
Blue-Blooded Rivals Pt. 2

Sep 12th, 2013
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  1. >You admire the town square as you, Twilight, and Fluttershy briskly walk back to your place.
  2. >You all decided to do a little shopping together after you met.
  3. >As in, you bought some furniture for your house and a few basic groceries.
  4. >And Twilight is carrying it for you.
  5. >Fucking sweet.
  6. >The couch, coffee table, chair, and dresser float in a purple aura, the purple unicorn skipping forward and the yellow shy one hovering quietly on your right.
  7. >At least you're carrying the food.
  8. "This is great, Twilight, thanks so much."
  9. >Moving this shit on your own would not have been enjoyable.
  10. >Probably would've needed to rent a carriage or something, and those things are expensive.
  11. >You can already feel how much lighter your sack of bits is now.
  12. >...You'll need a job.
  13. >"It's no problem, Anon, I'm happy to help!" she says happily.
  14. >You turn to the quiet one next to you.
  15. "And thank you for showing me around town."
  16. >You say, ruffling her mane as she flies.
  17. >She blushes a deep red and hides behind her now fuzzy mane.
  18. >"I-I-It was n-no problem at all... Anon..."
  19. >It makes you smile.
  20. >"Maybe sometime Fluttershy can show you her cottage! She lives out by the forest."
  21. >You raise your eyebrows with interest.
  22. "That so? I was looking at a few places out there myself."
  23. >Fluttershy bashfully looks your way.
  24. >"It's a... nice area to live in..."
  25. >...D'aww.
  26. >"Oh, but FIRST, you'll need to meet my other friends too! Oh, this is so exciting!"
  27. >You arrive at your house, unlocking your door.
  28. >More friends, huh? Well, if they're as enthusiastic and enjoyable as Twilight, or as cute as Fluttershy, this group of friends shouldn't be too bad.
  29. "Another excellent idea, Ms. Sparkle."
  30. >You open the door, letting Twilight carry your things in.
  31. "Thaaaank you!"
  32. >She arranges the couch, chair, and coffee table nicely around your boxes in the living room while you quickly toss the food in the fridge, then she takes your dresser upstairs.
  33. >You follow her up, turn into your room, and instruct her on where to place the dresser.
  34. "Perfect."
  35. >Twilight smiles, and you both head downstairs, where Fluttershy hovers in place patiently.
  36. >"So you've seen the town, when do you want to meet my friends?" Twilight asks.
  37. >You scratch your chin and look at your watch.
  38. >It's around 2:00.
  39. >Plenty of time in the day.
  40. "Hey, why not right now?"
  41. >Twilight beams.
  42. "Lots of time in the day, and I ain't doing anything else. It okay if I hang around you guys a little longer?"
  43. >You playfully bump Fluttershy with your elbow, and she bashfully raises her hooves to her face and looks the other way.
  44. >"Of course not! I mean, they'll all be at work, but if you don't mind walking around town a bit more, we can probably see them all!"
  45. "Not a problem with me."
  46. >You head back outside and shut the door, locking it again.
  47. >Well, back around town!
  49. >The day dragged on into dusk.
  50. >You went all over P0nyville, meeting all kinds of residents.
  51. >Some you just waved and said hi to, introducing yourself.
  52. >But others, Twilight's other close friends, you got to know a little more with decent conversation.
  53. >First, you stopped by a place called Carousal Boutique, where you met a nice, proper unicorn named Rarity.
  54. >Rather lady-like and high class, like the mares up in Canterlot, but most unlike them, she was actually rather outgoing and polite towards you. Didn't freak out at the hairless ape walking through her door.
  55. >A seamstress, too. You know where you're going when you need clothes.
  56. >Next, you managed to wave down a blue pegasus messing around with some clouds.
  57. >Rainbow Dash is her name. Rather competitive, and a little cocky, but you think you can seriously get to like this mare.
  58. >Bro-tier potential, it would seem.
  59. >Next, you walked way the fuck out of the way to an apple orchard called Sweet Apple Acres, where a farm p0ny named Applejack lives.
  60. >Hardworking, honest, and shit, even Southern.
