THE VYSAGA FACEPLANTS ON THE DECK
  779. Mar 08 16:54:49 <Aori_Radidjiu> TRIPPED
  780. Mar 08 16:55:17 <Med> 1d20+1-2 AC3
  781. Mar 08 16:55:17 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, AC3: 11 [1d20=12]
  782. Mar 08 16:55:52 <Aori_Radidjiu> Hits!
  783. Mar 08 16:56:00 <Med> 2d6+10+35+10-5
  784. Mar 08 16:56:00 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, 2d6+10+35+10-5: 60 [2d6=5,5]
  785. Mar 08 16:56:31 <Aori_Radidjiu> WHAM
  786. Mar 08 16:56:32 <Med> 1d20+1-2 Polycephaly; AC 4
  787. Mar 08 16:56:33 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, Polycephaly: 12 [1d20=13]; 4: 0 []
  788. Mar 08 16:56:54 <Med> 1d8+5+35+10-5 resisted one step
  789. Mar 08 16:56:55 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, resisted one step: 47 [1d8=2]
  790. Mar 08 16:57:03 <Aori_Radidjiu> and resisted another
  791. Mar 08 16:57:23 <Med> another? D:
  792. Mar 08 16:57:29 <Aori_Radidjiu> Steel type
  793. Mar 08 16:57:36 <Aori_Radidjiu> So it naturally resisted it
  794. Mar 08 16:57:42 <Med> oh right
  795. Mar 08 16:57:52 <Aori_Radidjiu> VYSAGA
  796. Mar 08 16:59:12 <Aori_Radidjiu> It picks itself up (byebye shift) and then turns to Kei
  797. Mar 08 16:59:13 <Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20
  798. Mar 08 16:59:14 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 1d20: 11 [1d20=11]
  799. Mar 08 16:59:39 <Aori_Radidjiu> It again SLAMS its sword down onto the deck, creating a well of ambient energy that it SLASHES over to Kei. Psycho Cut!
  800. Mar 08 16:59:48 <Aori_Radidjiu> 2d8+10+45
  801. Mar 08 16:59:48 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 2d8+10+45: 63 [2d8=6,2]
  802. Mar 08 17:00:02 <Knox> 1d20 Tenebrae's eyes gleam coldly and he locks his horns onto the humanoid thing, intent on crushing it to bits. REVENGE on EPHES!
  803. Mar 08 17:00:03 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Tenebrae's eyes gleam coldly and he locks his horns onto the humanoid thing, intent on crushing it to bits. REVENGE on EPHES!: 1 [1d20=1]
  804. Mar 08 17:00:04 <Melons> Being a gentleman has its disadvantages. Kei is down. :<
  805. Mar 08 17:00:06 <Knox> COME ON
  806. Mar 08 17:00:36 <Aori_Radidjiu> EPHES holds up a hand and catches Tenebrae's horns nonchalantly
  807. Mar 08 17:00:54 <Aori_Radidjiu> New round! VYSAGA!
  808. Mar 08 17:01:18 <Aori_Radidjiu> NOw that it's not tripped...
  809. Mar 08 17:01:43 <Med> spending 2 AP this round~
  810. Mar 08 17:01:46 <Melons> Oh yeah, Mel Quick Switches at KEi dropping to toss out Djinni (10 initiative)
  811. Mar 08 17:01:57 <Melons> Oh wait, evolution, right, 16 initiative
  812. Mar 08 17:02:28 <Aori_Radidjiu> It DASHES over at Mack and Med, claws popping out above its hands
  813. Mar 08 17:02:37 <Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 AC 3 PASS ATTACK
  814. Mar 08 17:02:38 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, AC 3 PASS ATTACK: 11 [1d20=11]
  815. Mar 08 17:02:50 <Aori_Radidjiu> oh shit I kept forgetting about Vanguard
  816. Mar 08 17:02:57 <Aori_Radidjiu> anyway
  817. Mar 08 17:03:05 <Aori_Radidjiu> 2d8+10+45+5
  818. Mar 08 17:03:06 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 2d8+10+45+5: 74 [2d8=6,8]
  819. Mar 08 17:03:15 <Aori_Radidjiu> Steel type
  820. Mar 08 17:04:11 <Aori_Radidjiu> next up...
  821. Mar 08 17:04:18 <Aori_Radidjiu> HAWLU-
  822. Mar 08 17:04:18 <Aori_Radidjiu> MISTRAL!
  823. Mar 08 17:04:18 <Aori_Radidjiu> MISTRAL WARPS IN BEHIND VYSAGA. HI JUMP KICK! "Sorry I'm late! I went and alerted Lani!"
  824. Mar 08 17:04:28 <Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 HI JUMP KICK
  825. Mar 08 17:04:28 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, HI JUMP KICK: 4 [1d20=4]
  826. Mar 08 17:04:32 <Aori_Radidjiu> MISS
  827. Mar 08 17:05:06 <Med> Um. Knives will be moving to intercept that attack!
  828. Mar 08 17:05:40 <Med> 3d6 intercept!
  829. Mar 08 17:05:40 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, intercept!: 10 [3d6=5,2,3]
  830. Mar 08 17:05:52 <Aori_Radidjiu> 4d10+20+25 on herself owowowow
  831. Mar 08 17:05:53 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, on herself owowowow: 68 [4d10=6,9,4,4]
  832. Mar 08 17:05:57 <Med> I assume it's physical?
  833. Mar 08 17:06:00 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mistral crashes onto the deck
  834. Mar 08 17:06:01 <Aori_Radidjiu> Yep
  835. Mar 08 17:06:05 <Aori_Radidjiu> It's Metal claw
  836. Mar 08 17:06:22 <Aori_Radidjiu> That intercepts! Knives takes the hit for you!
  837. Mar 08 17:06:36 <Mackenzie> Is Mack still hit? If so, he endures, motherfucker
  838. Mar 08 17:06:37 <Med> Knives: 36/87 1 Injury
  839. Mar 08 17:06:48 <Med> Knives only protected a Med :(
  840. Mar 08 17:07:01 <Mackenzie> Well Mack endures then!
  841. Mar 08 17:07:15 * Aori_Radidjiu has changed the topic to: Leader (VYSAGA) > Mistral = HAWLUCHA > McMillions > Med > Knox = KAISER type EPHES = ZEHIRUT type SEPTUAGINT > Tenebrae = Kei > Mack > Djinni > Mel = Knives > Leader (VYSAGA) > Chomps > Leader (VYSAGA)
  842. Mar 08 17:07:30 * Aori_Radidjiu has changed the topic to: Leader (VYSAGA) > Mistral = HAWLUCHA > McMillions > Med > Knox = KAISER type EPHES = ZEHIRUT type SEPTUAGINT > Tenebrae > Mack > Djinni > Mel = Knives > Leader (VYSAGA) > Chomps > Leader (VYSAGA)
  843. Mar 08 17:07:32 <Aori_Radidjiu> There.
  844. Mar 08 17:07:39 <Aori_Radidjiu> Enduring LIKE A BOSS
  845. Mar 08 17:07:41 <Aori_Radidjiu> HAWLUCHA
  846. Mar 08 17:08:51 <Mackenzie> "Heh. Alright Hawlucha, let's teach them a lesson already! Flying Press!"
  847. Mar 08 17:08:58 <Mackenzie> 1d20 ac3 at vysaga
  848. Mar 08 17:08:59 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, ac3 at vysaga: 3 [1d20=3]
  849. Mar 08 17:09:03 <Mackenzie> :(
  850. Mar 08 17:09:14 <Aori_Radidjiu> VYSAGA elegantly sidesteps.
  851. Mar 08 17:09:21 <Aori_Radidjiu> McMillions!
  852. Mar 08 17:11:33 <Med> 1d20 Drill Peck at VYSAGA
  853. Mar 08 17:11:34 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, Drill Peck at VYSAGA: 12 [1d20=12]
  854. Mar 08 17:11:45 <Aori_Radidjiu> Hits!
  855. Mar 08 17:12:12 <Med> 3d8+10+46+11
  856. Mar 08 17:12:13 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, 3d8+10+46+11: 77 [3d8=4,4,2]
  857. Mar 08 17:12:23 <Med> 5d6+6 med intuition: did it resist that, too?
  858. Mar 08 17:12:24 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, med intuition: did it resist that, too?: 23 [5d6=5,4,2,3,3]
  859. Mar 08 17:13:33 <Aori_Radidjiu> Yes, it did!
  860. Mar 08 17:14:23 <Aori_Radidjiu> Med!
  861. Mar 08 17:15:23 <Med> I Believe In You!
  862. Mar 08 17:15:44 <Med> Everyone gets +2 to their next accuracy check (whenever they roll it), and can do +5 more damage on any one damaging attack of their choice.
  863. Mar 08 17:15:47 <Aori_Radidjiu> Knox!
  864. Mar 08 17:15:53 <Knox> He spits on the ship deck and tosses his glue cannon aside. He's had about enough of this shit, and rushes SEPTUAGINT before tackling it. He can't really find much purchase with the twisty metal bits likely, but he's sure as hell gonna try to throw its aim off to buy time!
