
Treating Klaus

Mar 7th, 2021
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  1. [00:27] Amaranth is slightly pink in the face and lightly out of breath when she returns. The reason for this isn't just because she's been rushing. Oh, no. The petite redhead has lugged a metal cauldron ALL the way from the inn where she had been living... to the Ebner household.
  3. The cauldron appears to be brimming with alchemic reagents.
  5. "Haah.. I think I just bought all this venom from your shop. Or one of your brothers." She comments idly as she starts to get her alchemical workstation set up.
  7. A metal clinking sound follows as Amaranth does not merely use her mere hands to do so. Oh, no. Chains slither out from.. somewhere. Concerningly, it's not really obvious where Amaranth had been keeping all the metal that now entwines around her torso, anchoring to her shoulders and upper biceps to form a network of spindly metal limbs.
  9. Once they are in place, however, assembling the lax potions are a piece of cake. Two metal hands hold her potion 'cookbook' and she mouths the method as she follows the instructions dutifully.
  11. She chops ingredients! She crushes others! All are added into the cauldron and are stirred the exact number of times specified!
  13. And the net result is a herbal-smelling cream that she scoops into a jar before walking over to Klaus.
  15. "Who's this Vitus, then?" She asks. At some point, she'd put gloves on. The lime green material covers her hands and her lower arms, just stopping short of her elbows. Clearly, Amaranth takes medicining seriously.
  17. "The one what did this?" She asks, scooping out a thick handful of the pleasant smelling salve. "Just your arms, right? Show me again? This will help pretty much instantly."
  18. (Amaranth)
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. [00:35] {Item} You drop Lax Essence.
  22. [00:37] Klaus was just standing, still. Much like a statue. The only thing moving was his head as he followed the movements of the girl. He was surprised to see a whole cauldron appearing out of the doors, but his surprise quickly faded once she placed the cauldron down in the room. A place right next to the fishes, perfect. At least they wouldn't have to move too far to cook them later.
  24. Though, he wondered if it would even be safe to cook in the cauldron after it was used.
  26. "I see. I'll be sure to pay you back." he said, a passing comment in response.
  28. When Amaranth walked to him, he was still in the same position. He didn't feel like moving towards the bed or the seats. Instead, he acted as if this wasn't his house to begin with. He just couldn't feel at home in a place like this. It was too lavish.
  30. "Vitus is a traitor to the Empire." he answered truthfully, or at least, what the Empire considered Vitus to be, "He was apart of the army until his battle with Captain Delisle. He was considered a traitor after running away after that."
  32. He didn't go into much detail. Instead, he raised his arms forward. His forearms were scorched from the elbow up, stopping just below his wrists. As for the cloth that once covered them? Gone, burned away.
  34. The same could be said about his legs.
  36. "My arms and legs, I've mostly managed to redirect the damage to my arms instead of my torso." he said.
  38. His legs were shot multiple times. Multiple holes in the pants he wore, but luckily, they were not burned away. Instead, burn holes littered his pants. It was quite clear why he didn't bother removing them to see the extent of the damage. But if his arms were this burned, his legs would probably be about the same.
  39. (Klaus Ebner)
  40. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. [00:53] "Pay me back?" Amaranth blinks. "You really think that I don't owe you?"
  44. Head tilt. Brief amusement glimmers in her gaze. And then Klaus speaks, explains. The ginger listens quietly, her metallic-grey gaze turning hard at the mention of traitors. She doesn't see the point in commenting further, and so she doesn't. Instead, she reaches her hands out, letting out a short breath as she leans in to inspect Klaus' injuries.
  46. "Mn," is all she initially says.
  48. The network of chains hangs in the air around her like a promise of a bad time. Each is more or less still, only swaying and following Amaranth as she moves. But.. still. On closer inspection, there's a tension within each. Giving the impression of a viper about to strike.
  50. They are of concern, perhaps!
  52. "I am going to have to trim the fabric away. These are not clean." She comments, gesturing to Klaus' arms and to his legs. Her tone is entirely clinical, as is her expression.
  54. She kneels, and the chains move with her... and shift form. One metal appendage is now tipped with a pair of wickedly-sharp looking scissors. There's a loud scraping sound as one of those spindly limbs draws up a chair behind Klaus.
  56. "Take a seat." She suggests, without really suggesting, as she begins removing Klaus' pant legs, to inspect those bullet wounds and see if any shrapnel or bullets yet remained within.
  57. (Amaranth)
  58. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60. [01:04] Klaus, at the sight of the chains, did not show a hint of fear. He trusted Amaranth, so he didn't even spare a glance towards the chains. They were not a threat to him, yet. When he was prompted to sit down, he would reluctantly oblige. After all, he didn't want to hinder Amaranth's work.