  61. >How that works in this land, you haven't a clue.
  62. >But she seemed real friendly, and her big bro seemed pretty cool, too.
  63. >Didn't talk much, but your short exchanges suggested you could get to know the guy.
  64. >Maybe you can ask if they need an extra hand around the farm sometime.
  65. >Gotta grease the wheels, after all.
  66. >Now finally, you're crossing back around town, your legs already pretty tired from a day full of walking.
  67. >"One more stop! My good friend Pinkie Pie!" Twilight says, trotting and hopping happily ahead.
  68. >You stay a little bit behind, trudging along with Fluttershy.
  69. >She looks over to you, a little worried.
  70. >"Y-You don't need to walk all the way to Sugar Cube Corner if you don't want to, Anon... we can just take you home..."
  71. >You smile a little.
  72. >Would you look at that, she actually started a conversation.
  73. >Maybe she's warming up to you.
  74. "Thanks Fluttershy, but I'm good."
  75. >You laugh a little.
  76. "I asked for this, after all."
  77. >She smiles shyly at you, then turns away.
  78. >You walk another little bit before arriving at a rather large building designed to resemble a gingerbread house of sorts.
  79. >Awh shit, sweet! Sweets!
  80. "Pinkie Pie works here?"
  81. >"Mhmm!" Twilight answers, "And lives, too!"
  82. "That lucky girl..."
  83. >You all enter the establishment, which is rather busy around the dinner hour.
  84. >You see a pink mare with a poofy mane working behind the counter.
  85. >That must be your target.
  86. >You three wait in line, the restaurant full of p0nies giving you curious looks.
  87. >Expected. It's not like you've met everyone in town yet or anything.
  88. >Pinkie Pie spots you guys several paces behind and anticipates your gradual arrival at the register.
  89. >When you arrive, she explodes into activity.
  90. >"HELLO! Ohmigosh! You must be Anon!" she cheers, hopping up onto the counter and staring you in the eyes.
  91. >She has a massive smile on her face.
  92. >It takes you kind of by surprise.
  93. "Heh, yeah, that's me. How did you...?"
  94. >"Oh, EVERYP0NY's been talking about you in here! The human! Moved to P0nyville from Canterlot! You've been walking around town all day, haven't you!?"
  95. >You smile a little.
  96. "You're well informed, Pinkie."
  97. >You look over and motion to Twilight and Fluttershy.
  98. "So you're the last of the sextuple of friends, huh?"
  99. >She hops up and down again.
  100. >"I KNOW! You're already friends with Twilight and Fluttershy! This is so GREAT! We're going to be great pals!"
  101. >This girl is insane.
  102. >You like it.
  103. "I hope we can, Pinkie."
  104. >You say with a smile.
  105. >"Hey, Pinkie, I was actually thinking..." Twilight starts, "with Anon just moving into town here, do you think you could maybe throw a party for him?"
  106. >A party, huh? Pinkie's eyes swell at the mention of the word.
  107. >"Oh that would be FANTASTIC! I can organize one right when I get off work! We can have it TONIGHT!"
  108. "Whoa, tonight?"
  109. >You laugh a little, holding up your hands to signify "calm down."
  110. "Sorry Pinks, I just got here and have been walking around all day. I think I'd rather just kick it tonight."
  111. >She stops, then drops back down to the floor.
  112. >She's much calmer.
  113. >"Oh, okay Anon!"
  114. "Plus, I'd like a little time in advance."
  115. >You look over to Twilight and Fluttershy.
  116. "I got a buddy back home who I'd love to invite to it, if you'd have him."
  117. >Twilight smiles with a nod.
  118. >"Of course, Anon, any friend of yours I'm sure we'll like."
  119. >Pinkie jumps in happiness once again.
  120. >"Great! How's tomorrow night sound then?"
  121. >You scratch the back of your head.
  122. "I dunno... I don't think I could get a letter to him by then..."
  123. >Twilight clears her throat.
  124. >"Actually, Anon... my assistant Spike can help you with that."
  125. >You look at the purple p0ny once more.
  126. "Whatchu talking 'bout, purplecheer?"