  865. Mar 08 17:16:05 <Knox> 1d20+3 (Thanks Med, also spending an AP) GRAPPLE
  866. Mar 08 17:16:06 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, (Thanks Med, also spending an AP) GRAPPLE: 21 [1d20=18]
  867. Mar 08 17:16:12 <Aori_Radidjiu> WHOA SHIT
  868. Mar 08 17:16:14 <Knox> 3d6+6 ANOTHER AP
  869. Mar 08 17:16:15 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, ANOTHER AP: 16 [3d6=1,4,5]
  870. Mar 08 17:16:17 <Aori_Radidjiu> YOU'VE MADE CONTACT AND
  871. Mar 08 17:16:41 <Aori_Radidjiu> 3d6
  872. Mar 08 17:16:42 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 3d6: 8 [3d6=1,3,4]
  873. Mar 08 17:16:46 <Aori_Radidjiu> GRAPPLED
  874. Mar 08 17:17:06 <Knox> It gets a -6 to hit anything besides Knox, and is also Stuck and Trapped!
  875. Mar 08 17:17:19 <Aori_Radidjiu> also FLAME BODY
  876. Mar 08 17:17:24 <Aori_Radidjiu> Knox is BURNED
  877. Mar 08 17:17:30 * Knox grits his teeth but holds on!
  878. Mar 08 17:17:38 <Aori_Radidjiu> EPHES!
  879. Mar 08 17:17:42 <Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 Confusion
  880. Mar 08 17:17:43 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Confusion: 3 [1d20=3]
  881. Mar 08 17:17:47 <Aori_Radidjiu> HITS ITSELF IN CONFUSION
  882. Mar 08 17:18:23 <Aori_Radidjiu> 1d8+6+30 resisted one step... and then naturally resisted again
  883. Mar 08 17:18:24 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, resisted one step... and then naturally resisted again: 43 [1d8=7]
  884. Mar 08 17:18:39 <Aori_Radidjiu> ...
  885. Mar 08 17:18:46 <Aori_Radidjiu> and then resisted again because Multiscale
  886. Mar 08 17:19:15 <Aori_Radidjiu> SEPTUAGINT
  887. Mar 08 17:19:42 <Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 AC 2 on Knox
  888. Mar 08 17:19:43 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, AC 2 on Knox: 17 [1d20=17]
  889. Mar 08 17:19:50 <Aori_Radidjiu> FIERY DANCE
  890. Mar 08 17:19:55 <Aori_Radidjiu> 3d8+10+40
  891. Mar 08 17:19:55 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 3d8+10+40: 65 [3d8=2,8,5]
  892. Mar 08 17:20:17 <Knox> "NNNGH."
  893. Mar 08 17:20:43 <Aori_Radidjiu> TENEBRAE!
  894. Mar 08 17:20:47 <Knox> Tenebrae goes for Vysaga again, dashing in with another Storm Throw!
  895. Mar 08 17:20:49 <Knox> 1d20
  896. Mar 08 17:20:49 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, 1d20: 15 [1d20=15]
  897. Mar 08 17:21:03 <Aori_Radidjiu> ohboy
  898. Mar 08 17:21:06 <Knox> 4d8+20+25 DODGE THIS ONE BITCH
  899. Mar 08 17:21:06 <Aori_Radidjiu> can't block it now
  900. Mar 08 17:21:06 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, DODGE THIS ONE BITCH: 68 [4d8=6,7,4,6]
  901. Mar 08 17:21:30 * DiceMaid-9001 (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has left
  902. Mar 08 17:21:38 <Aori_Radidjiu> Tenebrae tosses the fucker RIGHT INTO THE RAILING on the side of the boat and hey what
  903. Mar 08 17:22:59 <Aori_Radidjiu> chunks of armor and its cape all drop off. "OWWWWW
  904. Mar 08 17:23:00 <Aori_Radidjiu> "
  905. Mar 08 17:23:43 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mack!
  906. Mar 08 17:25:15 <Aori_Radidjiu> The VYSAGA gets up, sparks coming off in areas of its body. "Looks like I underestimated you all, hehehe."
  907. Mar 08 17:25:32 <Mackenzie> "I think I ought to take a step back at this point..." Mack disappears~
  908. Mar 08 17:26:12 >DiceMaid-9001< !dm-9001 join #youareapirate
  909. Mar 08 17:26:21 >DiceMaid-9001< !dm9001 join #youareapirate
  910. Mar 08 17:26:21 * DiceMaid-9001 (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has joined
  911. Mar 08 17:26:32 <Aori_Radidjiu> Oh, there's meido
  912. Mar 08 17:26:40 <Aori_Radidjiu> Djinni!
  913. Mar 08 17:27:12 <Melons> In what ways can I safely hit enemies without hitting allies with a Close Blast 3 and a Burst 2 Groundsource
  914. Mar 08 17:27:14 <Melons> ?
  915. Mar 08 17:27:25 <Aori_Radidjiu> Ooooh
  916. Mar 08 17:28:04 <Mackenzie> Boatsource
  917. Mar 08 17:28:13 <Aori_Radidjiu> You can hit EPHES and SEPTUAGINT simultaneously, since nothing seems to be close to either right now except for Knox, given that everything is focusing on VYSAGA
  918. Mar 08 17:28:24 <Aori_Radidjiu> And Knox is ON TOP of the fucker
  919. Mar 08 17:29:11 <Melons> Can I hit just the fearless leader and nothing else with the close blast 3?
  920. Mar 08 17:29:32 <Aori_Radidjiu> Since Tenebrae JUST threw it, yes.
  921. Mar 08 17:30:06 <Melons> 1d20 Djinni bears down upon Vysaga, releasing a conflagration of flame! Heat Wave, AC4
  922. Mar 08 17:30:07 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Djinni bears down upon Vysaga, releasing a conflagration of flame! Heat Wave, AC4: 5 [1d20=5]
  923. Mar 08 17:30:11 <Melons> Fuck you too, dicey
  924. Mar 08 17:30:14 <Aori_Radidjiu> Miss.
  925. Mar 08 17:30:27 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mel!
  926. Mar 08 17:30:27 * Melons quick switch, first bloods to Golett, tossing it right by the other two
  927. Mar 08 17:30:39 <Melons> 1d20 Magnitude them fucks, AC2
  928. Mar 08 17:30:40 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Magnitude them fucks, AC2: 9 [1d20=9]
  929. Mar 08 17:30:52 <Melons> 1d6+7 Damage base
  930. Mar 08 17:30:53 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Damage base: 11 [1d6=4]
  931. Mar 08 17:30:59 <Aori_Radidjiu> thaaaat hits
  932. Mar 08 17:31:00 <Aori_Radidjiu> ohboy
  933. Mar 08 17:31:25 <Melons> 3d10+10+17 If only he was all grown up!
  934. Mar 08 17:31:26 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, If only he was all grown up!: 40 [3d10=6,5,2]
  935. Mar 08 17:31:37 <Melons> Solem then fades into the shadows.
  936. Mar 08 17:32:07 <Aori_Radidjiu> EPHES doesn't seem particularly bovered...
  937. Mar 08 17:32:28 <Aori_Radidjiu> SEPTUAGINT on the other hand...
  938. Mar 08 17:32:45 <Aori_Radidjiu> BURSTS APART, into a shower of lights, vents, and metal
  939. Mar 08 17:32:54 * Knox hits the deck roughly, grunting.
  940. Mar 08 17:33:21 <Knox> "GOOD." he manages to get out. "And STAY down you piece of junk!"
  941. Mar 08 17:33:48 <Melons> 1d20 Mel, meanwhile, attempts to go full-on Carrie and ignite Vysaga. Will-O-Wisp, AC5
  942. Mar 08 17:33:49 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Mel, meanwhile, attempts to go full-on Carrie and ignite Vysaga. Will-O-Wisp, AC5: 8 [1d20=8]
  943. Mar 08 17:33:55 <Aori_Radidjiu> Miss.
  944. Mar 08 17:34:15 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Aw, not Septy!"
  945. Mar 08 17:34:47 <Melons> 4d6+4 And then feign fainting from exhaustion as her Shift.
  946. Mar 08 17:34:48 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, And then feign fainting from exhaustion as her Shift.: 19 [4d6=5,4,2,4]
  947. Mar 08 17:35:03 <Aori_Radidjiu> You hit the ground. Mistral gasps. "Oh no!"
  948. Mar 08 17:37:26 <Aori_Radidjiu> Knives!
  949. Mar 08 17:38:28 <Med> already went!
  950. Mar 08 17:38:40 <Aori_Radidjiu> ohright
  951. Mar 08 17:38:46 <Aori_Radidjiu> VYSAGA
  952. Mar 08 17:39:07 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Ugh, I gotta' hand it to you guys, you all a- CRSSSSSH"
  953. Mar 08 17:39:55 <Aori_Radidjiu> Speaker broke, it seems. The mech's face and part of its chest fall off, revealing the woman at the controls...
  954. Mar 08 17:40:24 <Knox> Knox gets a sort of gleam in his eyes. "Sometimes I like being wrong."
  955. Mar 08 17:40:45 <Med> "Are you really one of their assassins?"
  956. Mar 08 17:42:13 <Aori_Radidjiu> She looks like but...well...
  957. Mar 08 17:42:28 <Aori_Radidjiu> She has Lecia's face! She's dressed way different, and her voice is way different, but...
  958. Mar 08 17:42:50 <Med> 5d6+6 is she an evil lecia clone? (INTUITION)
  959. Mar 08 17:42:50 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, is she an evil lecia clone? (INTUITION): 19 [5d6=3,2,1,4,3]
  960. Mar 08 17:43:04 <Melons> 1d6-2 Is she going to be dead soon?
  961. Mar 08 17:43:05 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Is she going to be dead soon?: 1 [1d6=3]
  962. Mar 08 17:43:22 <Aori_Radidjiu> What the fuck is a clone?
  963. Mar 08 17:43:23 <Knox> "Hey, you look like that chick..."
  964. Mar 08 17:43:46 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Look like who? Egh, I can't fight like this anymore..."
  965. Mar 08 17:44:43 <Knox> "Then surrender or run like a little bitch while you can."
  966. Mar 08 17:44:47 <Aori_Radidjiu> "Escape mode...go! I'll see you kiddies later!" Thrusters start going up at the back of the VYSAGA. "EPHES, could you cover me? Sorry!"