  62. While it may have been embarrassing for him, he had to just suffer through it. Sitting down, he would allow the girl to remove the cloth covering his leg-wounds.
  64. The injuries were similar to his arms, except more targeted than anything. There was no bullet, just holes that were seared. A laser-gun does that to a man, especially one's flesh.
  66. While Amaranth worked, he removed his hat and coat, just for ease of access, no matter the pain it brought him with jolts of pain coursing through his arms from the forearms. Once he placed his clothes down, he would once again face Amaranth.
  68. "It's still not right for you to waste money on medicine for me." he said, selfless as ever.
  70. If it wasn't for Amaranth's assertiveness, he would most likely go without seeking a medic. It was only when others inquired him about his wounds that he complied to their instructions.
  71. (Klaus Ebner)
  72. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  74. [01:20] Amaranth had never treated mana rifle burns before. She conceals her lack of experience through a wry grin and a quip, "All right, then. 5000 coins."
  76. She reaches out with one of her metallic limbs. It stretches out, and reaching over to the bookshelf, it selects a tome. Amaranth accepts the book, flipping through the pages as she mutters, "Burns.. mana-rifle shot.." For a moment, she's quiet. Her gaze scans the information present, a finger tracing over a chart which had descriptions of degrees of injuries -- and some diagrams.
  78. Exhale. "Oh, you're not too bad."
  80. Kneeling there while those metal scissors carefully cut away Klaus' pants. She stops short of anything that might cause Klaus to be immodest -- she only removes the fabric necessary to treat his injury.
  82. Confidence renewed, Amaranth snaps the book shut and turns her attention to Klaus' legs. The ginger works her way up, cutting away the burnt fabric if necessary. She checks each wound for debris or dirt being stuck within before applying a thick coating of the herbal-smelling lax essence cream. It's not exactly a pleasant process for Klaus, as cleaning the burn meant abraiding some sections of his legs where the fabric had got caught in the mana rifle shot.
  84. But she works quickly! And soon enough, Klaus' arms and legs are covered in a thick layer of cream. For Klaus, the relief ought to have been immediate. She clearly knew her potions!
  86. "This bandage's just to help the potion soak in." She explains, starting at his wrists and working her way up one arm, then the other. And then his legs. "And so you can get dressed again without having to sit about waiting. You can just take it off tomorrow, yeah?"
  88. She straightens and begins to peel off her gloves. "When you take the bandages off, if the wounds ain't looking like they're healing properly, or if there are any funny smells or oozing, you come see me. But I think I cleaned all of them."
  89. (Amaranth)
  90. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  92. [01:35] That was certainly a price. One that he couldn't pay. Rather, he could pay it, but he wouldn't. He knew how expensive the medicine could be, and if he had five-thousand to spare, he would just buy an elixir that would reduce his wounds to nothing in a manner of seconds. Regardless, he could only take the price as a joke.
  94. He hoped it was a joke. So he didn't comment on it, instead, he just let a smile show.
  96. When she spoke of him 'not being too bad,' he almost took it as a comment on his figure and quickly fought off the urge to reach out to put her in a choke-hold. Just Ebner bloodline things.
  98. He did not protest at all to Amaranth's procedures past that point. The burned clothes were removed, the wounds were cleared, and a layer of cream was applied to his wounds. Once she spoke of applying the bandages, he just nodded in affirmation. She was allowed to proceed, wrapping the bandages around his forearms and legs.
  100. The pain relief was certainly immediate. It almost felt like his limbs faded away, except they were still there. The pain was mostly gone, only sudden movements would bring a jolt of pain through his body. Nothing that would make the soldier falter, though.
  102. He listened intently, the instructions were heard loud and clear. A nod came off the green-haired Ebner to confirm he heard her.
  104. After the injuries had bandages wrapped around them, he would stand up and begin dressing up, placing the coat over his armor. He wouldn't want to expose Amaranth to him changing from the cut clothes to a new pair of his military uniform. He would have to remove his armor after all. No way.
  106. He dusted off his cap, placing it on his head soon after and adjusting it.
  108. He decided to respond to the comment made earlier, "If I'm ever comfortable giving away five-thousand coins, I'll be sure to get to you first." he said, a smile on his face, "Thanks for your help, Amaranth." The bandaged arm would raise above Amaranth's head, his hand promptly landing down upon her head. While she may have not been a child anymore, he still remembered her when she was young, so it was only proper for him to still act out the part of an older brother.
  109. (Klaus Ebner)
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