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- # Data preparation and feature engineering
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- # Titanic data set
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- # load Titanic train ("data/train.csv") and test sets ("data/test.csv")
- # print the structure of the train set
- # print the structure of the test set
- ###########################
- # Detecting missing values
- ###########################
- # print the summary of the train set
- # print the summary of the test set
- # checking the presence of empty strings or other irregular values in character variables in the train set
- # first for one variable, and then for all
- # do the same in the test set
- # check the irregular values present in the Embarked variable
- # set the empty Embarked values to NA in the train set
- # get indices of observations with no Cabin value from the first class, in the train set
- # get indices of observations with no Cabin value from the first class, in the test set
- # set the Cabin value for identified passengers to NA in the train and test sets
- # print the number of missing Cabin values in the train and test sets
- #install.packages('Amelia')
- # load Amelia library
- # set the display area to show two plots in the same row
- # # use the missmap f. to visualise the missing data in the train set
- # use the missmap f. to visualise the missing data in the test set
- # revert the plotting area to the default (one plot per row)
- ###########################
- # Handling missing values
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- ## Categorical variables with a small number of missing values
- ###############################################################
- # create the contingency table for the values of the Embarked variable
- # replace all NA values for the Embarked variable with 'S' in the train set
- # print the contingency table for the values of the Embarked variable
- # transform the Embarked variable into a factor in both sets
- ###############################################################
- ## Numerical variables with a small number of missing values
- ###############################################################
- # test the Fare variable for normality
- # get the class of the observation with missing Fare variable
- # calculate the median value for the Fare variable of all passengers from the 3rd class
- # set the median value to the Fare variable of the passenger with a missing Fare
- # print the summary of the test set
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- # Feature selection
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- ## Examining the predictive power of variables from the data set
- #################################################################
- # transform the Sex variable into factor
- # get the summary of the Sex variable
- # compute the proportions table of the Sex variable
- # create a contingency table for Sex vs. Survived
- # transform the Survived variable into factor
- # create the table again, now labels for Survived will be available
- # compute the proportions for Sex vs. Survived
- # transform the Pclass variable into factor
- # plot the number of passengers for different classes and Survived values
- # add the Sex facet to the plot
- # Instead of counts, plot the proportions
- # plot the number of passengers for different ports and Survived values
- # examine the relation between Embarked and Survived, but with proportions
- # examine the relation between Fare and Survived
- ######################
- # Feature engineering
- ######################
- # add the Survived variable to the test set
- # transform the Pclass variable into factor (in the test set)
- # transform the Sex variable into factor (in the test set)
- # merge train and test sets
- ##################################
- ## Creating an age proxy variable
- ##################################
- # print a sample of the Name variable
- # split the name of the first observation on , or . characters
- # split the name of the first observation on , or . characters and unlist
- # split the name of the first observation on , or . characters, unlist and take the 2nd elem.
- # create a variable Title based on the value of the Name variable
- # remove the leading space character from the Title
- # print the contingency table for the Title values
- # create a vector of all women (adult female) titles
- # create a vector of all girl (young female) titles
- # create a vector of all men (adult male) titles
- # create a vector of all boy (young male) titles
- # introduce a new character variable AgeGender
- # set the AgeGender value based on the vector the Title value belongs to
- # print the contingency table for the AgeGender values
- # plot the distribution of the Age attribute in the Young_Female group
- # plot the distribution of the Age attribute in the Adult_Male group
- # set the AgeGender to 'Adult_Female' for all 'girls' with age over 18
- # print the number of adult males who has the Age value set
- # set the AgeGender to 'Young_Male' for all 'Adult_Male' with age under 18
- # print the contingency table for the AgeGender variable
- # print the proportions table for the AgeGender variable
- # transform the AgeGender to factor
- # plot the AgeGender against Survived attribute
- # plot the AgeGender vs. Survived but as proportions
- ###################################
- ## Creating the FamilySize variable
- ###################################
- # examine the values of the SibSp variable
- # examine the values of the Parch variable
- # create a new variable FamilySize based on the SibSp and Parch values
- # print the contingency table for the FamilySize
- # compute the proportion of FamilySize >= 3 in all passangers
- # set the FamilySize to 3 to all observations where FamilySize > 3
- # transform FamilySize into factor
- # plot the FamilySize vs. Survived
- #####################################
- ## Making use of the Ticket variable
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- # print a sample of Ticket values
- # compute the number of distinct values of the Ticket variable
- # use tapply to compute the number of passengers on the same ticket
- # create a data frame with ticket name and ticket count as variables
- # print first few rows of the new data frame
- # print the contingency table of the count variable
- # merge titanic.all and ticket.count.df datasets on the Ticket variable
- # change the name of the newly added column to PersonPerTicket
- # print the contingency table of the PersonPerTicket variable
- # set the PersonPerTicket to 4 to all observations where PersonPerTicket > 4
- # convert PersonPerTicket to factor
- # print the contingency table for the PersonPerTicket
- # print the contingency table for the PersonPerTicket vs. FamilySize
- # plot all survived passangers (without NAs)
- # plot the PersonPerTicket vs. Survived using proportions
- ##################################
- # Save the augmented data set
- ##################################
- # split into train and test set based on whether the Survived is present
- # save both data sets to a file
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