  967. Mar 08 17:45:09 <Med> PURSUIT
  968. Mar 08 17:45:20 <Aori_Radidjiu> EPHES nods and intercepts the PURSUIT
  969. Mar 08 17:45:35 <Med> 1d20 AC2
  970. Mar 08 17:45:35 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, AC2: 7 [1d20=7]
  971. Mar 08 17:45:35 <Aori_Radidjiu> 4d6+2 really, robots move fast when you think about it
  972. Mar 08 17:45:36 <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, really, robots move fast when you think about it: 16 [4d6=3,1,5,5]
  973. Mar 08 17:45:44 <Knox> He reaches for his glue cannon - but he discarded it a few meters over. Whoops!
  974. Mar 08 17:45:45 <Aori_Radidjiu> That hits!
  975. Mar 08 17:45:52 <Med> i assume it still gets fleeing damage?
  976. Mar 08 17:45:57 <Aori_Radidjiu> Yep!
  977. Mar 08 17:46:21 <Med> oh, i forgot +2 to the attack roll. NO MATTER
  978. Mar 08 17:46:26 <Med> 3d8+10+46+11+5
  979. Mar 08 17:46:26 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, 3d8+10+46+11+5: 86 [3d8=6,3,5]
  980. Mar 08 17:46:47 <Melons> (Mack did use Phantom Force...which has effectively infinite range so long as something is on the battlefield)
  981. Mar 08 17:47:14 <Mackenzie> (Hawlucha can also fly and just pursue in that manner)
  982. Mar 08 17:47:22 <Aori_Radidjiu> EPHES is still up!
  983. Mar 08 17:47:25 <Melons> (Also I didn't think you could intercept an interrupt since that would be interrupting an interrupt)
  984. Mar 08 17:47:29 <Aori_Radidjiu> ...barely
  985. Mar 08 17:47:47 <Mackenzie> (Quick guard exists to interrupt an interrupt)
  986. Mar 08 17:48:06 <Melons> (Because nothing else can)
  987. Mar 08 17:48:19 <Aori_Radidjiu> The Lecia-alike BLASTS OFF into the air...
  988. Mar 08 17:48:40 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mack and Hawlucha can still try something! And then that's it
  989. Mar 08 17:48:43 <Melons> (Oh, there's a clause for it now, you need higher initiative to Intercept Priority/Interrupt)
  990. Mar 08 17:49:00 <Med> which they didn't have because BIRDSPEED.
  991. Mar 08 17:49:09 <Med> does that mean the attack should've hit the Lecia-alike in the face?
  992. Mar 08 17:49:16 <Melons> (Technically)
  993. Mar 08 17:49:47 <Med> and potentially KO'd, given all that curse damage?
  994. Mar 08 17:49:50 <Melons> (Also can't intercept no-miss moves at all)
  995. Mar 08 17:49:54 <Med> unless the pilot has dark resist too
  996. Mar 08 17:50:06 <Melons> (Can't resist bird flu!)
  997. Mar 08 17:50:09 <Med> (kei really didnt need to do that >_> )
  998. Mar 08 17:50:12 <Aori_Radidjiu> OKAY
  999. Mar 08 17:50:13 <Aori_Radidjiu> guys
  1000. Mar 08 17:50:15 <Mackenzie> (I guess I can Phantom Force and Flying Press to see if I can stop her from escaping, then?)
  1001. Mar 08 17:50:18 <Aori_Radidjiu> get your shit straight, in order
  1002. Mar 08 17:50:19 <Med> (knives has parry yo <_< )
  1003. Mar 08 17:50:23 <Aori_Radidjiu> Tell me
  1004. Mar 08 17:50:24 <Aori_Radidjiu> exactly
  1005. Mar 08 17:50:26 <Aori_Radidjiu> what you're doing
  1006. Mar 08 17:50:46 <Aori_Radidjiu> Murkrow-pursuit, birdpress, and phantom force, correct?
  1007. Mar 08 17:50:56 <Med> mcmillions is trying to pursue the lecia clone, using BIRDSPEED to claw her face out
  1008. Mar 08 17:51:27 <Aori_Radidjiu> All right
  1009. Mar 08 17:51:40 <Aori_Radidjiu> since EPHES can't intercept the Murkrow
  1010. Mar 08 17:52:08 <Aori_Radidjiu> The VYSAGA uses its SINGLE USE of PARRY (which it didn't use because it had to DETECT against the first Storm Throw)
  1011. Mar 08 17:52:44 <Med> ((note: target is the pilot not the mecha))))
  1012. Mar 08 17:52:54 <Aori_Radidjiu> The pilot is inside the mecha
  1013. Mar 08 17:53:02 <Med> (((((((just noting)
  1014. Mar 08 17:53:09 <Aori_Radidjiu> So any ability the mecha has to prevent hits applies to the pilot as well
  1015. Mar 08 17:53:25 <Aori_Radidjiu> Anyway
  1016. Mar 08 17:53:49 <Aori_Radidjiu> NOw that that interrupt's gone off
  1017. Mar 08 17:54:02 <Aori_Radidjiu> The Mech has its two remaining turns this round to blast off
  1018. Mar 08 17:55:13 <Aori_Radidjiu> So it uses its Sky 6 and SPRINT action to go 24 meters into the air
  1019. Mar 08 17:56:06 <Aori_Radidjiu> And then the new round starts
  1020. Mar 08 17:56:16 <Aori_Radidjiu> it uses its Sky 6 and double move to go 12 meters away again
  1021. Mar 08 17:56:25 <Aori_Radidjiu> I don't think the Hawlucha can cover that
  1022. Mar 08 17:56:58 <Mackenzie> He only has Sky 8 and one chance to move it and still have an action
  1023. Mar 08 17:57:10 <Mackenzie> So he has no hope to catch
  1024. Mar 08 17:57:21 <Aori_Radidjiu> *18 meters, my bad, I forgot that Sprint was 50%
  1025. Mar 08 17:58:03 <Mackenzie> So he'll still Flying Press, but on the one remaining on the ship.
  1026. Mar 08 17:58:11 <Mackenzie> 1d20
  1027. Mar 08 17:58:11 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, 1d20: 20 [1d20=20]
  1028. Mar 08 17:58:14 <Aori_Radidjiu> BOOM
  1029. Mar 08 17:58:20 <Aori_Radidjiu> EPHES IS DOWN
  1030. Mar 08 17:58:24 <Aori_Radidjiu> There's no way he's taking a crit
  1031. Mar 08 17:58:31 <Knox> roll it anyway
  1032. Mar 08 17:58:33 <Knox> I wanna seee
  1033. Mar 08 17:58:34 <Mackenzie> 4d10+10+23
  1034. Mar 08 17:58:34 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, 4d10+10+23: 48 [4d10=6,1,1,7]
  1035. Mar 08 17:58:36 <Aori_Radidjiu> Yeah, sure
  1036. Mar 08 17:59:05 <Knox> (+10, it's 4d10+20)
  1037. Mar 08 17:59:15 <Knox> EITHER WAY
  1038. Mar 08 17:59:18 <Aori_Radidjiu> AHEM
  1039. Mar 08 17:59:22 <Mackenzie> I'm gonna activate Coordinator on that because bitch please, this is supposed to be overkill
  1040. Mar 08 17:59:23 <Aori_Radidjiu> seems I madea mistake
  1041. Mar 08 17:59:54 <Mackenzie> 4d10+20+23
  1042. Mar 08 17:59:55 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, 4d10+20+23: 65 [4d10=2,9,6,5]
  1043. Mar 08 18:01:30 <Aori_Radidjiu> 4.5 meters this round, 9 meters at the start of the next
  1044. Mar 08 18:01:34 <Aori_Radidjiu> still out of range of Hawlucha
  1045. Mar 08 18:02:31 <Knox> (Right, so it's up to Mack)
  1046. Mar 08 18:02:37 <Knox> (Skip to his turn?)
  1047. Mar 08 18:03:48 <Aori_Radidjiu> Yeah.
  1048. Mar 08 18:03:50 <Mackenzie> 1d20+1 use 1 AP, crit on 15+
  1049. Mar 08 18:03:51 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, use 1 AP, crit on 15+: 3 [1d20=2]
  1050. Mar 08 18:03:55 <Mackenzie> lmao
  1051. Mar 08 18:06:01 <Aori_Radidjiu> Miss.
  1052. Mar 08 18:06:33 <Med> mack, you can probably add +5 to that first damage roll. IF YOU WANT TO.
  1053. Mar 08 18:06:41 <Knox> Knox glances over at the ship cannons but sighs. He knows he isn't gonna be able to make it and load it in time.
  1054. Mar 08 18:06:45 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mack warps in over her head, SWIPES at her, misses, and falls down into the water
  1055. Mar 08 18:07:18 <Aori_Radidjiu> sploosh
  1056. Mar 08 18:07:36 <Knox> "Well, fuck her."
  1057. Mar 08 18:08:26 * Melons spends remaining non-combat time to Hyper Voice, then Disarming Voice, then Hyper Voice at nothing in anger, making sure to not be near enough to knock every ally off the ship.
  1058. Mar 08 18:10:55 <Knox> He rubs his burn wounds painfully, and uneasily makes his way over to the ship side. "...can he swim?"
  1059. Mar 08 18:11:12 * Mackenzie at least tries to make a graceful landing in the water!
  1060. Mar 08 18:11:15 <Mackenzie> 3d6+2 acro
  1061. Mar 08 18:11:16 <DiceMaid-9001> Mackenzie, acro: 16 [3d6=5,4,5]
  1062. Mar 08 18:11:24 * Melons does probably conveniently enough knock most of the scrap off the boat.
  1063. Mar 08 18:11:37 <Aori_Radidjiu> Olympic judges would give you 8 out of 10
  1064. Mar 08 18:12:09 <Med> does Med know offhand how long-ranged the cannons are?
  1065. Mar 08 18:12:18 <Melons> She then goes down to check on Mirai, immediately pondering the many ways in which to get revenge.
