
The Heir

Jan 19th, 2014
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  1. [18:15] <Shen> "Maybe we'll stop by later in the day." Shen offered with an apologetic smile.
  2. [18:16] <Earthflame> "Still need to find that doctor..." Jian mumbles. "I was told there was a good one, in this town."
  3. [18:17] <~Deedles> "A Doctor?" The blind girl looks concerned "What for? If you don't mind me asking."
  4. [18:17] <Earthflame> Jian blinks, and then focuses. "...Ah. I lost my arm in... an accident."
  5. [18:18] <~Deedles> As Jian and Yoshihiro tried to get a sense of the girl before them they are met with the sensation of a weak, but soft, chi, nothing special.
  6. [18:19] <~Deedles> She pauses at that, lifting a hand to her lips as she looks thoughtful, almost contemplative. "I haven't heard of any doctor with the ability to do anything about that here in Yumu." she replies quietly, looking apologetic.
  7. [18:20] <Earthflame> "I don't need it fixed... Just, looked at. It happened less than a week ago, and I haven't had it properly taken care of."
  8. [18:21] <Zero_Atma> "We did what we could with what we have, just don't want it to get any worse." Yoshi adds.
  9. [18:22] <~Deedles> She nods, smiling slightly "Hayato is a doctor." she says, quickly added once as realization hits her "He's the owner of the White Jasmine." she explains, gesturing to the tea house across from them.
  10. [18:23] <Earthflame> ...Jian glances at the others. "Well, with one so close at hand..."
  11. [18:23] <~Deedles> Reisuki gives Jian a look as if to ask 'Are you suuuuure?'
  12. [18:24] <Shen> "Fate has its claws dug in, it seems." Shen sighed in futility with a nod.
  13. [18:25] <Zero_Atma> "I guess that settles it then." Yoshi concludes.
  14. [18:25] <~Deedles> "I'm training to become a doctor myself." The girl tells them with a bright smile, though it fades slightly as she goes on. "But it's difficult." she then begins moving towards the tea house, beckoning them.
  15. [18:27] <Earthflame> "If something is easy, it is generally not worth doing." Jian comments as he follows... He keeps his head hung, but his eyes are sharp. They walk into the belly of the beast...
  16. [18:28] <Shen> Shen looks to both Yoshi and Jian. "Go on ahead, I'll get some rooms reserved and get Rei settled. I'll catch up with you."
  17. [18:30] <~Deedles> Reisuki glances up at Shen and nods, right now if things did turn sour she'd just be in the way. "Yeah, that's probably best." she agrees
  18. [18:31] <Zero_Atma> "Alright, we'll meet up with you later." Yoshi assures them, following behind the young lady. The blind leading the blind...
  19. [18:35] <Shen> "Be careful." he says with a concerned, but knowing smile as he heads off to the inn with Rei.
  20. [18:36] <~Deedles> "It's not learning it that is difficult, that's just fun, it's building up a reputation that is hard." The girl answers Jian with a glance.
  21. [18:37] <~Deedles> Rei holds onto Shen "Right, lets find a place quick so you can get back to them..." she says quietly
  22. [18:37] <Earthflame> Jian nods. "I understand that successful medicine, like prayer and guidance, is built on trust..." He pauses for a moment before commenting "I was in training as a priest."
  23. [18:39] <~Deedles> The girl pulls the door open, locking them in place so that the doorway is wide open towards the street. She smiles "Is that so? I've met few priests..." she admits with a curious look.
  24. [18:40] <Earthflame> He chuckles at that. "It may be I chose the wrong profession... The life of a wandering priest sounded romantic, but it has not gone well so far."
  25. [18:41] <Zero_Atma> "Everybody needs a doctor sooner or later, just gotta get your name out there." Yoshihiro pauses a moment. "By the way, what is your name?" he addresses the blind girl.
  26. [18:42] <~Deedles> "Ah, a romantic? Met few of those too." She giggles as she heads inside the building, gesturing for them to follow. The bottom floor was filled with tables and chairs of polished wood, cushions on the seats coloured white and green. She turns to Yoshi "Oh yeah, how rude of me!" she rubs her cheek with an embarrassed smile "I'm Mingxia." she bows to them "Pleased to meet you."
  27. [18:44] <~Deedles> Further inside the room is a set if stairs leading to the upper floor, and a desk, various wooden and metal boxes carrying different labels filling the shelves behind it.
  28. [18:44] <Earthflame> "I am Jian." He bows his head to her, only remembering she can't see it a moment later.
  29. [18:44] <Zero_Atma> "Likewise, I'm Yoshihiro, Yoshi for short." he introduces himself.
  30. [18:46] <~Deedles> "Jian, Yoshi." Mingxia repeats to herself with a nod before she smiles brightly "What kind of tea would you like?"
  31. [18:48] <Zero_Atma> "I don't suppose you have any wine?" Yoshi asks hopefully, though he wouldn't be terribly surprised if they didn't, it was a tea-house afterall.
  32. [18:49] <~Deedles> "Nah, sorry. We've had plenty of guests asking for us to stock some rice wine, but Hayato insists that it's bad for you and refuses." Mingxia explains with an apologetic smile
  33. [18:50] <Earthflame> "What would you recommend?"
  34. [18:51] <Zero_Atma> "Great, he and I should get along well..." Yoshi mutters while crossing his arms over his chest.
  35. [18:53] <~Deedles> Mingxia looks thoughtful "The Jasmine tea is my favourite." she replies befores she raises a her index finger with a proud smile "But one of the reasons we're so popular is because we don't just sell tea. We offer quick medical examinations, followed by us making tea to help people with any issues they might be having." she tells them
  36. [18:54] <Earthflame> "Then perhaps I should see the owner first? Or you, if you're comfortable with it?"
  37. [18:55] <~Deedles> Mingxia looks surprised, pleasantly so "You'd really let me examin you?" she asks, looking hopeful.
  38. [18:57] <Earthflame> He chuckles. "A cleanly sliced arm isn't hard to diagnose, I would think." He reaches with his left arm, beginning to untie the bindings... It's a bit difficult, the cord and cloth hard with dried blood.
  39. [18:59] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi pulls up a seat nearby, observing quietly for now, looking around every once in a while. He was starting to wonder exacly what Mizuki was trying to warn him about.
  40. [19:00] <~Deedles> Mingxia moves up to Jian, carefully helping him remove the cloth in the way of the wound.
  41. [19:01] <Earthflame> He winces, but speaks a quiet "Thank you." His sleeve finally rolls up to reveal the stump, crusted with dried blood, still fresh and raw.
  42. [19:03] <~Deedles> She lays a gentle hand on the arm, above the wound as she focuses, her other hand coming up to press the fingertips of her index and middle finger against a couple of spots, not just on the arm, but around his neck too.
  43. [19:06] <~Deedles> "Hmm, it needs to be cleaned." Mingxia states softly as she sniffs before adding "And you could do well with drinking some tea to cleanse yourself."
  44. [19:13] <Earthflame> Jian stays silent and watchful throughout the examination, a little on edge...
  45. [19:14] <~Deedles> He doesnt see anything out of the ordinary, and her chi isn't doing anything weird, it feels as soft and simple as the last time he tried to sense her.
  46. [19:15] <Earthflame> "What sort of tea would you recommend?"
  47. [19:20] <~Deedles> "Something with ginger to help you regain balance, and chili to cleanse the body." Mingxia replies as she moves towards the desk furthest into the room, her hands homing in on the boxes containing the two ingredients she mentioned. "I would also add a couple of herbs to it to improve the flavour." she adds with a soft smile as she places the boxes on the counter.
  48. [19:21] <Earthflame> "I will trust your judgement. Thank you, Mingxia."
  49. [19:21] <Earthflame> Jian takes a seat next to Yoshi, giving him a sideways glance.
  50. [19:23] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi just shrugs his shoulders, following Mingxia with his eyes. For a bling girl she seemed to get around fairly well.
  51. [19:23] <~Deedles> His words seems to brighten her smile as she nods, getting a white teapot with a delicate pattern in the colour of jade from behind the counter, along with a matching cup before she gets onto making the tea itself.
  52. [19:26] <Zero_Atma> "Say, mind if I give you a hand?" Yoshi offers. "I fancy myself a good chef and I'm always looking to branch out."
  53. [19:27] <~Deedles> Mingxia hesitates for a moment before she nods "Sure. Hayato doesn't tend to like strangers touching his stuff, but since he isn't here yet..." she giggles softly.
  54. [19:30] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi chuckles at that. "What he doesn't know won't hurt him, I'll be careful." he assures her, hopping up out of his chair to assist her.
  55. [19:32] <~Deedles> Mingxia moves to the side to let Yoshihiro make the tea. "I'll let you decide since he's your friend, but for flavour I'd recommend cinnamon and dried apple." she says with a sweet smile, gesturing to the boxes in question.
  56. [19:35] <Zero_Atma> "I think that'll work just fine." Yoshi agrees, rubbing his hands together before gathering up the ingredients he needed for the tea.
  57. [19:38] <~Deedles> Mingxia leaves Yoshi in peace and instead gets the rest of the tea house setup for the day, disappearing upstairs a couple of times before joining the two young men downstairs again.
  58. [19:39] <Zero_Atma> The brew isn't particularly complicated, though given Mizuki's warning it seemed safer to make it himself, bringing it to Jian when it was finished. "This should perk you up a bit."
  59. [19:41] <Earthflame> Jian waits quietly, still fatigued, but smiles. He's a little clumsy as he takes up the tea with his left hand, but nods to Yoshi. "Thank you." As he sees Mingxia reemerge, he calls "And thank you again!"
  60. [19:43] <~Deedles> The blind girl smiles warmly at him "Anytime, Jian." she tells him as she settles herself behind the counter again, getting started on some more tea, grabbing the boxes she needs with practiced ease.
  61. [19:45] <Zero_Atma> "So, Mingxia, how long have been training to be a doctor?" Yoshi asks, wanting to know a little more about their kind hostess.
