

Dec 3rd, 2015
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  1. Basic Facts
  2. Name: Sam Taylor
  3. Age: 18 Earth years
  4. Gender: Female
  5. Height: 5'8"
  6. Weight: 165 lbs
  7. Hair color: Dark brown (dyed maroon)
  8. Hair style: A Line
  9. Eye color:Hazel (brown+green)
  10. Personality: This girl is a bit all over the place. She tends to keep to herself unless approached first, but watch out! Once she gets talking, she won't quit unless she sees the other give even the most vague sense of not wanting to talk. She then returns to going quiet in embarrassment for babbling so long. She often wants others to smile, and if she sees someone upset, will awkwardly try to comfort them somehow, or just talk and try to figure out what is wrong. Overall, she's socially awkward but more than ready to make friends, but when treated negatively, will become more withdrawn. If angered, she will storm off or bite her hand to avoid any sort of conflict, usually resulting in a red bite mark on her hand that fades after a few hours.
  11. Hobbies: Drawing, writing. She plays too much Sims. She used to be a student before the game, so she often can be seen studying old textbooks.
  12. Romance: This girl crushes very easily, but will never in a million years try for romance. She will text best friends and be a total nuisance, often replying with gifs or images of 60's spiderman in texts, and can be a little flirty. However, if you ask her out or anything similar, she will more than likely flee out of embarrassment.
  14. SUBURB Facts
  15. World: Land of Zephyrs and Feathers
  16. God Tier: Muse of Breath
  17. Abilities: She has the ability to control the wind and manipulate creativity levels in people. She usually uses the latter, and masks the ability by playing music at the same time, so that it's suggested that the music helps clear up creative blocks in others. She rarely uses this talent, though.
  18. Session: She ended up starting her session with a male friend of hers, but the session ended up failing and her friend dying. Although she survived, she feels extreme guilt over his death, even though he did many things to make her hate him in the end. She ended up believing her hate was the cause of his death, so tries not to hate. However, she's only human..
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