  1066. Mar 08 18:12:46 <Med> if there's a chance at getting a shot on the fleeing mecha, she'll load up Chomps for some DRAGONBREATH~
  1067. Mar 08 18:14:33 <Aori_Radidjiu> These cannons are meant for hitting boats and large objects. While the Mech is certainly large (large enough that it'd take up a 2x2 on a grid if we were using one) it's not large enough to hit consistently with a cannon like that. You can try though, and you'll definitely have a chance of hitting!
  1068. Mar 08 18:14:47 * Med tries!
  1069. Mar 08 18:15:56 * Knox just shuffles downstairs to find the sickbay or whatever to get some burn cream.
  1070. Mar 08 18:16:03 <Aori_Radidjiu> +15 to the AC you have to hit.
  1071. Mar 08 18:16:09 <Knox> He recalls Tenebrae with a "Good job." on the way.
  1072. Mar 08 18:16:15 <Med> can I use orders?
  1073. Mar 08 18:16:15 <Aori_Radidjiu> Actually no +10 and then evasion
  1074. Mar 08 18:16:38 <Aori_Radidjiu> Yes.
  1075. Mar 08 18:17:03 <Med> 1d20+2+1+1-2-10 2 ac, paralyze on 15+
  1076. Mar 08 18:17:04 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, 2 ac, paralyze on 15+: 3 [1d20=11]
  1077. Mar 08 18:17:16 <Aori_Radidjiu> Miss.
  1078. Mar 08 18:17:20 <Med> mistral
  1079. Mar 08 18:17:20 <Med> quick
  1080. Mar 08 18:17:21 <Med> REROLL
  1081. Mar 08 18:17:30 <Aori_Radidjiu> MISTRAL REROLL
  1082. Mar 08 18:17:36 <Knox> inb4 20
  1083. Mar 08 18:17:40 <Med> 1d20+2+1+1-2-10 2 ac, paralyze on 15+ cant wait until chomps evolves
  1084. Mar 08 18:17:41 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, 2 ac, paralyze on 15+ cant wait until chomps evolves: -5 [1d20=3]
  1085. Mar 08 18:17:45 <Aori_Radidjiu> MIss.
  1086. Mar 08 18:17:46 <Melons> That's like a 20
  1087. Mar 08 18:19:16 <Aori_Radidjiu> Anyway, there's a bunch of ELECTRONIC PARTS left over from trashing EPHES and SEPTUAGINT
  1088. Mar 08 18:20:00 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai and Lesieli are sleeping in their beds, Mirai being looked over by BEARINGTON and Les by whatshisface
  1089. Mar 08 18:20:08 <Knox> (Which Knox was actually thinking about salvaging!)
  1090. Mar 08 18:20:18 <Knox> (But first he has to get rid of this damn burn)
  1091. Mar 08 18:20:28 <Knox> (And probably take some painkillers)
  1092. Mar 08 18:20:31 * Med lets Chomps out, if it becomes clear there's no second chances. It'd be an extra round delay given Dragonbreath is EOT for another shot. :(
  1093. Mar 08 18:20:35 <Knox> Once he's down with that, back up to look he goes.
  1094. Mar 08 18:20:44 <Melons> Solem presumably undisappears and helps sort out the salvage and the trash.
  1095. Mar 08 18:22:37 <Aori_Radidjiu> Solem gets a nice pile of MACHINE parts going. There's the occasional intact chip, a few FIRE VENTS and EPHES' combat claws, some nice stuff. Lecia might be able to figure this stuff out, make it useful again, or even reverse engineer it.
  1096. Mar 08 18:23:22 <Aori_Radidjiu> Anyway, that's the last bit of STUFF that's going to happen today, outside of talking with Siet (which COULD be handled in a mini)
  1097. Mar 08 18:23:33 <Aori_Radidjiu> Anything you guys want to do before I call 'dem brakes?
  1098. Mar 08 18:23:56 <Mackenzie> (Just a little bit before closing)
  1099. Mar 08 18:24:27 <Med> "I was expecting... I dunno... a bit more."
  1100. Mar 08 18:25:00 * Melons sits next to Mirai, trembling and holding her head. For once, it's not actually because she was beaten within an inch of her life. Only 2 injuries, check 'em.
  1101. Mar 08 18:26:42 * Mackenzie makes his way back onto the ship and begins wringing out his existence. "Well, that was fairly embarassing. We should collect some leftover parts to use as evidence when we report back to Lecia. And ah, Knox, there's something I wanna bring up with you later."
  1102. Mar 08 18:27:34 <Knox> "Eh?" He looks up from the scrap pile. "Fine with me."
  1103. Mar 08 18:28:03 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mirai's knocked out, but she doesn't seem THAT bad off. She has several bruises and cuts, all of which were bandaged by Bearington and whatshisface
  1104. Mar 08 18:28:17 <Knox> "Could be now, even." he shrugs. "Once you get dried off."
  1105. Mar 08 18:28:48 <Melons> 1d6-2 Of course with my excellent Intuition, I am very much aware that she'll be f- NO, SHE IS GOING TO DIE, INFECTION, CURSE, ANOMALY, HUNGRY GOD, ANYTHING!
  1106. Mar 08 18:28:49 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Of course with my excellent Intuition, I am very much aware that she'll be f- NO, SHE IS GOING TO DIE, INFECTION, CURSE, ANOMALY, HUNGRY GOD, ANYTHING!: 3 [1d6=5]
  1107. Mar 08 18:29:05 <Knox> "Ugh." he looks at his burns. "I'm gonna have to get some of this re-inked."
  1108. Mar 08 18:29:30 <Mackenzie> "I need to access my pokemon storage first..."
  1109. Mar 08 18:29:44 <Knox> "Luckily I think my tattoos are the worst off here. The crew didn't seem in critical condition."
  1110. Mar 08 18:30:23 <Mackenzie> "...I think the ship is the most damaged in this situation."
  1111. Mar 08 18:30:31 * Mackenzie peers over at the hole.
  1112. Mar 08 18:31:11 <Aori_Radidjiu> There are SEVERAL holes on the deck, and there's a HUGE dent in the railing on the sides from when Tenebrae Storm Throwed the VYSAGA
  1113. Mar 08 18:31:21 <Melons> Solemdidit.
  1114. Mar 08 18:31:23 <Knox> He glances at the damage. "We'll be sure to patch it up before hitting the seas. I know a few tricks. As long as we're not taking on water, we'll probably be fine."
  1115. Mar 08 18:31:51 <Aori_Radidjiu> Oh yeah, and Solem's Magnitude did some damage too
  1116. Mar 08 18:32:46 * Med pets and rewards and pats her mons on the back and stuff for a job well done~
  1117. Mar 08 18:33:11 <Med> "Hey, Knives... what'd you find back in the mansion, anyway?"
  1118. Mar 08 18:33:49 <Knox> "Still, the ship is a member of the crew too."
  1119. Mar 08 18:33:49 <Aori_Radidjiu> Knives retrieves the SPARKLE, letting you see it, and then puts it away.
  1120. Mar 08 18:34:16 <Med> what do i roll to figure out what it is D:
  1121. Mar 08 18:34:27 <Melons> Foctuitcult
  1122. Mar 08 18:34:35 <Med> charm? okay.
  1123. Mar 08 18:34:36 <Aori_Radidjiu> Occult?
  1124. Mar 08 18:34:39 <Med> 6d6+6 charm the GM into telling me what it is
  1125. Mar 08 18:34:40 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, charm the GM into telling me what it is: 31 [6d6=2,6,4,6,6,1]
  1126. Mar 08 18:34:47 <Melons> Go ask Mel.
  1127. Mar 08 18:34:55 <Med> 5d6+6 become aware of the fourth wall in order to do the above
  1128. Mar 08 18:34:55 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, become aware of the fourth wall in order to do the above: 20 [5d6=1,6,1,4,2]
  1129. Mar 08 18:35:08 <Aori_Radidjiu> what's a fourth wall
  1130. Mar 08 18:35:14 <Aori_Radidjiu> sorry, you're not deadpool
  1131. Mar 08 18:35:17 <Med> ;-;
  1132. Mar 08 18:35:28 <Knox> "I'll speak to you later, then." he takes the stuff down into the ship, and then presumably does MINI STUFF with Mel and Mack later.
  1133. Mar 08 18:35:44 <Med> 2d6 occult to even tell that it's a matter of the occult
  1134. Mar 08 18:35:44 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, occult to even tell that it's a matter of the occult: 5 [2d6=4,1]
  1135. Mar 08 18:35:53 <Aori_Radidjiu> Yeah you have no idea
  1136. Mar 08 18:36:01 <Med> 5d6+6 intuition to realize to ask a mel
  1137. Mar 08 18:36:02 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, intuition to realize to ask a mel: 19 [5d6=6,1,1,4,1]
  1138. Mar 08 18:36:13 * Mackenzie leaves to his room to clean himself up
  1139. Mar 08 18:36:20 <Aori_Radidjiu> Definitely ask Mel.
  1140. Mar 08 18:36:44 <Med> "Wanna go ask Mel?"
  1141. Mar 08 18:37:04 <Aori_Radidjiu> Knives nods and heads off after Mel~
  1142. Mar 08 18:37:15 * Med goes along with the pawniard~
  1143. Mar 08 18:38:45 <Melons> 4d6+4 Look sharp or something. That sounds like Focus. pretty useful for realizing Mirai probably isn't going to die from a few minor things too.
  1144. Mar 08 18:38:46 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Look sharp or something. That sounds like Focus. pretty useful for realizing Mirai probably isn't going to die from a few minor things too.: 18 [4d6=3,4,1,6]
  1145. Mar 08 18:39:21 <Aori_Radidjiu> Mel initially panics that MIRAI IS GONNA' DIE and then snaps out of it and realizes her breathing is perfectly even.