  62. [19:47] <~Deedles> "Since I was a child." Mingxia answers honestly "My father was a Doctor, a very skilled one, so I learnt from him." she explains while pouring water into the teapot to allow the brew to stew. "I didn't have much else to do, and it was quite benefitial for me to know these things." she turns her face towards them, going silent for a moment.
  63. [19:48] <~Deedles> There is nothing strange about the tea, he can just feel the faint hint of chi of the plants that hade added their flavour and effects to the brew, but that is all.
  64. [19:50] <Earthflame> Jian relaxes, taking a sip.
  65. [19:54] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi on'y smiles in her direction, even if she couldn't see it, as jovial as ever.
  66. [19:55] <Earthflame> ...He glances up, surprised a moment, and then smiles towards the bar, letting his Chi settle. "Do you like what you sense?" His Chi is, for the moment, serene and still. A blade at rest in it's sheath, it's edges sealed away. It is cold, and tangibly metallic... Yet not quite like true Metal Chi.
  67. [19:57] <~Deedles> Mingxia looks a bit surprised at his question, hesitating before she nods. "It's ... different."
  68. [20:00] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi's chi is much like a steady fire, one just large enough to keep warm beside, though it has a brilliant shine behind it's heat and the flame itself is constantly dancing as it crackles.
  69. [20:01] <Earthflame> "In my experience, no two chi's are quite alike." He sips at his tea, taking the chance to relax.
  70. [20:02] <~Deedles> "I have noticed the same." She replies before pouring herself a cup of the tea she'd made. "Just like personalities, they're all different."
  71. [20:10] <Zero_Atma> "Some aren't as friendly as others, though." Yoshi points out. "I guess it doesn't hurt to be careful."
  72. [20:11] <Earthflame> Jian sighs, taking a deeper swig. "We live in dark times."
  73. [20:12] <~Deedles> "I try not to think about that." Mingxia confesses with a mild smile.
  74. [20:13] <~Deedles> Her attention shifts towards the door as her smile widens "Welcome!"
  75. [20:14] <Shen> Shen walks into the White Jasmine, looking around for his comrades as he enters. "Hello there." he replies to the young woman.
  76. [20:17] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi offers his companion a short wave. "How did it go?"
  77. [20:17] <Earthflame> Jian nods, still drinking his tea.
  78. [20:22] <Shen> "All good, we've got a couple of rooms up the street." he says as he tosses Yoshi the additional key. "Pretty quiet place, so maybe we'll actually get some good rest."
  79. [20:22] <Earthflame> "Heavenly..."
  80. [20:23] <~Deedles> Mingxia is quiet as they talk, just sipping at her own tea.
  81. [20:24] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro catches the key and slips it into his pocket. "I hope so, that boat was uncomfortable to sleep on."
  82. [20:25] <Shen> "Heh, you're telling me." he agrees as he takes a seat near the others. "I like fish, but it really gets up the nose after a few hours."
  83. [20:27] <~Deedles> "You two want any tea?" Mingxia asks Shen and Yoshi after a moment.
  84. [20:27] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro holds up his goard with a broad smile. "I've got my own brew, but thanks."
  85. [20:27] <Earthflame> "It's very good." Jian comments.
  86. [20:28] <Shen> Shen raises his hand politely. "No I'm fine, thank you though. I only drink it when I have to." For someone who frequently nursed a jug of tea, he wasn't too keen on the stuff. Especially this stuff.
  87. [20:30] <~Deedles> Mingxia nods "Alright." she says before her attention shifts towards the front doorway again.
  88. [20:31] <Earthflame> Jian finishes the mug, and places it down upon the table. He raises his voice, speaking to Mingxia again. "You said the wound should be cleaned? Who would be able to do that properly?"
  89. [20:37] <~Deedles> "I can do that." A male voice calls from the doorway. If the trio turn to look they are greeted by the sound of two men. The one who spoke looked in his late twenties, or early thirties. He was faintly tanned, had long, dark brown hair pulled back into a braid, a trimmed beard and brown eyes. He wore a black and green outfit of silk which consisted of mono-coloured pants and a tunic that
  90. [20:38] <~Deedles> covered the back and front of his legs. The man beside him didn't look older than his mid-twenties. He was tall and broad of shoulder, his long, black, hair held back in a ponytail, apart from a few strands that fell down in front of his face. Stubble decorated his jaw and upper lip and his green eyes were studying the guests curiously. "Now that's a nasty injury." he states upon seeing Jian,
  91. [20:38] <~Deedles> despite he himself being littered with scars. He wore a simple white shirt and grey pants. "Ah, Hayato. Shin!" Mingxia greets the pair with a smile.
  92. [20:41] <Earthflame> Jian bows his head to the newcomers. "I am not a stranger to injury... But I had never expected to suffer one such as this. Fate carries us to strange places." His senses extend with his words, probing the Chi of these new arrivals.
  93. [20:44] <Shen> Shen turns slightly at the two who entered to get a good look at them, he also offered a delayed nod but didn't say anything as he studied the men.
  94. [20:44] <~Deedles> As Jian reaches out with his senses to the two men he feels nothing in particular from the brown haired man, just the sensation of normal chi. In the case of the black haired man though the swordsman feels the cold, strong and determined sensation of Metal.
  95. [20:50] <~Deedles> As Shen studies the pair he sees that the brown haired man has gentle movements, but they're precise, his hands incredibly steady, the hands of a surgeon. In the black haired man's case the Storm Dragon just can't seem to pin anything down about him.
  96. [21:06] <~Deedles> The black haired man continues forward to the counter, placing his arms on it. "Hey, think you could whip me up some some of that lovely tea, darlin'?" he grins. The blind girl smiles in return as she nods. "Of course. What you want?" "Hmm, I feel like jasmine right now." he replies after pondering for a moment, Mingxia getting onto making it.
  97. [21:12] <Earthflame> Jian stands, moving towards Hayato with a smile. "You would be the owner? Mingxia mentioned you."
  98. [21:17] <~Deedles> The brown haired man smiles and nods "I bet she did." he chuckles before gesturing to the seat Jian rose from. "Have a seat, I'll be back in a moment." he says before he moves towards a door in the back.
  99. [21:17] <Earthflame> Jian nods, returning to his seat... And shooting a glance to Yoshi and Shen.
  100. [21:20] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro takes up a seat nearby, tipping back a quick sip from his gourd while the doctor is out of the room. "Guessing that must be Hayato?"
  101. [21:22] <Earthflame> Jian nods, stretching a little and mentioning nonchalantly. "Kinda reminds me of Jiangan."
  102. [21:27] <Shen> Shen nods in agreement. "Yeah, definitely something like that." he replies, scratching the back of his head with a sigh. "Would be a shame though. He was a troublesome guy."
  103. [21:27] <~Deedles> "Oh, you three been to Jiangan? How is that place now a days?" Shin asks from over by the counter, smiling at the trio as he waits for Mingxia to make his tea.
  104. [21:29] <Zero_Atma> "Better now." Yoshi replies simply. "They had a bit of a pest problem when we arrived."
  105. [21:30] <Shen> "We met a nice guy there called Tsuwan, he helped us out a lot." Shen said with a feint smile as he watched the man.
  106. [21:31] <~Deedles> Shin raises an eyebrow as he looks thoughtful "That name rings a bell." he muses, scratching the stubble on his chin. "Can't place it though."
  107. [21:34] <~Deedles> Mingxia ponders for a moment before she chimes "Did he have this kinda... weird, misty chi?" she asks them
  108. [21:37] <Earthflame> Jian nods, trying to keep his expression neutral.
  109. [21:38] <~Deedles> "I recall him coming by here once." The blind girl says "It was nearly a year ago." Shin glances up at the ceiling "Ohh, you mean him? Long black hair with grey streaks?" he asks the trio, since, of course, Mingxia couldn't answer that one.
  110. [21:43] <Shen> "Strong too." he added, his eyes fixed on Shin.
  111. [21:44] <~Deedles> "Not that strong." Shin snorts as he turns back to Mingxia, just in time to have his tea placed in front of him. "Thank you, darlin'." he smiles before sipping at his drink.
  112. [21:46] <Shen> "I guess not..." Shen says finally as he leans forward. "It's all relative, after all."
  113. [21:48] <~Deedles> "He had no interest in fighting strong opponents to get stronger himself. Trash like that aren't worth my time." Shin states, rather cooly.
  114. [21:50] <Earthflame> "That's a good philosophy, Shin. My mother always told me a true sword was forged in fire and blood."
  115. [21:57] <Shen> Shen nods in thoughtful agreement. "Though sometimes people don't get to choose their fights. Sometimes a strong opponent just comes along."
  116. [21:59] <~Deedles> "Your mother is a wise woman." Shin tells Jian before glancing at Shen "One should be so fortunate as having powerful opponents just appear. Strife makes one strong."
  117. [22:03] <Earthflame> "As long as you survive it."
  118. [22:05] <Shen> "I suppose so." he concedes as he leans back in his seat again. "I would consider falling to a stronger opponent far more desirable than fleeing, even at the worst of times."
  119. [22:06] <Earthflame> Jian smiles at that. "I can't say I've never felt the same way... But some things are more important than pride."
  120. [22:06] <~Deedles> "If you have the conviction you will survive." Shin replies, looking down at his tea as he smiles faintly. "Though when fighting another death does not always have to be the answer."
  121. [22:07] <~Deedles> Meanwhile Mingxia looks a bit out of place, quietly wiping down the counter as she adds, quietly. "I don't like fighting in the first place."
  122. [22:09] <Shen> "If the defeated got to decide such a thing, maybe the world would be a more peaceful place." he mused in reply.
  123. [22:10] <Earthflame> "What you say is true, though." Jian nods to Shin. "Sometimes blades can meet without the need for true violence. A frank exchange of views, a duel of philosophies, a test of skill... There are many reasons one may fight."
  124. [22:13] <Shen> Shen glances at the young woman as she says that, with a feint smile.
  125. [22:17] <Zero_Atma> "You forgot wine, women, and money." Yoshihiro adds from the back after listening to all this, snickering to himself.