  127. >She giggles a little. "My assistant Spike sends letters to the Princess on my behalf all the time! I'm sure I can just ask the Princess to redirect the letter to your friend!"
  128. >Wait, this girl writes the Princess?
  129. >Who is she...?
  130. "Well, in that case... hell, I guess tomorrow night works pretty well!"
  131. >Pinkie Pie cheers in happiness.
  132. >"GREAT! I'll start planning right away! And have EVERYP0NY come!"
  133. "Okay, calm down there, girl. I trust you'll make it excellent."
  134. >"Ahem."
  135. >Hmm?
  136. >You turn behind you, finally noticing the rather massive line you've let accumulate.
  137. "Oh, shit."
  138. >You turn to Pinkie.
  139. "We better stop stalling you. Thanks, Pinkie Pie, I'll see you tomorrow!"
  140. >The pink mare happily waves goodbye to you as you all leave.
  141. >The very quiet Fluttershy hovers a little bit behind you, so you snag her right out of the air and under your arm and carry her with you.
  142. >She's taken with an "eep!"
  143. "You're coming with me, Flutterbutter."
  144. >You say with a laugh.
  145. >You, Twilight, and your yellow cargo head out toward Twilight's place.
  146. >The sun is almost set, and the night is starting to peek over the horizon.
  147. "Alright, so we'll send the letter, then I'm just about ready to hit the hay."
  148. >"That sounds good to me, Anon!" Twilight agrees.
  149. >You peek under your arm.
  150. "What do you think, Fluttershy?"
  151. >She doesn't say anything. Instead, she keeps a rather wiggly smile on her face, which is a delicate and cute shade of pink.
  152. "Oh my... Fluttershy, you don't need to be so timid around me."
  153. >You swing her around to your front, tucking your arms under her forehooves' pit area and holding her in front, almost like a cat.
  154. "We're friends. You can talk to me, no need to be so quiet, alright?"
  155. >She bashfully looks away.
  156. >"A-Alright..."
  157. >Twilight giggles at your antics.
  158. >You release Fluttershy up into the air, her wings reacting naturally and taking her into flight.
  159. >You end up arriving at some sort of treehouse.
  160. >You're a little baffled.
  161. "This is where you live, Twilight?"
  162. >She smiles as she opens the door. "And work. It's a library, too! Come on in!"
  163. >You enter the treebrary and take a good look around.
  164. >Indeed, books do line the walls like a library, and the inside does look like it was carved straight from the tree.
  165. >Mag-fuckin'-neato.
  166. >"Spiiiike!" Twilight calls as she enters, "I need you to take a letter!"
  167. >You close the door behind you and enter the seating area of the home, plopping down on the couch.
  168. >Fluttershy sits down rather close to you.
  169. >You soon hear the pitter patter of footsteps, before a small purple lizard-like thing appears from down the stairs.
  170. "Oh, man."
  171. >You and the lizard both look at each other for a few seconds.
  172. >A few thoughts cross your mind.
  173. "..."
  174. >Then, you lift your finger and point.
  175. "Dragon."
  176. >The little guy smiles wide, then looks over to Twilight.
  177. >"See Twi? I TOLD you someone would know off the bat!" He smugly walks over. "Lizard... pah!"
  178. >He places a pen and paper down on the table.
  179. >"So, you're the new guy around town?"
  180. >You nod as you grab the parchment and utensil.
  181. >He kind of eyes your hands as you do.
  182. "Yeah, that's me. Anonymous the human. Anon the human for short. Anon for even shorter than that."
  183. >You think for a quick second.
  184. "Preferably that last one, though."
  185. >He laughs a little.
  186. >"Are... you going to write your own letter?"
  187. >You look to the dragon, a little confused.
  188. "...Don't most people?"
  189. >His eyes are a little wide, then a very unimpressed look crosses his face.
  190. >"Yeah, I suppose they do... or should..." he gives Twilight a glare.
  191. >She averts her eyes with a blush.
  192. >"Just come see me when you're done, Anon, I'll send it off."
  193. "Thanks, man."
  194. >"I'll be in the other room, come see me if you need me," Twilight says, trotting off.