  1146. Mar 08 18:41:24 * Melons looks sharply at the sharpmonster.
  1147. Mar 08 18:41:38 * Melons looks less sharply at the fleshy half-demonorwhatever.
  1148. Mar 08 18:41:57 * Med has a bird on her shoulder.
  1149. Mar 08 18:42:22 <Melons> Goddamn she's edgy.
  1150. Mar 08 18:42:29 <Aori_Radidjiu> sharpmonster holds up a SPARKLE
  1151. Mar 08 18:42:43 <Med> "Y'know what that is?"
  1152. Mar 08 18:43:01 <Melons> "You-" Her voice cracks and she takes a second to clear her throat. "You need so- how is he holding that..." Seriously, he has blades for arms.
  1153. Mar 08 18:43:10 <Melons> 6d6+4 And then Dicey trolled me again
  1154. Mar 08 18:43:11 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, And then Dicey trolled me again: 26 [6d6=1,3,6,6,2,4]
  1155. Mar 08 18:43:15 <Med> "He's clever~"
  1156. Mar 08 18:44:22 <Aori_Radidjiu> You take the sparkle, examining it...
  1157. Mar 08 18:46:20 <Aori_Radidjiu> You're not ENTIRELY sure what it is, but it seems like...a reality fragment? If you had to guess. There's creepypastas about little fragments of reality that split off and went into little balls of light, and can be "reawakened" or "accessed" somehow, but you don't know how to do that.
  1158. Mar 08 18:46:56 <Melons> "...didn't you say something about people rewriting reality?"
  1159. Mar 08 18:47:15 <Med> "Yeah, that's why a whole bunch of bad things happened ten years."
  1160. Mar 08 18:47:59 * Melons stares at the sparkles. "...this...I think this is part of the old one. No idea if it just has information or can fix things but...well it seems important either way."
  1161. Mar 08 18:48:29 <Med> "Hmm... and if it was in his room... wow, I think we hit the jackpot."
  1162. Mar 08 18:48:57 <Melons> "...did he get altered too?"
  1163. Mar 08 18:49:16 <Melons> "Wait, why did he have said"
  1164. Mar 08 18:50:30 <Med> "Thanks. I dunno if S.C'll be okay with it, but if you ask me, I think we found more than enough."
  1165. Mar 08 18:50:48 <Med> "I wonder how we use it, though..."
  1166. Mar 08 18:51:03 <Melons> "...Essy?"
  1167. Mar 08 18:51:10 <Melons> "...oh..."
  1168. Mar 08 18:51:32 <Melons> "...Why don't you just call him [REDACTED]?"
  1169. Mar 08 18:51:47 <Med> "He asked me not to~"
  1170. Mar 08 18:52:19 <Melons> "...why doesn't he have like...a real people name as a nickname instead?"
  1171. Mar 08 18:52:46 <Med> "I dunno, he's like that!"
  1172. Mar 08 18:53:28 <Melons> " the others not remember Knives Mizou?"
  1173. Mar 08 18:54:32 <Med> "It's really hard to remember it - it's like trying to remember something that never even happened!"
  1174. Mar 08 18:54:34 <Melons> "...calling" She's looking straight at Knives now,"By your pokemon name now seems awkward...I mean I knew you were different know..." Uncomfortability rising.
  1175. Mar 08 18:55:18 <Aori_Radidjiu> Knives shrugs.
  1176. Mar 08 18:55:55 <Med> "It's not really his pokemon name - it's just his nickname, like Shadow Claw, or Melons."
  1177. Mar 08 18:56:08 <Melons> "You gonna let anyone else her- THAT IS NOT MY NICKNAME, MEL IS MY NICKNAME!"
  1178. Mar 08 18:56:17 * Med giggles~
  1179. Mar 08 18:56:29 * Med oh god so much giggling
  1180. Mar 08 18:56:47 <Melons> " were getting my Gogoat...right..." Siiiiiigh. " still planning to stay here?"
  1181. Mar 08 18:57:21 <Med> "I'm planning on going to Conch City - maybe with Siet, if he wants to come."
  1182. Mar 08 18:59:31 <Melons> "We're probably heading there next too...gotta regroup, ask Lecia about her doppelganger, and I think Po's feeling good enough to be purified if he wants it...I guys COULD bum a ride with us...since it seems like you'd be vulnerable to your know...if you two went alone."
  1183. Mar 08 19:00:02 <Med> "Yeah... I've spent the past two weeks being protected by Shadow Claw and the ghost gym and dad."
  1184. Mar 08 19:01:02 <Melons> "We might also be going to more places with more fragments, if it's what I think it is. Also we can probably get you put on the payroll again even if you don't actually want to be with us formally..."
  1185. Mar 08 19:03:42 <Med> "More places?"
  1186. Mar 08 19:05:12 <Melons> "Well they probably show up in places changed most by...whatever the hell happened. And if we assume it was Aether, we'll probably be clashing with them in such areas as an organization, since presumably they're places of power or other significance."
  1187. Mar 08 19:05:49 <Melons> "...huh, he must have been quite a badass to warrant being explicitly turned into a pokemon."
  1188. Mar 08 19:06:34 <Med> "Well, y'know - I'm the least impressive Mizou~"
  1189. Mar 08 19:07:10 <Med> since aory's gone i will use my executive powers as the only remaining person capable of roleplaying Knives and say that he's totes smug in a completely indifferent way. like he shrugs but with a slight air of damn right.
  1190. Mar 08 19:08:08 <Melons> "I dunno, being able to handle what seems to be a metaphorical, physical, and metaphysical beast inside you is pretty impressive."
  1191. Mar 08 19:08:24 <Melons> "Fuck...I know I wouldn't be that strong..."
  1192. Mar 08 19:08:28 <Med> "Handle?"
  1193. Mar 08 19:09:19 <Melons> "From what I've seen, it's basically a constant struggle. It may not be obvious, but the mere fact you aren't giving in to your desires as you were before you're winning or whatever."
  1194. Mar 08 19:09:47 <Med> "There's nothing to really handle... I just am that beast. It's just, like... y'know those old rotary phones - by the way, we still have them here. She's one number, and I'm the next number over."
  1195. Mar 08 19:10:32 <Med> "Y'know how I ate your soul, and it was a flood of emotions? If I could still do that, it'd still be a flood of emotions. I mean, I know normal people experience more than one at a time, but I don't. It's either one at a time, or just none."
  1196. Mar 08 19:11:30 <Melons> "You saw Po earlier. He's not the lovable hellbeast he once was. Fighting doesn't trigger it, he just seems...happy. He doesn't seem to be on the verge of exploding into shadowy rage or anything. Also I'm still pretty sure you didn't eat my soul."
  1197. Mar 08 19:11:49 <Med> "I ate a small chunk!"
  1198. Mar 08 19:11:59 <Melons> "Also I'm not positive normal people are even remotely like that...I imagine they're closer to the one at a time thing..."
  1199. Mar 08 19:12:19 <Melons> 10d10 QUICK, MOODY FIVE TIMES IN A ROW FOR EMPHASIS
  1200. Mar 08 19:12:20 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, QUICK, MOODY FIVE TIMES IN A ROW FOR EMPHASIS: 46 [10d10=10,5,2,10,2,1,4,7,1,4]
  1201. Mar 08 19:12:30 <Med> "I could read people's emotions - trust me, you're not that weird!"
  1202. Mar 08 19:14:13 <Melons> "...a Darkrai tried to attack my mom when she was pregnant with me, my grandfather apparently got rewritten in history into being dead or something, he's now a sword, I can move things with my mind and toss out otherworldly spells, people generally don't like dealing with me, and I'm actively told I'm weird. I'm pretty sure I AM that weird." Totes a joke actually, there's totes a smile. Totes. Totesally.
  1203. Mar 08 19:14:37 <Med> 5d6+6 i call your bluff D:<
  1204. Mar 08 19:14:37 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, i call your bluff D:<: 22 [5d6=1,4,4,3,4]
  1205. Mar 08 19:14:53 <Melons> You didn't see me roll Guile. THERE IS NO BLUFF!
  1206. Mar 08 19:15:31 <Melons> 4d6+4 But if I did, let's see what would have happened
  1207. Mar 08 19:15:32 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, But if I did, let's see what would have happened: 17 [4d6=3,1,4,5]
  1208. Mar 08 19:15:39 <Melons> You would still see there's no bluff!
  1209. Mar 08 19:15:49 <Med> were you rolling
  1210. Mar 08 19:15:51 <Med> to trick med
  1211. Mar 08 19:15:54 <Med> into thinking you were lying
  1212. Mar 08 19:15:59 <Med> was that a DOUBLE GUILE
  1213. Mar 08 19:16:06 <Med> or i suppose a REVERSE GUILE
  1214. Mar 08 19:16:07 <Melons> That was one roll, how could it be a double guile?
  1215. Mar 08 19:16:16 <Melons> Also no, that was a hypothetical.
  1216. Mar 08 19:16:23 <Med> okay~
  1217. Mar 08 19:17:01 <Med> "Well, like... the telekinesis thing is a bit rare... but the rest of that's your family, not you!"
  1218. Mar 08 19:17:06 * Melons seems to genuinely be happy that she's just talking with Med. The subject might be ridiculous, reality bending things, but it's like she has a real friend.
  1219. Mar 08 19:18:03 <Melons> "Did I mention that it wasn't known whether the target was me or my mom, or that an extradimensional nightmare apparently wants me, or that the two may or may not even be related?"