  126. [22:18] <~Deedles> Shin laughs "Wine is alright, money is useless, but fighting for a woman..." he ponders on that "Maybe."
  127. [22:18] <~Deedles> Mingxia's movements are gentle and fluid, despite her lack of sight she moves with ease, though that illusion is quickly broken as she goes to head upstairs and trips on the way "Oof!"
  128. [22:20] <Shen> "It's worth having something to be strong for, becoming stronger on it's own for no ultimate goal is a fruitless path." Shen turns as Mingxia stumbles. "You alright there?" he calls out to her.
  129. [22:22] <~Deedles> "Y-yeah! I'm fine!" Mingxia assures him as she gets back to her feet, quickly dusting herself off before she continues heading up the stairs.
  130. [22:22] <~Deedles> Shin is chuckling faintly "You tell the girl to be careful, and yet she keeps tripping." he shakes his head as he drinks some of his tea.
  131. [22:23] <Earthflame> "You are some sort of warrior then, Shin?" Jian asks, as if making conversation.
  132. [22:23] <~Deedles> "You could describe me as such, yeah." Shin replies casually
  133. [22:28] <Zero_Atma> "You a regular here?" Yoshi wonders. "We just got into town and were sort of looking for a guide."
  134. [22:28] <~Deedles> "I move between here and Jinlong most of the time." Shin says as he turns to look at the three fully.
  135. [22:29] <Shen> "A good friend directed us here to come see the Doctor, to tend to his arm."
  136. [22:31] <~Deedles> "Most Doctors could treat an injury like that." Shin says with a raised brow "This friend tell you why you should go see this particular doctor?"
  137. [22:31] <Shen> "No, he shouted it while he ran away." Shen shrugged. "Didn't have time to ask him."
  138. [22:32] <~Deedles> Blossom soon returns from the upstairs, carrying a long, thin, black case in her arms. She stumbles as she reaches the last step, threatening to fall, but manages to stabilize herself.
  139. [22:32] <~Deedles> A moment later the door that Hayato disappeared through opens as the doctor returns with a few things in hand "Sorry about the wait." he apologizes with a smile "Place was a mess..." he shakes his head.
  140. [22:34] <Zero_Atma> "Lets just say we can't go back to Jinlong for a while and we needed somewhere to lay low for a while." Yoshi tells Shin simply.
  141. [22:34] <~Deedles> Inside the case, which is made of black, polished wood, he can sense a three piece of a thin, tube shaped, object made of metal.
  142. [22:35] <Earthflame> Jian casts an eye at the case, giving it an idle probe with his senses before turning to the doctor. "Not at all. It's been like this for the better part of a week, a few minutes won't make a difference."
  143. [22:35] <~Deedles> Shin raises a curious brow before he shrugs "Well, you wouldn't be the first."
  144. [22:38] <Shen> "Nor the last, at the rate the capital is going." he adds.
  145. [22:38] <~Deedles> Mingxia quietly places the case on the counter as she returns to her own tea. Meanwhile Hayato moves over to Jian, placing the medical supplies on the table, which includes a clean cloth, clean bandages and a bottle of alcoholic cleaning fluid.
  146. [22:39] <Earthflame> Jian moves to drag his sleeve up a bit, sounding somewhat apologetic. "I meant to see someone sooner, but we never seemed to have the time."
  147. [22:41] <~Deedles> "That happens easily, at least we can get it all fixed now." Hayato says as he smiles again, but Mingxia looks confused for a moment before she peers at the doctor "Hayato, I think you grabbed the wrong bottle." she states softly. The doctor turns to look at her "Whatever do you mean?" he wonders. Shin glances between the blind girl and Hayato before his lips quirk into a smile.
  148. [22:42] <Earthflame> ...Jian tenses
  149. [22:45] <~Deedles> "Are you well, Doctor?" Mingxia frowns faintly as she moves around the counter, gripping the bottle. "I'll get you the cleaning alcohol." she says. Hayato rises to his feet as he looks at her. Shin peers intently at the doctor, the brown haired man blinking for a moment before he shakes his head. "Thank you, Ming." he tells her.
  150. [22:46] <Earthflame> "...What was in that first bottle?" Jian asks.
  151. [22:48] <Zero_Atma> "How did she...?" Yoshi looks between the doctor and Ming, then back toward Hayato.
  152. [22:48] <~Deedles> "Her chi senses are quite sensitive, as is her sense of smell." Shin explains with a broad smile.
  153. [22:49] <~Deedles> Hayato rubs the back of his head "I'm not sure I should be working today if I'm making such mistakes." he says
  154. [22:49] <Zero_Atma> "Huh, well, isn't she just a special little flower?" Yoshi muses with a soft chuckle.
  155. [22:50] <Shen> "It's a good thing she's here, isn't it." Shen says, closing his eyes and sighing through his nose. "Maybe that's for the best." he replies to the Doctor.
  156. [22:52] <~Deedles> Mingxia turns to look towards Jian, blushing red at Yoshi's comment. She tilts her head to the side "Nettle juice, you use just a drop of it in a lot of medicine, but a larger amount than that can easily be poisonous." she explains
  157. [22:53] <Earthflame> ...Jian turns his eyes towards the doctor. "What would have happened if you'd applied that to a large open wound like this one, doctor?"
  158. [22:53] <~Deedles> Hayato has a seat by one of the other tables, pushing back a couple of loose strands of hair. "Your infection would of worsened... a lot." he says with a grimace.
  159. [22:54] <Earthflame> "Potentially fatally?"
  160. [22:54] <Earthflame> His stare is rather piercing.
  161. [22:54] <~Deedles> "Potentially, if not treated quickly." the doctor answers honestly.
  162. [22:54] <Shen> "Are you alright, Doctor? You seem rather out of it."
  163. [22:55] <~Deedles> "I must be to not notice that it wasn't cleaning alcohol in that bottle." Hayato nods
  164. [22:56] <Earthflame> "Could Mingxia do the cleaning, in that case?"
  165. [22:57] <~Deedles> "Yeah, she is more than capable." Hayato replies. He gets to his feet and moves over to close the front doors of the tea house "Think I'll stay closed today." he concludes before glancing at the trio "You can stay here for as long as you want."
  166. [22:57] <Earthflame> "...Could I ask you another question, doctor? We found a strange bottle on the road, and was wondering what it might be. Perhaps you would know?"
  167. [22:58] <~Deedles> Hayato looks at Jian "Sure, I'll do my best." he says as he gets to the table they're sat by.
  168. [22:59] <Earthflame> Jian reaches into his pack, and draws out the dark bottle, placing it with a slight thud upon the table.
  169. [23:05] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi stares at the bottle that Jian had placed on thetable in open view, the very same bottle they had taken from the warehouse in Jinlong.
  170. [23:06] <~Deedles> Hayato looks at the bottle, picking it up to have a closer look, about then Mingxia returns with a new bottle, the doctor turning towards her. "Mingxia, could you have a look at this?" he wonders as he moves towards her.
  171. [23:07] <Earthflame> "We thought it seemed rather foul, potentially dangerous. We didn't want to throw it away only for someone else to find it, or pour it into the ground or a river only to cause spirits know what."
  172. [23:07] <Shen> Shen watches the Doctor handle the bottle carefully as he approaches her.
  173. [23:10] <~Deedles> Mingxia puts the cleaning alcohol on the counter as she accepts the black bottle from Hayato, holding it gently in both her hands. She frowns after a moment. "This feels vile..." she states
  174. [23:13] <Zero_Atma> "Any idea what it might be?" Yoshi asks the obvious question on all their minds.
  175. [23:22] <~Deedles> "Not sure..." Mingxia replies with a thoughtful look "It feels... wrong, and doesn't feel inanimate, I can almost feel something crawling around inside this thing." she explains before carefully removing the cork to sniff at the substance inside. In that moment, before anyone has time to react, Hayato hooks an arm around her, gripping onto her hair while the other grabs onto her hand
  176. [23:22] <~Deedles> as he forces the bottle to her lips, tilting her head back to make her drink the black fluid inside. Shin pushes himself off the counter "Hayato! If you hurt her...!" The doctor glares at the black haired man "I won't, but I can't make any promises for them." he nails the trio with his gaze, throwing the bottle to the side as Mingxia coughs furiously, her hand coming to grip her throat.
  177. [23:23] <Earthflame> Jian leaps to his feet with a start. "What did you do!? What was that?"
  178. [23:28] <Earthflame> His Chi Blade sings to life in his nonexistant hand, all thought of concealing it fleeing his thoughts. Behind him, the Yin Yang Blade rises from it's wrapping, unfolding and shimmering in the light. "If you hurt her, I swear..."
  179. [23:29] <Zero_Atma> "Stop him!" Yoshi shouts before slinging his staff from over his back and hurls it like a javalin at Hayato.
  180. [23:31] <Shen> Shen is up off of his seat and across the table the second the Doctor grabs her, heading straight towards Mingxia.
  181. [23:34] <~Deedles> Shen zooms past the pair without problem. Hayato lets go of Mingxia as he throws himself out of the way. The blind girl stumbles to the side "I feel... strange..." she manages to say between coughs. "Taishin! Don your armour!" "NO!" The black haired man replies sharply, having turned slightly towards the trio. "If you want to protect her don your armour!" the doctor yells.
  182. [23:34] <~Deedles> Shin's hands clench as he growls, a bolt of black lightning striking out of nowhere as a set of onyx black armour appears around his form, a set of armour very familiar to the three young heroes. "If they don't kill you after this I will, Hayato!"
  183. [23:35] <~Deedles> his voice had gone deep and caused the house to rumble slightly.
  184. [23:37] <Earthflame> ...Jian's eyes fix on the figure in dark armour. The world around him collapses, leaving only a single figure in his sight. He steps forwards, a visceral hatred rumbling deep within his heart. "...You."
  185. [23:39] <Shen> Shen focuses on nothing but getting to Mingxia as quick as the bottle can hit the floor. Using the momentum of his steps he brings his arm back and pounds Mingxia in the stomach with an open palm, holding it there for a second longer as he pushes. "Reject it!" he shouts at her.