  195. >Fluttershy gives you a longing look before following her friend.
  196. >Okay, some privacy, perfect.
  197. >You touch the tip of the pen to your lips and think.
  198. >...Okay...
  200. Dear Blueblood
  201. How's it going, man? It's Anon. Bet you didn't expect to hear from me so soon, yeah? Thought I'd throw a letter your way. Just finished my first full day here, and man, it's been pretty eventful. Met a group of very friendly p0nies who are all pretty damn swell. Twilight Sparkle was the first I met, purple unicorn, kind and smart, and with her was Fluttershy, this really timid yellow pegasus. She's real cute, if not a little too bashful. Met this white unicorn named Rarity, got a curly purple mane and seems very lady-like, then there's Applejack the farm p0ny and Rainbow Dash the weathergirl. Pegasus, obviously. Last, and partially the reason I'm writing, is Pinkie Pie.
  202. Girl loves throwing parties, apparently, and is throwing one for me tomorrow night and inviting quite a few p0nies. Sounds like it's going to be fun, but it'd be awesome if you could show. You could see my new place, meet these girls, and we could probably hang for a few hours before the party if you'd be able to show up early enough. Let me know, man, I'd love to have you there.
  203. Hope to see you soon, King Blueblood,
  204. Anonymous
  206. >There, that looks rather prim and proper.
  207. >You could throw in some friendly and good-humored insults, but if this is getting to the princess first, better play it safe.
  208. >You roll the parchment all neat-like.
  209. >Calling over the cool dragon kid, he snatches it up, attaches a letter Twilight quickly wrote up instructing the princess to deliver it to who you addressed it to, and the kid spits fire on it, dissipating it into the air.
  210. "Awh, you prick, that took like five minutes to write."
  211. >Spike laughs.
  212. >"I didn't burn it, dude, I just sent it off."
  213. >You laugh a little too.
  214. "Magic, letter-sending fire?"
  215. >Spike nods with a smile.
  216. >You keep your smile, raising your eyebrows a little more.
  217. >He shrugs.
  218. >"Don't ask me, man, I don't know why I have it."
  219. >You chuckle, then stand to your feet.
  220. "Well, better get going..."
  221. >You call over to Twilight and Fluttershy that you're hitting the road, and they come out to say their farewells.
  222. >That they'll see you tomorrow and all that.
  223. >They both seem pretty excited.
  224. >You exit the library and start a brisk evening walk back to your new home.
  225. >You can worry about a job and all of that later.
  226. >Right now, just focus on that party and having fun with some new and old friends.
  227. >You enter your house, toss the keys onto the counter, march right up stairs and faceplant down on your new bed, passing out almost instantly.
  229. >The soft morning light nudges you awake.
  230. >With a yawn and a stretch, you rise out of your just-used bed and look to your clock.
  231. >10:00am.
  232. >Not bad at all.
  233. >Rising up, you head to the bathroom and christen the house with its first shit, shower, and shave ritual.
  234. >It's now officially home.
  235. >Looking, smelling, and feeling like a million bucks, you walk down the stairs into your living room area.
  236. >As you do, your eye catches something near your front door.
  237. >A neatly wrapped scroll sits right in front of it, presumably slipped through the mail slot.
  238. "Wow, already?"
  239. >You mutter to yourself.
  240. >You were going to make some breakfast, but let's see what the response says.
  241. >Picking it up and unrolling it, you begin reading:
  243. Dear Anonymous,
  244. It's good to hear from you, friend. It's quite nice to read your words after a day of grueling work and tiresome negotiations. I'm happy you've already made some new friends, though I never had any doubt. You're the kind of guy I don't see having that problem.
  245. This party of yours: I'd love to attend. I do find it a little humorous that it is in your honor. Not that you don't deserve it, but you simply moved in. Is this treatment given to every new resident? Regardless, I shall power through the paperwork I have today, and if all goes as planned, I should be able to show up a few hours early to spend time with you, my companion. I hope you will have some beers ready for us when I arrive!