  1220. Mar 08 19:18:32 <Med> "Oh yeah, that's right..."
  1221. Mar 08 19:18:54 <Med> "What're Darkrais, anyway? Siet said they had something to do with the dream world..."
  1222. Mar 08 19:19:54 <Melons> "Or that on impulse I bought a magical g-...ghost...magical gh- OH on that subject, they're known as the Pitch-Black Pokemon, something to do with sleep and the moon, from what I've read. So I guess dream world stuff would be pretty b- oh now I'm definitely sure those two things were related."
  1223. Mar 08 19:21:20 <Melons> "I don't actually know if they're malicious or just misunderstood...I mean their foil is Cresselia which I THINK is supposed to be all about good dreams instead of nightmares, but Darkrais could be seen as evil BECAUSE of the nightmares even if they can't control it." Just need to put more words between now and the magical g.
  1224. Mar 08 19:22:43 <Melons> "However, Giratinas ARE generally considered godless killing machines...can gods be godless? Are they technically gods? I guess I don't kow if you can be a ghost and a god. So any relation between a pokemon CONSIDERED malicious, and a pokemon SPECIFICALLY spoken of in old tales to be cast down for being violent seems...bad."
  1225. Mar 08 19:23:56 <Med> "Huh... well, it doesn't sound much worse than the things I've heard about hydreigons!"
  1226. Mar 08 19:24:54 <Melons> "Hydreigons are like Gyaradoses. Bad reputation, known for being mean, but we both know that's not quite the case. Giratina and Darkrai make those two look like slowpokes as far as temperament goes from the tales I've heard."
  1227. Mar 08 19:25:01 * Break_ ( has joined
  1228. Mar 08 19:25:46 * Break__ has quit (Ping timeout)
  1229. Mar 08 19:27:10 <Med> "Well, it was the case, until I taught Chomps stuff!"
  1230. Mar 08 19:28:15 <Melons> "Yeah, but that's just because it's used to environments where it just runs around eating things. Reeve would probably have been the same if I hadn't had him since he was a little fishy."
  1231. Mar 08 19:29:50 * Break_ has quit (Ping timeout)
  1232. Mar 08 19:29:57 <Med> "So... it might be the same for Darkrais!"
  1233. Mar 08 19:30:36 <Med> "The dreamworld's the portal between worlds, right? So, it might just be a bigger Hydreigon, gnawing at entire worlds at a time, or something like that."
  1234. Mar 08 19:31:02 <Melons> "Could be. I mean, I think it eats nightmares or something, so it has to do that to survive. I just don't think THAT particular Darkrai could be trained."
  1235. Mar 08 19:31:33 <Med> "Well... there's a darkrai in my home, so... I guess I might have a chance to find out!"
  1236. Mar 08 19:33:22 <Melons> Mel gasps a bit about an unrelated realization. "Oh...I think...if they eat nightmares...but are also known for causing them...maybe they're responsible for the actual manifestation of nightmares in the Dream World...which from what I learned about them would mean...either that Darkraislashextradimensionalfuck wants me to harvest nightmares...or it IS A nightmare of some sort and wants protection?...Med, take me with you next ti
  1237. Mar 08 19:33:22 <Melons> me you're doing Dream World things."
  1238. Mar 08 19:34:52 * Break_ ( has joined
  1239. Mar 08 19:37:36 <Med> "Well, if you guys're escorting me to Conch City..."
  1240. Mar 08 19:38:04 <Med> "It might be dangerous, though! When I was a demon, it was all broken and stuff."
  1241. Mar 08 19:38:12 * Break_ has quit (Ping timeout)
  1242. Mar 08 19:39:02 <Melons> "I'd prefer broken to empty creep full of nightmare demon children, note that it's not the kind of demon you are, I don't think, just the horrifying sort, and then the pseudoreality starts eating them."
  1243. Mar 08 19:40:20 <Melons> " you still into the fashion thing?" She asked, as though people just drop hobbies like they're contagious.
  1244. Mar 08 19:40:32 <Med> "Demon me thought that there might be a nightmare me somewhere, representing the me that could've been if not for the reality rewriting."
  1245. Mar 08 19:41:52 <Med> "Yup!~"
  1246. Mar 08 19:43:10 <Melons> "Um...would you...uh..." Mel double checks that anyone else in the area is KOed, presumably Bearington having gone to assist with repairs/clean-up after assuraing the wounded were fine. She then pulls out her sluttacular magical girl dress to hold up to Med. "Canyoumakethisgreenandnotsowhoreish?! ;-;"
  1247. Mar 08 19:43:29 <Med> "Huh?"
  1248. Mar 08 19:44:44 * Melons repeats herself, slowing the words down to be understandable.
  1249. Mar 08 19:45:03 * Break_ ( has joined
  1250. Mar 08 19:46:17 <Med> "Um..."
  1251. Mar 08 19:46:48 <Med> "What exactly do you mean not so whoreish?"
  1252. Mar 08 19:47:25 * Melons points at the many exposed skin areas and the shortness of the skirt. ;-;-;-;
  1253. Mar 08 19:48:15 <Med> "So, like... you want holes filled and the skirt lengthened, but... what about the top? Or the cleavage?"
  1254. Mar 08 19:48:52 * Break_ has quit (Ping timeout)
  1255. Mar 08 19:49:38 <Melons> "Um erm...well...I guess you actually know what is and isn't fashionable and what looks good and all of that...I just want it to know what's comfortable for me right, I mean you know me enough?" I dare you to fumble an intuition roll.
  1256. Mar 08 19:49:55 <Med> 5d6+6 all ones, as far as the eye can see
  1257. Mar 08 19:49:55 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, all ones, as far as the eye can see: 25 [5d6=6,1,5,1,6]
  1258. Mar 08 19:50:29 <Med> "I didn't even know you were into cosplay!~"
  1259. Mar 08 19:51:09 <Melons> 4d6+4 Attempt to argue that it's strictly for tactical purposes as its imbued with magic power. I mean it is, but pretend that's the motivation.
  1260. Mar 08 19:51:10 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Attempt to argue that it's strictly for tactical purposes as its imbued with magic power. I mean it is, but pretend that's the motivation.: 21 [4d6=4,5,3,5]
  1261. Mar 08 19:51:48 <Med> 5d6+6 she's into cosplay
  1262. Mar 08 19:51:48 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, she's into cosplay: 25 [5d6=5,1,3,6,4]
  1263. Mar 08 19:51:58 <Melons> Who DOESN'T want to be a magical girl?
  1264. Mar 08 19:52:25 <Med> "You, uh... know you don't really have to be embarassed around me, right?~ I mean, half of my clothes are costumes!"
  1265. Mar 08 19:53:17 <Melons> "Well you just look good in't really look like you're just dressing up for a holiday or something..."
  1266. Mar 08 19:54:03 <Med> "Huh?"
  1267. Mar 08 19:54:47 <Med> "It definitely still does look like I'm dressing up, silly - and I bet you'd look good in it too~"
  1268. Mar 08 19:55:01 * Break_ ( has joined
  1269. Mar 08 19:55:09 <Melons> "I mean it doesn't look as terrible as like a cardboard mask with a pillow case collecting candy."
  1270. Mar 08 19:55:18 <Med> 5d6+6+6 devilish charms. wait, i thought she wasn't supposed to flirt with mel since she stopped being a demon?! mwahahahaha
  1271. Mar 08 19:55:19 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, devilish charms. wait, i thought she wasn't supposed to flirt with mel since she stopped being a demon?! mwahahahaha: 30 [5d6=4,4,5,2,3]
  1272. Mar 08 19:55:36 <Melons> 4d6+4 Hide the embarrassment about any positive reference to her loo- ha, no, autofail
  1273. Mar 08 19:55:36 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Hide the embarrassment about any positive reference to her loo- ha, no, autofail: 14 [4d6=2,4,3,1]
  1274. Mar 08 19:56:00 <Melons> Also being friendly ain't necessarily flirtin', it's even a natural part of a bromance.
  1275. Mar 08 19:56:20 <Med> mwahahahaha
  1276. Mar 08 19:57:27 <Melons> " can do changes like that, right?"
  1277. Mar 08 19:57:54 <Med> "Yeah, although you do know it's a character outfit, right? Um... what was it called..."
  1278. Mar 08 19:58:42 <Melons> "I-I know!...but it is actually pretty effective...and um...I need it...for my Spiritomb might as well get use out of it...oh and while I'm begging you for things...can I have some blood?" Mel holds up her rock.
  1279. Mar 08 20:00:03 * Break_ has quit (Ping timeout)
  1280. Mar 08 20:00:09 <Med> "Er... my blood's still demon blood, even if I'm not a shadow, you know."
  1281. Mar 08 20:00:46 <Melons> "And Knox literally has poison blood, it shouldn't matter. Especially dilluted with all of the other blood."
  1282. Mar 08 20:01:18 <Med> "Well, I mean... aren't spiritombs spirits?"
  1283. Mar 08 20:01:41 <Melons> "108 of them."
  1284. Mar 08 20:02:13 <Melons> "The half-human part of you should be plenty for it."
  1285. Mar 08 20:02:17 <Med> "Demons are soulless soul-devouring monsters." '-'
  1286. Mar 08 20:02:48 <Melons> "Po is literally a soul, so the shadow part isn't right. And you're only half either way as you've attested."
  1287. Mar 08 20:03:45 <Med> "I'm enough to eat souls, though..."
  1288. Mar 08 20:04:20 <Melons> "And I mean the word generally just refers to powerful beings in the first place...and since you can't even eat souls yourself anymore, it should be fine."
  1289. Mar 08 20:04:45 <Med> "Well, I mean... I haven't really tried..."
  1290. Mar 08 20:05:25 <Melons> "Uuuuuuuuuuugh, are you going to give it to me or nooooooooot? I mean I was okay with begging, but this is just exhausting."