  186. [23:41] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi has much the same expression at the familiar sight of the armored figure. "This was all a set-up..." he realizes aloud. "You were trying to lure us here."
  187. [23:42] <~Deedles> He doesn't need to tell her twice, the force of his blow causing the blind girl to hurl the black substance, and the tea she'd drank previously, onto the floor. "Goddamnit!" Hayato curses, jumping up onto the balcony of the floor above. Shin turns towards Jian and Yoshihiro "I wasn't directing you to Hayato, idiots." he states plainly.
  188. [23:47] * Deedles sets topic to: Shen, Jian, Hayato, Yoshi, Shin
  189. [23:49] <Zero_Atma> "I don't care what you were trying to do!" Yoshi barks at him. "I'm gonna kick your ass for cutting off Jian's arm!" he sys, pointing toward shin before that same finger shifts up to Hayato. "Then I'm gonna kick YOUR ass for trying to poison Ming!"
  190. [23:49] <Earthflame> "...Yoshi?" Jian's voice is oddly soft. "He is *Mine*."
  191. [23:51] <Zero_Atma> "You first then, Doctor." Yoshi grins toward his comrade before glaring up at Hayato.
  192. [00:02] <Shen> Shen drops Mingxia down carefully after the hit. "Go somewhere and hide." he says fiercely, and in the next second he is right after Hayato.
  193. [00:03] <~Deedles> "It wasn't poison, your dolts!" Hayato retorts with a shake of his head "But what else can I expect?"
  194. [00:05] <~Deedles> Mingxia coughs as she crawls away from the spot and towards the door leading to the back of the house. Shin holds out his hand as his scythe appears in it, holding it before him as he awaits Jian's attack.
  195. [00:11] <Shen> Shen bursts after him, catching up with the doctor quickly. He spins around him aiming to slam the back of his heel against Hayatos shoulder.
  196. [00:12] <~Deedles> Hayato is quick, but not quick enough, the heel connecting with his shoulder in a solid blow.
  197. [00:18] <Earthflame> ...A dark feeling emenates over the room as Jian faces down Shen. Something strange seems to happen to him... The Yin Yang Blade behind him rotates, with the black blade rising to the high point. Jian's wounded arm explodes in a wave of hot, bright blood. He doesn't move. And then... The blood begins to flow backwards. Even as it drips and bleeds from his rent, ruined flesh, it spirals up
  198. [00:18] <Earthflame> in an impossible formation... In a moment, a new arm rests below his elbow. An arm of dark, shining blood. The Chi Blade in it's hand slowly beings to fill with blood, hardening and darkening like old, rusted iron. He closes his eyes. And then he moves, the dancing steps of his meditation contrasted with the splatter of blood he leaves in his wake, circling around behind Shin in an instant,
  199. [00:18] <Earthflame> bringing the blood blade down upon it with an almost insane laugh. "I am going to Kill you!"
  200. [00:18] <Earthflame> *Shin
  201. [00:21] <~Deedles> If Shin reacted it wasn't visible from behind his helmet, but you can hear it on his voice as the armoured warrior utters a soft and surprised "Corruption?"
  202. [00:25] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi's eyes go wide at the sight of Jian sprouting a bloody arm, which splatters all over the place, the sound of his companion's viscious laugh forcing a moment of sobrity into the Ebbing Spirits. "Jian..." he just stares as his friend attacks with obvious killing intent, this was a side of Jian that he had never seen before.
  203. [00:28] <~Deedles> Mingxia stares as she feels the corrupt chi burst through Jian, the blind girl looking worn, confused and frightened over the whole situation that had quickly unravelled inside the tea house.
  204. [00:31] <~Deedles> Shin raises his scythe, stopping the incoming blow from the rabid swordsman, pushing him back to put some distance between them "You still know nothing about me." he says calmly
  205. [00:33] <Earthflame> "I Don't Care." Jian seethes
  206. [00:34] <~Deedles> "Then you're a fool. Your actions will bring her more harm than good!" Taishin shouts in reply
  207. [00:35] <Earthflame> "You took my arm. I am going to Kill you." ...He barely seems conscious of the world outside the battle.
  208. [00:42] <~Deedles> Hayato keeps the arm of his injured shoulder at his side as he jumps back, grabbing a set of needles from inside his tunic to throw at Shen.
  209. [00:45] <Shen> Shen immediately dives into a roll as he sees the attack coming, dodging them barely. "Tch. So much for healing people eh, Doc?" he spits back.
  210. [00:46] <~Deedles> "I'll make an exception for troublemakers who come along to ruin everything." Hayato retorts coldly
  211. [00:48] <Shen> Shen coughs a haggard laugh. "If you hadn't tried to force-feed the lady that shit there wouldn't be trouble, you quack."
  212. [00:49] <~Deedles> "Tsk, don't lie, you were gonna take her away!" Hayato snaps in reply
  213. [00:50] <Shen> "Why the fuck would we take her away? We came to you to help heal our friend!" Shen seethes with anger at the insufferable doctor.
  214. [00:50] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi snaps back to reality, quickly running to pick up his staff, using the gnarled stick to polve-vault onto the stairs and quickly up to the second floor.
  215. [00:50] <~Deedles> Hayato pauses before he shakes his head "I overestimated you..."
  216. [00:56] <~Deedles> Like last time Taishin takes his time before he moves, his blows coming in hard and fast, but what his odd is that he keeps the bladed part of the scythe away, the butt of its hold first coming for Jian's gut, and then quickly twists around to dig into the knee of his right leg.
  217. [00:57] <Earthflame> The impact staggers him, and he moves with a bit of a limp... But absolutely no sign of pain shows on his face.
  218. [01:02] * Deedles sets topic to: Shen, Hayato, Jian, Yoshi, Shin
  219. [01:18] <Shen> "No." Shen states simply as he gets to his feet. He holds an open palm out like an upturned claw, lightning suddenly bursting into existence. "You greatly underestimated us." He throws back at him as he blazes at the man, his stance much like that which he used on Mingxia except quicker, deadlier, the claw of a Dragon.
  220. [01:19] <~Deedles> Hayato tries to dodge, but he is much too late, the lightning infused attack ripping through him mercilessly.
  221. [01:29] <Shen> Shens clawed palm connects before the doctor could move, slamming dead on his solar plexus as the lightning passes straight through Shens arm, then into the mans chest.
  222. [01:30] <Earthflame> Jian almost floats across the blood slick floor, skidding and skating and laughing as he glides towards Shin, his sword lashing out again and again and again, spinning and striking and crying out with every blow. "Die! Die! Die!"
  223. [01:31] <~Deedles> Hayato gasps for breath as he stumbles backwards, a contemplating look on his face as he looks at Shen "Yes... I have. Maybe you really could do it." he muses as his stance faulters, his shoulders hunched though he tries to stand straight.
  224. [01:32] <~Deedles> Shin's scythe intercepts the blows, though the first one comes to fast that it leaves a cut in his black armour. "Calm down!" he yells at the swordsman
  225. [01:33] <~Deedles> Meanwhile Mingxia slowly stands by using the wall for support, her eyes flickering around as everyones chi flies all over the place. "W-why are you all doing this? Why are you fighting?!" she cries out
  226. [01:43] <~Deedles> "Because while you remained here you were safe!" Taishin responds as he raises his scythe defensively, his eyes never leaving the crazed swordsman in front of him.
  227. [01:51] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro doesn't say a word as he runs up the remaining stairs, letting his momentum carry him forward as he leaps off the ground upon reaching the second floor, the lower half of his leg blazing red hot as he flies through the air to slam a burning kick into Hayato's gut.
  228. [01:52] <~Deedles> Hayato just manages to get out of the way of the brunt of the kick, but Yoshi still hits the shoulder that Shen previously had injured.
  229. [02:01] <~Deedles> Taishin bursts in close to Jian. He grabs his scythe right below its blade, pulling back the staff end of it before he swings, hard, slamming it into the swordsman to send him flying into the stairs.
  230. [02:02] <Earthflame> Jian cries out as he crashes through the stairs, wood shattering around his shoulders as he finds himself embedded in them... And then begins to drag himself out, the bloody arm stretching strangely to take a grip.
  231. [02:06] * Deedles sets topic to: Jian, Hayato, Mingxia, Shen, Taishin, Yoshi
  232. [02:09] <Earthflame> ...Jian staggers back up, breaking into a coughing charge. His skin is pale from blood loss, his steps unsteady and irregular, but still he comes on, raising the bloody blade once again and bringing it crashing down.
  233. [02:14] <~Deedles> Shin easily parries the blows, sending Jian stumbling to the side.
  234. [02:14] <~Deedles> "Come to your senses! If you keep going you'll die!" the armoured warrior shouts
  235. [02:17] <~Deedles> Hayato wavers for a moment before his eyes harden "But I need to be sure..." he mutters before he throws another set of needles at him.
  236. [02:20] <Shen> Shen walks towards him, between the pain of seeing his friend, Jian, in that state and the anger he feels towards the misguided doctor he seems not to care. He raises his arms, deflecting the majority of the needles with the back plates on his arm guards. "Will you stop with the babbling!"
  237. [02:24] <~Deedles> Mingxia zooms forward from the corner, past the counter and up to Jian. Taishin tries to grab her "No, Ming!" he calls, but she doesn't stop. Her hands come up to grip onto the blade of his chi sword, which she can see clear as day. "Jian, please, stop this!" she pleads, her expression filled with concern and distress. "You'll die if you don't! You're losing too much blood. Please, calm down..."
  238. [02:24] <~Deedles> her eyes water, and for the first time Jian can feel her chi. It shines in a bright green colour, filled with the sensation of life and a gentle spirit.
  239. [02:26] <Earthflame> ...Jian's left eye regains it's focus and clarity, and his left arm falls to his side as he focuses on the girl in front of him in astonishment... His right eye still stares past her at Shin, and the bloody blade thrums with power, it's thirst not yet sated... He is caught between two minds, and for a moment seems frozen...
