Guest User


a guest
Feb 11th, 2019
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  1. import datetime
  2. from flask import jsonify, make_response, request
  3. import MySQLdb
  4. from import check_password_hash
  5. import jwt
  6. from functools import wraps
  8. # token_required function that will be used as the @token_required decorator
  9. def token_required(f):
  10. @wraps(f)
  11. def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
  12. token = None
  14. # Check for the token in the requests headers
  15. if 'x-access-token' in request.headers:
  16. token = request.headers['x-access-token']
  18. # If there's no token in the request, return a 401
  19. if not token:
  20. return jsonify({'message' : 'Token is missing!'}), 401
  22. try:
  23. # Decode the token using the app's secret key
  24. data = jwt.decode(token, app.config['SECRET_KEY'])
  25. #
  26. try:
  27. dbconn=MySQLdb.connect(database=dbname, user=dbuser, password=dbpass, host=dbhost)
  28. cursor = dbconn.cursor()
  29. # Instead of a query, it's cleaner to create a procedure in your database to get a user using the public_id
  30. # Then call the procedure and provide the public_userid from the token
  31. cursor.callproc('userGetUserByPublicID',[data['public_userid']])
  32. current_user = User(cursor.fetchone())
  33. cursor.close()
  34. dbconn.close()
  35. except Exception as e:
  36. error = "ERROR: " + str(e)
  37. return error
  38. except:
  39. # If token could not be decoded, return a 401
  40. return jsonify({'message' : 'Token is invalid!'}), 401
  42. return f(current_user, *args, **kwargs)
  44. return decorated
  45. # Now underneath other routes in your Flask app
  46. # You can add a @token_required decorator
  47. # Example:
  48. ###########################################################
  49. # @app.route('/user/profile/<profile_id>', methods=['GET'])
  50. # @token_required()
  51. ###########################################################
  52. # To access a route with the @token_required() decorator
  53. # First use basic auth to access the login route '/user/standard/login'
  54. # Then take the token returned and place it in the header of a request to a @token_required() route like below:
  55. # {'x-access-token':'token goes here'}
  59. # The request to this route just needs to contain Basic Auth details (username and password)
  60. # The route will return a token that can be reused for 8 hours to authenticate
  61. @app.route('/user/standard/login')
  62. def login():
  63. # Access the credentials provided in the request using request.authorization
  64. # auth.username and auth.password will contain the username and password provided
  65. auth = request.authorization
  67. # If username or password is not provided, return a 401
  68. if not auth or not auth.username or not auth.password:
  69. return make_response('Could not verify', 401, {'WWW-Authenticate' : 'Basic realm="Login required!"'})
  71. # Check against the user table to see if the user exists
  72. try:
  73. # Use globally set database credentials, preferably read in from a secure file(s)
  74. dbconn=MySQLdb.connect(database=dbname, user=dbuser, password=dbpass, host=dbhost)
  75. cursor = dbconn.cursor()
  76. # Instead of a query, it's cleaner to create a procedure in your database to get a user using the username
  77. # Then call the procedure and provide the username provided
  78. cursor.callproc('userGetUserByUsername',[auth.username])
  79. user = User(cursor.fetchone())
  80. cursor.close()
  81. dbconn.close()
  82. except Exception as e:
  83. error = "ERROR: " + str(e)
  84. return make_response('Could not verify', 401, {'WWW-Authenticate' : 'Basic realm="Login required!"'})
  86. # If the username does not exist, return a 401
  87. if not user:
  88. return make_response('Could not verify', 401, {'WWW-Authenticate' : 'Basic realm="Login required!"'})
  90. # Check if the password provided matches the hashed password in the database
  91. if check_password_hash(user.password, auth.password):
  92. # If the passwords match, create a token using the package jwt and encoded using the apps secret key
  93. # Token will contain the user's ID and an expiration date 8 hours in the future
  94. token = jwt.encode({'public_userid' : user.public_userid, 'exp' : datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(hours=8)}, app.config['SECRET_KEY'])
  96. # Return the token in a json object to be stored by the client and used for subsequent authentication
  97. return jsonify({'token' : token.decode('UTF-8')})
  98. # If the passwords do not match, return a 401
  99. return make_response('Could not verify', 401, {'WWW-Authenticate' : 'Basic realm="Login required!"'})
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