  1291. Mar 08 20:06:26 <Med> "I think it's not safe yet... maybe after we get to Conch City and stuff."
  1292. Mar 08 20:07:22 <Melons> "Fiiiiiine...just be careful with Knives and Chomps for the trip~!"
  1293. Mar 08 20:07:50 <Med> "Huh?"
  1294. Mar 08 20:08:05 <Melons> "Nothing~!"
  1295. Mar 08 20:16:42 <Med> "I'm telling you this for its own good, y'know..." D:
  1296. Mar 08 20:18:21 <Melons> "Yeah I'm pretty sure it doesn't work in a way that it would maybe if I were EXPLICITLY collecting demon or shadow blood it would, but you're the only one so far."
  1297. Mar 08 20:18:57 <Med> "Yeah, but, like... it doesn't take all that much to make a shadow pokemon, I think..."
  1298. Mar 08 20:20:02 <Melons> "I'm pretty sure since YOU have a soul still, it's just getting a copy of that rather than any of the shadow stuff anyways."
  1299. Mar 08 20:20:52 <Med> "I do - I think that's the reason I can't eat other people's souls whole, 'cause, like, there's not enough room..."
  1300. Mar 08 20:24:26 * castfromhp has quit (Connection reset by peer)
  1301. Mar 08 20:25:13 * castfromhp ( has joined
  1302. Mar 08 20:25:15 <Knox> (Where ARE Med and Melons at the moment?)
  1303. Mar 08 20:26:51 <Melons> (Down by the unconscious peeps)
  1304. Mar 08 20:27:09 <Med> "But the shadow stuff's in my soul."
  1305. Mar 08 20:27:52 <Melons> "Pretty sure it's like water and oil."
  1306. Mar 08 20:28:07 <Med> 5d6+6 intuition now that aory's back: does the reality marble in fact work like an evo stone, and i just need to rub it in knives's face for it to work?
  1307. Mar 08 20:28:07 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, intuition now that aory's back: does the reality marble in fact work like an evo stone, and i just need to rub it in knives's face for it to work?: 22 [5d6=1,2,6,1,6]
  1308. Mar 08 20:29:09 <Knox> (Is it like a sick bay, then?)
  1309. Mar 08 20:29:18 <Melons> (I believe so)
  1310. Mar 08 20:29:26 <Knox> There's a knock at the door.
  1311. Mar 08 20:29:54 * Melons eeps and stuffs the slutdress away to give to Med for tweaking later. "C-Come in?"
  1312. Mar 08 20:30:53 <Med> 3d6-1 guile: as knox presumably enters, med pretends like she's hastily getting dressed because mwahahahaha
  1313. Mar 08 20:30:53 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, guile: as knox presumably enters, med pretends like she's hastily getting dressed because mwahahahaha: 4 [3d6=2,1,2]
  1314. Mar 08 20:31:00 <Med> and rolls terribly.
  1315. Mar 08 20:31:35 <Aori_Radidjiu> (>Knox knocks)
  1316. Mar 08 20:31:51 <Melons> (If only I'd said "Who's there?")
  1317. Mar 08 20:31:56 <Knox> Knox pushes the door open and walks in. He's taken off his button-up and the PIRATES uniform shirt, going topless for now. He's applied burn ointment to himself and liberally applied some bandages.He looks between the two a moment. For Med's benefit by the way, his arms and back are covered in quite a few tattoos, of strange glyphs and fancy pokemon and shit.
  1318. Mar 08 20:32:01 <Knox> 1d6 Intuition
  1319. Mar 08 20:32:02 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, Intuition: 6 [1d6=6]
  1320. Mar 08 20:32:33 <Knox> "...How is everyone holding up?"
  1321. Mar 08 20:32:41 <Knox> He shuts the door behind himself.
  1322. Mar 08 20:32:47 <Aori_Radidjiu> The reality marble sure is a marble
  1323. Mar 08 20:33:33 <Melons> "I think uh...we're all broken ribs or missing feet this weren't there...neither of you were there....right..."
  1324. Mar 08 20:34:39 <Knox> "Not interrupting, am I?" he says, after a moment.
  1325. Mar 08 20:35:10 <Med> "Not at all~"
  1326. Mar 08 20:35:51 <Knox> He has a seat nearby, looking at the presumably still unconscious people like Mirai and the others. "First day on the job and what, half the crew gets wiped? Tch. Fucking machines."
  1327. Mar 08 20:36:35 <Knox> "You'd think acid could burn away at Steel but no." he sighs. "How about the two of you?"
  1328. Mar 08 20:37:21 <Med> "I'm alright. Knives is a bit injured, but he should be fine~"
  1329. Mar 08 20:37:36 <Melons> "I'm better than I have been historically in fights like these."
  1330. Mar 08 20:39:36 <Melons> "So yeah, this is the kind of dumb shit we deal that pumpkin thing was a vacation."
  1331. Mar 08 20:39:39 <Med> "Hey, Knives~"
  1332. Mar 08 20:39:46 <Med> "Can I have a look at that thing again?~"
  1333. Mar 08 20:39:54 <Med> "I have a silly idea~"
  1334. Mar 08 20:39:58 <Aori_Radidjiu> Knives holds it up.
  1335. Mar 08 20:40:10 <Med> "Can I have it for a moment?~" she corrects herself
  1336. Mar 08 20:40:18 <Knox> "If they keep sending tin cans like that, I'm not going to end up very useful." he kicks off his shoes and props his feet up somewhere. "...What's that thing?"
  1337. Mar 08 20:40:21 <Aori_Radidjiu> He holds it up higher for you to take it
  1338. Mar 08 20:40:28 * Med takes it~
  1339. Mar 08 20:40:34 <Med> 5d6+6 FOCUS ON IT
  1340. Mar 08 20:40:35 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, FOCUS ON IT: 22 [5d6=4,1,3,3,5]
  1341. Mar 08 20:40:36 <Melons> "A fragment of reality."
  1342. Mar 08 20:40:47 <Melons> "Well, the old one."
  1343. Mar 08 20:40:50 <Aori_Radidjiu> You focus ont he sparkliness
  1344. Mar 08 20:40:52 <Melons> "It got rewritten."
  1345. Mar 08 20:40:57 * Med [USE] [REALITY SHARD] [KNIVES]
  1346. Mar 08 20:41:38 <Aori_Radidjiu> You shove it on his face. And then in his face.
  1347. Mar 08 20:41:42 * Med has had crazy metaphysical powers before, including aura-y stuff and soul-eating, so... maybe she can handle reality marbles!
  1348. Mar 08 20:41:59 <Aori_Radidjiu> doesn't SEEM to do anything, but note it down as his held item.
  1349. Mar 08 20:42:40 <Melons> "See, he used to be her brother."
  1350. Mar 08 20:43:15 <Med> "Huh... I don't think I can get a read on it at all... maybe Lecia can help..."
  1351. Mar 08 20:43:16 <Knox> "Right, you said something about reality changing before." he frowns and looks over Knives.
  1352. Mar 08 20:47:21 <Knox> "But what, no one remembers it?"
  1353. Mar 08 20:47:52 <Melons> "I'm not entirely certain on that front, apparently it involved the Dream World or something ridiculous."
  1354. Mar 08 20:48:32 * castfromhp has quit (Connection reset by peer)
  1355. Mar 08 20:48:48 <Med> "I remember bits and pieces... but of course it's not easy to remember something that no longer happened."
  1356. Mar 08 20:49:17 * castfromhp ( has joined
  1357. Mar 08 20:51:45 <Knox> "Wonder if any of that shit happened to me and I don't know it." he says idly. "And Aether is involved in this too?"
  1358. Mar 08 20:52:01 <Melons> "Presumably."
  1359. Mar 08 20:52:03 <Med> "We think so, yeah."
  1360. Mar 08 20:52:18 <Med> "It sounds like they've done that kinda thing before to other worlds."
  1361. Mar 08 20:53:44 <Melons> "So they're like Clefairies? HAVE heard that urban legend, right?"
  1362. Mar 08 20:54:15 <Med> "Huh?" D:
  1363. Mar 08 20:54:45 <Melons> "That not only are they from space, but they bide their time while they develop the means to destroy the planet to harvest its energy and move on to a new one."
  1364. Mar 08 20:55:40 <Med> "If they do that, wouldn't they be good at it by now?" '-'
  1365. Mar 08 20:56:31 <Melons> "See, they spend a lot of that energy moving to the next world, so the further they have to travel, the longer it takes to build back up to it."
  1366. Mar 08 20:57:29 <Knox> "Wait what."
  1367. Mar 08 20:57:41 <Med> "That just sounds silly."
  1368. Mar 08 20:57:42 <Knox> "Other worlds?"
  1369. Mar 08 20:58:00 <Knox> "Apparently I'm way outside the loop here."
  1370. Mar 08 20:58:06 <Knox> "I don't mean the clefairy stuff."
  1371. Mar 08 20:58:07 <Med> "No, the clefairy thing. There're definitely other worlds."
  1372. Mar 08 20:58:43 <Melons> "Urban legends ARE silly."
  1373. Mar 08 21:00:12 <Aori_Radidjiu> (I love how I base 90% of everything Mel knows from Occult off of Urban Legends and creepypastas)
  1374. Mar 08 21:02:46 <Knox> He just scratches his head and shrugs.
  1375. Mar 08 21:03:20 <Melons> "Well, you were an actual pirate, surely you've heard some good ones."
  1376. Mar 08 21:03:45 <Knox> "Anyway... I'm not here to bitch about the difficulty of the work. I'll handle it or die trying. ...Hm, urban legends, huh."