  240. [02:27] <~Deedles> Shin looks ready to intervene, but his focus has clearly shifted from Jian to Mingxia, his scythe hanging by his side.
  241. [02:33] <Shen> Shen finishes approaching the doctor, walking right up to the mans face and grabbing him by the neck of his tunic with a strong grip. "My allies are more important to me than fighting a coward like you." he says simply with a furious grimace on his face. He pushes the man to the side and jumps down to the lower floor, approaching those down there.
  242. [02:35] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi spins right around on the spot as that oh so familar chi radiates from down below, eyes glued to Min at the brilliant green glow, the Ebbing Spirits slowly moving down the stairs toward her. "It IS her..."
  243. [02:38] <Shen> Shen looks up at Yoshi then back down to Mingxia, pausing to look on her for a moment. Then he turns to Taishin, "Is it true?"
  244. [02:38] <Earthflame> ...Jian's right hand starts to shake.
  245. [02:40] <~Deedles> Shin nods slowly "It is her..." he confirms quietly, his scythe dematerializing. The blind girl tightens her hold of Jian's blade, the sharp edges puncturing the skin of her palms and fingers causing it to draw small amounts of blood.
  246. [02:41] <~Deedles> "Please... stay your blade."
  247. [02:41] <Zero_Atma> "I have no doubt in my mind." Yoshi tells them firmly. "That's why you're so protective of her, isn't it?" he directs the question toward Shin. "That's why you fought us, isn't it? you were testing us!"
  248. [02:42] <~Deedles> Taishin nods again, remaining quiet.
  249. [02:42] <Shen> Shen nods back, somewhat stunned but still reeling with adrenaline from his fight. He looks to his friend, Jian, his mouth partially frowning sadly. "Jian..."
  250. [02:43] <Zero_Atma> "I think it's time to sheath your sword, Jian, plenty of blood has been spilled already..."
  251. [02:44] <Earthflame> ...Jian's eyes fill with tears, the clear left and the bloodshot right. Slowly, the blade begins to dissolve, rivulets of blood staining Mingxia's fingers before it and the arm holding it collapses as the Chi holding it together unravels.
  252. [02:44] <Earthflame> In the same moment, Jian collapses, his arm bleeding freely once more.
  253. [02:46] <~Deedles> Mingxia kneels down by his side, not caring about the blood soaking her dress as she rips off one of her own sleeves, tying it tightly around the bleeding stump to stop the flow.
  254. [02:46] <Shen> "He needs treatment immediately." Shen says solemnly. "He already lost a lot of blood after you took his arm off." he directs that towards Shin, filled with a nice helping of spite. "It's astonishing he even managed to stay vertical for this long."
  255. [02:47] <~Deedles> "I needed to know your strength." Taishin replies calmly, his armour starting to disappearing. "But if you cry over a lost arm then you're not as strong as I thought you were." "Shin!" Mingxia says, rather sharply, from where she's sat, the warrior falling silent.
  256. [02:49] <Shen> Shen had said all he wanted to say to the armoured man, for now. He walks past him and kneels beside Mingxia and Jian. "If there is anything I can do to help with his recovery, please let me know."
  257. [02:50] <Zero_Atma> "Yosji walks right up to Shin, gragging him by the collar. "Oh yeah?! then let me take off one of YOUR arms and see how damn smug you are then!" he shouts. "This is all your fault, you broke him, you took more than just an arm from him!"
  258. [02:53] <~Deedles> "I'm going to give him some of my chi, but if you could do the same that would help." Ming tells Shen as she ensures that the cloth is settled nice and tight around Jian's bleeding arm. Shin has to look down as Yoshi comes right up to him, his eyes eerily calm. "I knew your friend could fight without one of his arms, he doesn't hold his blade through ordinary means." he replies
  259. [02:53] <~Deedles> "If you wish to take one of my arms you're welcome to try, it wouldn't be the first time I lost a limb." "Both of you, stop it! There are more important things to worry about." Mingxia scolds them with a frown.
  260. [02:55] <Shen> Shen nods to her, "I don't know how much use I will be, but I will give all I can."
  261. [02:56] <~Deedles> Mingxia looks up at Shen with a warm smile "That's all that matters, the wish to help itself helps more than most people think."
  262. [02:57] <~Deedles> After speaking she grips onto Jian's injured arm with one of her hands while she presses the index and middle fingers against his chest, closing her eyes as she focuses on transfering chi from herself and into him.
  263. [02:57] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi's eyes burn angrily at him, but Mingxia's words make him back down, releasing his grip. "We're not finished, I will see that you set this right..." he says before letting out a small puff of flames under his breath that disolves into smoke as he turns his attention to his fallen comrade.
  264. [02:59] <~Deedles> Taishin tilts his head to the side "That's why I directed you here." he gestures to Mingxia "She can help your friend regain his lost limb."
  265. [03:01] <Zero_Atma> "Say what?!" Yoshi snaps his head around to look at Shin before whipping back toward Ming, staring at her in amazement. "You can do that?"
  266. [03:02] <Shen> "What you said earlier, you had done the same?" he said, turning his head to Taishin. "So you knew all along."
  267. [03:03] <~Deedles> Shin shrugs as he folds his arms "Yeah." he replies simply
  268. [03:04] <Earthflame> ...Jian's breathing steadies, and his cheeks take on a little more colour. He still doesn't look great.
  269. [03:05] <Shen> Shen sighs as he looks back to his friend, putting a hand on his shoulder, attempting the transfer of his chi. He is not efficient, and more gets lost than actually transferred, but he tries non-the-less.
  270. [03:06] <Zero_Atma> "Let me help!" Yoshi insisted, hurrying to Jian's side where the other were gathered. "What do I have to do?"
  271. [03:07] <Shen> "I just hope that the door you opened can be shut again." he says dryly as he watches his friend.
  272. [03:07] <~Deedles> "I didn't open it on my own." Taishin replies
  273. [03:08] <Shen> "I wasn't speaking to you."
  274. [03:08] <~Deedles> "Oh..."
  275. [03:09] <~Deedles> "Lay a hand on his and focus on flowing your chi into him." Mingxia explains before she glances back at Taishin "And he's right, I can help. Not me personally though."
  276. [03:12] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi places both of his hands palm-down against Jian's collapsed form, concentrating on his flow of chi, his hands warm to the touch, one torch lending it's hopeful glow to spark another to life.
  277. [03:14] <Earthflame> ...His breath grows steadier still, flowing freely. He remains unconscious.
  278. [03:17] <~Deedles> Taishin silently moves forward, kneeling down by Jian to lay a hand on his chest as he closes his eyes and focuses.
  279. [03:19] <~Deedles> Pure and powerful Metal chi flows from Shin and into the swordsman from the point that they connect.
  280. [03:20] <Earthflame> ...That last spark of Chi seems to send a jolt through Jian's body. The spasm passes momentarily, and he lets out a groan, blearily blinking hazy eyes, looking but not seeing.
  281. [03:20] <~Deedles> "Jian?" Mingxia says softly
  282. [03:21] <~Deedles> Shin moves away again without a word.
  283. [03:21] <Earthflame> He tries to speak, coughs, and tries again. "...Water..."
  284. [03:22] <Shen> Shen rises to his feet again with a deep, but quiet sigh of relief.
  285. [03:22] <~Deedles> The blind girl is on her feet in a flash, moving around the counter to pour up some of the tea that she'd made before; It's not water, but it should do. She comes back to his side, gently supporting his head as she helps him drink it.
  286. [03:22] <Zero_Atma> "On it!" Yoshi scrambles back toward the counter in order to fetch Jian some water.
  287. [03:23] <Zero_Atma> ", she's fast." Yoshi admits with a blink.
  288. [03:23] <Earthflame> Jian coughs a bit, but drinks in a few long sips, his words clearer after that. "What... What happened?"
  289. [03:24] <~Deedles> "You lost a lot of blood." Mingxia explains, leaving any more explaining to the others. Taishin doesn't say anything as he stalks upstairs instead.
  290. [03:25] <Earthflame> ...Another blink, and his eyes seem to focus on something nobody else can see. Then they fill with tears. "...You should have let me die."
  291. [03:26] <Zero_Atma> "Don't you ever say that again!" Yoshi scolds him. "We're not gonna let you throw your life aeay like that!"
  292. [03:27] <Shen> "You are many things, Jian. But you are not a coward. Don't start acting like one now." he says gruffly as he crosses his arms, avoiding eye contact with him.
  293. [03:28] <Earthflame> "...The corrupt deserve to be destroyed. If I believe that, then I have no right to live after what I became..." His cadence is strange, as if the words drift out from a dream. He's still a little out of it.
  294. [03:29] <~Deedles> "The Corrupt is only bad if you lose yourself in the process..." Mingxia chimes quietly
  295. [03:29] <Earthflame> Jian turns his eyes towards her. "...But I did."
  296. [03:30] <~Deedles> "No you didn't. You're still yourself, even if you temporarily lost yourself in anger." The blind girl replies with a gentle smile.
  297. [03:31] <Earthflame> Jian closes his eyes again. "...And the next time?"
  298. [03:31] <Zero_Atma> "Listen to the girl." Yoshi advises his dazed friend. "...and drink your tea."
  299. [03:33] <Shen> "There won't be a next time." Shen turns around, finally looking directly at Jian. "We overcome challenges, together, as we always have."
  300. [03:34] <Earthflame> "...It's in my blood, Shen. I can feel it now. It was always there, but..." He pauses, steadying himself again. "How can you escape something you were born with? Whoever my father was, whoever my family were... Were they Corrupt, too? Is this the fate of all of the Dancing Sword Clan?"
  301. [03:35] <~Deedles> Taishin finally comes back down the stairs, carrying an unconscious Hayato over his shoulder.
  302. [03:35] <Shen> "Nobody shares the same fate. However tough it may be, we forge our own path, you know this even more than me."
  303. [03:36] <Zero_Atma> "I might be part of you, but you can't let it define you." Yoshi insisted. "We are what we chose to be."