  246. As for your list of friends... I do believe I know that "Rarity" lady you described. My goodness, it's going to be a touch awkward at that party. But maybe I need this chance to apologize. I'll fill you in over a drink when I arrive, it should make for an interesting story.
  247. Until then,
  248. Prince Blueblood
  250. >You fold the letter and give a quick fist pump.
  251. >Fucking sweet, your bud will be showing up after all.
  252. >With a juicy story it seems, too.
  253. >Man, this should be fun.
  254. >You head into the kitchen to whip up a quick breakfast.
  255. >You gotta get some things done before Blueblood shows up.
  256. >Ask around for work... pick up some beer.
  257. >Or any kind of alcoholic beverage, really.
  258. >Your wallet's going to be hurting after this...
  259. >...But hell, it's all worth it.
  260. >You step outside into the cool morning air, taking a deep breath and admiring the day.
  261. >Damn, P0nyville's a nice town.
  262. >To nowhere in particular, you begin walking. A simple quest for information.
  263. >You stop a mint-green p0ny on her way somewhere, who you believe you met yesterday, for a quick question.
  264. "Excuse me, miss."
  265. >You say politely.
  266. >She looks up and giggles at you.
  267. >"You can call me Lyra, Anon."
  268. >You smile a little and nod.
  269. "Alright, Lyra. Hey, I'm looking for some alcohol. Not like hard liquor or anything, something like beer. Know where I can pick up any?"
  270. >She half-lids her eyes playfully.
  271. >"Oh Anon, you aren't an alcoholic, are you? Barely been here a day and already looking for beer!"
  272. "Whoa, hey, nothing like that!"
  273. >You say jokingly with your hands out in front of you.
  274. "It's just that my good friend from Canterlot is coming down for the party tonight, and we're hanging for a bit before."
  275. >You scratch your nose and smile, thinking of your time together.
  276. "It's just something we do. Have a few beers together."
  277. >Lyra giggles. "Oh, I'm only teasing, mister." She scratches under her chin with her hoof. "Well, we DO have beer here, but you can get beer just about anywhere in Equestria. Since you're in P0NYVILLE, and greeting your friend like a P0nyvillian, you should definitely grab some of the Apple family's cider instead."
  278. >Ahh...
  279. "Apple cider, huh...? Hell, that doesn't sound half bad."
  280. >She smiles and nods.
  281. >"You know where Sweet Apple Acres is?"
  282. "Yeah, sure do."
  283. >You begin stepping in the direction you remember walking yesterday.
  284. "Thanks Lyra, I'll see you at the party!"
  285. >She waves goodbye as you skip into a sort-of jog for no particular reason.
  286. >Just feeling pretty energetic.
  287. >You quickly get to the edge of town, then down the dirt road toward Sweet Apple Acres.
  288. >The sea of apple trees comes into view, and soon you're headed toward the barn, which has an orange p0ny moving some bales of hay.
  289. >Just the mare you wanted to see.
  290. "Morning, Applejack."
  291. >She turns, notices you, then lifts her hat to you.
  292. >"Well howdy there, Anon, good ta' see ya."
  293. "Likewise, likewise."
  294. >"So what kin Ah do fer ya, pardner?"
  295. >You give a quick look over her mighty fine farm.
  296. "I've got a friend coming over later on in the day, looking to drink a little with him like we usually do before the party. I hear you sell cider. Think I can buy a case?"
  297. >She nods as she listens to you, then smiles.
  298. >"Awh shucks, yer friend's visitin'?"
  299. >She thinks for a moment, then, something comes to her mind.
  300. >"Yup, come with me, Anon."
  301. "Great, thanks."
  302. >You follow her toward the house they have near the barn, around back, to a cellar entrance.
  303. >"Wait here a sec."
  304. "You got it, boss."
  305. >She quickly descends the stairs, gone for a mere minute, before trotting back up with a case on her back.
  306. >"Here ya go, sugarcube."
  307. >Ahh... let's see what we got.
  308. >You pluck the case from her, examining the box and taking a peek inside at the bottles.
  309. >Looks... pretty delicious.
  310. "Most excellent, thanks AJ. How much do I owe you?"