  1377. Mar 08 21:03:51 <Knox> He thinks about that for a moment.
  1378. Mar 08 21:04:48 <Knox> 3d6 +1 I-I don't actually know any good ones myself.
  1379. Mar 08 21:04:49 <DiceMaid-9001> Knox, +1 I-I don't actually know any good ones myself.: 6 [3d6=1,1,4]
  1380. Mar 08 21:04:59 <Aori_Radidjiu> ...7
  1381. Mar 08 21:05:12 <Med> 2d6-1 does med know any urban legends?
  1382. Mar 08 21:05:12 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, does med know any urban legends?: 5 [2d6=4,2]
  1383. Mar 08 21:05:22 <Aori_Radidjiu> Med doesn't know any
  1384. Mar 08 21:05:25 <Aori_Radidjiu> Knox...
  1385. Mar 08 21:05:44 <Med> Med only knows urban facts.
  1386. Mar 08 21:06:10 <Aori_Radidjiu> Knox knows of the tale of the Creeping Clefable. It lurks under children's beds and steals their candy.
  1387. Mar 08 21:07:09 <Med> weak, unless by candy you mean their organs
  1388. Mar 08 21:08:05 <Med> without even killing or waking them up. they just gradually become sicker as more and more are taken, until they go to the hospital to find out everything but their most essential vitals have been removed
  1389. Mar 08 21:08:08 <Knox> He shakes his heads, shrugging. "Just general boogeymon stuff meant to scare kids."
  1390. Mar 08 21:08:45 <Melons> "Oh, like that Gengars are evil or dead Clefairies or Clefables?"
  1391. Mar 08 21:09:23 <Knox> "Yeah, the clefable that hides under beds and steals candy, or something."
  1392. Mar 08 21:10:00 <Med> "I didn't know clefairies were so popular."
  1393. Mar 08 21:10:24 <Knox> He rolls his eyes a bit. "Unfortunately, swapping legends wasn't really the prime way we kept entertained. Might've made things more interesting if it were."
  1394. Mar 08 21:10:36 <Melons> "So nothing about the hordes of Jellicent that pull ships down into the abyss? That one might actually be true...oh, how about that Dusknoirs can actively lead souls to the afterworld?"
  1395. Mar 08 21:10:51 <Melons> " what DOES a pirate do when you're not looting things?"
  1396. Mar 08 21:15:26 <Knox> "Hide from the authorities, fight off swarms of wild pokemon, keep the ships seaworthy in storms. Satellite internet, billiards, goofing off, singing or beating the shit out of each other for fun. If we managed to get into port without getting flagged then sometimes everyone would head off for drinks. I can't really get drunk anymore, though." he shrugs. "So I found other ways of indulging
  1397. Mar 08 21:15:26 <Knox> myself."
  1398. Mar 08 21:19:32 <Med> "Which you still have to show me~"
  1399. Mar 08 21:19:58 <Knox> "Oh, and yes, there was a fair bit of fucking, too. You can't really coop men and women up for months together on a ship and not expect pants to drop -somewhere-."
  1400. Mar 08 21:20:37 <Melons> Mel makes a weird sound between a snort, gasp, eep, and a whine and covers her face.
  1401. Mar 08 21:23:16 * Med giggles at Mel some more~
  1402. Mar 08 21:23:19 <Knox> He shrugs again, mistaking it for disgust. "That's just the way it was. And it kept people close, at least. Wasn't everyone's thing, though."
  1403. Mar 08 21:25:32 <Med> "Mel, don't you have a girlfriend?~"
  1404. Mar 08 21:28:21 <Melons> "...y...yeah...she's...right there." Mel points at the unconscious Mirai.
  1405. Mar 08 21:29:34 <Knox> "Oh, a girlfriend, hm?" he looks at her. "...Guess this attack struck a more personal chord then."
  1406. Mar 08 21:29:42 <Knox> He sits up and takes his feet off the table.
  1407. Mar 08 21:30:06 <Melons> OHGODHE'SJUDGINGME!
  1408. Mar 08 21:30:31 <Knox> "We won't let those fuckers get away with toying with us like that."
  1409. Mar 08 21:31:03 <Knox> "What's her name?" he asks, after a moment.
  1410. Mar 08 21:31:13 <Melons> ""
  1411. Mar 08 21:31:27 <Med> "She's not even a crew mate... and we let that woman get away, too..."
  1412. Mar 08 21:32:01 * Melons feels extra visibly shameful from what Med points out.
  1413. Mar 08 21:32:22 <Mayuri> (Mel's les o.o)
  1414. Mar 08 21:32:34 <Mayuri> (Too bad the boys are straight ;<)
  1415. Mar 08 21:32:50 <Melons> (Mel's Anyone-dumb-enough-to-like-her)
  1416. Mar 08 21:34:37 <Knox> "Don't dwell on it. They sucker punched us when we were away from the ship. There wasn't anything we could do. Next time we see that bitch... we take her apart nice and slow. Yeah?"
  1417. Mar 08 21:34:53 <Melons> "...literally."
  1418. Mar 08 21:35:03 <Knox> "I meant literally." he smirks.
  1419. Mar 08 21:35:14 <Med> "Yeah, but..."
  1420. Mar 08 21:35:43 * Melons looks more than a little surprised someone else would in fact mean literally. But he WAS a pirate, so maybe that makes sense.
  1421. Mar 08 21:35:44 <Med> "She looked a lot like Lecia... what if she's this world's Lecia, corrupted by their rewriting?"
  1422. Mar 08 21:35:57 <Melons> "Then we're doing our Lecia a favor."
  1423. Mar 08 21:36:03 <Med> "She might be better as an ally, if we can fix her."
  1424. Mar 08 21:36:14 <Melons> "Oh, we fully intend on fixing her."
  1425. Mar 08 21:36:36 <Knox> "That part does make me wonder... We should contact Lecia at some point and run this by her. Also the parts we recovered."
  1426. Mar 08 21:36:53 <Med> "I mean, if we can undo the damage they did to her."
  1427. Mar 08 21:36:54 <Melons> "We're probably heading out to meet with her after debriefing with the Mizous."
  1428. Mar 08 21:37:06 <Melons> "Or...briefing them..."
  1429. Mar 08 21:37:12 <Melons> "...I...I don't know how that word works like this..."
  1430. Mar 08 21:37:15 <Knox> He waves dismissively at Med. "Then we'll take care of whoever's behind the puppet strings."
  1431. Mar 08 21:37:31 <Knox> "Either way, someone's paying for this attack today."
  1432. Mar 08 21:40:54 <Knox> "In the meantime."
  1433. Mar 08 21:41:16 <Knox> "I'd like to get to know a bit more about each of you sometime. The others too, when they're healed up."
  1434. Mar 08 21:41:41 <Melons> "Ugh, this would be so much easier if you were telepathic..."
  1435. Mar 08 21:42:02 <Knox> "Have troubles expressing yourself?"
  1436. Mar 08 21:42:30 <Med> "Telepathic?"
  1437. Mar 08 21:42:34 <Melons> "...but then you could read all of my fact, I don't know that you're not."
  1438. Mar 08 21:42:45 <Melons> "...oh but I'd know if you were doing it."
  1439. Mar 08 21:43:24 <Med> "You would?"
  1440. Mar 08 21:43:37 <Melons> "Well, yeah, you can train yourself to do it."
  1441. Mar 08 21:43:47 <Med> "You can?"
  1442. Mar 08 21:43:52 <Melons> "I did."
  1443. Mar 08 21:44:36 <Knox> He shrugs. "We can talk more in private if that's more comfortable. Or you can keep things to yourself if you insist."
  1444. Mar 08 21:45:03 <Melons> "Oh I'll probably just end up blurting it out like I don't have a filter and then realize what I said and it wouldn't matter anymore."
  1445. Mar 08 21:45:11 <Melons> "And...then I'd"
  1446. Mar 08 21:45:20 <Knox> "Is that a problem?"
  1447. Mar 08 21:45:52 <Melons> "...probably."
  1448. Mar 08 21:47:08 <Knox> "You seem a bit high strung, but I have a positive impression overall so far." He stands up and stretches. "I'll just come by later."
  1449. Mar 08 21:48:37 <Melons> "W-Wait...what?" Positive? What? Server first.
  1450. Mar 08 21:53:19 <Knox> "What do you mean, what?" He gives her a look.
  1451. Mar 08 21:53:42 <Melons> "N-Nothing!" She avoids eye contact.
  1452. Mar 08 21:54:16 * Med giggles even more at the poor melons.
  1453. Mar 08 21:54:42 <Knox> "Uh-huh. Fine. See you later, then. Both of you."
  1454. Mar 08 21:54:44 <Med> "She gets really embarassed and stuff if you compliment her~ or talk about sex~"
  1455. Mar 08 21:55:05 * Melons invents a new shade of red.
  1456. Mar 08 21:56:07 <Med> "See? See?~"
  1457. Mar 08 21:56:08 <Knox> He pauses a moment at that, thinking, but just shrugs again and lets it drop as he heads out of the room.
  1458. Mar 08 21:57:04 <Melons> Oh god, HE KNOWS!
  1459. Mar 08 21:58:20 <Mayuri> (Is that why she doesn't wanna wear the dress? :P)
  1460. Mar 08 21:58:42 <Melons> (Part of the reason, yes)
  1461. Mar 08 22:01:11 * Melons shoots Med a pouty look of exasperation before a long sigh. "...I'm gonna stay here until she wakes up."
  1462. Mar 08 22:01:36 <Med> "Did you still wanna come visit Siet?"
  1463. Mar 08 22:02:08 <Melons> "I...probably should, since I can explain what we saw in the mansion best..."
  1464. Mar 08 22:02:20 <Melons> "...and I have some other stuff I wanted to ask about..."
  1465. Mar 08 22:05:04 <Med> "Alright... I'll give him a call and let him know I might be late... I should probably call Lecia too..."
  1466. Mar 08 22:05:21 * Med takes out her cell phone and exits the sickbay to make PHONE CALLS
  1467. Mar 08 22:05:53 * Melons stays to be generally angry, sad, stressed, etc.
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