  304. [03:37] <~Deedles> Shin nods in agreement "Our fathers and families don't control our destiny."
  305. [03:38] <Earthflame> He turns towards Shin, and his eyes widen in shock. "...I wanted to kill you. I wanted to end your life more than I wanted to keep on living..." He sounds stunned at the memory, as if he can't believe those feelings were part of him.
  306. [03:39] <~Deedles> Shin's lips quirk into a smile "I noticed..." he replies
  307. [03:39] <Shen> "He's still a douchebag, but he is no longer our enemy."
  308. [03:41] <Zero_Atma> "Ming, can you realy give Jian his arm back?" Yoshi asks suddenly, trying to shift focus.
  309. [03:42] <Earthflame> ...Jian's gaze whips back to Mingxia. "My arm can be restored?"
  310. [03:42] <~Deedles> "I have the means to." Mingxia replies "I need to get something from home to do it though."
  311. [03:43] <Shen> "Not only is she able to do so, but she is also the heir we have been searching for." Shen comments.
  312. [03:43] <~Deedles> Mingxia shifts her face towards the floor at that as she nods.
  313. [03:43] <Earthflame> "...I know. I felt it." He focuses his gaze on her. "...Then Home... You mean Jinlong?"
  314. [03:44] <~Deedles> "No, I've never been to Jinlong." Mingxia admits
  315. [03:44] <~Deedles> "After I found her I would never of let her go there." Shin chimes
  316. [03:45] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi pats Jian on the shoulder. "One step at a time my friend."
  317. [03:45] <Earthflame> "Where, then?" He glances towards Shin, sitting up a bit. "...It sounds like there is a long story to hear."
  318. [03:46] <~Deedles> "It is." Shin confirms as Mingxia begins getting to her feet "My home here, I keep my medical supplies there."
  319. [03:48] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro reaches out to take one of Ming's hands. "Please, can we go get them?"
  320. [03:49] <Earthflame> ...Jian glances across the room, to the Yin Yang Blade. He raises a hand, gesturing, and it folds up, lowering to the floor.
  321. [03:50] <~Deedles> "It would be best if he came with me there." Mingxia explains
  322. [03:50] <Earthflame> Jian waves a hand. "Let me stand..."
  323. [03:51] <Shen> Shen offers his friend one of his hands.
  324. [03:51] <Zero_Atma> "We'll all go together." Yoshi decided with a smile.
  325. [03:51] <Earthflame> He seems to consider refusing it for a moment... But then relents, gripping Shen's arm and pulling himself up, a little unsteady on his feet.
  326. [03:53] <~Deedles> Mingxia nods as she returns Yoshi's smile.
  327. [03:54] <Shen> "Let's get a move on then." Shen says as he nods to the others.
  328. [03:54] <Earthflame> ...Jian stares at the bloody mess he made of the room. "...We should get changed. Walking through the town covered in blood could attract attention..." he murmurs.
  329. [03:54] <~Deedles> Shin kneels down infront of Hayato, tapping a hand against one of his cheeks "Oi, wake up." he says, the doctor stirring and groaning before his eyes open to be met by the sight of Taishin glaring cooly at him.
  330. [03:54] <~Deedles> "Hayato always kept extra sets of clothes in the back." Mingxia tells them, glancing towards the doctor as he wakes.
  331. [03:56] <Earthflame> Jian nods. "I'll find something." He begins to walk forwards alone, staggers, catches himself, and tries to continue...
  332. [03:57] <Shen> "I will be fine as I am." Shen states as he only has a few rips here and there. He walks over to where Taishan woke the doctor and looks down at him. "You try anything like that again on the Lady and I'll rip your spine out and have Yoshi play you a nice song as you ride to Hell."
  333. [03:57] <~Deedles> Shin glances up at Shen "... Couldn't of said it better myself." he says as he rises to his feet again.
  334. [03:58] <~Deedles> Hayato nods slowly as he looks down at the floor "There is no point to fight. No need to protect her any longer."
  335. [03:58] <Zero_Atma> "I've got the flute for it too!" Yoshi pipes up, shaking his fist in the air before throwing Jian's arm over his shoulder. "Come on, lets get you cleaned up."
  336. [03:59] <Earthflame> ...Jian seems to jump at a startled realisation, bracing himself against the counter. "...We need to leave! Soon! Now-! There are pirates coming from Haizhou!"
  337. [03:59] <~Deedles> Mingxia glances back at Shin, Shen and Hayato before she follows Jian and Yoshi to change her clothes too.
  338. [04:04] <~Deedles> "Oh, Katashi..." Taishin mutters while rolling his eyes.
  339. [04:05] <Shen> "We picked up his... ex-wife Reisuki in Haizhou, so they more than likely want her back." Shen comments quickly. "She's back at the inn."
  340. [04:06] <Earthflame> "And she said that they'd been ordered to go to Yumu, but were only holding off to look for her. If they were told to come here, that might mean someone knew where you were..." He pants, a little out of breath, still rather exhausted.
  341. [04:07] <~Deedles> Taishin shakes his head as he sighs "I knew they would catch on sooner or later..."
  342. [04:08] <Shen> "I'll head back to the inn." Shen nods.
  343. [04:08] <~Deedles> "We'll meet you there." Taishin says before grabs Ming's hand and leads her off to the back to get a new set of clothes.
  344. [04:09] <Earthflame> ...Jian hobbles after them.
  345. [04:09] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi helps Jian do the same, letting the fatigued swordsman lean on him.
  346. [04:09] <Earthflame> "Thank you..."
  347. [04:10] <Zero_Atma> "What are friends for?" Yoshi replies with a smile.
  348. [04:12] <Shen> Shen bolts out of the shop and towards the inn, hopping up onto the rooftops to make his route more direct and much less noticeable.
  349. [04:12] <~Deedles> They head into a corridor, Taishin opening one of the doors for Mingxia before closing it behind her, turning around to lean his back against the shut door, his arms folded. He nods to the door across "Should be some clothes in there."
  350. [04:13] <Earthflame> Jian nods. "Thank you... And sorry." He gives the man a guilty look. "...Why is your armour corrupt?"
  351. [04:14] <~Deedles> "Because of who my father is." Taishin replies honestly.
  352. [04:14] <Earthflame> Jian nods, a sad smile on his face. "...We are not so different, then."
  353. [04:16] <~Deedles> Taishin smiles faintly "Thankfully you're not too much like me though."
  354. [04:16] <Earthflame> Jian cocks his head at that. "Oh?"
  355. [04:17] <~Deedles> Shin shakes his head "That'll have to wait til everyone's gathered again." he answers
  356. [04:18] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi opens the door to the next toom for Jian. "Lets worry about getting your arm back first, shall we?"
  357. [04:19] <Earthflame> Jian nods, heading through the room and having a look around.
  358. [04:19] <~Deedles> There's plenty of shelves filled with various medical supplies, but there is also a drawer furthest into the room.
  359. [04:20] <Earthflame> Jian tugs it open, resting himself against the wall to steady himself.
  360. [04:21] <~Deedles> There's clothes inside, similar in style to what Hayato had been wearing.
  361. [04:22] <Earthflame> "...It'll do." Jian rifles through them to find something the right size.
  362. [04:23] <~Deedles> It doesn't take long to find, Hayato's build wasn't much different from Jian's.
  363. [04:24] <Earthflame> He tugs it on, struggling with one arm, and then kicks his bloodied and ragged clothes into a corner of the room.
  364. [04:25] <~Deedles> Taishin moves to the side as Mingxia is done so she can exit the room, now wearing a silk dress of black and pink.
  365. [04:27] <Earthflame> Jian nods to her as he exits. "We're ready to go?"
  366. [04:27] <~Deedles> "Yeah." Taishin says simply before he takes Mingxia's hand again and begins to lead her back towards the front room.
  367. [04:36] <~Deedles> After they all met up at the tea house Mingxia lead the group back to her place. It was a small, cozy, house closer to the rim of the town. Now they all found themselves in her lounge, sat around a low table as Mingxia had gone off to her room.
  368. [04:36] <Earthflame> Jian looks close to dozing off, still suffering from lack of sleep, exhaustion and injury, despite the Chi infusion that was keeping him conscious.
  369. [04:36] <~Deedles> Taishin had also dragged long Hayato by the scruff of his neck.
  370. [04:37] <Shen> Shen sat there, rather awkwardly.
  371. [04:37] <~Deedles> Taishin sits with his arms folded.
  372. [04:38] <Zero_Atma> "Alright, I'll say it, this is awkward." Yoshi points out.
  373. [04:38] <~Deedles> Hayato grumbles, quietly drinking his tea while they wait.
  374. [04:40] <~Deedles> The next moment Mingxia returns, carrying a few things in her arms before she sits down between Taishin and Shen and places the items on the table. One is a box made of polished, dark, wood, and the other is a heavy object wrapped in a black cloth.
  375. [04:41] <~Deedles> Reisuki is just looking around herself as if to ask 'Who the fuck are these guys?!'
  376. [04:42] <~Deedles> "Sorry bout the wait." Mingxia says with a soft smile, lifting the cloth covered object first and begins to uncover it, revealing a small statue of gold in the image of a dragon, its base made fully of jade.
  377. [04:43] <Shen> "May I?" Shen asks Mingxia nervously.
  378. [04:43] <Zero_Atma> "Is that what I think it is?" Yoshi asks blatently as Ming reveals the radiant object to them.
  379. [04:43] <Earthflame> A smiles crosses Jian's face. "...It is more beautiful than even the tales could tell."
  380. [04:44] <~Deedles> Mingxia gently hands the Imperial Seal to Shen with a sweet smile as she nods to Yoshi's question "Yes. That's the Imperial Seal." she confirms
  381. [04:46] <Shen> Shen studies it in detail, turning it slowly in his hands as he takes the sight in. "Two Hundred years ago, my ancestors protected what this signifies." His fingertips trace the detailed golden scales of the dragon, for the first time, in a very, very long time Shen was speechless.