  311. >She scoffs as she continues back to the barn, you walking alongside her.
  312. >"Free of change this time," she says with a smile. "Think of it as a house warmin' gift."
  313. >Fucking.
  314. >Score.
  315. "That's damn kind of you, thanks!"
  316. >"Think nothin' of it! Anything else, sugarcube?"
  317. >No, you think you're--
  318. >Oh, wait.
  319. "Actually, there is something I'd like to ask about..."
  320. >You clear your throat a bit and think of word phrasing.
  321. "...I kind of need a job. You think you could use an extra hand around the farm? Seems like a lot of work for one family."
  322. >Applejack dials back the smile a bit, then taps her hoof to her mouth.
  323. >"Mmmm... well, one family does more than ya'd think, Anon..."
  324. >Oooh... you don't like where this is going...
  325. >"...Buuut... it's always nice to have SOME extra help... I could only have ya part time though, that alright?"
  326. >Oof. Part time?
  327. >Part time does not pay the bills.
  328. >You learned that the hard way on Earth.
  329. >But it's still better than nothing. It'll get some money rolling in.
  330. >Maybe you can pick up a second part-time job.
  331. "Sure, that'll be fine. Thanks Applejack."
  332. >"Not a problem, Anon. You kin stop by in a day or two. See ya at the party!"
  333. >You wave goodbye (before frantically grabbing the falling side of the case) and head back up through town.
  334. >Two birds with one stone today. Done way quicker than you expected.
  335. >You head inside your house and jam the entire case in the fridge.
  336. >...Yeah, that'll do.
  337. >Now just to wait around til Blueblood shows up.
  338. >You're not exactly sure when that is, so you just take to unpacking some boxes monotonously to pass the time.
  340. >Your living room is just about cleared, only three or four boxes left.
  341. >Holy shit, this is taking longer than expected
  342. >You stand up and give your back a mighty stretch.
  343. >Maybe you can take a small break, grab some water or something, maybe--
  344. >*Ding-dong*
  345. >Perfect, fuck this garbage.
  346. >You casually kick over a box onto its side as you walk over to the door.
  347. >You give your watch a look: 5:00.
  348. >Not bad.
  349. >Gripping the handle, you open the door, revealing the white, blonde p0ny you know so well.
  350. >You frown.
  351. "Awh fuck, you aren't the escort."
  352. >Blueblood just about opens his mouth before you slam the door in his face.
  353. >"I swear to you, Anon, I'll have you exiled!"
  354. >You laugh heartily out loud and open the door once again for your friend.
  355. "Ha ha! Welcome, man!"
  356. >Blueblood steps in and holds out his hoof, which you gladly shake.
  357. >"Well met, dear Anon, thank you for having me over."
  358. "Anytime, bro, you know you're always welcome."
  359. >You close the door and walk into the house.
  360. >Blueblood hangs back in the living room as you head into the kitchen, opening the fridge and tearing into the case.
  361. >"My, quite the quaint place you have!" he calls.
  362. >You grab two bottles out and close the door with your foot.
  363. "I know, right? I love it."
  364. >You toss him the bottle, which he envelops in his magical glow as it closes in.
  365. >He gives the label a read.
  366. >"...Apple cider? I thought you the beer kind of stallion, my friend."
  367. >You give him a dismissive wave and walk over to the couch.
  368. "Supposed to be good, made in P0nyville by the Apples."
  369. >You take a seat, then motion him to the chair.
  370. "Take a seat, buddy,"
  371. >You crack open the apple cider and take a sip.
  372. >...Damn, this IS good!
  373. "and tell me about how you know Rarity."
  374. >"Ugh," Blueblood responds, rolling his eyes as he sits down in your chair. "If I must. I assure you, it will be quite embarrassing." He cracks open his cider and takes a drink.
  375. "Indeed, you must."
  376. >"Alright, alright. --Good cider, by the way, a fine choice!-- *Ahem,* Alright..." he thinks for a moment. "It must have been about a year or so before you came... at the Grand Galloping Gala..."
  377. >You take another sip of your cider.
  378. "That big party-dance thing?"