  382. [04:46] <~Deedles> Reisuki's eyes widen at the sight of the seal, something in her expession just shouted 'Ohh, shiny~'
  383. [04:47] <Earthflame> "Ahh... We probably should tell where we come from. If you have not already guessed."
  384. [04:47] <~Deedles> "Your ancestors...?" Mingxia trails off before her eyes widen "You mean... you are...?" she seems stunned
  385. [04:49] <Shen> He smiles faintly as he places the seal back down on the cloth. "I am Shen Huang, Wayward Thunder of the Storm Dragon clan. Those sworn and honour-bound by life to protect your family... Or something like that."
  386. [04:50] <~Deedles> Mingxia smiles brightly, suddenly throwing her arms around him as she hugs him tightly "I've always wanted to meet one of you! My father told me so much about the Storm Dragon clan!" she practically beams with excitement at him as she pulls away again.
  387. [04:50] <Earthflame> Jian smirks at that.
  388. [04:50] <~Deedles> Taishin looks amused
  389. [04:50] <~Deedles> Reisuki blinks "What's a Storm Dragon?"
  390. [04:52] <Shen> Shen almost starts to the choke at the sudden assailing. "I hope it was good things." he repeated with a chuckle, then looked to Rei. "We are an old clan, originally protectors of the Imperial family, but now, merely a story in history. Just the way we liked it... until now."
  391. [04:53] <Shen> He pointed to the outfit Rei wore. "You are wearing what we wear right now."
  392. [04:55] <~Deedles> "Ohh, so that's why you were so hesitant..." Rei nods with a look of realization.
  393. [04:55] <~Deedles> Mingxia smiles at Shen "He told me of your loyalty and diligence, and that he still firmly believed that you existed, but in the shadows."
  394. [04:56] <Shen> Shen nodded, appreciating Rei's understanding. "Although I cannot talk of the details just yet, know that we do still exist and are thriving." he replied to Mingxia.
  395. [04:59] <Earthflame> Jian glances across to Shen. "...Why not? She is the Heir. Surely, we owe her our honesty, at the very least."
  396. [05:06] <Zero_Atma> "I agree, she deserves to know the truth, all of it." Yoshi chimes in.
  397. [05:07] <Earthflame> Jian bows his head to her. "I am Jian, of Mount Baoban and the Five Element Village... To one degree, at least. I came from there when we were sent to seek you."
  398. [05:09] <Shen> Shen still seemed conflicted, but nodded reluctantly.
  399. [05:09] <~Deedles> "So the myths are true after all..." Mingxia says with a thoughtful expression.
  400. [05:10] <~Deedles> Taishin nods "They are."
  401. [05:10] <Earthflame> Jian turns his gaze to Taishin. "...How do you know?"
  402. [05:10] <~Deedles> Reisuki looks a bit confused and Hayato looks a bit surprised, but doesn't say anything.
  403. [05:12] <~Deedles> "That would mean explaining my story to you." Taishin says before nudging Mingxia "The seed." he says, the blink girl jumping slightly "Oh yeah!" she lays a hand on the box she'd brought with her and opens it before handing it across to Jian. Inside, resting on the red velvet casing, is a single seed of pure white with golden veins.
  404. [05:15] <~Deedles> Jian recalls, vaguely, that this could be the seed of a rare flower called a Lunar Tear which only blooms at night.
  405. [05:15] <Earthflame> Jian takes it carefully, staring at the seed for a long moment in mild awe. "...The seed of a Lunar Tear?"
  406. [05:17] <~Deedles> Mingxia smiles happily as she nods "To us Doctors it's known as a Seed of Renewal. It has incresibly potent healing capabilities, it can even grow back lost limbs." she tells him before she raises a finger, looking seriously at him. "But such healing takes time, in your case it could take between one to two weeks, and in that time you may not involve yourself in any violent activity.
  407. [05:17] <~Deedles> Lunar Tear seeds are very delicate, and such actions taints the seed and causes its powers to fade."
  408. [05:18] <Earthflame> ...Jian frowns. "Could it be safely used on someone like me? With... Corruption, in my blood?"
  409. [05:19] <~Deedles> Mingxia nods "Yes. The presence of corrupt chi alone doesn't taint it."
  410. [05:19] <Earthflame> He bows his head. "...Thank you, then. I thought I would be crippled for life."
  411. [05:20] <~Deedles> "I wouldn't of cut your arm off if I didn't know how to fix it..." Taishin chimes quietly from where he's sat, arms still folded.
  412. [05:20] <Earthflame> Jian sighs. "...I still wish you hadn't. I might never have unleashed..." He shivers, not wanting to remember his madness.
  413. [05:21] <~Deedles> "No, you still would of, sooner or later." Taishin states, rather calmly. "It is simply a part of you, but not the only part of you."
  414. [05:22] <Earthflame> Jian nods slowly. "So... How do I...?" He looks to the seed once again.
  415. [05:22] <~Deedles> "Just eat it." Mingxia says with a giggle.
  416. [05:23] <Earthflame> "...Oh." He looks a little embarrased. "Well that's rather simple." He promptly picks it up, and pops it in his mouth.
  417. [05:23] <Shen> "At least we don't have to worry about White Jasmine." Shen says humouresly to his comrades.
  418. [05:24] <~Deedles> "Why would you worry about White Jasmine?" Mingxia wonders with a curious look.
  419. [05:25] <Earthflame> Jian glances to Yoshi.
  420. [05:27] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi lets out a drawn out sigh as the attention shifts to him. "It's a long, complicated story." he explains. "First, I should start by introducing myself. My name is Yoshihiro Daizen, I come from a noble family in Jinlong."
  421. [05:29] <~Deedles> "Daizen..." Mingxia looks thoughtful at that.
  422. [05:30] <~Deedles> "They're a noble family who funds the Black Lotus I told you about." Taishin chimes
  423. [05:32] <Zero_Atma> "IT wasn't always like that, and I'm certainly not part of them." Yoshi informs her right away. "My uncle is a leader of a group called the White Peony who oppose them. My cousin had him imprisoned and forced one of my friends from another nobile family to marry him."
  424. [05:33] <Zero_Atma> "Her name is Mizuki and she is the one who showed us how to find you."
  425. [05:33] <~Deedles> Mingxia looks positively horrified by that, her jaw drop as she sits there, speechless.
  426. [05:33] <~Deedles> Reisuki grimaces as she leans back slightly "I can understand her pain..." she mutters
  427. [05:34] <Shen> "In a dream. Don't forget that part, that's the best part." Shen adds.
  428. [05:34] <Earthflame> "But the dream also held a warning."
  429. [05:34] <Zero_Atma> "I was getting to that." Yoshi waves a hand and Shen.
  430. [05:35] <~Deedles> Taishin looks down at the table as Mizuki is mentioned.
  431. [05:37] <Zero_Atma> "Her brother Haru tries to resucue her, but failed, and lost an arm in the process." he continues.
  432. [05:38] <~Deedles> "Ah..." Mingxia lifts a hand to her lips in thought "I'll have to get another seed then..."
  433. [05:39] <Earthflame> "...I should have thought..." Jian suddenly looks extremely guilty.
  434. [05:41] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi smiles somewhat at that. "I would be most appreciative." he then returns to telling the rest of the story. "We would have gone to rescue both Mizuki and my uncle, Matsumoto, but they seem to be under heavy guard and we didn't have the man-power."
  435. [05:42] <Shen> "Admittedly, I may also have prioritised the search for you, somewhat." Shen looks equally as guilty.
  436. [05:44] <~Deedles> Mingxia blinks before she gently grips her own tea cup "Ah, I see..." she says, looking a bit guilty herself.
  437. [05:45] <Shen> Shen smiles as he notes the girls unfailing kindness and turns to Yoshi. "But I will make up for that."
  438. [05:47] <Zero_Atma> "It's alright, Shen, finding Ming was important to everyone." Yoshi points out with his own smile.
  439. [05:48] <Earthflame> "The White Peony resists the Lotus, but they themselves were seeking the heir... They felt that, even if they did openly oppose the Lotus, without your backing they could not make any lasting gains."
  440. [05:51] <~Deedles> Mingxia lifts her cup to sip at her tea as she nods, looking deep in thought. Taishin lays a hand on her back as he glances at her. "I guess that leaves me." he says quietly.
  441. [05:52] <Zero_Atma> "Care to explain?" Yoshin asks with a curious raise of his brow.
  442. [05:53] <~Deedles> "Jian has inquired a couple of times now as to who I am and how I know what I know." Taishin elaborates
  443. [05:54] <Zero_Atma> "Well then, you gonna tell us who you really are?" Yoshi inquires further.
  444. [05:55] <Shen> Shen watches Taishin, curiously waiting to be enlightened.
  445. [05:56] <~Deedles> "My full name is Taishin Iaohu-Xun, the current Emperor is my father." Taishin begins, looking faintly awkward.
  446. [05:56] <Earthflame> ...Jian stares.
  447. [05:57] <Shen> "That explains the shit attitude." Shen notes out loud.
  448. [05:57] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi's jaw drops, he had not expected to hear that as an answer.
  449. [05:58] <~Deedles> Reisuki's eyes are wide
  450. [06:03] <~Deedles> Mingxia is turned slightly towards Taishin as he speaks. "I guess father isn't exactly the right term, since beings of chaos don't reproduce like humans do." he goes on with a thoughtful look "I just remember waking up one day and seeing him. I couldn't recall anything about myself prior to that point, no name or anything." he shrugs as he leans back "Because of that I am a member of Black Lotus
  451. [06:03] <~Deedles> and keep an eye on all of the movements of the corruption in the country. That is how I know as much as I do."
  452. [06:05] <Earthflame> "Then... You could tell me of the Dancing Sword Clan?" Jian sounds hesitant. "...I am almost sure now, that my mother fled them when she sought the village... But I do not know why. We share the same motto, and their symbol is my blade, but they are nothing like what I was taught..."
  453. [06:06] <Zero_Atma> "This is...oh man..." Yoshi can't seem to find the words, pulling up his gourd to have a deep drink from, slowly absorbing all this new and confounding information.
  454. [06:06] <~Deedles> "Is your mother's name Lifen?" Taishin asks calmly.
  455. [06:06] <Earthflame> "Yes!"
  456. [06:06] <~Deedles> Reisuki leans forward to rest her head against the table; This is some crazy shit!
  457. [06:08] <~Deedles> Taishin hesiates, but then answers. "Lifen Weijun is the name of the wife of the previous leader of the Dancing Sword Clan, Rushen Weijun. She was presumed dead when she went missing after her husband's murder."
  458. [06:08] <~Deedles> "She was pregnant at the time." he added
  459. [06:09] <Earthflame> Jian goes silent for a moment... When he speaks again, his voice has the same strange calm it had when he spoke to Yoshi earlier, claiming the battle for himself. "Do you know who murdered my father?"
  460. [06:10] <~Deedles> "I do, but I'm not going to tell you when you're in that state." Taishin replies plainly "Not until your arm is healed."
  461. [06:10] <Earthflame> He looks at it, and growls under his breath. "...It would not do to destroy the seed. Very well."
  462. [06:11] <Shen> "The seed and yourself." Shen corrected, looking at Jian.
  463. [06:11] <Earthflame> ...He tries to smile, but it's more of a grimace. "Of course."
  464. [06:12] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi suddenly turns his attention to Hayate, who had been quiet this entire time. "What about you?"
  465. [06:13] <~Deedles> "I'm just a Doctor who happened to get wrapped up in all of this business." Hayato answers honestly, with a small amount of bitterness.
  466. [06:14] <Shen> "You do strike me as the noble type." Shen responded sarcastically.
  467. [06:15] <Zero_Atma> "You knew what was in that bottle, didn't you?" Yoshi persisted. "What is it? and why did you try to force it down Ming's throat?" he demanded with a sharp look.
  468. [06:16] <~Deedles> "To explain that we'd have to begin from the start." Hayato replies, glancing at Taishin.
  469. [06:17] <~Deedles> "I was the one who found Mingxia here, and figured out who she was." Taishin tells them, glancing at the blind girl beside him.
  470. [06:23] <~Deedles> "She was being attacked by some of the creatures belonging to the previous being of corruption that resided in this town. So I killed them and saved her, but not before she'd fallen unconscious." Taishin smiles faintly "And while she masks her chi well while awake that stops as she loses consciousness. I could sense who she was nearly instantly." he explains "She was badly injured, so I needed to get her to a doctor."
  471. [06:23] <~Deedles> "That's where I come in." Hayato chimes
  472. [06:24] <~Deedles> Mingxia is blushing slightly as they talk, feeling awkward about being the center of attention and thus hides behind her tea cup for now.
  473. [06:28] <~Deedles> Hayato clears his throat "Shin became bursting into my tea house demanding I treat her. Since I, also, could sense her chi, Shin made it perfectly clear that he'd do to me if I breathed a word about who she was to anyone." the doctor says, pausing to drink some tea.
  474. [06:28] <Earthflame> "A fair precaution, in the circumstances..."
  475. [06:29] <Earthflame> Jian gives Hayato a look. "...Did you poison the merchant, the same way you were going to poison me?"
  476. [06:29] <~Deedles> Hayato glances to the side, looking uncomfortable and guilty. "Yes..."
  477. [06:30] <~Deedles> Mingxia stares in shock at that revelation.
  478. [06:30] <Shen> "Yeah, that's how we caught wind of the lead up here." Shen informed him. "The handiwork of a poison user."
  479. [06:31] <Earthflame> Jian bows his head. "In dark times, people can do terrible things for the best of reasons..."
  480. [06:32] <~Deedles> "The White Peony were looking for her so desperately, but they aren't, well, I guess that's weren't now, powerful enough to protect her. While she stayed here me and Shin could keep an eye on her and ensure the Emperor never caught wind of her whereabouts." Hayato explains to them, the grip of his cup tightening slightly.
  481. [06:33] <Shen> "And yet good intentions can still lead to evil deeds." Shine piped up before turning back to Shin. "So why is it you were so prepared to hide her from your father?"
  482. [06:33] <Earthflame> "...If we hadn't gone to Haizhou first, you wouldn't have known the pirates were on their way up river."
  483. [06:36] <~Deedles> Taishin glances at Shen "Because I don't believe in his cause, nor do I think a being as wicked as him should sit on the throne." he states, scratching the stubble on his chin. "Everyone believes that Yinzhuran Iaohu-Xun is the 4th Emperor since the Iaohu-Xun cast down the Mingyulong, but that isn't true. They were all the same person."
  484. [06:37] <Earthflame> "...An immortal?" Jian asks with a hushed breath.
  485. [06:37] <Shen> "That is disturbing." Shen looks down thoughtfully.
  486. [06:38] <~Deedles> "He can move his soul from one body to another." Taishin looks down in shame "That's why I can't oppose him openly, right now I have the luxury of having my own free will, but if he found out..." he trails off.
  487. [06:38] <~Deedles> Mingxia leans close to Shin, giving him a gentle hug.
  488. [06:38] <Earthflame> "...Is he responsible for the departure of the spirits? Why they no longer walk among us?"
  489. [06:39] <~Deedles> Reisuki grimaces from where her face is resting against the table.
  490. [06:40] <Shen> "We're going to need a lot more than just present the heir and a seal." Shen rubs his eyes with a sigh. "This is so far beyond my knowledge."
  491. [06:41] <~Deedles> "The Spirits are still here." Taishin replies calmly, laying an arm around Mingxia "But they're confined to their sacred zones. Not that it makes much different, most normal people can't see them because they don't believe anymore."
  492. [06:41] <Zero_Atma> "This definitely isn't what we expected." Yoshi admits, at least for himself.
  493. [06:43] <Earthflame> "What confines them?" He frowns. "...If we reach out to them, could they help us?"
  494. [06:44] <~Deedles> "My father." Taishin answers simply. "And I'd say you need to get their help if you want to get rid of the corruption."
  495. [06:44] <Zero_Atma> "Well, it looks like we have a goal in mind now." Yoshi points out.
  496. [06:45] <~Deedles> Mingxia looks thoughtful "Have you heard of the Legend of the Golden Dragon Ao Jing?" she asks them
  497. [06:45] <Earthflame> "I Am a priest." He smiles at Mingxia, adding. "I wasn't lying about that. If the Spirits will answer our call... It is my duty to go to them." He pauses, thinking of the title, but then shakes his head.
  498. [06:47] <~Deedles> "Alright, then I shall tell you it." Mingxia says with a soft smile. "Long ago the world was in chaos, malevolent spirits ran rampant with no one and nothing to hold it in check. There was a jade carver called Jing Mingyulong who got tired of this, and decided to create a guardian. Over several years to come he carved a giant dragon out of jade, its mouth agape so that once it was done Jing
  499. [06:47] <~Deedles> could breathe into its mouth, his life-breathe becoming that of the Dragon." she says, taking a sip of her tea before she continues. "The jade cracked as the statue was filled with life, revealing the golden form of the dragon within. Ao Jing, now born, shone his light over the world and cast aside the chaos, creating order in its place. The people cheered for the new dragon and his
  500. [06:48] <~Deedles> descendants were named leaders of the land, and have been since."
  501. [06:48] <~Deedles> "Until my family came along..." Taishin chimes quietly
  502. [06:48] <Earthflame> Jian nods slowly, considering the significance of the tale.
  503. [06:50] <Shen> Shen nods. "The Dragon ascension techniques of my clan are heavily based from this story. The Golden Dragon being the last, and final form."
  504. [06:56] <~Deedles> Mingxia glances at Shin before she continues "Inside the Imperial Palace is a giant dragon statue, the statue of Ao Jing, and only someone of the Mingyulong bloodline can breathe life into it." she tells them "I would suggest that Ao Jing is the last spirit you release though, since that would mean taking on my father, and while you're strong ... you're not strong enough for that yet." Taishin adds.
  505. [07:01] <Earthflame> Jian nods, but says "Before any of that... I think we should escort you to the village, Ming. You will be safe and protected there, guarded by an army of Storm Dragons and the five mightiest warriors I have ever known... It is a long journey, but knowing you were safe would make things easier from then on."
  506. [07:02] <~Deedles> "Oh, I'll get to see your home?" Reisuki lifts her head from the table to grin. Mingxia nods slowly before glancing towards Taishin. "I think that would be wise, Ming." he tells her.
  507. [07:03] <Shen> "The elders will need to be informed of recent developments." Shen says finally after thinking long and hard. "They will know the next best course of action."
  508. [07:04] <Earthflame> Jian nods. "...I think you could stay there too, Rei. It is a refuge for those whose lives have been destroyed by corruption. The Water Temple would welcome one of your faith with open arms, I am sure."
  509. [07:04] <Shen> "I wonder if Chiyoko has made it there yet." he smiles thoughtfully.
  510. [07:05] <~Deedles> "Nuhu!" Reisuki insists, waving a hand at Jian while smiling "I'm flattered and grateful for the offer, but it sounds like these White Peony guys need the help more."
  511. [07:06] <Zero_Atma> "Well, only one way to find out!" Yoshi chimes in, grinning broadly, nodding toward Reisuki. "They could definitely use it."
  512. [07:07] <~Deedles> Taishin looks faintly uncomfortable, though he covers it up quickly. "I should return to Jinlong in the meantime." he muses
  513. [07:08] <Earthflame> Jian nods, giving him a sad smile. "...If what you say is true, I do not think the village could protect you. I am sorry."
  514. [07:09] <~Deedles> Mingxia turns to Shin in shock "But..." she looks sad, the man shaking his head as he chuckles "Jian is right. I would create more of a risk than it's worth."
  515. [07:10] <Zero_Atma> "Don't worry, Ming, we'll protect you!" Yoshi assures her, flexing one of his arms.
  516. [07:11] <~Deedles> Mingxia just sits there for a moment before she shakes her head and suddenly rises to her feet "I don't care about myself!" she states plainly as she storms out of the room.
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