  379. >"Yes, Aunt Celestia hosts it every year. Regardless, Aunt Celestia's student was to appear, and with her she brought her five friends, one of which was this Rarity mare."
  380. >One, plus five... six mares?
  381. >...hmm... where does that sound familiar?
  382. >"...In a nutshell, she showed interest in me, but... well, I was so narcissistic and unchivalrous that I drove her to the brink of rage; she made a big scene, and she and her friends left..."
  383. >You laugh as you swallow your cider.
  384. "Damn man, what did you do?"
  385. >"Oh, my goodness, what DIDN'T I do? I was so rude that night. I took a rose she wanted for myself, I made her use her own article to allow me to cross a simple spill of water, I made her open doors for me... insulted her friend's food, I'm fairly certain... I also used her as a shield against flying cake..."
  386. >You almost spit out your drink, then laugh hard as you finish swallowing.
  387. "Oh, come on man! Not even OLD you would be that bad!"
  388. >Blueblood laughs an awkward laugh, shakes his head, and takes a drink.
  389. >"My companion, I regret to tell you that all said is indeed the truth... I was beyond rude to her..."
  390. >You finish back your cider, then place the empty bottle down.
  391. "Well, you'll see her at the party tonight, you can talk to her then. Get it all straightened out."
  392. >He too finishes his drink. "And I intend to."
  393. "Good stuff."
  394. >You sit and shoot the shit with Prince Blueblood for a bit more before checking your watch.
  395. "Alright man, we should get rolling, everyone should be there by now."
  396. >The prince nods, then rises to his hooves.
  397. >"Indeed, let us make haste."
  398. >You two leave the house, the sun just having set over the horizon.
  399. >You lock your door and head on over to Sugar Cube Corner, making general small talk along the way.
  400. >It's good to have your buddy here.
  401. >In a few minutes, your destination comes into view, and you approach the door with anticipation.
  402. >You give the door a push, and you're greeted by dozens of pastel p0nies, who all yell happily when they notice who has arrived.
  403. >"WELCOOOOOME!!"
  404. >You can't help but smile, and you edge your way into the establishment.
  405. >"Welcome to P0nyville, Anon!"
  406. >"I know we'll be great friends!"
  407. >"Can't wait to see you around!"
  408. >You smile and wave to all the little p0nies, until Twilight comes trotting up.
  409. >"Anon! You're finally here! Welcome!"
  410. "Hey Twilight. Damn, this is one nice looking party!"
  411. >You admire all of the decorations, food, guests, and party games.
  412. >"Well you have Pinkie Pie to thank for that! Where is your friend?"
  413. >Oh man, you haven't made room for Blueblood to squeeze in.
  414. >You step forward a bit, then wave to your buddy outside to come in.
  415. >He smiles, and the prince steps inside and takes a spot next to you.
  416. >A few pairs of eyes fall onto him, which leads to a chain reaction of gasps.
  417. >The music screeches to a halt.
  418. >The guests' mouths hang open.
  419. >...Oh man, what?
  420. >Your heart sinks just a bit.
  421. >You look over to your buddy, who is now biting his lip nervously.
  422. >"Prince Blueblood!?" Twilight exclaims. "What are you doing here?!"
  423. >He extends an awkward smile.
  424. >"Anon, your friend is Prince Blueblood!?" she feverishly asks.
  425. >The other p0nies begin gossiping.
  426. >"Oh my, the PRINCE?"
  427. >"What's he doing here?"
  428. >"Are we worthy?"
  429. >"Anon knows Prince Blueblood?"
  430. >"Should we leave?"
  431. >"I hear he's a jerk..."
  432. >"WHO!?"
  433. >A few p0nies part, leaving a nice path to see the white seamstress herself.
  434. >She looks upon the nervous prince with a face of seething anger.
  435. >But she catches herself, and quickly bottles it up, instead putting on the snooty act.
  436. >She lifts her nose up high and marches across the room to the punch bowl, pouring herself a glass and pretending like nobody is around.
  437. >You poke the inside of your cheek with your tongue and mindlessly nod rhythmically.
  438. "...Alright... so who's up to party?!"
  440. End of Part 2
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